Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...

Gold First Wordlist English / German / French / Italian - Pearson ...


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<strong>Gold</strong> <strong>First</strong> - <strong>Wordlist</strong> <strong>English</strong> / <strong>German</strong> / <strong>French</strong> / <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Version April 2012<br />

Page Act. Headword Part of Speech Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> <strong>Italian</strong> Example Sentence<br />

82 2 sacrifice n ˈsækrəfaɪs Opfer sacrifice sacrificio The minister stressed the need for economic<br />

sacrifice.<br />

82 2 primitive adj ˈprɪmətɪv primitiv, einfach primitif,ve semplice, primitivo They live in a very primitive environment.<br />

82 2 flexible adj ˈfleksəbəl flexibel flexible flessibile Our new computer software is extremely flexible.<br />

82 2 priority n praɪˈɒrəti Priorität priorité priorità The club's main priority is to win the League.<br />

82 2 exotic adj ɪgˈzɒtɪk exotisch exotique esotico The five people talk about working in exotic locations.<br />

82 2 surgery n ˈsɜːdʒəri Praxis cabinet du médecin studio medico, ambulatorio Surgery is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on weekdays.<br />

82 2 blood pressure n ˈblʌd ˌpreʃə Blutdruck tension artérielle pressione sanguigna The nurse will take your blood pressure.<br />

82 2 stretch somebody v phrase ˈstretʃ ˌsʌmbɒdi jmd. fordern demander qc à qn richiedere impegno da qu The work's too easy. The students aren't being<br />

stretched enough.<br />

82 2 apply v əˈplaɪ sich bewerben poser sa candidature sollecitare She applied for a job with the local newspaper<br />

82 2 practise v ˈpræktəs praktizieren pratiquer praticare He has been practising medicine for over 30 years.<br />

82 2 multi-task v ˈmʌltɪˌtɑːsk mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig tun faire plusieurs choses à la fois essere multitasking The successful applicant for this job must be able to<br />

multitask.<br />

82 2 the bush n bʊʃ der Busch la brousse savana We doctors are dropped off by plane at remote<br />

houses in the bush.<br />

82 2 snake bite n ˈsneɪk baɪt Schlangenbiss morsure de serpent morso di serpente A lot of people need the doctor because of snake<br />

bites.<br />

82 2 travel bug n phrase ˈtrævəl ˌbʌg Reisefieber le virus du voyage febbre della partenza She's got the travel bug.<br />

82 2 administrative adj ədˈmɪnəstrətɪv Verwaltungs- administratif,ve administrativo The job is mainly administrative.<br />

82 2 backpacking n ˈbækˌpækɪŋ mit dem Rucksack unterwegs sein partir en voyage avec son sac à<br />

dos<br />

viaggiare con lo zaino They decided to go backpacking.<br />

82 2 stumble across phrasal v ˈstʌmbəl əˌkrɒs stoßen auf etw. tomber sur qc. incorrere in qc. Researchers have stumbled across a drug that may<br />

help patients with Parkinson's disease.<br />

82 2 blog n blɒg Blog blog blog I wrote a blog about my experiences working as a vet<br />

in South Africa.<br />

82 2 burst v bɜːst platzen bouillir de qc scoppiare I could have burst with excitement.<br />

82 2 graphic designer n ˌgræfɪk deˈzaɪnə Grafiker, Designer graphiste grafico (-a) He works as a graphic designer.<br />

82 2 redundant adj rɪˈdʌndənt arbeitslos licencié disoccupato, senza lavoro Seventy factory workers were made redundant in the<br />

resulting cuts.<br />

82 2 hit on the idea phrasal v hɪt ˌɒn ðiː aɪˈdɪə auf eine Idee kommen l'idée est venue à qn. venire ad un'idea Then we hit on the idea of asking viewers to donate<br />

money over the net.<br />

82 2 lifestyle n ˈlaɪfstaɪl Lebensstil mode de vie modo di vivere Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.<br />

82 2 unsettling adj ʌnˈsetlɪŋ beunruhigend troublant inquietante I found it an unsettling experience.<br />

83 2 freelance adj ˈfriːlɑːns freiberuflich free-lance fare il libero professionista She does freelance work from her home.<br />

83 2 agonising adj ˈægənaɪzɪŋ qualvoll déchirant penoso, tormentoso She had to make an agonising decision.<br />

83 2 correspondent n ˌkɒrəˈspɒndənt Korrespondent correspondant,e corrispondente Our correspondent in Thailand sent this report.<br />

83 2 issue n ˈɪsuː Aspekt, Thema, Punkt problème, question aspetto, questione, argomento,<br />

punto<br />

What are the main issues raised in this article?<br />

83 2 settle in phrasal v ˌsetl ˈɪn einziehen, sich<br />

être à l'aise andare ad abitare, ambientarsi in, It takes a few months to settle into life at college.<br />

einleben/eingewöhnen<br />

abituarsi a<br />

83 2 enormity n ɪˈnɔːməti ungeheures Ausmaß énormité enormità, gravità, atrocità Even now, the full enormity of his crimes has not<br />

been exposed.<br />

83 2 previously adv ˈpriːviəsli zuvor auparavant precedentemente Almost half the group had previously been teachers.<br />

83 2 entirely adv ɪnˈtaɪəli vollkommen entièrement completamente, totalmente Our situation is entirely different.<br />

83 2 frustrated adj frʌˈstreɪtəd frustriert frustré frustrato He gets frustrated when people don’t understand<br />

what he's saying.<br />

83 2 survival n səˈvaɪvəl Überleben survie sopravvivenza The doctors gave him a one in ten chance of survival.<br />

83 2 be faced with v phrase biː ˈfeɪst wɪð mit etw. konfrontiert sein se trouver face à mettere qu di fronte a qc I was faced with a lot of work when I came back from<br />

holiday.<br />

83 2 runway n ˈrʌnweɪ Rollbahn, Start-/Landebahn piste d'aviation pista di<br />

rullaggio/decollo/atterraggio<br />

He had to land the plan on an ice runway.<br />

83 2 iceberg n ˈaɪsbɜːg Eisberg iceberg iceberg Seeing giant icebergs for the first time blew my mind.<br />

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