John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images


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toward the [se], <strong>and</strong> this l<strong>and</strong>es went to hei[res] onde[vidid]. Ino’s part <strong>in</strong> the Walscherie was<br />

devidid by heires <strong>in</strong>to peces, <strong>and</strong> so sone sparkelid.<br />

Lounders, Stradl<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>and</strong> Flem<strong>in</strong>g be countid, as 3. of the xii. knightes.<br />

Lounders part came to the dukedum of Lancaster.<br />

Flem<strong>in</strong>ges part cam to the Male<strong>in</strong>fantes. And of late tyme Gaspar 209 Duke of Bedeford,<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g lord of Glamorganshire, the l<strong>and</strong>es of the Male<strong>in</strong>fantes, for lak of due issue, cam by<br />

exchete onto hym as lorde of the countery. Now they be the K<strong>in</strong>ges. Hayles Abbaye. Anno D.<br />

1251 consummata est ecclsia 210 /39/ cum dormitorio, claustro & refectorio: expensis<br />

<strong>in</strong> operationibus octo marcarum millibus.<br />

P<strong>in</strong>oke Welle a mile from Hayles <strong>in</strong> radicibus de Coteswalde to Nanton village, to<br />

Burton, 211 <strong>and</strong> sumwhat beneth Burton cummith <strong>in</strong>to hit a water ris<strong>in</strong>g at Kensdale <strong>in</strong><br />

Coteswald, <strong>and</strong> thens to H<strong>in</strong>chwike, wherabowt yt rennith undre the grounde; thens to Swelle<br />

village by Stow; from Swelle to Slawghter, <strong>and</strong> so <strong>in</strong>to Burton Water. P<strong>in</strong>oke Wel is countid<br />

of sum for one of the farthest of Tamise heddes.<br />

Gloucester-<br />

shire.<br />

fo. 2<br />

Ther cummith a water from the partes of Rolriche, 212 <strong>and</strong> so down not far from<br />

Chep<strong>in</strong>g Northton to Bruern, as I suppose.<br />

Cumm<strong>in</strong>g from Chip<strong>in</strong>g Norton to Stow <strong>in</strong> the Wold abowt the midde way is Adelsthorp<br />

<strong>and</strong> Horse Bridge by wheris a limes betwixt ....<br />


Stow <strong>in</strong> the Wolde v. miles from Chipp<strong>in</strong>g Northton, <strong>and</strong> vii. or viii. from<br />

shire.<br />

Heyles.<br />

Camden a vii, northwest from Stow.<br />

Northlache a vii. miles from Stow [towne] southwest from Stow almost <strong>in</strong> the waye from<br />

Stow to Cicestre.<br />

[Fairford, wher Mr. Tame dwellith, a vii. miles from Northlage.]<br />

Cicestre. 213<br />

Tetbiri.<br />

Cheltnam [a] market toun <strong>in</strong> the vale [v.] miles from Hayles [Abbaye.]<br />

Glocestre st<strong>and</strong>[ith] on a brooks that goith <strong>in</strong>to Severne.<br />

Oswaldus primum <strong>in</strong>stituit canonicos seculares apud Persore.<br />

Postea fuit ibidem chorus monachorum .<br />

Rursus canonici <strong>in</strong>ducti.<br />

Postea monachi per Edgarum.<br />

Elferus abstulit praedia monachis.<br />

43<br />

Oxfordshire.<br />

Mard<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

Gloucester-<br />

208 Burton’s side note on Lel<strong>and</strong>’ s vol, viii., fo. 23, says, “Gaspar D. of Bedford died 21 Dec. 1495, 11 Hen. 7.” See<br />

note , p. 23 [1906 Ed.].<br />

209 Here commences vol. v. of Lel<strong>and</strong>’s MS. Gen. Top. e 12 fos. 2-80 (Stow, MS. Tanner 464, vol. ii, fos. 1-33; the<br />

first portion of Hearne’ s vol v.). The first leaf of Lel<strong>and</strong>’s orig<strong>in</strong>al must have been early lost, as it is want<strong>in</strong>g both <strong>in</strong><br />

Stow <strong>and</strong> Burton. See before, p. 1, note.]<br />

211 Bourton-on-the-Water.<br />

212 Rollwright.<br />

213 Cirencester.<br />

Gloucester-<br />

shire.<br />

Worcester-<br />

shire.<br />

Montgomeryshire.<br />

fo. 3<br />

The faire<br />

forest of Clune.<br />

Odda comes ejus filius restituit.<br />

Monasterium conflagravit & a monachis desertum est.<br />

Monachi Westmonasteriensis praedia usurpabant.<br />

Wada comes attulit relliquias S. Edburgae, & per Oswaldum episcopum Fulbrigtus<br />

abbas <strong>in</strong>ductus.<br />

/40/Olney, alias Alney, about Deorhirst <strong>in</strong> Gloces ter-shire. Deorhurst yet rema<strong>in</strong>ith<br />

<strong>in</strong> Glocestre-shire as a celle to Twekesbiri.<br />

Scargate 214 about Severn side repaired by Ethelfleda.<br />

Al the way that I rode betwixt Heyles <strong>and</strong> Pershore was meately here <strong>and</strong> ther<br />

wooddid. But from Persore to Wicestre, <strong>and</strong> thens almost to Tembyri, 215 was better<br />

wodid, <strong>and</strong> yet <strong>in</strong> vales <strong>and</strong> sides of hilles good plenty of corne. And as for good medows <strong>and</strong><br />

pastures <strong>in</strong> Wicestre lakketh noone.<br />

A ii. myles a this side Montgomeri <strong>in</strong> the way thens to Bisshoppes Castel is a river<br />

cumm<strong>in</strong>g owt of the vic<strong>in</strong>e hilles, <strong>and</strong> is caullid Taidbrooke. It risit owt of an hille<br />

side with<strong>in</strong> a mile of Bisshops Toune, <strong>and</strong> goith <strong>in</strong>to Kenlet <strong>in</strong> the vale by Montgomery.<br />

Oxfordshire.<br />

Mart<strong>in</strong>e Poole, meately large <strong>and</strong> plentiful of fische, is <strong>in</strong> a faire valle, <strong>and</strong> is iii.<br />

miles from Montgomery, <strong>and</strong> ii. myles from Chirberi Priori lately suppressid.<br />

In the midde way betwyxt Bishops Town <strong>and</strong> Montgomery [is a] prety rille ther<br />

[devid<strong>in</strong>ge Caursl<strong>and</strong>,a notable parte of Shropshire from Chirbirhe hunderithe. This<br />

Caursl<strong>and</strong>, sometyme long<strong>in</strong>ge to the Duke of Buckyngham, croketh mervelously<br />

about the uppar parts of Shropeshire.]<br />

44<br />

Radnorshire.<br />

Offa’s Dike apperith manifestly by the space of a ii. miles almost <strong>in</strong> the midde way<br />

betwixt Bisshops Castelle <strong>and</strong> Montgomery, <strong>and</strong> ther it is <strong>in</strong> one ... 216 not very far from<br />

the mote on a hille toppe as a limes betwixt Causel<strong>and</strong> lordship, or Montgomeri, <strong>and</strong><br />

Herfordshire, <strong>and</strong> aga<strong>in</strong>e not far touchith a litle <strong>in</strong> Shirbyri 217 hunderith, <strong>and</strong> aga<strong>in</strong>e passith a<br />

litle by Caursel<strong>and</strong>.<br />

I hard also at Montgomery, that Offa’s Dike apperith sumwhat about Radenor, <strong>and</strong> aga<strong>in</strong>e<br />

with<strong>in</strong> a iii. myle of Oswestre.<br />

Cumm<strong>in</strong>g from Bisshops Castelle to Clunne lordshippe cummeth doune a greate<br />

woode grou<strong>in</strong>g on a hille, <strong>and</strong> under the hille with<strong>in</strong> a mile <strong>and</strong> a half of<br />

Bisshoppes /41/Towne is a riveret caullid Onke,<br />

Radnorshire.<br />

218 <strong>and</strong> rennith by this wooddy hille,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a quarter mile of a this side from Clunne Castelle cummith <strong>in</strong>to Clunne. Clunne<br />

risith .... <strong>and</strong> at Lenterd<strong>in</strong>e cummith <strong>in</strong>to Teme.<br />

Bytwixt Clunne <strong>and</strong> Knighton is a river caulid Cluideford, that after a smaulle<br />

course of runn<strong>in</strong>g cummeth <strong>in</strong>to Teme.<br />

Teme River at Knightton devideth there Melennith 219 from Clunne lordshippe.<br />

214 Lel<strong>and</strong> corrects Scargateto Scorgate<br />

215 Tenbury<br />

216 Lel<strong>and</strong> appears to have <strong>in</strong>tended a small blank after the word one (which occurs at the end of a l<strong>in</strong>e); Stow<br />

did not read it so, but Burton did.<br />

217 Chirbury<br />

218 Unk R.<br />


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