Aliens Newsletter - ISSG

Aliens Newsletter - ISSG

Aliens Newsletter - ISSG


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1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009<br />

Figure 8. Observations of Ruddy Ducks in Sweden, 1991-2009 (data for 2009 is provisional)<br />

Numbers of Ruddy Ducks in other European countries<br />

remain very low. In Belgium, one pair attempted<br />

to breed in 2006 and 2007 (Wouter Fayvets pers.<br />

comm.). In 2008, three pairs were recorded in a Special<br />

Protection Area at Antwerp Harbour, and seven<br />

young raised. Because of the presence of other<br />

breeding waterbirds (most notably a Eurasian<br />

Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia colony), the shooting<br />

of these birds was not possible. Up to five pairs<br />

were present in this area in May 2009 (Wouter<br />

Fayvets pers. comm.) and two adult males, three<br />

adult females and five pulli were shot in August<br />

2009 (Hans van Gossum, pers. comm.). A small<br />

number of birds (approximately 10-12) overwintered<br />

in Belgium in 2009/10 so it appears likely that<br />

there will be further breeding attempts in 2010.<br />

Numbers in the Republic of Ireland appear to have<br />

fallen, in line with the decline in the UK population,<br />

and most records are now of single birds. Comprehensive<br />

data from Morocco are difficult to obtain<br />

but one possible Ruddy Duck x White-headed Duck<br />

hybrid was reported near Rabat, with two Whiteheaded<br />

Ducks, in April 2009 (Ana Iñigo in litt.). In<br />

Germany, only one breeding pair has been recorded<br />

since 2000 – in Lower Saxony in 2001 2002 and<br />

2003 (Gerhard Adams pers. comm.). Although there<br />

have been rare observations during the breeding season<br />

in northwest Germany in more recent years, no<br />

broods have been confirmed (Friederike Woog in<br />

litt.). It is believed that only one Ruddy Duck has<br />

been recorded in Iceland since 2004.<br />

Conclusion<br />

There is no doubt that the eradication of Ruddy Ducks<br />

from the UK is a difficult task. However, progress<br />

since the start of the eradication programme has been<br />

in line with expectations, with numbers falling by<br />

over 95% by March 2010. Ruddy Ducks have not become<br />

harder to find or cull since the start of the programme,<br />

nor have they abandoned traditional sites in<br />

response to culling. One of the main areas of concern<br />

now is the presence of Ruddy Ducks in other European<br />

countries. Eradication in these areas, particularly<br />

France and the Netherlands, must follow if the success<br />

of the UK programme is not to be compromised.<br />

The case of Ruddy Ducks can be seen as a test of<br />

cross-border cooperation in the control non-natives,<br />

and failure to act in other European countries may<br />

jeopardize similar work which might be needed in the<br />

future.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

I would like to record my gratitude to all who have<br />

assisted the programme by allowing access and providing<br />

count data. Sincere thanks go to members of<br />

the Project Advisory Group for their advice and support<br />

over many years. Many thanks also to colleagues<br />

in other European countries for data, most<br />

notably Erik van Winden, Alain Caizergues, Wouter<br />

Fayvets, Hans van Gossum, Mario Saénz de Buruaga<br />

and Carlos Gutiérrez.<br />

References<br />

Central Science Laboratory (2002) UK Ruddy Duck<br />

Control Trial Final Report www.defra.gov.uk<br />

Green AJ, Hughes B (1996) Action plan for the<br />

White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala. In:<br />

<strong>Aliens</strong> 23

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