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process, he fought back, but deliberately hit the deck and curled up in a foetal position, more in pretence<br />

than he was actually hurt, as we didn‘t go that heavy on him. We were more intent in embarrassing him,<br />

than wanting to physically hurt him, not that we didn‘t want to, we just didn‘t fancy being sent to borstal<br />

for doing so, we were content with scaring him and giving him a taste of his own medicine you could say.<br />

After the mille, I went to the blackboard and wrote: Waring 0, McCann 1, he was a football coach as well<br />

as math‘s teacher, so wrote in a language he understood. Both of us were expelled, though due to our<br />

historic record with this teacher, he didn‘t wish to take the matter any further. I never returned back to<br />

school following that day, and never sat any final examinations. Some might say, it‘s not fair me writing<br />

about a man who can‘t defend himself, and explain his version of events, - and my response would be, - his<br />

bloody lucky as it could‘ve been a lot worst.<br />

[1] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread437838/pg1<br />

[2] http://www.world-mysteries.com/pex_2.htm<br />

[3] http://www.sodahead.com/living/im-not-related-to-monkeys-are-you/question-1648175/<br />

2. “I’m Julian Assange!”<br />

Following the Wikileaks controversy, the arrest of its founder Julian Assange, and the cyber attacks on<br />

its website, - thus rendering it inaccessible, the powers that be [TPTB] soon realised the website was<br />

simply being mirrored and cloned, so decided to switch tactics and directly contacted the CEO‘s of those<br />

companies that could help cut off the life support system of Wikileaks, which is obviously its funding.<br />

Wikileaks are 100% reliant on voluntary contributions, so by taking this kind of unprecedented action, it<br />

instantly prevented them from being able to receive anymore donations and payments, and was only made<br />

possible by the direct intervention of those companies such as Worldpay, Paypal and Mastercard etc., by<br />

them withdrawing the facility that processes those payments in the first place.<br />

Then following on from this ‗state interference‘, what the Chinese government has done to its own<br />

internet service, [a moderation of ours in the West, with restricted access to certain websites and<br />

information], and then with the Tunisian and Egyptian authorities going that one step further and proving<br />

to us all how easy it can be done, - which is to suspend or completely closed down the internet, peoples<br />

emails, and even their mobile telephones within their each respected counties, shows how concerned they<br />

all really are, - and I cover this subject more in-depth further on. Now this is not on, in fact it‘s bang out of<br />

order, as this isn‘t just a case of suppressing ‗freedom of speech‘, it‘s actually going one, or should I say<br />

several steps further, as this is denying people access to vital personal data, - their money could not be<br />

accessed, payments could not be sent or received, and their fundamental everyday rights were denied due<br />

to everything and everybody else also not being able gain access to the internet, - whether we like it or not,<br />

the ‗world‘ is totally dependent on its computers, and move a like this could soon cripple a countries<br />

infrastructure.<br />

And this is why we have to do everything legally within our powers to prevent this same ―network of<br />

people‖ from being able to introduce some form of ―Chinese Google clamp‖ to our systems here in the<br />

West. Our job is to help inform our fellow man, - and what‘s presently happening in the middle-east is<br />

evident how powerful this is, and more importantly that it‘s working. - As a collective we need to reach out<br />

to all those millions of others who are still kept in the dark, and with our assistance they too shall soon be<br />

furnished with the truth and will be able to demand ‗change‘ within their own countries.<br />

Yet this can and has only been made possible for the likes of Julian Assange, and that‘s why so many<br />

people either love him or loath him, or is it fear him, - as they also realise that he has encouraged many<br />

other whistleblowers from around the world to start doing the same, - though more so, he‘s helping evoke<br />

an awakening deep inside all of us, in which we really are getting sick and tired with the status quo of<br />

whose governing us. Though this is all too much for a world built on, and entirely reliant on its massive<br />

network of secret societies and fraternities, that until recent years have enjoyed total anonymity, Illuminati<br />

groups such as the Freemasons, the Odd Fellows, the Lions Club, the Rotarians, and the Alpha, Delta<br />

Kappa brigade of Greek fraternities and the many others of thousands of secret clubs and groups who as a<br />

collective have had carte blanche in suppressing the truth for hundreds of years, - but until now! The<br />

problem is, I thought the media were in denial, but surely they must know, so must be part of it, as how<br />

can they not understand the present set-up and the governments we have on offer today, isn‘t what the<br />

people want as their form of governments.

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