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legal aspects of this.‖ Gary‘s solicitor Karen Todner said: ―I think Nick Clegg needs to understand there<br />

is no court decision the Home Secretary would be undermining were she to make a decision based on the<br />

medical evidence which she now has that Gary McKinnon should not be extradited.‖ [8]<br />

His lawyers are submitting new evidence to Mrs May, who is then expected to spend weeks considering<br />

it. Mrs May has also ordered a review of the 2003 Extradition Act. Legal experts insist that - while<br />

lopsided - the Extradition Act does allow Gary to be saved. Advice obtained from human rights QC Tim<br />

Owen and Julian Knowles, one of the UK‘s leading extradition lawyers, by the Mail stated the Act; ―Gives<br />

the English courts the primary responsibility, - but, importantly, not the exclusive responsibility - for<br />

ensuring that...safeguards are maintained. They went on: It is therefore plain the Home Secretary has the<br />

power - and indeed the duty - to intervene in any extradition case, even after the court process has ended,<br />

if the evidence establishes that there is a real risk of a human rights breach should extradition proceed.<br />

Statements made to the contrary are obviously and plainly wrong.‖ [9]<br />

Anyway, the real reason the USA are like a dog with a bone on this case, is to send out a worldwide<br />

message to anyone and everyone, which is; ―Don‘t fuck with us, stay away with your prying eyes and<br />

inquisitive little minds, - cos if we see your been sniffing around our websites without our invitation, then<br />

we‘re coming after ya, and with all guns a blazing, now fuck-off back to Wikipedia!‖ - They want you so<br />

shit scared hoping that you wouldn‘t even dare contemplate typing in the words: FLIGHT 77 NEVER<br />

CRASHED <strong>IN</strong>TO THE PENTA...!, into your search engine, just in case they could accuse you of something<br />

you‘re not actually done, by knowing your computer‘s memory [history] will show them you did, and can<br />

see your IP address which will prove you demonstrated an interest in their website, so therefore ―in their<br />

opinion‖ could find you guilty of association, or some other ridiculous crime such as Anti-Pentagonism.<br />

On 20 th July 2010 Tom Bradby, ITN political editor, raised the Gary McKinnon issue with President<br />

Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron in a joint White House press conference who<br />

responded that they have, in fact, discussed it and are working to find an appropriate solution. And then<br />

again even if Gary McKinnon does eventually win his stay of execution and is not extradited, - though I<br />

have a funny feeling they still want him, the damage has already been done, and the strong message has<br />

been sent out to all those other geeks, not to be so silly in the future, or your lives to will be destroyed in<br />

the process.<br />

And with the USA seeking to find trumped up charges against Julian Assange, and now that there in<br />

pursuit of supporters of Wikileaks, and particularly those involved in Operation Payback, and the recent<br />

arrests, then all I can say it‘s going to be a long, long time before Gary McKinnon reaches the end of his<br />

ordeal, in fact I‘ll go on and say he will become the world‘s record holder for being the longest person<br />

pursued for trial in the US for this kind of offence.<br />

[1] "The View from Taiwan: .<br />

[2] . [3] Hsienhui's Blog, http://hsienhui.wordpress.com/<br />

[4] .<br />

[5] "CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits .<br />

[6] .<br />

[7] .<br />

[8] .<br />

[9] .<br />

8. To be free, or not to be - that is the question<br />

―Whether ‗tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, - or to take arms<br />

against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep no more - and by a sleep to say we<br />

end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to - ‗tis a consummation devoutly to<br />

be wished‖. [1]<br />

What many of the working class masses don‘t seem to understand - is the only difference between the<br />

words ‗Slave‘ and ‗Worker‘, is in the spelling. - In Michael A. Hoffman II: Secret Societies and<br />

Psychological Warfare, it states: ―These blind slaves are told they are ‗free‘ and ‗highly educated‘ [2] even<br />

as they march behind signs that would cause any medieval peasant to run screaming away from them in<br />

panic-stricken terror. The symbols that modern man embraces with the naive trust of an infant would be<br />

tantamount to billboards reading: This way to your death and enslavement, to the understanding of the

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