VI.424-485 Threicius, -a, –um: Thracian Tereus

VI.424-485 Threicius, -a, –um: Thracian Tereus

VI.424-485 Threicius, -a, –um: Thracian Tereus


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os, oris, n.: mouth<br />

reprimo, -imere, -essi, -essum: to restrain, suppress<br />

uerbum, -i, n.: word<br />

-que conj.: and<br />

quaero, -rere, -sivi, -situm: to search<br />

satis adv.: sufficient, enough<br />

indignans, -antis: indignant<br />

lingua, -ae, f.: tongue<br />

desum, deesse, -fui: to fail<br />

nec conj.: nor<br />

fleo, -ere, -evi, -etum: to weep, cry, lament<br />

vaco, -are, -avi, -atum: to be free<br />

sed conj.: but<br />

fas, n.: good, speakable<br />

-que conj.: and<br />

nefas, n.: evil, unspeakable<br />

-que conj.: and<br />

confundo, -undere, -udi, -usum: to throw into disorder, heap together<br />

ruo, -ere, -i, -itum: to rush, hurry<br />

poena, -ae, f.: punishment<br />

-que conj.: and<br />

in prep. w/ abl.: in<br />

imago, -inis, f.: idea<br />

totus, -a, -um: taken up entirely<br />

sum, esse, fui, futurum: to be<br />

tempus, -oris, n.: time<br />

sum, esse, fui, futurum: to be<br />

qui, quae, quod: who, what, which<br />

sacra, -orum, n.: sacred rites, festival<br />

soleo, -ere, -itus sum: to be accustomed<br />

trietericus, -a, -um: triennial (festival of Bacchus)<br />

Bacchus, -i, m.: god of wine, vegetation, poetry, and religious ecstasy<br />

Sithonius, -a, -um: <strong>Thracian</strong><br />

celebro, -are, -avi, -atum: to celebrate, keep<br />

nurus, -us, f.: young woman<br />

nox, noctis, f.: night<br />

conscius, -a, -um: knowing, witnessing, accessory, accomplice<br />

sacra, -orum, n.: sacred rites, festival<br />

nox, noctis, f.: night<br />

sono, -are, -ui, -itum: to sound, resonate<br />

Rhodope, -es, f.: mountain range in Thrace<br />

tinnitus, -us, m.: a ringing, clashing<br />

aes, aeris, n.: bronze<br />

acutus, -a, -um: high-pitched<br />

nox, noctis, f.: night<br />

suus, -a, -um: his, her, its<br />

sum, esse, fui, futurus: to be<br />

egredior, -gredi, egressus sum: to go out, pass out<br />

domus, -i, f.: house<br />

regina, -ae, f.: queen<br />

deus, -i, m.: god<br />

-que con.j: and<br />

ritus, -us, m.: ceremony, rite<br />

instruo, -struere, -struxi, -structum: to insert; instruct<br />

furialis, -e: furious, raging<br />

accipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum: to take, receive<br />

arma, -orum, n. pl.: arms

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