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system and structure, with them at the top of the pyramid, whilst us as the ground it sits on, - and why<br />

people like Hitler seized on its endorsement of the ‗Survival of the Fittest‘, [which were not even Darwin‘s<br />

words], as it gave licence for us to act like animals, and promotes a dog eat dog philosophy, as opposed to<br />

caring for one another.<br />

And of course I understand our anthropology about our development such as Homo erectus, inhabited<br />

Asia, and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, inhabited Europe, and that Archaic Homo sapiens evolved<br />

between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago, and that some primates go back as far as 7 million or so years. If<br />

we did evolve from the ape/monkey/primate, then why haven‘t they evolved? As what we don‘t know,<br />

call it the missing link, - a Yellow Pages, Thompson Local, or a Who‘s - Who correct list of where we truly<br />

descend from, - and yeah I also understand we ‗all‘ supposedly diverged and stem from Africa, but you<br />

know what I mean, - as all this 12 tribes lark, doesn‘t really leave much room for manoeuvring.<br />

I‘m more intrigued about the ‗don‘t it make your brown eyes blue‘ kind of questions, and I already<br />

know the blue, green, brown eyed races in Atlantean and Hyperborean myths and legends etc., - as I‘m<br />

more along those lines of people, whom perhaps believe that somewhere hidden away, such as deep down<br />

between the paws of the Sphinx, there is indeed a Hall of Records, that would most certainly shatter our<br />

present day preconceptions about all religions in general, and that would soon pull the plug on the lot of<br />

them, if such ‗records‘ existed and were ever revealed.<br />

I can fully understand if you don‘t see it this way, as after all if you‘ve been raised to believe in such<br />

untruths, as being true, then it‘s hard to let go and try and understand what‘s really going on around you.<br />

My own mother and sister are both Catholic in faith, and prefer not to confront what I say about all<br />

religions being ‗manmade‘, and that in just one swift turn of a page I could probably be able to show them<br />

that Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, and perhaps even God - doesn‘t exist as they/we have been nurtured to<br />

know him, her, or it as being as, - and that the likes of Osiris, Jesus and Ra are just metaphors and<br />

representations of the ―Sun of God‖, as opposed to the ―Son of God‖.<br />

As what I have to say on the subject of religion, [which isn‘t that much in this book, as what I really<br />

have to say, would need another book within itself], will most likely wipe away and destroy their decades<br />

of blind faith and admiration for a ‗God‘ and religion that was originally concocted, produced and devised<br />

purely to ―divide and rule‖ each and every single one of us, and no differently than the comprehensive<br />

schools churned out the working class masses in order to help pay towards the Trade Unions and the<br />

Labour party in general. Just as the ‗Church‘ via their church-schools in particular, churned out<br />

indoctrinated devotees and followers, and the same applies to the Synagogues and Mosques, - as again<br />

they want a slice of ‗our‘ daily bread, as how else do you think it‘s possible to pay their priests, rabbis and<br />

imam‘s, and maintain the roofs or their magnificent buildings, - yes I‘m aware many are not on a ―wage‖<br />

as such, but you know what I mean, i.e, nice house with the job etc,, it‘s an easy life you could say.<br />

However, if you‘ve chosen to continue reading this far, remember there is nothing to fear, as all I shall<br />

try and furnish you with, is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and with the sword of truth<br />

in your hand, and not the kind of sword ex-MP Jonathan Aitken was referring to just prior to being<br />

convicted of perjury in 1999 in which he received an 18-month prison sentence. But with the real ―sword<br />

of truth‖ in your hand, you can confront anything or anyone whose job it is in concealing it. I have not<br />

embellished or polished up the facts in anyway, so as to make my case anymore worthy or acceptable than<br />

it all ready is. The incredible and astonishing details and events which this book exposes, are an<br />

accumulation of world events, and particularly since the birth and introduction of the internet. – I started<br />

writing this long before Wikileaks were even conceived, and to tell you the truth my original investigations<br />

into what really might have happened on 9/11, is what led me to writing this book, as every line of<br />

investigation and research led me back to the Freemasons, religions, and the Illuminati cabals that control<br />

these sectors, - so thus the world. As I say, I still intend to write about what I think really occurred on<br />

9/11, and hopefully will be able to get it out some time, though I know I‘m in an up-hill struggle to get this<br />

book brought to the publics attention, as many a publishing house or even website wouldn‘t touch this with<br />

a barge-pole.<br />

Without turning this book into an autobiography, - but as you don‘t know of me, I think it‘s important I<br />

explain a bit about myself and my life, and so I do so throughout certain parts of the book. I‘ve lived what<br />

could be termed, bit of a colourful life, that‘s got me involved in all sorts of things, both good and bad. So<br />

the last thing I want or need, is to appear to came across as some kind of moralistic crusader, when I was<br />

no doubt at some time in my life, as big a rogue as many of those I‘m highlighting here and having a dig<br />

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