GREENE'S FAREWELL TO FOLLY 1 Modern spelling tran

GREENE'S FAREWELL TO FOLLY 1 Modern spelling tran

GREENE'S FAREWELL TO FOLLY 1 Modern spelling tran


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GREENE’S <strong>FAREWELL</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>FOLLY</strong> 28<br />

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feigned affection, first deciphering her beauty to be more than superlative, comparing her<br />

face unto Venus, her hair unto gold, her eyes unto stars, nay more, resembling her<br />

chastity unto Diana when they seek only to make her as common as Lais; then how her<br />

feature hath fired their fancy, how her sight hath besotted their senses, how beauty hath<br />

bewitched them, painting out their passions as Apelles did puppets for children, which<br />

inwardly framed of clay, were outwardly tricked up with fresh colours. They plunge in<br />

pain, they wail in woe, they turn the restless stone with Sisyphus and allege the torments<br />

of Tantalus. What grief, what pain, what sorrow, what sighs, what tears, what plaints,<br />

what passions, what tortures, what death is it not they endure till they obtain their<br />

mistress’ favour, which got, infamy concludeth the tragedy with repentance, so that I<br />

allow those pleasing poems of Guazzo, which begin: Chi spinto d’amore, thus Englished:<br />

He that appalled with lust would sail in haste to Corinthum,<br />

There to be taught in Lais’ school to seek for a mistress,<br />

Is to be trained in Venus’ troop, and changed to the purpose;<br />

Rage embraced, but reason quite thrust out as an exile,<br />

Pleasure a pain, rest turned to be care, and mirth as a madness,<br />

Fiery minds inflamed with a look, enraged as Alecto;<br />

Quaint in array, sighs fetched from far and tears, marry, feigned,<br />

Pen-sick sore, deep plunged in pain, not a place but his heart whole;<br />

Days in grief and nights consumed to think on a goddess,<br />

Broken sleeps, sweet dreams but short fro the night to the morning;<br />

Venus dashed, his mistress’ face as bright as Apollo,<br />

Helena stained, the golden ball wrong given by the shepherd;<br />

Hairs of gold, eyes twinkling stars, her lips to be rubies,<br />

Teeth of pearl, her breast like snow, her cheeks to be roses;<br />

Sugar-candy she is, as I guess, fro the waist to the kneestead;<br />

Naught is amiss, no fault were found if soul were amended,<br />

All were bliss if such fond lust led not to repentance.<br />

So that of these verses I conclude that such young gentlemen as, tickled with lust, seek to<br />

please their senses with such pernicious delights, may justly come within the compass of<br />

this folly.<br />

May [+we?], quoth the Lady Margaret, let the selfsame predicament comprehend such<br />

fantastic poets as spend their times in penning down pamphlets of love, who with Ovid<br />

seek to nourish vice in Rome by setting down Artem amandi [=the art of love] and giving<br />

dishonest precepts of lust and lechery, corrupting youth with the expense of time upon<br />

such frivolous fables, and therefore deserve by Augustus to be banished from so civil a<br />

country as Italy amongst the barbarous Getes to live in exile?<br />

Stay there, quoth Messire Benedetto, your commission is too large, and your censure too<br />

satirical. We read not that any woman was ever Stoic or Cynic either to be so strict in<br />

passions or bitter in invectives and [sic for ‘as’?] to write of love, not to favour the folly<br />

but to condemn the fault, and therefore, madam, either be more partial or more<br />

particular.<br />

<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>spelling</strong> <strong>tran</strong>script copyright 2007 Nina Green All Rights Reserved

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