Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...


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<strong>Gold</strong> <strong>First</strong> - <strong>Wordlist</strong> <strong>English</strong> / <strong>German</strong> / <strong>French</strong> / <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Version April 2012<br />

Page Act. Headword Part of Speech Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> <strong>Italian</strong> Example Sentence<br />

121 7 judge n dʒʌdʒ Richter juge giudice The trial judge specifies the number of years to be<br />

spent in prison.<br />

121 7 harsh adj hɑːʃ scharf sévère mordace His theory met with harsh criticism from colleagues.<br />

121 7 trial n ˈtraɪəl Prozess procès processo The trial is due to start next week.<br />

121 7 defendant n dɪˈfendənt Angeklagte/r accusé accusato (-a) We find the defendant not guilty.<br />

121 7 guilty adj ˈgɪlti schuldig coupable colpevole The jury found her guilty of murder.<br />

121 10 verdict n ˈvɜːdɪkt Urteil verdict verdetto, giudizio The verdict was 'not guilty'.<br />

121 10 catch in the act v ˈkætʃ ɪn ðiː ˌækt auf frischer Tat ertappen prendre qn sur le fait cogliere qu sul fatto/in flagrante The gang was caught in the act of unloading stolen<br />

goods.<br />

121 10 catch your breath n kætʃ jə ˈbreθ durchatmen, wieder zu Atem<br />

kommen<br />

reprendre son souffle respirare profondamente He leant against a tree until he had caught his breath.<br />

121 10 conviction n kənˈvɪkʃən Verurteilung condamnation condanna They had no previous convictions.<br />

121 10 lead n liːd Hinweis indication, piste acenno The police are following a lead.<br />

122 4 prohibit v prəˈhɪbət verbieten interdire proibire Smoking is strictly prohibited on trains and inside the<br />

station.<br />

122 4 jury n ˈdʒʊəri die Geschworenen jury giuria The jury found him not guilty.<br />

123 1 cybercrime n ˈsaɪbəkraɪm Cyberkriminalität cybercriminalité cybercrime How seriously to do you take cybercrime?<br />

123 2 identity theft/fraud n aiˈdentəti ˌθeft Identitätsdiebstahl vol d'identité furto di identità I was the victim of identity theft once, it was awful.<br />

123 2 hacking n ˈhækɪŋ Hacken (Computer) piratage informatique hacking There is a problem with computer hacking.<br />

123 2 libel n ˈlaɪbəl Verleumdung diffamation diffamazione Holt sued the newspaper for libel.<br />

124 1 genre n ˈʒɒnrə Genre genre genere Crime fiction is now one the best-selling genres.<br />

124 2 unwillingness n ʌnˈwɪlɪŋnəs Widerwille, Weigerung réticence renitenza, aversione His unwillingness to pay the fine landed him in court.<br />

124 2 be fond of adj phrase biː fɒnd əv etwas lieben, mögen apprécier essere affezionato di qc I’d grown fond of the place and it was difficult to<br />

leave.<br />

124 2 disbelief n ˌdɪsbəˈliːf Ungläubigkeit incrédulité incredulità The reaction to the murders was one of shock and<br />

disbelief.<br />

124 2 disinterested adj dɪsˈɪntrəstəd uninteressiert indifférent disinteressato I tried to engage her in conversation, but she seemed<br />

disiterested.<br />

124 2 stalk v stɔːk belauern, sich heranschleichen chasser, épier avvicinarsi di soppiatto, spiare Our cat stalks mice through the garden at night.<br />

124 2 meek adj miːk sanft docile mite He was always so meek and quiet.<br />

124 2 cowardice n ˈkɑʊədəs Feigheit lâcheté vigliaccheria His cowardice was made his an outcast.<br />

124 2 pacifism n ˈpæsəfɪzəm Pazifismus pacifisme pacifismo She was a great believer in pacifism.<br />

124 2 intervene v ˌɪntəˈviːn einschreiten intervenir intervenire The army will have to intervene to prevent further<br />

fighting.<br />

124 2 unfold v ʌnˈfəʊld sich entfalten, sich abspielen se dérouler svolgersi He had watched the drama unfold from a nearby ship.<br />

124 2 mode n məʊd Art mode modo They have a relaxed mode of life that suits them well.<br />

124 2 promenader n ˌprɒməˈnɑːdə Spaziergänger promeneur passeggiatore The beach was crowded with promenaders enjoying<br />

the sunshine.<br />

124 2 brutal adj ˈbruːtl brutal brutal brutale It was a brutal attack on a defenceless old man.<br />

124 2 spoil v spɔɪl verschandeln, verunstalten abîmer deturpare The whole park is spoiled by litter.<br />

124 2 impromptu adj ɪmˈprɒmptjuː aus dem Stegreif improvisé improvvisare The band gave an impromptu concert.<br />

124 2 faux adj fəʊ falsch/e faux falso, imitato She was wearing faux pearls around her neck.<br />

124 2 immunity n ɪˈmjuːnəti Immunität exemption légale immunità They were granted immunity from prosecution.<br />

124 2 voyeur n vwɑːˈjɜːr Voyeur voyeur voyeur We had become passive voyeurs of violence.<br />

124 2 detached adj dɪˈtætʃt unbeteiligt, distanziert détaché non coinvolto, distante He appeared to be totally detached from the horrific<br />

nature of his crimes.<br />

124 2 intellectual adj ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl intellektuell intellectuel intellettuale This is a job that requires considerable intellectual<br />

effort.<br />

124 2 bellow n ˈbeləʊ Gebrüll hurlement urli His voice rose to a bellow.<br />

124 2 yell n jel Schrei cri grido She let out a yell when she saw me.<br />

124 2 parade-ground n pəˈreɪd ˌgraʊnd Exerzierplatz place d'armes piazza d'armi His father would shout at him in his parade-ground<br />

tones.<br />

124 2 brandish v ˈbrændɪʃ schwenken, fuchteln mit brandir brandire, gesticolare A man leapt out brandishing a kitchen knife.<br />

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