Inventii - agepi

Inventii - agepi

Inventii - agepi


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The result of the invention consists in obtaining<br />

vodka with fine taste and aroma, in improving<br />

the quality and in enlarging the assortment<br />

of vodkas.<br />

Claims: 1<br />

(11) 1840 (13) F1<br />

(51) C 12 N 9/00, 9/16<br />

(21) 99-0266<br />

(22) 1999.11.23<br />

(71)(73) Institutul de Microbiologie al Academiei de<br />

ªtiinþe a Republicii Moldova, MD; Universitatea<br />

de Stat din Moldova, MD<br />

(72) RUDIC Valeriu, MD; NARTEA Ecaterina, MD;<br />

GRAMA Svetlana, MD<br />

(54) Tulpinã de bacterii Pseudomonas sp. 2 -<br />

sursã de enzime lipolitice cu activitate înaltã<br />

(57) Invenþia se referã la biotehnologie ºi poate fi<br />

utilizatã în industria microbiologicã pentru<br />

obþinerea enzimelor lipolitice.<br />

Esenþa invenþiei constã în aceea cã este<br />

selectatã tulpina de bacterii Pseudomonas sp.<br />

2, care se pãstreazã în Colecþia Naþionalã de<br />

Microorganisme a Institutului de Microbiologie<br />

al Academiei de ªtiinþe a Republicii Moldova<br />

cu numãrul CNM - PsB - 02.<br />

Rezultatul invenþiei constã în sporirea nivelului<br />

de sintezã a enzimelor lipolitice.<br />

Revendicãri: 1<br />

*<br />

* *<br />

(54) The Pseudomonas sp. 2 bacteria strain -<br />

source of lipolytic enzymes, possessing high<br />

activity<br />

(57) The invention refers to biotechnology and may<br />

be used in the microbiological industry for<br />

obtaining of lipolytic enzymes.<br />

Summary of the invention consists in that it is<br />

selected a strain of Pseudomonas sp. 2 bacteria,<br />

which is deposited at the National Collection<br />

of Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology<br />

of the Academy of Sciences of the<br />

Republic of Moldova under the number CNM-<br />

PsB-02.<br />

The result of the invention consists in increasing<br />

the synthesis level of the lipolytic enzymes.<br />

Claims: 1<br />

MD - BOPI 1/2002<br />

(11) 1841 (13) F1<br />

(51) F 02 M 47/00; F 02 B 23/00, 23/10<br />

(21) a 2000 0008<br />

(22) 1999.12.28<br />

(71)(72)(73) ZAGORODNIUC Victor, MD<br />

(54) Motor cu ardere internã<br />

(57) Invenþia se referã la motoare cu ardere internã,<br />

în particular la sisteme de alimentare cu<br />

combustibil sau cu amestec de combustibil<br />

pentru motoare cu ardere internã.<br />

Motorul conþine cilindru, arbore cotit, bielã, piston,<br />

supapã, injector, turbocompresor, volant.<br />

Esenþa invenþiei constã în aceea cã motorul<br />

conþine un injector suplimentar ºi un volant cu<br />

palete. Prin injectorul suplimentar se pompeazã<br />

ºi se pulverizeazã în cilindrul motorului<br />

o soluþie de apã cu ingrediente inofensive.<br />

Volantul cu palete este instalat într-o carcasã<br />

ermeticã ºi prin el se pompeazã aer în cilindrul<br />

motorului. În fundul pistonului sunt executate<br />

canale orientate tangenþial, prin care, deplasându-se,<br />

fluxul de combustibil capãtã un<br />

caracter turbionar la injectarea lui în cilindru.<br />

Rezultatul constã în majorarea randamentului<br />

motorului cu ardere internã.<br />

Revendicãri: 3<br />

Figuri: 5<br />

*<br />

* *<br />

(54) Internal combustion engine<br />

(57) The invention refers to the internal combustion<br />

engine, in particular to the fuel or combustible<br />

mixture feeding systems for the internal combustion<br />

engines.<br />

The engine contains a cylinder, a crankshaft,<br />

a connecting rod, a piston, a valve, an injector,<br />

a turbo-compressor, a flywheel. Summary of<br />

the invention consists in that the engine contains<br />

an additional injector and a bladed flywheel.<br />

Through the additional injector it is<br />

pumped and atomized in the engine cylinder<br />

a water solution with harmless ingredients.<br />

The bladed flywheel is installed in a hermetically<br />

sealed frame and through it the air is<br />

pumped into the engine cylinder. In the bottom<br />

of the piston there are executed tangentially directed<br />

canals, moving through which the combustible<br />

flow receives a vertical character, when<br />

injecting it into the cylinder.<br />

The result consists in increasing the efficiency<br />

of the internal combustion engine.<br />

29<br />


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