Magazine of Magazines

Magazine of Magazines

Magazine of Magazines


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^ d ^ A G A ^ E ^ ^ A s G A ^ l ^<br />

the unreasonable Farrago oS medicines<br />

in prescriptions, yet 1 would earnestly<br />

exhort all physicians to beware <strong>of</strong> falling<br />

into the opposite fault <strong>of</strong> prescribing,<br />

when they have only learned the<br />

general name <strong>of</strong> the disease, without<br />

having exactly and carefully examined<br />

all the circumstances both os the patients,<br />

and <strong>of</strong> their diseases ; Sor 1 am<br />

convinced there is so little hope <strong>of</strong> obtaining<br />

any universal medicine to cure<br />

all diseases, that there is not any medicine<br />

proper Sor any one disease in all<br />

stages <strong>of</strong> it, and toall patients, except<br />

hcrhaps in preventing the effects <strong>of</strong><br />

fome poyfons, <strong>of</strong> which we know<br />

no more than that Some particular antidotes<br />

have done Service ; thereSore<br />

except the patient's age, Sex, constitution,<br />

&c. and the symptoms and circumstances<br />

oS a disease are related,<br />

there can benojustjudgmenc formed,<br />

and practising by rote has no fairer<br />

chance for curing, than a blind man<br />

has to strike a dog, who stands barking<br />

at a distance. And this is that<br />

which must principally distinguish between<br />

a rational physician and a pretending<br />

emperick. To prove which<br />

I shall mention a sew examples where<br />

a particular form <strong>of</strong> practice generally<br />

prevails, and shall chose out such as<br />

may serve to illustrate the premises.<br />

Suppose two persons Seized with<br />

an Apople.ry, one is a foll-bndied vigorous<br />

young man aster a debauch, the<br />

other is an old feeble person, long subject<br />

to Catarrhes, l presume, blooding very<br />

plentifully must be the principal thing<br />

depended on for the cure <strong>of</strong> the first,<br />

and that this method would very effectually<br />

destroy the other, who must be<br />

treated with every thing that stimulates.<br />

A rigid old man, and a healthy young<br />

boy, are both seized with an inflammation<br />

tending to a gangrene in their<br />

extremities; evacuations and topical<br />

emollient applications are proper for<br />

the boy, cordials and topical antiseptic<br />

ks for the mas^.<br />

A man and a woman <strong>of</strong> middle age,<br />

healthy and vigorous, ate without any<br />

previous remarkable fymptom, taken<br />

with a Small Ildmoptoe; the man is let<br />

blood PleratiSully, is kept cool with a<br />

low diet, and has astringents given<br />

him ; the woman being near the time<br />

oS her menstrua, is to have this natural<br />

evacuation Sorwarded, which proves her<br />

cure.<br />

Two persons oS the Same Sex and<br />

equal age, but one brought low by a<br />

diSeule, the other plethoric k, catch an<br />

ague at the Same time. The plethorick<br />

person requires to be blooded, and<br />

by other evacuations to have his vessels<br />

emptied ; the other must be Supported<br />

by a nourishing diet aid cardiac medicines.<br />

Two men oS equal age and strength,<br />

one oS whom has lived temperately aid<br />

Soberly, the other has every day drank<br />

two or three buttles <strong>of</strong> wsr.e at least,<br />

are buth seized W ith a sever ; the first is<br />

kept suecessfully at c cooling emulhons,<br />

the other must have an allowance <strong>of</strong><br />

wine ; for ufe them in the reverse way,<br />

the temperate man will have his fete.unSufferably<br />

railed, the other will become<br />

e^uite dispirited.<br />

A child has complained <strong>of</strong> pains in<br />

bis belly, shrieks frequently, grinds his<br />

teeth in his sleep, and has formerly<br />

pasted worms by stool , a man has been<br />

seized Some hours with a Sever. Both<br />

fall into epilepttck fits, which ate to be<br />

cured in each by removing their causes,<br />

and therefore require very different<br />

treatment.<br />

Two persons brought low, one with<br />

a Sever, the other with a pally os Short<br />

standing, take each a quotidian or tertian<br />

ague ; the first is to have his ague<br />

Soon stropped ; the other is to bear the<br />

ague as long as possible.<br />

One man hath been nigh exhausted<br />

with loss os blood, another has lived<br />

•.on Sully Sor Some time ; both aster exercise<br />

complain <strong>of</strong> great anxieties and<br />

difficulty oS breathing, with a Saintnth<br />

and inability in their limbs, and trembling<br />

all over their body ; their pulses<br />

do nuot beat strong, and all the perceptible<br />

difference is, that the arteries ot<br />

the latter seel hard and firm like a cord,

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