In Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy)

In Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy)

In Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy)


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are present nectar-secreting glands, these glands are oval or crescent-<br />

shaped and often brightly coloured (1, 5) .<br />

The flowers are usually bracteate, bracteolate, actinomorphic,<br />

hypogynous, rarely perigynous and generally unisexual. The plant<br />

may be monoecious or dioecious (3, 6, 7) .<br />

Flower structure of Euphorbiaceae varies greatly from genus to<br />

genus. The most highly specialized type is that of Euphorbia, which<br />

has a single pistillate flower aggregated with a number of staminate<br />

flowers forming cyathium and enclosed in a cup-like structure with<br />

glands on its margins (3) .<br />

• The perianth is consisting of both calyx and corolla or only<br />

of corolla or sometimes both are absent; valvate or imbricate; calyx<br />

are composed of 3-6 free, sometimes united sepals; corolla of 0 to 6<br />

free or united petals but commonly 5 and usually none petals are<br />

present (1, 3, 6, 7) .<br />

• The androecium is of 1 to 100 or more but usually as many<br />

or twice as many as petals, free or monadelphous stamens forming a<br />

staminal column by the fusion of the filaments; anther bilocular, rarely<br />

3 to 4 locular; longitudinal or transversely dehiscent. The stamens<br />

have a jointed stalk, and the part below the joint is interpreted as a<br />

pedicel, with the filament above. Sometimes staminodes are present in<br />

pistillate flower. Pollen grains often tricolaporate or polyporate (1, 5, 7) .<br />

• The gynoecium is usually tricarpellary, rarely bicarpellary<br />

or pentacarpellary; syncarpus; superior, rarely semi-inferior; trilocular<br />

ovary with one or two anatropous ovule in each locule; of axial

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