1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents

1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents

1914 Photo Drama Newspaper - Watchtower Documents


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The Sentinel<br />

«'Jf A<br />

Now is the Time to<br />

Save Money on<br />

New and Slightly<br />

Used<br />

Pianos and Organs<br />

We will cut prices on every<br />

instrument during this Special<br />

Sale until all Pianos and Organs<br />

are sold. Our easy payment<br />

plan will enable you to<br />

purchase now.<br />

See our line of New Sheet<br />

Music.<br />


E. G. WILSON, Local Manager<br />

North Main Street<br />

TICONDEROGA. N. v ! Aioowu bora Aa«. 11th to Ut T1ooodet*(ra boys who ate inclined Mr.. 1*. J. Arthur of Sohtneotady,<br />

and Mrs. Melville Sbeidea. li?U*r in to be wayward snouht find a warning spent a few days recently with Mr.<br />

- -—i!—. •= "" I Hudson Falli.<br />

ia the panishment meted oat, to Ger aad Mrs. P. a Arthur.<br />

THJTBUBDA.Y. ATTGTX6T 13,<strong>1914</strong> | The new ejiiad«r Id replace the oueaid<br />

Winters and Brneet ijutty, boys W. J. Watson cf Bath* K. Y., it a<br />

that blew out at the International cuill who have* not yet reacted their gueit of Mitt Jennie MoOannah for<br />

TABUS<br />

four weeks ago is expected tins w«e* 'teeus, who were taken to the reform several daft.<br />


therefor*, it shcuild be a matter school at Industry yesterday by Offi- Mitt Louise Arthur of New •York,<br />

of. only a few daft before tbe Ho. 3 cer Gregoire. These boys, both in- tpent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. P.<br />

soCTB<br />

SOKTH<br />

*80 A. U.<br />

W.5 A. H. maohlne will be tn operation again. oonigibles, oonfeeted to have broken O. Arthur.<br />

ltJ*> P. M.<br />

A. P. Richardson has parobated into the BlcNeal and Gunuing stores Mr. and Mrs. George Barney re<br />

. : P. s*. itreet and Mrs. Hooper has moved tn- eries, snoh at robbing dinner pails, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barney. . *<br />

4r*r. m, t.J5 r. M.<br />

u the old Methodist former parson- breaking into houses and other offen- Richard Arthur of New York, it<br />

The following tmln * stnp on signal *<br />

OB* J at the Ac*n*my.<br />

age on Lake George avenue.<br />

ces. Justice Belden. before whom vititing at tbe home of bit parents<br />

No. iOt, Saturdays only. 7:0$ a- m., doe The library is being lepatutbd, C. they were arraigned, decided that the foi several days.<br />

Baldwin ":15a.m.<br />

No. li. daily. 12 48 p. m., due at Baldwin '. \\aruer doing the work, and the reform school waa tbe proper place Mr. aad Mrs. George Oarville are<br />

No. 64 daily. 1:15 p. m., due at Montcalm grounds are being filled in and for them and to this jblir parents enjoying a two weeks' visit with rel-<br />

Latdingat 1-M p.m.<br />

brought to a ptapei grade, an im- agreed. Several other~6oys were alto ative* in Maine.<br />

KUTLANU H. R.<br />

provement that will add much to the implicated in the burglarious opera- Richard Aitbur and titters, Be-<br />

appearance of the building and alto tions and they also will undoubtedly a trice and" Louise, spent Tuesday<br />

ie meet,<br />

be punished.<br />

with Mrs. F. J. Arthur on Lake<br />

Sol. Perry, who has be*n ill from<br />

George.<br />


kiduey and heart tioabie for the patt<br />

Matbew and Daniel Arthur tpent<br />

Copy for display advertisements ew weeks, has bee* in a very oriUoal<br />


Sunday in South Tioonderoaa and<br />

mumt be in our hauls not i*'««r than eoudition for the paat few days and, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Biley of New Hague with friends.<br />

.Tuesday at one o'clock to insure in- we regret to s*r, it would not occa York oity. were goests of Mr. and Peter Fins and daugber Marjorie<br />

j«rtior in tlie cirront igrow sion tvrprtie if tfre e»d ehould come Mrs. Merrill Dolbeck at Pine hurst have been visititog relatives and<br />

at, an? momeot.<br />

Sunday.<br />

friends in Moriah Center and Port<br />

LOrALHOTJ*.<br />

Wallace Ariel, who is here from Janet Grimes and Baohael Weed Henry the past week.<br />

New York on a visit to bis old home, wens to Em land Monday, where tbey : Mr. and Mrs. D. Donahue visited<br />

A birthday party was given |ast<br />

it anothei Ticooderoga boy woo bat will spend several days.<br />

friends in Bridport last Wednesday.<br />

reoing at Camp Aibauy, Spenoer<br />

made goud is the metropolis, fie<br />

point, in honor of Miss Mam ie Rnab.<br />

Xira Elisabeth Horrigan of Hudson Helen Woodruff returned to Eliza-<br />

now holds tbe lucrative and desirable<br />

Waller D. Freaoh has beg on exca-<br />

I alii, is a guest of her sister. Mrs. bethtown Wednesday after spending<br />

position of assistant manager of. the<br />

vating for a noose be is to build ©u<br />

Arthur Sheldon, for a few days. two weeks a gaest of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Hotel Aster, one of tbe big city's<br />

Went Exchange street between tbe<br />

Wesley Phinney of Port Henry, was Levi Prownson.<br />

lareejt and most luxurion* hotels.<br />

residences of Messrs. O. A. Stevens<br />

a week end gnest of friends in town. Mn. Edward Delora and daughters,<br />

and Albeit Weed. W. A. Gale bas<br />

Miss Oeoilia St. Lawxejtc*. who re- Mis. Harry Frost and daughter Mil Laura, Peggy and Myrtle, and sou<br />

the contract.<br />

turned to bar home in New York dred are spending this week with Edward of Troy, have been guests of<br />

hursday, entertained a few of her friends in Troy.<br />

The local baseball nine will en-<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bancroft on Lake<br />

young friends the preceding evening<br />

deavor to, get back at Port Henry for<br />

Blehard Marshall returned to Troy George.<br />

.<br />

and gave them a few boors of unal-<br />

tbeir defeat of last Saturday in a<br />

Monday after spending a week here Mr. and Mrs. Ohas Hunt and<br />

loyed enjoyment, the party bung<br />

game to be played on tbe Wheeler<br />

ith his family at camp on Lake daughters, Rntb and Naomi, are<br />

held aft the borne of her grandparents<br />

Summer is with us again and grounds Sunday afternoon Tbe game<br />

George.<br />

gnestt of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Mr. .and Mrs. Henry St. Lawrence!<br />

will be called at three o'clock.<br />

Mrs. B. Hill and children returned P. J. Hunt, in Postenkill. N. Y. ,<br />

with it has come many changes<br />

'arioift gaums were the chief amu*e- to Brooklyn Friday after spending<br />

M. Y. Ferris wa* engaged this<br />

this week.<br />

Among the rest is a new list of<br />

lent and delicious refreshments were several weeks hen with friends.<br />

week in running grade lines on West<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bradley went<br />

served *<br />

property, such as village prop- Exchange street in order to determine<br />

Mrs. P. Boyle baa been a guest of to MassenA Monday to spend a few<br />

erty, country residences, sum- whether a scheme of the village tnas<br />

Like the Methodists, the Oongrega- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Boyle in Fort Ed- days with relatives.<br />

tees to eliminate tbe steps at tbe bank<br />

tionalists had anything but pleasant waid for a few days.<br />

mer camps, Lake George prop- corner is feasible They proposed to<br />

weatbef when they started out yester- Eugene Leonard and son. Dr. Jtrmaerty,<br />

farms, both large and lower tbe sidewalk frota she Downs<br />

day morning for their Lake Cham-<br />

Pare lee Cream<br />

ois. of Cleveland, Ohio, were gnests<br />

email, which I am offering at store to tbe coiner sufficiently to do<br />

piain excursion. A cold wind was of friends and relatives in town Ice cream for sale at T. J. Cook's<br />

away with faalf tbe height of tbe<br />

lowing a gale from tbe north, mak- Thursday.<br />

farm. Orders delivered. Telephone<br />

very low prices. Only a little step* aad to raise the walk on North<br />

ng the lake ride • decidedly obilly Mrs. John Mulroy, accompanied by 35W 33tf<br />

money needed for first pur- Main atrtei enough to take care of<br />

one, but at too o"olock tbe wind mod* her daughter aad son, Elis»oet& and<br />

chase, the rest can remain on remaining half. Tbe trustees are<br />

erated and conditions were more Martin, of Glens Falls, were gaesfe<br />

HOTIOT,<br />

also facing tbe preposition of raising<br />

it. These were just 457 exourg of J. Mulroy a few days las* week.<br />

mortgage to suit purchaser. the sidewalk in front of toe Basoom ionislt, one mora than the Methodists Beatrice Town* hat returned from NOTICE IS HEHBYB GIVEN that<br />

store to conform to tbe street level. had, on board, of whom 271 were Troy, Albany aad vicinity, where she the assessors of the town of Tioonde<br />

Call and get terms<br />

Adjacent property owners ate insist from tnis village and Lake George. hat been spending several days. raga. County of BssexV and state of<br />

ing that this be done aad the trustees- Walter B. Curtis came here from Lulu Eddy returned to Glens Falls New York nave completed theii aa-<br />

A.B, ADKINS<br />

*v*» acceded to their demands. ilbany Tuesday to inspect a new Saturday after speodiag several days iment roll for the current year;<br />

Tbe wedding of Miss Bernice drop cortam for the Union opera here with frieud*.<br />

that a copy thereof bat been left with<br />

Ticooderoga New York Orabbe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. house that had been damaged by wa- Bessie Hall has returned to White the undersigned, O. E. MoCfoai, at<br />

3barles Orabbe No. SO Oak tit.. Fai ter in tran it and made a satisfactory ball after spending two weeks ueare the store of C. B. McNeal & Co. in<br />

Bookaway, N. Y.. to Malcolm G. settlement with Manager Dolbeck. with friend*.<br />

•said tows, where it may be seen and<br />

Thomas, Wood bury, N J.. tock place The suing and blurs caused by the Louti Meeriast of PlttaftsJd, Mass., examined by any parson interested<br />

Friday evening. Aug ?th, at the res water are being fixed up by an expert was a gaeat of Mr, aad Mn therein until the third Tuesday of<br />

ideuoe of the bride's parents. The theatrical scenery painter. In addi- Dolbeck a few days recently, August, and that an inch day, at<br />

c-remouy wan pet formed by the Bev. tion to this new drop curtain, Man- Dora MartgrteM £M« returned aiae o'clock iu sue forenoon, said as-<br />

Dr. Thompson, pastor of tbe Russell ag*r Dclbeck has bought a doses new j Giea* Fall*, bxring gpenc a tsw days ters will meet as «he orBca of (he<br />

Sage Memorial church. Miss Orabbe scene seb* and is having some of ais ' \ here with friends<br />

Saws clerk, H. D. Hoffaagle. in said j<br />


is well known in Far Rockaway by old ones repainted and *ep*ired. ' FraoJE Aoorey renamed to Fort Ed- tows, to hear aad sxamiae ail com- I<br />

her activity ia tbe Bnsseli Sage Me- The ladies of St. Mary's church ' ward Friday, having bean a ?nmt at plainta tit relation to such aweasmentg j<br />

Optometrist modal and her interest in tbe Queen to hold a taws social on see CM Mr. a-dMrs Albe-s AJuih^s fer a tbe appiioacien at so? person con •<br />

Go. organisation of Camp Ftre Girls. to morrow eveaia*r and a co few weeks.<br />

cstAvimg himself aggrieved thereby. :<br />

Tfcooderoga Office Mr. Thoaaa* is superintendent of the ml invitation is extendeti to alL A Mx. MM Mm Jaba JLVQZJ and mn Dated Sofa 4th day of Atj«us** id 14.<br />

Mondays, Tuesdays and oity schools at Woodbery, bavisg Otider ordinary aireuaaasanee*. John returned te Moutpeiitr. 7s».<br />

Frsd O. DeLaeo, j<br />

Wednesdays<br />

gone there last winter from Tioonde is not of any grea* monaeas, BUS shis £aod*y. after spending s*jv«iai lays<br />

Praak Mows,<br />

Other days by appointment only<br />

roga. After a trip to three weeks in one, owing So she fact that Father here as i of Sir. *fla ra uu • \ aiuyi.<br />

dry. Pleaae »phone ?1W and I wil<br />

this enterprise. Ten dollars will be improvements are ^ooa io b« made on j Mr, and Mrs H. Maloney r^turneti cap for your laundry.<br />

distributed in prizes for the follow ie Mattjodi« cuurcsb mm. will ad d j ^ Whitehall Monday after shading a<br />

33wip Lawrence Bobbin?.<br />

ng: Best fai*cy basket of flowers,<br />

to the cunrch IU value, week on Lake George wit<br />

b at potted flowering plant (indoor in appearance aad in faniiitating i Mrs. ¥. Bre&t- and Uaogiiter, Mrs.<br />


Hutchinson's or outdoor), beet mixed boquet, best work and adding to its couvemei Fred Brewei, and children weru in MEERITT a EUGBEE<br />

boqaet of a single variety, best house This wat decde.* UDOU at a meetiuK j Whitehall tb»& week.<br />

Dry Goods t Not on Department fern The dab would be glad to "bate of the church board Tuasday eveniug.<br />

Merritt Carlos Bngbee, who died<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Geo Thibaclt and<br />

as larg J a display as possible, even ids had been asked for the work tne<br />

July Slst, after a long illness, was<br />

daughter of Gioversville, are guests<br />

Among our new goods are though ail sending flowers may not board proposed to have done and the<br />

tbe second son of Carlos and Fannie<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. J B Thibanlt<br />

the following;—Sherbet cups, oara to compete for the prises. Flow- coutract wat awarded to S. B. Rem-<br />

Weed Bngbee ef this town. He was<br />

David Jones was a guest of friends<br />

handled, lOe; Sherbets 15c, two er shows are a popular feature in ington and Thomas Halleran for<br />

born at Tieonderoga September 1st,<br />

in Whitehall Snnday.<br />

for 25c; Souvenir Salt and Pep- many towns all about vm and have $4800, the only other bidden being<br />

1843. Hig education was completed<br />

Mrs. Orrie Albeu of Albany, it<br />

pers, with restored Fort Ti. and proven a most far reacblog element Branch & Oailabao of Saranao Lake<br />

it Gilmore academy at Ballston Spa.<br />

spending her vacation here with rela-<br />

#ort William Henry, &5c a for good Uan we not do as much? and W. A. Gale. Among the more<br />

N. Y. Most of bis life was spent in<br />

tives.<br />

pair; Paper Weights, with A little effort on the part of as all important improvement* to be made<br />

this town, with tbe exception of<br />

Lucy Maple is a guest of relatives<br />

Fort, 10 and 15c. Investigate tnav stimulate a love lor flowe/s gen. are the raising of the edinee four and<br />

three years in Illinois and Wisconsin<br />

and fr-eud» in Whitehall for several<br />

our line of aprons, hosiery, eraliy and help to make our town one-half feet to the street level and<br />

and one year in tbe United States<br />

days.<br />

more attractive, not only to ourselves tbe building of a basement to replace<br />

&ary dnrinsr tbe Civil War. In 1873<br />

Mrs. Benj. Hall and granddaugh-<br />

ribbons, ruching, dress goods but to the increasing number of visi- the tetatoa room at a place for hold-<br />

be was married to Mary C. Hayren<br />

ter, Isabel Preston, are spending a<br />

a^ld iaces before buying elsetors which each year brings to our ing festivals and church entertain-<br />

of Troy. N. Y , who died in 1875.<br />

few days in Whitehall this week.<br />

where.<br />

locality<br />

In addition io this the exter-<br />

Mr. Bngbee was a member of tbe<br />

Mrs. Harry Christopher it visiting<br />

ior wails of the church will be stuc<br />

Episcopal ohnroh and a man of kind<br />

SPECIAL SAIE-PEIHANTS The people of Ticonderoga and vi-<br />

La Norwood, N. Y., for several days.<br />

coed and the entire interior will be<br />

and genial disposition. He is survivuinity<br />

ara to have an unusual opp^r<br />

Clark Mclntyre of Grown Point,<br />

5c each<br />

redecorated. It it expected that uped<br />

by hie second wife, Mrs. Julia<br />

tnnity presented to them of seeing<br />

was in town Friday.<br />

wards of three months will be requir-<br />

Bngbee, and his sister, Mrs. Ljman<br />

tbe now famous photo-drama of crea-<br />

Mrs. Benj. Lee of Fair Haven, has<br />

ed for the work and. therefore, other<br />

Malcolm<br />

Mrs. Hutchinson tion at tbe Union opera bouse, begin-<br />

been a guest of Mi. and Mrs. Oarltou<br />

quarters«for holding church tearvicee<br />


aiua Thursday. Aug. 20. Those who<br />

Warner" tor a few days.<br />

will have to be secured daring that<br />

have Been this wonderful production<br />

Mrs. Alfred Grey went to Potsdam Yon wiil find a nice line of caody<br />

period. A committee to secure quart-<br />

By the new bridge consider it the finest thing of its kind<br />

Wednesday, where she will spend two at ten cents a pound at Orktas &<br />

ers composed of Messrs. G. H. Ad-<br />

they have ever ieen. The combina-<br />

weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Walt Gale's. 33wlp<br />

kica, A. P. Richardson aad B. V.<br />

tion of colored pictures, motion pic-<br />

er tfildieth.<br />

Smith, has been appointed to provide<br />

EAT CLEAN FOOD tures and pleasing explanation in tak-<br />

Leona Mnnningham of Westfield,<br />

a temporary church home, which wiil<br />

The Indian Beftniag Company<br />

ing in the scientific ideas of the<br />

M»s«., is a guest of her parents, Mr.<br />

world's creation and other scientific<br />

probably be either the Wiwgam or and Mrs. J. Monningba;<br />

Wishes to announce that their sta-<br />

features, together with many of the<br />

Weeds' halL The committee lu<br />

Mrs. R. Bennett and Mrs. Geo. tion at Ticonderoga is in operation<br />

WESTS<br />

most interesting incidents of Bible<br />

charge of the work on the church is Walker were guests of Mrs. Bosooria and ready to furnish the public. We<br />

uistory.etc . is truly marvelous. Tbe<br />

composed of the following: Eev O. in Crown Point last week.<br />

are furnishing a straight ran, high<br />

Bread, Rolls highest class pictures are used, show-<br />

E. Torrance, chairman; R, V. Smith,<br />

Mr Elwell and friend of Silver test gasoline. A trial will convince.<br />

| ing that a great deal of time, skill<br />

egal adviser; Q. H. Adkios, treas<br />

Bay, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pure white kerosene oil. We are also<br />

uier; O. C. Badger, secretary; Palm<br />

Doughnuts, Pies I and money must have been spent ia<br />

Warner<br />

prepared to farnisb all grades of<br />

er Bradford, inspector; C F Warner,<br />

| tbeir production. Man? of the view*<br />

Mrs, Q. B. Biker aad son Harry of<br />

Havoiise motor oils and greases.<br />

A. P. BicLardson, A. C. Beets and<br />

; are copied from the most famous of<br />

} Trenton, K. J., are visiting tbe fam-<br />

They make a difference.<br />

and Cakes are<br />

O. P. Mason The money for this<br />

} the world's works of art. Ho<br />

ily of Dais Breed.<br />

30w3p Frank Fish, Station Agl.<br />

great aad seeded work will be raised<br />

should miss seeing them at this time,<br />

! Mt. and Mrs. Frank ! Webster ao<<br />

Siies and Engines<br />

MACHINE MADE for they will not be presented b*r* for toe mow part by wlnntary sub- j ^ ^ d ^^ Andrew Olark of Pitts<br />

again. People af tbe<br />

seriptkw aad that conkriiretioni wi.li4eW Ma^. WDO we ^ m njotoring Before placing your order bear<br />

THE SANITARY WAY \ towns should make an aauual effort<br />

' liberal ia aade ev-, to^'tfejo^Q New york Md Canada, what we hare Jo say about the Harder<br />

Silos and Alamo Gasoline Engines,<br />

to take advantage of tite opportunity idea* ©y the fact (has at toe meeting j W0W fmw|i & u*%. D. Donahue one also Horsepower Threshers. Ensilage<br />

this affords. It is purely * pkilaa* at the cltoroh board a na aggregat ^y ^aat WBejL<br />

Cotter a, Wind Mills. Wood Sawing<br />

BAKERY tbropie BBdartakiag aad so if as tire is* setes tooodred dotiaw was sab i ^mmmt) ltitb o, powdmm, is a and Purn pin* outfit*, etc.<br />

York ly f r«e.<br />

by Us sftecBtert, ; ^ kit &#*! UT%. Frask<br />

J. W, Phillips,<br />

Mf Orowa Point, K. Y. i<br />

i<br />

J M-.1<br />


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