Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible


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Genesis 6:8 5 Genesis 7:22<br />

earth: both man, beast, worm and fowl of<br />

the air, for it repenteth me that I have made<br />

them. 6:8 But yet Noe found grace in the sight<br />

of the LORD. 6:9 These are the generations of<br />

looked upon the earth, and lo it was corrupt:<br />

for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the<br />

earth. 6:13 Then said God to Noe: the end of all<br />

flesh is come before me, for the earth is full of<br />

their mischief. And lo, I will destroy them with<br />

the earth. 6:14 Make thee an ark of pine tree, and<br />

make chambers in the ark, and pitch it within<br />

and without with pitch. 6:15 And of this fashion<br />

shalt thou make it. The length of the ark shall<br />

be three hundred cubits, and the breadth of it<br />

fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.<br />

6:16 A window shalt thou make above in the ark.<br />

And within a cubit compass shalt thou finish<br />

it. And the door of the ark shalt thou set in the<br />

side of it: and thou shalt make it with three lofts<br />

one above an other. 6:17 For behold I will bring<br />

in a flood of water upon the earth to destroy<br />

all flesh from under heaven, wherein breath<br />

of life is, so that all that is in the earth shall<br />

perish. 6:18 But I will make mine appointment<br />

with thee, that both thou shalt come in to the<br />

ark and thy sons, thy wife and thy sons’ wives<br />

with thee. 6:19 And of all that liveth whatsoever<br />

flesh it be, shalt thou bring into the ark, of<br />

every thing a pair, to keep them alive with<br />

thee. 6:20 And male and female see that they<br />

be, of birds in their kind, and of beasts in their<br />

kind, and of all manner of worms of the earth<br />

in their kind: a pair of every thing shall come<br />

6:21<br />

unto thee to keep them alive. And take<br />

unto thee of all manner of meat that may be<br />

eaten and lay it up in store by thee, that it may<br />

be meat both for thee and for them: 6:22 and<br />

Noe did according to all that God commanded<br />

him. 7:1 And the LORD said unto Noe: Go into<br />

the ark both thou and all thy household. For<br />

thee have I seen righteous before me in this<br />

generation. 7:2 Of all clean beasts take unto thee<br />

seven of every kind the male and his female,<br />

and of unclean beasts a pair, the male and his<br />

female: 7:3 likewise of the birds of the air seven<br />

of every kind, male and female to save seed<br />

upon all the earth. 7:4 For seven days hence will<br />

I send rain upon the earth forty days and forty<br />

nights and will destroy all manner of things<br />

that I have made, from off the face of the earth.<br />

7:5 And Noe did according to all that the LORD k<br />

Noe. Noe was a righteous man and uncorrupt<br />

in his time, and walked with God.<br />

6:10<br />

And commanded him:<br />

Noe begat three sons: Sem, Ham and Japheth.<br />

6:11<br />

And the earth was corrupt in the sight of<br />

God, and was full of mischief.<br />

6:12<br />

And God<br />

7:6 and Noe was six hundred<br />

year old, when the flood of water came upon<br />

the earth: 7:7 and Noe went and his sons and<br />

his wife and his sons’ wives with him, into the<br />

ark from the waters of the flood.<br />

7:8<br />

And of<br />

k lorde<br />

clean beasts and of beasts that were unclean<br />

and of birds and of all that creepeth upon the<br />

earth, 7:9 came in by couples of every kind unto<br />

Noe into the ark: a male and a female: even<br />

as God commanded Noe. 7:10 And the seventh<br />

day the waters of the flood came upon the<br />

earth. 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noe’s<br />

life, in the second month, in the seventeenth<br />

day of the month, that same day were all the<br />

fountains of the great deep broken up, and the<br />

windows of heaven were opened, 7:12 and there<br />

fell a rain upon the earth forty days and forty<br />

nights. 7:13 And the self same day went Noe,<br />

Sem, Ham and Japheth, Noe’s sons, and Noe’s<br />

wife and the three wives of his sons with them<br />

in to the ark: 7:14 both they and all manner of<br />

beasts in their kind, and all manner of cattle in<br />

their kind and all manner of worms that creep<br />

upon the earth in their kind, and all manner<br />

of birds in their kind, and all manner of fowls<br />

whatsoever had feathers. 7:15 And they came<br />

unto Noe into the ark by couples, of all flesh<br />

that had breath of life in it. 7:16 And they that<br />

came, came male and female of every flesh<br />

according as God commanded him: and the<br />

LORD shut the door upon him. 7:17 And the<br />

flood came forty days and forty nights upon the<br />

earth, and the water increased and bare up the<br />

ark and it was lift up from off the earth. 7:18 And<br />

the water prevailed and increased exceedingly<br />

upon the earth: and the ark went upon he top<br />

7:19<br />

of the waters. And the waters prevailed<br />

exceedingly above measure upon the earth,<br />

so that all the high hills which are under all<br />

the parts of heaven, were covered: 7:20 even<br />

fifteen cubits high prevailed the waters, so<br />

that the hills were covered. 7:21 And all flesh<br />

that moved on the earth, both birds, cattle<br />

and beasts perished, with all that crept on the<br />

earth and all men: 7:22 so that all that had the<br />

breath of life in the nostrils of it thorow out

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