Waterproofing Systems - DR. FIXIT

Waterproofing Systems - DR. FIXIT

Waterproofing Systems - DR. FIXIT


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company<br />

profile<br />

Pidilite Industries has been<br />

the pioneer and market leader<br />

in adhesives and sealants,<br />

construction chemicals, art<br />

& craft products and polymer<br />

emulsions in India. Pidilite started<br />

in 1959 manufacturing only<br />

white glue – Fevicol, and have<br />

now grown to cater to various<br />

other categories including paint<br />

chemicals, automotive chemicals,<br />

art materials and stationery, fabric<br />

care, maintenance chemicals,<br />

industrial adhesives, industrial and<br />

textile resins and organic pigments<br />

preparations. Most of the products<br />

have been developed through our<br />

strong in-house R&D.<br />

Pidilite has some of the biggest<br />

brands in adhesives and sealants<br />

category. These brands include<br />

Fevicol, M-seal and Fevikwik.<br />

Fevicol have become synonymous<br />

with adhesives to millions in India<br />

and is ranked amongst the most<br />

trusted brands in the country.<br />

Some of our other major brands<br />

are Dr. Fixit, Pagel & Roff in<br />

Construction Chemicals, Cyclo<br />

and Motomax in auto care, Ranipal<br />

in fabric care, Fevistik glue stick<br />

and Hobby Ideas that is a Do-It-<br />

Yourself range of hobby and<br />

craft products.<br />

state-of-the-art<br />

manufacturing<br />

and R&D<br />

We develop most of our products<br />

in-house with the help of a strong,<br />

research-driven innovation led with<br />

consumer insights. All the products<br />

are manufactured under ISO<br />

9000 certification. Our R&D team<br />

works closely with the marketing<br />

and technical service team to<br />

develop and enhance products that<br />

meet the continuously changing<br />

requirements of our customers.<br />

Innovation being one of the core<br />

values of the company, Pidilite<br />

has established a state-of-theart<br />

research centre in Singapore<br />

to expand the company’s product<br />

innovation strategy and attract<br />

international talent to work on<br />

in-house global brands. This<br />

Pidilite Innovation Centre, is now<br />

a member of Singapore Chemical<br />

Industry Council (SCIC).<br />


construction<br />

chemicals division<br />

Pidilite manufactures and markets<br />

a wide range of construction<br />

chemical products under two<br />

brands Dr. Fixit & Roff covering<br />

different aspects of construction<br />

like waterproofing, building repairs,<br />

tile fixing, admixtures, sealants,<br />

flooring and grouts. Pidilite is the<br />

country’s leading player in the<br />

retail market for Construction<br />

Chemicals with the Dr. Fixit &<br />

Roff brands. Under Dr. Fixit brand<br />

we offer a range of waterproofing<br />

and repair solutions while Roff<br />

has a complete range of tile<br />

fixing solutions. Besides a large<br />

& comprehensive product range,<br />

Pidilite has also trained and<br />

associated with a large pool of<br />

applicators to offer the right advice<br />

and solutions to its customers.<br />

Our products are available all<br />

across India & at our global<br />

subsidiaries in Middle East,<br />

Thailand, Singapore and Brazil.<br />

Our Construction Chemicals<br />

products are also available in over<br />

30 other countries.<br />

Pidilite Industries Ltd. has<br />

promoted Dr. Fixit Institute<br />

of Structural Protection and<br />

Rehabilitation (DFI-SPR),<br />

a standalone not-for-profit<br />

organization with a vision to<br />

become a premier national<br />

knowledge and skill development<br />

centre in waterproofing and other<br />

areas of renewal engineering.<br />

The endeavour of DFI-SPR is to<br />

enhance the service life of Built<br />

Environment through global<br />

sharing knowledge & best practices<br />

in the field of <strong>Waterproofing</strong>,<br />

Structural Protection, Repair and<br />

Rehabilitation. It has also set up an<br />

Advance Diagnostic Lab and library<br />

for the industry professional on its<br />

campus.<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong> is a process that is<br />

designed to prevent water from<br />

penetrating a structure. Typically<br />

waterproofing is done in various<br />

layers and stages to create<br />

multiple barriers so that water<br />

cannot penetrate the structure.<br />

A combination of such stages is<br />

referred to as creating a “Building<br />

Envelope”.<br />

However, often not enough<br />

importance is given to this very<br />

crucial area while constructing<br />

new structures. Over reliance<br />

on conventional and outdated<br />

systems, low awareness about<br />

modern waterproofing systems<br />

and lack of trained expertise<br />

for application are some of the<br />

reasons for the same. Here’s<br />

where Dr. Fixit can help you to get<br />

the best waterproofing solutions<br />

for your new constructions. Dr.<br />

Fixit is India’s leading brand in<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong> with a wide variety<br />

of products and solutions to meet<br />

all your waterproofing needs -<br />

from foundations to walls to roofs.<br />

With access to the latest global<br />

technologies through its international<br />

subsidiaries and R&D centres,<br />

Dr. Fixit constantly brings innovative<br />

waterproofing solutions. Dr. Fixit also<br />

offers full technical support with<br />

large pool of trained applicators.<br />

Call us now to benefit from our<br />

state-of-the-art waterproofing<br />

systems for your new constructions.<br />

state-of-the-art<br />

waterproofing<br />

systems<br />


contents<br />

Page<br />

No.<br />

Areas of<br />

application<br />

9 Basement<br />

waterproofing/<br />

System<br />

code<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong> systems<br />

SBWP 10 Shallow basements - <strong>Waterproofing</strong> in low<br />

water table areas<br />

10<br />

damp-proofing<br />

SBWP 10 Alternatively,<br />

Shallow basements - <strong>Waterproofing</strong> in low<br />

water table areas<br />

11 Basement<br />

waterproofing<br />

DBWP 10 Deep basements – <strong>Waterproofing</strong> in high<br />

water table areas<br />

12 DBWP 15 Deep basements – <strong>Waterproofing</strong> in high<br />

water table areas<br />

14 Swimming<br />

pools<br />

SWP 10 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> system to prevent water<br />

loss (Raft slab and external walls)<br />

15 SWP 10 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> system to prevent water<br />

loss (Internal area)<br />

17 Terrace<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />

IPR 7 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> to prevent leakages from<br />

sloping roof<br />

18 PWP 15 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> for the roofs with larger<br />

span<br />

19 PWP 10 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> for the roofs with larger<br />

span<br />

20 PWP 10<br />

(LSP)<br />

22 PWP 10<br />

(LSP)<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong> protection to swimming<br />

pool at podium or any other floor<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong> for landscaped elevated<br />

swimming pools<br />

24 EFR 10 Exposed waterproofing system for the flat<br />

roofs<br />

25 IFR 5<br />

(BBC)<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong> system under conventional<br />

brickbat coba<br />

26 CRW 7 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> system for the flat roofs<br />

27 MRW 15 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> for profiled metal sheet<br />

roofs<br />

28 IFRI 25 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> and heat insulation system<br />

for the flat roofs<br />

29 IFRI 10 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> cum heat reduction system<br />

31 Roof Garden RGW 25 Terrace garden waterproofing<br />

32 RGW 15 Terrace garden waterproofing<br />

34 Wet areas WW 15 Wet area waterproofing system<br />

35 New Water tank WWT 7 <strong>Waterproofing</strong> of new water tanks<br />

36 External Walls EWWP 5 External walls waterproof coating<br />

37 Manhole MHWP 10 Manhole waterproofing<br />

39 Remedial<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />

EFR 7 Remedial treatment for existing roof<br />

40 LFB Remedial waterproofing for a leaking<br />

basement<br />

42 RD Remedial solution for Rising Dampness<br />

43 EFR Repair to old roofs with bituminous<br />

treatments<br />

44 GC&SW General construction & secondary<br />

waterproofing<br />

46 Detailing TDW Typical Expansion Joint Details at the<br />

roof level<br />


asement<br />

solutions<br />

Basement waterproofing/<br />

damp-proofing<br />


IN low wAter tAble AreAs<br />

Dr. Fixit SolySeal<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Solyseal diluted with water in<br />

1:1 proportion as primer to clean, smooth and<br />

dry surface by brush or roller. Allow the primer<br />

to dry prior to the application of the Dr. Fixit<br />

Solyseal<br />

Application on PCC below the raft slab<br />

Apply the 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal without<br />

any dilution and allow it to dry completely.<br />

Start the 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal, with a<br />

roller or a rubber squeegee & allow it to dry.<br />

Lay geotextile membrane of 120 gsm as a<br />

protection layer over the Dr. Fixit Solyseal<br />

coating.<br />

A 50 mm thick leveled screed must be overlaid<br />

in M 20 concrete grade, which will facilitate the<br />

reinforcement cage to be assembled, for the<br />

RCC raft to be cast over it.<br />

A swellable, adhesive strip waterbar of<br />

20 mm X 20 mm, Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW<br />

2020 shall be provided in the construction<br />

joints, which is placed on the inside of the<br />

reinforcement, in both the raft concrete floor<br />

& the side retaining concrete walls.<br />

Application on vertical surfaces<br />

Make angle fillets all around the corners<br />

of the raft and the retaining wall. Make the<br />

fillets with polymer modified mortar prepared<br />

with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Take care to chamfer all the edges of screed<br />

and raft slab to facilitate the membrane to<br />

move over it.<br />

Apply two coats of Dr. Fixit Solyseal on<br />

all vertical surfaces of raft slab and<br />

retaining walls.<br />

Lay 250 gsm geotextile membrane /<br />

bituminous protection boards on the Dr. Fixit<br />

Solyseal coating before the back filling.<br />

Dr. Fixit Solyseal Dr. Fixit Waterbar Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Polymer modified elastomeric<br />

bituminous coating<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

Excellent water vapour and moisture barrier for<br />

prevention of dampness in basements<br />

Flexible adhesive waterstop strip SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

9<br />

8<br />

2<br />

1 PCC<br />

2 Angle fillet<br />

3 Primer<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Solyseal (2 coats)<br />

5 Geotextile fabric<br />

6 Screed<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW2020<br />

8 Protection board<br />

9 Dr. Fixit Solyseal<br />

SBWP 10<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />


Basement waterproofing/<br />

damp-proofing<br />


IN low wAter tAble AreAs<br />

AlterNAtIVelY,<br />

Dr. Fixit SamShielD<br />

xl 1500 / 2100<br />

Methodology SBWP 10 Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer to clean,<br />

smooth and dry surface by brush or roller.<br />

Allow the primer to dry prior to the application<br />

of the Dr. Fixit Samshield XL.<br />

Application on PCC below the raft slab<br />

Peel off the release film from the Dr. Fixit<br />

Samshield XL self adhesive side and start<br />

unrolling the membrane and press it to the<br />

surface.<br />

Smoothen the membrane from the center<br />

to the edges with a wooden press in order to<br />

remove entrapped air.<br />

Furthermore, an iron roller shall be used for<br />

rolling on top of the applied membrane to<br />

ensure a proper and strong adhesion of the<br />

bitumen compound with the base.<br />

A 50 mm selvedge is provided on one side of<br />

the membrane to give bitumen to bitumen<br />

contact on the overlaps.<br />

Lay geotextile membrane of 120 gsm as a<br />

protection layer over the Dr. Fixit Samshield<br />

XL membrane.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

A screed of 50 mm must be overlaid in M<br />

20 concrete grade, which will facilitate the<br />

reinforcement cage to be assembled, for the<br />

RCC raft to be cast over it.<br />

A swell able, adhesive strip waterbar of 20 mm<br />

X 20 mm, Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW 2020 shall<br />

be provided in the construction joints, which<br />

is placed on the inside of the reinforcement, in<br />

both the raft concrete floor & the side retaining<br />

concrete walls.<br />

Application on vertical surfaces<br />

Make angle fillets all around the corners of<br />

the raft and the retaining wall. Make the fillets<br />

with polymer modified mortar prepared with<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Take care to chamfer all the edges of screed<br />

and raft slab to facilitate the membrane to<br />

move over it.<br />

Dr. Fixit Samshield XL membrane must be<br />

applied starting with the sides of the raft<br />

and will go right up to the top of the external<br />

wall face and terminated there, appropriately<br />

with C-Shaped Aluminium flashing strip or by<br />

tucking it into the concrete wall of a groove<br />

of 12 mm X 12 mm. In case of the groove, the<br />

aluminium flashing can be fitted to press the<br />

membrane into the groove and then be filled<br />

with a single component Dr. Fixit PU Sealant.<br />

Place bituminous protection boards over the<br />

Dr. Fixit Samshield XL membrane before<br />

backfilling.<br />

Dr. Fixit Samshield Dr. Fixit PU Sealant Dr. Fixit Waterbar Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Self adhesive bituminous<br />

membrane<br />

one part non-sag polyurethane<br />

sealant<br />

Protection from chemical contamination in soil along<br />

with excellent waterproofing<br />

1 PCC<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Samshield XL 1500/2100<br />

4 Geotextile fabric<br />

5 Screed<br />

6 Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW2020<br />

7 Protection Board<br />

Flexible adhesive waterstop strip SBR Latex for waterproofing<br />

& repairs<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Basement waterproofing<br />


hIgh wAter tAble AreAs<br />

Dr. Fixit torchShielD<br />

SP 4160 (SBS)<br />

in double layer<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

All over the blinding concrete or PCC that is<br />

properly leveled, Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

priming shall be done with a roller or brush,<br />

over a dried surface. Allow the primer to dry<br />

for 8 to 10 hrs.<br />

Application on PCC below the raft slab<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield SP 4160, a SBS based<br />

polyester reinforced membrane, shall be laid<br />

by providing an overlap of at least 100 mm.<br />

A 2nd layer of SBS based membrane Dr. Fixit<br />

Torchshield SP 4160 shall be laid with an<br />

overlap 50 % above the 1st layer.<br />

Torchshield membrane Dr. Fixit Torchshield<br />

SP 4160, shall be extended to maximum<br />

extent of the full area of the blinding concrete.<br />

Lay geotextile membrane of 120 gsm as a<br />

protection layer over the Dr. Fixit Torchshield<br />

SP 4160 membrane.<br />

A screed of 50 mm must be overlaid in M<br />

20 concrete grade, which will facilitate the<br />

reinforcement cage to be assembled, for the<br />

RCC raft to be cast over it.<br />

A swellable, adhesive strip waterbar of 20 mm<br />

X 20 mm, Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW 2020 shall<br />

be provided in the construction joints, which<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

8<br />

7<br />

1 PCC<br />

2 Primer<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Torchshield SP4160 (2 layers)<br />

4 Geotextile<br />

5 Screed<br />

6 Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW2020<br />

7 Angle Filet<br />

8 Protection board<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield Dr. Fixit Waterbar Dr. Fixit PU Sealant Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

aPP / SBS modified bitumen<br />

based membrane<br />

is placed on the inside of the reinforcement, in<br />

both the raft concrete floor & the side retaining<br />

concrete walls.<br />

Application on vertical surfaces<br />

Over the RCC raft, the side retaining walls are<br />

cast in concrete.<br />

Prepare the retaining wall surface to receive<br />

waterproofing system as detailed in surface<br />

preparation above.<br />

After the application of primer and drying it, 2<br />

layers of Dr. Fixit Torchshield SP 4160, a SBS<br />

based polyester reinforced membrane shall<br />

be laid.<br />

A 4 mm thick bituminous protection board or<br />

a HDPE dimpled drain board (12 mm thick)<br />

shall be placed, vertically over the Torchshield<br />

membrane, allowing the soil backfill.<br />

As the activity goes upward, the application<br />

of Dr. Fixit Torchshield membrane, along<br />

with the protection system shall be carried<br />

out minimum 300 mm above the ground level<br />

or as per finished floor level, with C-Shaped<br />

Aluminium flashing strip or by tucking it into<br />

the concrete wall of a groove of 12 mm X 12<br />

mm. In case of the groove, the aluminium<br />

flashing can be fitted to press the membrane<br />

into the groove and then be filled with a single<br />

component Dr. Fixit PU Sealant.<br />

AlterNAtIVelY<br />

Robust tanking system for high performance<br />

basement waterproofing<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield AP 4160 (APP)<br />

membrane in two layers can be used in place<br />

of Dr. Fixit Torchshield SP 4160<br />

Flexible adhesive waterstop strip one part non-sag polyurethane<br />

sealant<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing &<br />

repairs<br />

DBWP 10<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

11 11

Basement waterproofing<br />


hIgh wAter tAble AreAs<br />

Dr. Fixit FlexShielD<br />

(ePDm memBraNe)<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

For horizontal application, the new concrete<br />

layer must be smooth and level and to be left<br />

to mature for at least 72 hours. Before laying<br />

the waterproofing membrane, the surface<br />

must be cleaned of any waste.<br />

All surface imperfections, protrusions,<br />

structurally unsound and loose concrete<br />

must be removed and repaired with polymer<br />

modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Where the separate concrete layers are poured<br />

at different levels, the gaps must be filled and<br />

smoothed, in order to obtain a comparatively<br />

smooth surface. When cleaning the substrate,<br />

any pollutants, such as chemicals, curing<br />

agents etc., which may affect the membrane<br />

adhesion, must be removed.<br />

Installation of Dr. Fixit Flexshield<br />

membrane<br />

Whenever Dr. Fixit Flexshield membrane is<br />

being installed, it is highly recommended that<br />

the membrane shall be laid at the position<br />

and allowed to relax for at least 45 minutes.<br />

This will help releasing the tensions in the<br />

membrane.<br />

Always use geotextile 250 gsm for protection<br />

of the waterproofing membrane, loose laid on<br />

the concrete substrate.<br />

On the horizontal sections the Dr. Fixit<br />

Flexshield membrane is loose laid between<br />

two layers of geotextile 120 gsm. The adjoining<br />

membrane sheets are seemed using a splice<br />

tape, as the overlapping must be at least<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 15 years<br />

High performance basement waterproofing system<br />

150 mm wide. A 50 mm protective cementsand<br />

screed is laid on the installed horizontal<br />

sections of waterproofing system.<br />

Its purpose is to protect the waterproofing<br />

system from damages, during the installation<br />

of the supporting structure (reinforcing,<br />

concrete casting, vibrations etc.)<br />

In the vertical sections, the membrane may<br />

be fully adhered or loose laid using mechanical<br />

fastening at the upper end. The walls must<br />

be dry and smooth, without any lumps, sharp<br />

edges and protruding reinforcement.<br />

Aluminum flashings should be used for the<br />

mechanical fastening, sealed with Dr. Fixit<br />

Silicon Sealant at the upper end. In case<br />

of full bonding the membrane to vertical<br />

surfaces, these must be clean and dry. The<br />

bonding adhesive is applied both to the<br />

membrane and to the substrate in uniform and<br />

smooth films; so that a continuous coverage<br />

of both surfaces can be obtained (membrane<br />

and substrate). The adhesive is left to cure, and<br />

then the membrane with the applied adhesive<br />

is rolled onto the adhesive covered substrate,<br />

avoiding the formation of folds and creases.<br />

The adjoining membrane sheets must overlap<br />

by approximately 150 mm.<br />

The underground waterproofing system is<br />

finished at 500 mm above the level of the high<br />

soil waters.<br />

The protective layer of geotextile 500 gsm<br />

is spot-adhered to the vertical Dr. Fixit<br />

Flexshield membrane, using bonding adhesive.<br />

Dr. Fixit Flexshield Dr. Fixit Silicone Sealant Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

EPDM based waterproofing membrane acetic cure silicone sealant SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

DBWP 15<br />

Methodology<br />

Swimming<br />

pools<br />


Swimming pools below<br />

ground level<br />


WaTER LoSS<br />

Dr. Fixit torchShielD<br />

SP 4160<br />

Methodology<br />

rAft slAb ANd exterNAl wAlls<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

All over the blinding concrete or PCC that is<br />

properly leveled, Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

priming shall be done with a roller or brush,<br />

over a dried surface. Allow the primer to dry<br />

for 8 to 10 hrs.<br />

Application on PCC below raft slab<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield SP 4160, SBS based<br />

polyester reinforced membrane, shall be laid<br />

by providing an overlap of at least 100 mm. Dr.<br />

Fixit Torchshield SP 4160 shall be extended<br />

to maximum extend of the full area of the<br />

blinding concrete. Lay geotextile membrane<br />

of 120 gsm as a protection layer over Dr. Fixit<br />

Torchshield SP 4160 membrane. A scred<br />

of 50 mm must be overlaid in M 20 concrete<br />

grade, which will facilitates the reinforcement<br />

cage to be assemble, for the RCC raft to be<br />

cast over it.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

Application on retaining wall<br />

Concrete joints in retaining walls and at raft<br />

level shall be provided with a swellable,<br />

compressible, adhesive strip Dr. Fixit Waterbar<br />

SW 2020 of 20 mm X 20 mm size, which shall<br />

be placed in joints while concreting of raft slab<br />

and retaining walls.<br />

40 mm X 40 mm sized angle fillets must<br />

be provided at the corners, all around the<br />

swimming pool floor and walls from external<br />

side.<br />

Prepare the retaining wall surface by cleaning<br />

and priming it with Dr. Fixit Torchshield<br />

Primer to receive waterproofing system.<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Torchshield SP 4160 starting<br />

from the bottom of external wall, right up<br />

to the ground level. Ensure that Dr. Fixit<br />

Torchshield SP 4160 is applied up to at least<br />

300 mm above the ground level.<br />

After completion of application place a 4 mm<br />

thick bituminous protection board or a 12<br />

mm thick dimpled HDPE drainage boards for<br />

protection.<br />

Alternatively, Dr. Fixit Samshield XL<br />

1500/ 2100 can be used instead of Dr. Fixit<br />

Torchshield SP4160<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield Dr. Fixit Waterbar Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

aPP / SBS modified bitumen<br />

based membrane<br />

Tough waterproofing system for below grade application<br />

1 PCC<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Torchshield SP 4160<br />

4 Geotextile fabric<br />

5 Screed<br />

6 Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW2020<br />

7 Protection Board<br />

Flexible adhesive waterstop strip SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

SWP 10<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Swimming pools below<br />

ground level<br />


WaTER LoSS<br />

Dr. Fixit FaStFlex<br />

Methodology<br />

INterNAl AreA<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The internal surface areas (horizontal and<br />

vertical) shall be cleaned thoroughly of all<br />

contaminants like dust, traces of curing<br />

compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

At internal side walls and raft junction cast 40<br />

mm X 40 mm sized angle fillets all around the<br />

swimming pool floor.<br />

Application<br />

After complete curing of the raft slab and<br />

retaining walls apply 1st coat of Dr. Fixit<br />

Fastflex maintaining the saturated surface dry<br />

condition.<br />

While the coat is still wet embed a glass fibre<br />

mesh of 2.5mm x 2.5 mm of 50 gsm over the<br />

angle fillets as a reinforcing strip and allow it<br />

to soak completely. Immediately apply one<br />

additional coat to sandwich this glass fibre<br />

mesh between the Dr. Fixit Fastflex coatings.<br />

Apply the 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Fastflex.<br />

After the 2nd coat is completely dry apply 3rd coat of Dr. Fixit Fastflex and sprinkle coarse<br />

sand while it is still wet. This will provide the<br />

key for subsequent tile adhesive materials.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

The inserts shall be wrapped around with<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape to ensure a water-tight<br />

fitting. Light fitting casings, pipes, inserts, etc.,<br />

provided in the concrete raft floor and walls<br />

are to be grouted with a non-shrink grout,<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout.<br />

Dr. Fixit Fastflex should be liberally applied<br />

around the insert pipes and the around the light<br />

fittings sandwiched with an open woven mesh<br />

to be extra precaution about these points.<br />

Tiles shall then be applied using tile adhesives<br />

from ROFF range depending upon whether<br />

they are glass mosaics, or ceramics.<br />

After the tile fixing fill the grooves / tile joints<br />

with epoxy based ROFF RTM tile grouts.<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Dr. Fixit Fastflex Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape Roff RTM Epoxy<br />

SBR Latex for<br />

waterproofing & repairs<br />

High performance polymer<br />

modified cementitious<br />

coating<br />

Highly puncture resistant and tough below grade<br />

waterproofing membrane system<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Non-shrink grout for pipe<br />

fitting<br />

1 Binding Concrete (PCC)<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Torchshield AP 4160<br />

4 Geotextile<br />

5 Concrete screed<br />

6 Concrete raft slab<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Fastflex (2 coats)<br />

8 Dr. Fixit Fastflex (3 rd coat with sand)<br />

9 Roff NSA & Roff RTM Epoxy Grout<br />

10 Light fixture with Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout<br />

11 Pipe opening with Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout<br />

Leak-proof sealing tape for<br />

pipe wrapping<br />

11<br />

10<br />

Epoxy based tile joint filler<br />

SWP 10<br />


<strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />

Terrace<br />

Pitched tiled roofs<br />

(with battens)<br />


FRoM SLoPING RooF<br />

Dr. Fixit Newcoat<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Primeseal to a clean, smooth<br />

surface by brush or roller. Allow the primer<br />

to dry prior to the application of Dr. Fixit<br />

Newcoat. During application of Dr. Fixit<br />

Primeseal always maintain the saturated<br />

surface dry condition.<br />

Application<br />

Apply 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat and while<br />

it is still wet, lay an ‘open-woven’ 2.5 x 2.5<br />

mm glass fibre mesh and allow it to soak<br />

completely.<br />

Immediately apply 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit<br />

Newcoat to embed the mesh in coating. Allow<br />

it to dry completely.<br />

Fix the wooden battens by drilling and using<br />

steel screws for fixing to avoid rusting. After<br />

drilling holes and before fixing the screws fix<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape on bottom as well<br />

as top side of the batten. This will ensure a<br />

perfect seal around the screwed area. The<br />

battens must have enough number of grooves<br />

depending upon the length of the roof, for<br />

efficient drainage of water in case there is<br />

breakage of tiles.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 7 years<br />

Apply 3rd coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat all over the<br />

area covering the wooden batten.<br />

Carefully fix tiles on the batten. Take care not<br />

to rupture the coating while fixing tiles.<br />

Never fix batten by hammering nails in<br />

concrete. It will damage the roof. Always use a<br />

drill machine to fix screws.<br />

Dr. Fixit Newcoat Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Heavy duty reinforced acrylic waterproofing<br />

coating<br />

Heavy duty, fibre reinforced, UV resistant, elastomeric<br />

waterproofing coating system<br />

9<br />

Wooden batten<br />

with grooves<br />

1 Concrete roof<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Primeseal<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Newcoat (1st Coat)<br />

4 Glass fibre mesh<br />

5 Dr. Fixit Newcoat (2nd Coat)<br />

6 Dr. Fixit Newcoat (3rd Coat)<br />

7 Wooden battens<br />

8 Roof Tiles<br />

9 Stainless Steel Screw<br />

Leak-proof sealing tape SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

IPR 7<br />


Podium <strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />


LaRGER SPaN<br />

Dr. Fixit exteNSa<br />

Podium <strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />


LaRGER SPaN<br />

AlterNAtIVelY,<br />

Dr. Fixit Flexicoat PU<br />

Methodology PWP 15 Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

All surface imperfections, protrusions,<br />

structurally unsound and loose concrete<br />

must be removed and repaired with polymer<br />

modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Make angle fillets all around the periphery of<br />

the podium wall with polymer modified mortar<br />

prepared with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

All surfaces must be cleaned with compressed<br />

air, free of loose materials, oils, form release<br />

agents and other contaminants<br />

Priming<br />

Priming generally not required on concrete<br />

substrates for Dr. Fixit Extensa.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 15 years<br />

Application<br />

After drying, spray apply Dr. Fixit Extensa to<br />

achieve minimum thickness of 1.5 mm<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa is applied through<br />

compatible equipment only. It cannot be<br />

sprayed through other types of commonly<br />

available sprayers.<br />

A geotextile fabric of 300 gsm shall be<br />

placed over the membrane before laying the<br />

concrete screed of 75 mm (average) modified<br />

with Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ with 1:100<br />

slope properly aligned with drain outlets for<br />

efficient drainage of water.<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Highly elastomeric and puncture resistant<br />

waterproofing coating<br />

Highly flexible, tough and puncture resistant<br />

waterproofing system that sustains structural<br />

movements<br />

Integral liquid waterproofing compound for<br />

plaster and concrete<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Extensa<br />

3 Geotextile<br />

4 Angle Fillet<br />

5 Drip Mould<br />

6 Screed<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

All surface imperfections, protrusions,<br />

structurally unsound and loose concrete<br />

must be removed and repaired with polymer<br />

modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Make angle fillets all around the periphery of<br />

the podium wall with polymer modified mortar<br />

prepared with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

All surfaces must be cleaned with compressed<br />

air, free of loose materials, oils, form release<br />

agents and other contaminants.<br />

Priming<br />

Priming generally not required on concrete<br />

substrates for Dr. Fixit Flexicoat PU.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

Application<br />

Dr. Fixit Flexicoat PU should be applied by<br />

brush, trowel, and squeegee in two coats<br />

maintaining the spreading rate to achieve the<br />

desired DFT of 1.5 mm.<br />

Dr. Fixit Flexicoat PU membrane must be<br />

air cured for a minimum of 72 hours @27º C<br />

before placing protection.<br />

After drying of the coating lay a layer of<br />

geotextile membrane of 300 gsm<br />

After laying the geotextile membrane a screed<br />

of 75 mm (average) must be overlaid in M 20<br />

concrete grade for the protection of membrane<br />

and to provide a proper slope for effective<br />

draining of rain water.<br />

Dr. Fixit Flexicoat PU Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Reliable waterproofing system with flexibility to<br />

accommodate structural movements<br />

1 Slab<br />

Pitch modified polyurethane membrane coating SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Flexicoat PU<br />

3 Geotextile<br />

4 Angle Fillet<br />

5 Drip Mould<br />

6 Screed<br />

PWP 10<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />


Podium <strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />

with landscaping and<br />

swimming pool<br />


SWIMMING PooL aT PoDIUM oR aNy<br />

oTHER FLooR<br />

Dr. Fixit exteNSa &<br />

Dr. Fixit FaStFlex<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

All surface imperfections, protrusions,<br />

structurally unsound and loose concrete<br />

must be removed and repaired with polymer<br />

modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

All surfaces must be cleaned with compressed<br />

air, free of loose materials, oils, form release<br />

agents and other contaminants.<br />

Light fitting casings, pipes, insert, etc., provided<br />

in the concrete raft floor and walls are to<br />

be grouted with a non-shrink grout, Dr. Fixit<br />

Bathseal Grout. The inserts shall be wrapped<br />

around with Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape to ensure<br />

a water-tight fitting.<br />

Priming<br />

Priming generally not required on concrete<br />

substrates for Dr. Fixit Extensa.<br />

Application<br />

Spray apply Dr. Fixit Extensa to achieve<br />

minimum thickness of 2.0 mm<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa is applied through designated<br />

equipment only. It cannot be sprayed through<br />

any other type of commonly available sprayers.<br />

Extend the Dr. Fixit Extensa coating up to<br />

the top and covering the overflow concrete<br />

channels all around the periphery of the pool.<br />

As per the plans drawn up by the structural<br />

engineer, lay the steel cage accordingly.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

Reinforcing steel must be installed after the<br />

plumbing is complete. The steel is installed<br />

in a grid pattern following the requirements<br />

of the engineering calculations. Steel bar size<br />

can range from 3/8” diameter to 3/4” diameter<br />

depending on the requirements.<br />

Concrete spacers ensure the steel is not<br />

against the wall or the floor of the pool.<br />

This system allows shotcrete to be evenly<br />

distributed under and above the steel.<br />

a rule of thumb to remember when designing<br />

swimming pools is to minimize the number of<br />

separation joints between concrete sections<br />

in the pool!<br />

Finish the shotcrete area with wooden float.<br />

After curing and drying make angle fillets if<br />

necessary, all around the periphery of the pool<br />

wall with polymer modified mortar prepared<br />

with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Now the shell of the swimming pool is ready to<br />

receive further waterproofing system.<br />

Apply 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Fastflex maintaining<br />

the saturated surface dry condition.<br />

While the coat is still wet embed a glass fibre<br />

mesh of 2.5 mm x 2.5 mm of 50 gsm over the<br />

angle fillets and allow it to soak completely.<br />

Immediately apply one additional coat to<br />

sandwich this glass fibre mesh between the<br />

Dr. Fixit Fastflex coatings.<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Dr. Fixit Fastflex<br />

Highly elastomeric and puncture resistant<br />

waterproofing coating<br />

Highly flexible, tough waterproofing system that easily<br />

bears pressure exerted by water column<br />

Apply the 2 nd coat of Dr. Fixit Fastflex.<br />

PWP 10<br />

(LSP)<br />

After the 2nd coat is completely dry apply 3rd coat of Dr. Fixit Fastflex and sprinkle coarse<br />

sand while it is still wet. This will provide the<br />

key for subsequent tile adhesive materials.<br />

Dr. Fixit Fastflex should be liberally applied<br />

around the inserts, pipes and the around the<br />

light fitting casings, sandwiched with an open<br />

woven mesh as an extra precaution about<br />

these points.<br />

Now, start the application of tile adhesives<br />

from ROFF range depending upon whether<br />

they glass mosaics, or ceramics and fill the<br />

grooves / tile joints with epoxy based RTM<br />

coloured tile grouts.<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs High performance polymer modified<br />

cementitious coating<br />

1 Floor Concrete<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Extensa<br />

3 Steel cage with pedestal<br />

4 Shortcrete<br />

5 Dr. Fixit Fastflex (2 coats)<br />

6 Dr. Fixit Fastlex (3 rd coat with sprinkled sand)<br />

7 Roff NSA & Roff RTM tile grout<br />

8 Concrete Wall<br />

9 Pipe inlet fitting Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape &<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout<br />

10 Light fitting casing with Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout &<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape<br />

11 Steel Grating<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout Roff Rainbow Tile Mate<br />

Leak-proof sealing tape for pipe wrapping Non-shrink grout for pipe fitting Unsanded cement based tile joint filler<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />


Podium <strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />

with landscaping and<br />

swimming pool<br />



Dr. Fixit exteNSa &<br />

Dr. Fixit FaStFlex<br />

Methodology<br />

lANdscApINg<br />

surface preparation<br />

All surface imperfections, protrusions,<br />

structurally unsound and friable concrete<br />

must be removed and repaired with polymer<br />

modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Make angle fillets all around the periphery of<br />

the podium wall with polymer modified mortar<br />

prepared with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

All surfaces must be cleaned with compressed<br />

air, free of loose materials, oils, form release<br />

agents and other contaminants.<br />

priming<br />

Priming generally not required on concrete<br />

substrates for Dr. Fixit Extensa.<br />

Application<br />

After drying, spray apply Dr. Fixit Extensa to<br />

achieve minimum thickness of 1.5 mm<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa is applied through compatible<br />

equipment only. It cannot be sprayed through<br />

other types of commonly available sprayers.<br />

A geotextile fabric of 300 gsm shall be placed<br />

over the membrane before laying the concrete<br />

screed of 75 mm (average) modified with Dr.<br />

Fixit Pidiproof LW+ with 1:100 slope properly<br />

aligned with drain outlets for efficient drainage<br />

of water.<br />

For extensive roof gardens on a primed surface<br />

with Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer, torch apply<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield AR (anti-root membrane)<br />

on the concrete screed.<br />

Place a 12 mm HDPE drainage board. Place a<br />

loosely laid geotextile fabric of 150 gsm again,<br />

over the entire drainage board to contain the<br />

soil.<br />

Place soil for vegetation accordingly.<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Highly flexible, tough waterproofing system that easily<br />

bears pressure exerted by water column<br />

Highly elastomeric and puncture resistant waterproofing coating SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Extensa<br />

3 Geotextile<br />

4 Screed<br />

5 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

6 Dr. Fixit Torchshield AR 4160<br />

7 HDPE Drain Board<br />

8 Geotextile<br />

9 Soil<br />

10 Vegetation<br />

11 Angle fillet<br />

12 Gravel<br />

13 Drip mould<br />

PWP 10<br />

(LSP)<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Dr. Fixit Fastflex<br />

aPP / SBS modified bitumen<br />

based membrane<br />

13<br />

12<br />

11<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Integral liquid waterproofing compound for<br />

plaster and concrete<br />

High performance polymer modified<br />

cementitious coating<br />


Exposed flat roofs<br />


THE FLaT RooFS<br />

Dr. Fixit torchShielD<br />

aP 4160 & am 4160<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

Thorough surface preparation is a must over<br />

the entire roof area<br />

Screed in concrete in M 20 modified with<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ must be laid with<br />

a slope of 1 in 100, with at least 50 mm<br />

thickness at the drain outlet. Screed must be<br />

cured and dried completely.<br />

Priming<br />

Prime the surface with Dr. Fixit Torchshield<br />

Primer. Allow it to dry for 8 to 10 hrs.<br />

Application<br />

Start the application of a first layer of Dr. Fixit<br />

Torchshield AP 4160 (plain finish APP based)<br />

The application must start from the outlet,<br />

going towards the centre of the roof area.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

This 1st layer is laid, up to over the angle<br />

fillet only.<br />

The 2nd layer of Dr. Fixit Torchshield AM 4160<br />

must laid in a perpendicular direction to the<br />

1st membrane, starting from 150 to 200 mm<br />

on the parapet wall, downward and covering<br />

the angle fillet. This is a mineral finished APP<br />

based membrane 4 mm thick.<br />

The surface area of Dr. Fixit Torchshield AM<br />

4160 has mineral slate on the surface and it<br />

can be left exposed it should be terminated at<br />

a height of 20 cm.<br />

The top edge of the membrane will be finished<br />

with 2 mm thick aluminium flashing pointed<br />

with Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42P.<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42P<br />

aPP / SBS modified bitumen based membrane Integral liquid waterproofing compound for<br />

plaster and concrete<br />

Reliable lightweight waterproofing membrane system<br />

with UV resistant mineral finish<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Screed<br />

3 Angle Fillet<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Torchshield AP 4160<br />

5 Dr. Fixit Torchshield AM 4160<br />

6 Aluminium Flashing<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42P<br />

Two-part polysulphide sealant<br />

EFR 10<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

3<br />

2<br />

Flat roofs with brickbat<br />

coba<br />


CoNvENTIoNaL BRICkBaT CoBa<br />

Dr. Fixit SolySeal<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Make angle fillets all around the periphery<br />

of the terrace with a cement – sand mortar<br />

admixed with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Solyseal diluted with water in<br />

1:1 proportion as primer to clean, smooth and<br />

surface by brush or roller in saturated surface<br />

dry condition and allow it to dry completely.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 5 years<br />

Highly elastomeric waterproofing<br />

system below brickbat coba<br />

Application<br />

Apply the 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal without<br />

any dilution and allow it to dry completely.<br />

Start the 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal, with a<br />

roller or a rubber squeegee & allow it to dry.<br />

Place loosely laid geotextile fabric of 300<br />

to 500 gsm over the Dr. Fixit Solyseal for<br />

protection.<br />

Carefully lay brickbat coba to provide slope<br />

1:100 for effective drainage of water.<br />

Dr. Fixit Solyseal Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Primer<br />

3 Angle Fillet<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Solyseal (2 coats)<br />

5 Geotextile<br />

6 Brickbat coba<br />

7 Drip Mould<br />

Polymer modified elastomeric bituminous coating SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

1<br />

IFR 5<br />

(BBC)<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />


Commercial Flat<br />

Roofs<br />


THE FLaT RooFS<br />

Dr. Fixit SolySeal<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

Provide slope in new construction during<br />

casting roof slab (1 in 100 or 1 in 80)<br />

Thorough surface preparation is a must over<br />

the entire roof area<br />

Provide angle fillets in cement sand mortar<br />

admixed with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP, of 50<br />

mm x 50 mm all along the junction of the<br />

parapet wall & the roof slab.<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape must be wrapped<br />

around all pipe inserts & protrusions in the slab<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Solyseal diluted with water<br />

in 1:1 proportion as primer to clean, smooth<br />

and dry surface by brush or roller in saturated<br />

surface dry condition. Allow the primer to<br />

dry prior to the application of the Dr. Fixit<br />

Solyseal. Extend the primer over the angle<br />

fillets, up to the drip mould on the parapet<br />

wall.<br />

Application<br />

Apply first coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal<br />

Over the wet coat, place and press down an<br />

open woven mesh of glass fibre and allow it to<br />

soak completely.<br />

Immediately apply 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit<br />

Solyseal to embed the mesh in coating. Allow<br />

it to dry completely.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 7 years<br />

48-72 hours later, place a loosely laid geotextile<br />

fabric of at least 100 gsm with 30 cm overlaps.<br />

Over the geotextile fabric, lay 50 mm thick<br />

leveled screed in M 20 grade.<br />

Screed can be cast in alternate bays method. 12<br />

mm thick wooden battens must be cut to size<br />

according slope and fixed on the roof surface<br />

with the help of sand cement mortar.<br />

Each bay size shall not be more than 10 sq. mtr<br />

(3.25 mtr x 3.25 mtr) and the areas of the bay<br />

near the parapet wall shall not be more than<br />

2.25 sq. mtr.<br />

Upon completion of the laying of screed and<br />

complete drying and curing of the screed,<br />

wooden battens must be removed and filled<br />

with a compressible board e.g. bitumen<br />

impregnated board or extruded polystyrene<br />

foam sheets.<br />

The top of the joints must be filled finally with<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42 P pouring grade sealant<br />

or Dr. Fixit PU Sealant.<br />

Dr. Fixit Solyseal Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42P Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Polymer modified elastomeric<br />

bituminous coating<br />

Easy to apply, elastomeric waterproofing coating that can<br />

be applied over contours or projections in the roof<br />

7<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

Two-part polysulphide sealant Leak-proof sealing tape for pipe<br />

wrapping<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Angle Fillet<br />

3 Primer<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Solyseal (2 coats)<br />

5 Geotextile<br />

6 Screed<br />

7 Drip mould<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing &<br />

repairs<br />

CRW 7<br />

Metal roofs<br />


SHEET RooFS<br />

Dr. Fixit FlexShielD<br />

t45/t60<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

Check to ensure that metal roof is properly<br />

fitted with screws and fasteners<br />

Replace all of the vents on the roof, never<br />

leave anything on the roof that could cause a<br />

problem.<br />

Gaps if any between the sheets shall be filled<br />

using Dr. Fixit PU Sealant.<br />

Clean the surface well to remove dirt, dust,<br />

grease etc.<br />

Installation<br />

Whenever Dr. Fixit Flexshield T45/T60<br />

membrane is being installed it is highly<br />

recommended that the membrane shall be<br />

laid at the position and allowed to relax for at<br />

least 45 minutes. This will help releasing the<br />

tensions in the membrane.<br />

Install insulation boards over the entire roof;<br />

to attain a smooth surface to lay Dr. Fixit<br />

Flexshield T45/T60 roofing on metal roof.<br />

The insulation is fastened with epoxy coated<br />

screws and insulation fastening plates; the<br />

plates give more surface area to the screw<br />

head and securely fasten the insulation to the<br />

roof deck.<br />

Dr. Fixit Flexshield T45/T60 membrane is<br />

secured with the same epoxy coated screws<br />

and smaller seam fastening plates.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 15 years<br />

Each successive course of Dr. Fixit Flexshield<br />

T45/T60 membrane overlaps area about 150<br />

mm where the fasteners hold the membrane<br />

in place.<br />

Hand held hot air welding machine is used to<br />

safely heat the membrane to bond all of the<br />

seams and flashings.<br />

The welds are as strong as the material itself<br />

and they require no adhesive or maintenance.<br />

The seam in the Dr. Fixit Flexshield T45/T60<br />

roof membrane is also welded.<br />

The membrane is fastened at the walls with<br />

the same seam plates and screws.<br />

Dr. Fixit Flexshield T45/T60 must be secured<br />

with screws and plates at any angle change or<br />

transition.<br />

The screws and plates at the wall are covered<br />

with another layer of Dr. Fixit Flexshield<br />

T45/T60 membrane, this flashing covers the<br />

parapet dividing wall and waterproofs the<br />

perimeter of the roof<br />

The Dr. Fixit Flexshield T45/T60 wall flashing<br />

is then welded to the roof deck membrane<br />

Dr. Fixit PU Sealant Dr. Fixit Flexshield T45/T60<br />

Extremely tough, flexible, lightweight and eco friendly<br />

membrane system<br />

one part non-sag polyurethane sealant Extremely tough and flexible waterproofing membrane<br />

MRW 15<br />


Terrace waterproofing<br />

with heat insulation<br />



Dr. Fixit exteNSa,<br />

Dr. Fixit FoamShielD<br />

& Dr. Fixit<br />

Newcoat<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Priming generally not required on concrete<br />

substrates for Dr. Fixit Extensa.<br />

Application<br />

Spray apply liquid, protective waterproofing<br />

coating, Dr. Fixit Extensa, over the entire slab<br />

area with a designated pump. It will act as a<br />

tough and excellent waterproofing barrier for<br />

the subsequent coat of Dr. Fixit Foamshield<br />

Then spray apply polyurethane foam Dr.<br />

Fixit Foamshield, of average thickness 35<br />

to 45 mm with a density of 50 kg per cu.m.<br />

approximately. This will harden for subsequent<br />

application over it.<br />

Brush apply protective acrylic waterproofing<br />

coating, Dr. Fixit Newcoat, over the entire<br />

PU Foam spread area, at approximately 300<br />

microns DFT.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 25 years<br />

Loosely lay geotextile fabric of 120 gsm, with<br />

overlap of 30 cm., after Dr. Fixit Newcoat dries<br />

Fix ridges in panels (area larger than 10 sq.m.<br />

& slope of 1 in 100 or 1 in 80), using bitumen<br />

impregnated boards & cement sand mortar.<br />

Lay or cast screed of concrete in M 20 in slope<br />

in 1: 100. Average thickness of screed is 75 to<br />

100 mm.<br />

The ridges of bitumen impregnated boards or<br />

polyboard will act as construction joints. Using<br />

the grinding wheel, expose the joints and form<br />

grooves.<br />

Fix backing rod & apply elastomeric<br />

polysulphide sealant, Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42P<br />

in all grooves of the construction joints in the<br />

concrete screed<br />

Fix angle fillets in concrete along the parapet,<br />

mechanical duct openings & pre-utility up<br />

stands.<br />

Apply a final coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat of 300<br />

micron DFT over the concrete screed & angle<br />

fillets (50 mm height) as a sealer coat, up to<br />

the flashing.<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa Dr. Fixit Newcoat Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Highly elastomeric and puncture resistant<br />

waterproofing coating<br />

Highly energy efficient, extremely lightweight, high end<br />

waterproofing and insulating system<br />

Heavy duty reinforced acrylic waterproofing<br />

coating<br />

9<br />

8<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Extensa<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Foamshield<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Newcoat<br />

5 Geotextile<br />

6 Screed<br />

7 Angle Fillet<br />

8 Dr. Fixit Newcoat<br />

9 Drip mould<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

IFRI 25<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Terrace waterproofing<br />

with heat resistant<br />

coating<br />


SySTEM<br />

Dr. Fixit Newcoat,<br />

Dr. Fixit<br />

heatShielD<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Provide angle fillets in cement mortar admixed<br />

with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP, of 50 mm x 50<br />

mm all along the junction of the parapet wall<br />

& the roof slab.<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Primeseal to a clean, smooth<br />

surface by brush or roller. Allow the primer<br />

to dry prior to the application of Dr. Fixit<br />

Newcoat. During application of Dr. Fixit<br />

Primeseal always maintain the saturated<br />

surface dry condition.<br />

Application<br />

Apply 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat and while<br />

it is still wet lay an open woven 2.5 x 2.5<br />

mm glass fibre mesh and allow it to soak<br />

completely.<br />

Immediately apply 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit<br />

Newcoat to embed the mesh in coating. Allow<br />

it to dry completely. Ensure that the coating<br />

is extended up to 300 mm on vertical walls<br />

covering the angle fillets completely.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

Apply 3rd coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat. Allow it<br />

to dr.y completely. Ensure that the coating<br />

is extended up to 300 mm on vertical walls<br />

covering the angle fillets completely.<br />

Apply 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Heatshield over<br />

the Dr. Fixit Newcoat and allow it to dr.y<br />

for 6-8 hrs<br />

Apply 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Heatshield and allow<br />

it to dry.<br />

Dr. Fixit Newcoat Dr. Fixit Heatshield Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Heavy duty reinforced acrylic waterproofing<br />

coating<br />

Energy saving, heat resistant coating and waterproofing<br />

coating system<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1 Concrete Slab<br />

2 Screed<br />

3 Angle Fillet<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Primeseal<br />

5 Dr. Fixit Newcoat - 1st coat<br />

6 Open woven glass fibre mesh<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Newcoat - 2nd & 3rd coat<br />

8 Dr. Fixit Heatshield (2 coats)<br />

9 Drip mould<br />

Heat resistant exterior coating SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

IFRI 10<br />

9<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />


Roof<br />

Gardens<br />

Roof Gardens<br />


Dr. Fixit exteNSa,<br />

Dr. Fixit FoamShielD<br />

aND Dr. Fixit<br />

torchShielD ar<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

All surfaces must be cleaned with compressed<br />

air, free of loose materials, oils and other<br />

contaminants.<br />

Priming<br />

Priming generally not required on concrete<br />

substrates.<br />

Application<br />

Spray apply Dr. Fixit Extensa to achieve<br />

minimum thickness of 1.5 mm.<br />

It will act as a tough and excellent vapour<br />

barrier for the subsequent layer of Dr. Fixit<br />

Foamshield<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa is applied through compatible<br />

equipment only. It cannot be sprayed through<br />

other types of commonly available sprayers.<br />

Dr. Fixit Extensa sets in few seconds.<br />

Spray- apply polyurethane foam Dr. Fixit<br />

Foamshield, of average thickness 35 to 45 mm<br />

with density 50 kg per cu. m.<br />

Spray apply Dr. Fixit Extensa to achieve<br />

minimum thickness of 1.5 mm over the<br />

Dr. Fixit Foamshield.<br />

A geotextile fabric of 120 gsm shall be placed<br />

over the membrane with about 300 mm<br />

overlaps before laying the concrete screed of<br />

minimum 50 mm thick mixed with Dr. Fixit<br />

Pidiproof LW+ with 1:100 slope properly<br />

aligned with drain outlets for efficient drainage<br />

of water.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 25 years<br />

Make angle fillets all around the periphery of<br />

the terrace wall with polymer modified mortar<br />

prepared with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

For extensive roof gardens, after application<br />

of Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer and Drying of<br />

same, torch-apply Dr. Fixit Torchshield AR<br />

(anti-root membrane) on the screed.<br />

Place a drainage board as specified over the<br />

concrete screed. Place a loosely laid geotextile<br />

fabric of 150 gsm again, over the entire<br />

drainage board to contain the soil.<br />

Place soil for vegetation accordingly.<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Dr. Fixit Extensa<br />

aPP / SBS modified bitumen based<br />

membrane<br />

Integral liquid waterproofing<br />

compound for plaster and concrete<br />

High performance premium waterproofing and heat<br />

insulation system for garden roofs<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing &<br />

repairs<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Angle Fillet<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Extensa<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Foamshield<br />

5 Geotextile<br />

6 Screed<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

8 Dr. Fixit Torchshield AR 4160<br />

9 Soil<br />

10 Vegetation<br />

11 Gravel<br />

12 Drip mould<br />

Highly elastomeric and puncture<br />

resistant waterproofing coating<br />

RGW 25<br />

12<br />

2<br />

1<br />


Roof Garden<br />


Dr. Fixit torchShielD<br />

aP 4160<br />

Methodology RGW 15 Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

All surfaces must be cleaned with compressed<br />

air, free of loose materials, oils and other<br />

contaminants.<br />

Make angle fillets all around the periphery of<br />

the podium wall with polymer modified mortar<br />

prepared with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer with a<br />

roller or brush. Allow the primer to dry for 8 to<br />

10 hrs.<br />

Application<br />

Start the application of a first layer of Dr. Fixit<br />

Torchshield AP 4160 (plain finish APP based)<br />

The application must start from the outlet,<br />

going towards the centre of the roof area.<br />

This 1st layer is laid, up to over the angle<br />

fillet only.<br />

The 2nd layer of Dr. Fixit Torchshield AP 4160<br />

must be laid in a perpendicular direction to the<br />

1st membrane, starting from 15 to 20 mm on<br />

the parapet wall, downward and covering the<br />

angle fillet.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 15 years<br />

Reliable, lightweight waterproofing<br />

system for roof garden<br />

A geotextile fabric of 120 gsm shall be placed<br />

over the membrane with about 300 mm<br />

overlaps before laying the screed of 75 mm<br />

average mixed with Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+<br />

with 1:100 slope properly aligned with drain<br />

outlets for efficient drainage of water.<br />

For extensive roof gardens, after application<br />

of Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer and Dr.ying of<br />

same, torch-apply Dr. Fixit Torchshield AR<br />

(anti-root membrane) on the screed.<br />

Place drainage board as needed over the<br />

concrete screed. Place a loosely laid geotextile<br />

fabric of 150 gsm again, over the entire<br />

drainage board to contain the soil.<br />

Place soil for vegetation accordingly.<br />

Dr. Fixit Torchshield Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

aPP / SBS modified bitumen based membrane Integral liquid waterproofing compound for<br />

plaster and concrete<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1 Slab<br />

2 Angle Fillet<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Torchshield AP 4160<br />

5 Geotextile<br />

6 Screed<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Torchshield AR 4160<br />

8 HDPE drain board<br />

9 Soil<br />

10 Vegetation<br />

11 Gravel<br />

12 Drip mould<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

12<br />

11<br />

10<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Wet areas<br />


Wet areas<br />


Dr. Fixit BathSeal<br />

raNge oF<br />

ProDUctS<br />

Methodology WW 15 Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

All surfaces must be pressure washed or clean<br />

with compressed air, then allowed to dry, free<br />

of loose materials, oils, form release agents<br />

and other contaminants.<br />

Make angle fillets all around the periphery<br />

of the wall with polymer modified mortar<br />

prepared with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

The gaps around the pipe inserts and the floor<br />

traps etc., shall not be wider than 50 mm.<br />

Application<br />

The sanitary pipes entering through the walls<br />

and floor to be sealed with Dr. Fixit Bathseal<br />

Tape and the gaps to be grouted with Dr. Fixit<br />

Bathseal Grout, a non shrink cementitious<br />

grout. The ‘Nahani’ trap, etc., to be fitted<br />

securely in the same manner and the gaps<br />

around it to be grouted.<br />

Now start applying the 1st coat of Dr. Fixit<br />

Bathseal 2K in the sunken area and extend<br />

up to 150 mm on walls and above the finished<br />

floor level (FFL). Extend the coating in shower<br />

flash zone -1500 mm wide x 1800 mm high.<br />

While this first coat of Dr. Fixit Bathseal 2K<br />

is still wet cover all angle fillets with 150 mm<br />

wide strip of open woven glass fibre mesh of 2<br />

mm X 2 mm immediately over the coating and<br />

allow it to soak completely. Cover it with one<br />

additional coat of Dr. Fixit Bathseal 2K over<br />

the angle fillets and allow it to dry completely.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 15 years<br />

Apply 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Bathseal 2K<br />

after the first coat dries completely.<br />

Also cover the angle fillets during the<br />

second coat application.<br />

24 to 72 hrs after, the sunken portion<br />

must be laid with a concrete screed of<br />

50 mm thickness. Sanitary pipes and<br />

traps can be laid over this screed, the<br />

next day.<br />

Brickbat coba using Dr. Fixit Pidiproof<br />

LW+ can be laid 24 hrs later to fix<br />

these pipes in position.<br />

After finalising the plumbing work<br />

in the bathroom floor & wall, tiling<br />

work can start using the Roff Tiling<br />

Adhesives & RTM Tile grouts.<br />

After finishing all works the sanitary<br />

ware can be fitted and the gaps<br />

around it shall be filled with Dr. Fixit<br />

Bathseal Sealant to complete the<br />

bathroom waterproofing.<br />

AlterNAtIVelY<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Plus shall be<br />

applied as a high performance<br />

premium bathroom waterproofing<br />

system in place of Dr. Fixit<br />

Bathseal 2K.<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Kit Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ ROFF Rainbow Tile Mate<br />

one stop solution for 100% leak free<br />

bathroom<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing &<br />

repairs<br />

Comprehensive system for 100% leak free bathroom<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Integral liquid waterproofing<br />

compound for plaster and concrete<br />

1 Concrete slab<br />

2 Angle fillet<br />

3 Dr. Fixit Bathseal 2K (2 coats)<br />

4 Glass fibre mesh<br />

5 Concrete screed<br />

6 Brickbat coba<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape<br />

8 Dr. Fixit Bathseal Grout<br />

9 Roff tiling adhesive & tile grout<br />

10 Dr. Fixit Bathseal 2K (2 coats)<br />

Unsanded cement based tile joint<br />

filler<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

3<br />

New water tanks<br />


Dr. Fixit FaStFlex<br />

During the construction of the water tank a<br />

swellable, adhesive strip waterbar of 20 mm<br />

X 20 mm, Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW 2020 shall<br />

be provided in the construction joints, which<br />

is placed on the inside of the reinforcement, in<br />

both the raft concrete floor (in case of ground<br />

water tank) & the side retaining concrete walls.<br />

All water pipe fittings to be wrapped up with<br />

Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape and to be grouted with<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidigrout 5M, non – shrink, free-flow<br />

cementitious grout to ensure leak free, water<br />

tight joint.<br />

Form 50 x 50 mm angle fillet on all “wall<br />

to flooring” joints, by adding Dr. Fixit<br />

Pidicrete URP.<br />

Application<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Fastflex over the entire internal<br />

area in a saturated surface dry condition.<br />

While this first coat of Dr. Fixit Fastflex is<br />

still wet cover all angle fillets with 150 mm<br />

wide reinforcing strip of open woven glass<br />

fibre mesh of 2 mm X 2 mm immediately over<br />

the coating and allow it to soak completely.<br />

Cover it with one additional coat of Dr. Fixit<br />

Fastflex over the angle fillets and allow it to<br />

dry completely.<br />

Apply 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Fastflex after the<br />

first coat dries completely. Also cover the<br />

angle fillets during the second coat application.<br />

Allow it to dry completely for 6-8 hrs.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 7 years<br />

On the vertical areas, apply additional 3rd coat<br />

of Dr. Fixit Fastflex and while it is wet, sprinkle<br />

washed and cleaned coarse sand liberally all<br />

over the vertical areas. This will provide a key to<br />

the subsequent plaster application (12-15 mm).<br />

Test the area with water ponding and refill to<br />

start using the tank after 3-4 days of complete<br />

curing for 48 hours to ensure there is no leak.<br />

Drain the water.<br />

Lay 50 mm thick concrete screed (with 10 mm<br />

aggregate) mixed with polypropylene fibers<br />

(500 gms per cubic meter) on the horizontal<br />

surface of the water tank.<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidigrout 5M Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Dr. Fixit Fastflex<br />

High strength, non-shrink, free flow<br />

grout for foundations<br />

Leak-proof sealing tape for pipe<br />

wrapping<br />

Tough and flexible waterproofing coating system<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing &<br />

repairs<br />

1 Angle Fillet<br />

2 Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW2020<br />

3 Screed<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Fastflex (2 coats)<br />

5 Dr. Fixit Fastflex with sprinkled sand<br />

6 Plaster<br />

7 Dr. Fixit Bathseal Tape & Dr. Fixit Pidigrout 5M<br />

8 Intake Pipe<br />

WWT 7<br />

High performance polymer modified<br />

cementitious coating<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />


External walls<br />


Dr. Fixit raiNcoat with<br />

Dr. Fixit PrimeSeal<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

Ensure complete surface preparation prior to<br />

application. Remove all loose dirt, dust and oil,<br />

etc., from the surface.<br />

Check for all surface cracks and clean them to<br />

remove all loose laitance & wash with water<br />

Apply crack-filler, Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste/<br />

Shrinkfree depending upon the width of<br />

crack (use paste for cracks up to 3-5 mm and<br />

Shrinkfree for cracks up to 10 mm) with a<br />

putty blade properly by pressing the material<br />

in cracks.<br />

The loose and loose plaster shall be removed<br />

and re-done using polymer modified mortar<br />

modified with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 5 years<br />

Priming<br />

Prime the surface with Dr. Fixit Primeseal<br />

diluted 2:1 with water maintaining the<br />

saturated surface dry condition. Allow to dry<br />

completely.<br />

Application<br />

Apply 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Raincoat without<br />

dilution maintaining the spreading rate. Allow<br />

to dry for 6-8 hrs<br />

Apply 2nd coat in direction perpendicular to 1st coat ensuring complete covering of the area.<br />

Dr. Fixit Raincoat Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Dr. Fixit Primeseal Dr. Fixit Crack-X Shrinkfree<br />

acrylic Elastomeric Exterior<br />

Waterproof Coating<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing &<br />

repairs<br />

High performance elastomeric waterproof coating<br />

for leak-free exterior walls<br />

Efflorescence resistant penetrative<br />

primer<br />

1 Spalled plaster<br />

2 Exposed brick masonry<br />

3 Plaster reinstated using PMM<br />

mixed with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

4 Column<br />

5 Separation joint filled using PMM<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

6 Plaster cracks filled with<br />

Dr. Fixit Crack-X Shrinkfreee<br />

7 Primer coat of Dr. Fixit Primeseal<br />

8 Separation joint RCC-Masonry<br />

9 2 coats of Dr. Fixit Raincoat<br />

10 Beam<br />

100 % shrinkfree crack filler<br />

EWWP 5<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Manholes<br />


Dr. Fixit SamShielD xl<br />

1500 & Dr. Fixit coal<br />

tar ePoxy<br />

Methodology<br />

exterNAl surfAce of mANhole<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Torchshield Primer to a clean,<br />

smooth and dry surface by brush or roller.<br />

Allow the primer to dry prior to the application<br />

of the membrane.<br />

Application<br />

It is very important to cut the membrane in<br />

specific size as per the manhole design from<br />

external side before execution of job.<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Samshield XL 1500 self<br />

adhesive SBS modified membrane by removing<br />

the silicon releasing paper on the primed<br />

surface.<br />

Dr. Fixit Samshield XL 1500 membrane<br />

shall then be applied on top of the exposed<br />

tape overlapping by 100 mm. The subsequent<br />

membrane will then be overlapped with other<br />

100 mm of tape.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 10 years<br />

Protection to buried concrete in adverse environment<br />

4 mm bituminous protection board / geotextile<br />

membrane shall be placed over it for<br />

protection against damage in case the land<br />

filling contains heavy boulders etc. which may<br />

damage the membrane.<br />

Dr. Fixit Samshield XL 1500 to be used for<br />

external surface & Dr. Fixit Coal Tar Epoxy for<br />

internal surface. Alternatively Dr. Fixit Coal<br />

Tar Epoxy can be used for both external &<br />

internal surfaces.<br />

INterNAl surfAce of mANhole<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed<br />

and repaired with polymer modified mortar<br />

using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

MHWP 10<br />

Priming<br />

Since Dr. Fixit Coal Tar Epoxy is self priming<br />

there is no need for special primer.<br />

Application<br />

Apply 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Coal Tar Epoxy and<br />

allow it to dry completely for 12 to 15 hrs<br />

depending upon the site conditions.<br />

Apply 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Coal Tar Epoxy and<br />

allow it to dry completely.<br />

The manhole shall be made operational after<br />

4-7 days after full curing of Dr. Fixit Coal Tar<br />

Epoxy internally.<br />

Dr. Fixit Samshield Dr. Fixit Coal Tar Epoxy Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Self adhesive bituminous membrane Two-component coal tar epoxy coating for<br />

concrete surface<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />


Remedial<br />

<strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />

Remedial treatment for<br />

existing roof<br />


ExISTING RooF<br />

Dr. Fixit Newcoat<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

Cut open and clean cracks in the existing<br />

screed or brick bat coba systems with<br />

compressed air.<br />

Repair these cracks with polymer modified<br />

mortar modified with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly<br />

of all contaminants like dust, traces of<br />

curing compound, oil and grease. All surface<br />

imperfections, protrusions, structurally<br />

unsound and loose concrete must be removed.<br />

Prime the surface with Dr. Fixit Primeseal and<br />

allow it to dry.<br />

Apply the 1st coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat.<br />

System Life<br />

Expectancy<br />

of 7 years<br />

While it is still wet, place a woven glass fibre<br />

mesh of 2 mm X 2 mm size and allow it to<br />

soak completely.<br />

Immediately apply the 2nd coat with a roller<br />

or squeegee, to ensure complete coverage of<br />

the fibre mesh.<br />

Apply the 3rd coat after 6 to 8 hrs, after the<br />

2nd coat dries.<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1 Concrete slab<br />

2 Angle Fillet<br />

3 Brickbat coba<br />

4 Dr. Fixit Primeseal<br />

5 1st coat Dr. Fixit Newcoat<br />

6 Open woven glass fibre mesh<br />

7 2nd coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat<br />

8 3rd coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat<br />

9 Drip mould<br />

Dr. Fixit Newcoat Dr. Fixit Primeseal Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Heavy duty reinforced acrylic waterproofing<br />

coating<br />

Excellent repairing system for existing roof<br />

with brickbat coba<br />

Efflorescence resistant penetrative primer SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

EFR 7<br />


Remedial <strong>Waterproofing</strong><br />

<strong>Systems</strong><br />



Dr. Fixit PU Foam<br />

iNjectioN aND<br />

Dr. Fixit PlaiN<br />

iNjectioN<br />

Methodology<br />

Preliminary Preparation<br />

Assess the problem area & suitably mark the<br />

spots for drilling grouting holes. If the intensity<br />

of running water is high & cannot be controlled,<br />

then divert the flow of water using a PVC pipe<br />

at the spot of leak.<br />

For heavy dripping, mark the spots in a grid<br />

pattern 150 mm centre-centre or in case of<br />

spot dripping drill at the point of leakage at an<br />

angle of 45o to the plane of grouting.<br />

Drill diameter for a hole should be<br />

corresponding to the packers in use (generally<br />

16 mm - 20 mm) & depth of the hole drilled<br />

to be 100 mm deep or generally half the<br />

thickness of the substrate.<br />

Fix alloy packers (non-return type) of<br />

dimension 14 mm x 80 mm with a suitable<br />

putty. Allow the putty to cure for 24 hrs prior<br />

to commencing the injection grouting process.<br />

Application<br />

Mix base & hardener in the specified<br />

proportions:<br />

Dr. Fixit PU Foam Injection - 10 parts of<br />

base : 1 part of hardener<br />

The mixing to be carried out in a completely<br />

dry container using a stirrer.<br />

After rinsing the pump using a PU Cleaner, fill<br />

the PU mixture into the pumping container &<br />

initiate pumping on a low pressure & gradually<br />

build up the pumping pressure suitably<br />

Stop pumping if back pressure is sensed or if<br />

the grout has oozed out of the adjoining hole.<br />

PU foam injection oozes out of the grouting<br />

hole & hardens primarily in 10-15 minutes.<br />

Complete curing of the PU foam will happen<br />

over a period of 24 hrs.<br />

Mix base & hardener in the specified<br />

proportions:<br />

Dr. Fixit PU Plain Injection - (2 parts of base: 1<br />

part of hardener)<br />

Dr. Fixit PU Plain Injection, resin injection<br />

to be pumped once the PU foam has set in a<br />

similar manner as that of foam.<br />

This will act as a secondary injection thus<br />

completely sealing the leaking cavity.<br />

Cut off the extended portion of the packer &<br />

seal the surface with suitable putty.<br />

Choice of PU injection grout, Foam/Plain<br />

depends on the condition of the substrate &<br />

severity of leakage<br />

Injection grouting for dampness using<br />

Pagel ZS 10<br />

Drill grouting holes at an angle of 45° on<br />

the wall adjacent to the area of leakage at a<br />

spacing of 500 mm centre to centre or less in<br />

a grid pattern.<br />

Fix PVC or MS nozzles (packers) in the grouting<br />

holes using Dr. Fixit Instant Leak Plug or<br />

epoxy putty. Allow the nozzle to set for 24 hrs.<br />

Add water at a ratio of 0.34-0.45 to prepacked<br />

cementitious grout Pagel ZS 10 mix to<br />

a uniform consistency using a mixing paddle.<br />

Using a grouting pump, inject Pagel ZS 10<br />

through the nozzle at required pressure.<br />

Grouting should commence from the lowest<br />

possible level & proceed upwards along the<br />

grid with the pumping pressure increased<br />

gradually.<br />

Continue pumping until the grout flows out<br />

from adjacent nozzle. Detach the pump &<br />

nozzle and seal the grouting hole with Dr. Fixit<br />

Instant Leak Plug.<br />

LFB<br />

Re-instating of spalling plaster in floor/wall<br />

& sealing construction joint<br />

Chip off the damaged portion to obtain a sound<br />

surface with straight edges.<br />

Wash the area with water & apply 1 primer<br />

coat of Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP (1:1 with<br />

cement)<br />

Prepare polymer modified mortar using<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP (10-12%) on weight of<br />

cement. (cement :washed sand in 1:3) adjusting<br />

appropriate consistency as per water demand<br />

& apply while the primer is tacky.<br />

Allow the repaired patch to cure adequately<br />

Damp-proof coating of wall/floor<br />

In case of continuous flow of water from a<br />

certain spot use Dr. Fixit Instant Leak Plug<br />

to seal it prior to the application of Dr. Fixit<br />

Krystalline on the damp patches.<br />

Dr. Fixit PU Foam Injection Dr. Fixit Krystalline Dr. Fixit PU Injection<br />

Two-component PU foam<br />

injection<br />

The ultimate remedial system for leaking basements<br />

Ensure complete surface preparation prior to<br />

application<br />

Cementitious crystalline waterproof coating Two-component plain injection<br />

Wire brush the surface to remove existing<br />

paint & putty so as to expose the plastered<br />

surface.<br />

Ensure complete crack-filling as<br />

recommended & wet the surface prior to<br />

over-coating.<br />

Brush apply 2 coats of damp-proof coating<br />

Dr. Fixit Krystalline over the plastered<br />

surface.<br />

Time duration between two coats to be 4<br />

hrs approx.<br />

Air cure for 24 hrs prior to over-coating with<br />

decorative paint.<br />

Dr. Fixit Krystalline mixed with water (5:1)<br />

can also be used as a ‘Sealing-Putty’.<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP Pagel ZS10 Dr. Fixit Instant Leak Plug<br />

SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs Pre-packed micro-fine cementitious injection<br />

grout<br />

5<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1 Dr. Fixit Krystalline<br />

2 Packers<br />

3 Structural cracks strengthening<br />

4 Injection grouting along<br />

construction joint<br />

5 Injection grouting along cracks<br />

Fast setting powder for drip leakages<br />


Rising Dampness<br />

Dr. Fixit DamPFree<br />

Methodology<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

Remove Paint up to bare masonry surface<br />

from affected area by wire-brushing or other<br />

suitable means. Wipe surface with wet cloth to<br />

remove loose particles from Cement Plaster.<br />

Fixing of nozzles<br />

Drill holes with 12 - 15 mm bit at 45° angle,<br />

penetrating ¾ width of the wall. Starting from<br />

skirting level with 300 mm distance between<br />

each hole horizontally and 300 mm to 400 mm<br />

vertically from ground level, from centre to<br />

centre. A zigzag pattern to be formed to cover<br />

the entire area to be injected for effective<br />

result.<br />

Fix the perforated PVC nozzles and seal them<br />

secure with Dr Fixit Instant Leak Plug and<br />

allow to set for one day before starting work.<br />

Use grouting pump with minimum 2 Bar (2 kg<br />

/ cm2 ) pressure capacity to pump the Dr Fixit<br />

Dampfree in wall.<br />

Dilution of Dr. Fixit Dampfree depends upon<br />

the severity of problem, from 1 :1 to 1:5 with<br />

clean water.<br />

Remedial solution for rising dampness<br />

Injecting Dr. Fixit Dampfree<br />

Inject diluted Dr. Fixit Dampfree through<br />

the nozzles till the back pressure is felt. Move<br />

to next nozzle and complete the process<br />

by injecting through all fixed nozzles in the<br />

affected area. Then cut off the nozzles at the<br />

surface level and seal the holes using PMM<br />

modified with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

Level the surface with plaster and allow the<br />

surface to dry completely before proceeding<br />

for painting.<br />

Dr. Fixit Dampfree Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Silicone injection for rising dampness SBR Latex for waterproofing & repairs<br />

RD<br />

Repair to old roofs with<br />

bituminous treatments<br />

Dr. Fixit SolySeal<br />

Surface Preparation<br />

Surface must be clean and free from dirt, dust,<br />

grease, oil, etc. Remove old paint /damp wall<br />

with blisters/paint peel/loose particles etc. by<br />

wire-brushing or other suitable means up to<br />

bare masonry surface.<br />

Repairs shall be carried out using polymer<br />

modified mortar modified with Dr. Fixit<br />

Pidicrete URP.<br />

Priming<br />

Prime the surface with Dr. Fixit Solyseal<br />

diluting with water in 1:1 ratio evenly and allow<br />

it to dry completely.<br />

Application<br />

Apply first coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal.<br />

While the first coat is still wet, embed a layer<br />

of fabric mesh reinforcement.<br />

Brush or roll over the embed mesh at right<br />

angles to the 1st layer of Dr. Fixit Solyseal to<br />

ensure that the mesh is fully covered.<br />

Take care that the mesh is overlapped at least<br />

50 mm at edges and by 100 mm at ends.<br />

Dr. Fixit Solyseal Dr. Fixit PU Sealant Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42P Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP<br />

Polymer modified elastomeric<br />

bituminous coating<br />

Cold applied flexible bitumen system for re-roofing after the<br />

removal of old bituminous treatments.<br />

Apply second coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal and<br />

allow it to dry completely.<br />

Apply one more coat of Dr. Fixit Solyseal as<br />

top coat and allow it to dry.<br />

Lay 50 mm thick sand cement protection<br />

screed with proper slope for efficient draining<br />

of rain water.<br />

Provide control joints in the screed to avoid<br />

crazing and cracking of the screed. Fill joints<br />

with polysulphide sealant Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS<br />

42 P or Dr. Fixit PU sealant.<br />

one part non-sag polyurethane<br />

sealant<br />

Two-part Polysulphide Sealant SBR Latex for waterproofing &<br />

repairs<br />

EFR<br />


General construction &<br />

secondary waterproofing<br />

Methodology<br />

1. making general concrete & masonry<br />

waterproof<br />

} } <strong>Waterproofing</strong> of concrete and mortar<br />

} } Increases strength<br />

} } Resists corrosion<br />

} } Increases workability<br />

Methodology<br />

Add 200 ml Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ for a 50<br />

kg bag of cement used in the mix design of<br />

concrete or mortar<br />

Do not add directly in dry mix. Add Dr. Fixit<br />

Pidiproof LW+ dispersed in the gauging water.<br />

Add this water at the end during the mixing<br />

process.<br />

2. for easy removal of formwork<br />

} } Avoids staining of concrete as observed in<br />

case of burnt oils<br />

} } Good for subsequent finishes over concrete<br />

Methodology<br />

Directly apply with a mop/brush - Dr. Fixit<br />

Deshuttering Oil over plywood or steel<br />

formwork.<br />

After application allow to dry and do not wash<br />

with water.<br />

Not recommended for timber shuttering.<br />

3. effective curing of concrete.<br />

} } New technology as per ASTM C 1315 for<br />

curing compounds which does not allow<br />

water & moisture to escape.<br />

} } Useful in areas where there is scarcity of<br />

water.<br />

} } Will act as a primer for subsequent finishes.<br />

Methodology<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit Curing Compound with a spray,<br />

roller or brush over the entire concrete surface<br />

immediately after de-shuttering.<br />

4. prevent leakage from separation gaps<br />

arising between rcc members and<br />

masonry<br />

} } Avoids dampness due to ingress of water.<br />

} } Crack –free due to high flexibility of mortar.<br />

Methodology<br />

Make a U groove, and blow off all laitance and<br />

loose material.<br />

Apply a polymer modified mortar in saturated<br />

surface dry condition, prepared with<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP, (10-12%) by weight of<br />

cement (cement:washed sand in 1:3) adjusting<br />

appropriate consistency as per water demand.<br />

Cure by sprinkling water 3-4 times a day for<br />

2 days.<br />

5. minor repairs in new construction,<br />

voids, cracks, tie rod holes etc.<br />

} } To get a defect free durable concrete<br />

GC&SW<br />

Methodology<br />

Small crevices or voids in new concrete shall<br />

be filled up by Dr. Fixit Fairing Mortar, a<br />

pre-packed single part cementitious material,<br />

which gives an excellent crack free, non-shrink<br />

finish to the concrete surface<br />

Tie rod holes to be filled up with polymer<br />

modified mortar using Dr. Fixit Pidicrete<br />

URP. it will provide a non-shrinking, crack-free<br />

surface to concrete.<br />

In RCC, the minor cracks to be treated<br />

with polymer modified mortar modified with<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.<br />

6. cold construction Joints<br />

} } Leak free joints<br />

Methodology<br />

Dr. Fixit Waterbar SW 2020 to be placed<br />

between the two rows / columns of the<br />

reinforcement bars, vertically as well as<br />

horizontally while resuming concreting at<br />

cold construction joints.<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Dr. Fixit Waterbar Dr. Fixit Fairing Mortar Dr. Fixit Deshuttering Oil<br />

Integral liquid waterproofing<br />

compound for plaster and concrete<br />

Solutions for enabling healthy construction<br />

Flexible adhesive waterstop strip Single component ready to use<br />

fairing mortar<br />

Water dilutable shuttering /mould<br />

release agent<br />

7. expansion joints<br />

} } Accommodate movements in the structure<br />

Methodology<br />

Prepare the joint, prime with Dr. Fixit<br />

Pidiprime A.<br />

After Dr.ying the primer use backer rod<br />

and fill joint with Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42<br />

P for horizontal joints by pouring and Dr.<br />

Fixit Pidiseal PS 41 G for vertical joints by<br />

application with gun.<br />

The width to depth ratio should be 2:1. The<br />

recommended joint sizes are 40 mm x 20 mm<br />

or 25 mm x 12.5 mm. In any case width of the<br />

joint shall not exceed 50 mm.<br />

8. bonding during structural repairs<br />

} } Excellent adhesion to almost all building<br />

materials.<br />

} } Very high durable bond.<br />

Methodology<br />

Brush apply mixed material of Dr. Fixit Epoxy<br />

Bonding Agent over the prepared surface.<br />

While the coating is still tacky place the<br />

concrete or repair material.<br />

9. honeycombing in concrete structures<br />

} } To achieve leveled crack free surface<br />

Methodology<br />

Ensure that all loose material is mechanically<br />

removed / blown out. Maintain the surface in<br />

saturated surface dry condition.<br />

Fill crevices / honeycombs with Dr. Fixit<br />

Fairing Mortar with a trowel to level the<br />

surface.<br />

Where honeycombs in concrete are to a<br />

large extent, resort to repairing with Dr. Fixit<br />

Micro-concrete<br />

Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 42 P Dr. Fixit Pidiseal PS 41 G Dr. Fixit Epoxy Bonding Agent Dr. Fixit Micro-concrete<br />

Two-part Polysulphide sealant Two-part Polysulphide sealant 2-part solvent free epoxy<br />

bonding agent<br />

Flowable mortar for repair to<br />

damaged reinforced concrete<br />

membrane<br />


Typical Expansion Joint<br />

Details at the roof level<br />

Methodology<br />

Typical Expansion Joint Details in Roofs<br />

Clean the substrate with broom brush or<br />

compressed air.<br />

Construct a Masonry upstand to a minimum<br />

height of 250 mm.<br />

Form 50 x 50 mm triangle fillet on all<br />

vertical upstands. The fillet should be<br />

prepared in concrete admixed with 10 to<br />

15 % of Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP, by weight<br />

of cement.<br />

Apply the Dr. Fixit <strong>Waterproofing</strong> System as<br />

selected waterproofing for the area the up<br />

stand area, depending upon the type of roof,<br />

etc. The treatment should always be taken<br />

up over these angle fillets.<br />

All vertical upstands will be terminated as<br />

per standard termination details.<br />

Seal the expansion joint with filler board,<br />

with a backer rod of closed cell polyethylene<br />

foam or of extruded polystyrene, inserted.<br />

Fill the joint with selected sealant.<br />

Place expansion joint cover over the joint<br />

as shown in the drawing, in such a way that<br />

water will drain off on to the roof.<br />

Seal horizontal joints with a seal tape.<br />

Typical Extension Joint Details<br />

Clean the substrate with broom brush or<br />

compressed air.<br />

Construct Masonry Upstand to a minimum<br />

height of 250 mm.<br />

Form 50 x 50 mm triangle fillet on all<br />

vertical up stands.<br />

Apply Dr. Fixit selected waterproofing<br />

system over the up stand area.<br />

All vertical upstands will be terminated as<br />

per standard termination details.<br />

Seal the expansion joint with filler board.<br />

Insert backer road.<br />

Fill the joint with selected sealant.<br />

Place expansion joint cover over the joint as<br />

shown in the drawing.<br />

Seal horizontal joints with seal tape.<br />

1 Roof Deck<br />

2 Upstand<br />

3 Expansion Joint Cover<br />

typical extension joint Detail<br />

1 Dr. Fixit Torchshield Membrane<br />

2 Aluminium Flashing<br />

3 Sealant<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1 Vertical Upstand<br />

2 Aluminium joint cover<br />

typical Vertical termination Detail for<br />

liquid applied membranes.<br />

1 Dr. Fixit Liquid Membranes<br />

2 Plaster terminated at 250 mm height<br />

3 Parapet Wall Substrate<br />

TDW<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />


Pidilite Industries Limited<br />

Construction Chemicals Division<br />

Ramkrishna Mandir Road, Post Box No. 17411, andheri (E) Mumbai 400059 INDIa<br />

Tel +91-22-2835 7000 • Fax +91-22-2835 7008 • www.doctor-fixit.com • drfixitadvice@pilmail.com<br />

For Expert and Technical advice call 1800 3002 5502<br />

CoNTaCT US: ahmedabad (079) 27552043/ 1483 Bengaluru (080) 30563000/3001 Chennai (044) 28350338/ 1614 Delhi (011) 45529000<br />

Hyderabad (040) 23351250/ 1308 kochi (0484) 2543978, 3045000 kolkata (033) 22888844 Mumbai (022) 2835 7000<br />

ovERSEaS CoNTaCTS: Dubai +9714 3471678 Singapore +65 67638681 Thailand +66 27228535<br />

DISCLaIMER The product information & application details given by the company & its agents has been provided in good faith & meant to serve only as a general guideline during usage. Users are advised to carry out tests & take trials<br />

to ensure on the suitability of products meeting their requirement prior to full scale usage of our products. Since the correct identification of the problems, quality of other materials used and on-site workmanship are factors beyond our<br />

control, there are no expressed or implied guarantee/ warranty as to the results obtained. The Company does not assume any liability or any consequential damage for unsatisfactory results, arising from the use of our products.<br />

Design Pidilite Design Studio<br />


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