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3 td M A G A 2 1 H ^ <strong>of</strong> M AG A 2 1 ^<br />

pomegranates over all the country, and and other countries, pot into this island<br />

that which makes travelling very dif- for refreshments, and purchase the maficulf,<br />

,is, that you <strong>of</strong>ten meet with nufactures oS the inhabitants <strong>of</strong> this<br />

rocks a league or half a league long, and the neighbouring islands, at a vawhich<br />

are So ragged and sharp, that it ry ^ood price.<br />

is hardly possible to walk on litem We staid only six days at this island,<br />

without cutting your shoes <strong>of</strong>f your and the Weatber being favourable,<br />

feet : At the same time it is very re- and the wind fair, we pursued our<br />

maskable that thoSe rocks are So Sull <strong>of</strong> voyage, in a very pleaSant manner, till<br />

vines, that tn the Summer-time you we catne into the latitude oS sixteen<br />

cannot see them, being covered all over decrees south ; and hoped to reach the<br />

with the leaves <strong>of</strong> these plant^. The Cape <strong>of</strong> Good Hope in a little time ;<br />

vines shoot their roots through the but, one morning, about Sun- rising,<br />

cracks or openings <strong>of</strong> the rucks, which the skv towards the east was covered<br />

are so fraall, that it seems surprizing with dismal black clouds, and the wind<br />

how they find any nourishment ; and began to rife, which made us apprevet<br />

a vine will not grew in any other hend a storm would fiion overtake us:<br />

part os the country. The corn and o- Nor were we deceived ; Sot, besom<br />

ther fruits, will neat keep above a year ; noon, it bl^v terribly hard, and connay,<br />

if you keep the com above tinued increasing in violence till night,<br />

sour months, without burying it under We neow gave ourselves over for lost ;<br />

ground, it will rot and be spoiled t To our mainmast was blown over the Side,<br />

prevent this, each inhabitant has a pit and alk we could do w as to keep the<br />

out <strong>of</strong> the town, the mouth as Which is ship right before the wind, and commit<br />

Covered with a stone, and some <strong>of</strong> them ourselves to the care <strong>of</strong> Providence.<br />

large enough to contain a great quan- In this terrible condition we continued<br />

tity <strong>of</strong> Corn. They put their corn into all night ; but, in the morning, to our<br />

theSe pits in July, covering the stone inexpressible comfort, we Saw the uland<br />

with earth to preserve it the better, as St. Helena ; and, the wind being<br />

and take it not at christmas, when it is Some what abated, we bappilly got<br />

as good and as fine as when put into Safely into the pot as that island.<br />

the pits. The ifland <strong>of</strong> St. Helena lies in the<br />

Tie oxen areas large and fine as a- latitude os 16 deg. 15 min. south, any<br />

in Europe; their horns are mon- hotlt 55o leagues from the cape as<br />

stronSwide; every one lias his name Goul Hope, $oo leagues Srom the coast<br />

like our dogs ; and are So very famili- as Brastl, and 35oSmm Auanda, which is<br />

at, that when the master calls one <strong>of</strong> the nearest land. This island is about<br />

them by his name, though among a seven leagues in cirtu inference, covered<br />

thousand, lie will presently come to lrim. with rocky hills. which in a clear day<br />

This island produces excellent lim- may be seen forty leagues <strong>of</strong>f at see<br />

bet, especially cedar, which is so coin- It is really Surprising to see fo small an<br />

msn, that they make carts and wag- island in the midst <strong>of</strong> the ocean, and at<br />

gons, <strong>of</strong> it, and even use it for fuel. so great a distance, from land, with So<br />

Here are several hot Springs, which deep a Sea round it, that there is searce<br />

are good in several disorders, and the any anchorage to be found. TheForwater<br />

<strong>of</strong> Some is hot enough to boil tnguese first discovered it, and that to<br />

an egg. their cost, having one oS their large<br />

The chief trade <strong>of</strong> the island as Ten- India Ships wrecked here, <strong>of</strong> the remains<br />

Cera eon lists in wood, <strong>of</strong> which they <strong>of</strong> which they built a chapel. which,<br />

have great pl^.ry t Tne fleets <strong>of</strong> Por- though song since decayed, still gises<br />

tngal and Spain, which fail to the Fast. name to tire finest valley in the island<br />

Ia^es, Brass/, Cape de Vard, Gain.y, They placated lemons, ^ranges, and

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