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because they‘ve been introduced to the world of Jacob‘s Ladder and initiated into their secret oath taking,<br />

pledge making clubs and fraternities, - and no, I‘m not talking about probes to the head, MK-Ultra drug<br />

induced, screamed out military kinds of ways of how you may envisage what indoctrinating/brainwashing<br />

someone else may entail, when it‘s not like that at all.<br />

Take the Moonies, they start off by bombarding the initiate with overwhelming acts of love and<br />

affection - making them feel so special, included and wanted, that they too normally respond in that same<br />

―loving‖ way. - Though they then follow up this initial loving, with intense forms of rejection and the cold<br />

shouldering of members if they don‘t seem to be going along with the expected program, or their responses<br />

and not quite what they wish to see. Then in addition to the initiate being subjected to these highly<br />

charged acts of emotions, they are then forced to view hours upon hours of video films about the Rev.<br />

Moon and the Unification Church, whom are the front organisation for the Moonies, and this kind of<br />

indoctrinations goes on for days, into months and then years as they slowly progress from one inner circle<br />

to another.<br />

The Freemasons use the ―Jacob‘s Ladder syndrome‖, whereas by using a step by step series of levels<br />

of degrees to aspire to, and slowly being drip fed the so-called ―secret - ancient mysteries‖, followed up<br />

by their sworn blood-oaths and pledges, and being given a sacred ―lodge name‖ of their own, alongside a<br />

fanciful title, their lambskin aprons, [more like cheap cotton nowadays], gloves, sashes, medals, tie‘s,<br />

cufflinks, hats, daggers, set squares, compasses etc., is how the ‗subliminal indoctrination‘ works, - and<br />

which is the reason why they‘re prepared to kick the shit out of the rest of us, unjustly arrest and jail us, or<br />

even kill us if we as so much step out of line, - and no doubt they‘re be queuing up around the block to<br />

take turns on me. As I say, you might think we‘re ―free‖ over here in the West, but believe me I‘d rather<br />

live in a world with no Freemasons, as opposed to how things currently are. Free-Mason‘s, are indeed<br />

―free‖, whereas the likes of me and you are certainly not. But then again, if you really think about it, nor is<br />

the Freemason, because just like the mob, once you‘re in it, then you‘re in it for life.<br />

What you think you see, isn‘t necessarily what you‘re seeing, and freedom doesn‘t really exist, though<br />

we‘re led to believe that if we live in a capitalistic, democratic society, then we‘re free to do whatever we<br />

wish, - but like fuck are we! - The perception is that we‘re ―free‖, free to choose what we want, any old<br />

time.<br />

―To be free, or not to be, that is the question‖, but the truth of the matter is, we‘re so far from free, yet<br />

we can‘t see it, because that‘s how good the illusion really has become. Even those whom regard<br />

themselves as ‗rebellious and with a cause‘, have fallen into the deceptive trap, i.e. the likes of Hells<br />

Angels, Skinheads, Goths, Wiccans, Gipsies, Wanderer‘s, tramps and soap dodger‘s, or members of the<br />

pierced body parts and tattooed brigade etc., believe they‘re ―individual‘s‖ outside the norm and on the<br />

peripheral of society, so therefore have ―escaped‖ this Masonic world and are untouchable in comparison<br />

to the rest of us. - Well they‘re not! You could in fact say at least two of those just quoted groups are<br />

deluded worshipers in one way or another to the likes Satan, and participators in the occult or some other<br />

kind of manmade religion or another, which can hardly deliver freedom.<br />

―Only the working class masses can change society; but they will not do that spontaneously, on their<br />

own. They can rock capitalism back onto its heels but they will only knock it out if they have the<br />

organisation, the socialist party, which can show the way to a new, socialist order of society. Such a party<br />

does not just emerge. It can only be built out of the day-to-day struggles of working people‖. [4] - Paul<br />

Foot, from his book: Why you should be a socialist -1977.<br />

I mention this quote as I feel it‘s as appropriate now today, than it‘s been for many years, but like I have<br />

a problem with ―manmade religions‖, I equally have a problem with their ―manmade politics‖. I don‘t<br />

trust any of the present: Lib-[Lab]-Con, Communist‘s, Socialist‘s or even Greenpeace and other likewise<br />

outfits, such as the thousands of lobby groups or think-tank organisations, as you‘ll find they‘re all<br />

indirectly funded or run by fraternal groups with many of their members belonging to the Freemasons, the<br />

Rotarians or are Odd Fellows, - and those other kinds of interest groups. I can‘t help referring back to<br />

George Orwell‘s Animal Farm, that highlights and exposes man‘s greed and ego, that it‘s not before long<br />

those ―shoulder to shoulder comrades‖, soon forget the ‗ordinary man‘ they were appointed into power<br />

by, and are meant to be representing, - as greed soon sets in, and all his principles soon go out the window.<br />

When trade union bosses are earning the kind of money they currently do, whilst their ―brothers‖ are<br />

still struggling to put food on the table, it puts them and the workers miles apart, and the reason many<br />

hypocritical union bosses are opposing public spending cuts, whilst at the same time enjoying a six-figure<br />

pay and perks packages. Figures from the 2008/9 annual report of certification officer, David Cockburn,<br />

who oversees union finances, show that Unison‘s leader Mr Prentis, earned £127,436, [though Unison said

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