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-would fall off", and &c. or Headlong -would fall, &c. But Mr. Calton<br />

fcems to come nearer the poet's meaning. Whom or what would<br />

they follow, fays he ? There wants an accufative cafe ;<br />

and what<br />

mull be underftood to complete the fenfe can never be accounted for<br />

by an ellipfis, that any rules or ufe of language will juftify. He<br />

therefore fufpedls by fome accident a whole line may have been loft;<br />

and propofes one, which he fays may ferve at leaft for a commentary<br />

to explain<br />

the fenfe, if it cannot be allowed for an emendation.<br />

Their fathers in their old iniquities<br />

Headlong would follow, &c<br />

Or is not the conftrulion thus, Headlong -would follow<br />

as to their an-<br />

cient patrimony, and to their Gods perhaps, &c. f Ne-wton.<br />

BOOK IV.<br />

/. 27. p. 62. Another plain, &c. ]<br />

The learned reader need not be informed that the country here<br />

meant is Italy, which indeed is long but not broad, and is wafhed by<br />

the Mediterranean on the fouth, and fcreened by the Alps on the<br />

north, and divided in the midft by the river Tiber. Ne-wton.<br />

I. 66. p. 63. turms ofhorfe ]<br />

Troops of horfe ; as Bp. Newton obferves, from the Latin, turma.<br />

Virg. Mtt. v. 560.<br />

equitum turm-s:,<br />

/. 68. p. 63. on the Appian road,<br />

Or on the Emilian, J<br />

The Appian road from Rome led towards the fouth of Italy, and<br />

the Emilian towards the north. The nations on the Appian road are<br />

included in ver. 69 76, thofe on the Emilian in ver. 77 79.<br />


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