John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images

John Leland's Itinerary in Wales - Historical texts and images


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greate ru<strong>in</strong>es of Hegannoye 634 Castel stondd<strong>in</strong>g on an hille, wher, as sum say,<br />

Mailgo Gu<strong>in</strong>ed 635 dwellid <strong>and</strong> Lluelen Pr<strong>in</strong>ce of North <strong>Wales</strong>.<br />

Place Penr<strong>in</strong>e 636 an auncient stone house by est north est on the shore long<strong>in</strong>g to Mr. Peel<br />

of [Fl<strong>in</strong>t]shire.<br />

Cogarth 637 almost clene doune on Conwey River shore betwixt .... [Here lay D ] .... 638<br />

Segent, 639 as I hard say, risith at Lynne Dolebaderne. This poo1e is a 3. miles yn lenght,<br />

yn sum place a mile broode, <strong>and</strong> yn divers places lesse <strong>and</strong> lesse. It lyith by Withow 640 Hille,<br />

<strong>and</strong> is distant a v. myle from Cairarvon toward south est from Cairarvon.<br />

Ogweyne risith at a place caullid Tale Ll<strong>in</strong>ne Ogweyne, a poole a v. Mile above Bangor<br />

yn the est side of Withow.<br />

Conwey Ryver hedde is withyn a 3. myles of Penmachno Hille, <strong>and</strong> 641 this hille is a vi. or<br />

7. miles from Conwey Abbey.<br />

/90/Traith Vehan <strong>and</strong> Traith Maur be salt armes <strong>and</strong> crekes fedde with no notable fresch<br />

ryvers.<br />

Denbigh-<br />

shire.<br />

Carnarvon-<br />

shire.<br />

fo. 53<br />

Mr. Roul<strong>and</strong> Griffith tolde me that there were 2. commotes betwixte Abredeuy 642<br />

<strong>and</strong> Towen Merionith that were yn tymes paste plentyful of corne <strong>and</strong> grasse, but<br />

ly<strong>in</strong>g low, <strong>and</strong> almost as level grounde, the se ful many a yere syns hath clene devourid them<br />

up, <strong>and</strong> now it is totally a s<strong>and</strong>y warth.<br />

He told me also that at the chyrch where he dwellith yn Anglesey, 643 by the commune<br />

fame of all the counterey, there was of auncient tyme an house of relligion.<br />

In tyme of mynde menne usid not <strong>in</strong> Termone 644 to seperate [sic] theyr grounde, but now<br />

stille more <strong>and</strong> more they digge stony hillokkes yn theyre groundes, <strong>and</strong> with the stones of<br />

them rudely congestid they devide theyre 645 groundes after Devonshire fascion.<br />

In digg<strong>in</strong>g of these [they] digge up yn many places yerthen pottes with the mouthes<br />

turnid douneward, conteyn<strong>in</strong>g [c<strong>in</strong>eres et ossa mortuorum]. 646<br />

The bridge at Chester apon Dee.<br />

The toun of the Holt 5. miles by l<strong>and</strong> from Chester, <strong>and</strong> there is a great stone bridge on<br />

Dee Ryver.<br />

633 Cerrig Gwynion<br />

634 Deganwy<br />

635 Maelgwn Gwynedd<br />

636 Penrhyn Castle [this note is <strong>in</strong>correct]<br />

637 Gogarth i.e. Great Orme’s Head<br />

638 Bottom of fo. 50 decayed. Stow omits this paragraph<br />

639 Se<strong>in</strong>t or Sa<strong>in</strong>t<br />

640 Y Wyddfva<br />

641 MS an<br />

642 Aber Dyvi<br />

643 See Appendix B.<br />

644 Tir Mon i.e Anglesey<br />

645 Lel<strong>and</strong> repeats theyre, <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong> the next l<strong>in</strong>e but one he omits the. See Appendix B.<br />

646 Here leaves 51, 52 are blank<br />

83<br />

Llangotlan 647 is a ix. miles above the Holt, <strong>and</strong> there is a great stone bridge over Dee<br />

Ryver.<br />

Llan gotlan village is on the south side, <strong>and</strong> D<strong>in</strong>as Brane Castelle stondith apon an high<br />

hille on the north ripe of Dee a 3. quarters of a mile of.<br />

The castelle of D<strong>in</strong>as Brane was never bigge th<strong>in</strong>g, but sette al for strenght as <strong>in</strong> a place<br />

half <strong>in</strong>accessible for ennemyes. It is now al <strong>in</strong> ru<strong>in</strong>e: <strong>and</strong> there <strong>in</strong> the rok side that the castelle<br />

stondith on bredith 648 every yere an egle. And the egle doth sorely assaut hym that distroith<br />

the nest, goyng doun <strong>in</strong> one basket, <strong>and</strong> hav<strong>in</strong>g a nother over his hedde to defend the sore<br />

stripe of the egle.<br />

Llan Egwiste, 649 alias Vallis Crucis, an abbay of Whit /91/Monkes, was 3. quarters of [a<br />

myle] of by west north weste.<br />

WYRALE. 650<br />

Wyrale begynnith lesse then a quarter of a mile of the very cite self of Chester,<br />

<strong>and</strong> withyn a 2. bow shottes of the suburbe without the northe gate at a litle brooket<br />

caullid Flokars Broke that ther cummith ynto Dee Ryver, <strong>and</strong> ther is a dok; wherat at<br />

spr<strong>in</strong>g tide a ship may ly, <strong>and</strong> this place is caullid Porte Poole.<br />

84<br />

Denbigh-<br />

shire.<br />

fo.54.<br />

Cheshire<br />

Half a myle lower ys Blaken Hedde, as an armelet of the grounde po<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g oute. At this is<br />

an olde manor place longg<strong>in</strong>g to the Erle of Oxforde, <strong>and</strong> theryn lyith sumtyme Syr Gul.<br />

Norres.<br />

A mile be water lower hard on the shore is a litle village caullid Sauheho. 651<br />

Lesse then a mile lower is Crabho 652 village.<br />

A myle lower is Shottewik Castelle on the very shore longg<strong>in</strong>g to the K<strong>in</strong>g: <strong>and</strong> therby ys<br />

a park.<br />

Shottewike townelet is a 3. quarters of a myle lower.<br />

And 2. mile lower is a rode <strong>in</strong> D[ee] caullid Salthouse, wher aga<strong>in</strong> it [on the] shore is a<br />

salt house cottage.<br />

Then is Burton hedde, wherby is a village almost a mile lower than Salt [House.]<br />

ii. myles lower <strong>and</strong> more is Denwale Rode, <strong>and</strong> agayne it a farme place caullid<br />

Denwaulle Haul. It longith to Mr. Smithe, <strong>and</strong> more up <strong>in</strong>to the l<strong>and</strong> is Denwaulle 653 village.<br />

ii. miles <strong>and</strong> more lower is Neston Rode, <strong>and</strong> ynward a mile ynto the l<strong>and</strong> is Neston<br />

village.<br />

About a 3. miles lower is a place caullid the Redde Bank, <strong>and</strong> ther half a mile withyn the<br />

l<strong>and</strong> is a village caullid Thrust<strong>in</strong>gton. 654<br />

A mile <strong>and</strong> more lower is Weste Kirkeby a village hard on the shore.<br />

647 Llan Gollen<br />

648 Lel<strong>and</strong> by a slip repeats this word<br />

649 Llan Egwestyl<br />

650 A barbarised form of Kilgwri<br />

651 Saughall<br />

652 Crabhall<br />

653 Denhall<br />

654 Thurstaton

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