Terada - Looking Away (Selections).pdf - Townsend Humanities Lab

Terada - Looking Away (Selections).pdf - Townsend Humanities Lab

Terada - Looking Away (Selections).pdf - Townsend Humanities Lab


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Pretext<br />

Philosophers have never hesitated to affirm a world provided it contradicted this world<br />

and furnished them with a pretext for speaking ill of this world. It has been hitherto<br />

the grand school of slander; and it has imposed itself to such an extent that today our<br />

science, which proclaims itself the advocate of life, has accepted the basic slanderous<br />

position and treated this world as apparent, this chain of causes as merely phenomenal.<br />

What is it really that hates here?<br />

Die Philosophen haben nie gezögert, eine Welt zu bejahen, vorausgesetzt, dass sie<br />

dieser Welt widerspricht, dass sie eine Handhabe abgiebt, von dieser Welt schlecht zu<br />

reden. Es war bisher die grosse Schule der Verleumdung: und sie hat so sehr imponiert,<br />

dass heute noch unsere sich als Fürsprecherin des Lebens gebende Wissenschaft die<br />

Grundposition der Verleumdung acceptiert hat und diese Welt als scheinbar, diese<br />

Ursachenkette als bloss phänomenal handhabt. Was hasst da eigentlich?<br />

—Nietzsche, Will to Power §461; KSA 13.319<br />

Nietzsche’s fulminations against the invention of phenomenality are the<br />

high water mark of the moralization of arguments about appearance and<br />

reality. While Nietzsche’s complaint against metaphysics is clear enough—<br />

proposing that there is another world is “speaking ill of this world”—the<br />

psychology he attributes to metaphysical philosophers is less transparent.<br />

Nietzsche insinuates that uneasiness is the compliment these philosophers<br />

pay to the given world; apparently, they take the elaborate detour of metaphysics<br />

because they feel they have to be careful about their criticism.<br />

Why, we might ask, do they need “a pretext for speaking ill of this world”?<br />

What is it about the trompe l’oeil of appearance and reality that gets this<br />

job of tacit world-criticism done so well? And what does Nietzsche imag-

2 looking away<br />

ine would happen if these philosophers spoke more openly? Who, indeed,<br />

is hating whom?<br />

We hardly need Nietzsche’s indignation to remind us how thoroughly<br />

the language of appearance is taken personally, in actual exchanges and in<br />

philosophers’ fantasies of them. Stanley Cavell’s work has made the psychology<br />

of this strain a philosophical subject, focusing especially on one<br />

figure, the person usually referred to in the lonely singular as “the skeptic,”<br />

who seems to care inordinately about appearance and reality. Interpreting<br />

the mutually irritable conversation between the skeptic and her or<br />

his—almost always, his—interlocutors, Cavell explains that the skeptic is<br />

perceived as wanting something fundamentally unreasonable, something<br />

more than conditions on our planet can provide. Cavell interprets the<br />

skeptic’s language as a request for social acknowledgment in the guise of a<br />

failed epistemic statement. In his account, skeptical scruples about appearance<br />

and reality transmit fears and desires about interpersonal understanding:<br />

“acceptance in relation to objects” corresponds to “acknowledgment in<br />

relation to others.” 1 I’ll return to Cavell, since I share his emphasis on the<br />

infusion of the problem of appearance and reality with value judgments<br />

and psychological needs. Like Cavell in The Claim of Reason, I am interested<br />

in how one might feel about aspects of existence that, in their exigency<br />

and impersonality, transcend feelings. Such exigencies are often<br />

called “facts.” The notion of the “given” in the Kantian sense, meaning appearances<br />

that present themselves and the laws and limits that produce<br />

them, is another such figure of exigency, and the “given world” can function<br />

as a figure of the largest fact—not directly perceivable, but knowable<br />

through Kantian critique. 2 Nietzsche is outraged that anyone could imagine<br />

liking or disliking a necessity as powerful as “this world.” That he can<br />

be suggests that fact perceptions are normative, not only of actions, but of<br />

likes and dislikes, thoughts and feelings. We must not only take fact perceptions<br />

into account when navigating reality, but our feelings about them<br />

1. The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy (Oxford: Oxford<br />

UP, 1979), 454; Cavell refers as well here to his own “Avoidance of Love: A Reading of<br />

King Lear,” inMust We Mean What We Say? A Book of Essays (Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

UP, 1969), 267–353, p. 324.<br />

2. I’ll always use “given” in this sense, not the pre-Kantian one of the surfaces of<br />


pretext 3<br />

must stay within acceptance. Cavell’s analysis too assumes that “acceptance”<br />

is the default response to objects. My first thesis is that such an endemic<br />

normative pressure on thoughts and feelings cannot be without<br />

consequence.<br />

Obviously, figures of exigency stand within the social. One can and<br />

should argue about what counts as a fact, a natural law, a given, and my assumption<br />

throughout is that these arguments are always ongoing. They<br />

may also concern different objects: fact perceptions, psychic facts, social<br />

facts, givens, the given world. One of the reasons the arguments never stop<br />

is that one comes under some pressure from every perceived fact. And<br />

since that pressure arises even in cases that are mistaken, my main point is<br />

not to say where I think the argument about what counts as a fact (or a<br />

given, or the given world) should end. At issue is the dynamic that unfolds<br />

when someone approaches or arrives at what counts in the case at hand as<br />

one of these things. I’m especially interested in the way this happens after<br />

Kant establishes that the world of stable appearances is the given world.<br />

The idea of “accepting” givens or not—especially on the largest scale,<br />

that of the Kantian enabling conditions of space, time, and consciousness—can<br />

seem fantastic from the outset. When we persevere in such<br />

thoughts anyway, it’s with embarrassment about extending them to the areas<br />

where they seem to matter the least. Amid that embarrassment, I want<br />

to suggest, the discourse of mere phenomenality registers surreptitiously<br />

the difficulty of opining about the given. “Appearance” here carries the<br />

Nietzschean connotation of “mere” appearance, of pejorative attenuation.<br />

We think about appearance in this way when we want to create distance<br />

between ourselves and the given world, and this distance reads as a failure<br />

to endorse the given world, just as Nietzsche charges. At the same time<br />

implying, as Nietzsche also does, the illegitimacy of any desire to refrain<br />

from endorsing the given, the discourse of mere phenomenality stops<br />

short of objection: it only registers a wish to be relieved for a moment of<br />

the coercion to accept whatever one does not dispute.<br />

If the idea of mere appearance is a consequence of the felt pressure of<br />

fact perception, this effect takes on a particular intensity in the post-<br />

Kantian era for the very reason that Kant normalizes appearance. After<br />

Kant, one needs particularly ephemeral perceptual experiences, perceptions<br />

that seem below or marginal to normal appearance, to figure the possibil

4 looking away<br />

ity of fleeting relief from the pressure to endorse what Kant calls the<br />

world “as is.” I’ll refer to the cultivation of such perceptions—as we’ll see,<br />

it takes a little technique—as “phenomenophilia.” Phenomenophilia is<br />

looking away at the colored shadow on the wall, or keeping the head<br />

turned to the angle at which the sunspot stays in view. Studies of looking<br />

away have been undertaken in various disciplines. Erving Goffman, citing<br />

Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead, remarks on a “kind of inward emigration<br />

from the gathering [that] may be called ‘away,’” to which “strict<br />

situational regulations obtain.” 3 Observing his data source, a group of hospitalized<br />

mental patients, Goffman notices that they “frequently employed<br />

. . . ‘toy-involvements’ as a means of going away. Walking up the steps in a<br />

line of patients coming back from lunch, one person would suddenly stoop<br />

and take delight in examining a small fleck of color in the concrete” (Behavior<br />

in Public Places, 74). Jonathan Crary has documented the history and<br />

visual technology of such gestures eloquently and understands well their<br />

imbrication in “a tangled social and psychic machinery of sublimation.” 4<br />

The romantic and post-romantic discourse of mere appearance reflects,<br />

positively and negatively, a subterranean practice of phenomenophilia in<br />

which the most transient perceptual objects come to be loved because only<br />

they seem capable of noncoercive relation.<br />

Although I agree with Cavell that one can only think about what it<br />

means to “accept” the given in psychological, not strictly philosophical,<br />

terms, his conclusion that the skeptic needs to have concerns acknowledged<br />

by others, and in return acknowledge the inescapable conditions<br />

of interpersonal relation, calls for further analysis. The origin of the friction<br />

between skeptic and realist is no less obscure in social than in<br />

epistemological terms, and the imperative to acknowledge unavoidable<br />

3. Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social Organization of Gatherings (New York:<br />

Free Press, 1963), 69.<br />

4. The “absorbed perception” of Manet, Cézanne, and Seurat, Crary explains, involved<br />

“the evasion of a vision that laid bare an injured horizon of unfulfilled yearnings.<br />

Yet in its suspension, it also produced the conditions in which the apparent necessity<br />

and self-sufficiency of the present could be dissolved” (Suspensions of Perception: Attention,<br />

Spectacle, and Modern Culture [Cambridge: MIT P, 1999], 362). My project is<br />

wholly in sympathy with Crary’s, although I emphasize phenomenophilia’s responsiveness<br />

to a newly stabilized fact perception.

pretext 5<br />

conditions of relation to others is no more self-evident than the imperative<br />

to accept objects. Leszek Kolakowski points out that while one can bear to<br />

imagine that objects are illusions of a Cartesian demon, one cannot bear to<br />

imagine that other people are. 5 While this thought experiment shows hunger<br />

for communication with others, there remains a gap between the value<br />

of the communication itself and the value and content of its affirmation.<br />

The question becomes important because the need for communication per<br />

se is usually not in dispute in the first place, while what one should feel<br />

about its presence is. There are times in Cavell’s work when the requirements<br />

of acknowledgment seem lighter or heavier than at other times; and<br />

in the texts I read, what counts as “acceptance” varies as well from bare<br />

registration to emphatic affirmation. What counts as acceptance is as ambiguous<br />

as what counts as given. I will argue, however, that even registration<br />

at its barest brings an expectation of some endorsement and hence potential<br />

difficulty. Maybe this expectation—an expectation that goes by the<br />

philosophical name of the fact/value problem—even accounts for human<br />

beings’ resistance to the mere recognition of unwelcome facts.<br />

Although I realize that the fact/value problem is not going to clear up, I<br />

do believe that the rigidity of particular assumptions within it causes unnecessary<br />

duress. In this book, I try to dwell in the space before the acceptance<br />

of any perceived fact, and hope by doing so to make available a different<br />

kind of epistemological therapeutics. Its first and, if necessary, only<br />

phase is letting the duress be there. The realm of mere phenomenality to<br />

which Nietzsche objects dilates in the romantic era to compensate for the<br />

absence of such a free space. From the perspective from which such a<br />

space is desirable and possible, one can hope to understand better what<br />

was and remains at stake in the margins of phenomenality.<br />

There is probably no such thing as a quick outline of my argument, but<br />

I’ll summarize its stages now, and afterward will address further some of its<br />

main suppositions and aims. In Chapter 1, I consider S. T. Coleridge’s<br />

Notebooks as a case study of the mind that feels guilty about its discomfort<br />

with the coercion of the given and becomes a connoisseur of ephemeral<br />

phenomenality in order to manage a discomfort that remains unspeakable.<br />

5. Leszek Kolakowski, Metaphysical Horror, ed. Agnieszka Kolakowska, 2nd ed. (Chicago:<br />

U of Chicago P, 2001), 25.

6 looking away<br />

Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, I’ll argue, sets up structures whose unfore-<br />

seen consequences Coleridge lives out. Coleridge becomes enamored of<br />

optical illusions and other visual ephemera (which he calls “spectra”) because<br />

they make no claim on his endorsement, over and against obsessive<br />

thoughts and memories, which he experiences as immutable internal facts<br />

(“spectres”). Although Coleridge considered himself a Kantian, his psychic<br />

life reads like an involuntary flight from critical philosophy, with its inexorable<br />

inner laws from which he seeks respite in the most transient and<br />

merely apparent phenomena he can find.<br />

In Chapter 2, I explain how Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason triggers the<br />

interest in offbeat perception in which Coleridge participates. By normalizing<br />

appearance (Erscheinung) and requiring its acceptance, Kant unwittingly<br />

encourages fantasies of aberrant perception that might escape his<br />

strictures and hence his recommended path to world-acceptance. To understand<br />

the resistance Kant inspires, it helps to understand that the First<br />

Critique proposes a kind of therapeutics: by establishing narrow limits for<br />

knowledge, the Critique of Pure Reason isolates minimal responsibilities of<br />

acceptance. What’s radical about the First Critique is how minimal Kant is<br />

willing to be: Kant would make accepting the world bearable by miniaturizing<br />

the endorsement due to it. Kant wants his readers to realize the given<br />

world’s limits—in the pejorative sense of liabilities as well as boundaries—<br />

in order to realize, secondarily, that the amount of respect we have already<br />

paid it in this very apprehension is all we owe. What Kant succeeds in conveying,<br />

however, is mostly that the world “as is” is necessarily appearance.<br />

So, in the new circumstances of replete appearance that Kant furnishes, to<br />

anyone who is not ready to accept Kant’s world aberrant appearance becomes<br />

suddenly indispensable. This result also bears implications for post-<br />

Kantian aesthetics. The Critique of Judgment excludes the most ephemeral<br />

and indefinite perceptions from aesthetic experience because they cannot<br />

sustain the thought of commonality that Kant wishes to affirm; from the<br />

phenomenophilic point of view, however, that’s exactly the appeal of these<br />

perceptions. Because no one can be imagined to share them, no one can be<br />

imagined to appropriate, benefit from, or push one to endorse them. They<br />

offer a glimpse, not of spontaneous accord but of freedom from the demand<br />

for agreement. Of course, spontaneous accord is itself a figure of<br />

freedom from the obligation to agree. But while Kant’s aesthetic is posi-

pretext 7<br />

tive, looking away is its negative other: nothing less than an alternative to<br />

aesthetics, a counteraesthetic that plays on the periphery of the aesthetic.<br />

In the third and fourth chapters, I explore Nietzsche’s, Hegel’s, and<br />

Adorno’s reactions to Kant. Chapter 3 skips forward to Nietzsche’s response<br />

to the First Critique, especially in The Birth of Tragedy and late<br />

fragments. An even guiltier phenomenophile than Coleridge, Nietzsche<br />

alternately extols the pleasures of phenomenophilia and expresses contempt<br />

for anyone, most of all himself, who needs its help. He identifies<br />

anxiously with the “nihilist” who “cannot endure this world though one does<br />

not want to deny it” and consoles himself by looking away at “attenuated,<br />

transient [verflüchtigt]” phenomena, “the less real, the more valuable,” 6<br />

yet repels this same impulse as a sign of constitutional weakness. Eventually<br />

Nietzsche rejects the very concept of appearance and attempts to<br />

force acceptance of totality in the theory of the eternal return. In Nietzsche’s<br />

typically hyperbolic language, robust affirmation is required for acceptance.<br />

The phases of Nietzsche’s career, moving from commitment to<br />

appearance to radical affirmation, demonstrate the tension between affirmation<br />

and the concept of phenomenality as such, and what Nietzsche believes<br />

to be the need to choose between them.<br />

Chapter 4 reads Adorno’s reply to philosophy’s policing of worldacceptance<br />

through his 1960s lectures and writings on Hegel and his major<br />

late texts, Negative Dialectics and Aesthetic Theory. On the way this<br />

section also circles back to take stock of Hegel’s response to Kant. Deploying<br />

legal figures of right and appeal that recall Kant’s “tribunal” of<br />

critical reason, Adorno dialecticizes “fact” and “illusion” to analyze their<br />

ambiguity and susceptibility to ideological use. As Adorno points out,<br />

Hegel works in a territory of explicitly social facts that sharpens questions<br />

about what counts as given. Hegel too dialecticizes appearance and actuality,<br />

but only to reinforce the authority of facts. Although he argues that<br />

mere appearance is more valuable than mere existence, he is no friend<br />

to ephemera; his belief that appearance is a stage in the development of<br />

6. The Will to Power, trans. Walter Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale, ed. Walter<br />

Kaufmann (New York: Vintage, 1968), §12, §572, hereafter WP; Sämtliche Werke<br />

(Kritische Studienausgabe), ed. Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari (Berlin: de Gruyter,<br />

1967–1977), 13.48, 12.253, hereafter KSA.

8 looking away<br />

actuality is the opposite of the phenomenophilic appeal to mere appear-<br />

ance for a reprieve from endorsing the inevitable. Hegel intensifies facts’<br />

capacity to intimidate by positioning them as outcomes of legitimate historical<br />

processes. Adorno’s Negative Dialectics and Aesthetic Theory argue<br />

for the value of unfulfilled possibility and the insignificant particular over<br />

and against historical process and the dominant facts it seems to produce,<br />

redialecticizing fact and illusion to undo Hegel’s bias. For Adorno,<br />

“Schein”—the word Kant reserves for illusion, often rendered by Adorno’s<br />

translators as “semblance”—is most of all fact perception itself, naturalized<br />

and emboldened to coerce.<br />

Adorno’s relation to phenomenophilia, though, is almost as conflicted as<br />

Coleridge’s and Nietzsche’s. Aesthetic Theory follows the Third Critique<br />

more than the First, canonical aesthetics more than phenomenophilia. On<br />

the one hand, artworks that struggle against the Schein of facticity by trying<br />

to bare their own illusion win Adorno’s allegiance. In Adorno’s aesthetic<br />

theory, the artwork’s explosion of fact perception frees its perceivers,<br />

for a moment, to do the same. Its self-negation provokes the thought that<br />

the given world could and should be otherwise; it demonstrates the “concrete<br />

possibility of doing things differently” from the given prescribed as a<br />

norm. 7 On the other hand, to do this, Adorno believes, artworks have to<br />

risk the status and borrow the illusory authority of facts in the social world.<br />

Adorno therefore passes over phenomenophilia, which, rather than negating,<br />

declines to affirm, and discovers a free space before rather than within<br />

the aesthetic. Like Nietzsche, Adorno is phenomenophilic in a guilty mode,<br />

and is reluctant to undermine the artwork by indulging in perceptions that<br />

cannot be imagined to be shared. Nonetheless, Adorno is the great philosopher<br />

of dissatisfaction with the given. With Adorno, I’ll argue that one<br />

may feel justified in having desires even when there is no possibility of fulfilling<br />

them, and in the dissatisfaction that is their shadow; and that the absence<br />

of a grammar for such feelings reflects a prevailing, and deeply internalized,<br />

unfreedom. Unlike Adorno, I’ll also suggest that these sentiments<br />

whose value he recognized are best expressed on the edges of the artwork<br />

and outside it.<br />

7. History and Freedom: Lectures 1964–1965, trans. Rodney Livingstone (Cambridge:<br />

Polity, 2006), 68, hereafter HF.

pretext 9<br />

Finally, by reading features of the texts in this book that have often been<br />

understood as queer—for instance, the recurrent fear that alienation is<br />

caused by bodily difference, and the justifiable intuition that alienation is<br />

grounded in some difference—I would like, throughout, to show that the<br />

phenomenality/dissatisfaction connection reflects a momentous collision<br />

between enlightenment epistemology and queer thought. Reread through<br />

this idea, Kant may be seen to observe the collision and arrange terms for<br />

its assimilation by philosophy. Attention to the queer strands of the discourse<br />

of mere appearance helps to explain the conflict between accepters<br />

and dissenters from the given. Historically, it’s queer consciousness that<br />

has sensed most keenly the moments when fact is ambiguously social or<br />

natural, and has had motive and energy to examine and reexamine even<br />

those pervasive conditions that seem most natural. In the persistence of<br />

the queer mind and body, dissatisfaction “against nature” discerns its own<br />

durability and legitimacy. This is a point I won’t make in any one place,<br />

but neither will it ever be far away.<br />

The origin of Western culture’s association of phenomenality with a discourse<br />

of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, in which to call something apparent<br />

is usually to imply dissatisfaction with it, is often traced to Greek and<br />

Christian metaphysics. In the passage I’ve used as an epigraph, Nietzsche<br />

pushes further, asking why metaphysicians ever thought of a merely apparent<br />

world in the first place. I agree with Nietzsche that the question demands<br />

a fuller answer. The phenomenality/dissatisfaction coupling is too<br />

odd to be taken for granted, even as its entrenchment channels notions of<br />

experience toward teleology and affirmation. As a result, too much interest<br />

in phenomenality for itself, whether celebratory or critical, becomes hard<br />

to understand. No one less than Sextus Empiricus announces, “Nobody, I<br />

think, disputes about whether the external object appears this way or that,<br />

but rather about whether it is such as it appears.” 8 Sextus’s point is that<br />

8. The Skeptic Way: Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Pyrrhonism, trans. with introduction<br />

and commentary by Benson Mates (New York: Oxford UP, 1996), Book 1, §22.<br />

Mates notes that the secondary literature on Sextus often suggests that since a skeptic of<br />

Sextus’s type “is not sure of even the most elementary facts about the external world, he<br />

will be paralyzed or hesitant in many circumstances in which confident behavior is

10 looking away<br />

no matter what position one takes on object skepticism, it shouldn’t matter<br />

whether objects seem pale or vivid. Nonetheless, it’s striking that even<br />

Sextus, philosophy’s major advocate of the consequences of particular sensations,<br />

wants to claim that “nobody” is interested in the phenomenology of<br />

phenomenality. Berkeley similarly dissociates himself from such an interest,<br />

partly to ward off the suspicion that there is something qualitatively<br />

different about experience for someone who believes that all experience<br />

is phenomenal. Berkeley finds the implication of deviance hard to shake,<br />

and believes that it is projected onto him by an audience that fears that its<br />

quality of life is imperiled by his system. “Be not angry,” he writes to an<br />

imaginary reader in his Commonplace Book. “You lose nothing, whether real<br />

or chimerical. Whatever you can in any wise conceive or imagine, be it<br />

never so wild, so extravagant, and absurd, much good may it do you. You<br />

may enjoy it for me. I’ll never deprive you of it” (quoted in The Skeptic<br />

Way, 73). Berkeley fantasizes an interlocutor like Nietzsche who takes<br />

phenomenalism personally, as an offense against the given world—or<br />

somebody’s given world. 9 Who is imagined to threaten here?<br />

If turning to phenomenality gives offense, that is because fact is so<br />

deeply conflated with value. Much as Cavell argues that acknowledging<br />

others and accepting objects are versions of the same problem, here two<br />

problems are really one: debates about dissatisfaction and satisfaction, on<br />

the one hand—how to feel about givens that are either natural or so pervasive<br />

as to be possibly natural, as in Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents—<br />

and debates about appearance and reality, on the other. The latter conversation<br />

is a transposed, politer rendition of the former. Now, the close relation<br />

between the positive terms in these two series—satisfaction and reality—is<br />

well recognized in discussions of the fact/value problem, beginning<br />

with Hume’s classic diagnosis of fact/value conflation:<br />

called for; and that even if he somehow overcomes this handicap, he will, at the very<br />

least, talk in odd ways and thus suffer the consequences of being considered eccentric or<br />

worse.” For his part, Sextus tries to make it clear that “the Skeptic will be hard to distinguish<br />

from the common man” (Mates, Skeptic Way, 70). This slide in the discussion of<br />

skepticism from the merits of differing epistemologies to style and conformity is common,<br />

as Mates points out.<br />

9. “Phenomenalism” is Berkeley’s term for the belief that physical objects can be<br />

redescribed as sensations.

pretext 11<br />

In every system of morality which I have hitherto met with, I have always<br />

remark’d, that the author proceeds for some time in the ordinary<br />

way of reasoning, and establishes the being of God, or makes observations<br />

concerning human affairs; when of a sudden I am surpriz’d<br />

to find, that instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and<br />

is not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an ought,<br />

or an ought not. This change is imperceptible; but is, however, of the<br />

last consequence. For as this ought or ought not, expresses some new<br />

relation or affirmation, ’tis necessary that it should be observ’d and<br />

explain’d; and at the same time that a reason should be given, for what<br />

seems altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a deduction<br />

from others, which are entirely different from it. But as authors<br />

do not commonly use this precaution, I shall presume to recommend<br />

it to the readers; and am persuaded that this small attention wou’d<br />

subvert all the vulgar systems of morality, and let us see, that the distinction<br />

of vice and virtue is not founded merely on the relations of<br />

objects, nor is perceiv’d by reason. 10<br />

John R. Searle summarizes the “modern version” of Hume’s observation<br />

this way:<br />

there is a class of statements of fact which is logically distinct from a<br />

class of statements of value. No set of statements of fact by themselves<br />

entails any statement of value. Put in more contemporary terminology,<br />

no set of descriptive statements can entail an evaluative statement<br />

without the addition of at least one evaluative premise. To believe<br />

otherwise is to commit what has been called the naturalistic fallacy. 11<br />

Although the naturalistic fallacy may have been standardized in the era of<br />

late positivism during which Searle was trained, it afterward lapsed into<br />

unpopularity again. Hume’s skepticism regarding fact and value remains<br />

10. A Treatise of Human Nature [1739–1740], ed. L. A. Selby-Bigge (Oxford: Oxford<br />

UP, 1888), 469.<br />

11. “How to derive ‘ought’ from ‘is,’” in The Is-Ought Question: A Collection of Papers<br />

on the Central Problem in Moral Philosophy, ed. W. D. Hudson (London: Macmillan,<br />

1969), 120–134, p. 120.

12 looking away<br />

remarkable; many twentieth-century thinkers decline the “precaution” he<br />

prescribes. J. L. Austin famously refers to the fact/value distinction as a<br />

“fetish.” 12 Today critics are properly likely, like Austin, to doubt that facts<br />

can present themselves at all without preexisting values that help them to<br />

their factive status. Fact/value conflation is defended not only by value<br />

relativists and analysts of ideology, but also by moral realists who still hope<br />

to use facts to stabilize values. Thus Searle continues, “one of the things<br />

wrong” with “the traditional empirical view....isthat it fails to give us any<br />

coherent account of such notions as commitment, responsibility, and obligation”—a<br />

good description of what is productively radical about Hume<br />

(“How to derive ‘ought’ from ‘is,’” 130). About two thirds of The Is-Ought<br />

Question, the 1969 collection of essays in which Searle writes, including his<br />

own essay, is devoted to reducing “ought” to “is” or deriving “ought” from<br />

“is” for disparate motives. Cumulatively, the essays in the collection give a<br />

strong impression of the force of the fact/value conflation, if not of the<br />

arguments in its favor. My point is not that the fact/value conflation can<br />

or should be purged—through a reading of Kant’s First Critique in Chapter<br />

2, I’ll agree with Kant that at a single crucial point, fact and value do<br />

come together—but to give a sense of the enormous pull of the fact/value<br />

conflation and therefore of its potential psychological violence. 13<br />

Psychoanalysis provides a naturalistic ground for valuing fact, and adds<br />

that the fact/value conflation runs in both directions: from value wishfully<br />

to would-be fact as well as from fact to value. In Freud’s and Ferenczi’s<br />

pioneering essays on the formation of the sense of reality, the infant ignores<br />

all external and internal unwanted facts. In the infant’s world, protoversions<br />

of both the ego and external reality are felt to be omnipotent. Before<br />

fact and value can be said to exist in mature form, “whatever was<br />

12. How to Do Things with Words, 2nd ed., ed. J. O. Urmson and Marina Sbisà (Cambridge:<br />

Harvard UP, 1975), 150. See also Hilary Putnam, The Collapse of the Fact/Value<br />

Dichotomy and Other Essays (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2002).<br />

13. When George Kateb notes that “the world, as given, is disliked; it is disliked in<br />

large part just because it is given” (“Technology and Philosophy,” Social Research 64<br />

[1997]: 1225–1246, p. 1241), he writes from within the fact/value conflation, against the<br />

dislike. Kateb believes that dislike can be explained by a primary preference for action<br />

and frustration with action’s limits. Possibilities left out by assuming a primary preference<br />

for action are explored in Anne-Lise François, Open Secrets: The Literature of Uncounted<br />

Experience (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2008).

pretext 13<br />

thought of (wished for) was simply presented in a hallucinatory manner.” 14<br />

To survive, the infant has to trade magical principles for empirical ones<br />

and learn to distinguish fact and value enough to recognize “what [is] real,<br />

even if it happen[s] to be disagreeable” (Freud, “Two Principles of Mental<br />

Functioning,” 219). Still, psychoanalysis does not maintain that fact and<br />

value should remain entirely independent. While the infant proceeds from<br />

value to fact, the adult may proceed from fact to value, striving to see<br />

whatever is or has happened as deserving respect to some degree. The<br />

question is how much value facts are owed. Ferenczi writes that facts are<br />

“reckoned with,” a figure that posits an ability to calculate the respect different<br />

facts are owed. Radically, for psychoanalysis even psychic fact has a<br />

hold by its very existence on value, so that part of the challenge of working<br />

through is to recognize adequately both psychic and external facts, even<br />

when they conflict. Freud’s principle of minimal value reaches even to one’s<br />

illness, for example, which “must no longer ...seem contemptible,” but<br />

rather be understood as a “worthy” enemy “out of which things of value<br />

. . . have to be derived.” 15 By itself this principle sets psychoanalysis apart<br />

from traditional a priori moral systems. Complementary to Hume’s empiricism,<br />

which refuses to value any type of fact a priori, psychoanalysis declines<br />

to exclude a minimum positive value from any.<br />

14. Sigmund Freud, “Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning”<br />

[1911], in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,<br />

trans. and ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth, 1958), XII: 218–226, p. 219, hereafter<br />

SE. See also Sandor Ferenczi, “Stages in the Development of the Sense of Reality,” in<br />

First Contributions to Psycho-Analysis [1916], trans. Ernest Jones (New York: Brunner/<br />

Mazel, 1952), 213–239; and “The Problem of Acceptance of Unpleasant Ideas—Advances<br />

in Knowledge of the Sense of Reality” [1926], in Further Contributions to the Theory<br />

and Technique of Psycho-Analysis, trans. Jane Isabel Suttie et al., ed. John Rickman<br />

(London: Hogarth, 1950), 366–379. Hans Loewald adds that “not only the ego, at such<br />

a stage, has magical powers or is a magical power, but also reality is a magical power.”<br />

See “Ego and Reality,” in Papers on Psychoanalysis (New Haven: Yale UP, 1980), 3–20,<br />

p. 19.<br />

15. Freud, “Remembering, Repeating, and Working Through” [1914], in SE XII:<br />

147–156, p. 152. The pragmatic situation of the infant shows that any knowledge of fact<br />

is potentially useful and hence valuable, and that fact’s usefulness outlasts that of wishing.<br />

This utilitarian explanation implies that the reality principle is defenseless when<br />

there seems to be no point to grasping a difficult fact, or not enough to overcome the<br />

advantage of ignoring it.

14 looking away<br />

Again, there are many ways of imagining what it means to “value”<br />

facts—from the bare identification of a piece of reality, at one pole, to “accepting”<br />

it (the most undertheorized possibility), to endorsing it, to cheering<br />

it on. Not only is fact/value conflation ingrained in psychology; the<br />

various senses of “value” are also, as a consequence of the fact/value conflation,<br />

secondarily conflated. The more you conflate fact and value, the<br />

more you’re going to count identifying the bare existence of something as<br />

endorsing it. And as already mentioned, it’s also uncertain what counts as a<br />

fact. There’s all the difference in the world between natural, inevitable<br />

facts or conditions and contingent, temporary ones, yet it’s often obscure<br />

which are which, and that ambiguity is available to be exploited. Gardenvariety<br />

facts may be treated as though by their facticity as such they participated<br />

in a more significant and lawful necessity. In the realm of the social,<br />

there are probably very few true inevitabilities, yet many conditions<br />

are constant or recurrent enough to make one ask whether they might<br />

possibly be inevitable, even though questions about the bounds of the social<br />

can never be laid to rest from within the social. Freud’s question about<br />

whether the baseline discontent caused by “states and societies” is finally<br />

“a piece of unconquerable nature” is the paradigm of all such open questions.<br />

16<br />

Now, the association between phenomenality and dissatisfaction—the<br />

subject of this book—is the underside of the fact/value problem, formed<br />

by the negative members of the series appearance/reality and dissatisfaction/satisfaction.<br />

Descartes describes the “various motions ...traced out<br />

in the air by the tip of the quill” while he is writing, which sketch a second<br />

script behind him “even though I do not conceive of anything real passing<br />

from one end to the other.” 17 Like that second, aerial script, the problem<br />

of phenomenality and dissatisfaction follows that of fact and value in an<br />

unattended way.<br />

There would seem to be something illegitimate about the position of<br />

“appearance” within this formulation. Even before Kant, an appearance is<br />

16. Civilization and Its Discontents [1930], in SE XXI: 64–145, p. 88.<br />

17. Rules for the Direction of the Mind, in The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, trans.<br />

John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, and Dugald Murdoch (Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

UP, 1985), 1: Rule 12.

pretext 15<br />

not the opposite of a fact. Rather, in the vernacular notion of appearance,<br />

vision across distance is a metaphor for seeming: an appearance is something<br />

like a hypothesis that is either borne out or discovered to be misleading<br />

on closer inspection. (Because of the metaphor that links seeing with<br />

understanding, and for other reasons that will emerge later, visuality is the<br />

privileged form of phenomenality involved in the discourse of satisfaction<br />

and dissatisfaction.) By the logic of this figure, perceiving an object as an<br />

instance of appearance—in the mode of appearance—comes to be experienced<br />

as postponing the requirement to endorse it as reality. This faux-logical<br />

inference insinuates itself into various styles of thought.<br />

Analytic philosophy’s useful distinction between object perception and<br />

fact perception, for example, deploys it, and helps to show why the demand<br />

for affirmation raised by the fact/value conflation could make one<br />

want to linger in a self-conscious mode of appearance. According to this<br />

distinction, perceiving an object (it passes across my field of vision) isn’t<br />

the same as perceiving the fact of the object (I recognize that it’s there,<br />

what it is); and it is perceiving the fact of the object that’s generally taken<br />

to produce, seamlessly, knowledge of and belief in the existence of the object.<br />

Only fact perception induces belief. 18 The question is what is entailed<br />

by “belief”—minimal realization? Consent? Affirmation? But the difference<br />

between reluctant acceptance and robust affirmation isn’t as great as<br />

one might think, since fact/value conflation tends to make acceptance<br />

count as affirmation, and so to demand affirmation. That whatever is entailed,<br />

however, is not required by object perception suggests that if one<br />

wants to avoid the value entailments of fact, it might seem possible to do<br />

so by lingering in object perception. The luxuriousness of lingering comes<br />

from the lifted obligation to declare oneself. So, Walter Benjamin prefers<br />

one hashish experiment to another by noting that while the first one “loosened<br />

objects, and lured them from their accustomed world,” the second<br />

“inserted them quite quickly into a new one—far inferior to this intermediate<br />

realm.” 19 For as long as object perception refrains from fact percep-<br />

18. For an open consideration of the epistemic issues, see Fred Dretske, “Seeing, Believing,<br />

and Knowing,” in Visual Cognition and Action: An Invitation to Cognitive Science,<br />

Vol. 2, ed. Daniel N. Osherson, Stephen Michael Kosslyn, and John M. Hollerbach<br />

(Cambridge: MIT P, 1990), 129–148.<br />

19. On Hashish, trans. and ed. Howard Eiland (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2006), 27.

16 looking away<br />

tion, the teleology of judgment is eluded, and the world feels lighter.<br />

We’re a hair’s breadth here from Kant’s aesthetic reflective judgments,<br />

which also enjoy the lightness of nonconceptual perception. I’ll explain in<br />

a moment why this hair’s breadth nonetheless makes the difference between<br />

Kant’s aesthetic and its other. For now, I only want to point out that<br />

the suspensiveness and potential evasiveness of appearance with regard to<br />

fact—the manner in which object perception holds itself apart from fact<br />

perception without negating it, and so lends itself to personification as gentle<br />

and noncommittal—gives appearance its fanciful appeal. The association<br />

of appearance with mereness, lightness, radiance, and hypothesis is<br />

our only way of registering the absence of a weight we carry without<br />

knowing it, the perceived pressure of the given world and its natural laws<br />

on our potential endorsement. 20<br />

This pressure is itself “Phantom or Fact,” as Coleridge would put it. To<br />

feel the pressure is to personify facts, projecting on them a desire for approval<br />

that only other people could really demand. Keats appreciates the<br />

flower for declining to call, “admire me I am a violet!” 21 —and while Keats<br />

was no stranger to the enigmatic force of other people’s mere existence, it’s<br />

possible to measure the distance between his state of mind and Coleridge’s<br />

20. As some forms of appearance have the effect of deferring the imperative to endorsement,<br />

appearance may also be experienced as qualifying the endorsement required<br />

by presenting or seeming to present degrees of facticity. Some facts are better established<br />

than others and could merit different degrees of acceptance; the experience of<br />

mere appearance before or after fact perception awakens our sense of such a possibility.<br />

As though we thought too many givens were all too well established, the notion of degrees<br />

of facticity can also become attached figuratively (and weirdly) to different types<br />

of objects. Elaine Scarry, for example, argues that flowers charm because they are already<br />

filmy and imagelike (Dreaming by the Book: Imagining under Authorial Instruction<br />

[New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2001]). Sextus rightly dismisses the epistemological<br />

significance of variously organized objects: laciness or diaphaneity cannot lend an object<br />

a lesser degree of actuality, or qualify our fact perception of it. The attractiveness of rarefaction,<br />

though, responds to the desire for more degrees of actuality, fewer exigencies,<br />

more options. The transient objects typically celebrated by lyric poetry may be experienced<br />

as less demanding with more legitimacy, since they can obligate us only for the<br />

few moments they last. On the various associations of substance understood as rarefied<br />

or “massy,” see Daniel Tiffany, Toy Medium: Materialism and Modern Lyric (Berkeley: U<br />

of California P, 2000).<br />

21. Letter to J. H. Reynolds, February 3, 1818, in Letters of John Keats, ed. Robert<br />

Gittings (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970), 61.

pretext 17<br />

by the fact that Coleridge does think the violet requires an admiration he<br />

cannot deliver: he sees, not feels, how admirable it is, and feels guilty accordingly.<br />

22 Even the idea that other people take an interest in one’s ability<br />

to endorse facts must be in part a holdover from the fantasy of omnipotence.<br />

But the feeling of coercion isn’t just paranoid, either; social pressure<br />

is sometimes merely imagined or anticipated and sometimes actually polices<br />

fact/value conflation. The reception of skepticism often validates the<br />

fears of the skeptic, as Cavell demonstrates. Phantom or fact, one can feel<br />

it: an imperative to value facts that is itself a good example of something<br />

ambiguously natural. There is no more logic in endorsing exigencies than<br />

in withholding endorsement from them, however. The main rationale for<br />

accepting givens is the hope that it may make the perceiver or the community<br />

feel or do better, while refraining from accepting them may make<br />

them feel or do worse. But this defense basically reiterates the fact/value<br />

conflation, asserting that valuing facts is in itself productive. The asymmetrical<br />

resistance to negative, but not positive, feelings about givens is<br />

tendentiously normative.<br />

In this way we come around again to the implication that people who<br />

are a little too interested in phenomenality are dodging their affirmative<br />

obligations, and that beneath their evasion is a dissatisfaction that is incoherent<br />

and ought not to be possible. In the dynamic that is the subject of<br />

this book, guilt over what’s repeatedly called a lack of “right” to dissatisfaction<br />

with the given motivates a shift from fact perception to the merely<br />

phenomenal as an evasive manuever. The more dissatisfied the skeptic or<br />

nihilist is, and the guiltier he—almost always, he—feels about his dissatisfaction<br />

(because he supposes, by the logic of the fact/value conflation, the<br />

unnaturalness of his feeling), the more phenomenophilia seems to offer<br />

22. Coleridge knew the answer to W. H. Auden’s rhetorical question: “How would<br />

you feel if the stars were to burn / With a passion for you you could not return?”<br />

Auden’s lines defend unrequited love and fear others’ feelings: “on earth indifference is<br />

the least / We have to dread.” See Auden, “The More Loving One,” in Collected Shorter<br />

Poems 1927–1957 (New York: Vintage, 1975), 282. Rilke’s Orphism is more typically<br />

lyric: “Ja, die Frühlinge brauchten dich wohl [Yes, the springtime needed you]” (Duino<br />

Elegies, in Selected Poetry, ed. and trans. Stephen Mitchell [New York: Vintage, 1984],<br />

151). Perceiving the fact/value conflation as a psychic pressure furnishes, in effect, another<br />

way to understand the literature of lyric animation.

18 looking away<br />

short-term relief from socially unacceptable sentiments. For tarrying with<br />

phenomenality implies but never spells out mental reservation. Much as<br />

the skeptic and the nihilist have become familiar figures, then, one can be<br />

aware of the solitary, apologetic figure of the phenomenophile, who is<br />

afraid of what he might have to say when called upon to endorse the world<br />

and tries to avoid that moment by lingering in object perception, looking<br />

away at something too slight to present a demand—some wavering<br />

reflection or trick of light. Judging by his interlocutors’ impatience and<br />

his own unease, the phenomenophile isn’t really fooling anybody. Cultivating<br />

mere phenomenality violates the fact/value conflation, whose<br />

logic requires that phenomena which are “not nothing”—a phrase the<br />

phenomenophile likes—be merely not yet discarded, rather than secretly<br />

loved. His stolen reservations are themselves noticed and criticized.<br />

Although premodern theories of appearance provide some indispensable<br />

reference points, 23 I’ll focus here on the modern frame of the problem<br />

established by Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason. The First Critique constitutes<br />

a new era in phenomenality and dissatisfaction. It simultaneously<br />

creates a newly normative sense of appearance (Erscheinung) and proceeds<br />

as though the questions of how to know and how to come to terms with<br />

the world were deeply related. In the First Critique Kant seems to think he<br />

is demonstrating not only the limits of knowledge, but how one can accept<br />

what one does know, including those limitations themselves, by providing<br />

a methodology—Kantian critique—that both distinguishes the necessary<br />

from the contingent and shows why one must accept only the necessary. As<br />

I’ll explain, I believe that Kant largely fulfills these goals, and in that respect<br />

has offered more than his readers have cared to take. For thinkers in<br />

the wake of Kant, the First Critique is often experienced as raising the<br />

stakes of perception and rephrasing, rather than dissolving, the problem of<br />

accepting the world. Kant himself backs off from the implicit psychology<br />

of the First Critique, starting with the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of<br />

Morals, in that he supplements its de facto naturalism—what he might call<br />

its “anthropological” psychology—with moral systematization in the im-<br />

23. The most relevant of these earlier theories are Platonic metaphysics’ use of “appearance”<br />

to render the given world provisional and the Lucretian theory of mere appearance<br />

as a kind of vacated shell.

pretext 19<br />

perative mode. In other words, Kant is himself one of the readers who is<br />

disturbed by the First Critique. All this happens, I think, mostly because<br />

the Critique of Pure Reason is too right: it shakes dearly held wishes for a nature<br />

that is inherently meaningful as it dissolves the fantasmatic responsibilities<br />

for endorsement that would go along with the existence of such a<br />

nature. Modernity still lives its phenomenality and its dissatisfaction in a<br />

peculiar style that comes into being as a kind of defense against the First<br />

Critique.<br />

Kant’s epistemological lexicon will be important, then, yet doesn’t completely<br />

encompass the various senses of phenomenality that arise in the<br />

texts I want to consider, nor the diverse vocabularies of Coleridge, Nietzsche,<br />

and Adorno. A combination of Kantian and other terms is needed.<br />

Most crucial from the First Critique, to begin with, is Kant’s distinction<br />

between “appearance” (Erscheinung) and “mere appearance” or illusion<br />

(Schein).<br />

For Kant, the whole of the plenum is appearance (Erscheinung) by<br />

definition; what is not appearance is “merely intelligible.” 24 As Erscheinung,<br />

appearance is replete, lawful, and connotes no attenuation of the intensity<br />

or reality of what appears. In order to make this point, Kant stresses that<br />

Erscheinung differs from Schein (illusion or semblance, often translated as<br />

“mere appearance”). Unlike Erscheinung, Schein designates a sensory or<br />

cognitive aberrance, a wayward experience that really is an epistemological<br />

dead end. By this criterion, Schein is quite rare. I take it to be a consequence<br />

of Kant’s system that, apart from the exceptional interruption of<br />

Schein, in normal perception appearance is broken only by appearance,<br />

that is, by the renewal or reflexive awareness of appearance. Turning for a<br />

moment from Kant back to the useful distinction between object perception<br />

and fact perception, the reflexive appearance of appearance can be described<br />

as follows: much as one has object perception (something crosses<br />

my gaze) and fact perception (a dragonfly is passing in front of me), one<br />

can also focus on appearance as appearance (I realize that I’m seeing what<br />

I’m seeing, this blurry shape or multicolored dragonfly). Such reflexive<br />

24. Critique of Pure Reason [1781, 1787], trans. Norman Kemp Smith (New York: St.<br />

Martin’s, 1965); Kritik der Reinen Vernunft, ed. Raymond Schmidt (Hamburg: Felix<br />

Meiner, 1956), A259/B315, hereafter CPR.

20 looking away<br />

awareness of appearance, an appearance of appearance, can occur in object<br />

perception or in fact perception, whether one is perceiving Erscheinung or<br />

Schein at the time. Wordsworth, P. B. Shelley, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche,<br />

among others, like to describe what it feels like. Many epistemologists,<br />

including Kant, hold that some kind of apperception is necessary for<br />

any experience at all. In some models, this necessary apperception may be<br />

unconscious; if so, then conscious reflexivity of the sort above would not<br />

be the primary instance of reflexivity, but would only be experienced as if it<br />

were. 25 If, to the contrary, basic apperception is normally minimally conscious,<br />

the reflexive “appearance of appearance” is a matter of intensity: I<br />

feel primarily “I am seeing this” rather than “(I am seeing) this.” “I am seeing<br />

this” is a perfectly rational thought and no illusion. Yet the funny thing<br />

is, appearance with an index has the subversive effect of seeming to suspend<br />

the fact/value conflation and its demand. And this side effect of suspension<br />

is illusory, a trick of the mind.<br />

The suspensive illusion comes about because the relationship between<br />

Schein and the reflexive appearance of appearance is close enough to be<br />

confusing: the latter has come to stand for the former in an almost Pavlovian<br />

way. Because of its exceptionality, Schein is more likely to trigger<br />

reflexivity. If you’re seeing a shower of silver dots, you can hardly forget<br />

that you’re having a perceptual experience. And because Schein induces<br />

reflexivity in this way, reflexivity can make us view Erscheinung as<br />

Schein—as it does every time one looks at something within a literal<br />

frame. In a passage of The Birth of Tragedy that I’ll read later, Nietzsche<br />

observes the suspensive side effect of the awareness in and of itself of appearance.<br />

He remarks of a lucid dream that by virtue of its lucidity we<br />

“have, glimmering through it, the sensation that it is mere appearance [die<br />

durchschimmernde Empfindung ihres Scheins],” and goes on to assert on<br />

the model of the lucid dream that “philosophical men ...even have a presentiment<br />

that the reality in which we live and have our being is also mere<br />

25. Daniel Dennett points out that “second-order thought does not itself have to be<br />

conscious in order for its first-order object to be conscious” (Consciousness Explained<br />

[Boston: Little, Brown, 1991], 307). Richard Moran argues that it is only when the second-order<br />

thought is unconscious that we strongly believe in the object (Authority and<br />

Estrangement: An Essay on Self-Knowledge [Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001]).

pretext 21<br />

appearance [Schein].” 26 One could call such reflexivity attentiveness to ap-<br />

pearance or to the “process of appearing [Erscheinen].” 27 Reflexivity can<br />

seem to tarry in object perception by foregrounding the for-itselfness of<br />

the perception, its sheerness rather than its mereness. 28 There’s a kind<br />

of analogy, then, between the permanent irrelevance of Schein to fact<br />

perception and the temporary, illusory suspensive effect of reflexive perception<br />

with its conscious second-order thought. The thing to remember<br />

about Schein and the appearance of appearance, given their confusability,<br />

is the following: (1) only Schein is “mere appearance” in the sense of being<br />

misleading illusion and an epistemological dead end; (2) Schein almost<br />

necessarily includes reflexivity, whereas reflexivity’s Schein-effect is<br />

itself an instance of Schein, even as its content may be Erscheinung; (3)<br />

both Schein and the “appearance of appearance” can have either heightening<br />

or attenuating emotive effects; and (4) both are suspensive in relation<br />

to fact perception, Schein epistemically and the appearance of appearance<br />

rhetorically. It is this reflexive, suspensive quality—included in Schein but<br />

also, without loss of reality, in the appearance of Erscheinung—understood<br />

as a temporary phenomenological event and rhetorical effect, in<br />

which I’m principally interested. Reflexive awareness of either Schein or<br />

Erscheinung, of object perception or of very fleeting phenomena, has<br />

liberating or faux-liberating effects, and the cultivation of any of these<br />

states is what I mean by “phenomenophilia.” If I said that Pessoa was<br />

26. The Birth of Tragedy [1872, 1886], trans. and ed. Walter Kaufmann (New York:<br />

Vintage, 1967), 34, KSA 1.26.<br />

27. Martin Seel, Aesthetics of Appearing [2000], trans. John Farrell (Stanford: Stanford<br />

UP, 2005), 4. Seel surveys appearing from Baumgartner to contemporary art in order to<br />

argue that art constitutes a special kind of appearing.<br />

Gestalt psychology and Wittgenstein’s notion of aspect-seeing provide related accounts<br />

of perceptual patterns. See Kurt Koffka, Principles of Gestalt Psychology (New<br />

York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1935); Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations,<br />

3rd ed., trans. G. E. M. Anscombe (New York: Macmillan, 1968). For illuminating<br />

commentary, see Stephen Mulhall, On Being in the World: Wittgenstein and Heidegger on<br />

Seeing Aspects (London: Routledge, 1990).<br />

28. For a brilliant account of the “mere [bloss]” in Kant, see Rodolphe Gasché, The<br />

Idea of Form: Rethinking Kant’s Aesthetics (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1999), 13–41. Gasché<br />

remarks that unlike the English “mere,” “bloss” does not connote the sheer or utter.

22 looking away<br />

phenemenophilic, I would mean that he is attracted to the way things appear<br />

to him, to his own awareness that they appear to him, and to the<br />

power of looking away to treat Erscheinung as Schein.<br />

Complementarily, when Erscheinung is not experienced as though it<br />

were Schein, or when Schein is perceived as though it were normal appearance,<br />

one is back in the realm of fact perception: the effect of freedom<br />

from the imperative to accept the given is unavailable. So, Kaja<br />

Silverman configures phenomenality and dissatisfaction quite differently<br />

when she (properly) emphasizes the identity between appearance and the<br />

given world. Silverman takes the part of the “world spectators” who, as<br />

she retells the story, decline ideality and remain in Plato’s cave out of<br />

commitment to the given world and the appearances that compose it. 29<br />

For her, the world spectator is a “desiring subject” who “derives pleasure<br />

from his own nonsatisfaction” (World Spectators, 11). Since she construes<br />

appearance as Erscheinung, it makes sense for Silverman to claim<br />

that seeing fundamentally “says ‘yes’ to the world” (20). By the same<br />

logic, though, if you do not want to say “yes” to the world, after Kant<br />

you need an alternative to appearance as Erscheinung. Silverman’s world<br />

spectator also belongs to a community of world spectators for whom one<br />

of the main purposes of language is to enable the comparison of perceptions.<br />

So, Silverman’s narrative moves from perception to language.<br />

Again, using the very same logic, the phenomenophile recedes<br />

from language to mere phenomenality: because no one can share (or appropriate)<br />

one’s merely suspensive, illusory or ephemeral perception,<br />

phenomenophilia becomes a way to get away, or imagine getting away,<br />

from other people.<br />

Defenders of the given tend to be impatient with less than explicit affirmation.<br />

Jean-Luc Marion, for example, objects to Pollock’s and Monet’s<br />

concentration on the “intentional” half of the phenomenological subject/<br />

object dyad because to do so is to create a world “to itself,” “only that,”<br />

where intention dies on the surface of the painting. “Without the work of<br />

the invisible [that is, transcendental laws],” he writes, “what we perceive<br />

as visible actually would offer only a rhapsodic spectacle and confusion<br />

29. Kaja Silverman, World Spectators (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2000).

pretext 23<br />

of colored spots.” 30 Actually, Pollock’s and Monet’s paintings conform to<br />

transcendental laws as much as anyone’s; the laws would not be transcendental<br />

if they didn’t. They only omit what counts as rhetorical affirmation<br />

of those laws, that is, Albertian perspective. Marion’s theory of appearance<br />

is characterized throughout by hostility toward the diversity of perceptual<br />

experience. But it is only somewhat more aggressive than usual in its insistence<br />

on the endorsement of the inevitable.<br />

Phenomenophilia’s asocial moment makes it the other of Kantian aesthetics.<br />

Kant’s aesthetics too appreciates relief from the felt requirement to<br />

value objects that appear through concepts. But while Kant recognizes a<br />

panoply of perceptual objects in the Critique of Judgment, for him only<br />

some of these options are qualified to be objects of aesthetic reflection.<br />

Kant specifically excludes unstable, irregular, and very transient phenomena<br />

from the possible objects of aesthetic reflective judgments, classifying<br />

them as “charms [Reizen]” (literally, attractions or sensory stimuli). They<br />

are ineligible because in Kant’s aesthetic, the perceiver must feel as though<br />

everyone should agree that the object of contemplation is beautiful, even<br />

though one may also know that in fact not everyone will; and we can’t believe<br />

ourselves entitled to this feeling about a perceptual object so ephemeral<br />

that we can’t even imagine that someone else would see it as we do, or<br />

even see it at all. The beauty of phenomenophilia is the mirror image of<br />

Kant’s proto-communitarian beauty. It suits the occasions on which we<br />

don’t want to imagine that someone else could be with us; in which we<br />

want to be sure that someone else doesn’t have to share our perception.<br />

Theories of aesthetic pleasure after the Third Critique tend to ameliorate<br />

the asociality of such a desire. But, as I’ll elaborate in Chapter 2 and Chapter<br />

4, the possibility of a free aesthetic judgment depends on this desire’s<br />

being allowed to exist—even to exist indefinitely.<br />

The dissatisfaction one finds around phenomenophilia is attenuated,<br />

diffuse, and reflexive. One can suffer, or just be uncomfortable, without<br />

30. The Crossing of the Visible [1996], trans. James K. A. Smith (Stanford: Stanford UP,<br />

2004), 21, 12.

24 looking away<br />

minding it (one can even enjoy it); dissatisfaction is minding. Dissatisfac-<br />

tion is discomfort—probably suffering as well, felt with apologetic understatement<br />

as discomfort—accompanied by the comment that it ought not<br />

to be. I can find no reason to distinguish it from the “Unbehagen” of Civilization<br />

and Its Discontents, translated as “discontent” or “malaise.” Freud’s<br />

observation of the social character of Unbehagen and the extra layer of<br />

frustration that comes with its apparent gratuitousness describes the dissatisfaction<br />

associated with phenomenality. It is stronger in social than in<br />

solitary settings; bearable and nontragic, yet relentless. It is reputedly<br />

common, so common that it might be natural and inevitable, yet its commonness<br />

only becomes an excuse for suppressing conversation about it<br />

(why complain about the natural and inevitable?). Freud’s Unbehagen, the<br />

“unbefriedigend” (dissatisfaction) of Nietzsche’s nihilist, and Baudelaire’s<br />

“insatisfaction” decline to name their cause; and that is not surprising, because<br />

phenomenophilic dissatisfaction is diplomatic through and through.<br />

Unlike straightforward derogations of the given world that believers in another<br />

reality feel free to express, it insinuates a reservation it never articulates.<br />

Yet in spite or because of the fact that the phenomenophile’s mild<br />

implication of dissatisfaction promotes no violent thoughts or feelings, it’s<br />

often attached to an internal intolerance of its presence so cruel that it<br />

brings real suffering after all. 31 The phenomenophile is convinced that he<br />

has “no right”—this legal and political figure runs throughout the texts at<br />

hand—to his dissatisfaction.<br />

In his dilemma, the phenomenophile effectively raises the questions of<br />

queer desire. Whether the pervasive conditions from which one demurs<br />

are natural and inevitable, or possibly not; what it means to “accept” the<br />

given world, and by whom and why one’s acceptance seems to be solicited;<br />

whether one would want to endorse it even if one did conclude that its<br />

conditions were necessary and inevitable; what would happen to someone<br />

who decided these were inevitable and yet not acceptable—these concerns<br />

of Coleridge, Kant, Nietzsche, and Adorno resonate with the problems<br />

of queer sensibility. In particular, they are the concerns of closeted desire.<br />

Although phenomenophiles can thematize dissatisfaction’s association<br />

31. Sharp guilt and nonviolence are causally connected, since guilt, like depression,<br />

suppresses violent thoughts prophylactically.

pretext 25<br />

with phenomenality, in itself their recourse to phenomenality politely<br />

postpones judgments. Indeed, phenomenophilia would seem to be the<br />

province mostly of solitary, conflictedly heterosexual and vaguely homosexual<br />

unmarried and mismarried men of dubious or unusually configured<br />

health. In this book, Coleridge, Kant, and Nietzsche are surrounded by<br />

penumbral characters such as Wordsworth, Kleist, Kierkegaard,<br />

Schopenhauer, Baudelaire, Pessoa, and Wittgenstein, and associated discourses<br />

of addiction and deviance. Unfolding within the closet in Eve<br />

Sedgwick’s sense—the closet as a figure for the islanded mind with a good<br />

reason to select its own society32 —the phenomenality/dissatisfaction connection<br />

reveals the impact of queer imagination on post-critical thought.<br />

It is not simply that Coleridge, Kant, Nietzsche, and Adorno need to<br />

be included in the annals of queer literature (they already have been). 33<br />

Rather, the phenomenality/dissatisfaction axis shows that the annals of<br />

queer literature pose what is taken to be, as the subtitle of The Is-Ought<br />

Question puts it, “the Central Problem of Moral Philosophy.” In and through<br />

its tact, looking away sheds light on interior and exterior depths of obligation<br />

to the given; the dilemma of givens experienced as mutually exclusive<br />

(the dual intransigences of what is and what ought to be, each of which<br />

may be brought to support either the socially normative or the socially<br />

marginal); and the vast cultural generativity of phenomenophilia as a psychological<br />

strategy. Cavell notes that “if we speak of perversions of human<br />

existence, this will encompass disturbances of satisfaction no more sexual<br />

32. Epistemology of the Closet (Berkeley: U of California P, 1990).<br />

33. On Coleridge, Kant, and Nietzsche, see for example Wayne Koestenbaum, Double<br />

Talk: The Erotics of Male Literary Collaboration (New York: Routledge, 1989); David L.<br />

Clark, “Kant’s Aliens: The Anthropology and Its Others,” CR: The New Centennial Review<br />

1 (2001): 201–289; and Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet, respectively. Adorno’s relation<br />

to queer sexuality has been interpreted variously. Thomas Pepper argues that<br />

Adorno makes available a critique of the “property relation of human beings” without<br />

noticing that this relation “is even more primordial than the gender relations it conditions”;<br />

he suggests that homophobia in texts like the Minima Moralia entry “Tough<br />

Baby” serves to distance the implications Adorno’s thought might have for gender (Singularities:<br />

Extremes of Theory in the Twentieth Century [Cambridge: Cambridge UP,<br />

1997], 48, 42). For more on homophobia in Adorno, see Andrew Hewitt, Political Inversions:<br />

Homosexuality, Fascism, and the Modernist Imaginary (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1996).<br />

Adorno’s determined advocacy of homosexuals’ civil rights, however, expresses his vision<br />

of a society free of coercion.

26 looking away<br />

than epistemological, and no more these than political” (The Claim of Reason,<br />

471). In turn, to read looking away as something other than trivially<br />

perverse is to trouble the waters of sexual, epistemological, and political<br />

acceptance of the given as such.<br />

The sections of this book are arranged not quite chronologically. I have<br />

not written a history of aesthetics, perceptual techniques, or post-critical<br />

literature. 34 The plot designates not a progressive historical development,<br />

but the errant route of the recurring association between phenomenality<br />

and dissatisfaction, from which glimpses of the history of philosophy can<br />

be seen, like the ocean from the road.<br />

The texts I consider contribute to larger cultural movements, each of<br />

which potentially opens a new arena. Coleridge’s fondness for optical transience<br />

informs his invention of a type of modern lyric—a first-person<br />

poem that rotates around a single transitory “image” (the prototype is<br />

“Frost at Midnight,” and it models a privileged brand of lyric poem into<br />

the 1970s). Coleridge’s and Nietzsche’s struggles with phenomenal consolation<br />

and self-denial flow from and into the nineteenth-century culture of<br />

decadence through Pater, Wilde, and others. Both Coleridge and Nietzsche<br />

(trailing aspects of Kant’s thought as well, and resembling the post-<br />

Kantian De Quincey’s) associate the optical manipulations of looking<br />

away with appearance-altering drugs. The dynamic of phenomenality and<br />

dissatisfaction contributes in various ways to Goethe’s and Schopenhauer’s<br />

color theories; the development of post-Kantian irony in Kleist and<br />

Kierkegaard; the phenomenality-enthralled nineteenth-century painting<br />

criticized by Duchamp and others as “retinalist”; 35 and avant-garde tech-<br />

34. For a reconsideration of phenomenology that hopes to do justice to perception<br />

for itself, see Renaud Barbaras, Desire and Distance: Introduction to a Phenomenology of<br />

Perception [1999], trans. Paul R. Milan (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2006); for a<br />

phenomenological approach to phenomenality that treats appearance in historical and<br />

rhetorical terms, see Karl Heinz Bohrer, Suddenness: On the Moment of Aesthetic Appearance<br />

[1981], trans. Ruth Crowley (New York: Columbia UP, 1994).<br />

35. On post-Kantian developments in visual taste, see Jonathan Crary, Techniques of<br />

the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge: MIT P,<br />

1990). On Goethe’s optical theories, see Claudia Brodsky, The Imposition of Form: Studies<br />

in Narrative Representation and Knowledge (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1987). Thanks to<br />

Mia McIver for drawing my attention to the latter.

pretext 27<br />

niques of defamiliarization. Photography, film, and video experiment with<br />

fantasies of solitary phenomenophilia and communal aesthetics. Although<br />

I didn’t feel that I could or should pursue each of these tempting avenues,<br />

I do what I can along the way to indicate where the phenomenality/<br />

dissatisfaction association sparks cultural production, and treat a few<br />

subplots in more detail than the others. As it stands, the texts in this<br />

book are Germanic—even Coleridge is an honorary German. As I didn’t<br />

limit the scope of the project in advance to a national tradition, and am<br />

in no way a Germanist, I take this result to confirm the extraordinary<br />

effect of the First Critique upon the problem and project of accepting the<br />

world.<br />

The texts of phenomenality and dissatisfaction are usually written by<br />

men, as I noted earlier. I’m not sure I can make this impressionistic observation<br />

into something more definitive, or that I know enough about<br />

noncanonical nineteenth-century literature to have a chance of doing so.<br />

Women participate enthusiastically in two discourses next door to that of<br />

mere phenomenality—the Gothic novel, and the romantic activity of affirming<br />

mineral and vegetable nature in a way that notes a problem with<br />

human nature. Both of these modes provide normative terms that could<br />

be more attractive to women writers, who may have had both more motive<br />

and more obligation to practice affirmatively social forms of writing.<br />

The Gothic mode of prolonging object perception, deferring for as long<br />

as possible a determination of fact, is phenomenophilic in desire, while<br />

the ostensible frame of the Gothic emphasizes purposive investigation<br />

and finally closes on facts and their attendant values as solidly as possible.<br />

Similarly, if praising nature is romanticism’s dominant way of criticizing<br />

the all too human—congenial to mainstream romantics like Wordsworth<br />

and Goethe—that’s because the criticism is at least delivered in the act<br />

of endorsing something more enduring and deep—or so it’s hoped—than<br />

society. The negative power this mode can muster can be seen in a remark<br />

attributed to Anaxagoras by Aristotle and quoted by Hannah Arendt<br />

in The Life of the Mind: “When asked why one should choose rather<br />

to be born than not—a question, incidentally, that seems to have preoccupied<br />

the Greek people and not merely philosophers and poets—<br />

[Anaxagoras] replied: ‘For the sake of viewing the heavens and the things<br />

there, stars and moon and sun,’ as though nothing else were worth his<br />

while.” 36 But like Nietzsche’s metaphysicians, praise of nature “affirm[s] a

28 looking away<br />

world” as it speaks ill of another, and so both protects and compromises its<br />

negative force. In the twentieth century there are more female<br />

phenomenophiles; Virginia Woolf is a spectacular and complicated example.<br />

37 I don’t, however, want to support the cliché that until recently<br />

women could not afford speculation, or some such idea, so I’m not satisfied<br />

with these reflections. The only thing that’s clear to me is that I somehow<br />

write about male writers in order to write about myself (thus my<br />

choice of third-person pronoun).<br />

The great philosopher of post-Kantian appearance is Arendt, but she is<br />

not a phenomenophile. I thought of ending this book by considering her<br />

reflections on thinking and the high value she places, in those reflections,<br />

on being able to achieve a robust judgment that fulfills Kant’s dream of a<br />

liking and disliking freely added to cognition. For Arendt, to think is to<br />

perceive a fact and render a judgment on it that is no longer minimal or<br />

obligatory. 38 Unlike all the other readers of Kant in this book, Arendt<br />

reads Kant the way he wanted to be read: appearance for her is always<br />

Erscheinung, with no stolen thrill of the mere or sheer; and she follows<br />

Kant’s direction to progress from reflective withdrawal, to the minimal acceptance<br />

accomplished by critique, to a full-fledged evaluative judgment<br />

that she never hesitates to render. What Arendt has to say about fact perception<br />

begins a related but distinct line of thought about what to do<br />

about world-acceptance amid the all but unassimilable traumatic facts of<br />

the twentieth century. It doesn’t belong to the paradigm of looking away<br />

which I want to consider in and for itself, and which Arendt rarely uses<br />

because she is so good at confronting the Kantian world. Here, I’d like<br />

to give space for once to the notion that one might wish to do something<br />

else.<br />

If the phenomenality/dissatisfaction association furnishes yet another<br />

36. The Life of the Mind (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1978), 133–134,<br />

quoting Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics, trans. J. Solomon, in The Complete Works of Aristotle,<br />

ed. Jonathan Barnes (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984), 2: 1:1216 a .<br />

37. Ann Banfield describes Woolf’s effort to organize “sensible ephemerids” that resemble<br />

Lucretian appearances into a modernist theory of matter. See Banfield, The<br />

Phantom Table: Woolf, Fry, Russell and the Epistemology of Modernism (Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

UP, 2000), 154–158.<br />

38. I address Arendt in “Thinking for Oneself: Realism and Defiance in Arendt,”<br />

ELH 71 (2004): 839–865.

pretext 29<br />

way to understand the social meaning of an epistemological assumption,<br />

one might still ask, given the availability of other approaches, what particular<br />

interest lies in this one, which raises consciousness about a relatively<br />

mild and possibly unavoidable psychic bruise. Obviously enough, impulses<br />

to elude the pressure of the given, calling out what Adorno calls the “too<br />

many legitimate reasons for fleeing” reality, 39 furnish an opportunity to<br />

explore the quality and significance of that pressure. More pointedly,<br />

though, I’d like to propose that not only the capacity for insight in the<br />

phenomenophile’s look away is respectable. Its very desire to withdraw from<br />

what it perceives is worthy of respect, and this desire does not need to be<br />

linked to any future possibility (for genuine sociality, critical perspicuity,<br />

etc.). It is a desire that remains after the suspension of ephemeral perception<br />

has ended, after the ability to withdraw from a perceived demand has<br />

been exhausted. It doesn’t need to be expunged when the hopes that gave<br />

rise to it have expired; it needs not to have to be expunged. I’ll explore the<br />

perhaps utopian implications of this idea through Adorno’s defense of the<br />

particular’s dissatisfaction with the universal in Chapter 4.<br />

Because I want to give the feeling behind phenomenophilia unconditional<br />

space, I won’t argue that looking away justifies itself through the<br />

transcendental movement of reason, reaching for the impossible and thereby<br />

creating a logical space for new possibility. Sartre argues that Baudelaire<br />

“called insatisfaction” what “philosophers today call transcendence,” that<br />

is, the sense that “infinitude [is] the lot of consciousness”; Blanchot reads<br />

Kafka’s Castle as the tale of “an avid and dissatisfied will that always exceeds<br />

the goal and always reaches beyond.” 40 This stance, a legacy of both Kant<br />

and Hegel, is adopted by all of the thinkers in this book at times. I too<br />

think psychic and social structures may be reimagined when one finds one-<br />

39. Aesthetic Theory [1970], trans. Robert Hullot-Kentor, ed. Gretel Adorno and Rolf<br />

Tiedemann (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1997), 9, hereafter AT.<br />

40. Jean-Paul Sartre, Baudelaire [1946], trans. Martin Turnell (New York: New Directions,<br />

1967), 38, translation modified; Maurice Blanchot, “Kafka and Brod,” in<br />

Friendship [1971], trans. Elizabeth Rottenberg (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1997), 240–251,<br />

p. 247. Blanchot connects K.’s overreach to the Kantian world of appearance and transcendental<br />

illusion: “K. senses that everything outside of himself—himself projected on<br />

the outside—is only an image. He knows that one cannot trust images nor become attached<br />

to them” (249–250). The association of Erscheinung with mistrust is part of the<br />

misreading of Kant I will be exploring through Coleridge and Nietzsche.

30 looking away<br />

self thinking “unthinkable” thoughts. The idea of transcendental dissatisfaction<br />

can also, however, be a somewhat guilty attempt to instrumentalize<br />

dissatisfaction, if only hypothetically, recasting its recoil as a socially useful<br />

impulse. Although phenomenophilia does have social motives and potential,<br />

when mere phenomenality becomes a figure for the imperative quality<br />

of such a potential, it is no longer part of the discourse of phenomenality<br />

and dissatisfaction. In other words, while heretofore unknown, less compulsory<br />

forms of sociality may be conceived through dissatisfaction and<br />

the kind of appearance that’s related to it, it would be wrong to figure the<br />

appeal of mere phenomenality as a call to which one must respond. It’s<br />

just the opposite. In Derrida’s Spectres of Marx, the spectre is an idealization<br />

on the model of transcendental illusion—an idealization that is never<br />

substantialized, but is “not nothing.” For Derrida, however, the spectre<br />

that is “not nothing” saturates the interior of life. By virtue of its very ontological<br />

indeterminacy it possesses “spectral density” and, with the density<br />

of psychic fact, executes the demand of fact: in Marx’s phrase, it “weighs<br />

like a nightmare on the brain of the living.” 41 In Chapter 2 I’ll suggest, in<br />

41. Jacques Derrida, Spectres of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, &<br />

the New International [1993], trans. Peggy Kamuf (New York: Routledge, 1994), 109.<br />

See also Pheng Cheah, Spectral Nationality: Passages of Freedom from Kant to Postcolonial<br />

Literatures of Liberation (New York: Columbia UP, 2003). Cheah extends Derrida’s spectrality<br />

to nationality as an image for the state, then to the postcolonial nation, the image<br />

of unrealized but ever possible freedom (395).<br />

ÒiÓek argues that “the pre-ideological ‘kernel’ of ideology thus consists of the spectral<br />

apparition that fills up the hole of the real. ...What the spectre conceals is not reality but its<br />

‘primordially repressed,’ the irrepresentable X on whose ‘repression’ reality itself is founded”<br />

(“The Spectre of Ideology,” in Mapping Ideology, ed. Slavoj ÒiÓek [London: Verso,<br />

1994], 1–33, p. 21. Later he gives this X the negative content of “freedom”; and since<br />

“the spectre itself already emerges out of a fear, out of our escape from something even<br />

more horrifying: freedom,” it follows that “our primary duty is not to the spectre” but<br />

to what it defends against (27). Comparing Derrida and ÒiÓek, Orrin N. C. Wang argues<br />

that, unlike Derrida, “ÒiÓek’s analysis of the spectre is still entrenched within the<br />

vocabulary of an opposition between physically genuine materiality and simply mental<br />

idealism,” as seen in ÒiÓek’s use of “the notion of a ‘concrete social analysis’ [ÒiÓek,<br />

“Spectre of Ideology,” 25] that would determine whether class struggle is indeed the<br />

dominant form of antagonism today” (Wang, “Ghost Theory,” Studies in Romanticism<br />

46 [2007]: 203–225, p. 222). I too believe that “our primary duty is not to the spectre,”<br />

but for me both Derrida and ÒiÓek are too idealistic, and too “concrete” in the sense<br />

that they are too idealistic. Derrida is idealistic to the extent that the spectre is felt to

pretext 31<br />

contrast, that in the First Critique transcendental illusion’s status as “not<br />

nothing” means that we have no obligation to act on its basis, no requirement<br />

to respond to its demand. 42 As Coleridge finds, the experience of<br />

the spectre is anything but phenomenophilic; looking away seeks out perceptual<br />

objects that ask for nothing, like violets in Keats and friends in<br />

Kant. It turns toward these perceptions to deflect the other’s invasion, by<br />

the reasoning—the comically quick and amoral reasoning typical of the<br />

unconscious—that if the other is inexorable once perceived, then obviously<br />

one should put off perceiving it or not look straight on. Weightless,<br />

merely phenomenal perception complements the spectre as figure<br />

of the other: it is the other of the inexorability of the other, and of equal<br />

rank.<br />

To the idea of dissatisfaction as transcendental promise we may contrast<br />

the notion that transgression possesses an immanent value, an argument<br />

found in strains of queer theory such as Michael Warner’s The Trouble with<br />

Normal and Lee Edelman’s No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive. 43<br />

Edelman asks queer theory “to refuse the insistence of hope itself as affirmation,<br />

which is always affirmation of an order whose refusal will register<br />

as unthinkable, irresponsible, inhumane” (No Future, 4), and suspends along<br />

with that insistence “a faith in the consistent reality of the social” (4, 6). 44<br />

present an injunction whose “power ...lies not in its certitude but in exactly the opposite,<br />

in constative inconstancy,” as Wang points out (Wang, “Ghost Theory,” 204);<br />

ÒiÓek is idealistic because, similarly, he figures the negative force of the real as compulsory<br />

and transcendental. Mere phenomenality is the other of the spectre that presents a<br />

demand, and looking away is the opposite of ÒiÓek’s “looking awry” that projects a new<br />

and repressed real, however unrepresentable it remains.<br />

42. The case is different in later works by Kant. In my canon the Critique of Pure Reason<br />

is Kant’s best work of moral philosophy.<br />

43. Michael Warner, The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life<br />

(Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2000); Lee Edelman, No Future: Queer Theory and the Death<br />

Drive (Durham: Duke UP, 2004).<br />

44. Writing in a very different register, Dana Villa observes that “across the political<br />

spectrum we find an emerging consensus that worthwhile criticism must be of the connected<br />

or ‘immanent’ sort,” and continues, “the price of such effectiveness is that no<br />

real challenge to reigning orthodoxies occurs.” Villa asks whether community “engagement<br />

as such is good, regardless of its form or tonality,” and advocates “a partial, never<br />

fully realized transcendence, not luxuriating in custom and convention but straining<br />

against it.” See Socratic Citizenship (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001), 307, 300, 308.

32 looking away<br />

My argument is closer to this style of thought. The embrace of transgression—if<br />

that’s what it is; this characterization is already tendentious—is<br />

criticized for impracticability and self-contradiction; but to worry about<br />

whether the most compelling givens are really resistible, or what one gets<br />

out of resisting them, seems to miss the point, capitulating in advance to<br />

the instrumental. 45 The point is the usual neglected one of what we think:<br />

whether, inevitable or not, we want the given world to be omnipresent as it<br />

is given, whether and to what degree we endorse it, and whether we want<br />

to have to endorse it. Further, the idea that the recession or even “refusal”<br />

of the phenomenophile is transgressive in the first place adopts a slightly<br />

paranoid point of view, in which simply declining to participate is society’s<br />

fantasy of an insult to itself. Much of what I will describe, and what<br />

Edelman describes for that matter, barely registers as refusal; difference is<br />

the real issue. One of the most moving parts of No Future is Edelman’s description<br />

of the way society, congratulating itself, pursues the merely<br />

omissive queer dissenter Scrooge in Dickens’s Christmas Carol: “‘Keep<br />

Christmas in your own way, and let me keep it in mine,’ Scrooge urges his<br />

nephew, Fred; ‘Keep it!’ the nephew counters, ‘But you don’t keep it.’ ‘Let<br />

me leave it alone, then,’ his exasperated uncle responds” (45). Scrooge has<br />

complained aloud, but it’s not enough that he not complain: nothing would<br />

be enough except his active participation in what everybody is already affirming.<br />

It isn’t a new norm that’s being sought here, only a vacation from<br />

orchestrated affirmation. But from the perspective that has internalized<br />

the coercive point of view, leaving something alone is an aggression toward<br />

it. In contrast, Anne-Lise François expands noninstrumental thought<br />

by bringing forward occasions on which it may not matter whether one affirms<br />

something or not (Open Secrets). François makes the principle of<br />

minimal value I find in Kant and Freud into a principle of humane interpersonal<br />

labor, by which it can never be one’s unilateral job simply to make<br />

oneself known, or simply to provide an awaited endorsement.<br />

The imperative to accept, endorse, and/or affirm things that seem to<br />

45. R. Benjamin Bateman’s review of No Future restores instrumentalism axiomatically,<br />

asserting that the argument “proves insufficient” politically because few readers,<br />

“we can safely assume, want to live in a void or die Antigone’s death.” See “The Future<br />

of Queer Theory,” Minnesota Review 65–66 (2006): 171–175, p. 174.

pretext 33<br />

stand beyond dispute may be understood differently, as a worthy enemy<br />

that is not, finally, more worthy than our feelings are when we feel constrained<br />

by it. One cannot alter inevitabilities, but can release oneself<br />

from hyperboles of affirmation and metaburdens of guilt about wanting<br />

them to be different—another thing from perceiving them as different.<br />

The phenomenophile’s suspensions and imagined suspensions of fact perception<br />

imply critical insight, as though they were proto-assertions of<br />

something that could be coming to be and does not yet have the liabilities<br />

of anything that is. Yet what’s most significant about the phenomenality/<br />

dissatisfaction connection is neither its tacit wish for possibility nor its<br />

negativity per se, but—turning the fact/value conflation around one more<br />

time—its own inherent right to be. We’re within our rights to feel uncomfortable<br />

even with natural inevitabilities, to mind feeling uncomfortable,<br />

and to want to say something about it; and, often, right to wonder whether<br />

we can meet the eye of our neighbor as we think such thoughts. As I mentioned<br />

in connection with Arendt, there are, on the other hand, benefits<br />

that come only through confronting, evaluating, and making public one’s<br />

views about what Arendt always likes to call “the facts.” But that work can<br />

take place amid and beside minding them. Kant and Freud recognize that<br />

getting from A to B—for example, from Coleridge’s state of mind to<br />

Arendt’s—takes a process that Kant calls critique and Freud calls working<br />

through. There is no contradiction between Coleridge’s right to linger as<br />

long as he wishes in phenomenal consolation and Arendt’s satisfaction in<br />

taking on the facts. There is only the paradox of noninstrumental direction:<br />

to achieve a certain state of mind, the best way to set out is to drop<br />

the requirement to get there. 46 Through the realizations of critical reason,<br />

the First Critique makes the judgments of the Third possible—only possible,<br />

not obligatory. To imagine ever sequencing errant looking away and<br />

Arendt’s fully realized, public Erscheinung, it’s actually necessary to refrain<br />

46. Mary Jacobus reflects on D. W. Winnicott’s defense of noncommunication as a<br />

necessary personal resource, and reads Wordsworth’s exploration of similar experiences<br />

of privacy. Wordsworth is remarkable for the scale of his imagination of a mind cavernously<br />

free of objects and available to be filled with its own thoughts. See “Communicating<br />

and Not Communicating: Wordsworth and Winnicott,” in The Poetics of Psychoanalysis:<br />

In the Wake of Klein (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005), 148–169. Thanks to Michelle<br />

Cho for this reference.

34 looking away<br />

from planning that the former give way to the latter: the deconstruction of<br />

instrumentalism is that noninstrumentalism comes first even from an instrumental<br />

perspective.<br />

This right of dissatisfaction with the given world to be there is “the<br />

other of the other”—the other side of the fact/value conflation and its<br />

minimal truth. If the fact/value conflation is minimally valid, as Kant and<br />

Freud hold, we shouldn’t be surprised if it relates to a minimal counterforce<br />

as natural and axiomatic as it is. The spiral of metasuffering that<br />

Freud describes in Civilization and Its Discontents begins by repressing feelings<br />

about minor sufferings because they are minor, because they are ours,<br />

because they are inevitable, because we know or imagine others would<br />

criticize them, or because we’re not sure what the point of being aware of<br />

them is. This is where moralized arguments about appearance and reality<br />

repeatedly end: in a debate not only about whether human life is inherently<br />

painful, but about whether we have a right to mind. If Adorno is<br />

right that we do, the dilemma of moral philosophy is to work through the<br />

discovery that the fact/value conflation and our resistance to its claims<br />

themselves have equal claims to value. The discourse of phenomenality<br />

and dissatisfaction consists of glimmerings of that discovery that surface<br />

only to disappear, doubting their own right to exist.

1<br />

Coleridge among the Spectra<br />

The last thing Coleridge wanted to be called was an empiricist, yet he devoted<br />

hours of his life to minute descriptions of optical illusions, hallucinations,<br />

and sensory oddities—“spectra,” as he calls them. He records occurrences<br />

as ordinary as afterimages of colors, 1 double vision (N 1863, 2632),<br />

double-take (N 2212), and reflections taken as objects (N 1844, 2557,<br />

3159), and as dramatic as flowers on the curtain that turn into faces<br />

(N 2082); “a spectrum, of a Pheasant’s Tail, that altered thro’ various<br />

degredations into round wrinkly shapes” (N 1681); a “spectrum” of his<br />

own thigh that registered touches as luminous white trails (N 1108); and<br />

the apparition of an acquaintance whom he knows not to be in the room.<br />

On the occasion of this last hallucination Coleridge recalls, “I once told a<br />

Lady, the reason why I did not believe in the existence of Ghosts &c was<br />

that I had seen too many of them myself” (N 2583).<br />

1. The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ed. Kathleen Coburn with Merton<br />

Christensen and A. J. Harding, 5 vols. (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957–1990,) 925,<br />

1974, hereafter N.

36 looking away<br />

“Afterimage” is one of the literal meanings of the word “spectrum.”<br />

What Coleridge calls “spectra,” however, are more broadly afterimages,<br />

optical illusions, errors in perception, and very ephemeral visual experiences.<br />

Some of them are what Kant calls “charms,” the stimuli or “attractions”<br />

too fragile to be aesthetic. The meticulousness of Coleridge’s notebook<br />

entries on spectra indicates that Coleridge thought of his enterprise as<br />

a kind of research. 2 It is because Coleridge isn’t a Lockean empiricist that<br />

he is interested in idiosyncratic or illusory appearances that contribute little<br />

to his knowledge; he gathers evidence against overreliance on appearance<br />

by noting every time it misleads. “Often and often I have had similar Experiences,”<br />

he explains, “and therefore resolved to write down the Particulars<br />

whenever they any new instance should occur/as a weapon against Superstition”<br />

(N 2583). Still, Coleridge often sounds as though he doesn’t<br />

quite know why he finds spectra so fascinating—for he is not only intrigued,<br />

but moved. He could fear and love for their own sake mere appearances<br />

that he believed to be insignificant and illusory; complementarily, he could<br />

not always summon fear and love for things that he thought real, pressing,<br />

fearsome, and lovable. His exclamation about the stars and moon in “Dejection:<br />

An Ode”—“I see, not feel, how beautiful they are!” 3 —is exemplary<br />

2. A good example, for patient readers, of Coleridge’s scientific patience is this entry<br />

of 1804: “Tuesday Afternoon, 6 o clock long on my bed within the musquitoe curtain,<br />

which was not drawn by its rings all round the iron rods of the bed, but was within half a<br />

foot or a foot of my face/the curtain muslin with french grass-like Streaks, a little less<br />

than 1 2 an inch broad/divided into three equal parts, the middle red, the 2 outward<br />

green/—As I lay, if I directed my eyes on these streaks, & looked at them, I saw them as<br />

they were/but when I merely lay, & suffered myself to see them only because they were<br />

there, one streak straight before my eye appeared at first to be just by the iron<br />

at the foot of the bed; but in a moment or so the iron rods were all<br />

within the streaks—& by opening voluntarily the pupil of my eyes a little, & rather<br />

thinking of them than looking at them, or to me still more accurately, looking at the<br />

walls of the room, & merely letting the streaks impress my eye, all these streaks fourfold<br />

or more as large as they really were, and much, very much more vivid, lay on the wall up<br />

to the very ceiling, bending up to the very with the wall & ceiling (an which formed an<br />

arch); and the iron rods all distinctly within these/—nay, by rapid glances I could produce<br />

a momentary sensation of the real streaks in their natural size & faintness, & real<br />

situation within the rods that were within these long & vivid Streaks on the wall of the<br />

room—The wall was about just 10 feet from my eyes—a small window right opposite to<br />

my eyes, the curtain about 9 feet or 9 1 4 from it/—” (N 2191).<br />

3. Poetical Works I: Poems (Reading Text), ed. J. C. C. Mays (Princeton: Princeton UP,<br />

2001), 293, hereafter PW.

coleridge among the spectra 37<br />

of the state of mind in question, one long contemplated in the secondary<br />

literature and utterly characteristic of Coleridge.<br />

Coleridge’s generally pleasurable absorption in spectra stands in contrast<br />

to his terror of obsessive thoughts and ideas, memories, and dreams<br />

as opposed to daydreams. Although they may seem similar in that both<br />

seem epistemologically nearly useless—and what’s worse, one may turn<br />

into the other—there is a strong distinction for Coleridge between spectra<br />

and these experiences, which he calls “spectres.” I believe the terminological<br />

distinction between spectra and spectres is intended by Coleridge: although<br />

their contrast is nowhere thematized in the Notebooks, I cannot find<br />

a single instance when he deviates from the pattern (and he was, as we<br />

know, fond of disambiguation). A spectrum (plural: spectra) is a knowing<br />

collaboration with the sensorium; a spectre (plural: spectres) seems to take<br />

place inside the self, lacks visual distance and often even visualizable attributes,<br />

and is involuntary. Spectres are unwelcome, intractable impositions<br />

that might be called internal objects or psychic facts. 4 If Coleridge is<br />

sometimes puzzled by his attraction to spectra, he is even more puzzled<br />

and frustrated by his fear of spectres he doesn’t believe in. “Most men affected<br />

by belief of reality attached to the wild-weed spectres of infantine<br />

nervousness,” he notes in a jotting of 1806, “but I affected by them simply,<br />

& of themselves” (N 2944).<br />

Coleridge’s concerns—his investment in external and internal objects in<br />

whose reality he doesn’t believe and his perplexity about what he should<br />

feel toward them—are not his alone. Phenomenological qualities of derealization<br />

and hyperlucidity have been treated as signatures of the aesthetic<br />

and of ideology. Recent analyses observe that ideology can captivate<br />

while leaving reality testing untouched: the magic of commodity fetishes<br />

and the senseless resilience of cultural prejudices affect many people<br />

simply and of themselves. 5 Various philosophical traditions struggle, as<br />

Coleridge does, to articulate relations to merely apparitional appearances<br />

4. Versions of Coleridge’s questions about spectra echo in psychoanalytic and psychiatric<br />

discussions of dissociation and in the literature of object relations, especially the<br />

work of D. W. Winnicott, Melanie Klein, and Nicholas Abraham and Maria Torok.<br />

Particularly relevant is Winnicott’s Playing and Reality (New York: Basic Books, 1971).<br />

5. See Slavoj ÒiÓek, The Sublime Object of Ideology (London: Verso, 1989). See also<br />

Martin Harries, Scare Quotes from Shakespeare: Marx, Keynes, and the Language of<br />

Reenchantment (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2000).

38 looking away<br />

and intransigent psychic facts. In the history of these struggles, I want to<br />

suggest, the attitudes that thinkers take toward phenomenality recurrently<br />

reveal attitudes toward diffuse, low-level dissatisfaction. In classical skepticism,<br />

dissatisfaction is what we’re supposed to feel toward appearance: the<br />

principle of akatalepsia, the idea that appearance tells nothing about nonappearance,<br />

is often treated as though it meant that appearance told nothing<br />

worth knowing. But too much dissatisfaction with appearance is also<br />

treated with suspicion, this time by realists, on the reasoning that even<br />

skeptics’ mistrust of appearance overvalues it. People who seem to be expecting<br />

something from phenomenality can expect to be accused of expecting<br />

too much.<br />

Too much what? Interest in phenomenality for its own sake is interpreted,<br />

and resented, as a desire to escape the inescapable. Skepticism toward<br />

appearance is resented on complementary grounds, as indicating the<br />

questioner’s queer craving, “against nature,” for more than experience can<br />

give. Behind discomfort on these topics lies the assumption that dissatisfaction<br />

with natural conditions—or with social relations broad enough to<br />

suggest dissatisfaction with natural ones—should not be uttered or perhaps<br />

even felt. The conflict over appearance and reality is a second-order<br />

social conflict about what conflicts it is sociable to have.<br />

Coleridge ponders the social dimensions of epistemological attitudes, as<br />

we can see in his remark about “wild-weed spectres.” In what turns out to<br />

be a frequent association, Coleridge attributes his enthrallment with spectra<br />

and his fear of spectres to something like but worse than the credulity<br />

of children. It’s childlike to attach “belief of reality” to ghosts; it’s worse<br />

than childlike—it’s incomprehensible—not to believe in ghosts and still be<br />

affected by them. Caring about phenomena he doesn’t believe in divides<br />

him from “most men,” Coleridge notes with both pride and exasperation.<br />

Although caring beyond belief shows off his autonomy, demonstrations of<br />

that autonomy, ironically, diminish Coleridge’s credibility with other people,<br />

or so he thinks. The situation can also be read the other way around,<br />

to imply that Coleridge cares about spectra because he feels alienated from<br />

most men in the first place. The circularity of explanations means more<br />

than either explanation alone, since it suggests the mutually constitutive<br />

relation of interpersonal and perceptual experience. While we accept in<br />

theory and yet often ignore the idea that every least perception is also a so-

coleridge among the spectra 39<br />

cial interaction, for Coleridge the interfusion of social and perceptual experiences<br />

is noticeable 24/7. One thing that interests Coleridge in spectra<br />

is their capacity to reflect social coercion negatively, their apparent<br />

freedom from the normative force of fact perceptions. By lavishing his<br />

imagination on spectra, Coleridge suspends perception; but even as spectra<br />

are escapist, they also reveal that the imperative to affirm fact perceptions<br />

constrains social relation, and register discomfort with that<br />

constraint.<br />

Of course, Coleridge explored social interaction in his philosophy and<br />

poetry, especially in his thought about collaboration and his development<br />

of the figure of conversation. His interest in spectra is highest when his<br />

partnership with Wordsworth is also at its height, and functions in part<br />

as a shadow commentary on their rivalry. This commentary appears in<br />

Coleridge’s poetry but more often in his Notebooks, as though his reflections<br />

on spectra were even in their private form alternatives to conversation;<br />

and indeed an association between looking away and fragment or<br />

note form recurs throughout the discourse of phenomenality and dissatisfaction<br />

(we will return to this with Nietzsche and Adorno). The challenge<br />

of the Notebooks is that spectra are more rewarding than the personal<br />

exchanges from which they withdraw. This conclusion reaches further<br />

than the curious misfortunes of Coleridge’s interpersonal life. Coleridge’s<br />

thought about spectra suggests that philosophical denigration of the mode<br />

of appearance—dissatisfaction with appearance—displaces the crucial possibility<br />

that appearance is a mode of expressing and repressing dissatisfaction:<br />

that appearance appears where our hope for communication runs<br />

out. This idea radicalizes Georges Didi-Huberman’s observation that<br />

words and images supplement one another, that “an image often appears<br />

where a word seems to fail, a word often appear where the imagination<br />

seems to fail.” 6 Dissatisfaction is built into the pre-Kantian concept of appearance,<br />

in which the appearing world must be underwritten by an ideal,<br />

eternal one. But what if we made these assumptions, invented appearance,<br />

in order to transfer dissatisfaction to appearance and absorb it there? Since<br />

dissatisfaction with nontragic facts and natural laws seems wayward, even<br />

6. Images in Spite of All: Four Photographs from Auschwitz [2003], trans. Shane B. Lillis<br />

(Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2008), 26.

40 looking away<br />

impossible, 7 it is displaced into attitudes toward our most explicitly contin-<br />

gent perceptions: Schein, fleeting visual phenomena, and the rhetorical trompe<br />

l’oeil of the appearance of appearance. Lingering among the spectra, Cole-<br />

ridge expresses something we do not feel entitled to say because it is so<br />

comprehensive and banal: the world as given leaves a lot to be desired, and we<br />

can neither be reconciled to it nor simply accept our lack of reconciliation.<br />

1. purple haze<br />

Like many people who experience dissociation, Coleridge thought himself<br />

isolated and misunderstood. He ascribed this state of affairs to his<br />

phenomenological and epistemological deviance. The inverse ratio between<br />

Coleridge’s consciousness of his perceptions and his ability to communicate<br />

with others is partly a matter of philosophical taste, as he notes.<br />

Thus Coleridge complains of “the pain I suffer & have suffered, in differing<br />

so from such men, such true men of England, as [. . .], & their affectionate<br />

love of Locke” (N 1418; see also N 3566, N 4605). The dominant<br />

attitude of empiricism, he believes, is only nominally liberal, intolerant of<br />

alternative perspectives. In this context, Coleridge’s plagiarisms of idealists<br />

express his hunger to be in agreement with someone at last. 8<br />

7. Again, the situation is asymmetrical, since satisfaction with the inevitable is permitted:<br />

although it’s supposedly perverse to protest or object to nontragic natural conditions,<br />

it isn’t supposedly perverse to affirm the same conditions. It takes someone as<br />

meticulous as Wittgenstein to be annoyed by pointless affirmation.<br />

8. Tillottama Rajan and Julie Ellison, especially, have pointed out the self-abnegation<br />

in Coleridge’s sociability, a subordination that renders suspect his desire to form happy<br />

alternative families. “The wish for vicarious gratification, in poems written throughout<br />

Coleridge’s career, produces stories of self-exclusion,” Ellison remarks (Delicate Subjects:<br />

Romanticism, Gender, and the Ethics of Understanding [Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990], xii).<br />

Rajan reads Coleridge’s figuration of auditors within the conversation poems as the invocation<br />

of “a surrogate self, through whom the poet must represent himself in a place<br />

where he is not.” Unlike Wordsworth, “Coleridge remains physically isolated from the<br />

being on to whom he projects his own naiveté, able to live his dreams only through another<br />

and at a distance that seems to negate his claim of proximity to this being.” The<br />

distance and miscommunication conveyed by all this conversation, she notes, do not<br />

lead Coleridge to revise his ideal of conversation: “the inversion of the conversation<br />

mode...rather confirms, from a position of complete despair, a vision which Coleridge<br />

is content to celebrate in the mode of exile” (Dark Interpreter: The Discourse of Romanticism<br />

[Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1980], 229–230, 233).

coleridge among the spectra 41<br />

Coleridge views his estrangement from his peers not only as ideological,<br />

but as a necessary consequence of the sort of creature he must be to hold<br />

his beliefs:<br />

And yet I think, I must have some analogon of Genius, because, among<br />

many other things, when I am in company with Mr Sharp, Sir J.<br />

Mackintosh, R. and Sydney Smith, Mr Scarlet, &c &c, I feel like a<br />

Child—nay, rather like an Inhabitant of another Planet—their very<br />

faces act upon me, sometimes as if they were Ghosts, but more often<br />

as if I were a Ghost, among them—at all times, as if we were not<br />

consubstantial. (N 3324)<br />

Coleridge conflates his feelings of depersonalization with his derealized<br />

perceptions and queer sense of being differently embodied; and he associates<br />

all of these ideas with the involuntary state of childhood. 9 Feeling like<br />

a child means living with the possibility of being dominated by another<br />

who may even claim access to one’s mind: if I think you overwhelm my autonomy,<br />

I may of course feel depersonalized, ghostly, and ontologically<br />

different from you. When “a thing acts on me ...aspurely passive,”<br />

Coleridge notes, “I am thinged” (N 3587). The power struggle has its delectations<br />

and plots of reversal, which Coleridge describes in the language<br />

of the sublime: “Ghost of a mountain—the forms seizing my Body as I<br />

passed & became realities—I, a Ghost, till I had reconquered my Substance”<br />

(N 5242). A child feels like, and really is, the plaything of a stronger<br />

being; calling a child’s alienation an “analogon of Genius” only figures<br />

the inequality between child and adult in a positive way, turning ghostliness<br />

into refinement. But how does an adult sitting in a room with his<br />

peers come to feel “act[ed] upon” by “their very faces”?<br />

In a discussion of Swedenborg’s visions, Coleridge opines that effects<br />

of ghostliness are caused by insufficient consciousness of one’s actions.<br />

Swedenborg’s fantasies perhaps “arose out of a voluntary power of so bedimming<br />

or interrupting the impressions of the outward senses as to produce<br />

the same transition of thoughts into things, as ordinarily takes place<br />

on passing into Sleep.” Because the “successive Images and Sounds” pro-<br />

9. For reflections on moments of queer spatial orientation, see Sara Ahmed, Queer<br />

Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others (Durham: Duke UP, 2006).

42 looking away<br />

duced in this way are still “distinguishable from actual impressions ab extra<br />

chiefly by the uniform significancy of the former,” however, and because<br />

the visionary fails to credit himself with the voluntary action that would<br />

account for the high organization of the imagery he experiences, he ascribes<br />

his visions to “a Will or multitude of wills alien from the Will of the<br />

Beholder” (N 3474). At a loss for other explanations, he posits supernatural<br />

presences. 10 By this logic, superstition is a consequence of starting out<br />

from empiricism. If we didn’t believe in the first place that we were passive<br />

receptors of perceptions, we would never make the mistake of looking outside<br />

ourselves to account for them.<br />

This analysis would imply that Coleridge experiences himself in an<br />

attenuated way in the presence of his parlor companions because he “bedim[s]”<br />

certain sensory impressions at the outset. Again, two complementary<br />

explanations, one social and one perceptual, together make one circular<br />

one. We feel attenuated, first, when other people are active and we’re<br />

passive, as in cases involving adults and children; and, second, when we<br />

voluntarily filter out the perception of our activity. One hypothesis as to<br />

why, in turn, we do that is that it offers self-anesthesia in anticipation of<br />

social pain. 11 We would rather see and be ghosts than people because however<br />

frightening ghosts are, they’re safer. The sequence child—alien—<br />

ghost moves through stages of a retreat: “I feel like a Child”; I’d “rather”<br />

feel queer but equal, “like an Inhabitant of another Planet”; I’d really<br />

rather feel “as if I were a Ghost” who, already dead, couldn’t be harmed<br />

and could frighten others. When Coleridge complains that his aberrant<br />

perceptual attitudes cause his isolation, he uses a language of bodily sub-<br />

10. For a similar account of auditory hallucinations, see G. Lynn Stephens and<br />

George Graham, When Self-Consciousness Breaks: Alien Voices and Inserted Thoughts<br />

(Cambridge: MIT P, 2000).<br />

11. Coleridge often describes hope as a kind of dread (N 3547). In his sonnet “Composed<br />

on a Journey Homeward; the Author Having Received Intelligence of the Birth<br />

of His Son, Sept. 20, 1796,” he describes a morbid fantasy that his newborn son is dead<br />

“(As sometimes, through excess of hope, I fear)” (PW 273–274). Coleridge’s idea that<br />

“motives by excess reverse their very nature” (Biographia Literaria, ed. James Engell and<br />

W. Jackson Bate [Princeton: Princeton UP, 1983], 1:303–304) implies that the line in<br />

parentheses could be read “As sometimes, through excess of fear, I hope.” On the reversibility<br />

of affections, see also Thomas Love Peacock, Memoirs of Shelley and Other Essays<br />

and Reviews, ed. Howard Mills (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1970), 110–111.

coleridge among the spectra 43<br />

stance as a correlative for perceptual deviance. In the complementary theory,<br />

his motives run the opposite way: Coleridge is alienated from other<br />

people, so he profits from muting his impressions. Circularly, interpersonal<br />

and perceptual systems present themselves as two sides of a single<br />

surface.<br />

In order for the single surface model to hold, spectra would have to<br />

be more than symptoms of contingent neuroses. They certainly are more<br />

to Coleridge, who casts his experiences with spectra as rediscoveries of a<br />

very primary-sounding capacity to adjust one’s forms of contact with the<br />

world. Although Coleridge reinforces this point every time he praises the<br />

“esemplastic” imagination, it’s easy to underestimate his affection for the<br />

tiny perceptual modulations that indicate the awakening of imagination.<br />

Imagining is as easy as squinting. Bringing a book close to his eye (N<br />

1681), putting on green spectacles and removing them (“O what a lovely<br />

Purple when you pull them off” [N 1974]), are fundamental aesthetic acts<br />

whose uses are familiar to visual artists. Man Ray liked to watch films<br />

“through his fingers, spread to isolate certain parts of the image”; 12 “Sir G.<br />

Beaumont found great advantage in learning to draw from nature thro’<br />

Gause Spectacles,” Coleridge notes (N 1973). We can create a similar effect<br />

anytime: “just half wink your Eyes and look at the Land, it is then all<br />

under water, or with that glossy Unreality which a Prospect has, when<br />

seen thro’ smoke” (N 1844).<br />

In his poems and notebooks Coleridge depicts the production of<br />

Schein-effects out of Erscheinung as effortless, on the model of the wink.<br />

In “To William Wordsworth,” Coleridge portrays himself in infantine<br />

thrall to absorptive pleasure at Wordsworth’s reading of The Prelude (PW<br />

815–819). In a scene narrated in a notebook of 1801, Wordsworth again<br />

plays the adult to Coleridge’s child, but Coleridge subsumes Wordsworth’s<br />

influence into a world of his own vivifaction. At the beginning of the<br />

scene, Coleridge lies “abed” in the afternoon:<br />

Wednesday—Afternoon. Abed—nervous—had noticed the prismatic<br />

colours reflected transmitted from the Tumbler—Wordsworth<br />

12. Robert B. Ray, How a Film Theory Got Lost: And Other Mysteries in Cultural Studies<br />

(Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2001), 26.

44 looking away<br />

came—I talked with him—he left me alone—I shut my eyes—beauteous<br />

spectra of two colors, orange and violet—then of green, which<br />

immediately changed to Peagreen, & then actually grew to my eye<br />

into a beautiful moss, the same as is on the mantle-piece at<br />

Grasmere.—abstract Ideas—& unconscious Links!! (N 925)<br />

From the spectrum of prismatic colors arise “beauteous spectra” of more.<br />

Colors give way to aftercolors, as in the literal meaning of the word “spectra,”<br />

and words generate images and vice versa. The terms of Coleridge’s<br />

description suggest that this is the way things were longer ago than he can<br />

remember. While he is immobilized in the middle of the day in an infantine<br />

fashion (as in “This Lime-Tree Bower, My Prison”), Wordsworth<br />

looks in on him. After the conversation has stirred Coleridge’s associations,<br />

he forms a kind of protopoem of resonances. Green spectra take on<br />

vegetal characteristics that typify the “streaminess” of association (thus<br />

Coleridge also writes of “wild-weed spectres” and perceives “grasslike<br />

Streaks” on his muslin curtains). 13 The vegetation association brings up a<br />

“pea” shade of green, then the animation of associations allegorizes itself<br />

in the transformation of green color into “moss” as at “Gras(s)mere.” 14<br />

The model for contact with others here consists in finding oneself literally<br />

prone to their influence, then elaborately creating distance and context.<br />

Earlier we saw Coleridge identifying with the (relatively) powerless child;<br />

here we see what that child can do. Coleridge sketches his own version of<br />

the growth of the poet’s mind: the infant in his crib mingling thoughts and<br />

colors in free association before autonomy or even vision has fully developed.<br />

15 This radiant virtual environment responds to the mind’s wishes,<br />

13. See N 1770. On Coleridge’s interest in vegetation in connection with his “immersion<br />

in a continual present-tense of pure phenomenality,” see Harold D. Baker,<br />

“Landscape as Textual Practice in Coleridge’s Notebooks,” ELH 59 (1992): 651–670, especially<br />

p. 667.<br />

14. “Mere grass” is a good synonym for imaginary moss.<br />

15. Colors exemplify the nexus of construction and perception in romantic color theory,<br />

since their appearance is context-dependent; Coleridge’s Notebooks show his enjoyment<br />

at being able to change the colors of appearances (N 1974, 2094). Coleridge is<br />

aware of himself as a colorist, even through the similarity of his name to the word<br />

“color.” Of an unnamed person—a painter, or even himself?—he writes, “Women . . .

coleridge among the spectra 45<br />

yet retains many of the values of nature. Marshaling ambiguities of scale,<br />

placement, and cause, spectra offer Coleridge a way to fantasize negotiations<br />

with conditions that seem to admit no possibility of negotiation.<br />

They become images of “freedom in unfreedom.” 16<br />

Coleridge’s musings imply particular psychological motives for entertaining<br />

spectra, as when Coleridge proves himself against the mountain.<br />

“Why do I seek for mountains,” Coleridge asks,<br />

when in the flattest countries the Clouds present so many so much<br />

more romantic and spacious forms, & the coal-fire so many so much<br />

[sic] more varied and lovely forms?—And whence arises the pleasure<br />

from musing on the latter/do I not more or less consciously fancy<br />

myself a Lilliputian, to whom these would be mountains—& so by<br />

this factitious scale make them mountains, my pleasure being consequently<br />

playful, a voluntary poem in hieroglyphics or picture-writing—<br />

“phantoms of Sublimity” which I continue to know to be phantoms?<br />

(N 2402)<br />

A similar constellation of fire, childhood, and animism informs the canonical<br />

lyric “Frost at Midnight.” There Coleridge’s narrator “makes a toy of<br />

Thought” by animating the slip of film that flutters on his fire grate—<br />

surely one of the most indefinite and transient objects ever to be the focus<br />

of a poem (PW 452–456). The notebook entry helps to frame the type of<br />

situation depicted in the poem: Coleridge looks for mountains in coal<br />

fires, forgetting scale to “fancy [him]self a Lilliputian.” He makes a toy of<br />

thought to imagine or remember himself at a size susceptible to being<br />

toyed with. At the same time, to the extent that the coal fire shapes stand<br />

in for memories or idealizations of bigger entities, comparing these entities<br />

to the fire shapes diminishes them. Coleridge is a Gulliver fancying<br />

himself a Lilliputian fancying himself a Gulliver—and so on. Despite their<br />

psychological uses, though, the beauty of Coleridge’s manipulations of ap-<br />

are better judges of his Coloridng, than of his Design & Composition—” (N 4277). To<br />

be mostly color would be to be similarly context-dependent, a chameleon.<br />

16. The phrase is the title of a lecture by Adorno in History and Freedom, trans.<br />

Rodney Livingstone (Cambridge: Polity, 2006), 200–208, hereafter HF.

46 looking away<br />

pearance is that they do not confine him to reshuffling the specific ideas<br />

that trouble him. Spectra may seem to be fancies, but in their repleteness<br />

they are opposed to mechanical recombination. Their coextensiveness<br />

with perception makes them as holistic as any natural phenomenon. Lingering<br />

over a purple afterimage, Coleridge does not thematize the struggle<br />

between child and adult or any other preoccupation, but brings about a<br />

wholesale shift in his way of engaging the world.<br />

On one occasion, Coleridge demonstrates this capacity of phenomenophilia<br />

to his son Hartley:<br />

March 17, 1801. Tuesday—Hartley looking out of my study window<br />

fixed his eyes steadily & for some time on the opposite prospect, &<br />

then said—Will yon Mountains always be?—I shewed him the whole<br />

magnificent Prospect in a <strong>Looking</strong> Glass, and held it up, so that the<br />

whole was like a Canopy or Ceiling over his head, & he struggled to<br />

express himself concerning the Difference between the Thing & the<br />

Image almost with convulsive Effort. (N 923)<br />

Hartley has a question about the most permanent natural facts of the<br />

earth, and seems to yearn for security. A conventional answer might go<br />

something like, “They’ll be there long enough”; answering in this way<br />

pretends to ignore the worry in Hartley’s question, and teaches that one<br />

doesn’t think too hard about this kind of thing. The literal answer is<br />

no, but that too fails to respond to the need implied in the question.<br />

Coleridge’s Zen-like response, bringing a looking glass to warp the landscape,<br />

respects the impetus of Hartley’s question by refraining from<br />

closing it off as either “yes” or “no” would do. Rather, it shows how the experience<br />

leading to the question can be adjusted, rather than erased, by<br />

reframing perception. It’s uncertain whether Hartley gets into the spirit<br />

of Coleridge’s gesture—he seems to take it as another emotional and<br />

epistemological struggle—but the gesture itself reveals Coleridge’s belief<br />

in the ability of self-modified perceptions to shift the terms of what seems<br />

to be given.<br />

In its ability to vary the terms of experience, looking away, like dreams,<br />

resembles art production. Whether one wants to say it is art depends

coleridge among the spectra 47<br />

on how one feels about the peripheral artlikeness of tiny private performances.<br />

Kant and Adorno would say that such performances may be<br />

protoartistic but produce no art (I’ll consider this in Chapter 4).<br />

Coleridge, however, goes so far as to call the coal fire fantasy “a voluntary<br />

poem in ...picture-writing.” The metaphor of hieroglyphics—Freud’s<br />

metaphor for dreams—assimilates controlled perception, as in lucid<br />

dreaming, to the externalization of thoughts in writing, as though what<br />

Coleridge saw when he looked at the fire were his writing about it. Writing<br />

the account of a spectrum, too, is a final way of prolonging it. “I make<br />

this note ...topreserve the circumstance,” Coleridge writes of a double<br />

image of a single candle (N 1863). While all writing is intended to preserve<br />

a circumstance, Coleridge’s propensity to time spectra gives his common<br />

phrase an uncommon resonance. One of the appeals of always writing<br />

something is that writing comes to frame all other relations, and<br />

provides an index to appearance that seems to qualify its factive authority<br />

and loosen the perceiver’s obligation to it. (Of his hashish experiences,<br />

Walter Benjamin observes, “perhaps it is only for this reason that so much<br />

of what one sees presents itself as ‘arranged,’ as ‘experiment’—so that one<br />

can laugh about it” [On Hashish, 20]). Of course, the relief of spectra is fed<br />

by social dilemmas; their freedom is valuable in proportion to the problematic<br />

relations they momentarily suspend. “Like the Gossamer Spider,<br />

we may float upon air and seem to fly in mid heaven,” Coleridge remarks,<br />

“but we have spun the slender Thread out of our own fancies, & it is always<br />

fastened to something below” (N 2166).<br />

Coleridge locates the virtue of spectra especially in their consensual<br />

quality. When he comes upon spectra he is eager to log, he plays with<br />

them and extends them. He savors them, confirming his participation<br />

in their appearance, and often notes how long a spectrum lasts. A dose<br />

of “Castor Oil in Gin & Water” helps to bring on a double image of<br />

Coleridge’s seal “exactly as if seen thro’ a common Reading-glass”; notable<br />

in this event, Coleridge writes, is that “I saw and (after noticing the<br />

circumstance) still continued to see it, like a fixed reality not dependent<br />

on my will, without dimness or swimmingness of Vision” (N 2632). In<br />

another incident he experiments with the lines of sight that support “a<br />

phantom of [his] face upon the night cap which lay just on [his] pillow.”

48 looking away<br />

It “came only as my head was bent low,” he observes; “I moved the Night<br />

Cap and lost it/the night cap & the associations” (N 1751). 17 Another time,<br />

a chasm opens between Coleridge’s bed and chest of drawers and the wallpaper<br />

pattern grows larger and more vivid:<br />

As I gazed at this, I again voluntarily threw myself into introversive<br />

Reflections, & again produced the same Enlargement of Shapes &<br />

Distances and the same increase of vividness—but all seemed to be<br />

seen thro’ a very thin glaceous mist—thro’ an interposed Mass of Jelly<br />

of the most exquisite subtlety & transparency. But my reason for noting<br />

this is—the fact, in my second & voluntary production of this Vision<br />

I retained it as long as I like, nay, bent over with my body &<br />

looked down into the wide Interspace between the Bed & Chest of<br />

Drawers, & the papered Wall, without destroying the Delusion/—<br />

then started my eyes & something [. . .] of the Brain behind the<br />

eyes started or jirked them forward, and all was again as in common./<br />

The power of acting on a delusion, according to the Delusion, without<br />

dissolving it/—carry this on into a specific Disease of this Kind—<br />

Prophets, &c— (N 3280)<br />

Coleridge’s cultivation of spatial distortion and hyperintensity through<br />

“voluntary production” and as long as he likes—at least, as long as he likes<br />

until it suddenly ends—is both a suspensive pleasure and a redramatization<br />

of perception as an epistemological problem that reminds him to be vigilant<br />

about the disease of credulity. Associating the Schein of the chasm he<br />

knows isn’t there with the absorption of delusional people in their visions,<br />

Coleridge plays on the edge of becoming a person who lives his Schein as<br />

Erscheinung. He remains aware, however, of the difference between himself<br />

and the “Prophets, &c,” 18 and shows no mixed feelings about the<br />

17. Peter Schwenger argues that Coleridge’s study of spectra leads him to discover<br />

that “dynamics of the framing process. ...[generate] vision ...whether it be the<br />

hypnagogic substratum made visible, or the shapes of the real world” (Fantasm and Fiction:<br />

On Textual Envisioning [Stanford: Stanford UP, 1999], 160n36).<br />

18. On Coleridge’s distinction between mystics and visionaries, enthusiasts and fanatics,<br />

see David Vallins, “The Feeling of Knowledge: Insight and Delusion in<br />

Coleridge,” ELH 64 (1997): 157–187.

coleridge among the spectra 49<br />

undesirability of what is for Kant the ultimate error—accepting Schein as<br />

Erscheinung, contrary to evidence. Such a belief would be evidenced by<br />

“acting on” the delusion, “according to the delusion.” As long as a spectrum<br />

lasts, then, Coleridge practices withholding his belief from it, even<br />

when it is “like a fixed reality” (N 2632). Sustaining a perception as long as<br />

he likes until it stops may seem like a contradiction, but it makes sense that<br />

Coleridge appreciates both dependence and independence in mere appearances.<br />

Fastened by threads to forces more fundamental than themselves,<br />

they nonetheless better display the mind’s competence in reality<br />

testing the more they can seem to have lives of their own—“outness”—and<br />

still be mere appearances. They can and should come vanishingly close to<br />

normal appearances.<br />

Logically, spectra need to remain distinct from ordinary appearances<br />

(in Coleridge’s vocabulary, “impressions”) in order to retain their advantage<br />

as releases from the imperative to affirmation instated by the fact/<br />

value conflation. Of course, if a spectrum ever were identical to an impression,<br />

Coleridge would never know it. Interestingly, he doesn’t worry about<br />

it; he never asks whether an impression is actually a spectrum—whether<br />

Erscheinung is actually Schein. In the meditation on Swedenborg mentioned<br />

above, Coleridge notes that spectra are “distinguishable from actual<br />

impressions ab extra chiefly by the uniform significancy of the former, and<br />

by the absence of that apparent contingency and promiscuous position of<br />

Objects by which Nature or the World of the bodily sense is discriminated”<br />

(N 3474). Even if one accepts that spectra possess this distinction,<br />

by Coleridge’s own logic they achieve their maximum impact when the<br />

line of discrimination is “infra-thin.” 19 Fetishizing the fragility of spectral<br />

self-consciousness itself, Coleridge praises the “interposed ...Jelly” of his<br />

self-created atmosphere for “its most exquisite subtlety and transparency.”<br />

Still, when Coleridge transcribes spectra “as a weapon against Superstition,”<br />

he has in mind some harm that would ensue if spectra were<br />

ontologized. “What if instead of immediately checking the sight and then<br />

19. Thierry de Duve develops Duchamp’s concept of the “infra-thin” nominalistic<br />

line drawn by aesthetic judgment (Pictorial Nominalism: On Marcel Duchamp’s Passage<br />

from Painting to the Readymade [1984], trans. Dana Polan [Minneapolis: U of Minnesota<br />

P, 1991]), 159–161.

2<br />

Appearance and Acceptance<br />

in Kant<br />

As a self-help book for victims of transcendental illusion, Kant’s Critique<br />

of Pure Reason achieved mixed results. Coleridge, De Quincey, Kleist,<br />

Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche are among the many who register the failure<br />

of Kantian comfort to soothe the nervous mind. Stanley Cavell remarks,<br />

“you don’t ...have to be a romantic to feel sometimes about<br />

[Kant’s] settlement: Thanks for nothing.” 1 “Thanks for nothing” is in fact<br />

close to Kant’s own point. As a project of reconciliation to the world, the<br />

Critique of Pure Reason asks what it means to accept necessary limits; what<br />

counts as acceptance (it may be less than thanks) and what counts as necessity<br />

are both at issue. From the point of view of acceptance, I’ll suggest,<br />

Kant’s notoriously narrow definitions of the indispensable make for relatively<br />

light—that is, strictly delimited—obligations to value.<br />

Kant views these obligations as so light that he has been interpreted as<br />

1. In Quest of the Ordinary: Lines of Skepticism and Romanticism (Chicago: U of Chicago<br />

P, 1988), 31.

74 looking away<br />

severing fact from value altogether; so light that he himself sometimes discounts<br />

them. Kant’s figures for the distinction between understanding and<br />

reason, “is” and “ought”—an abyss, a chasm, etc.—seem to name the structural<br />

axis of the critical system. It goes without saying that for Kant, free<br />

moral and aesthetic judgments are different in kind from causal and cognitive<br />

mechanisms. Still, the assumption that organizes Kant’s project and<br />

has been read as nearly splitting it apart—that any truly causal connection<br />

between fact and value cannot at the same time be a free judgment—also<br />

implies the positive conclusion that only something ambiguously quasicausal<br />

and quasi-free could connect fact and value. If it existed, such a thing<br />

would blur the inner edges of “fact” and “value.” This ambiguous something<br />

does exist in the critical project. Fact and value blend in what must<br />

look, from the perspective of freedom, like a quasi-value, a value hardly<br />

worthy of the name. Value of this dubious, quasi-causal sort is carried by<br />

fact perception. In the Third Critique Kant calls it “objective liking.” 2<br />

I’ve contended that because the coercion of fact perception is hard to<br />

take, that is, because it seems to require an endorsement that we don’t<br />

want to deliver, it becomes appealing to flee from fact perception into<br />

phenomenophilia, which sidesteps it, and that many post-critical romantic<br />

texts are phenomenophilic in this sense. The Critique of Judgment is, in a<br />

way, another of these texts—the most organized, positive, and integrative<br />

of them. 3 In the Third Critique Kant seeks a noncoercive, fully subjective<br />

alternative to objective liking, and finds it in aesthetic reflective judgments<br />

of taste. In retrospect, however, Kant’s trajectory from the First to the<br />

Third Critique obscures the alternative therapeutics of acceptance presented<br />

by objective liking in the First Critique. Although objective liking<br />

does not imply a basis for noncoercive, optional community, it does con-<br />

2. Critique of Judgment [1790], trans. Werner S. Pluhar (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987),<br />

210, 366, hereafter CJ.<br />

3. Meanwhile, in the sciences a concern to explain what produces fact perception<br />

drives theoretical and experimental optics in the post-Kantian era. Timothy Lenoir discusses<br />

in this context Helmholtz’s empiricist theory of perception, in which “nothing is<br />

given in the act of perception” itself and what analytic philosophy calls fact perceptions<br />

are achieved by learning and conditioning. See “Operationalizing Kant: Manifolds,<br />

Models and Mathematics in Helmholtz’s Theories of Perception,” in The Kantian Legacy<br />

in Nineteenth-Century Science, ed. Michael Friedman and Alfred Nordmann (Cambridge:<br />

MIT P, 2006), 141–210, p. 143.

appearance and acceptance in kant 75<br />

stitute minimal acceptance of nonoptional reality and is the precondition<br />

for anything more affirmative. Objective liking is at least as significant as<br />

aesthetic reflective judgment, and necessary to aesthetic reflective judgment,<br />

which, to be free, must be free to follow or not. The function of fact<br />

perception in the critical system is overlooked because it is so prosaic that<br />

no one wants to look for it: tangential to the sphere of free thought, touching<br />

it at a single point, the value of fact as such is a thing of no circumference.<br />

Yet it is important to notice this fact of minimal fact value: as though<br />

reenacting a discovery of the reality principle, such a realization approximates<br />

an apprehension of the meaning of “reality” itself. The First Critique<br />

suggests that concluding by reason that seeming limits really are inevitable<br />

already constitutes a minimal, quasi-subjective endorsement of<br />

them, and that this minimal endorsement completes our obligation to accept<br />

the given world (in the new Kantian sense in which the given includes<br />

one’s own cognitive structures). To the extent that we can realize that we<br />

have already fulfilled this obligation—understand that we have already<br />

paid the entrance fee for life on Earth—we can know that our value judgments<br />

are voluntary: what is beyond is “free.”<br />

The principle of minimal fact value afforded by the First Critique is a<br />

major contribution to the literature of world-acceptance. When we keep<br />

this principle in mind, the unfinished business of the critical system is not<br />

how to connect fact and value—since they are already connected at a single<br />

point—but how to get from minimal value, which is obligatory and<br />

quasi, to a value judgment that is robust. While there is a chasm in the<br />

critical system, then, it’s smaller than one might think, and placed between<br />

acceptance (objective liking) and active affirmation (subjective liking). It<br />

surprises me to say it, but I’ve come to believe that this conclusion makes<br />

for a new interpretation of the relation between the First and Third Critiques,<br />

a relation made possible by Kant’s not taking acceptance of the<br />

given for granted in the first place. In part 4 of this chapter I’ll give some<br />

thought to Kant’s consideration of the contrast between objective liking<br />

and aesthetic reflective judgments in the Critique of Judgment. I’ll begin,<br />

however, by reading the First Critique on its own, less with an eye toward<br />

the eventual development of the aesthetic than with attention to the role<br />

of appearance in producing a version of reconciliation to the given world<br />

particular to the First Critique. In the Critique of Pure Reason, the question

76 looking away<br />

of necessity and acceptance leads through appearance, in the form of obligations<br />

to and freedoms from value that arise through necessary and contingent<br />

appearances.<br />

1. from mere to necessary appearance<br />

What makes the First Critique’s solution to world-acceptance and responses<br />

to it peculiar is that both filter their attitudes toward acceptance<br />

through attitudes toward appearance and vice versa. Appearances—normal,<br />

replete Erscheinungen—are what Kant first asks us to accept. So, one<br />

of the unintended effects of the First Critique is to intensify attention to<br />

the forms of appearance marginalized by the First Critique—for instance,<br />

the optical illusions Coleridge records in his notebooks, or the ocular<br />

afterburns, “sparks of fire,” and “spectres of light” that populate Goethe’s<br />

Theory of Colors. 4<br />

For Goethe, timing the duration of afterimages, measuring conditions<br />

for “subjective halos,” and the like (Theory of Colors, §§89–100) form part<br />

of a straightforwardly post-Kantian exploration of perceptual infrastructure.<br />

Filled with the critical jargon of “exhibit[ion] ...inanunbroken series”<br />

and “demands [for] completeness” (lvi, §60), Goethe’s Theory of Colors<br />

aspires to be a Critique of colors—to show “the circumstances under which<br />

they simply appear and are, and beyond which no further explanation of<br />

them is possible” (lviii). Unlike Goethe, Coleridge isn’t sure he is being as<br />

good a Kantian as he’d like to be. Kant emphasizes recognizable appearances<br />

as end products of successful cognition; Coleridge pursues exotic,<br />

transient images and associates them with deviance and procrastination.<br />

Kant assures us that many optical and logical illusions are normal and inevitable;<br />

Coleridge feels guilty about being interested in illusions for their<br />

own sake, even when he knows they are normal and inevitable. It isn’t un-<br />

Kantian for Coleridge to be affected by illusions; it’s un-Kantian for him<br />

to continue to mind being affected after Kant has explained why he must<br />

be, because Kant’s explanation of transcendental illusion is supposed in itself<br />

to be ameliorating.<br />

4. Theory of Colors [1810], trans. Charles Lock Eastlake (Cambridge: MIT P, 1970),<br />


appearance and acceptance in kant 77<br />

Thus, Kant’s establishment of appearance and necessary illusion as the<br />

realm of normalcy and proper frame of human life infuses abnormal<br />

appearance and contingent illusion with rebellious appeal. An eccentric,<br />

rarefied image now comes forward, figured as more eccentric and more<br />

rarefied than images used to have to be—De Quincey’s Spectre of the<br />

Brocken is a stellar example. The optical illusions that Coleridge tracks<br />

in his Notebooks often do and sometimes don’t conform to the normal appearances<br />

and necessary illusions that Kant carefully includes within the<br />

bounds of benign human perception. Whether they do or don’t, however,<br />

Coleridge, as a good reader of Kant, faces—or believes he faces—the new<br />

problem of having to figure out whether a perception is his fault or not.<br />

This obligation arises for the very reason that Kant urges us not to feel<br />

guilty about perceptions that aren’t our fault.<br />

In and after Kant, then, several varieties of appearance are available, including<br />

some new ones. There is still the traditional sense that appearance<br />

is always mere appearance, an obstacle to knowledge and immediacy; and<br />

there is Kant’s new sense of positive, normal Erscheinung. There are<br />

stable, explicable optical illusions, which are the heuristic model for normal<br />

appearance; and there are special cases of illusion, truly florid or exotic,<br />

that take on the burden of deviance which appearance in general used<br />

to bear.<br />

It is these rogue illusions to which Kant refers when he starts his discussion<br />

of appearance with the proviso that “we are not here concerned with<br />

empirical (e.g. optical) illusion” (CPR A295/B352). To distinguish the<br />

kinds of illusions that do concern him, Kant deploys fault and right. 5<br />

Anomalous illusions can reveal nothing very important, since they are<br />

happenstance mistakes “in the empirical employment of rules of under-<br />

5. “Fault” (Schuld) and “right” (Recht) are not exactly opposites; the opposite of<br />

Recht is Unrecht, injustice. If you don’t have a right, what you have instead isn’t anything<br />

at all, but only a lack of right. The opposite of a fault, too, would seem to be less<br />

something positive than faultlessness, that is, freedom from fault. But for Kant, I’ll suggest,<br />

freedom from fault is a positive right that may be held subjectively; it is the very<br />

model of right.

appearance and acceptance in kant 77<br />

Thus, Kant’s establishment of appearance and necessary illusion as the<br />

realm of normalcy and proper frame of human life infuses abnormal<br />

appearance and contingent illusion with rebellious appeal. An eccentric,<br />

rarefied image now comes forward, figured as more eccentric and more<br />

rarefied than images used to have to be—De Quincey’s Spectre of the<br />

Brocken is a stellar example. The optical illusions that Coleridge tracks<br />

in his Notebooks often do and sometimes don’t conform to the normal appearances<br />

and necessary illusions that Kant carefully includes within the<br />

bounds of benign human perception. Whether they do or don’t, however,<br />

Coleridge, as a good reader of Kant, faces—or believes he faces—the new<br />

problem of having to figure out whether a perception is his fault or not.<br />

This obligation arises for the very reason that Kant urges us not to feel<br />

guilty about perceptions that aren’t our fault.<br />

In and after Kant, then, several varieties of appearance are available, including<br />

some new ones. There is still the traditional sense that appearance<br />

is always mere appearance, an obstacle to knowledge and immediacy; and<br />

there is Kant’s new sense of positive, normal Erscheinung. There are<br />

stable, explicable optical illusions, which are the heuristic model for normal<br />

appearance; and there are special cases of illusion, truly florid or exotic,<br />

that take on the burden of deviance which appearance in general used<br />

to bear.<br />

It is these rogue illusions to which Kant refers when he starts his discussion<br />

of appearance with the proviso that “we are not here concerned with<br />

empirical (e.g. optical) illusion” (CPR A295/B352). To distinguish the<br />

kinds of illusions that do concern him, Kant deploys fault and right. 5<br />

Anomalous illusions can reveal nothing very important, since they are<br />

happenstance mistakes “in the empirical employment of rules of under-<br />

5. “Fault” (Schuld) and “right” (Recht) are not exactly opposites; the opposite of<br />

Recht is Unrecht, injustice. If you don’t have a right, what you have instead isn’t anything<br />

at all, but only a lack of right. The opposite of a fault, too, would seem to be less<br />

something positive than faultlessness, that is, freedom from fault. But for Kant, I’ll suggest,<br />

freedom from fault is a positive right that may be held subjectively; it is the very<br />

model of right.

78 looking away<br />

standing that are otherwise correct” (A295/B352). In contrast, the appearances<br />

we normally experience are no “mere illusion[s]”:<br />

when I say that the intuition of outer objects and the self-intuition of<br />

the mind alike represent the objects and the mind, in space and in<br />

time, as they affect our senses, that is, as they appear, I do not mean to<br />

say that these objects are a mere illusion [Schein]. For in an appearance<br />

the objects, nay even the properties that we ascribe to them, are<br />

always regarded as something actually given. ...When I maintain<br />

that the quality of space and of time, in conformity with which, as a<br />

condition of their existence, I posit both bodies and my own soul, lies<br />

in my mode of intuition and not in those objects in themselves, I am<br />

not saying that bodies merely seem [scheinen] to be outside me, or<br />

that my soul only seems to be given in my self-consciousness. It would<br />

be my own fault, if out of that which I ought to reckon as appearance, I<br />

made mere illusion [Es wäre meine eigene Schuld, wenn ich aus dem,<br />

was ich zur Erscheinung zählen sollte, bloßen Schein machte]. (B69–<br />

70; my italics)<br />

Kant’s introduction of “fault” here sounds the keynote of the First Critique:<br />

it’s no exaggeration to say that the mission of the First Critique is to<br />

absolve human beings, and specifically human reason, of blame for the<br />

transcendental illusions. This mission statement appears in the famous<br />

first sentences of Kant’s preface to the first edition:<br />

human reason has this peculiar fate that in one species of its knowledge<br />

it is burdened by questions which, as prescribed by the very nature<br />

of reason itself, it is not able to ignore, but which, as transcending<br />

all its powers, it is not able to answer.<br />

The perplexity into which it thus falls is not due to any fault [Schuld]<br />

of its own. (Aviii)<br />

As we’ll see, ordinary appearances will be distinguished by associated qualities<br />

of regularity and innocence. In appearance “the objects...arealways<br />

regarded as something actually given”; “appearance without anything that<br />

appears” would be “absurd” (Bxxvii, Bxxvi). While an appearance with

appearance and acceptance in kant 79<br />

no relation to consciousness could never appear in the first place, 6 the ap-<br />

pearances we do perceive need to be synthesized, and are synthesized, by<br />

the imagination (A120), which, acting through the senses, “combine[s]<br />

[impressions] so as to generate images of objects” for the understanding<br />

(A120n). “If the synthesis of the manifold of appearance is interrupted,”<br />

appearance breaks into fragments (A170/B212). “A pure imagination ...<br />

is thus one of the fundamental faculties” (A124), since “otherwise” the<br />

senses, “though indeed yielding appearances, would supply no objects of<br />

empirical knowledge” (A124). The senses and/or imagination may malfunction<br />

and present errant appearances, “illusory representations to<br />

which the objects do not correspond, the deception being attributable<br />

sometimes to a delusion of the imagination (in dreams) and sometimes to<br />

an error of judgment (in so-called sense-deception)” (A376). If ordinary<br />

appearances are achievements of imaginative synthesis, then “illusory representations”<br />

are symptoms of sensory or imaginary disorder or errors of<br />

judgment. It’s “my own fault”—that is, the fault of a defective or misused<br />

imagination and/or understanding—if I render what could have been perceptions<br />

as illusions. The fact that a physical failing, as well as an error in<br />

judgment, may be responsible for a mistake in perception doesn’t necessarily<br />

mute the moralization of blame. As the social history of sexuality<br />

shows, blame can be cast upon a deviant body even when its flaws are involuntary,<br />

and the close proximity in Kant’s text of errors in imagination<br />

and errors in judgment invites the reader to remember that history.<br />

Unlike the blunders of substandard sense organs or imagination, the<br />

transcendental illusions of reason—for instance, my conviction that I<br />

ought to be able to solve a problem I can never solve—are not my fault. I<br />

can tell they are not my fault because they are so consistent and virulent.<br />

6. As Lewis White Beck points out, at one point Kant writes startlingly that “appearances<br />

might very well be so constituted that the understanding should not find them to<br />

be in accordance with the principles of its unity. Everything might be in such confusion,<br />

for instance, in the series of appearances that nothing presented itself which might yield<br />

a rule of synthesis and so answer the conception of cause and effect” (A89–90/B122–<br />

123, quoted in Beck, “Did the Sage of Königsberg Have No Dreams?,” in Kant’s Critique<br />

of Pure Reason: Critical Essays, ed. Patricia Kitcher [Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield,<br />

1988], 103–116, pp. 103–104). Beck shows that in the second edition of the<br />

First Critique and in the Prologomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Kant makes efforts to<br />

countermand this assertion, which should be a contradiction in terms by his logic.

80 looking away<br />

Transcendental illusion [Schein] distinguishes itself from mere illusion—<br />

empirical or logical—by intransigence of effect: it “does not cease even after<br />

it has been detected and its invalidity clearly revealed” (A297/B35). As<br />

Michelle Grier points out, Kant insists that “although the illusions that<br />

ground the metaphysical errors are, in each case, ‘unavoidable’ and ‘necessary,’<br />

the subsequent errors (fallacies) are not.” 7 Kant can maintain both<br />

that the transcendental illusions are “inevitable” and that he can help us<br />

avoid their ill effects.<br />

It is at this point, to secure the contrast between contingent and inevitable<br />

illusion, that Kant brings necessary empirical (optical) illusions in, for<br />

they are marked by the same merciful regularity that allows us to adjust for<br />

them. Inevitable optical phenomena offer precedent for precisely the distinction<br />

between illusion and self-deception:<br />

We...take the subjective necessity of a connection of our concepts,<br />

which is to the advantage of the understanding, for an objective necessity<br />

in the determination of things in themselves. This is an illusion<br />

[Illusion] which can no more be prevented than we can prevent the<br />

sea appearing higher at the horizon than at the shore, since we see it<br />

through higher light rays; or to cite a still better example, than the astronomer<br />

can prevent the moon from appearing large at its rising, although<br />

he is not deceived by this illusion. ...That the illusion<br />

should, like logical illusion, actually disappear and cease to be an illusion,<br />

is something which transcendental dialectic can never be in a<br />

position to achieve. For here we have to do with a natural and inevitable<br />

illusion, which rests on subjective principles, and foists them upon<br />

us as objective; whereas logical dialectic in its exposure of deceptive<br />

inferences has to do merely with an error in the following out of principles,<br />

or with an illusion artificially created in imitation of such inferences.<br />

There exists, then, a natural and unavoidable dialectic of pure<br />

reason—not one in which a bungler might entangle himself through<br />

lack of knowledge, or one which some sophist has artificially invented<br />

to confuse thinking people, but one inseparable from human reason,<br />

and which, even after its deceptiveness has been exposed, will not<br />

7. Kant’s Doctrine of Transcendental Illusion (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001), 304.

82 looking away<br />

doesn’t have to be a “bungler” or a “sophist” to be taken in by transcendental<br />

illusion clears us of shame and guilt respectively—and hence<br />

implies that shame and guilt are what we might be feeling. Since “even<br />

the wisest of men” “will never be able to free himself from the illusion<br />

[Schein], which unceasingly mocks and torments him” (A339/B397),<br />

Kant’s text calls on the reader to discriminate erroneous thinking and<br />

looking from judging and acting on the basis of erroneous thoughts and<br />

looks. The thinking/judging distinction recalls Stoic theories of mental<br />

consent to interior states, with their implication that moral life consists in<br />

self-correction. Unlike Kant’s later texts, however, the First Critique escapes<br />

the anxious hypervigilance of self-correction. Correction will be<br />

necessary, but most of all the point is that life will be easier if we don’t berate<br />

ourselves for being unable to keep unwilled thoughts and perceptions<br />

from arising in the first place. Kant’s calming appeal to “natural tendency”<br />

(A642/B670) has a familiar ring to contemporary ears: we know it from the<br />

psychiatric discourse of illness, addiction, and, most relevantly, homosexuality.<br />

10 The wisest of men cannot prevent the mental manifestations of<br />

these things from occurring, either, any more “than the astronomer can<br />

prevent the moon from appearing large at its rising.”<br />

It may seem odd to attribute psychological permissiveness to Kant, the<br />

inventor of the categorical imperative. But therapeutic discourse, too,<br />

means to ease responsibility by talk of “clear boundaries.” Kant exploits the<br />

convenience of boundaries methodologically when he asserts that philosophers<br />

“are not called upon to incur any responsibility through unnecessary<br />

undertakings from which we can be relieved” (A241). And in the psycho-<br />

able for its absence of lamentation. A similar view is shared by H. W. Cassirer, who<br />

opines that Kant’s feeling “that it would not even be desirable if we possessed any<br />

knowledge other than that which we actually do possess....goes to show that the metaphysical<br />

temperament proper is lacking in him” (Kant’s First Critique: An Appraisal of the<br />

Permanent Significance of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason [London: Allen & Unwin,<br />

1954], 236).<br />

10. On the covalence of historical logics for homosexuality and addiction, see Eve<br />

Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet (Berkeley: U of California P, 1990), 172; on the historical<br />

conjuncture of recreational drugs and romantic literature, see Marcus Boon, The<br />

Road of Excess (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2002). On the queer Kant, see Andrew<br />

Cutrofello, Discipline and Critique: Kant, Poststructuralism, and the Problem of Resistance<br />

(Albany: State U of New York P, 1994), and David L. Clark, “Kant’s Aliens: The Anthropology<br />

and Its Others,” CR: The New Centennial Review 1 (2001): 201–289.

appearance and acceptance in kant 83<br />

logical as opposed to moral realm, he demands little, refusing to prescribe<br />

thoughts and feelings. Kant regulates the self by maxims rather than by<br />

seeking to strengthen its capacities; he accepted depression and hypochondria<br />

as part of his personality—“staying-at-home à la Kant,” Nietzsche<br />

called it (WP §444)—and considered himself, in his own words, “healthy<br />

in a weak way.” 11 About his own character Kant wrote to Moses Mendelssohn<br />

that “there may be flaws that even the most steadfast determination<br />

cannot eradicate completely” (quoted in Kuehn, Kant, 172). 12 This is not<br />

the Kant of the moral writings. The psychology of the First Critique is peripheral,<br />

something that winds up in the text as Kant tackles epistemology;<br />

when Kant notices the tacit psychological laxity of the First Critique, he<br />

supplements its laissez-faire implications with overt moral schemes.<br />

3. the right to a phenomenal world<br />

When the moon rises in Kant’s text, inevitable empirical illusion comes<br />

into its own, separating from contingent empirical illusion to become the<br />

standard of normal appearance13 and benign illusion (for it is both). The<br />

11. Quoted in Manfred Kuehn, Kant: A Biography (Cambridge: Cambridge UP,<br />

2001), 172.<br />

12. In his lectures on moral philosophy, Kant opines that when it comes to interpersonal<br />

relations these flaws cannot participate: “Even to our best friend, we must not discover<br />

ourselves as we naturally are and know ourselves to be, for that would be a nasty<br />

business” (Lectures on Ethics, trans. Peter Heath, eds. Peter Heath and J. B. Schneewind<br />

[Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997], 188). The implication is that one would have to<br />

turn for self-expression to experiences that cannot be imagined to be shared with another<br />

person. For subtle commentary on this remark, see Candace Vogler, “Sex and<br />

Talk,” in Intimacy, ed. Lauren Berlant (Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2000), 48–85; for consideration<br />

of Kantian sexuality in the Ethics in general, see Lara Denis, “Kant on the<br />

Wrongness of ‘Unnatural Sex,’” History of Philosophy Quarterly 16 (1999): 225–248. Also<br />

compare Kant, “On the Power of the Mind to Master Its Morbid Feelings by Sheer<br />

Resolution,” in The Conflict of the Faculties, trans. Mary J. Gregor and Robert Anchor, in<br />

Religion and Rational Theology, ed. Allen W. Wood and George di Giovanni (Cambridge:<br />

Cambridge UP, 1996), 233–327. Clark observes, “What is curious about this essay is<br />

that it ends by pointing out the inability and finally unwillingness of the mind to master<br />

its morbid feelings, a slippage that might remind us that the negative attention of refusal<br />

or abstraction is a leaving out which is never complete—why else would it demand<br />

such incessant reiteration?” (“Kant’s Aliens,” 271).<br />

13. P. F. Strawson questions this reality of real appearance: “what sort of truth about<br />

ourselves is it, that we appear to ourselves in a temporal guise? Do we really so appear

84 looking away<br />

moon really does appear large; we can’t make it appear small by changing<br />

our position, squinting, or reading astronomy. If it’s hard to be dissatisfied<br />

with the moon, which is beautiful in every changing shape, perhaps that’s<br />

because the only relation we want to have to it is the only one we can have,<br />

namely, looking at it. 14 The moon is a good figure for the satisfaction that<br />

consciousness of appearance affords, one that shows how its appeal lies in<br />

its not threatening to overwhelm—in there not having to be more.<br />

Thus Kant’s language of boundaries and rights comes together with the<br />

discourse of appearance and reality to make room for the odd notion of a<br />

right to appearance. 15 We have a right to no more than appearance—to<br />

to ourselves or only appear to ourselves so to appear to ourselves? . . . But now what<br />

does ‘really do appear’ mean? The question is unanswerable; the bounds of intelligibility<br />

have been traversed, by any standard” (The Bounds of Sense: An Essay on Kant’s Critique<br />

of Pure Reason [1966][London: Routledge, 1989], 39). This new notion of real<br />

appearance comes to dominate post-Enlightenment realism. Thus Ian Hacking writes<br />

that Thomas Kuhn’s nominalism is not “very strict”—it is informed by realism—because<br />

for Kuhn “the anomalies [in a scientific description] ‘really’ do have to seem to be<br />

resolved in order for a revolutionary achievement to be recognized” (Historical Ontology<br />

[Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2002], 40).<br />

14. There are now legal arguments about property rights to astronomical objects,<br />

which would make it possible to resent them.<br />

15. Obviously Kant’s project is built on legal metaphors. Kant describes the Critique<br />

itself as “a tribunal which will assure to reason its lawful claims [gerechten<br />

Ansprüchen]” (CPR Axi) by investigating “in what way and by what right [Recht] reason<br />

has come into possession” of its concepts (Bxxxv). Kant specifies several rights of<br />

faculties, sometimes using the term “claim,” but associating the two terms, as when he<br />

writes of “all the rights and claims [Rechte und Ansprüchen] of speculation” (A669/<br />

B697). Logically first, reason has a right to a fair tribunal: thus Kant defends the part of<br />

the Critique that might seem, as method, most controversial—the staged conflict of<br />

antinomy: “no one can be blamed for, much less prohibited from, presenting for trial<br />

the two opposing parties . . . before a jury of like standing with themselves, that is, before<br />

a jury of fallible men” (A476/B504). Beyond this, reason has a right to tools it legitimately<br />

possesses and a right to pursue ventures formed according to its “natural constitution<br />

[Naturbestimmung]” (Axiii). The understanding too may be “assured of its<br />

claims” and “possessions” and the ability to use them (A238/B297). Reason and understanding<br />

have rights to prescribe rules, “to serve as our guide” (A819/B847), and so on.<br />

Only reason and understanding ever have rights in Kant’s figurative legal system; sensibility<br />

doesn’t have a right to the appearance of the landscape any more than the bosom<br />

of the lake has a right to reflect the mountain. The understanding, however, with its obligation<br />

to apply concepts and principles to appearances, has a right to do so, even to the<br />

point of producing inevitable illusion (as opposed to appearances that do not connect to

appearance and acceptance in kant 85<br />

hear this as a lament, as Peter Fenves does, is to miss the relief Kant finds<br />

in being able to have, and being supposed to do, no more. 16 As Kant’s critics<br />

complain, his writings tend to offer freedom from something more<br />

than freedom to do something. 17 But the enjoyment Kant experiences<br />

when there’s nothing further to do indicates that the epistemological<br />

rights the First Critique establishes gratify not only because they ward off<br />

dangers, but because they ease preceding fears and guilts and render the<br />

pleasure of vanished pain.<br />

The idea of a right to appearance may seem, and may be, incoherent:<br />

rights and inevitabilities are usually opposed, and real appearances and<br />

necessary illusions of the sort Kant discusses are inevitabilities. If this is incoherence,<br />

it is very characteristic of Kant, who resists separating obligations<br />

from rights and urges that natural laws he locates within us be regarded<br />

as claims by us. The ambiguousness of the German word “Recht”<br />

(law, justice; right, claim, title—similar to French “droit”) assists him in<br />

this. Derrida remarks that for Kant, the “value of exteriority distinguishes<br />

pure rights from morals”; the reciprocal relations of the Doctrine of Right<br />

in The Metaphysics of Morals, for example, compose the sort of “external<br />

constraint” that alone justifies “the consciousness of an obligation.” 18 Ob-<br />

empirical intuitions and “are a mere play of imagination or of understanding” [A239/<br />

B298]).<br />

Kerry Larson points out that Emerson takes up the possibility Kant avoids—extending<br />

the “rhetoric of natural rights” to nonintentional things: “we have as good right,<br />

and the same sort of right to be here, as Cape Cod or Sandy Hook have to be there”<br />

(The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Vol. VI: The Conduct of Life, ed. Barbara L.<br />

Parker, Joseph Slater, and Douglas Emory [Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2003], 134,<br />

quoted in “Justice to Emerson,” Raritan 21 [2002]: 46–67, p. 53). As Larson argues,<br />

Emerson uses the analogy to claim that people have no right to expect more security<br />

than things in nature possess.<br />

16. Complementarily, Kant’s fear of addiction shows his horror at the idea of having<br />

to have more. See David L. Clark, “We ‘Other Prussians’: Bodies and Pleasures in De<br />

Quincey and Late Kant,” European Romantic Review 14 (2003): 261–287.<br />

17. Paul Guyer reconstructs Kant’s development of the notion that “we take a unique<br />

and indeed higher satisfaction in the fact of our freedom itself than in any of the products<br />

of this freedom,” and points out that for Kant freedom is in this way connected to<br />

happiness despite Kant’s restrictions on interest (Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness<br />

[Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000], 108).<br />

18. “Privilege: Justificatory Title and Introductory Remarks,” in Who’s Afraid of Philosophy?<br />

Right to Philosophy I [1990], trans. Jan Plug (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2002), 46, 47.

86 looking away<br />

jective constraint like that of the laws of physics, according to Derrida,<br />

“is the very definition of right according to Kant” (“Privilege,” 51). Things<br />

that can’t be otherwise are the only ones that require our endorsement.<br />

This very Kantian issue of the endorsement of inevitability pertains especially<br />

vividly to appearances in the First Critique because Kant has just<br />

moved them from the column of contingencies to the column of necessities.<br />

At this moment, “right” is coming into being as the positive of a lifted<br />

guilt or resentment—a newly enjoyable state of not being wrong or wronged.<br />

Reason had been trying to get rid of certain appearances and feeling bad<br />

about them, and now it doesn’t have to: suddenly it’s free to regard them as<br />

exigencies in which, in typically Kantian style, we have a guilt-free duty/<br />

right to participate.<br />

In this respect the First Critique draws on pre-critical writings such as<br />

Kant’s 1753 manuscript jottings on “optimism” and the 1759 “Attempt at<br />

some reflections on optimism.” By “optimism” here Kant means the science<br />

of determining the optimal. In these writings Kant defines the “best”<br />

as the most real, and the most real as that which couldn’t be otherwise. In<br />

the 1759 text, a jaunty and largely sympathetic response to Leibniz, Kant<br />

“equate[s] the absolute perfection of a thing with its degree of reality” 19<br />

and the maximal degree of reality with the concept of God. In effect, Kant<br />

identifies God with reality: “in God everything is reality, and nothing harmonizes<br />

to a greater degree with that reality than that which itself contains<br />

a greater reality [than other things]” (“Reflections on optimism,” 75–76).<br />

In one of the 1753 notes, Kant justifies the flaws in God’s world by “unavoidable<br />

necessity.” 20 Although he agrees with Leibniz that this world is<br />

the best possible, he rejects, on the basis of contradictions internal to<br />

Leibniz’s argument, the notion that God wishes everything in the world to<br />

be just the way it is: “the being of the world is not as it is simply because<br />

God wishes to have it so, but because it was not possible in any other way”<br />

(“Reflection 3705: Defects of Optimism,” 82). Kant underlines the strain<br />

19. “An attempt at some reflections on optimism by M. Immanuel Kant, also containing<br />

an announcement of his lectures for the coming semester 7 October 1759,” in<br />

Theoretical Philosophy 1750–1770, ed. and trans. David Walford in collaboration with<br />

Ralf Meerbote (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992), 72.<br />

20. “Three manuscript reflections on optimism (Reflections 3703–05)” [1753], in<br />

ibid., 79, 81.

appearance and acceptance in kant 87<br />

in Leibniz’s logic, which allows that “at least it is not [God’s] fault” that the<br />

world is deeply flawed, at the cost of implying an “unfathomable conflict<br />

which exists between the general will of God ...andthemetaphysical necessity<br />

which is not willing to adapt itself to that end” (ibid., 81). Kant unravels<br />

this tangle by letting go of the absolute omnipotence that Leibniz<br />

wishes to preserve for God. For Kant, even God works under the constraint<br />

of a reality principle; and the effect is that both God and humans<br />

can only choose “the best” using “the greatest reality which can belong to<br />

a world” as a limit (“Reflections on optimism,” 76). Admitting the renunciation<br />

of absolute freedom in holding that one is “not ...able to choose<br />

other than that which one distinctly and rightly recognizes as the best,”<br />

Kant declares that if he must “choose between errors”—between the constrained<br />

acceptance he is arguing for and the subjective freedom of being<br />

able to negate anything, including all we can have—he does not hesitate to<br />

“cry: ‘Happy are we—we exist!’” (ibid.). Having floated to this climactic<br />

fact/value conflation, Kant continues, back on the ground, “In the coming<br />

semester, I shall, as usual, be lecturing on logic using Meier,” etc.—an example<br />

of the existence one is able to go on with, perhaps: thanks for (almost)<br />

nothing.<br />

If exigencies are what we have a right to, we need to know how to tell<br />

what an exigency is. Identifying an exigency may be understood as the<br />

functional equivalent of what I’ve been calling having a fact perception,<br />

with the proviso that specific facts are of varying degrees of exigency. The<br />

peculiar problem for world-acceptance is that the model of conceptual<br />

recognition of a physical object cannot be extended to something like “nature<br />

as a whole,” which we can never apprehend. Kant imagines himself<br />

arriving to save the day: finding a way to deal with this stalemate is the<br />

project of critical philosophy.<br />

Kant figures the notion of a process for identifying exigency in the First<br />

Critique’s most conspicuous metaphor, in which he depicts knowledge as a<br />

foggy island in an icy sea, unpromising real estate but worth a second look:<br />

it will be well to begin by casting a glance upon the map of the land<br />

which we are about to leave, and to enquire, first, whether we cannot<br />

in any case be satisfied with what it contains—are not, indeed, under<br />

compulsion to be satisfied [nicht allenfalls zufrieden sein könnten,

88 looking away<br />

oder auch aus Not zufrieden sein müssen], inasmuch as there may be<br />

no other territory upon which we can settle; and, secondly, by what title<br />

we possess even this domain, and can consider ourselves as secured<br />

against all opposing claims. (CPR A236/B295)<br />

In this passage—the opening of the Transcendental Doctrine of Judgment—the<br />

given world seems to be a place much like England, the climatologically<br />

challenged isle of empiricism. Kant supposes that it’s hard to<br />

feel satisfied with a territory when insecure in one’s title to it and, typically,<br />

that having nowhere else to go would place us “under compulsion<br />

to be satisfied” where we are. Exemplifying the constraint by which Kant<br />

defines right, literal inability to move to another country becomes an argument<br />

for enjoying one’s current residence “allenfalls,” “if need be.” If<br />

“we are about to leave” the scene, that’s because only actual exigency, not<br />

mere probability or persuasion, can make us stay. We don’t automatically<br />

know—so it seems—how to recognize an exigency. For Kant no sooner<br />

asks whether we can be satisfied with our place than he answers that, at the<br />

outset of the procedure at least, we cannot: “we are not satisfied with the<br />

exposition merely of that which is true, but likewise demand that account<br />

be taken of that which we desire to know” (A237/B296). At this juncture,<br />

the difference between being where one is and being satisfied with where<br />

one is consists in being unsure whether there is anyplace else to go. The<br />

process of making sure opened here will take the entire time of the First<br />

Critique. There is nothing to accept until this time is exhausted: until,<br />

having done all we can, we’re free from blame if we do nothing more.<br />

In the 1787 edition Kant further traces “the cause of our not being satisfied”<br />

(A251), at first, with our only possible circumstances to the concept<br />

of appearance itself:<br />

The cause of our not being satisfied [befriedigt] with the substrate of<br />

sensibility, and of our therefore adding to the phenomena noumena<br />

which only the pure understanding can think, is simply as follows.<br />

The sensibility (and its field, that of the appearances) is itself limited<br />

by the understanding in such fashion that it does not have to do with<br />

things in themselves but only with the mode in which, owing to our

appearance and acceptance in kant 89<br />

subjective constitution, they appear. The Transcendental Aesthetic, in<br />

all its teaching, has led to this conclusion; and the same conclusion also,<br />

of course, follows from the concept of an appearance in general; namely, that<br />

something which is not in itself appearance must correspond to it.<br />

For appearance can be nothing by itself, outside our mode of representation.<br />

Unless, therefore, we are to move constantly in a circle, the<br />

word appearance must be recognized as already indicating a relation<br />

to something, the immediate representation of which is, indeed, sensible,<br />

but which, even apart from the constitution of our sensibility<br />

(upon which the form of our intuition is grounded), must be something<br />

in itself, that is, an object independent of sensibility. (A251–252;<br />

my italics)<br />

So far Kant reproduces the traditional attitude toward appearance: we are<br />

inherently dissatisfied with it because incompleteness is built into “the<br />

word appearance,” which “indicate[s] a relation” to “something in itself.”<br />

If Kant’s concept of the noumenon were positive, it would simply fill out<br />

the traditional scheme: noumena would be hypothetical things or hypothetical<br />

aspects of things, ever absent from our perspective, that correspond<br />

to the indication created by “the word appearance.”<br />

When Kant gives the concept of the noumenon “only ...anegative<br />

sense” (B309; see also A252–253), however, he breaks new ground, and<br />

undermines the built-in disappointment indicated by “the word appearance”<br />

in an innovative way, with the idea of categories that extend further<br />

than appearances:<br />

if...Ileave aside all intuition, the form of thought still remains—that<br />

is, the mode of determining an object for the manifold of a possible<br />

intuition. The categories accordingly extend further than sensible intuition,<br />

since they think objects in general, without regard to the special<br />

mode (the sensibility) in which they may be given. But they do<br />

not thereby determine a greater sphere of objects. For we cannot assume<br />

that such objects can be given, without presupposing the possibility<br />

of another kind of intuition than the sensible; and we are by no<br />

means justified in so doing.

90 looking away<br />

If the objective reality of a concept cannot be in any way known,<br />

while yet the concept contains no contradiction and also at the same<br />

time is connected with other modes of knowledge that involve given<br />

concepts which it serves to limit, I entitle that concept problematic.<br />

The concept of a noumenon—that is, of a thing which is not to be<br />

thought as object of the senses but as a thing in itself, solely through a<br />

pure understanding—is not in any way contradictory. For we cannot<br />

assert of sensibility that it is the sole possible kind of intuition. Further,<br />

the concept of a noumenon is necessary, to prevent sensible intuition<br />

from being extended to things in themselves, and thus to limit<br />

the objective validity of sensible knowledge. The remaining things, to<br />

which it does not apply, are entitled noumena, in order to show that<br />

this knowledge cannot extend its domain over everything which the<br />

understanding thinks. But none the less we are unable to comprehend<br />

how such noumena can be possible, and the domain that lies out beyond<br />

the sphere of appearances is for us empty. That is to say, we have<br />

an understanding which problematically extends further, but we have<br />

no intuition, indeed not even the concept of a possible intuition,<br />

through which objects outside the field of sensibility can be given,<br />

and through which the understanding can be employed assertoricially<br />

beyond that field. The concept of a noumenon is thus a merely limiting<br />

concept, the function of which is to curb the pretensions of sensibility;<br />

and it is therefore only of negative employment. At the same time<br />

it is no arbitrary invention; it is bound up with the limitation of sensibility,<br />

though it cannot affirm anything positive beyond the field of<br />

sensibility. (A254–255/B310–311)<br />

There is a great deal of debate about Kant’s intricate noumenon, and especially<br />

about whether he really does mean it to be only negative. Why attempt<br />

to figure at all that which has an “only . . . negative” employment,<br />

why talk about it under erasure, why call what corresponds to an empty,<br />

agnostic space “a thing” and so substantialize it rhetorically? Robert Pippin<br />

gives a vivid summary of the problem: if noumena are merely “that<br />

which we could not know by means of any experience,” then “the claim<br />

that we ‘do not know noumena’ would not at all be a restricting claim on<br />

what we can know, but merely a needlessly involved way of insisting that

appearance and acceptance in kant 91<br />

we cannot know what we cannot know.” 21 I would like to suggest, however,<br />

that Kant realizes that a “needlessly involved way” of coming to the realization<br />

that knowledge is limited to phenomena is exactly what we need<br />

therapeutically. We can realize appearance’s repleteness only by taking a<br />

long and necessarily rhetorical way around—all the way around the world,<br />

like Benjamin’s forward path to the Garden of Eden. Only by having simulated<br />

this journey, and taken the time to simulate this journey, do we work<br />

through the impossibility of knowing something outside phenomena. If<br />

we only realize anything by context or contrast with what it’s not, how<br />

could we ever begin to realize, in the full sense of the word, the repleteness<br />

of the apparent world, except through the heuristic aid of merely intelligible<br />

spaces?<br />

One can also understand the motive for thinking the noumenon in emotive<br />

terms. Kant states that the direct cause of our “adding” noumena to<br />

phenomena is “our not being satisfied [befriedigt] with the substrate of<br />

sensibility.” Given this inevitable dissatisfaction—the emotional correlative<br />

of reason’s overreaching—thinking the noumenon, like Freud’s negation,<br />

serves to recognize both the familiar object and one’s recoil from it.<br />

Thinking the noumenon commits aggression against the phenomenon by<br />

saying “I can think beyond you,” or, more confrontationally, “Not you.”<br />

As Freud and Winnicott argue, experiments with symbolic minor violence<br />

are a vital part of our negotiation with reality, and, completed successfully,<br />

21. Kant’s Theory of Form (New Haven: Yale UP, 1982), 202. To avoid this conclusion,<br />

Pippin argues that the noumenon should be considered to have both negative and positive<br />

meanings—that, even as “transcendentally considered, the concept of a thing in itself<br />

should be considered wholly negatively . . . there is another type of reflection on<br />

things in themselves, whereby we do not consider phenomenal objects as they are in<br />

themselves, but we consider types of objects which, by their very definition, could not be<br />

phenomenal objects” (200). Without this second way of thinking of things in themselves,<br />

“that is, if the concept of noumenon only means a phenomenal object considered<br />

independently of any way we could know it, then the supposed contrast between phenomena<br />

and noumena is hardly a contrast between what we can know and what we cannot<br />

know, but is instead just a difference between knowledge in general and the rather<br />

abstract notion of not-knowing-at-all. ...Butherein [that is, in the interpretation of<br />

noumena as nonphenomenal objects—R.T.] lies the familiar paradox again, since to establish<br />

something about noumena independently of this merely negative contrast with<br />

phenomena would violate the very restriction the whole phenomenality thesis is meant<br />

to establish” (201).

92 looking away<br />

bring the sense of reality into being. 22 Winnicott calls this violence “de-<br />

stroying” to emphasize that at the moment the self commits the aggression,<br />

it does not know that the aggression is symbolic or minor. The distinction<br />

between symbolic and literal, minor and major violence is learned<br />

only by taking the risk of violent thought. The object remains unrealized<br />

as long as one remains afraid of the omnipotent power of one’s criticism.<br />

In “destroying” the object, expressing dissatisfaction with it, one makes<br />

contact with its actual independence and begins to realize that, for better<br />

and worse, one cannot think it away. The fact that there is no other world,<br />

by this logic, is precisely no excuse for prematurely “accepting” it, since accepting<br />

it before realizing that it exists independently of our acceptance<br />

sells it short. In the First Critique, the object challenged and realized<br />

through the challenge of thinking beyond it is nothing less than nature as a<br />

whole.<br />

Some readers of Kant, including Nietzsche, interpret the noumenon as<br />

an escape clause in Kant’s contract with Erscheinung. In order to do so,<br />

they identify reality with value. Correctly perceiving the noumenon as a<br />

slight to the given world, Nietzsche leaps to the conclusion that Kant’s acknowledgment<br />

of dissatisfaction with the world indicates his weak commitment<br />

to its reality. Kant, however, is demonstrating exactly the opposite:<br />

that one can harbor and express a natural dissatisfaction without<br />

implying that this dissatisfaction is the object’s fault or our own, much less<br />

that if we can think other worlds, they are real in something other than<br />

thought. 23<br />

Another kind of disappointed reader, best represented by Kleist, takes<br />

Kant to be asking us to be satisfied with dissatisfaction itself. Notoriously,<br />

Kleist’s response to Kant’s epistemological first aid was to feel “deeply<br />

22. Freud, “Negation” and “Formulations on Two Principles of Mental Functioning,”<br />

in SE XII: 218–226; D. W. Winnicott, “Transitional Objects and Transitional<br />

Phenomena,” in Playing and Reality (New York: Basic Books, 1971), 1–34.<br />

23. The thought of the noumenon is sensible, since a thought is “not nothing,” in<br />

Hartley Coleridge’s unbeatable phrase. But the thought of the noumenon is not the<br />

noumenon. Pippin believes that “Kant is quite interested in arguing for the ‘necessity’<br />

of some determinate connection between the thought of things in themselves and phenomenal<br />

knowledge itself, as his position on regulative ideals make clear” (Kant’s Theory<br />

of Form, 200; my italics). But the thought of things in themselves is already part of the<br />

phenomenality of the inner world.

appearance and acceptance in kant 93<br />

wounded” “in the innermost sanctum of his being.” 24 Readers in this group<br />

regard appearance as a diluted version of reality, and assume that dissatisfaction<br />

with a world of appearances must therefore either persist or be<br />

“denied.” To both audiences—those who feel that Kant damaged and<br />

those who feel that Kant didn’t inflict nearly enough damage to the hypothesis<br />

of another, more real world—Kant sounds contradictory simply<br />

because he continues to call the world “phenomenal” while promising<br />

“complete satisfaction.” The very fact that this sounds like satisfaction<br />

with dissatisfaction—that the seeming paradox of satisfaction with dissatisfaction<br />

is embedded in the idea of replete appearance—indicates the<br />

strength of the association between dissatisfaction and phenomenality<br />

from which Kant is trying to work free.<br />

Kant does not avoid conflating fact with value entirely, however, even<br />

though his relationship to the fact/value problem is differently deep. Kant<br />

assumes that at some degree of completeness, realization adjusts the emotions.<br />

Realization, for Kant, is a much larger field than that of fact perception;<br />

its boundaries are drawn by critical reason. Yet the project of critical<br />

reason remains true to the empirical spirit of fact perception. Kant embarks<br />

on it in order to be able to effect a recognition of reality when dealing<br />

with necessities that burst the bounds of fact perception—“objects” such<br />

as nature as a whole. By establishing necessary conditions through critical<br />

reason, new givens in the sense peculiar to himself, Kant makes fact perception<br />

equivalents of them, so to speak; and so, he hopes, he makes them valuable<br />

objectively. His radical humanism lies in his conclusion that where the<br />

intransigence of the world’s natural laws seems to run up against the persistence<br />

of equally natural human laws, there is no fault, since the dualism<br />

is illusory. For him, not winning is a bargain price to pay for the triumph<br />

of, for the first time, not losing simply by being a finite living thing.<br />

The psychological logic of the First Critique is circular in ways that<br />

echo the strengths and weaknesses of its epistemology. Kant’s assumption<br />

that we won’t feel guilty over perceptions and thoughts that aren’t our<br />

24. Letter to Wilhemine von Zenge, quoted by Nietzsche in “Schopenhauer as Educator,”<br />

Unfashionable Observations, trans. Richard T. Gray (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1995),<br />

188–189. It’s ironic that Kleist feels raped by Kant’s phenomenalization of objects;<br />

Kant’s main purpose in the First Critique is to encourage a nonpenetrative relationship<br />

with objects, but Kleist feels violated by that.

94 looking away<br />

fault is no more plausible than the assumption it replaces, that we<br />

shouldn’t desire to experience what we know we cannot. Just as I may want<br />

to “see beyond phenomena” even after I recognize the contradiction, I<br />

may keep feeling guilty about the continuation of this desire even after I<br />

know its persistence is truly inexorable. Kant acknowledges the threat of<br />

interminability by positing the correction of “momentary aberrations ever<br />

and again.” It may be encouraging to know it’s possible, as Kant shows in<br />

his own person, not to feel angry or guilty about one’s limits. But the question<br />

remains whether we will want to count the minimal acceptance that<br />

objectively accompanies recognition of reality as value that is worthy of<br />

the name.<br />

Suppose a maximally unacceptable trauma meets the maximum of contextualization,<br />

perspective, and hence realization, given infinite time. Do<br />

we then endorse the trauma itself as an inalterable fact of the past? 25 Kant’s<br />

answer is formal: our endorsement, like our knowledge, is framed by a set<br />

of exigencies that coincides exactly with our right, with what we may expect.<br />

Our obligation will never be more than to accept all we can, while<br />

the world’s part of the bargain is never to present us with anything we can’t<br />

conceivably accept: in Kant’s system, anything we can’t conceivably assimilate<br />

is guaranteed not to appear at all. “Accept only what you can”: a modest-sounding<br />

claim, until we remember how implausibly much we can<br />

stand. The meaning of “acceptance” is sliced correspondingly thin, however,<br />

its claim minimized: it means not that human experience is great or<br />

even good, but that it is tolerable—literally tolerable, in the sense that as<br />

long as we’re having experience, we’re minimally tolerating it, and that as<br />

soon as it becomes intolerable, we aren’t having any. These algebraic cancellations<br />

are neither tragic nor noble. That for Kant there was no space<br />

between minimal tolerability and “complete satisfaction,” that this makes<br />

him smile his Mona Lisa smile—people will feel different ways about this:<br />

amused, admiring, appalled. The solution of the First Critique resembles<br />

25. Derrida’s modification of this theme holds that “forgiveness” includes forgiveness<br />

of the unforgivable, and that such forgiveness is incalculable and mad. Although the inevitable<br />

could be incalculable and mad, in Derrida’s terms such forgiveness is merely<br />

possible (On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, trans. Mark Dooley and Michael Hughes<br />

[London: Routledge, 2002]).

appearance and acceptance in kant 95<br />

the ironic endings of Kleist’s stories, in which something that occupies the<br />

place of justice loses all its glamour in prevailing. The audience is not<br />

asked to celebrate these outcomes. In the First Critique, Kant is satisfied<br />

with this kind of conclusion (it leaves one’s judgment free of further obligations).<br />

For Kleist, a freedom like this fails to make life worth living.<br />

As long as one is convinced that the world as described by the First<br />

Critique is the only one but doesn’t—yet—feel like endorsing it, and, like<br />

Kleist, believes that endorsement is a voluntary affirmation one has to<br />

generate entirely from within, then the tendency to read fact perception<br />

as entailing acceptance loads the philosophical question about phenomena—Is<br />

this real? Am I seeing what I’m supposed to be seeing?—with the awkward<br />

aggression of aesthetic and moral judgment: Do I like it? Is this good<br />

enough? Given the parameters of Kant’s solution, protest at the given conditions<br />

of a world assumed to be inevitable looks, in the mode of appearance,<br />

like derealization: I must be dreaming. Once the apparent world is<br />

recognized as the only real one, objections generate the image not of an alternative<br />

world but of the absurd, unjustified (ungereimte [CPR Bxxvi]), or<br />

unjust one of absurdist literature.<br />

So, Coleridge flees the realm of coerced endorsement of appearance for<br />

the peripheral domain of temporary optical illusion, the stranger and more<br />

transitory the better; when he compares his fondness for these ephemera<br />

to Kant’s doctrine of benign appearance, Kant seems to torture him by<br />

drawing a line of normalcy just in front of him. Similarly, Goethe asserts<br />

that “physiological colors” hitherto regarded “as illusion and infirmity”<br />

(Theory of Colors, §1) are in fact “healthy” and “necessary” (§101), only to<br />

create another category for “pathological colors” that really do function as<br />

“deviation from the general law” (§109). Without making any reality claim<br />

that post-Kantians would perceive as false, such phenomena seem to suggest<br />

that we can sidestep necessity, if not escape it. So, Nietzsche pours<br />

scorn on lyrical imagery for celebrating “the more subtilized, attenuated,<br />

transient” objects, and blames this pathos on the psychology of metaphysics<br />

(WP §572; KSA 12.253). Lyrical imagination after Kant finds would-be<br />

exceptions to exigency in phenomenal rarities. Depicted longingly by poets,<br />

such ephemera seem to solicit sympathy with all that is irregular.<br />

Among feral phenomena that fail to make the factive claim of normative<br />

appearances, the pressure for acceptance disappears. Despite Kant’s

96 looking away<br />

efforts to rehabilitate phenomenality, these marginalized phenomena are<br />

once again figured as deviant. There is an utterly paradigmatic meditation<br />

on the whole complex of phenomenal errancy and its queer affinities<br />

in W. G. Sebald’s Austerlitz, in which the elderly but “youthful” Great-<br />

Uncle Alphonso initiates his nephews into the pleasures of looking away.<br />

Alphonso is a full-time phenomenophile who “generally [wears] glasses<br />

with gray silk tissue instead of lenses in the frames” and produces art that<br />

consists of “faint images” in fainter colors of fragmentary natural shapes. 26<br />

He takes his nephews moth-watching on summer nights, and explains that<br />

the “trails of light” that moths seem to “leave behind them in all kinds of<br />

curlicues and streamers and spirals...didnotreally exist, but were merely<br />

phantom traces created by the sluggish reaction of the human eye, appearing<br />

to see a certain afterglow in the place from which the insect itself, shining<br />

for only the fraction of a second in the lamplight, had already gone”<br />

(Austerlitz, 92–93). Like the wavering images in Coleridge’s Notebooks, the<br />

trails of light lead Sebald’s characters into a queer idyll, as if they raised the<br />

hope that their apparent irregularity made them fitting representatives of<br />

all we wish the world would make exceptions for, even when we know it<br />

won’t. “Such unreal phenomena,” Sebald writes, “the sudden incursion of<br />

unreality into the real world, certain effects of light in the landscape spread<br />

out before us, or in the eye of a beloved person ...[kindle] our deepest<br />

feelings, or at least what we [take] for them” (93).<br />

4. legalize it<br />

What is the relation between the minimal satisfaction afforded by the First<br />

Critique and the development of critical philosophy? How would the<br />

reading I’ve offered here affect one’s reading of the whole? This is a fair, if<br />

large, question; in what follows, I’ll sketch a few possibilities.<br />

Critical reason in the First Critique extends what counts as given beyond<br />

what the senses can experience, yet remains in the spirit of fact perception.<br />

Kant assumes that the recognition of exigency it establishes carries<br />

a minimal value. He often indicates that knowing can “bring by itself<br />

26. Austerlitz (New York: Modern Library, 2001), 88. Thanks to Bernie Richter for<br />

giving me this book.

appearance and acceptance in kant 97<br />

[bei sich führt]” a kind of value or “liking” (CJ 366). Such an objective<br />

value, Kant makes clear, is coerced—“carried,” as Kemp Smith’s translation<br />

has it. 27 I’ve suggested, however, that the value coerced by recognition<br />

of exigency in the First Critique is not as coercive as it may at first seem,<br />

for various reasons. The value it requires is very small—a near-zero degree<br />

of value—and all but automated. To the extent that this value is “carried”<br />

by a conclusion of reason, we do not have to will it, and it is not bestowed<br />

by a separate operation. But because the conclusion of reason itself is<br />

never automatic, this value is not completely empty, either—only nearly<br />

so. When we look very closely at “objective value,” in other words, we can<br />

discern an ambiguous quasi-subjectivity that, I want to suggest, is just the<br />

thing Kant needs to get from fact to value. <strong>Looking</strong> away, I’ve argued, expresses<br />

resistance against coercion by fact perception where Erscheinung<br />

takes on the authority of a given. If I’m right that the First Critique’s coercion<br />

of value is real, yet minimal and untraumatic, then phenomenophilic<br />

romantic texts that take Kant to have intensified the obligation to affirm<br />

the given world, and especially its given mode of appearance, are mistaken.<br />

A reader like Kleist imagines himself asked to praise the startlingly<br />

neutral post-Kantian world and doesn’t know how to do so; he doesn’t<br />

understand that he can revise not only his epistemology, but with it his<br />

moralization of epistemology. We are not obligated to support a disenchanted<br />

world with the enthusiasm we would have for an enchanted one.<br />

The subsequent narrative of the critical project hints that even<br />

Kant was no stranger to the impulse to downplay the no-fault vision<br />

of the First Critique, as though it were “too austere even for Kant himself,”<br />

as Paul Guyer comments. 28 Like the subterranean discourse and<br />

practice of phenomenophilia and the literature of absurdity, Kant’s devel-<br />

27. For a contemporary analogue to Kant’s sense of “carrying,” see Robert Nozick on<br />

“tracking.” Nozick points out that “when a belief is caused appropriately by the fact,<br />

that connection appears desirable and plausibly is held to constitute knowledge.” I’m<br />

indebted, in general, to Nozick’s pursuit of “a way for action to parallel belief, to be so<br />

connected to the world, even causally, in a way that is desirable”—what he calls his<br />

“project of paralleling.” See Philosophical Explanations (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1981),<br />

170–171.<br />

28. Values of Beauty: Historical Essays in Aesthetics (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005),<br />


98 looking away<br />

opment of the aesthetic is itself, in part, a nervous reaction to the Critique<br />

of Pure Reason. Of course, phenomenophilia is different from the aesthetic.<br />

The phenomenophile cherishes his marginal status and the private, temporary<br />

nature of the perceptions he collects; Kant’s aesthetic reflective<br />

judgments of taste are felt to be universally valid and shareable. Still,<br />

aesthetic reflective judgments have something in common with the techniques<br />

of looking away, as we’ll see, and both lines of thought respond<br />

to weaknesses they perceive in the “satisfaction” of the First Critique.<br />

The anti- or protoaesthetic of phenomenophilia and aesthetic reflective<br />

judgments are cousins—illegitimate and legitimate cousins. It’s almost as<br />

though Kant had learned from romantic misinterpretations of the First<br />

Critique and their recourse to contraband phenomena (though he didn’t<br />

really get his ideas for the aesthetic in this way). The best way to describe<br />

the relation of the Critique of Judgment to phenomenophilia is to say that it<br />

legitimizes it.<br />

The Third Critique, we might say, selects from phenomenality in order<br />

to define aesthetic reflective judgments. I mentioned at the outset that<br />

there are various ways to achieve the phenomenophilic effect. One can (1)<br />

actually have an aberrant perceptual experience or make a perceptual mistake,<br />

(2) frame perception to emphasize object perception over fact perception,<br />

for example by intervening in the conditions of perception; or (3)<br />

concentrate on a transient or supposedly unstable object. Now, (2), cultivating<br />

object perception, produces results very similar to aesthetic reflective<br />

judgment—subjective feelings of liking without a concept. One<br />

can make a case that aesthetic reflective judgments, which use no concept<br />

and abstract any concern with the actual existence of their objects, are constructed<br />

to contrast with fact perception—that what the subtractive logic<br />

of aesthetic reflective judgments seeks to subtract is precisely the coercive<br />

effect of fact perception. This hypothesis suggests something of a new way to<br />

understand what the implausible “disinterest” of aesthetic reflective judgments<br />

is all about. Kant wants aesthetic reflective judgments to do more<br />

than elude fact perception and their normative force, however (the marginal<br />

experiments of the phenomenophile also do that). Kant’s aesthetic<br />

reflective judgments therefore exclude avenues (1) and (3): contingent mistakes<br />

and responses to objects that are too irregular or fleeting to make us<br />

imagine that other people ought to feel about them the way we feel. Relieving<br />

the coercive effect of fact perception—an effect I would argue we

appearance and acceptance in kant 99<br />

can extend as well to Kant’s critical supplement to fact perception, that is,<br />

reason’s recognition of the conditions that limit knowledge—aesthetic reflective<br />

judgments are also able to present themselves as necessary conclusions<br />

to which everyone ought to come. In developing a universalist aesthetics,<br />

Kant trades irregular enjoyment for what he hopes is something<br />

better: a glimpse of a basis for spontaneous community.<br />

Kant cannot stress enough that the free liking of aesthetic reflective<br />

judgment differs in kind from various coerced likings. 29 In the Third Critique,<br />

“objective value” paradigmatically belongs to what we call good, and<br />

“objective liking” is what we feel when confronted with perfection (CJ<br />

210, 366). The objective value of the good corresponds to “what we esteem,<br />

or endorse [billigen],” or “respect” (210), and respect is what we feel<br />

when we recognize our own limits. Kant notes in the clarifying “Comment”<br />

of §54 that objective value can be added to sensations: we can like<br />

or dislike “in addition” our own joy or pain. Thus objective value “is the<br />

same as approval or disapproval” (331), and includes metafeelings of satisfaction<br />

and dissatisfaction with our own reactions. Produced by reason’s<br />

conclusions, objective value is required from everyone. Although I’m approximating,<br />

and putting together passages that Kant never joined, objective<br />

value would seem to describe the “satisfaction” attainable through<br />

critical reason in the First Critique. Critical philosophy’s verification of<br />

the conditions of possibility for knowledge is the utmost of reason’s conclusions,<br />

and the endorsement of the given relation of reason to nature as a<br />

whole carried by the Critique of Pure Reason would seem to be the apex of<br />

objective value. The question of whether the First Critique is satisfied<br />

merely with itself or with its object is a live one here; certainly Kant’s mind<br />

is satisfied with its own capacities, but I think not only so. Kant writes of<br />

the land we must live in that we can “be satisfied with what it contains [was<br />

es in sich enthält]” (CPR A236/B295; my italics). This is not to say that it<br />

becomes beautiful.<br />

When Kant considers the “objective liking” that responds to perfection<br />

(a kind of good [CJ 241]), he similarly points out that the judgment of perfection<br />

is a task of reason (228´). The intellectual judgment of a circle’s<br />

perfection, in Kant’s example, “carries with it an objective liking [objektive<br />

29. It’s also distinct from interested pleasure, of course, but that’s not as relevant to<br />

my point.

100 looking away<br />

Wohlgefallen]” or “intellectual liking [intellektuelle Wohlgefallen]” that<br />

may be “commonly called beauty,” though “it would be better to call it ...<br />

relative perfection” (366). Remember the conclusion of Kant’s notes on optimism,<br />

that one should judge the optimization of the world according to<br />

“its degree of reality” (“Reflections on optimism,” 72), and we are closer<br />

yet to viewing satisfaction with the givens of our world as a whole as a<br />

kind of objective liking. Aesthetic pleasure must “go beyond the concept<br />

of the object, and even beyond the intuition of the object” (CJ 288), to go<br />

beyond objective liking.<br />

Therefore, Kant wishes to “add as a predicate ...something that is not<br />

even cognition: namely [a] feeling of pleasure (or displeasure)” to which<br />

one feels everyone should assent (CJ 288–289). The spatial metaphors in<br />

which pleasure “go[es] beyond” or is “add[ed]” to the concept are misleading;<br />

what counts is whether pleasure is off the concept, paraconceptual.<br />

Reflective judgment according to Kant famously meets this criterion by<br />

“devis[ing] a law of its own” to use as a principle instead of subsuming the<br />

particular under a concept (179), “refer[ring] the presentation to the subject<br />

and his feeling of pleasure or displeasure” alone (203). For this purpose,<br />

stopping short of the concept works as well as ignoring or going beyond<br />

it. In §39, “On the Communicability of a Sensation,” pleasure<br />

occurs by means of a procedure [that is, reflection—R.T.] that judgment<br />

has to carry out to give rise to even the most ordinary experience.<br />

The only difference is that in the case of ordinary experience<br />

the imagination has to engage in this procedure in order to [obtain]<br />

an empirical objective concept, whereas in the present case it has to<br />

do so merely in order to perceive that the presentation is adequate<br />

for harmonious (subjectively purposive) activity of the two cognitive<br />

powers in their freedom, i.e., in order to feel the presentational state<br />

with pleasure. (292; translation modified, my italics)<br />

Here we don’t “add” liking or disliking to cognition. Rather, in aesthetic<br />

judgments the imagination “merely” finds out whether the presentational<br />

state gives pleasure, whereas in ordinary experience it has to engage reflection<br />

“in order to” find the concept—as though, as in the logic of<br />

phenomenophilic consolation, the imagination declines to continue on to<br />

fact perception. So, Rodolphe Gasché can use a chronological metaphor

appearance and acceptance in kant 101<br />

diametrical to Kant’s metaphor of adding on—“aesthetic judgment precedes<br />

all conceptual understanding of the object”—while stressing that literally,<br />

“the achievements of reflective judgment—which comprises both<br />

aesthetic and teleological judgment—are in no way foundational for or anterior<br />

to those of cognitive judgment.” 30<br />

In Kant’s initial descriptions of what it is like to make aesthetic reflective<br />

judgments (§§1–2), we can see that aesthetic reflective judgments resemble<br />

object perceptions over and against fact perceptions, and serve a similar<br />

psychological function:<br />

To apprehend a regular, purposive building with one’s cognitive<br />

power ...isvery different from being conscious of this presentation<br />

with a sensation of liking. Here the presentation is referred only to<br />

the subject, namely to his feeling of life, under the name feeling of<br />

pleasure or displeasure, and this forms the basis of a very special<br />

power of discriminating and judging [Beurteilung]. (CJ 204)<br />

Suppose someone asks me whether I consider the palace I see before<br />

me beautiful. I might reply that I am not fond of things of that sort,<br />

made merely to be gaped at. Or I might reply like that Iroquois sachem<br />

who said that he liked nothing better in Paris than the eatinghouses.<br />

I might even go on, as Rousseau would, to rebuke the vanity of<br />

the great who spend the people’s sweat on such superfluous things. I<br />

might, finally, quite easily convince myself that, if I were on some uninhabited<br />

island with no hope of ever again coming among people,<br />

and could conjure up such a splendid edifice by a mere wish, I would<br />

not even take that much trouble for it if I already had a sufficiently<br />

comfortable hut. The questioner may grant all this and approve of it;<br />

but it is not to the point. All he wants to know is whether my mere<br />

presentation of the object is accompanied by a liking, no matter how<br />

indifferent I may be about the existence of the object of the presentation.<br />

(204–205)<br />

When we understand human beings’ tendency to resist the coercion of<br />

value carried by the recognition of “the existence of the object,” we may<br />

30. The Idea of Form: Rethinking Kant’s Aesthetics (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1999), 27, 4.

102 looking away<br />

understand more easily what Kant’s example wants to abstract. In Kant’s<br />

fiction an interlocutor asks whether the palace is beautiful, and Kant sidesteps<br />

the question, talking instead about how he doesn’t need it or disapproves<br />

politically of its existence. The examples of point-missing responses<br />

(from the philistine, the Iroquois, and Rousseau—it’s all quite a<br />

joke, these juxtapositions) are there to indicate that people refuse to make<br />

aesthetic judgments when they either don’t really understand what they<br />

are or insist on speaking morally or instrumentally, like museum-goers<br />

who can’t like Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ because it displays urine. The<br />

whole incident seems inverted, however, like a dream, and this inversion<br />

deflects the articulation of dissatisfaction. The going assumption of the<br />

narrative is that Kant cannot stand the palace. A more likely scenario than<br />

the one we are given, in which Kant plays the role of a person who evades<br />

his own aesthetic judgment, would be that Kant would be aware of his<br />

nonaesthetic reactions to the palace—that it bothers him; that he disapproves<br />

of what it stands for; that he feels oppressed by its very existence<br />

and wishes it weren’t there—and would avoid articulating his inconvenient<br />

and perhaps controversial objection to its existence by saying that it is or<br />

isn’t beautiful, that is, by deflecting his objection into a nonconceptual relation<br />

to the palace: into aesthetic reflection, where one cannot be blamed<br />

for one’s likes and dislikes, for they are not likes and dislikes of anything or<br />

anyone; where, far from being at fault, one can’t even be criticized for feeling<br />

that everyone else should feel the same way. Instead, Kant provides a<br />

narrative in which observers flee from aesthetic judgment into instrumental<br />

or moral reason, hence obscuring the deflective powers of the aesthetic.<br />

As an exposition of the psychological motives for the aesthetic, such a<br />

reading of §§1–2 finds some justice in views of aesthetics as escape from<br />

reality (while acknowledging how escapeworthy a piece of reality may be).<br />

Its nonmoralistic point, however, is that by defining aesthetic experience<br />

by way of reflection, Kant joins the resistance to fact perception: he sidesteps<br />

the objective value carried by fact perception and recognition of exigency<br />

and does what readers of the First Critique historically tend to do:<br />

he lingers in object perception.<br />

This pleasure [of aesthetic judgment] is also not practical in any way<br />

...Yetitdoes have a causality in it, namely, to keep the state of the

appearance and acceptance in kant 103<br />

presentation itself, and [to keep] the cognitive powers engaged without<br />

any further aim. We linger [weilen] in our contemplation of the<br />

beautiful. (222; translation modified)<br />

Given the coercion of our every waking moment as conceptual beings,<br />

why would we not try to draw out the reprieve of reflection?<br />

Aesthetic reflective judgment selects from experiences of phenomenality<br />

in order to provide positive images for the conviction—over<br />

and against the apologetic, haunted demeanor of the phenomenophile—<br />

that the desire for relief from the coercion of fact perception is universally<br />

valid. The pleasures cherished by phenomenophiles for their very<br />

irrelevance are excluded; only the second kind of my three types of<br />

phenomenophilic technique, the foregrounding of object perception while<br />

one is engaged with Erscheinung, may be aesthetic. What is gained and<br />

lost when we compare the aberrant appeal of looking away to the rightful<br />

claim of beauty we may share?<br />

One passage that affords a comparison involves an example Kant gives<br />

of the distinction between beauty and charm (Reiz). In the “General Comment<br />

on the First Division of the Analytic,” Kant contrasts “beauties” to<br />

“beautiful views” whose “distance prevents us from recognizing them distinctly”<br />

31 or to the “changing shapes of the flames in a fireplace or of a rippling<br />

brook.” According to Kant, “neither of these are beauties, but they<br />

still charm the imagination because they sustain its free play” (243–244).<br />

Usually Kant discriminates charm from beauty by the sensory basis on<br />

which we judge it, which places charming things among the merely agreeable<br />

objects of taste; and his favorite example of charm is the delight of<br />

color (which associates charm with spectra) (224–225, 297, 302, 347). Although<br />

charm is sensory for Kant, however, sensory delight doesn’t prevent<br />

an object from triggering an aesthetic reflective judgment (objects per<br />

se are not beautiful or unbeautiful); aesthetic judgments are not characterized<br />

by their objects but by the internal harmony of the faculties when<br />

31. As we saw in the example of the risen moon, distance can function as though it<br />

were a phenomenophilic manipulation of appearance such as squinting: one can cultivate<br />

effects of distance. The classic text is Hazlitt’s “Why Distant Objects Please”<br />

[1821], in Selected Writings, ed. Ronald Blythe (London: Penguin, 1982), 148–160.

104 looking away<br />

imagination takes the lead. Reflection on charming things through which<br />

the mind perceives “the regular play of the impressions (and hence the<br />

form in the connection of different presentations)” can be aesthetic (224),<br />

so it isn’t automatically clear why the experience of the rippling brook is<br />

not aesthetic. The example of “beautiful views” and “changing shapes”<br />

therefore introduces a structural distinction between these objects and objects<br />

of aesthetic reflective judgments. Kant explains that “in beautiful<br />

views of objects, taste seems to fasten not so much on what the imagination<br />

apprehends in that area, as on the occasion they provide for it to engage<br />

in fiction [dichten], i.e., on the actual fantasies with which the mind entertains<br />

itself as it is continually being aroused by the diversity that strikes<br />

the eye” (243). If we mix fantasy with perception, our confused pleasure<br />

may be unable to lead to a harmony in the mind. The evanescence of<br />

Kant’s examples—the “changing” flames and “rippling” water—suggest<br />

that these experiences are too brief and contingent to universalize. Inspiring<br />

free play but not “free lawfulness” (240) or “regular play” (224), they are<br />

among the traditional instances of phenomenality, blissfully and fleetingly<br />

transmorphic. Working backward from Kant’s insistence that aesthetic<br />

judgments must be thinkably shareable, we can hypothesize that rippling<br />

water is not a beauty because it conveys no impression that someone else<br />

must like it in just the way we do.<br />

Even if we were to reflect on the formal elements of our experience of<br />

“beautiful views” and “changing shapes,” at least some of these reflections<br />

would be subaesthetic—not beautiful, not sublime (although in their wildness<br />

they could be contrasted interestingly to the sublime as well as to the<br />

beautiful). In The Idea of Form, Gasché argues with great originality that<br />

aesthetic judgments discover “the minimal conditions of cognizability” (9);<br />

beautiful views, changing shapes, and “mixed colors” (CJ 225) don’t meet<br />

those minimal conditions. 32 The contrast between beauty and charm thus<br />

supports Gasché’s contention that aesthetic judgment is defined by the fact<br />

32. Because purity involves form, “all simple colors, insofar as they are pure, are considered<br />

beautiful; mixed colors do not enjoy this privilege, precisely because, since they<br />

are not simple, we lack a standard for judging whether we should call them pure or impure”<br />

(CJ 224–225). The discourse of phenomenality is obsessed with variegated<br />

color—for example, the mixed colors of Coleridge’s “Fire screen inscribed with the nitrate<br />

& muriate of Cobalt” (N 3547).

appearance and acceptance in kant 105<br />

that in it, a judgment that could be “reduced to concepts” is not reduced to<br />

concepts (Idea of Form, 56). Beautiful views could never be reduced to concepts<br />

(at least not with eighteenth-century technology). Again, the implication<br />

is that aesthetic reflective judgments are object perceptions—or,<br />

more precisely, reflections on object perceptions—that don’t become fact<br />

perceptions: “As long as the judgment remains aesthetically reflective, the<br />

indispensable transcendental possibility of cognition in general does not<br />

turn into the possibility of an actual act of determined cognition” (ibid.).<br />

The emphasis of the distinction between aesthetic reflective judgments<br />

and charming perceptions, then, falls on the imaginable shareability of the<br />

former, over and against the not even conceivable normativity of the latter.<br />

This conclusion is in tension but not in contradiction with the poststructuralist<br />

conclusion that aspects of the sublime destabilize the aesthetic,<br />

with the effect that the Third Critique opens up rather than closes<br />

Kant’s system. Portions of Kant’s descriptions of sublimity, and especially<br />

poststructuralist interpretations thereof, do work in sympathy with the<br />

proto- or antiaesthetic of phenomenophilia, as we can only now understand,<br />

even as the Third Critique attempts to envision a robust normative<br />

aesthetics. A good way to show this sympathy is by turning to Paul de<br />

Man’s “Phenomenality and Materiality in Kant,” which takes up a matter<br />

close to the concerns of looking away: the role within the Third Critique<br />

of Kant’s idea of “Augenschein,” the sublime form of nonconceptual perception<br />

“that is how things are to the eye...andnottothemind.” 33 First,<br />

a summary of de Man’s point of view.<br />

De Man’s famous example of Augenschein is the expanse of sky or<br />

sea that Kant asks his readers to “view . . . as poets do, merely in terms<br />

of what manifests itself to the eye,” because “only under this presentation<br />

can we posit the sublimity that a pure aesthetic judgment attributes” (CJ<br />

Kant’s own feelings about color went into his clothes: “late in his life Kant preferred<br />

mottled [meliert] colors,” but in his thirties he was a fashion plate and liked extravagant<br />

ones, believing that “the colors of one’s dress should follow the flowers” (Ludwig Ernst<br />

Borowski, Darstellung des Lebens und Charakters Immanuel Kants [1804], in Immanuel<br />

Kant: Ein Lebensbild nach Darstellungen der Zeitgenossen Borowski, Jachmann, Wasianski,<br />

ed. Hermann Schwarz [Halle: Hugo Peter, 1907], quoted in Kuehn, Kant, 115).<br />

33. “Phenomenality and Materiality in Kant,” in Aesthetic Ideology, ed. Andrzej<br />

Warminski (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1996), 70–90, p. 82.

106 looking away<br />

270, translation modified, cited in “Phenomenality,” 80). As de Man points<br />

out, Augenschein supposedly exemplifies the aesthetic because it is purely<br />

nonteleological and nonconceptual. According to Kant, it’s “the poets”—<br />

the “romantic poets” and their eighteenth-century precursors, de Man<br />

adds (81)—who know how to see like this. Augenschein is a problem for<br />

the Third Critique because it<br />

stands in direct contradiction to all preceding definitions and analyses<br />

of the sublime given in section 24 on until this point in section 29.<br />

Still, in the condensed definition that appears in the same chapter<br />

the stress falls on the sublime as a concrete representation of ideas<br />

(Darstellung von Ideen). . . . And there has been so much emphasis,<br />

from the start, on the fact that the sublime does not reside in the natural<br />

object but in the mind of man (Gemütsbestimmungen) that the<br />

burden of the argument, much rather than emphasizing the purely inward,<br />

noumenal nature of the sublime, becomes the need to account<br />

for the fact that it nevertheless occurs as an outward, phenomenal<br />

manifestation. Can this in any way be reconciled with the radical materiality<br />

of sublime vision suddenly introduced, as if it were an afterthought,<br />

at this point in the argument? How is one to reconcile the<br />

concrete representation of ideas with pure ocular vision, Darstellung<br />

von Ideen with Augenschein? (83)<br />

De Man contrasts Augenschein with the conclusion of the aesthetic, when<br />

it’s open to the mind to contemplate aesthetic experience as representation.<br />

That conclusion is to be achieved through the self-“sacrifice” of<br />

imagination after the “ocular vision” of the sublime, he explains. The<br />

imagination sacrifices an experience of play, associated with “natural freedom,”<br />

to the tranquility of reason:<br />

The free, empirical reaction of the imagination, when confronted<br />

with the power and might of nature, is to indulge, to enjoy the terror<br />

of this very magnitude. Taming this delectable, because imaginary,<br />

terror...andpreferring to it the tranquil satisfaction of superiority, is<br />

to submit the imagination to the power of reason....theimagination

appearance and acceptance in kant 107<br />

achieves tranquility, it submits to reason, achieves the highest degree<br />

of freedom by freely sacrificing its natural freedom to the higher freedom<br />

of reason. (86)<br />

For de Man, imagination’s intervention seems to be argued by reference to<br />

mental laws but takes place through the figurative “story of an exchange”<br />

(87). He doubts that this story can really be connected with the ocular vision<br />

he decides to call—for lack of a better word, he claims—“material”<br />

(82), and that Kant has substituted for the phenomenality “based on an adequacy<br />

of the mind to its physical object” that had previously been the<br />

hallmark of aesthetic experience (88).<br />

Now, Augenschein is object perception on a sublime scale: the not yet<br />

conceptual, nonteleological perception of something like the sea or sky.<br />

The identity of Augenschein with object perception is especially clear in<br />

de Man’s adduction of a smaller-scale example from Kant’s Logic, of “a wild<br />

man who, from a distance, sees a house of which he does not know the<br />

use” (quoted on 81). “The poet who sees the heavens as a vault is clearly<br />

like the savage,” de Man remarks; “he does not see prior to dwelling, but<br />

merely sees” (ibid.). The poet doesn’t see the fact perception of the sky,<br />

that is, that it is the lower portion of the atmosphere around the earth; he<br />

sees, for a moment, something blue-gray that appears to arch over him in a<br />

domelike shape. On the sublime scale, one’s first reaction to such a mere<br />

appearance is “shocked, but pleasurable surprise,” which modulates almost<br />

instantaneously into the desire “to indulge, to enjoy” the sensation (85). A<br />

better word than “material”—“the only word that comes to mind” for de<br />

Man (82)—would be the phrase with which eighteenth-century philosophers<br />

would have described it, “merely empirical.” As we’ve seen, the sensation,<br />

and the freedom associated with it, do not last long. The sensation<br />

fades, the concept dominates; the imagination gives up its self-indulgence<br />

and returns to reason. It cognizes and hence consents minimally to the<br />

sky. Is this an account of how the imagination reconciles itself freely to<br />

reason—namely, through the fact that the imagination’s capacity to linger<br />

in object perception naturally expires—or of how the imagination must<br />

be at odds with its own desires, which subside unreconciled, so that<br />

Augenschein remains pre- or antiaesthetic? In my terms, there is minimal

108 looking away<br />

consent, thin consent, in objective liking for the sky, and the aesthetic<br />

has not necessarily yet occurred.<br />

If we decide, with de Man, that in the passages about Augenschein Kant<br />

presents the fading of imagination’s fondness for object perception as aes-<br />

thetic freedom, then I would agree with de Man that the Third Critique<br />

fails to be persuasive here. Yet the reader does not need the passages on<br />

Augenschein to be difficult for Kant to integrate in order to have something<br />

within Kant to oppose to aesthetic harmony—nor does de Man ever<br />

say that’s so—since that work is also done by minimal acceptance in the<br />

First Critique and by objective liking in the Third. It is even done by aesthetic<br />

reflective judgments themselves, which provide a basis, as we’ve<br />

seen, for comparing the experience of the wild man who encounters the<br />

house with the phenomenophile poet who arranges to encounter a startling<br />

reflection in the lake.<br />

The case for object perception as opposed to aesthetic perception is<br />

made most strongly of all, however, by charming perceptions (Reizen),<br />

those aspects of phenomenality that are excluded from the aesthetic and<br />

fall back into mere sensory gratification. As gratifications of taste, they<br />

concern no one but oneself. 34 According to Kant, all sensory tastes that<br />

one “bases on a private feeling” are merely “agreeable,” so that one says of<br />

such a taste, “It is agreeable to me” (CJ 212; see also 238):<br />

if we suppose that our liking for the object consists entirely in the object’s<br />

gratifying us through charm or emotion, then we also must not<br />

require anyone else to assent to an aesthetic judgment that we make:<br />

for about that sort of liking each person rightly consults only his private<br />

sense. But, if that is so, then all censure of taste will also cease,<br />

unless the example that other people give through the contingent<br />

harmony among their judgments were turned into a command that we<br />

approve. At such a principle, however, we would presumably balk, appealing<br />

to our natural right to subject to our own sense, not to that of<br />

34. For this, judgments of taste have long been preferred to aesthetic judgments by<br />

the person philosophy calls “the skeptic.” See Barbara Herrnstein Smith’s discussion of<br />

taste and judgment in Hume and Kant in Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives<br />

for Critical Theory (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1988), 54–72.

appearance and acceptance in kant 109<br />

others, any judgment that rests on the direct feeling of our own wellbeing.<br />

(278)<br />

Kant’s argument is a bit circular: when objects concern “entirely” one’s<br />

own well-being, they cannot be required to be shared. That doesn’t sound<br />

like a completely bad thing. As soon as Kant introduces the comparison<br />

between the beautiful and the agreeable in §7, the double edge of the<br />

agreeable stands out. Kant writes of the perceiver of sensory taste, “many<br />

things may be charming and agreeable to him; no one cares about that”<br />

(212). On the one hand, what matters only to me lacks significance—I cannot<br />

expect anyone else to find it as enjoyable as I do, so if I want company,<br />

I’m in trouble. But on the other, to the extent that I don’t want to have to<br />

share my experience, I’m in luck: the object is not doing anything but gratifying<br />

me, only me; and (freedom of freedoms) no one cares! Further, if my<br />

peculiar taste fails to meet a social norm, I can rest assured that I have a<br />

“natural right” to like it anyway, and not to prefer what someone else enjoys<br />

(for although we can’t expect other people to share our tastes, we do<br />

compare them [213]), because we have a right to “subject to our own<br />

sense, not to that of others, any judgment that rests on the direct feeling of<br />

our own well-being.”<br />

The advantages of private pleasure are risked, and their complements<br />

acknowledged, when we graduate from sense to aesthetic judgment. Other<br />

people occupy our aesthetic world from the beginning—from before the<br />

beginning. It’s notable, though, that Kant depicts the aesthetic as a realm<br />

in which we have done all we need to do by way of value judgment and can<br />

mentally “require” the same from everybody else. Even though logically,<br />

aesthetic requirements are reciprocal (other people are justified in their<br />

feelings), the demand of aesthetic judgment in the Third Critique tends to<br />

be exemplified in a presumption one makes about others and not a presumption<br />

that others make regarding oneself. Aesthetic judgment generally<br />

occurs in the first-person active voice. As described in the Third Critique,<br />

the aesthetic isn’t a realm of obligation, but one in which we get to<br />

know what it’s like to make mental demands on others’ feelings—demands<br />

about which we may be mistaken, but for which we need not apologize.<br />

J. M. Bernstein makes an eloquent case for the utopian yearning of<br />

Kant’s “common sense,” the basis for aesthetic agreement that we presup

110 looking away<br />

pose. What’s more, he understands common sense as a reaction to the objective<br />

strictures of the First Critique, in which<br />

what is sense-perceptible gets reduced through transcendental legislation<br />

to its lowest common denominator, namely, what accords<br />

with the dictates of categorial causality and physical theory so understood.<br />

...<br />

To now conceive of a world in which determinate, subsumptive<br />

judgment predominates over common sense is to conceive of a world<br />

in which the interest in knowledge has come to mean an interest in<br />

what things are apart from any other interests; and where, therefore,<br />

what provides the commonness of the world, its shareability, are the<br />

sense-perceptible properties of ordinary objects in their (reductively)<br />

determinate relations to one another. ...<br />

From the perspective of reflective judgment the attainment of such<br />

a world looks like a loss; a loss of commonness and solidarity. Or<br />

better, it images a common world without solidarity. Things and persons<br />

are meaningless, without value, in terms o[f] what can be said<br />

about them “objectively,” perceptually, through the deliverances of<br />

the senses.<br />

In such a world, our world, judgments of beauty are memorial: in<br />

making aesthetic judgments we judge things “as if” from the perspective<br />

of our lost common sense, a common sense that may never have<br />

existed. 35<br />

Bernstein captures the way that the First Critique bases the “shareability”<br />

of the world in invariance rather than in solidarity. Because I have been focusing<br />

on objective value, I do not find that “things and persons are meaningless,<br />

without value, in terms o[f] what can be said about them ‘objectively’”;<br />

but I do find them to hold a value that is almost empty except for<br />

the fact that we are required to acknowledge it through a conclusion of<br />

reason that carries a minimal objective liking or respect, and at which<br />

each person has to arrive independently. And I can completely understand<br />

35. The Fate of Art: Aesthetic Alienation from Kant to Derrida and Adorno (University<br />

Park: Penn State UP, 1992), 60.

appearance and acceptance in kant 111<br />

why readers of the First Critique, including Kant, would want to add to<br />

that minimal liking, or substitute for it, something more affirmative—also<br />

something that, to put it more negatively, might express our resistance<br />

to the coercion of the “lowest common denominator[s]” of the given<br />

world. Bernstein describes the dream of common sense as the figure of an<br />

attunement we never have to try to achieve: “common sense is the communicability<br />

of feeling, and not the demand for such” (The Fate of Art, 61).<br />

The aesthetic project, in Bernstein’s narrative, looks within itself for the<br />

wishful memory of a time and place “where, perhaps...nothing is beautiful<br />

that is not also holy or good or true” (59). Other portions of the Third<br />

Critique, however, are written with reference not to such a time but to civilization<br />

as we know it, in which the character of existing relations explains<br />

why “we have an ‘interest’ in producing judgments that are disconnected<br />

from what anyone desires, or thinks beautiful or holy or good” (58). For<br />

Bernstein, to say that aesthetic reflective judgments replace that interest<br />

with the presupposition of common sense is to say that the trace of what<br />

ought to be informs the aesthetic reflective judgments we actually experience—mostly<br />

in the negative, in the cancellation of interest. Bernstein’s<br />

reading of common sense reminds us why we mind the coercion of fact<br />

perception so much; fact perception, as the application of concepts to<br />

object perception, is epistemic, but society moralizes epistemology, makes<br />

its requirements into social obligations, and therefore makes object perception<br />

seem like a reprieve from society’s attempts to appropriate the<br />

world’s givenness to itself. If perception needs “correcting” by “another<br />

tribunal, equal to or higher than it,” as Kolakowski proposes, and this tribunal<br />

turns out to be “human communication,” 36 then tarrying in object<br />

perception marks the appeal from the normative biases of human communication<br />

to a realm that Kolakowski finds beneath consideration because it<br />

“ha[s] no practical meaning, and [is] thus excluded from our communication<br />

process” (Metaphysical Horror, 13). In this line of thought, object perception<br />

evokes versions of the aesthetic which are protopolitical, and in<br />

which the presupposition of common sense only holds the place of a com-<br />

36. Leszek Kolakowski, Metaphysical Horror, ed. Agnieszka Kolakowska, 2nd ed.<br />

(Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2001), 68.

112 looking away<br />

munity in which human communication is altogether different—even excluded—from<br />

what it is now.<br />

But if that’s so, the all but neutral vision of the First Critique also contributes<br />

heavily to the proto-political, to the point where I want to ask not<br />

whether the Third Critique sufficiently repairs a deficiency in the First,<br />

but whether there is any deficiency at all; whether the impression of deficiency<br />

is not created by later works, in which Kant attributes weaknesses<br />

to the First Critique in terms that are not quite its own. To appreciate the<br />

aesthetic achievements of the First Critique we need to look again at objective<br />

liking, and how, although it may happen in a flash, it contains the<br />

enigmatic depths of Kantian subjectivity.<br />

The conceptualization of empirical experience between object perception<br />

and fact perception and the critical passage by which we arrive at a<br />

conclusion of reason regarding our relation to nature as a whole both<br />

carry and are carried by objective value, but the central tenet of critical<br />

philosophy is that these value-producing processes must occur in subjective<br />

space and time. The subjective ratification of objective liking bridges<br />

fact to value in miniature. Minimalist rather than meaningless, objective<br />

liking is the place where the discovery of reality is first performed (an insight<br />

recovered by the artistic movement of minimalism). The moment of<br />

objective liking is pivotal and frightening, but also lighter than we imagine<br />

it to be from the perspective of deep, community-supposing, subjective<br />

liking—in other words, from the perspective that the Third Critique has<br />

institutionalized. If the Third Critique bears dimly in its memory the trace<br />

of a light value, on which we agree naturally and independently, not because<br />

we have made each other agree; a value that is based in the internal<br />

harmonies of reflection, which harmonies can be discerned in the processes<br />

as well as in the conclusions of cognition, then is the Third Critique<br />

trying to remember—the First Critique?<br />

Supposing that objective liking conditions subjective liking, however,<br />

still leaves untouched the whole question of what we desire and like enthusiastically—the<br />

questions of practical reason and aesthetic judgment.<br />

Viewed in light of fact value, The Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Practical<br />

Reason would stand to the Critique of Pure Reason as Coleridge’s spectres<br />

stand to phenomenal experience, except that Kant phrases inner laws<br />

in the imperative. While the First Critique deals with fact perceptions as

appearance and acceptance in kant 113<br />

objective values, the moral writings deal with inner laws as fact perceptions—that<br />

is, as perceptions of psychic facts, which exist only in and as<br />

value. As Coleridge notices, appearances are more or less temporally and<br />

spatially limited and the value obligations they prescribe are also always<br />

limited, up to the obligation incurred by the most durable external facts.<br />

Psychic facts and inner moral laws, however, are empirically unlimited and<br />

outrageously pressing. It’s this asymmetry of intensity between external<br />

and internal fact perceptions that gives the impression of a shocking gulf<br />

between the sensible and the supersensible, as critics have noted. 37 The<br />

“supersensible” inner world does not wait for empirical support before it<br />

legislates, nor is it daunted by empirical bounds; in its domain “the concept<br />

of nature determines nothing,” as Kant writes in the Introduction to<br />

the Third Critique (CJ 195). Implicitly, Kant’s sojourn in the intensity of<br />

inner law creates, dialectically, a desire to develop—or, I would argue, recover—a<br />

nonmoral form of value in the Critique of Judgment. It’s easy to<br />

agree with Kant that it would be good to have a model for free pleasure, an<br />

affect that could pave the way for the “desiring power” that, Kant asserts<br />

toward the end of the Third Critique, alone gives purpose to the “existence<br />

of the world” (443). Among systems that propose such a model, the<br />

Critique of Judgment utterly outshines its rivals. The Third Critique is by<br />

far the most ambitiously legitimating and the most astoundingly refined,<br />

while the phenomenophile anti- or protoaesthetic of looking away is perhaps<br />

the least organized, the least ambitious, and the most errant. We can<br />

still ask, though, which furnishes the more appealing image of freedom.<br />

37. Guyer comments that “by 1790, Kant had come to feel that there was a gulf to be<br />

bridged between nature and freedom” because he no longer believes that moral perfection<br />

can lie in reason alone without “the development of feelings compatible with and<br />

conducive to those intentions that are dictated by pure practical reason alone” (Kant and<br />

the Experience of Freedom: Essays on Aesthetics and Morality [Cambridge: Cambridge UP,<br />

1993], 30).

4<br />

Court of Appeal, or, Adorno<br />

With Adorno we arrive at a historicized account of phenomenality and dissatisfaction<br />

unavailable earlier, developed as it is from Marx. For Adorno,<br />

the critique of fact perception as social artifact is research in the phenomenology<br />

of ideology. As such, it suggests a cultural explanation of the motives<br />

for phenomenophilia, one echoed in criticism by Fredric Jameson,<br />

Mary Poovey, and Jonathan Crary, among others. Adducing Marx’s Economic<br />

and Philosophical Manuscripts, Jameson remarks in The Political Unconscious<br />

that<br />

the very activity of sense perception has nowhere to go in a world in<br />

which science deals with ideal quantities, and comes to have little<br />

enough exchange value in a money economy dominated by considerations<br />

of calculation, measurement, profit, and the like. This unused<br />

surplus capacity of sense perception can only reorganize itself into a<br />

new and semi-autonomous activity, one which produces its own specific<br />

objects, new objects that are themselves the result of a process of

154 looking away<br />

abstraction and reification, such that older concrete unities are now<br />

sundered into measurable dimensions on one side, say, and pure color<br />

(or the experience of purely abstract color) on the other. ...astyle<br />

like Impressionism, which discards even the operative fiction of some<br />

interest in the constituted objects of the natural world ...offers the<br />

exercise of perception and the perceptual recombination of sense data<br />

as an end in itself. 1<br />

Complementarily, Poovey suggests that one reaction to the consolidation<br />

of the modern fact is a romantic resistance to “the need to yoke<br />

knowledge systems to observed particulars.” 2 These readings of romanticism<br />

and modernism argue that the social and economic dominance of fact<br />

perception in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries provokes a counterreaction<br />

in which invisible (Poovey) or autonomously sensory (Jameson)<br />

realms take on the character of “compensation for everything reification<br />

brings with it” (Jameson, Political Unconscious, 236).<br />

Adorno’s work is a part of the reaction Jameson sketches, and he is<br />

himself an analyst of its formation. Adorno connects the developments<br />

Jameson observes to the ideological legacy of Hegel’s philosophy of history,<br />

attending especially to Hegel’s reformulation of what counts as given.<br />

To the extent that Hegel’s philosophy is a defense against Kant, Adorno<br />

can be seen to enter the discourse of phenomenality and dissatisfaction<br />

to fulfill Kantian promises overlooked or dismissed in the nineteenth century.<br />

From the perspective of the phenomenality/dissatisfaction association,<br />

the most striking feature of Adorno’s writing is its pointed use of “Schein”<br />

to refer, for the first time, to fact perception. 3 In the twentieth century,<br />

1. The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act (Ithaca: Cornell UP,<br />

1981), 229–230.<br />

2. A History of the Modern Fact: Problems of Knowledge in the Sciences of Wealth and Society<br />

(Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1998), 327.<br />

3. The English translation of Aesthetic Theory renders “Schein” as “semblance,” underlining<br />

the sense of false likeness or fiction; it’s illuminating to preserve the German<br />

word, however, because it encompasses not only semblance, but the generalized sense<br />

of illusion that is usually linked to mere phenomenality and the radiance that is its acknowledged<br />


court of appeal, or, adorno 155<br />

“the facts that have been advanced as a counterweight to mere illusion<br />

have themselves become a sort of cloak and so reinforce the impression of<br />

mere illusion [blossen Schein].” 4 The uncanny luster of facts absorbed<br />

without attention to the conditions that make them appear as they do—<br />

fact perception that goes directly to the bloodstream—is the height of<br />

Schein. 5 Hence Adorno’s special dislike of positivism, which would like to<br />

identify data exempt from the need for historical analysis. 6 All kinds of<br />

perception are historically bounded, but what we have been calling fact<br />

perception is most likely to dispense with a qualifying metalanguage and<br />

the kinds of mental reservation that it brings. Here we might recall Richard<br />

Moran’s idea that the proposition “P” induces belief and commitment<br />

more strongly than the proposition “I believe that P.” 7 For Moran, this<br />

qualifying effect is a reason not to muffle in representations of reflection<br />

4. HF 29; Nachgelassene Schriften, ed. Rolf Tiedemann (Frankfurt am Main:<br />

Suhrkamp, 2001), IV 13:45, hereafter NaS.<br />

5. Adorno adds in the same breath that dialectics should not simply consist in “the<br />

demonstration that what appears to be a brute fact [ein factum brutum entgegentritt] is<br />

in reality something that has become what it is, something conditioned and not an absolute.<br />

...Itwould ...bejust as foolish to demand of history that it should concentrate<br />

solely on the so-called context, the larger conditioning factor, as it would be for historiography<br />

to confine itself to the depiction of mere facts” (HF 20–21, translation modified;<br />

NaS 13:32).<br />

6. T. W. Adorno et al., The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology, trans. Glyn Adey<br />

and David Frisby (London: Heinemann, 1976). See also, e.g., HF 164 and Introduction<br />

to Sociology [1993], ed. Christophe Gödde, trans. Edmund Jephcott (Stanford: Stanford<br />

UP, 2000), 37.<br />

7. Authority and Estrangement: An Essay on Self-Knowledge (Princeton: Princeton UP,<br />

2001), 85. Moran’s mentor for this point is the Sartre of Being and Nothingness. Adorno<br />

complementarily views Sartre’s brand of “commitment” as a celebration of unfreedom<br />

in disguise: “the prescribed form of the alternatives through which Sartre wants to<br />

prove that freedom cannot be lost [die Unverlierbarkeit von Freiheit] negates freedom”<br />

(“Commitment,” Notes to Literature [1974], Vol. 2, trans. Shierry Weber Nicholsen<br />

[New York: Columbia UP, 1974], 79–81, translation modified); Gesammelte Schriften,<br />

ed. Rolf Tiedemann (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1986), 11:413, hereafter GS. Similar<br />

remarks in Negative Dialectics stress existentialism’s blurred sense of facticity and<br />

“existence”: “existentialism raises the inevitable, the sheer existence of men, to the status<br />

of a mentality which the individual is to choose, without his choice [Wahl] being determined<br />

by any reason [Bestimmungsgrund der Wahl], and without there really being<br />

another choice” (Negative Dialectics [1966], trans. E. B. Ashton [New York: Continuum,<br />

1992], 49–52, hereafter ND); GS 6:60.

156 looking away<br />

facts to which one wants to commit oneself. For Adorno, the fact/value<br />

conflation’s coercion of assent to the given is a good reason to maintain<br />

awareness of reflection, lest we endorse without noticing it historically<br />

conditioned facts that don’t deserve affirmation. In this context, Schein<br />

names the “façade of facticity [der sich durchsetzenden Faktizität]” (HF<br />

30; NaS 13:46)—an illusory rhetorical aspect of fact perceptions—that is<br />

“bound up” with “the affirmative power [Druck] of society.” 8 Adorno’s ideology<br />

critique releases conscientious objectors to the world “as is”—the<br />

“thinking men and artists [who] have not infrequently described a sense of<br />

being not quite there, of not playing along, a feeling as if they were not<br />

themselves at all, but a kind of spectator” (ND 363; GS 6:356). Like realism,<br />

ideology critique assumes that the person who tarries in appearance is<br />

tacitly critical of fact perception; unlike realism, it validates that criticism,<br />

and dismisses any need to apologize for reservations about whether “this<br />

could be all” (ND 363; GS 6:356). Any embarrassment should be on the<br />

side of facts that have the nerve to present themselves as necessities. 9<br />

Protesting a given, then, including protest that takes the form of seeing<br />

a fact with mental reservation as Schein, not only is distinguished by<br />

Adorno from “denying” fact, but is the opposite of denial. Adorno illustrates<br />

this point to his Frankfurt students by recalling “the experience of<br />

having his house searched early in the National Socialist regime” (HF 19;<br />

NaS 13:30). The house search exceeds the distinction between fact perception<br />

and perception of Schein:<br />

8. Aesthetic Theory [1970], trans. Robert Hullot-Kentor, ed. Gretel Adorno and Rolf<br />

Tiedemann (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1997), 110, hereafter AT; GS 7:168.<br />

9. Social facts potent enough to be possibly natural are the ones most at issue, which<br />

is to say that the question of the natural cannot help being at issue. Kantian critique<br />

renders time and space, but not qualitative experiences of time and space, leaving room<br />

for the social/natural ambiguity. What should count as a concept and as an intuition are<br />

historical, as J. M. Bernstein points out in his analysis of Aesthetic Theory (The Fate of<br />

Art: Aesthetic Alienation from Kant to Derrida and Adorno (University Park: Penn State<br />

UP, 1992), 198–200; see also page 166 below); similarly, Adorno insists that “natural<br />

beauty” “is at its core historical” (AT 65; GS 7, 102). When Adorno cites approvingly<br />

Hegel’s idea that “the consciousness of a people” is “like a necessity; the individual is<br />

raised in this atmosphere and knows of nothing else” (ND 327; GS 6:321), his emphasis<br />

is on the suitability of necessity as a figure. Later, Adorno will stress that Hegelian necessities<br />

are still only quasi necessities.

court of appeal, or, adorno 157<br />

the very concept of “fact” ensures that it cannot be insulated from its<br />

surrounding environment—just as I could probably not have really<br />

experienced that house search if I had not connected it in my mind with<br />

the political events of the winter and spring of 1933. If all that happened<br />

was that two relatively harmless officials belonging to the old<br />

police force had turned up on my doorstep ...myexperience would<br />

have been quite different from what it was....Afurther factor should<br />

not be overlooked, if the dialectic is not simply to degenerate into<br />

something like a superstition or a trivial pursuit [leeres Spiel]. By referring<br />

something back to the conditions that prove immediacy to<br />

have been conditioned, you do indeed strike a blow against immediacy,<br />

but that immediacy survives nonetheless. For we can speak of<br />

mediation only if immediate reality, only if primary experience, survives.<br />

(HF 20–21; NaS 13:31–32; see also ND 301)<br />

The dissociation between the incident’s malignancy and its “relatively<br />

harmless” strictly empirical features, as well as its utter lack of a legitimate<br />

rationale, give it illusionistic qualities that are part of its “primary experience.”<br />

The illusory core of the incident is one of the main facts about it:<br />

not experiencing it as Schein would not make it any more factive, and abstracting<br />

its full facticity would not make one’s understanding of the events<br />

of 1933 clearer or more complete. To the contrary: a fact like the house<br />

search “is both an actuality and at the same time a socially necessary illusion<br />

[gesellschaftlich notwendiger Schein]”—as Adorno remarks in a later<br />

lecture of “the organic nature” of an ideological society as a whole (HF<br />

118; NaS 13:170; see also ND 327).<br />

I agree with Jameson, then, that “virtually the central issue raised by the<br />

relationship between the universal and the particular ...iswhat Adorno<br />

will call positivism (along with its accompanying value, ‘nominalism’),” if<br />

one means positivism “in as generalized a cultural and intellectual fashion<br />

as possible.” 10 Adorno does use the term broadly, and seldom attempts to<br />

present positivist philosophers’ views. Rather, “positivism” stands for one<br />

pole of fact/value conflation, in which value emanates unidirectionally<br />

10. Fredric Jameson, Late Marxism: Adorno, or, The Persistence of the Dialectic (New<br />

York: Verso, 1990), 89.

158 looking away<br />

from a parsimoniously empirical construction of fact. While Jameson emphasizes<br />

Adorno’s polemic against positivism, I’ll emphasize equally his<br />

polemic against the counterforce that appears parenthetically in Jameson’s<br />

comment as “nominalism” and also informs idealism. Adorno knows that<br />

everything depends on what counts as a fact, and takes exception to convenient<br />

uses of the fact/value conflation in either direction. Positivism<br />

locks too much out of the category of fact, yet self-servingly inclusive<br />

ontologies can elicit from Adorno statements of which any positivist would<br />

be proud. To live up to Adorno’s meticulous analysis of experience, everyone,<br />

including the positivist, has to pay more, not less, attention to facts and<br />

values alike. 11<br />

1. critique of facticity<br />

Nineteenth-century social thought from Hegel and Marx to Durkheim returns<br />

again and again to the peculiar reality of the social fact. Marx’s pages<br />

on commodity fetishism remain the most vivid example of this line of<br />

thought for contemporary readers. 12 Adorno is haunted by Durkheim’s<br />

characterization of the fait social that feels like an impenetrable “thing,” 13<br />

and reminds his students that anyone who has had the impression of<br />

“‘run[ning] into a brick wall [auf Granit beisst]’” has experienced the<br />

violence of the social fact (Introduction to Sociology, 36; see also 50–51, 77;<br />

NaS 15:66). As Adorno’s lectures on sociology show, nineteenth-century<br />

thought draws his attention to the urgency of this enigma. What is<br />

uniquely Adorno’s is his realization that the artwork is the other of the social<br />

fact (and hence of the commodity) 14 to such a degree that a philosophy<br />

11. It follows that “the strongest argument against a positivist view of society is that,<br />

in placing the concept of experience so far in the foreground in the name of ‘empiricism’<br />

or ‘logical empiricism,’ it actually fetters experience” (Introduction to Sociology, 51;<br />

NaS 15, 90).<br />

12. Karl Marx, Capital [1867], trans. Ben Fowkes (New York: Vintage, 1977), 1:163ff.<br />

13. Émile Durkheim, The Rules of Sociological Method [1912], ed. Steven Lukes, trans.<br />

W. D. Halls (London: Macmillan, 1982). Durkheim’s account is all the more haunting<br />

because it is uncomplaining, written from within the enigma.<br />

14. See AT 236; GS 7:350–351.

court of appeal, or, adorno 159<br />

that aims to explain social fact has to be rewritten from the perspective of<br />

aesthetics and vice versa. This philosophy and aesthetics—or to be more<br />

exact, the hybrid enterprises that replace them—are the complementary<br />

projects of Adorno’s late books, Negative Dialectics and Aesthetic Theory.<br />

They constitute between them the dialecticization of the discourses of<br />

phenomenality and dissatisfaction.<br />

Adorno’s attitude toward fact perception in his late work resembles<br />

Hegel’s toward public opinion, that it “is to be respected as well as despised<br />

[ebenso geachtet als verachtet].” 15 Now, “respect [Achtung]” is the sentiment<br />

Kant matches to “objective liking” (CJ 210)—the minimal consent<br />

one gives to facts simply by absorbing their existence. As Ferenczi observes,<br />

fact recognition is marked by admission to the realm of calculation;<br />

however grudgingly, we “reckon with” facts. Public opinion, for example,<br />

may hold little insight, and yet the fact that people think something has<br />

to be reckoned with. Respecting facticity, objective liking respects precisely<br />

the kind of existence that Kantian aesthetics sets aside. We may also<br />

count as facts, however, ontologies even more ambiguous than that of<br />

public opinion; and there are of course divergent approaches to what<br />

ought to count and why. Adorno’s rereading of Hegel belabors a significant<br />

difference between Hegel and himself in this regard: Hegel conflates<br />

value with fact far more readily, and is generous and inconsistent<br />

about what counts as fact—a treacherous combination. This may seem to<br />

be a counterintuitive conclusion. Adorno’s contempt for positivism suggests<br />

that he himself would like a more capacious approach to fact; since<br />

“dialectics is necessarily and permanently concerned with the critique of<br />

mere facticity” (HF 19; NaS 13:30), as Adorno points out, and Hegel is<br />

none other than the philosopher most responsible for the historicization<br />

of facts, one might think that Hegel’s critique of facticity would suit<br />

Adorno. And it does, up to a point. Nonetheless, Adorno’s early-sixties<br />

thought concludes that Hegel’s critique, unlike his own, enlarges the do-<br />

15. G. W. F. Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, ed. Allen W. Wood, trans.<br />

H. B. Nisbet (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991), 355; Werke (Frankfurt am Main:<br />

Suhrkamp, 1970), 7:485. Adorno is fond of this catchphrase and echoes it in “Skoteinos,<br />

or How to Read Hegel,” in Hegel: Three Studies [1963], trans. Shierry Weber Nicholsen<br />

(Cambridge: MIT P, 1993), 113, hereafter HTS; HF 93; and Introduction to Sociology, 7.

160 looking away<br />

main and strengthens the value of social fact, and with it the affirmative<br />

power of society. This conclusion instigates Adorno’s long reply to Hegel<br />

and Marx in Negative Dialectics and Aesthetic Theory.<br />

It is easier to understand how Hegel can come to be seen as the champion<br />

of fact when we recall that a “fact” is not mere existence but existence<br />

recognized conceptually, already raised to consciousness. The notion of<br />

facticity registers the way in which value in Hegel is attached to history.<br />

(As Timothy Bahti argues of Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of History—<br />

in perceptual language—unimportant events “rot away” from historical<br />

consciousness; they “vanish like a deceptive appearance.”) 16<br />

Between 1957 and 1969 Adorno alludes repeatedly to Hegel’s phrase<br />

“the course of the world [der Weltlauf].” 17 In History and Freedom Adorno<br />

introduces “the course of the world,” among “various turns of phrase”<br />

such as “‘the logic of things,’” as a reasonable synonym for world spirit<br />

(HF 27, translation modified; NaS 13:42). I’ll return momentarily to this<br />

correlation. First, however, let’s note that Adorno identifies the course of<br />

the world with world spirit at just this time. In “Aspects of Hegel’s Philosophy”<br />

(1957) Adorno defends Hegel against the complaint that he displays<br />

“a complicity [Einverständnis] with the course of the world” (HTS 45; GS<br />

5:290); by History and Freedom, he describes precisely that complicity as a<br />

necessary effect of Hegel’s philosophy in acid, psychological, and nearly ad<br />

hominem terms (which are then moderated again in the more public utterance<br />

of Negative Dialectics; for this reason, I’ll emphasize History and Freedom<br />

throughout). In “Aspects” he asserts that Hegel’s philosophy is “essentially<br />

negative” and that Hegel “denounced the world, whose theodicy<br />

constitutes his program, in its totality as well” (HTS 30; GS 5:275–276); in<br />

“Skoteinos, or How to Read Hegel” (1963), the midpoint of Adorno’s reinterpretation,<br />

he still opines that “with incomparable tact, even the later<br />

chapters of the Phenomenology refrain from brutally compacting the science<br />

of the experience of consciousness and that of human history into one an-<br />

16. Allegories of History: Literary Historiography after Hegel (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins<br />

UP, 1992), 97.<br />

17. Phenomenology of Spirit [1807], trans. A. V. Miller (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1977),<br />

401–412. See “Aspects of Hegel’s Philosophy” (1957), in HTS 45; HF 27, 43, 47, 51,<br />

59–68, 72; ND 318; AT 49.

court of appeal, or, adorno 161<br />

other,” rather allowing them to “hover, touching, alongside one another”<br />

(HTS 142; GS 5:371). At the outset of History and Freedom, however,<br />

Adorno announces that “in Hegel history is regarded immediately as progress<br />

in the consciousness of freedom, such that consciousness for Hegel<br />

amounts to a realized freedom” (HF 3; NaS 13:9); and the lectures in their<br />

entirety argue that, deploying an “affirmative construction of history” (HF<br />

49; NaS 13:73), Hegel “interprets this primacy of the universal, this actual<br />

primacy of the concept, as if it meant the world itself were concept, spirit,<br />

and therefore ‘good’” (HF 43; NaS 13:65). What emerges through the arc<br />

of Adorno’s Hegel-centric works is the thesis that Hegel’s creation of a<br />

new kind of facticity—the facticity of those particulars that have a course,<br />

that is, of history as the ongoing activity of spirit—expands compulsory affirmation.<br />

Adorno locates Hegel in the tradition of fact/value conflation in a remarkable<br />

passage of History and Freedom, in his lecture of November 24,<br />

1964. Having just suggested that Hegel’s “hypostatization of reason” can<br />

be interpreted as “the hypostatization of mankind as a species ...that<br />

maintains itself as a whole” over individual claims (HF 44; NaS 13:67),<br />

Adorno continues:<br />

the human race in fact [tatsächlich] can only survive in and through<br />

the totality. The only reason why the optimism [Geschichtsoptimismus]<br />

of the philosophy of absolute spirit is not a mere mockery is because<br />

the essence of all the self-preserving acts that culminate in this<br />

supreme concept of reason as absolute self-preservation is after all the<br />

means by which humanity has managed to survive and still continues<br />

to do so. And it has succeeded in doing so despite all the suffering, the<br />

terrible grinding of the machinery and the sacrifices of what Marx<br />

would have called the forces and means of production. The infinite<br />

weak point of every critical position (and I would like to tell you that I<br />

include my own here) is that, when confronted with such criticism,<br />

Hegel simply has the more powerful argument. This is because there<br />

is no other world than the one in which we live, or at least we have no<br />

reliable knowledge of any alternative despite all our radar screens and<br />

giant radio telescopes. So that we shall always be told: everything you

162 looking away<br />

are, everything you have, you owe, we owe to this odious totality,<br />

even though we cannot deny that it is an odious and abhorrent totality.<br />

18 (HF 47; NaS 13:71–72)<br />

By calling the philosophy of spirit a kind of “optimism,” Adorno appends<br />

it to the debate set off by the Berlin Academy’s 1755 essay contest “All is<br />

right” (discussed in Chapter 2), in which Leibniz and Kant participated.<br />

Moreover, he echoes Kant’s outline of the dilemma faced by reason in the<br />

First Critique, namely whether and how to go about confirming that one<br />

must reconcile oneself to the given world after all “because there is no<br />

other world than the one in which we live, or at least we have no reliable<br />

knowledge of any.” Adorno doesn’t much like this moment of the First<br />

Critique; like most readers, he interprets it in isolation from the passages<br />

on transcendental illusion and hears Kant’s acceptance as robust rather<br />

than minimal—he finds in it at best the “self-satisfied, manly resignation<br />

of a philosophy settling down in the external mundus sensibilis” (ND 73; GS<br />

6:80). Hegel’s rebellion against this passage of the First Critique could be<br />

said to drive his entire project, and Adorno agrees strongly that Kant’s<br />

conclusions should not be used in the positivist way to persuade humanity<br />

to “affix itself to the finite” (ND 383; GS 6:376). Nonetheless, Adorno’s<br />

placing Hegel next in line in the chronicle of optimists indicates that<br />

he does no better (and since I don’t share Adorno’s reading of the First<br />

Critique, to me Hegel’s contribution looks even worse than it does to<br />

Adorno—it looks positively regressive). Hegel historicizes Kant’s cognitive<br />

understanding of human limitation in order to inject history with exigency,<br />

making it seem circumscribing. Since by definition the human species<br />

has no other history than the one that has occurred, “it always looks as<br />

if human beings and the course of the world that is imposed on them are<br />

truly similar in nature, are genuinely identical. ...asifwehadnoright to<br />

complain about the course of the world that has made people what they<br />

are” (HF 72; NaS 13:107). As Kant demonstrates how to identify exigency<br />

through critique, Hegel invents a method—Hegelian dialectic—for revealing<br />

social facts as effective exigencies, given-substitutes. In the end,<br />

18. See also HF 43, on Hegel’s “realism,” and ND 300–360, especially 303–304,<br />


court of appeal, or, adorno 163<br />

these effective exigencies press for affirmation even more strongly than<br />

natural givens, since history ratifies them in human terms. There’s more to<br />

be said about Hegel’s shift from hard-core necessity to “de facto” necessity<br />

and his mechanisms for justifying it. For now, let’s observe that when<br />

Adorno criticizes Hegel’s “unquestioned parti pris for the prevailing universal”<br />

(HF 51; NaS 13:76), the more familiar part of his criticism—that<br />

Hegel favors the universal over the particular—occludes his equally important<br />

point that the Hegelian universal arranges for itself to be valued<br />

because it is prevailing, i.e., as fact.<br />

Marx notes that “capital ...onthebasis of its own reality, positions the<br />

condition for its realization” in a retrospective operation that converts history<br />

into the history of capital. Dipesh Chakrabarty writes that Marx also<br />

notices alternative “antecedents” of capital that are “not ...antecedents<br />

established by itself,” antecedents neither naturally nor necessarily connected<br />

to capital. 19 This second set of antecedents, which Chakrabarty<br />

terms Marx’s “History 2,” is, he argues, Marx’s way of showing “that the<br />

total universe of pasts that capital encounters is larger than the sum of<br />

those elements in which are worked out the logical presuppositions of capital,”<br />

and that these pasts “interrupt and punctuate” the history of capital<br />

(“Two Histories of Capital,” 64). With a similarly enlarged set of elements<br />

in view, Adorno complains that Hegel “give[s] precedence over possibility”<br />

to certain facts that are reinforced in a circular way (HF 51; NaS 13:76).<br />

Adorno’s texts instate a “court of appeal” for particulars and possibilities<br />

on the losing side of history, as I’ll explain in the last part of this section.<br />

Adorno’s concern in History and Freedom is to register this complaint in<br />

philosophical terms. His phrasing of it involves a complex assertion of<br />

methodological bias: Hegel, who sets aside the operative facticity of alternative<br />

possibilities—possibilities as things to be reckoned with—extends<br />

that facticity to presuppositions that are equally mental entities, to the extent<br />

that they are attached to the course of the world.<br />

Adorno’s methodological point is argued best in “Skoteinos,” his long<br />

19. Karl Marx, Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy, trans. Martin<br />

Nicholas (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973), 459, quoted in Dipesh Chakrabarty,<br />

“The Two Histories of Capital,” in Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical<br />

Difference (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2000), 63.

164 looking away<br />

and brilliant essay on Hegel’s obscurity (“Skoteinos” = dark, opaque).<br />

Published in 1963, it precedes the lectures collected in History and Free-<br />

dom, delivered in the academic year 1964–65. Much of “Skoteinos” attacks<br />

the legitimacy of the reconstructed presupposition in dialectics. In Hegel<br />

the concept “is turned this way and that” and “breaks up when it insists on<br />

itself [geht in die Brüche, sobald er auf sich beharrt],” revealing a nonidentity<br />

“inherent” in its meaning (“Skoteinos,” HTS 133, translation modified;<br />

GS 5:363). Hegel’s treatment of what is thus exposes dynamism<br />

within the copula: “what is, is more than it is [Was ist, ist mehr, als es ist]”<br />

(ND 161; GS 6:164; see also “Copula,” ND 100–104). 20 “But,” Adorno<br />

goes on,<br />

the usual conception of the dynamic of Hegel’s thought—that the<br />

movement of the concept is nothing but the advance from one to the<br />

other by virtue of the inner mediatedness of the former—is one-sided<br />

if nothing else....Often, accordingly, the presentation makes a backward<br />

leap. What would be new according to the simple schema of<br />

triplicity reveals itself to be the concept that formed the starting point<br />

for the particular dialectical movement under discussion, modified<br />

and under different illumination. (“Skoteinos,” HTS 134–135; GS<br />

5:364–365)<br />

Hegel’s texts proceed by culling “starting point[s]” from the shadows of<br />

what they are said to have produced—or else introducing new points in<br />

the guise of reconstructed starting points. Either way, Adorno argues,<br />

Hegel exploits the value of what is: either really or rhetorically. Hegel’s<br />

method embodies his rhetorical reliance on fact/value conflation in that<br />

the texts move the reader along without exactly arguing. He “can be understood<br />

only when the individual analyses are read not as arguments<br />

but as descriptions of ‘implied meanings’”; his unwillingness to acknowledge<br />

prescription leads him to “[make] fun of theses, calling them ‘dicta’<br />

20. See Derrida’s analysis of the Hegelian “is” in Glas [1974], trans. John P. Leavey,<br />

Jr., and Richard Rand (Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1986), especially the relation of the<br />

copula to Christian revelation (56–58) and to the ambiguously descriptive or prescriptive<br />

status of Hegel’s texts (197–198).

court of appeal, or, adorno 165<br />

[‘Spruch’ or sayings—RT]” (ibid., HTS 140, 141; GS 5:370). Although<br />

any moment of being in the Hegelian text is transitive, Adorno claims that<br />

Hegel does not dynamize the “is” to “add anything to the grammatical<br />

concept that forms the subject, as ...with Kant” (ibid., HTS 133; GS<br />

5:363), but only in the name of a “retroactive force,” modeled on Christian<br />

figura, that radiates from what has come to pass to what appears in hindsight<br />

to be its antecedents. What is for Hegel is not so much qualified by<br />

its transience as it is expanded to encompass existence in a hypothetical<br />

past and future. Thus Adorno concludes that there is a “latent positivistic<br />

moment contained, for all Hegel’s invectives against narrow-minded reflective<br />

thought, in his philosophy’s stubborn insistence on what is” (ibid.,<br />

HTS 145; GS 5:373). 21 The “latent positivistic moment” mirrors the latency<br />

of Hegelian fact—a kind of right of the unborn fact to be welcomed,<br />

by virtue of consciousness of it, among the living.<br />

Hegel’s criteria for what is lead to the question of the status, for Hegel,<br />

of thoughts in logical space. The paradigmatic instance for studying this<br />

question, in turn, is the ontological argument for God from Anselm and<br />

Descartes to Kant. The ontological argument has already appeared in<br />

Chapter 1 as a symptom of the compulsory reality of spectres, ideas that<br />

seem like things. Remember Hartley Coleridge’s urgent wish: “‘It is not<br />

yet, but it will be—for it is—& it cannot stay always, in here’ (pressing one<br />

hand on his forehead and the other on his occiput)—‘and then it will be—because<br />

it is not nothing’” (N 3547). Adorno cites Hegel’s version in Aesthetic<br />

Theory and Negative Dialectics, underlining the power of Hegel’s claim that<br />

“the moment a limit is posited, it is overstepped” in thought (AT 6, GS<br />

7:16; see also HTS 6). Adorno adduces Hegel’s ontological argument—for<br />

Hegel does, in this case, offer an argument—in Aesthetic Theory to introduce<br />

the idea that art can manage only “intermittent” closure, not “the<br />

fixed circumference of a sphere” (AT 6; GS 7:17). Hegel’s riposte to Kant<br />

is productive, Adorno suggests, insofar as it supports “the deepest promise<br />

21. Carl Schmitt notes that in Hegel “what is right will make itself effective, and<br />

what should merely be, without actually existing, is not true but only a subjective mastery<br />

of life” (The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy [1926], trans. Ellen Kennedy [Cambridge:<br />

MIT P, 1985], 57). On Schmitt’s criticism of Hegel’s identification of world history<br />

and “the world court [Weltgericht]” (56), see Stathis Gourgouris, Does Literature<br />

Think? Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2003), 97ff.

166 looking away<br />

interpretation makes to the mind,” namely “the assurance it gives that<br />

what exists is not the ultimate reality [dass das was ist nicht das letzte ist]—<br />

or perhaps we should say: what exists is not just what it claims to be” (HF<br />

138, NaS 13:194). 22 But Hegel’s extension of facticity to mental entities is<br />

no longer productive when it begins to imply that ideas back-projected by<br />

history are any more factive than alternative past or future possibilities.<br />

Adorno grants possible facticity to thought insofar as Kantian forms themselves<br />

must be historical phenomena, “not that ultimate which Kant described”<br />

(ND 386; GS 6:379). J. M. Bernstein comments that “the issue,<br />

then, is ...dissolving the understanding’s claim to hegemony over what<br />

belongs within the domain of possible experience.” 23 Adorno’s suggestion<br />

that even the forms of space and time are historical and may produce new<br />

versions of experience is, however, careful not to assert the presence of this<br />

new experience. Adorno contrasts his own caution to the “too positive” valence<br />

Hegel gives to “his theory of the way in which immediacy constantly<br />

reasserts itself,” producing the impression of “natural existence” in “the<br />

realm of pure reason, pure logic” (HF 136, translation modified; NaS<br />

13:191). I disagree, then, with the upshot of Bernstein’s conclusion that<br />

the promise of Adornian art “arises from the belief that if something can<br />

materially appear, even in the mode of semblance, it must be possible to<br />

imbue it with figures of being,” as is “almost definitive of the ontological<br />

proof of God’s existence” (“Why Rescue Semblance?,” 198). Semblances<br />

can be “imbue[d] ...with figures of being,” but figures of being are only<br />

figuratively closer to being. The quasi entities between the empirical and<br />

the merely intelligible can comment negatively on what is, but cannot suggest<br />

that the specific things thought of or appearing are possible. 24<br />

22. Adorno takes the same attitude toward Kant’s own reply, so to speak, to the First<br />

Critique, namely, the addition of “the construction of immortality” as a necessary postulate<br />

of practical reason; Adorno admires its admission of “the intolerability of extant<br />

things [Unerträglichkeit der Verzweiflung]” (ND 385; GS 6:378).<br />

23. “Why Rescue Semblance? Metaphysical Experience and the Possibility of Ethics,”<br />

in The Semblance of Subjectivity: Essays in Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory, ed. Tom Huhn<br />

and Lambert Zuidervaart (Cambridge: MIT P, 1997), 194.<br />

24. “By itself, the logically abstract form of ‘something,’ something that is meant or<br />

judged, does not claim to posit a being; and yet, surviving in it—indelible for a thinking<br />

that would delete it—is that which is not identical with thinking, which is not thinking<br />

at all” (ND 34; GS 6:44).

court of appeal, or, adorno 167<br />

Hegel can attribute presence to thought because he has already trans-<br />

ferred thought to fact, the connector through which being and value travel<br />

back and forth, without a proportional adjustment in fact. Hegel’s dynamic<br />

“is” and the blur of his moving objects—the Hegelian object is “not firmly<br />

delineated as an object [nicht gegenständlich fest umgrenzt ist] but frayed,<br />

as it were, at the edges” (“Skoteinos,” HTS 133; GS 5:364)—reflect his infusion<br />

of the demand for affirmation into the reconstructed presuppositions<br />

and mental entities covered within the vague bounds of the Hegelian<br />

fact. With borders as cloudy as Kant’s are crisp, Hegel thus replaces Kant’s<br />

minimalist exigency and minimalist obligation with a stream of effective<br />

necessities and metalepses that his writing treats as verging on inevitability.<br />

The result—and goal—is the creation of asymptotic, virtual fact that,<br />

because it has historical process behind it, demands assent even though it<br />

doesn’t even exist yet, so evident is the course of things.<br />

Etienne Balibar investigates the status of the “effective” through<br />

Machiavelli’s enigmatic phrase “la verità effetuale della cosa [the effective<br />

truth of the thing],” 25 observing that in using the phrase, Machiavelli links<br />

his own action in writing The Prince to the power of princes to make things<br />

be. 26 Balibar explores how in the “rather strange word, ‘effetuale,’ ...we<br />

hear directly the notion ‘in effect,’ but without knowing exactly how to interpret<br />

it”: as claiming the performative power to make the truth or, as<br />

Claude Lefort interprets Machiavelli, as claiming to gain authority from<br />

following the truth of things. 27 Therefore, Balibar goes on, “the term ‘effective’<br />

...involves a kind of play of words, indeed amphibology.” The<br />

debate between Balibar and Lefort recalls the often-noted ambiguity of<br />

prescription and description in Hegel’s prose. Adorno frequently calls attention<br />

to the way that Hegel’s creation of virtual or effective facts is also<br />

an artifact of his writing. Like Machiavelli, Hegel disdains argument as<br />

though it were too distant from the source of power. He brings writing<br />

closer to action by stressing its capacity to describe and, crucially, to ig-<br />

25. “La verità effetuale della cosa: Praeter Mathesin,” lecture delivered at UCLA,<br />

February 10, 2003.<br />

26. Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince [1532], trans. Peter Bondanella and Mark Musa<br />

(Oxford: Oxford UP, 1979), 52.<br />

27. Claude Lefort, “Machiavelli and the Verità Effetuale,”inWriting: The Political Test<br />

[1992], trans. David Ames Curtis (Durham: Duke UP, 2000), 109–141.

168 looking away<br />

nore. Rounding off a description into a law in the making—or to put it a<br />

different way, evidence for the possibility of a law into a law—is Hegel’s<br />

signature rhetorical move, Adorno points out:<br />

Without...thereality of a class society that stands as the very principle<br />

of bourgeois society, there would have been neither the huge population<br />

increase that we have seen, nor the growth in transport, nor<br />

would there ever have been anything like enough by way of food supplies<br />

for the population. It will not have escaped your attention that<br />

the starting-point of a critique of this entire way of seeing is the idea<br />

(one that Hegel pursued with especial rigor right on into the heart of<br />

his Logic) that from the outset reality is given precedence over possibility.<br />

And of course it is here that we see that unquestioned parti pris<br />

for the prevailing [durchsetzende] universal of which I have already<br />

spoken at some length [in Lecture 5 of History and Freedom—R.T.].<br />

To recapitulate, then, the fact is that mankind has survived not just in<br />

spite of but because of conflict, which has such weighty consequences<br />

for the theory of history because Hegel has inferred from it with a<br />

very great semblance of justice [Schein von Recht], a semblance of<br />

justice that cannot be dismissed out of hand, that categorically, in<br />

terms of the idea, when looked at from above, life can be reproduced<br />

only by virtue of conflict. And this has resulted in what might be<br />

termed the theodicy of conflict. 28 (HF 51–52, translation modified,<br />

my italics; NaS 13:76–77)<br />

28. Hegel’s optimism “is not a mere mockery” as long as the species proceeds by virtue<br />

of its conflicts as it has done so far (HF 51). What would it take to refute it? Evidence<br />

for the non-inevitability of the course of the world might be furnished, on the<br />

one hand, by a transformation of the world and “establishment of humanity” (HF 146;<br />

NaS 13, 206); a discontinuous messianic model of transformation might provide such<br />

an alternative to Hegelian history. Or, on the other hand, Hegel would be refuted as<br />

soon as it becomes clear that history isn’t survivable; when that happens, no one will feel<br />

up to enjoying the demise of Hegel’s reputation.<br />

At times, Adorno considers that the genocide of European Jews and other twentiethcentury<br />

disasters do constitute this evidence: “The catastrophe there was not just a disaster<br />

predicted by Spengler, but an actual reality, one that makes all talk of progress toward<br />

freedom seem ludicrous. The concept of the autonomous human subject is refuted

court of appeal, or, adorno 169<br />

Hegel’s performative message is that the nonidentity of world and spirit<br />

is perfectly noticeable but doesn’t matter: the difference is simultaneously<br />

observed and dismissed. This difference, isomorphic with alternative possibility,<br />

lacks the authoritative value that, after Hegel, the course of the<br />

world—“the whole of the movement, seen as a state of repose [als Ruhe<br />

aufgefasst]” (Hegel, Phenomenology, 28) 29 —alone confers. Adorno observes<br />

that Hegel’s commentators have the same tendency to round off the corners<br />

when reading Hegel: “the intention is taken for the deed [Tat], and<br />

orientation to the general direction of the ideas is taken for their correctness:<br />

to follow them through would then be superfluous. Hegel himself is<br />

by no means innocent of this inadequate way of proceeding” (“Skoteinos,”<br />

HTS 93; GS 5:329). Such writing acts as though one doesn’t have to concern<br />

oneself with the distinction between the probable and the inexorable;<br />

everybody knows what’s important and what’s going to happen. To Hegel,<br />

the course of the world furnishes an authentic “court [Gericht]” (Phenomenology,<br />

27; Werke II:3, 46) because history is such a frictive and critical<br />

medium. But Adorno argues that Hegel creates facts of unheard-of vigor<br />

by crediting the energy of the process cumulatively to the outcome and<br />

“tend[ing] simply to accept that something that has evolved then disappears<br />

into what has evolved” (HF 136, translation modified; NaS 13:192).<br />

When Adorno writes that Hegel “believes that non-identity ...should<br />

somehow be incorporated into the concept of identity in the course of its<br />

elaboration” (HF 65; NaS 13:96), he means that Hegel is not content<br />

to leave uncooperative particulars “lying who knows where outside it”<br />

by reality [Realität]. By the same token, if freedom and autonomy still had any substance,<br />

Auschwitz could not have happened. And by Auschwitz I mean of course the entire<br />

system” (HF 7; NaS 13, 14).<br />

29. Hegel’s point in this passage is that “negative and evanescent [verschwindend]”<br />

moments are preserved in the movement of appearance taken as a whole, not “left lying<br />

who knows where outside it” (Phenomenology, 28, 27; Werke, II:3, 46). For Adorno’s response,<br />

see HF 64–65, discussed below. Benjamin inverts Hegel’s figure of history as a<br />

static image of a moving stream in his idea of the dialectical image (“Theses on the Philosophy<br />

of History” [1940], in Illuminations, ed. Hannah Arendt, trans. Harry Zohn<br />

[New York: Schocken, 1969], 255). Max Horkheimer and Adorno, writing of symbols as<br />

cultural sediment, claim that “the dread objectified as a fixed image becomes a sign of<br />

the established domination of the privileged” (Dialectic of Enlightenment [1944], trans.<br />

John Cumming [New York: Continuum, 1993], 16).

170 looking away<br />

(Phenomenology, 27), but insists on their participation in the process that<br />

crushes them.<br />

Terry Pinkard, whose history of German philosophy focuses throughout<br />

on its handling of normative authority, comments that Kantian exigency<br />

modulates in Hegel into “practical” necessity. Facts that compose the<br />

course of the world hold authority “by virtue,” in Pinkard’s words, “of the<br />

way they have shown themselves to be unavoidable for us.” 30 Hegelian necessities<br />

are “that which we, as part of a developmental story we must tell<br />

about ourselves, come to find that we practically cannot do without” (German<br />

Philosophy, 359). But who are “we”? The qualification “practically” indexes<br />

the constitutive ambiguity of social fact—the quality that renders it<br />

“probably equally valid” to state, as Adorno and Horkheimer do in Dialectic<br />

of Englightenment, that society either “is” or “seems to be” under a spell<br />

(HF 172–173; NaS 13:241). Ambiguity at the source about whether a social<br />

fact must be or seems to be—the undecidability of the possible naturalism<br />

of social facts—ought, to Adorno’s mind, to throw the emphasis on<br />

what one prefers. He suspects thinkers who love to dwell on inevitability<br />

of cheering on the status quo with redundant declarations of its supposedly<br />

obvious necessity. This “us” that seems so ready to embrace the going assumption<br />

about what is unavoidable has been the target of queer theory’s<br />

criticism of social dependence on norms. 31 A norm presumed by an event<br />

30. German Philosophy 1760–1860: The Legacy of Idealism (Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

UP, 2002), 359, my italics.<br />

31. Adorno’s impatience with the notion of the natural person, reminiscent of Nietzsche’s,<br />

his realization that “the spell cast by the identity principle . . . perverts whatever<br />

is different [der verkehrt noch das, was anders ist]” (HF 97; NaS 13, 143), and his conclusion<br />

that of all tactics, “reflection on difference would help towards reconciliation”<br />

(HF 98; NaS 13, 144) offer serious resources for queer theory. Michael Warner recalls<br />

that Adorno “embraced [the] cause” of the nascent gay rights movement in his 1962 essay<br />

“Sexual Taboos and Law Today” (The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics<br />

of Queer Life [Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2000], 22). There Adorno considers the “abominable”<br />

“Paragraph 175” that legally proscribed homosexuality far into the postwar period<br />

(Adorno, “Sexual Taboos,” in Critical Models, trans. Henry Pickford [New York:<br />

Columbia UP, 1998], 71–88, especially 79–80 [GS 10.2:533–564]). Adorno dedicates<br />

“Sexual Taboos” to the memory of Fritz Bauer, a progressive jurist and coeditor of<br />

Sexualität und Verbrechen: Beiträge zur Strafrechtsreform (Frankfurt: Fischer Verlag,<br />

1963). On the abysmal state of gay rights in postwar Germany, see Robert G. Moeller,<br />

“The Homosexual Man Is a ‘Man,’ the Homosexual Woman Is a ‘Woman’: Sex, Society,

court of appeal, or, adorno 171<br />

or claim can instead be taken, however, not as a precondition of a state<br />

of affairs but as its epiphenomenon—the kind of phenomenon that can<br />

be described as “not nothing.” The principle that “even in extremis [im<br />

Äussersten] a negated negative is not a positive” (ND 393; GS 6:385) is the<br />

spine of Negative Dialectics. Nietzsche would say—in A Genealogy of Morals,<br />

for example—that a norm often has force because we read history backward<br />

and take metaleptic projections for causes. This element of Nietzsche’s<br />

thought contributes to Foucault’s and queer theory’s excavation of<br />

norms so as to refuse the way they limit what counts as proceeding. 32 As<br />

with Pinkard’s equanimity about what is “unavoidable for us,” there is<br />

something troubling in the systematization of effective necessities and<br />

virtual acceptance in Habermas’s presuppositions of “ideal content” which<br />

participants may not aver, but which “all participants must de facto<br />

[faktisch] accept.” 33 People may accept on another level what they do not<br />

avow, but that doesn’t mean that they must accept the idealizations projected<br />

by their language. “De facto” acceptance of projected discursive<br />

norms follows from taking mental entities as facts that obligate more than<br />

Kant’s minimal respect. In Habermas’s statement, loosening what counts<br />

as necessity drifts, with the best of intentions, into prescribing to all members<br />

of a community tacit affirmations that they neither perceive nor endorse,<br />

or even explicitly disclaim. From the perspective of phenomenality<br />

and dissatisfaction, the first rule of a discourse community should be that<br />

and the Law in Postwar West Germany,” Journal of the History of Sexuality 4 (1994):<br />

395–429.<br />

32. Adorno notes that “one cannot move from the logical movement of concepts to<br />

existence” (“Skoteinos,” HTS 147; GS 5, 375). He makes this remark while noting that<br />

Hegel behaves as though having the concept of the nonidentical gave him a way to<br />

imagine the dialectic “to have gone beyond nonidentity” itself (“Skoteinos,” HTS 147;<br />

GS 5:375). My point is not that the ontological status of thought entities is easy to resolve,<br />

but the opposite: they occupy a gray area of fact and value, and no one can jump<br />

over arguments about their status. One of the main uses in contemporary theory of<br />

counting norms as encrypted givens is to enforce, with an imperative “must,” tacit assent<br />

to a “necessity” that someone explicitly does not endorse; for example, to argue that<br />

Derrida really must subscribe to all the concepts that he places “under erasure,” or that<br />

queer theory reinscribes the norms it repudiates because it represents them.<br />

33. Jürgen Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of<br />

Law and Democracy [1992], trans. William Rehg (Cambridge: MIT P, 1998), 16, my italics;<br />

Faktizität und Geltung (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1992), 31.

172 looking away<br />

the desirability of communication itself will not be assumed. As long as social<br />

reality is suffused with an imperative to communicative reason, there<br />

will be great appeal in withdrawing to “always particular, episodic, and<br />

only privately accessible, hence consciousness-immanent representations”<br />

(Between Facts and Norms, 12).<br />

Having learned from Kant that affirmation can be almost fully automated—in<br />

Kant, by cognition—Hegel affirms the totality Nietzsche envisions<br />

in The Will to Power without going through nearly as much anguish. 34<br />

Spirit affirms as well as cognizes, and does so robustly to the extent that<br />

the course of the world is progressive. So, Hegel’s optimistic account of<br />

necessity has been more popular than Kant’s minimalist one, for reasons<br />

anticipated by Kant. 35 If Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, and Adorno all<br />

think through the relationship, within affirmation and negation, between<br />

automation and intention, between collective and individual psychology,<br />

Adorno’s Hegel stands at the apex of the collective automation of affirmation—an<br />

affirmation that orchestrates individual participation and legitimates<br />

itself by it. Finally, Adorno writes, law formalizes the bias inherent<br />

to norms: “the legal norms cut short what is not covered, every specific experience<br />

that has not been shaped in advance [präformierte],” and forbids<br />

“the admission. ...ofanything quod non est in actis” (ND 309; GS 6:304).<br />

Although the value of givenness is supposed to be weaker in Hegel than in<br />

the First Critique (since givens in Hegel are historical and in Kant naturalistic<br />

and invariant), the reverse is true. Hegel spreads necessity broadly<br />

over effective social facticity, and with it the assent it carries; his world offers<br />

both less rigorous exigency and an epidemic of dubious authority.<br />

34. A neo-Adornian reading of Nietzsche’s Will to Power might suggest that Nietzsche<br />

goes part of the way toward automating the affirmation of the course of the world<br />

by deintentionalizing will, but, to his credit, continues to register individual suffering<br />

within that process and hence the impossibility of harmonious affirmation. On Nietzsche’s<br />

pragmatic desire to follow “the interests of sheer survival” in comparison to<br />

Adorno, see Peter Dews, The Limits of Disenchantment: Essays on Contemporary European<br />

Philosophy (New York: Verso, 1995), 24.<br />

35. Kant reflects on the “popularity” of “transcendentally idealizing reason” in CPR<br />


court of appeal, or, adorno 173<br />

2. illusion in total illusion<br />

Launched from within his critique of fact perception, Adorno’s disquisitions<br />

on art depict twentieth-century civilization as a field of illusion. A<br />

“negative feel for reality [negativen Realitätsgefühls]” reigns, as Adorno<br />

reflects of Kafka (AT 19; GS 7:36); normatively neutral fact perception appears<br />

in a lurid shade. The reference to Kafka recalls the romantic reading<br />

of Kant, in which having fact perceptions without feeling able to endorse<br />

them arouses the suspicion that this facticity does not merit the name, that<br />

a world of this kind of facticity is absurd and unjustified (“ungereimte”<br />

[CPR Bxxvi]). Adorno’s prose renders the tilt of just such a world. As<br />

though it were the voice of dissatisfaction with the world “as is,” the<br />

Adornian artwork is “unconsciously polemical” toward the “spell” of social<br />

fact (AT 5; GS 7:14–15).<br />

The artwork is unconsciously polemical because it protests the world “as<br />

is” mainly by being in it:<br />

What is social in art is its immanent movement against society, not<br />

its manifest opinions. Its historical gesture repels empirical reality,<br />

of which artworks are nevertheless part in that they are things. Insofar<br />

as a social function can be predicated for artworks, it is their<br />

functionlessness. Through their difference from a bewitched reality,<br />

they embody negatively a position in which what is would find its<br />

rightful place, its own. (AT 227; GS 7:336–337)<br />

In its combination of difference and existence, otherwise known as its<br />

“form,” the artwork causes its perceiver to find it remarkable that something<br />

like the artwork ever came into the world. Being a “thing that negates<br />

the world of things” (AT 119; GS 7:182), the artwork can leverage<br />

the fact/value conflation against social fact. If it were not a thing, so the argument<br />

goes, it would not make the strongest case for the fact of possibility<br />

it introduces. For this reason, perhaps, Adorno remarks that “real denunciation<br />

is probably only a capacity of form [Gestaltung]” (AT 230; GS<br />

7:341). Of course, the artwork also does too much, and gives the impression<br />

that the possibility it represents has already been actualized. Because

174 looking away<br />

“artworks detach themselves from the empirical world and bring forth another<br />

world, one opposed to the empirical world. ...however tragic they<br />

appear, artworks tend a priori toward affirmation” (AT 1; GS 7:10). So art<br />

generates again the kind of problem at issue in the ontological arguments<br />

for God: it ought to demonstrate what is thinkable, not that what is thinkable<br />

is present through the thought. The impression of actual formal unity<br />

that is art’s limit and even goal composes a second-order Schein, a new<br />

species of illusory fact perception.<br />

The energy of the implosive moment—obsessively repeated in spiral<br />

patterns—when Adorno proposes that artworks harbor a self-contradiction<br />

the awareness of which is also what they have to contribute, dominates<br />

Aesthetic Theory and its commentary. 36 The burgeoning secondary literature<br />

evaluates the complexity of Adorno’s theory in learned detail; I<br />

don’t revise its main conclusions here, but rather sketch Adorno’s affinity<br />

with and ultimate difference from phenomenophilia. As you might guess,<br />

the difference is already given away by his focus on form. By defining the<br />

artwork by its deployment of a notion of form that outperforms fact perception<br />

in the game of Schein, Adorno leaves phenomenophilia even further<br />

behind than the Third Critique does. In this way he clarifies what is<br />

otherwise implicit, that looking away is aesthetic without being artistic.<br />

Although artists are always pulling phenomenophilic tricks, as Nietzsche<br />

confides, looking away rests content with evanescent perception that cannot<br />

be shared, and lets the chance at art go. Someone who channels the<br />

36. Since about 1990, after an initially quite hostile reception, Adorno’s aesthetic theory<br />

has found an appreciative academic audience. See Bernstein, The Fate of Art;<br />

Jameson, Late Marxism; Shierry Weber Nicholsen, Exact Imagination, Late Work: On<br />

Adorno’s Aesthetics (Cambridge: MIT P, 1997); Huhn and Zuidervaart, eds., The Semblance<br />

of Subjectivity; Albrecht Wellmer, “Adorno’s Aesthetic Redemption of Modernity,”<br />

Telos 62 (1984–85): 89–116; and Lambert Zuidervaart, Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory:<br />

The Redemption of Illusion (Cambridge: MIT P, 1991). For a sense of the bitterness of<br />

earlier Adorno scholarship, see J. F. Lyotard, “Adorno as the Devil,” trans. Robert<br />

Hurley, Telos 19 (1974): 128–137; and Michael Sullivan and John T. Lysaker, “Between<br />

Impotence and Illusion: Adorno’s Art of Theory and Practice,” New German Critique 57<br />

(1992): 87–122, an article that surveys and replies to earlier attacks (as does Wellmer).<br />

Lyotard complains, among other things, that Adorno is not affirmative: “what can an affirmative<br />

politics be, which does not look for support in a representative (a party) of the<br />

negative, etc.? That is the question left, abandoned by Adorno” (“Adorno as the Devil,”<br />

137; see also 130).

court of appeal, or, adorno 175<br />

memory of merely phenomenal experience into works that may inspire<br />

similar experiences in others is already doing something else—such a person,<br />

the artist, fulfills a communal function, negotiates a compromise in<br />

which the possibility of phenomenophilia becomes a sublimated element.<br />

Aesthetic Theory furnishes a nonlinear narrative of this sublimation. At the<br />

same time, Adorno’s aesthetics, like Nietzsche’s, glances backward wistfully<br />

at mere phenomenality even as it absorbs it into the artistic so that it<br />

is no longer mere.<br />

Adorno’s identification of Schein with “form in the broadest sense” 37<br />

(AT 110; GS 7: 169) recalls the development of essence (Wesen) in Hegel’s<br />

Science of Logic:<br />

At first, essence shines or shows within itself, or is reflection; secondly, it<br />

appears; thirdly, it manifests itself. In its movement, essence posits itself<br />

in the following determinations:<br />

I. As simple essence, essence in itself, which in its determinations<br />

remains within itself<br />

II. As emerging into determinate being, or in accordance with its<br />

Existence and Appearance<br />

III. As essence that is one with its Appearance, as actuality. 38<br />

Traditionally, appearance is compared with confirmed existence and so<br />

seems pale (and therefore, in the discourse of phenomenality and dissatisfaction,<br />

appealingly light). Like Kant, Hegel associates Erscheinung instead<br />

with “determinate being” and existence. “If it is said that something<br />

is only Appearance,” though, “in the sense that contrasted with it immediate<br />

Existence is the truth, then the fact is that Appearance is the higher truth”;<br />

for it is “when Existence passes over into Appearance that it ceases to be<br />

37. Adorno’s translator, Hullot-Kentor, underlines the connection: “in that artworks<br />

as such remain semblance, conflict between semblance—form in the broadest sense—<br />

and expression remains unresolved.” Adorno leaves it implicit, though clear enough:<br />

“Weil sie aber doch als Kunstwerke Schein bleiben, ist der Konflikt zwischen diesem,<br />

der Form in weitesten Verstande, und dem Ausdruck unausgetragen” (GS 7:169).<br />

38. The Science of Logic [1812], trans. A. V. Miller (New York: Humanity, 1969), 391;<br />

Werke 6:16.

176 looking away<br />

essenceless” (Logic, 499; Werke, 6:148). When appearance is “only appear-<br />

ance” it is at least higher than mere existence. But Erscheinung is not, as<br />

in Kant, replete with form from its very onset, because evanescence can<br />

emerge into being in accordance with its existence without being unified<br />

with its appearance. Formal repleteness is reserved for “actuality.” So,<br />

Hegel’s progressive version of history renders degrees of form, along the<br />

lines of the “degrees of reality” that outrage Nietzsche. 39 In that hierarchy,<br />

appearance figures determination toward actuality, and actuality, in turn,<br />

becomes a way of thinking about formal unity: “actuality as itself the immediate<br />

form-unity of inner and outer is ...anactuality as against a possibility”<br />

(Logic, 542; Werke, 6:202).<br />

Hegel’s account of form supports Adorno’s insistence that the artwork<br />

cannot just as well have been anything—that it is more, as well as less, by<br />

virtue of not being what it’s not. The “Essence and Appearance” section of<br />

Negative Dialectics interprets essence as “that which lies concealed beneath<br />

the façade of immediacy, of the supposed facts, and which makes the facts<br />

what they are” (ND 167; GS 6:169). At the same time, Adorno again refuses<br />

Hegel’s inclination to round off historical tendency into actuality. In<br />

Hegel’s account of formal actuality, “real possibility and necessity are. ...<br />

only seemingly different”; their identity “does not have to become but is<br />

already presupposed and lies at their base” (Logic, 549; Werke, 6:211).<br />

(Typically, Hegel acknowledges that possibility and necessity do seem different<br />

on the way to subordinating that apparent difference to the presupposition<br />

of their identity.) In Adorno’s version, an artwork’s form includes<br />

its gesture of negation (AT 49) but also its self-difference (for example, AT<br />

143–144); its spirit is not identical with its form. Because artworks have<br />

the form of not-being other empirical objects, however, what ought to be a<br />

promise of unity appears in the guise of a fact perception—the Schein of<br />

Hegelian “actuality”: “what they appear to be appears as if it could not be<br />

prevaricated [was sie scheinen, so erscheint, dass es nicht gelogen sein<br />

kann]” (AT 132; GS 7:199).<br />

When Schein becomes the name of the false repleteness of “actuality,”<br />

Erscheinung takes the part of the fluid principle that breaks its surface<br />

39. A nonprogressive history would render simply transformation, not degrees of<br />


court of appeal, or, adorno 177<br />

from beneath. “Appearance,” “appearing,” and “apparition” are all mobile<br />

and astringent in Aesthetic Theory, while Adorno reserves the term “image<br />

[Bild]” for efforts to fix appearance’s fluidity. When we apprehend “nature<br />

as appearing beauty” (AT 65; GS 7:103), for example, Adorno lends “appearing”<br />

the phenomenophilic sense of nonteleological manifestation: “by<br />

rejecting the fleetingness of natural beauty, as well as virtually everything<br />

nonconceptual, Hegel obtusely makes himself indifferent to the central<br />

motif of art, which probes after truth in the evanescent [Entgleitenden]<br />

and fragile” (AT 76; GS 7:119). For Adorno, artworks remember nature’s<br />

apparitional quality, and summon appearance in strategies of dissonance<br />

that contest Schein. A good deal of Aesthetic Theory details these strategies.<br />

Following the vacillation between Erscheinung and Schein produces the<br />

spiral form I mentioned earlier—a narrative of successive paragraphs that<br />

all begin with “but.” Rather than narrating their relation chronologically,<br />

we might try to glimpse it in Adorno’s dramatization of Erscheinung’s<br />

ability, at its most intense, to burst aesthetic Schein. In that moment their<br />

distinction is sharpest, even as both remain aspects of the same selfconflicted<br />

force.<br />

One such moment occurs in Adorno’s discussion of the “instant of expression<br />

[Augenblick des Ausdrucks]” (AT 79; GS 7:123):<br />

Artworks become appearances [Erscheinungen], in the pregnant<br />

sense of the term—that is, as the appearance of an other—when the<br />

accent falls on the unreality of their own reality. Artworks have the<br />

immanent character of being an act, even if they are carved in stone,<br />

and this endows them with the quality of being something momentary<br />

and sudden. This is registered by the feeling of being overwhelmed<br />

when faced with an important work. This immanent character<br />

of being an act establishes the similarity of all artworks, like that<br />

of natural beauty, to music, a similarity once evoked by the term<br />

muse. Under patient contemplation artworks begin to move. To this<br />

extent they are truly afterimages of the primordial shudder in the age<br />

of reification. (AT 79; GS 7:123–124)<br />

Awareness that the artwork is artificial interrupts aesthetic Schein, as<br />

Brecht might hope. The trace of artifice on the work is the secular “after

178 looking away<br />

image” of the seeming animation humans used to shudder at in the cultic<br />

object. “The shudder is past and yet survives” (AT 80; GS 7:124) in the<br />

artwork’s capacity to overwhelm, as the scars of action on it evoke the instant<br />

when it became a work, and project as active force the energy the<br />

work absorbed. What is unreal is the work’s insinuation of life, an effect<br />

inseparable from that of “form,” another way of thinking of the artwork’s<br />

illusion of being more than the sum of its materials and labor. Freed from<br />

“mythical deception,” the shudder gains a new ground in the autonomy of<br />

the artwork that presents it “as something unmollified [Ungemildertes]<br />

and unprecedented” (AT 80; GS 7:125). The effect is not even all that<br />

transient, and as Adorno continues to describe it, its collaboration with the<br />

artwork’s facticity comes through:<br />

If the deities of antiquity were said to appear fleetingly [flüchtig<br />

erscheinen] at their cult sites, or at least were to have appeared there<br />

in the primeval age, this act of appearing became the law of the permanence<br />

of artworks, but at the price of the living incarnation of what<br />

appears [Leibhaftigkeit des Erchscheinenden]. The artwork as appearance<br />

is most closely resembled by the apparition, the heavenly vision<br />

[Himmelserscheinung]. Artworks stand tacitly in accord with it<br />

as it rises above human beings and is carried beyond their intentions<br />

and the world of things. Artworks from which the apparition has been<br />

driven out without a trace are nothing more than husks, worse than<br />

what merely exists, because they are not even useful. ...Thepregnant<br />

moment of their objectivation is the moment that concentrates<br />

them as appearance, which is by no means just the expressive elements<br />

that are dispersed over the artworks. Artworks surpass the<br />

world of things by what is thing-like in them, their artificial objectivation.<br />

They become eloquent by the force of their kindling of<br />

thing and appearance. They are things whose power it is to appear.<br />

(AT 80; GS 7:125)<br />

No longer “the living incarnation of what appears,” like an idol, the<br />

artwork, appearing only as itself, remains “the appearance of an other”<br />

among prosaic objects, more like a “heavenly vision” than Kantian<br />

Erscheinung. Appearance, the trace of artifice, explodes aesthetic Schein;<br />

put another way, the self-differential momentum of the artwork’s creation

court of appeal, or, adorno 179<br />

carries it past its form. “This rupture [Durchbruch] is the instant of appari-<br />

tion” (AT 88; GS 7:137), figuring with almost unbearable freshness the<br />

moment of the artwork’s determination and with it, its full blast of negation.<br />

Adorno’s language recalls Nietzsche’s would-be identification with<br />

Raphael’s Transfiguration: the artwork sides with the vision “as it rises<br />

above human beings and is carried beyond their intentions and the world<br />

of things.” Reading this, it can be difficult to hang on to the realization<br />

that Adorno is writing here not of the peak of Schein but of the peak of<br />

Erscheinung: all of this takes place when “the sudden unfolding of appearance<br />

disclaims aesthetic Schein” (AT 85, my italics; GS 7:132). Apparition,<br />

in other words, isn’t just another illusion. Erscheinung, unlike Schein, is<br />

true in a negative mode: the power of showing, showing what is not, when<br />

there isn’t anything else yet to show. 40 Things are complicated by the<br />

circumstance that appearance needs substance to carry it, as fire needs<br />

something to burn. Similarly, a minimal, often irregular materiality or hylÃ<br />

supports even spectra—the inside of the eyelid, the film in Coleridge’s<br />

fireplace. Although initial illusion is not the only criterion for aesthetic<br />

impact, Adorno prefers the larger impact of negation that goes with a<br />

fuller illusion of facticity: the more illusion, the bigger the bang when it<br />

vanishes. Thus artworks “surpass the world of things by what is thing-like<br />

in them,” and the benefit is that their facticity, Schein included, pressures<br />

the perceiver to feel and credit their negation of what is, including that<br />

very facticity. 41<br />

Rupturing Schein, appearance also ruptures itself in a “catastrophic fulfillment<br />

[katastrophische Erfüllung]” that takes art with it:<br />

The shocks inflicted by the most recent artworks are the explosion of<br />

their appearance. In them appearance, previously a self-evident a priori<br />

of art, dissolves in a catastrophe in which the essence of appear-<br />

40. Compare Derrida’s critical approach to pure monstration or theatrical luster in<br />

Mallarmé, Dissemination [1972], trans. Barbara Johnson [Chicago: U of Chicago P,<br />

1981], 173–286, especially 179, 206.<br />

41. See Zuidervaart, Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory, 184, and Jameson, Late Marxism, 180–<br />

181. A parallel philosophical stance appears in Adorno’s suggestion that “we have no<br />

power over the [Heideggerian] philosophy of Being if we reject it generally, from the<br />

outside, instead of taking it on in its own structure—turning its own force against it”<br />

(ND 97; GS 6:104).

180 looking away<br />

ance is for the first time fully revealed. ...Even this volatilization of<br />

aesthetic transcendence becomes aesthetic, a measure of the degree to<br />

which artworks are mythically bound up with their antithesis. In the<br />

incineration of appearance, artworks break away in a glare from the<br />

empirical world and become the counterfigure of what lives there; art<br />

today is scarcely conceivable except as a form of reaction that anticipates<br />

the apocalypse. Closely observed, even tranquil works discharge<br />

not so much the pent-up emotions of their makers as the works’ own<br />

inwardly antagonistic forces. The result of these forces is bound up<br />

with the impossibility of bringing these forces to any equilibrium;<br />

their antinomies, like those of knowledge, are unsolvable in the unreconciled<br />

world. The instant in which these forces become image<br />

[Bild], the instant in which what is interior becomes exterior, the<br />

outer husk is exploded: their apparition, which makes them an image,<br />

always at the same time destroys them as image. (AT 84–85; GS<br />

7:131–132)<br />

Spirit drives form to Schein until it manifests itself in appearance; appearance<br />

releases essence, flash-burns its “husk,” and singes the empirical<br />

world. Now, Adorno notably identifies the denouement of Schein with the<br />

self-negation of art altogether—“art,” not merely the “artwork”: “as a result<br />

of its determination as appearance, art bears its own negation embedded<br />

in itself as its own telos: the sudden unfolding of appearance disclaims<br />

aesthetic Schein” (AT 85; GS 7:132). Albrecht Wellmer calls art’s explosion<br />

a “‘setting free’ of forces which in their non-aesthetic use can re-establish<br />

a continuum between art and the life-praxis” (“Adorno’s Aesthetic,”<br />

110). Yet Adorno implies more than the reestablishment of art and life<br />

when he calls art’s teleology the self-negation of art. If the artwork’s selfdestruction<br />

models the self-destruction of the “unreconciled world,” then<br />

the latter destruction would also dissolve art altogether.<br />

Adorno frees objection to the inevitable from guilt, as I noted at the beginning<br />

of this chapter. The sphere of art, however, remains a theater of<br />

guilt and thrill for Adorno, as the participant in art eddies in the addiction<br />

cycle of negation and Schein. Aesthetic Theory narrates art’s “entanglement<br />

in the guilt context of the living [die Schuld des Lebendigen]” (AT 144;<br />

GS 7:217) and the “shame” of the perceiver, who, hypnotized by aesthetic

court of appeal, or, adorno 181<br />

Schein, implicitly damages “what does not yet exist by taking it for existent”<br />

(AT 74; GS 7:115). The secondary literature takes the position that<br />

the Adornian artwork’s difficult trajectory is the only way: according to it,<br />

art resists turning against itself, and has to turn against itself. Unfolding<br />

Adorno’s remark that “irritation with Schein has its locus in the object itself”<br />

(AT 101; GS 7:156), Zuidervaart suggests that “the artwork could<br />

shed its illusory character if it would rid itself of all likeness to a false reality.<br />

For this to happen, society would have to become true” (Adorno’s Aesthetic<br />

Theory, 181). The rhetoric here is that we would all love things to<br />

be different—the course of the art world, along with everything else. But<br />

the guilt persists, even in the face of the conviction that the artwork<br />

must and should fall into Schein. The persistence of Schuld measures the<br />

difference between Kantian exigencies and effective exigencies, their different<br />

degrees of reality; effective exigencies are not strong enough to dissolve<br />

guilt. The guilt and shame that trail aesthetic Schein insinuate that<br />

the all but irresistible course of Schein in art is not literally irresistible,<br />

that the space between plausibility and inevitability is not closed. Comparison<br />

with Kant’s aesthetic or with phenomenophilia makes the axiomatic<br />

conceptuality and facticity of the Adornian artwork look less than necessary.<br />

This is so because even if we concede that the artwork must lead to<br />

Schein, we would still need an argument that artworks must come into<br />

being.<br />

Adorno defines art by his conceptual notion of form—“art has precisely<br />

the same chance of survival as does form” (AT 141; GS 7:213)—using the<br />

sort of tautological formulations whose motives he suspects in others.<br />

Without form, he writes, nothing would distinguish art from the things<br />

it resists through its form. So, Adorno complains that Webern withdraws<br />

from conceptuality: when “sonata movements shrink to aphorisms,”<br />

Webern “executes [vollstreckt] tensions that originate in the genre. ...<br />

Aesthetics is not obliged, as under the spell of its object, to exorcise concepts<br />

[die Begriffe zu eskamotieren],” but rather to free them from false<br />

objects and “bring them within the work” (AT 180–181; GS 7:269–270).<br />

Art therefore cannot be merely or mainly “involuntary” (AT 69; GS<br />

7:109), nor the unbinding of sounds and colors from context (AT 90; GS<br />

7:140), nor “the grouping of color [Farbkomplex] that is simply factual”<br />

(AT 144; GS 7:216). Art must invite interpretation, even if it finally repels

182 looking away<br />

it; to claim otherwise “would erase the demarcation line of art” (AT 128,<br />

translation modified; GS 7:193). Conditional clauses like the one above<br />

signal vulnerable points in Adorno’s theory—places where hope runs out, 42<br />

in the sense that no choice appears:<br />

As soon as the artwork fears for its purity so fanatically that it loses<br />

faith in its possibility and begins to display outwardly what cannot become<br />

art—canvas and mere tones—it becomes its own enemy, the direct<br />

and false continuation of purposeful rationality. This tendency<br />

culminates in the happening. . . . The difference of artworks from the<br />

empirical world, their Schein character, is constituted out of the empirical<br />

world and in opposition to it. If for the sake of their own concept<br />

artworks wanted absolutely to destroy this reference back to the<br />

empirical world, they would wipe out their own premise. (AT 103; GS<br />

7:158)<br />

This passage moves between two criteria that separate the Adornian from<br />

the Kantian artwork: conceptuality and the coercive use of fact perception.<br />

Adorno’s “if” phrases make it sound as though art would like to loosen its<br />

ties to both criteria, and that the only reason it doesn’t is that if it did it<br />

would no longer be art. The assumption that art must not do anything<br />

self-destructive, though, belies its teleology in self-negation, as well as the<br />

impetus that its teleology offers for thinking beyond givenness. Granted<br />

that art consists in conceptual form and, once it comes into being as such,<br />

must be torn by the irreconcilable forces Adorno analyzes—its need to destroy<br />

its “husk” and have a husk to destroy—why, finally, must art come<br />

into being? Adorno famously declares in the first sentence of Aesthetic Theory<br />

that art’s “right to exist” is not “self-evident,” yet the assumption seems<br />

to be that if art doesn’t come into being, nothing else will step up to the<br />

plate; that only form constitutes itself “out of the empirical world and in<br />

opposition to it,” while only facticity flexes muscle. Nothing will do the<br />

42. “The mental stages within the human species, and the blind-spots in the individual,<br />

are stages where hope petered out [die Hoffnung zum Stillstand kam]” (Dialectic of<br />

Enlightenment, 258 [GS 3:296]; the last clause is Horkheimer’s phrase, Adorno notes<br />

[HF 314n]).

court of appeal, or, adorno 183<br />

job as well as the artwork if the task is to turn the fact/value conflation<br />

against itself.<br />

3. circus colors<br />

The conviction that that is so leads Adorno to pass over some possibilities.<br />

Adorno disagrees with Benjamin’s idea that play (Spiel) may represent<br />

an alternative to Schein because it, too, posits a false harmony (AT 100;<br />

GS 7:154). Similarly, he claims that “the ineffability of illusion [Illusion]<br />

prevents the solution to the antinomy of aesthetic semblance [ästhetischen<br />

Scheins] by means of a concept of absolute appearance [absoluter<br />

Erscheinung]” (AT 103; GS 7:159). Adorno’s dismissal of brief and relatively<br />

amorphous ventures such as “happenings” suggests that merely demurring<br />

from duration is insufficient. Like Kant, who requires the aesthetic<br />

object to seem to be eligible for conceptuality even as it deflects<br />

it, Adorno prefers that the artwork be able to be mistaken for another<br />

fact among social facts. 43 If the subaesthetic lack of pretense to public presence<br />

seems to be too little for Adorno, however, we can also wonder<br />

whether it isn’t, rather, too threatening—an alternative to negation that is<br />

no longer art, but might be something better, something that overflows<br />

art’s “obligation” by “execut[ing]” tensions, as Adorno writes of Webern<br />

(AT 180–181; GS 7:269–270), or registers a different kind of resistance to<br />

history by looking away from it. It is an embarrassment to history that mere<br />

phenomenality touches, then falls away from the threshold of what is, as<br />

though facticity were no great prize.<br />

Adorno approaches the phenomenophilic element within art whenever<br />

he calls artworks “afterimages” (Nachbilder)—literally, spectra. Artworks<br />

may be afterimages of various things: they are “for the disenchanted world<br />

. . . afterimage[s] of enchantment” (AT 58; GS 7:93); they are “afterimages<br />

of empirical life insofar as they help the latter to what is denied them outside<br />

their own sphere” (AT 4; GS 7:14); of nature’s communicative silence<br />

(AT 74; GS 7: 115); and “of the primordial shudder in the age of reificat-<br />

43. This preference sets off criticism of Adorno’s aesthetic narrowness, notably by<br />

Peter Bürger in The Theory of the Avant-Garde [1974], trans. Michael Shaw (Minneapolis:<br />

U of Minnesota P, 1984).

184 looking away<br />

ion” (AT 79–80; GS 7:124), as we’ve seen. In phenomenophilia, the afterimage<br />

figures the trace of fact perception’s lifted pressure. Adorno can almost<br />

crave that weight, when it is that of enchanted nature or the cultic<br />

object, or feel its attenuation in the phenomenophilic manner, as relief<br />

from the effective reality of the given. Then, Adornian artworks’ influence<br />

on what is achieves the rethinking of fact and illusion that Hegelian dialectic<br />

could bring about if it were consistent. The “is” in Georg Trakl’s poetry,<br />

for instance, “expresses no existential judgment but rather its pale afterimage<br />

qualitatively transformed to the point of negation” (AT 123; GS<br />

7:187). The Trakl copula happily fails to trigger the fact/value conflation<br />

at full strength. The judgment of the lyric poem is only an afterimage of a<br />

judgment. Similarly, the poem’s negation is only the afterimage of a negation.<br />

In balance in the pure example of Trakl, the afterimage-like artwork<br />

doesn’t so much negate what is as solicit a question of itself—“‘What is<br />

it?’” (AT 121; GS 7:184)—that should be asked of the fact perceptions<br />

around it. Trakl accomplishes what Hegel does not, a dialectical revision of<br />

what is that expands and dilutes it equally without being tied to a progressive<br />

history. Leaving aside Adorno’s previous, more Hegelian formulation<br />

that “what exists is not just what it claims to be” (HF 138, NaS 13:194),<br />

“the assertion [in Trakl] that something is amounts to both more and less<br />

and includes the implication that it is not [dass etwas sei, ist darin weniger<br />

und mehr, führt mit sich, dass es nicht sei]” (AT 123, translation modified;<br />

GS 7:187).<br />

The Adornian artwork can scarcely hold this balance in the wind of the<br />

fact/value conflation. 44 It’s in order to try to do so that Aesthetic Theory<br />

incorporates nonconceptual qualities of natural beauty and naive “preartistic”<br />

features into the artwork. These elements are homeopathic, the<br />

artwork’s attempts to metabolize extra-artistic forces that could obviate it:<br />

The phenomenon of fireworks is prototypical for artworks, though<br />

because of its fleetingness and status as empty entertainment it has<br />

scarcely been acknowledged by theoretical consideration; only Valéry<br />

44. De Man’s theory of the inherent overassertion of position offers one way to understand<br />

the difficulty.

court of appeal, or, adorno 185<br />

pursued ideas that are at least related. Fireworks are apparition kat‰<br />

ezoxhn [par excellence]: they appear empirically yet are liberated<br />

from the burden of the empirical, which is the obligation of duration;<br />

they are a sign from heaven yet artifactual, an ominous warning, a<br />

script that flashes up, vanishes, and indeed cannot be read for its<br />

meaning. The segregation of the aesthetic sphere by means of the<br />

complete afunctionality of what is thoroughly ephemeral is no formal<br />

definition of aesthetics. It is not through a higher perfection that<br />

artworks separate from the fallibly existent but rather by becoming<br />

actual, like fireworks, incandescently in an expressive appearance.<br />

They are not only the other of the empirical world: everything in<br />

them becomes other. It is this to which the preartistic consciousness<br />

of artworks responds most intensely. This consciousness submits to<br />

the temptation that first led to art and that mediates between art and<br />

the empirical. Although the preartistic dimension becomes poisoned<br />

by its exploitation, to the point that artworks must eliminate it, it survives<br />

sublimated in them. (AT 81)<br />

Prototypisch für die Kunstwerke ist das Phänomen des Feuerwerks,<br />

das um seiner Flüchtigkeit willen und als leere Unterhaltung kaum<br />

des theoretischen Blicks gewürdigt wurde; einzig Valéry hat Gedankengänge<br />

verfolgt, die zumindest in seine Nähe führen. Es ist apparition<br />

kat‰ ezoxhn: empirisch Erscheinendes, befreit von der Last der<br />

Empirie als einer der Dauer, Himmelszeichen und hergestellt in eins,<br />

Menetekel, aufblitzende und vergehende Schrift, die doch nicht ihrer<br />

Bedeutung nach sich lesen läßt. Die Absonderung des ästhetischen<br />

Bereichs in der vollendeten Zweckferne eines durch und durch Ephemeren<br />

bleibt nicht dessen formale Bestimmung. Nicht durch höhere<br />

Vollkommenheit scheiden sich die Kunstwerke vom fehlbaren Seienden,<br />

sondern gleich dem Feuerwerk dadurch, daß sie aufstrahlend zur<br />

ausdrückenden Erscheinung sich aktualisieren. Sie sind nicht allein<br />

das Andere der Empirie: alles in ihnen wird ein Anderes. Darauf<br />

spricht das vorkünstlerische Bewußtsein an den Kunstwerken am<br />

stärksten an. Es willfahrt der Lockung, welche zur Kunst überhaupt<br />

erst verführt, vermittelnd zwischen ihr und der Empirie. Während

186 looking away<br />

die vorkünsterlische Schicht durch ihre Verwertung vergiftet wird,<br />

bis die Kunstwerke sie ausmerzen, überlebt sie sublimiert in ihnen.<br />

(GS 7:125–126)<br />

“Ephemeral through and through,” the firework’s apparitional moment of<br />

“becoming actual” is its only moment. Singularly among Adorno’s examples<br />

of art, the firework’s difference from other objects suggests “no formal<br />

definition of aesthetics,” only a temporal one; it arrives to vanish, and<br />

“cannot be read for ...meaning.” Like spectra, it reveals the “burden of<br />

the empirical” by opting for minimal empirical existence. Lighting up the<br />

sky, fireworks also bring forward a threatening power to alter the way everything<br />

around them looks—magnified, in Adorno’s fantasy of the “writing<br />

on the wall [Menetekel],” into a power to lay waste—that remains implicit<br />

and private in spectra. Thus the difference between fireworks and<br />

spectra, and what makes fireworks an Adornian choice among transient<br />

phenomena, is that fireworks are directed to public view. Synthesizing the<br />

evanescence celebrated by solitary pleasure in spectra, on the one hand,<br />

with communal wishes at once to destroy, to be saved from destruction,<br />

and to let be, on the other, fireworks represent the idea of spectra we all<br />

can share—a moment of mass rebellion against fact perception. Adorno<br />

warns that theatrical luster can return as a “poison”; a mass spectacle like<br />

cinema, which lures the “preartistic consciousness” with the wonder of artificial<br />

light, is easily exploited for ideological and commercial purposes.<br />

But the appeal of fireworks also poisons art in another way; it suggests how<br />

much aesthetic desire is fulfilled at art’s margin, in throwaway “preartistic”<br />

perceptions.<br />

Complements to aesthetic Schein born in form from spirit, fireworks,<br />

or another example Adorno entertains, “water fountains of the seventeenth<br />

century” (AT 80; GS 7:124), float on nonconceptual sensuous appeal.<br />

Adorno’s shorthand for this feature is “circus colors” (AT 81). His<br />

phrase “Buntheit des Zirkus” (GS 7:127) actually refers to motley, that is,<br />

to the variegated color that Kant excludes from the aesthetic because it is<br />

so subconceptual. Adornian artworks assimilate the preartistic as a feature,<br />

amid safeguards. So, “Beckett’s plays, as crepuscularly grey as after sunset<br />

and the end of the world,” nonetheless “remain true” to circus colors “in<br />

that the plays are indeed performed on stage” with costumes and sets, and

court of appeal, or, adorno 187<br />

don’t renounce wholly the naive magic of theatrical monstration: “the curtain<br />

lifts expectantly even at the beginning of Beckett’s Endgame” (AT 81;<br />

GS 7:126–127). 45<br />

The artwork is not afterimage, firework, nor even fountain, but something<br />

that would like to have their ephemeral radiance, but not quite as<br />

much as it would like to have “form.” <strong>Looking</strong> away makes the opposite<br />

tradeoff: it would like to negate fact perception—it stirs with this desire—<br />

but does not want to do that as much as it wants to be relieved, if temporarily,<br />

of fact perception’s demand and the normative concepts that go with<br />

it. So phenomenophilia looks away from fact perception or suspends it in a<br />

frame of metaperception. The phenomenophile verifies the first sentence<br />

of Aesthetic Theory, that art’s “right to exist” is no given. In order for art to<br />

exist in freedom, the phenomenophile has to have a preceding right to linger<br />

in the preartistic indefinitely and unconditionally, because only a profound<br />

conviction that there is no imperative to art can make artistic reception<br />

or creation free social acts. Without looking away, there is no art; and<br />

by the same logic, looking away cannot be art. That’s why Adorno begins<br />

the book with a disclaimer, and why he discusses “natural beauty” before<br />

“art beauty”; but, significant as these gestures are, it’s hard to be persuaded<br />

by reading Aesthetic Theory that it really doesn’t matter to Adorno whether<br />

art exists or not. The paradox of art is that nothing less (or more) than that<br />

is called for. 46<br />

The phenomenophile dwells on object perception not only because of<br />

mixed feelings about his possible deviance, then, but because he seeks release<br />

from even negative assertion, including that of art production. Art<br />

tends inherently to affirm, as Adorno notes on the first page of the book.<br />

Art production places the artist closer than the phenomenophile to the<br />

theologian, Platonist, or naturalist who points to a world better than the<br />

45. “The bow or baton of the conductor—of the orchestra—waiting, depending, like<br />

a lifted quill, can also be illuminated by some such suspension or lustre ‘. . . when the curtain<br />

is about to rise upon the desert magnificence of autumn The imminent scattering of luminous<br />

fingering, which the foliage suspends, mirrors itself, then, in the pit of the readied orchestra’”<br />

(Derrida, Dissemination, 180, quoting Stéphane Mallarmé, L’Oeuvre de Mallarmé:<br />

Un Coup de dés [Paris: Librairie des Lettres, 1951], 388).<br />

46. Arguably, within the art world this need to divest art of its imperative is best<br />

fulfilled by minimalism, which allows the smallest gesture to satisfy the imperative.

188 looking away<br />

world “as is,” even though art only gestures, like the statues in Last Year at<br />

Marienbad, to what isn’t there. Art also has a teleology, if only in its own il-<br />

luminating destruction. 47 In looking away there is neither a perceived right<br />

nor an imperative to negation, only an awkward silence suspending negation<br />

and affirmation; and no work, only preartistic perception. Below the<br />

conceptuality of even the happening (which is fairly rational and intentional<br />

in practice), there are experiences and perceptions that never crystallize<br />

a form—spectra, or the phenomena Kant excludes from the aesthetic<br />

as “charms [Reizen].” These comprise a special variety of natural<br />

beauty because, although they figure harmony as Adorno writes images of<br />

natural beauty do, they take no public shape and time themselves out. The<br />

few moments that one can hold on to the realization that the perception is<br />

illusory are, in the case of these phenomena, all that the perceiver needs,<br />

since the experience itself is so brief. And because their temporal limits are<br />

obvious at first sight, they never really coerce. Their superiority to art is<br />

that they cannot be bought and sold. A gallery may pay me for sitting in a<br />

room and saying that I’m seeing colors; it would then be paying me for my<br />

idea that this could occur and for my self-presentation, but not for my perception<br />

itself, which cannot be shared. And this is actually what is happening<br />

when galleries exhibit artworks; artworks are not perceptions. The<br />

gestures of art and exhibition are our way of compromising with and paying<br />

respect to the worthlessness (beyond worth) of perceptions that can<br />

never be duplicated or exchanged.<br />

There is pathos in Adorno’s sublimation of mere appearance in the<br />

47. Visual artworks may be especially susceptible to Schein because of the semblance<br />

(here is a good place to use this word) of totality more strikingly achieved by visual<br />

form. The more obviously temporal arts, music and writing, can negate themselves in<br />

successive phrases and can activate the perceiver’s awareness that there is no single moment<br />

of realization. Visual apprehension gives a stronger illusion of grasp—a quality<br />

Lacan mobilizes when he makes the mirror into the emblem of that illusion, and one<br />

that Hegel exploits figuratively in the passage of the Phenomenology cited earlier, when<br />

he considers history “in a state of repose.” For the same reason, however, visual art furnishes<br />

a good counterpoint to the facticity of the world “as is”—that is, to a world that<br />

conveys its power less through discourse than through existing. Visual form replies to<br />

that world in its own terms. By the same logic, the transient visuality of spectra demurs<br />

pointedly from visual aesthetic illusion and social facticity alike.

court of appeal, or, adorno 189<br />

artwork, as art’s mementos of the preartistic seem to commemorate an<br />

inadmissible desire to be preartistic. Art may recall the early childhood experience<br />

of the visual stimulation also encompassed by Kant’s “charms,” a<br />

sensory experience more radically unfactive than that of art. Once upon a<br />

time we were happy when luminous object perceptions simply appeared:<br />

the large colored beads that hang over a crib resemble Anaxagoras’s stars<br />

and moon for which alone life is (already) worth living. Memories of some<br />

such experience stir in Adorno’s treatment of the preartistic. In comparison<br />

to art that “bends under the burdensome weight of the empirical [der<br />

lastenden Schwere der Empirie] from which, as art, it steps away” (AT 105,<br />

translation modified; GS 7:161), Adorno portrays fountains, “circus colors,”<br />

and the like as merely recreational, even as he notes that sensitivity to<br />

their allure is necessary for quality aesthetic work. They recall the era of<br />

direct stimulation:<br />

By its mere existence, every artwork, as alien artwork to what is alienated,<br />

conjures up the circus and yet is lost as soon as it emulates it. Art<br />

becomes an image not directly by becoming an apparition but only<br />

through the countertendency to it. The preartistic level of art is at<br />

the same time the memento of its anti-cultural character, its suspicion<br />

of its antithesis to the empirical world that leaves this world untouched<br />

[ihres Argwohns gegen ihre Antithese zur empirischen Welt,<br />

welche die empirische Welt unbehelligt läßt]. Important artworks<br />

nevertheless seek to incorporate this art-alien layer. When, suspected<br />

of being infantile, it is absent from art, when the last trace of the vagrant<br />

fiddler disappears from the spiritual chamber musician and the<br />

illusionless drama has lost the magic of the stage, art has capitulated.<br />

(AT 81; GS 7:126)<br />

Although an “infantile” state of openness is the only one in which perception—before<br />

fact perception—is spontaneously embraced, such a state is<br />

vulnerable to exploitation, as Adorno warns in writing of preartistic “poison,”<br />

and one might say that the infant’s openness is fated to be exploited.<br />

<strong>Looking</strong> for shelter from exploitation, the Adornian artwork gives up the<br />

preartistic magnetism of “unmediated” appearance (sheer Erscheinung)

190 looking away<br />

and sets out on the long way around to apparition. As it embarks on its<br />

travels it carries a little shred of circus color, like a lucky charm. 48<br />

4. court of appeal<br />

Marxism and critical theory enter the discourse of phenomenality and dissatisfaction<br />

to answer the question of what it means to object to the world<br />

“as is.” Adorno observes that Kant “would say: very well, individual conscience<br />

and the course of the world are absolutely incompatible. But then<br />

he would add: so much the worse for the course of the world [um so<br />

schlimmer für den Weltlauf]” (HF 65; NaS 13:96–97). 49 Adorno is a Hegelian<br />

and not a Kantian in that he dwells more fully on individuals’ participation<br />

in the course of the world, an imbrication that takes place on levels<br />

additional to that of judgment. Therefore, Adorno’s objection to the course<br />

of the world does not “deny” something like world spirit. Rather, it is<br />

based in two responses to Hegel’s system, one that asks Hegel’s use of fact<br />

to be consistent in its own terms (Marx’s History 1, à la Chakrabarty) and<br />

another that credits the worth of possibilities and particulars excluded<br />

from history’s logic (Chakrabarty’s History 2).<br />

In the first case, Adorno perceives that Hegel’s system “oscillates between<br />

thinking in invariants and unrestrained dialectical thinking” (AT<br />

208; GS 7:309) and handles unevenly presuppositions and possibilities that<br />

share similar ontological status. Hegel treats presuppositions read out of<br />

what (now) is as more actual than possibilities that have not come to be.<br />

Adorno’s turn to possibility, correcting Hegel’s leaning, is based in what he<br />

48. While Adorno’s desire to insure against the illusion of the unmediated is well<br />

founded, it’s not clear in his own terms that rejecting play is the right decision: the limited<br />

duration and ontic thinness of spectra and “charms” protect the perceiver from aesthetic<br />

ideology as well as the autonomous form of the artwork does.<br />

49. It’s a mark of Adorno’s darkening interpretation of Hegel that he here ascribes to<br />

Kant words that he used to ascribe to Hegel: “If in the last analysis Hegel’s system<br />

makes the transition into untruth by following its own logic, this is a judgment not simply<br />

on Hegel, as a self-righteous positivist science would like to think, but rather a judgment<br />

on reality [Wirklichkeit]. Hegel’s scornful ‘so much the worse for the facts’<br />

[‘Desto schlimmer für die Tatsachen’] is invoked against him so automatically only because<br />

it expresses the dead serious truth about the facts” (“Aspects,” HTS 30–31; GS 5:<br />


court of appeal, or, adorno 191<br />

considers to be a more capacious as well as more careful attention to reality<br />

than Hegel’s. What “allows reason, and indeed compels and obliges reason,<br />

to oppose the superior strength of the course of the world is always<br />

the fact that in every situation there is a concrete possibility of doing<br />

things differently [der ist stets und in jener Situation der Hinweis auf die<br />

konkrete Möglichkeit, es anders zu machen]” (HF 68; NaS 13:100). The<br />

fact of possibility, a “concrete possibility of doing things differently,” “present<br />

and sufficiently developed” (HF 68; NaS 13:100), is the only thing that<br />

constrains Hegel’s attempt to convert a series of events and ideas into a<br />

law. Although Adorno would, I think, defend the right to take seriously<br />

possibilities that one cannot quantify at all, the alternative possibility he<br />

has in mind is often enough strongly indicated, for example by the palpable<br />

weakness of existent institutions. Such a possibility is factive enough<br />

that, once it enters awareness, it “compels and obliges reason” to reckon<br />

with it. This is not to say that the fact that things could be otherwise is as<br />

powerful as the fact that they are what they are; only that since possibility<br />

is a piece of reality, one cannot dismiss it without proportionally diminishing<br />

one’s apprehension of the world “as is.” The fact of possibility should get<br />

the same respect as other ontologically similar pieces of reality. Adorno<br />

does not, in practice, give as much credit as he should to counterhistories—the<br />

almost infinite resource of available facts from disparate<br />

places and times that touch Hegelian history without being of it. Unfamiliar<br />

pasts and spaces seem to alarm him, so that rumors about them lend his<br />

aesthetics the “shudder” of the primitive. When Adorno opines that “any<br />

casual glance at the wretched existence of primitive peoples who have survived<br />

but still live in Stone Age conditions ought to persuade us to abandon<br />

every . . . idealization of primitive society once and for all” (HF 53),<br />

his glance is “casual,” for sure—indeed, he has no idea what he’s talking<br />

about. Adorno believes, however, in making available both present possibilities<br />

and fragments of the past that show historical discontinuity.<br />

The second and more idiosyncratic tactic of Adornian objection to the<br />

world “as is”—to which I’ll turn in the rest of this section—is Adorno’s defense<br />

of the inherent right of the particular and the individual to judge the<br />

course of the world by their own perspectives instead of by that of the universal.<br />

In Kantian vocabulary, this means that in moving from objective<br />

liking to free judgment, I reserve the right to despise what I respect, even

192 looking away<br />

when the given at issue is the world “as is.” Nietzsche dismisses the idea of<br />

such a right with the question: “from where does it derive the right to this<br />

judgment? How does the part come to sit as judge over the whole?” (WP<br />

§331; KSA 12.316). Adorno takes the position that the right is self-evident<br />

and symmetrical to that of universality: it’s necessary in order for there to<br />

be anything for universality to work with, but it is also inherent. His unconditional<br />

intensity on this point distinguishes him from almost every<br />

other philosopher. He elaborates on it in brilliant pages of History and<br />

Freedom, zeroing in on the phrase “mit Grund” (with reason, “justifiably”)<br />

in Hegel’s statement that the universality that constitutes law “is justifiably<br />

regarded as the main enemy by that feeling which reserves the right to do<br />

as it pleases, by that conscience which identifies right with subjective conviction”<br />

(Elements of the Philosophy of Right, 17; Werke 7:20). Adorno captures<br />

the false magnanimity of the moment:<br />

this “justifiably” has to be taken much more seriously than even<br />

Hegel believes. It is characteristic of Hegel’s thinking that he really<br />

wants to have it all ways; that he really wants to include everything,<br />

even things that simply cannot be reconciled. By this I mean that he<br />

adopts the standpoint of the universal; he tends always to claim, ideologically<br />

and in a conformist spirit, that the universal is in the right.<br />

But equally, almost as an afterthought, he would also like to be credited<br />

with wanting fair play for the individual. And he does this with<br />

a throwaway remark [einer Partikel], in this case the single adverb<br />

“justifiably,” merely in order that the individual should get his just<br />

deserts, simply so that it does not look as if anyone is being left out. 50 (HF<br />

64–65, my italics; NaS 13:95–96)<br />

50. Adorno liked the point enough to preserve it in Negative Dialectics, but a comparison<br />

of the two texts shows why I prefer History and Freedom: “this word of Hegel’s looks<br />

like a philosophical slip of the pen. He is blurting out what he denies in the same breath.<br />

If the individual conscience actually regarded ‘the real world of that which is right and<br />

moral’ [Elements of the Philosophy of Right, 17] as hostile because it does not recognize itself<br />

in it, no avowal would serve to gloss this over; for it is the point of Hegelian dialectics<br />

that conscience cannot act differently, that it cannot recognize itself in that real<br />

moral world. Hegel is thus conceding that the reconciliation whose demonstration<br />

comprises his philosophy did not take place” (ND 310; translation modified). The reading<br />

in History and Freedom is freer, clearer, more direct, and winds up going further.

court of appeal, or, adorno 193<br />

Adorno’s point is not that the universal necessarily does injustice to the individual,<br />

but that justice is flawed by dependence on the universal vantage,<br />

which cannot represent fully that of each particular at the same time that it<br />

represents itself. The universal judges from the perspective of the universal,<br />

because it cannot do otherwise. Why should the particular, in turn, not<br />

judge from its own perspective? Why should it do the work of the universal,<br />

as well as its own work?<br />

An aphorism of Minima Moralia, “Golden Gate,” contemplates the<br />

rights of the particular and universal as they inform the rights and judgments<br />

of love:<br />

Someone who has been offended, slighted, has an illumination as<br />

vivid as when agonizing pain lights up one’s own body. He becomes<br />

aware that in the innermost blindness of love, that must remain oblivious,<br />

lives a demand not to be blinded. He was wronged; from this he<br />

deduces a claim to right and must at the same time reject it, for what<br />

he desires can only be given in freedom. In such distress he who is rebuffed<br />

becomes human. Just as love uncompromisingly betrays the<br />

general [Allgemeine] to the particular in which alone justice is done<br />

to the former, so now the general, as the autonomy of others, turns fatally<br />

against it. The very rebuttal through which the general has exerted<br />

its influence appears to the individual as exclusion from the general;<br />

he who has lost love knows himself deserted by all, and this is<br />

why he scorns consolation. In the senselessness of his deprivation he<br />

is made to feel the untruth of all merely individual fulfillment. But he<br />

thereby awakens to the paradoxical consciousness of generality: of<br />

the inalienable and unindictable human right to be loved by the beloved.<br />

With his plea, founded on no titles or claims, he appeals to<br />

an unknown court, which accords to him as grace what is his own and<br />

yet not his own. The secret of justice in love is the sublation of right,<br />

to which love mutely points. “So forever / cheated and foolish must<br />

love be.”<br />

Hegel may also mean “mit grund” more darkly and brutally, if his intention is to indicate<br />

that what the particular fears is about to happen. Thanks to David Lloyd for this<br />

idea and other contributions to this chapter.

194 looking away<br />

Dem Gekränkten, Zurückgesetzten geht etwas auf, so grell wie heftige<br />

Schmerzen den eigenen Leib beleuchten. Er erkennt, daß im Innersten<br />

der verblendeten Liebe, die nichts davon weiß und nichts wissen<br />

darf, die Forderung des Unverblendeten lebt. Ihm geschah<br />

unrecht; daraus leitet er den Anspruch des Rechts ab und muß ihn zugleich<br />

verwerfen, denn was er wünscht, kann nur aus Freiheit kommen.<br />

In solcher Not wird der Verstoßene zum Menschen. Wie Liebe<br />

unabdingbar das Allgemeine ans Besondere verrät, in dem allein jenem<br />

Ehre widerfährt, so wendet tödlich nun das Allgemeine als Autonomie<br />

des Nächsten sich gegen sie. Gerade die Versagung, in der das<br />

Allgemeine sich durchsetzte, erscheint dem Individuum als Ausgeschlossensein<br />

vom Allgemeinen; der Liebe verlor, weiß von allen sich<br />

verlassen, darum verschmäht er den Trost. In der Sinnlosigkeit des<br />

Entzuges bekommt er das Unwahre aller bloß individuellen Erfüllung<br />

zu spüren. Damit aber erwacht er zum paradoxen Bewußtsein<br />

des Allgemeinen: des unveräußerlichen und unklagbaren Menschenrechtes,<br />

von der Geliebten geliebt zu werden. Mit seiner auf keinen<br />

Titel und Anspruch gegründeten Bitte um Gewährung appelliert er<br />

an eine unbekannte Instanz, die aus Gnade ihm zuspricht, was ihm<br />

gehört und doch nicht gehört. Das Geheimnis der Gerechtigkeit in<br />

der Liebe ist die Aufhebung des Rechts, auf die Liebe mit sprachloser<br />

Gebärde deutet. “So muß übervorteilt / Albern doch überall sein die<br />

Liebe.” 51<br />

The Kantian antagonism of Civilization and Its Discontents, that freedom is<br />

constrained by others’ freedom, plays for erotic stakes in this aphorism,<br />

written in the language of rights and titles. The slighted lover has suffered<br />

an “injustice [unrecht]” in love, but realizes that even from his own particular<br />

perspective, he wants the other to be free, since otherwise there would<br />

be no possible happiness. It’s an instance in which the individual really<br />

does grasp the universal and the particular together—for reasons that are<br />

as interested as disinterested—and “reject[s]” his own claim. What makes<br />

51. Minima Moralia: Reflections from Damaged Life [1951], trans. E. F. N. Jephcott<br />

(London: Verso, 1978), §104; GS 4:185, hereafter MM. The quotation is from<br />

Hölderlin, “Tränen,” Selected Verse, ed. Michael Hamburger (London: Anvil, 1986).

court of appeal, or, adorno 195<br />

Adorno Adorno, however, is that the story doesn’t end there. He neither<br />

writes off the loss nor averages it into the communal pool of lovers’ luck<br />

(win some, lose some). Rather, losses remain classified as injustices no matter<br />

how fair they are. Similarly, physical suffering “tells our knowledge<br />

that suffering ought not to be” (ND 203; GS 6:203), and death properly<br />

remains intolerable because and in spite of its natural inexorability (ND<br />

385; GS 6:378). The original demand to be loved, turned aside by the<br />

plaintiff himself, has merit that no rival merits have the power to cancel—<br />

that he himself does not have the power to cancel. “The inalienable and<br />

unindictable human right to be loved by the beloved” extends beyond titles.<br />

A right based on no reason, it appeals to an “unknown court” that<br />

does not operate on the scarcity principles of justice, thus a messianic<br />

“Golden Gate” where judgment and plenitude are the same. This court<br />

would overturn what is just on the basis of a greater right to universal happiness.<br />

“Golden Gate” alludes to the original source of the phrase associated<br />

with Hegel, “world history is the world’s court.” “Right” is what “world<br />

history, as the world’s court, exercises [Der Weltgeschichte, als dem<br />

Weltgerichte, ausübt],” Hegel writes in Elements of The Philosophy of Right<br />

(§340). The legal metaphor develops, of course, out of the homology<br />

between “process” and “trial” in German (making Kafka, again, an apt respondent<br />

to Hegel). The figure recurs in Hegel’s Encyclopedia, in the section<br />

entitled “Die Weltgeschichte.” 52 In both passages Hegel draws a connection<br />

between the spirit of a people (Volksgeister) and the justice of<br />

“Weltgerichte”; history’s justice is founded in the spirit of a people, the<br />

rightful agent of history. The “Instanz” of “Golden Gate,” in contrast,<br />

names the special appeal stage of a trial. In appealing the verdict of the<br />

people, “Golden Gate” returns to the source of Hegel’s phrase, Schiller’s<br />

poem “Resignation: A Fantasy.” Schiller’s poem functions as a kind of<br />

poetic precedent against philosophy, since Hegel’s allusion to the poem<br />

does misapply it. Far more Adornian than Hegelian, “Resignation” is the<br />

plaint of a narrator who has given up a real love for a delusory hope—<br />

based on the promise of an afterlife—and whose justifiable complaint of<br />

breach of contract is brushed off with the phrase Hegel selects: “Die Lehre<br />

52. G. W. F. Hegel, Encyclopedia of Philosophy [1830], trans. Gustav Emil Mueller<br />

(New York: Philosophical Library, 1959), §548; Werke, 10, §548.

196 looking away<br />

/ ist ewig wie die Welt. Wer glauben kann, entbehre. / Die Weltgeschichte<br />

ist das Weltgericht [the doctrine / is eternal as the world. Who can believe<br />

it, does without. / World history is the world’s court].” 53 Like “Golden<br />

Gate,” Schiller’s poem insists that losses are by definition never recompensed:<br />

“was man von der Minute ausgeschlagen / gibt keine Ewigkeit<br />

zurück [what’s lost to the moment / eternity does not give back]” (Werke,<br />

1:169). The Hegelian phrase bears the “resignation” of the title, a resignation<br />

recommended to, but not taken up by, the poem’s narrator. Instead he<br />

retains the sealed envelope containing his “Vollmachtbrief zum Glücke,” a<br />

power of attorney for accomplishing the happiness never delivered. This<br />

unopened letter captures well the Adornian fact of possibility—that “unfinished<br />

business [dieses Unerledigte]” (Introduction to Sociology, 96; NaS<br />

15:164) that outlives the disregard of history. Far from resigning, the<br />

speaker forwards his file to the reader as “phantasie,” in other words, in a<br />

form that exceeds the norms that legitimate appeal. Adorno casts himself,<br />

then, as the reader who is willing to hear “Resignation’s” appeal—or to<br />

read the poem properly.<br />

Adorno believes that Kant’s merely intelligible realm in Critique of Practical<br />

Reason prefigures such a court of appeal (ND 385; GS 6:378), not in its<br />

attitude toward happiness but at least in its introduction of the thought of<br />

immortality. In this he follows the reading that the Critique of Practical Reason<br />

withdraws, if only in thought, some of the exigency of the First Critique.<br />

He reuses the same legal metaphor for Hegel’s rebellion against<br />

Kant’s so-called barriers to thought: Hegel argues that Kant “presupposes<br />

already that there is a position beyond the realms separated on the Kantian<br />

map, that there is a court of last resort [eine dritte Instanz], so to speak”<br />

(ND 383; GS 6:375). In both cases the court of appeal surveys the facts<br />

and judges independently of their pressure. From it the world “as is” can<br />

never coerce endorsement:<br />

Nietzsche in the Antichrist voiced the strongest argument not merely<br />

against theology but against metaphysics, that hope is mistaken for<br />

53. Friedrich Schiller, “Resignation: Eine Phantasie [1786],” in Werke (Weimar:<br />

Böhlaus, 1943), 1:167–169. De Man would have said something about Hegel’s seduction<br />

by rhyme: the return of the same in rhyme beats the time of the course of the<br />

world. ...

court of appeal, or, adorno 197<br />

truth. ...Herefutes the Christian “proof by efficacy [Kraft],” that<br />

faith is true because it brings felicity. For “could happiness—or, more<br />

technically, pleasure—ever be a proof of truth? So far from this, it almost<br />

proves the converse, at any rate it gives the strongest grounds<br />

for suspecting ‘truth’ whenever feelings of pleasure have had a say<br />

in the matter. The proof of pleasure is proof of: pleasure—nothing<br />

more; why in the world should true judgments cause more enjoyment<br />

than false ones and, in accordance with a preordained harmony, necessarily<br />

bring pleasant feelings in their train?” [Nietzsche, Antichrist,<br />

§50]. But Nietzsche himself taught amor fati: “thou shalt love thy<br />

fate.” This, he says in the Epilogue to The Twilight of the Idols, was his<br />

innermost nature. We might well ask whether we have more reason to<br />

love what happens to us, to affirm what is, because it is, than to believe<br />

true what we hope. Is it not the same false inference that leads<br />

from the existence of stubborn facts to their erection as the highest<br />

value, as he criticizes in the leap from hope to truth? ...Intheend<br />

hope, wrested from reality by negating it, is the only form in which<br />

truth appears. Without hope, the idea of truth would be scarcely even<br />

thinkable, and it is the cardinal untruth, having recognized existence<br />

to be bad, to present it as truth simply because it has been recognized.<br />

Here, rather than in the opposite, lies the crime of theology that<br />

Nietzsche arraigned without ever reaching the final court [zur letzten<br />

Instanz]. (MM §61, “Court of Appeal,” translation modified; GS<br />

4:109–110)<br />

From the stance of factive illusion and illusory facticity, both sides of<br />

the fact/value conflation—“the leap from hope to truth” and the inference<br />

from “stubborn facts” to “the highest value”—are equally theological.<br />

Only inside the awareness of what Adorno reveals to be the inherently<br />

ambiguous zone of social fact do we “wrest” hope “from reality”—<br />

Adorno continues, “by negating it,” while I have focused throughout on an<br />

alternative tradition of suspension and reservation. Nietzsche and Adorno<br />

agree that the very fact that one feels put upon, “like a memory of freedom,”<br />

asserts “that we ought by rights to be free” (HF 205; NaS 13:284),<br />

but Nietzsche demands a title for the assertion, whereas Adorno finds in<br />

discomfort itself a perfectly natural right to want to be comfortable, and in<br />

pressure a right to want to be free. As a result, he exceeds the imagination

198 looking away<br />

of society, which in its bourgeois phase, he notes, “established formal freedom,<br />

but had not envisaged [a society] free from every coercion [von jedem<br />

Zwang befreiten]” (HF 195, translation modified, my italics; NaS 13:270).<br />

Who else has defended the desire for a society free from every coercion?<br />

Adorno’s critique of facticity is a platform to support the right to want universal<br />

happiness, a wanting that is more contested—because more pointless—than<br />

the right to be happy. Visionary as Adorno’s philosophy may be,<br />

it is also his attempt to represent more realistically than Kant, Hegel, or<br />

Nietzsche what is given in the world “as is.”

Postscript<br />

Freud begins Section VI of Civilization and Its Discontents with a confession<br />

of superfluity: “In none of my previous works have I had so strong a feeling<br />

as now that what I am describing is common knowledge and that I am<br />

using up paper and ink and, in due course, the compositor’s and printer’s<br />

work and material in order to expound things which are, in fact, selfevident<br />

[um eigentlich selbstverständliche Dinge zu erzählen].” 1 Freud has<br />

been describing a faultline in happiness: as its pursuit may impede others’<br />

happiness, the existence of other happiness-seekers constricts one’s own<br />

satisfaction even as it makes it possible—obviously.<br />

For Freud, this point is singularly obvious—the world’s most gratuitous-feeling,<br />

ink-wasting point. Gratuitousness, however, is anything but<br />

gratuitous in the argument of Civilization and Its Discontents. If discontent<br />

is structurally inevitable, then it would seem to be a natural condition that<br />

1. Sigmund Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents, SE XXI: 117, translation modified;<br />

Gesammelte Werke (London: Imago, 1948), XIV: 476.

200 looking away<br />

it is not the task of therapy to change. Freud notably does not use the language<br />

of acceptance; it’s too soon for that, and there is no process of critique<br />

that can resolve this question. Rather, he raises a doubt in principle<br />

about the position of discontent at the limit of psychoanalysis, dependent<br />

as it is on a hypothesis that he can neither accept nor reject. The doubt<br />

Freud ponders is similar in consequence to the doubt he has, in the same<br />

text, about groups and masses. “In an individual neurosis,” he writes, “we<br />

take as our starting-point the contrast that distinguishes the patient from<br />

his environment, which is assumed to be ‘normal.’ For a group all of whose<br />

members are affected by one and the same disorder no such background<br />

could exist; it would have to be found elsewhere.” The problem is that one<br />

can’t psychoanalyze from “elsewhere,” “since no one possesses authority to<br />

impose such a therapy upon the group” (Civilization and Its Discontents,<br />

144). If a group or mass cannot come in for therapy, still less can a civilization.<br />

Even though discontent may be built into culture and even into<br />

nature, however, it is a strange nature that never feels natural, as Freud<br />

observes. The superfluity of writing about discontent reflects and reverses<br />

an equally persistent sense of superfluity in discontent itself. Relations<br />

to other people, Freud writes, generate “suffering” that “we tend to regard<br />

...asakind of gratuitous addition, although it cannot be less fatefully<br />

inevitable than the suffering which comes from elsewhere” (77). The<br />

metasuffering of resentment implies that there ought not to be suffering<br />

(or, on a more banal scale, discomfort): as I’ve suggested, dissatisfaction is<br />

minding. Yet, by the same logic, the guilt that attends dissatisfaction and<br />

that Freud attacks in his sensation of gratuitousness also implies that it<br />

may be important to pause over the awareness of dissatisfaction just where<br />

it starts to seem futile. Where does this guilty feeling of taking up too<br />

much space and time come from? In Minima Moralia Adorno is on the<br />

lookout for “the castration of perception by a court of control” (MM §79);<br />

Freud notes that censorship makes “the same objections” even to the most<br />

determined mind (such as his own) and cannot be prevented, “only set<br />

aside subsequently—by a court of appeal, as it were.” 2 To be told what to<br />

perceive is to be told what not to look at, and when to cut a look short; it’s<br />

2. Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, SE XV: 115.

postscript 201<br />

also to be told where to look—to maintain one’s focus on the things that<br />

matter.<br />

Nietzsche’s remark in The Gay Science, “<strong>Looking</strong> away shall be my only<br />

negation,” hints at an alternative both to the coerced acceptance of<br />

the given and to Adorno’s modernist aesthetics of negation. Michael<br />

Vahrenwald’s photographs of grasses on Wal-Mart lots inhabit Nietzsche’s<br />

hope very simply. Since the Wal-Mart never appears, it’s neither made<br />

to condemn itself nor given the honor of being allowed to do so. Nor is<br />

its existence denied. What one does see—slopes and patches of greenery<br />

to which almost no one pays attention—takes part of its interest from<br />

what it’s not, but not all. The viewer’s implicit thought is both “I would<br />

prefer not to look at that Wal-Mart” and “I’d prefer to look at this grass.”<br />

Stopping short of celebration or transcendence, avoiding any implication<br />

of particular depth or spirituality in the perceptual object, Vahrenwald’s<br />

photographs find relief in a neutrality that Wal-Mart remains incapable of<br />

buying off—in “nature” not as romance but as invariance. The photographs<br />

are not, perhaps, phenomenophilic, except for their emphasis on<br />

color and their choice of a nearly worthless object to spend time with.<br />

They are highly therapeutic in a way common to minimalist art, finding<br />

and making available the kind of free space familiar to the child tarrying<br />

between the house and the fence, or in the unofficial spaces of the<br />

school. 3<br />

Still, photography itself can’t be looking away, only influenced by it,<br />

since the photograph lasts indefinitely, to be revisited and imagined to<br />

be shared. In everyday experience, how long can a look such as the one<br />

Vahrenwald depicts last? Juxtaposing Vahrenwald’s representation of<br />

looking away to Freud’s discussion of the possibility of therapy for discontent<br />

exposes the contrast between the fleeting moments that phenomenophilia<br />

steals and the kind of therapeutic time that dissatisfaction<br />

may want. Phenomenophilia expires in no more than a few minutes; that<br />

seems like a defense, making sure that no one can intrude, but also making<br />

sure that the phenomenophile doesn’t take much relief (since he feels he<br />

lacks a right to any). Minimalism’s deep vacancy suggests that what the<br />

3. Thanks to Toshi Tomori for this idea.

202 looking away<br />

[To view this image, refer to<br />

the print version of this title.]<br />

Green Slope, Wal-Mart, Davenport, Iowa. Photograph by Michael Vahrenwald, 2005.<br />

phenomenophile needs is time, the long and potentially infinite time it<br />

may take to wash away the sense of coercion. As Adorno suggests, we are<br />

melancholy and restless during periods of freedom not because we don’t<br />

know what to do with freedom, but because there is not yet enough of it<br />

(“Spoilsport,” MM §113).<br />

A response to the dissatisfaction associated with phenomenophilia, then,<br />

would be to allow theoretically infinite time to realize the possibility of experiences<br />

that others need not share. “Theoretically” means that this is an<br />

attitudinal, not empirical, recommendation, although attitudes have empirical<br />

consequences; and it also suggests that this attitude is one that the<br />

phenomenophile would try out on himself, the only person for whom one<br />

can conceivably have a theoretically infinite tolerance. Although this psychoanalytic<br />

value is not necessarily an ethical one, it can be connected (by<br />

paradox) to ethics. Winnicott’s essay “Communicating and Not Communicating,”<br />

for example, establishes the domain—a domain formed out of<br />

dialogue with others—of a “secret self” closed even to intimates, as a con-

postscript 203<br />

dition for noncoercive relation. 4 Something like the secret self is what<br />

phenomenophiles feel they have no right to possess, and may be what<br />

Cavell imagines the skeptic cannot have. The frustration toward too much<br />

interest in phenomenality that often emerges in philosophy reflects both<br />

the sense that recession of this kind is an insult to the given world shared<br />

with society and the related suspicion that there is no end to it: the person<br />

who wants to linger in mere appearance is really always doing it, as Nietzsche<br />

says of the artist; he would live there all the time if he did what he<br />

wanted. The phenomenophile feels the danger and futility of looking away<br />

as well. The fear of the open-ended tension of an endless desire cuts its<br />

losses by gravitating to lyric instants that are figured as all one can expect.<br />

In this way the hope for freedom surfaces and times out.<br />

Freud faces the macrocosmic version of a similar problem in his negative-therapeutic<br />

gesture at the end of Civilization and Its Discontents:<br />

I should find it understandable if someone were to point out the<br />

obligatory nature of the course of human civilization and were to say,<br />

for instance, that the tendencies to a restriction of sexual life or to the<br />

institution of a humanitarian ideal at the expense of natural selection<br />

were developmental trends which cannot be averted or turned aside<br />

and to which it is best for us to yield as though they were necessities of<br />

nature [my italics]. I know, too, the objection that can be made against<br />

this, to the effect that in the history of mankind, trends such as these,<br />

which were considered unsurmountable, have often been thrown<br />

aside and replaced by other trends. Thus I have not the courage to<br />

rise up before my fellow-men as a prophet, and I bow to their reproach<br />

that I can offer them no consolation: for at bottom that is what<br />

they are all demanding—the wildest revolutionaries no less passionately<br />

than the most virtuous believers.<br />

The fateful question for the human species seems to me to be<br />

whether and to what extent their cultural development will succeed in<br />

4. “Communicating and Not Communicating Leading to a Study of Certain Opposites,”<br />

in The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment: Studies in the Theory<br />

of Emotional Development (New York: International Universities P, 1965), 179–192.

204 looking away<br />

mastering the disturbance of their communal life by the human instinct<br />

of aggression and self-destruction. (145)<br />

The “developmental trends” of civilization may or may not be unstoppable,<br />

and Freud does not feel up to prophecy on a matter that can only be<br />

resolved by continuation to infinity. Instead, he takes up the position outside<br />

civilization that he earlier describes as both impossible and necessary<br />

for civilization-therapy. In these last two paragraphs, separated by a break<br />

from the rest of the book, Freud removes himself from the first-person<br />

plural. His “fellow-men” become and remain a “they” in whose predicament<br />

he no longer seems to participate: “the fateful question for the human<br />

species seems to me to be ...their cultural development.” From outside<br />

“the human species,” Freud stops short of opining that the course of<br />

the world is obligatory, that the developmental trends for better and worse<br />

of this civilization will have been natural and unalterable. He does not allow<br />

the consolations of history or prophecy to take the place of tolerating<br />

a present and future question that may last forever. What Freud produces,<br />

disturbingly and amusingly, is a figure of the ideal analyst, the one whose<br />

theoretically infinite patience is literalized—an analyst who could wait out<br />

the acting out of world spirit. No one possesses this patience, least of all<br />

the phenomenophile or his interlocutors, and not even very talented analysts<br />

like Winnicott. Like many figures in the discourse of phenomenality<br />

and dissatisfaction, this is a utopian figure of plenitude, as well as a<br />

dystopian one that tries to take the measure of the trouble civilization is in.<br />

Bringing this figure back to the critical debate about whether and how to<br />

think about impossible projects, though, may help to clarify why, for a reservation<br />

that seems both too small and too large to be spoken, an unconditional<br />

space is a better idea than the few seconds of tolerance we usually<br />

give ourselves.

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