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Thecamoeba terricola (Greeff) Trachelomonas hispida var. coronata Lemmermann<br />

CCAP 1583/9<br />

CCAP 148213a<br />

CCAP 1482/3b<br />

7'rachelomonas bulla Stein<br />

CCAP 1283/6<br />

Page: 1974; ABX; England; soil;<br />

M18agar +b; accompanied by<br />

Acanthamoeba<br />

Trachelomonas deflandrii Pringsheim<br />

CCAP 1283/7a<br />

6.69<br />

CCAP 1283/2 Pringsheim; 1940; LB; England;<br />

freshwater; M3<br />

Trachelomonas lefevrei Deflandre<br />

TOLYPOTHRIX Kuetz. ex Born. & Flah. CCAP 1283110a Pringsheim; 1943; LB; England;<br />

freshwater: M3<br />

Tolypothrix distorta Kuetz. CCAP 1283/10c Pringsheim; 1952: LB: England;<br />

CCAP 1482/5 George; 1962: AB; USA; soil; M2<br />

Tolypothrix distorta var. symplocoides Hansgirg<br />

CCAP 1482/2 Manten; 1948; AB; Holland; soil;<br />

freshwater: M3<br />

Trachelomonas oblonga var. punctata Pringsheim<br />

CCAP 1283/12 Pringsheim; LB; freshwater; T<br />

MI7 =Scytonema hofmanii? ?auct. Trachelomonas pertyi Pringsheim<br />

Totypothrix tenuis Kuetz. CCAP 1283/13 Pringsheim; 1945; LB; England;<br />

Watanabe: AB; Japan; freshwater;<br />

freshwater; M3; T<br />

M17 Trachelomonas volvocina Ehr.<br />

Watanabe; AB; Borneo; freshwater;<br />

MI7 CCAP 1283/4b Pringsheim; 1945; LB; England;<br />

freshwater; M3<br />

TRACHELOMONAS Ehr. Trachelomonas volvocinopsis var. spiralis<br />

Pringsheim<br />

CCAP 1283/17 Pringsheim; 1943: LB; England;<br />

Pringsheim: 1951; LB; France; freshwater: T<br />

freshwater; M3<br />

Trachelomonas grandis Singh<br />

Trachetomonas zorensis Deflandre<br />

CCAP 1283/18 Pringsheim; 1940; LB; England;<br />

Pringsheim; LB; freshwater; M3; T freshwater; M3<br />

CCAP 1283/20 Singh; LB; USA; freshwater; M3; T<br />

Trachelomonas hispida (Perty) Stein emend.<br />

Deflandre<br />

CCAP 1283/8 Pringsheim; LB; freshwater; M3<br />

Trachelomonas hispida var. acuminata Deflandre<br />

CCAP 1283/9 Pringsheim; 1940; LB; England;<br />

TREBOUXIA De Puymaly; see also Pseudotrebouxia<br />

Trebouxia anticipata (Ahmadjian Ined.) Archibald<br />

CCAP 219/3 Ahmadjian: N; from Paramecium<br />

indicta;Ml; T<br />

Trebouxia arboricola De Puymaly<br />

CCAP 219/1a Kluyver; N; Holland; MI<br />

freshwater; M3 Trebouxia crenulata Archibald<br />

CCAP 219/1b Quispel; 1952; N: Holland; from<br />

Paramecium acetabulum; M1<br />

Abbreviations: A agar slope; +b = bacteria added to medium as a food organism; B = bacteria present;<br />

BT patent applied for under the conditions of the Budapest Treaty; L = liquid medium;<br />

M1 ,M2 ,M3 = media suitable for routine cultivation: N cryopreserved; P = proven pathogen to man;<br />

P? = possibly pathogenic to man but not proven; T = descent from type material;<br />

X = organisms other than bacteria present.

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