GREENE'S FAREWELL TO FOLLY 1 Modern spelling tran

GREENE'S FAREWELL TO FOLLY 1 Modern spelling tran

GREENE'S FAREWELL TO FOLLY 1 Modern spelling tran


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GREENE’S <strong>FAREWELL</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>FOLLY</strong> 34<br />

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Menon, although amazed with this news, yet for that his conscience was clear, feared not,<br />

but with as much haste as was possible made himself ready to go. Semiramis dissembled<br />

the matter, fetched her husband forth his new hose and his best jacket, thinking to sponge<br />

him up after the cleanliest fashion, that Ninus might see she had cause to love and like so<br />

proper a man. Setting her husband therefore forth in print, he took his way unto the<br />

court, where at the gate the secretary awaited to bring him into presence, whither no<br />

sooner he was entered but the king, taking the poor man aside, began to common with<br />

him in this manner:<br />

Menon, for the sovereign to make a long discourse unto the subject were frivolous, seeing<br />

as the one for his majesty is privileged to command and constrain, so the other by<br />

obedience is tied to obey; therefore omitting all needless preambles, thus to the purpose.<br />

Menon, thou art poor, and yet a lord over fortune for that I hear thou art content, for it is<br />

not richesse to have much, but to desire little, yet to thy want thou hast such a favour<br />

granted thee by the destinies as every way may countervail thy poverty, I mean the<br />

possession of thy wife Semiramis, whom mine eye can witness to be passing fair and<br />

beautiful. Envy, that grudged at thy happiness, and love, that frowned at my liberty,<br />

joining their forces together have so disquieted my mind with sundry passions as only it<br />

lies in thy power to mitigate the cause of my martyrdom, for know, Menon, I am in love<br />

with thy wife, a censure, I know, which will be hard for thee to digest, and yet to be borne<br />

with more patience for that thou hast a king and thy sovereign to be thy rival. Her,<br />

Menon, I crave of thee to be my concubine, which if thou grant [-not], think as now thou<br />

hast poverty with quiet, so then thou shalt have both content & dignity.<br />

The poor man, who thought by the king’s speeches that his wife had been consenting to<br />

this pretence, framed the king this answer:<br />

I know, right mighty Sovereign, that princes may command where poor men cannot<br />

entreat; that the title of a king is a writ of privilege in the court of love; that chastity is of<br />

small force to resist where wealth and dignity, joined in league, are armed to assault.<br />

Kings are warranted to command, and subjects to obey; therefore if Semiramis be<br />

content to grant the interest of her affections into your Majesty’s hands, I am resolved to<br />

redeliver up my fee simple with patience.<br />

No, Menon, quod Ninus, as thy wife is fair, so she is honest, and therefore where I cannot<br />

command I will them [sic for ‘then’?] constrain, I mean, that thou force her to love me.<br />

Menon, grieving at the words of the king, made this reply:<br />

If my wife, mighty Ninus, be contented to prefer a cottage before a crown, and the person<br />

of a poor labourer before the love of a prince, let me not, good my Lord, be so unnatural<br />

as to resolve upon such a villainy as the very beasts abhor to commit. The lion killeth the<br />

lioness being taken in adultery; the swan killeth her make for suspicion of the same fault,<br />

and shall I, whom reason willeth to be chary of my choice, force my wife perforce to such<br />

a folly? Pardon, my liege, never shall the loyalty of my wife be revenged with such<br />

treachery; rather had I suffer death than be appeached of such discourtesy.<br />

<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>spelling</strong> <strong>tran</strong>script copyright 2007 Nina Green All Rights Reserved

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