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a ceremonial queen. Uria umenyaga ati ndagererwo ku-intefere ma thirikari. No ithue tutiri na that history. Watweka<br />

mutongoria ni watweka koigi. Ithe tigwo tugaga. Kogwo tutimutwete ceremonial president, no ni tu-separatete<br />

powers ciake, na tugakiuga thirikari no mohaka I-run, powers icio inge inengerwo prime minister. Kogwo ni<br />

tugecreatete postion ya prime minister ouria Kenyans moigire. Prime minster arorage thirikari, nake president atweke<br />

president wa bururi we wothe na tukoiga president ndagerewo ni gukorwo na constituency o-uria Kenyans moigiri.<br />

Agererwo ni guthurwo direct by the Kenyans nigetha atweke a national symbol. Atigage gukorwo arachoka<br />

constituency yake as a president, that constituency irepresentwo ni mundu unge.<br />

So we have done that in our new draft and if you look at some of the pages, you will find that we have reduced the powers of<br />

the president. Like many Kenyans said he must not be above the law. kogwo ni tu-provideete tukoiga, president kwaja<br />

angeka maundu atagererwo ni kweka moru. Tariu angiuka uye mugunda wakwa, unakorwo ni president, nijagererwo<br />

nikumutwara igotini. Riu law niiroiga no umuthitange. Na kuri maundu mange angeka a-impeach-wo na uoime as<br />

president. So he is not above the law.<br />

Uhoro wa local government ni twarangetie, na andu maheanete maoni macoverete makiria ya ngiri igere. Local<br />

government nayo, andu aingi ni monaga councillors ainge tiathomu, matitekaga responsibility, there is a lot of<br />

grabbing. Na ninge local government nayo ndiri na powers na nimarenda more powers. Councillors makoragwo<br />

maki-managewo ni local authorities, and local authorities has taken more powers. So, what we have done with the<br />

local government is tukeheria powers nyingi kuma kwe central government, then we have created what we are calling<br />

a district council, call it equivalent of local authorities. Riu district council icio which is composed of councillors aria<br />

megothurwo na no muhaka makorwo mari a form four. Riu nao acio councillors nio megutweka parliament ya<br />

district. Riu matweka parliament ya district, nitugokorwo na executive arm of that district council. That executive<br />

arm, igutongorio ni mundu wetagwo district administrator. Now, district administrator nake egothurwo directly ni<br />

andu, nigetha the two arms of the local government or as the district council, you have the policy making body and the<br />

implementing making body. Like what you have at the central government. Wena thirikari iria irahetwo ni prime<br />

minister, na wena parliament na parliament niyo I-mikaga mawatho. In the same way, district councils nicio ci-kumake<br />

mawatho, nacio the executive arm ya district ika-implement mawatho macio.<br />

Constitution ni irinonania ati, district councils ikorwo inapowers. Nio mariandekaga arimu, nio mariandikaga borithi,<br />

nio mariandikaga civil servants within their own districts, na nimare-collectaga taxes, although now the discussion is<br />

on about how much taxes you will be able to collect; nigetha district ikoragwo ina mbeca cia kugoria district yao.<br />

Akorwo ni borithi aria manedetwo ni district, magatweka accountable kuri andu aria me in the district. So there will<br />

also be a district service commission. now, district service commission ni igutake responsibility ya kuandika andu.<br />

Tondu angu ainge ni mara-complain ati unagutiri mundu umenyaga uhoro wa unemployment within the district. Angi<br />

magacomplain that they do not know how people are hired and so on. But also it means akorwo ni andu makuria<br />


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