^ f. UBBARV - JScholarship - Johns Hopkins University

^ f. UBBARV - JScholarship - Johns Hopkins University

^ f. UBBARV - JScholarship - Johns Hopkins University


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VISION 17<br />

of earth (in the formation of the eye)^.' The eye was<br />

formed of the elements, for Empedocles further says : ' Of<br />

these (elements) divine Aphrodite made up the fabric of the<br />

tireless eyes-.'<br />

§ 7. In these passages we notice that no reference is Empedomade<br />

by Empedocles to his doctrine of pores and emana- j^^g ^°'^'<br />

tions, so fundamental for perception. Aristotle, too, 'pores'and<br />

observes ^ that Empedocles, while at one time explaining tions' •. its<br />

vision, as we have seen, by means of fire issuine from the ^«"'"g ,<br />

' •' ° upon Visual<br />

lens, at other times explains it by airoppoiai, as if imputing function.<br />

inconsistency to his theory of vision \ It is not easy to<br />

assent to the Suggestion of mere inconsistency; yet on the<br />

other hand it is difficult to reconcile the two Standpoints<br />

here contrasted. There is indeed another record which<br />

seems to bear upon the matter. ' Empedocles mixed the<br />

rays with the images, calling their joint-prbduct by the<br />

Compound term ray-image ^.' But this passage is intrinsically<br />

suspicious. By the eKtoXa would seem to be intended<br />

something between the anöppoiai of Empedocles and the<br />

etScüXa of Democritus and Epicurus; and the theory here<br />

ascribed to Empedocles, of the mixture of the rays with the<br />

airoppoiai to form the äKTivelbaXov, reminds one too much<br />

of the distinctively Piatonic theory known later as the<br />

(Tvvavyeia". Empedocles and Plato both accept the existence<br />

^ Simpl. ad Arist. Pkys. (Diels), p. 331. 3 (Diels, Vors., p. 206).<br />

Simplicius instances this, because of the use of the word Tvxe here, as<br />

illustrating the fortuitousness of the formation of things according to<br />

Empedocles ; in which he overstrains the meaning of this word. The<br />

Position of the adjective is noticeable in the words fj Se cjAo^ IKäeipa: it<br />

seems to give it conditional force, like that given by otrov Tavaärepov,<br />

reducing the

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