Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible

Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale, Cranmer) bible


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Genesis 41:14 35 Genesis 41:49<br />

unto us, even so it came to pass. I was restored<br />

to mine office again, and he was hanged.<br />

41:14 Then Pharao sent and called Joseph. And<br />

they made him haste out of prison. And he<br />

shaved himself and changed his raiment, and<br />

went in to Pharao. 41:15 And Pharao said unto<br />

Joseph: I have dreamed a dream and no man<br />

can interpretate it, but I have heard say of thee<br />

that as soon as thou hearest a dream, thou<br />

dost interpretate it. 41:16 And Joseph answered<br />

Pharao saying: God shall give Pharao an<br />

answer of peace without me. 41:17 Pharao said<br />

unto Joseph: in my dream me thought I stood<br />

by a river’s side, 41:18 and there came out of<br />

the river seven fat fleshed and well favored<br />

41:19<br />

kine, and fed in the meadow. And then<br />

seven other kine came up after them, poor and<br />

very evil favored and lean fleshed: so that I<br />

never saw their like in all the land of Egypt<br />

41:20<br />

in evil favoredness. And the seven lean<br />

and evil favored kine ate up the first seven<br />

fat kine. 41:21 And when they had eaten them<br />

up, a man could not perceive that they had<br />

eaten them: for they were still as evil favored<br />

as they were at the beginning. And I awoke.<br />

41:22 And I saw again in my dream seven ears<br />

spring out of one stalk full and good, 41:23 and<br />

seven other ears withered, thin and blasted<br />

41:24<br />

with wind, spring up after them. And<br />

the thin ears devoured the seven good ears.<br />

And I have told it unto the soothsayers, but<br />

no man can tell me what it meaneth. 41:25 Then<br />

Joseph said unto Pharao: both Pharao’s dreams<br />

are one. And God doth shew Pharao what he<br />

is about to do. 41:26 The seven good kine are<br />

seven year: and the seven good ears are seven<br />

year also, and is but one dream. 41:27 Likewise,<br />

the seven thin and evil favored kine that came<br />

out after them, are seven years: and the seven<br />

empty and blasted ears shall be seven years<br />

of hunger. 41:28 This is that which I said unto<br />

that the dream was doubled unto Pharao the<br />

second time, it betokeneth that the thing is<br />

certainly prepared of God, and that God will<br />

shortly bring it to pass.<br />

41:33 Now therefore<br />

let Pharao provide for a man of understanding<br />

and wisdom, and set him over the land of<br />

Egypt. 41:34 And let Pharao make officers over<br />

the land, and take up the fifth part of the<br />

land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years<br />

41:35 and let them gather all the food of these<br />

good years that come, and lay up corn under<br />

the power of Pharao: that there may be food<br />

in the cities, 41:36 and there let them keep it:<br />

that there may be food in store in the land,<br />

against the seven years of hunger which shall<br />

come in the land of Egypt, and that the land<br />

perish not thorow hunger. 41:37 And the saying<br />

pleased Pharao and all his servants. 41:38 Then<br />

said Pharao unto his servants: where shall we<br />

find such a man as this is, that hath the spirit of<br />

God in him? 41:39 wherefore Pharao said unto<br />

Joseph: forasmuch as God hath shewed thee<br />

all this, there is no man of understanding nor<br />

of wisdom like unto thee. 41:40 Thou therefore<br />

shalt be over my house, and according to thy<br />

word shall all my people obey: only in the<br />

king’s seat will I be above thee. 41:41 And he<br />

said unto Joseph: behold, I have set thee over<br />

all the land of Egypt. 41:42 And he took off his<br />

ring from his finger, and put it upon Joseph’s<br />

finger, and arrayed him in raiment of byss, and<br />

put a golden chain about his neck 41:43 and set<br />

him upon the best chariot that he had save one.<br />

And they cried before him Abrech, and that<br />

Pharao had made him ruler over all the land<br />

of Egypt. 41:44 And Pharao said unto Joseph:<br />

I am Pharao, without thy will, shall no man<br />

Pharao, that God doth shew Pharao what he<br />

is about to do.<br />

41:29<br />

Behold there shall come<br />

seven year of great plenteousness throughout<br />

all the land of Egypt.<br />

41:30<br />

And there shall<br />

arise after them seven years of hunger. So that<br />

all the plenteousness shall be forgotten in the<br />

land of Egypt. And the hunger shall consume<br />

the land: 41:31 lift up either his hand or foot in all the land<br />

of Egypt.<br />

41:45<br />

And he called Joseph’s name<br />

Zaphnath Paenea. And he gave him to wife<br />

Asnath the daughter of Potiphar priest of On.<br />

Then went Joseph abroad in the land of Egypt.<br />

41:46<br />

And he was thirty year old when he stood<br />

before Pharao king of Egypt. And then Joseph<br />

departed from Pharao, and went thorow out<br />

all the land of Egypt.<br />

41:47<br />

And in the seven<br />

plenteous years they made sheaves<br />

so that the plenteousness shall<br />

not be once a seen in the land by reason of<br />

that hunger that shall come after, for it shall<br />

be exceeding great.<br />

41:32<br />

And as concerning<br />

41:48 and<br />

gathered up all the food of the seven plenteous<br />

years which were in the land of Egypt and put<br />

it into the cities. And he put the food of the<br />

fields that grew round about every city: even in<br />

the same. 41:49 And Joseph laid up corn in store,

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