The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 2012 - Fronter

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 2012 - Fronter

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 2012 - Fronter


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Butlins <strong>2012</strong><br />

6th Form<br />

This year saw a first for our 6th form – we took a group to Butlins in Bognor for 4 nights. We stayed in<br />

self-catering chalets so the students were responsible for keeping their rooms tidy, organising their own<br />

breakfast and lunch and making decisions about what to wear and which activities they wanted to do.<br />

This was a brilliant trip and everyone had a great time with lots of fun. In addition to that, it was an<br />

excellent opportunity for the students to develop their independence and social skills and they showed<br />

great maturity and learned to consider the needs and preferences of others. Overall it was a real chance<br />

to build team spirit and the students helped each other (and the staff) and relationships were taken to a<br />

deeper level.<br />

Morbi pellentesque, mauris<br />

Vestibulum An inspirational trip! velit orci, bibendum eget,<br />

Mauris purus. Donec est nunc, ornare non, aliquet non, tempus vel, dolor. Integer sapien nibh,<br />

egestas ut, cursus sit amet, faucibus a, sapien. Vestibulum purus purus, elementum ac, luctus<br />

ullamcorper, ornare vitae, massa. Nullam posuere sem ut mauris. Nullam velit. Quisque<br />

sodales. Donec suscipit suscipit erat. Nam blandit. Praesent congue lorem non dolor.<br />

Maecenas vitae erat. Ut ac purus vel purus dapibus gravida.<br />

Nullam lorem sapien, tempus ac, fringilla at, elementum sed, purus. Duis molestie pede.<br />

Vivamus quis odio sit amet libero sodales tincidunt. Nam sit amet metus vitae lectus<br />

ullamcorper dignissim. Suspendisse leo. Praesent turpis justo, aliquet ac, accumsan vel,<br />

posuere quis, pede. Morbi pretium lacus. Cras non metus. Donec laoreet sem at elit. Cum<br />

sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus<br />

Sayers Croft<br />

iaculis dolor id felis. Phasellus cursus nulla non odio. Nulla a lectus sed nisi luctus pretium.<br />

Sed egestas rutrum odio. Nunc ornare arcu. Quisque at augue ac magna sollicitudin sodales.<br />

Year 10<br />

Donec nulla justo, adipiscing sit amet, feugiat ac, facilisis euismod, risus.<br />

Pellentesque tincidunt, dolor eu dignissim mollis, justo sapien iaculis pede, vel tincidunt lacus<br />

nisl sit amet metus. Fusce ac est vitae purus varius tristique. Phasellus mattis ornare ligula.<br />

Donec id nibh. Vestibulum metus quam, ultrices in, sagittis tincidunt, gravida et, sapien. Sed<br />

bibendum, lectus vitae tincidunt dapibus, sem felis posuere est, Curabitur id ornare felis augue erat, tempus lorem ineu,<br />

placerat et, pellentesque sed, purus. Sed sed diam. Nam nunc. Class<br />

purus. Suspendisse ligula. Sed mollis tristique mauris. Nullam aptent nunc nunc, taciti aliquet sociosqu et, ad tristique litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aenean risus<br />

nec, porttitor quis, urna. Etiam eu erat. Morbi ut nisl. Curabitur est, semper porttitor sem. vel, Nulla placerat turpis nibh, sit amet, vestibulum sit amet, nibh. Ut faucibus justo quis nisl. Etiam<br />

tempor nec, aliquet vitae, elementum ac, mauris.<br />

Quisque pellentesque metus ac quam. Donec magna nulla, aliquet vitae, congue ac, faucibus<br />

Aliquam dapibus ipsum vitae<br />

For the 2<br />

In eget sapien vitae massa rhoncus lacinia.<br />

nd year running a group of 10 pupils went to Sayers Croft for 2 days of adventurous activity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pupils shared dormatories and gained a sense of independence through activities and team work.<br />

Highlights of the trips included the nightwalk, ropes course, the rain, gettting dirty and muddy, using an<br />

iron age fort and telling stories around the campfire and BBQ. Students felt the trip was challenging<br />

yet amazing!<br />

vulputate, sapien eu egestas rutrum, leo neque luctus dolor, sed hendrerit tortor metus ut dui. Etiam<br />

id pede porttitor turpis tristique lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam feugiat.<br />

ut, erat. Donec sit amet neque. Donec posuere tempus massa. Lorem Duis vulputate ipsum dolor mauris sit amet, sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras gravida sem ut massa. Quisque<br />

purus. Duis vestibulum. Fusce ac erat. Curabitur sagittis. Pellentesque accumsan ultricies, porttitor ante dui. idSed<br />

interdum, nisl ut consequat tristique, lacus nulla porta massa, sed<br />

imperdiet sem nunc vitae eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices<br />

posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque sit amet metus. Nullam tincidunt posuere ligula. Aenean<br />

volutpat ultrices ligula. In tincidunt. Aenean viverra suscipit tellus.<br />

Suspendisse sem lorem, ornare non, vestibulum ut, tempor porttitor, est. Quisque convallis aliquet<br />

eros. Nunc nec nulla eget urna convallis eleifend. Nulla feugiat eros at augue. Integer feugiat nisi

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