VI.424-485 Threicius, -a, –um: Thracian Tereus

VI.424-485 Threicius, -a, –um: Thracian Tereus

VI.424-485 Threicius, -a, –um: Thracian Tereus


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VI.549-600<br />

talis, –e: of such kind, such<br />

ira, -ae, f.: wrath, anger, rage<br />

ferus, -a, <strong>–um</strong>: wild, uncultivated<br />

postquam adv.: after<br />

commoveo, -movere, -movi, –motum: to move violently<br />

tyrannus, -i, m.: an absolute ruler, tyrant<br />

nec conj.: not; nor<br />

parvus, -a, <strong>–um</strong>, comp: minor, minus: little, small<br />

hic, haec, hoc: this, this one<br />

metus, -us, m.: fear, dread<br />

sum, esse, fui: to be, to exist<br />

causa, -ae, f.: a cause<br />

stimulo, –are, -avi, –atum: to goad, to vex<br />

uterque, utraque, utrumque: each of two<br />

qui, quae, quod relat.: who, which, what, that<br />

sum, esse, fui: to be, to exist<br />

accingo, -cingere, -cinxi, -cinctum: to gird on, arm, equip<br />

vagina, -ae, f.: a scabbard, sheath<br />

libero, –are, -avi, -atum: to set free<br />

ensis, -is, m.: sword<br />

arripio, -ere arripui, arreptum: to seize, draw to one’s self<br />

-que, conj: and<br />

coma, -ae, f.: the hair of the head<br />

flecto, -ere, flexi, flexum: to bend,<br />

post prep.with acc.: behind<br />

tergum -i, n.: the back<br />

lacertus -i, m.: the upper arm<br />

vinclum, -i, n.: chain, binding, fetter<br />

patior, pati, passus sum: to endure, suffer, submit to<br />

cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum: to force, compel<br />

iugulum, -i, n,: throat<br />

Philomela, -ae, f.: Philomela<br />

paro, -are, -avi, -atum: to prepare, offer<br />

spes, -ei, f.: hope<br />

-que conj.: and<br />

suus, -a, <strong>–um</strong>: his, her, its own<br />

mors, mortis, f.: death<br />

video, -ere, vidi, visum: to see<br />

concipio, -cipere, -cepi, –ceptum: to conceive or imagine<br />

ensis, -is, m.: sword<br />

ille, illa, illud: that one<br />

indignor, -ari, atus sum: to be offended<br />

et conj.: and<br />

nomen -inis, n.: a name<br />

pater, -tris, m.: father<br />

usque adv.: through, continuously<br />

voco, -are, -avi, -atum: to call out<br />

lucto, -are, -avi, -atum: to struggle<br />

loquor, loqui, locutus sum: to say, speak<br />

comprendo, -prendere, –prendi, –prensum: to take, sieze<br />

forceps, –cipis m. or f.: a pair of tongs or pincers<br />

lingua, -ae, f.: a tongue<br />

aufero, -ferre, abstuli, ablatum:to take by force, remove<br />

ensis, -is, m.: sword<br />

ferus, -a, -um: fierce, cruel, savage<br />

radix, radicis, f.: root

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