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Fans in rail vehicle cooling systems.<br />

Energy savings as a result of total systems<br />

optimisation.<br />

Karl-Oskar Joas, Christoph Kirschinger, Heidenheim, Germany<br />


2<br />

Contents<br />

1. Introduction 3<br />

2. History and technical development 3<br />

3. Operation of cooling system fans 6<br />

3.1 Drive and control 7<br />

3.1.1 Mechanical / hydrodynamic drive 7<br />

3.1.2 Hydrostatic drive 8<br />

3.1.3 Electrical drive 10<br />

3.2 Design and rating of the radiator 10<br />

3.3 Cooling air demand, flow resistances, and safety margins 12<br />

3.4 Arrangement of the fan 13<br />

3.5 Fan operating points 14<br />

3.6 Noise emission and sound insulation 15<br />

4. Modern cooling systems and their design 16<br />

5. Economical considerations 17<br />

6. Summary 18<br />

References 18

Summary<br />

Fans are a key component in rail vehicle<br />

cooling system. This fact has been recognised<br />

by <strong>Voith</strong> <strong>Turbo</strong> GmbH & Co. KG,<br />

Heidenheim, who consequently developed<br />

a special range of cooling fans.<br />

All fans from this range have modular<br />

design and can be adapted to any application.<br />

They ensure that cooling systems<br />

run with maximum efficiency, offering<br />

the customer excellent benefits.<br />

The concept of a cooling system is determined<br />

by the synergies between the<br />

fan, the heat exchangers, the prevailing<br />

operating conditions and the<br />

driveline designs of individual rail vehicle<br />

types, as well as by the way in which<br />

they are installed. Intelligent arrangements<br />

of the components and optimum<br />

aerodynamic designs result in high<br />

efficiencies of the fans and fan drives.<br />

Initial investment costs for aerodynamic<br />

layout schemes and higher purchasing<br />

costs for high-quality components pay<br />

off within just a few years.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The increasing use of diesel engines<br />

by railway operators since the 50s created<br />

a high demand for powerful rail vehicle<br />

cooling systems and thus also for<br />

high-quality fans. A wide range of fans<br />

evolved and was systematically improved<br />

and adapted to the requirements<br />

and installation characteristics of<br />

the components to be cooled.<br />

Fans are driven by auxiliary energy and<br />

are used for dissipating waste heat from<br />

power-transmitting machines. The<br />

smaller the required amount of auxiliary<br />

energy for the same quantity of dissipated<br />

heat, the more economical the<br />

overall system.<br />

For best results it is important to examine<br />

the entire aerodynamic system with<br />

all the parts exposed to the air flow and<br />

not just the fan alone. Intelligent speed<br />

control is a prerequisite of a favourable<br />

energy balance, too. And finally, aspects<br />

such as cost, environmental conditions,<br />

noise emission, and reliability<br />

must be taken into account.<br />

From this point of view, the main task<br />

for project engineers of cooler manufacturers<br />

is to optimally match the various<br />

components necessary for overall<br />

performance of the aerodynamic part<br />

of the cooling system to each other.<br />

A high knowledge of the technical conditions<br />

in the vehicle and several iteration<br />

steps when planning the aerodynamic<br />

system are required for this,<br />

since it is obviously impossible to create<br />

optimum operating conditions for all<br />

the components at the same time due<br />

to the prevailing boundary conditions<br />

and the available space. A compromise<br />

made for the design of one of the components<br />

often has a positive influence<br />

on overall efficiency.<br />


2. History and technical development<br />

The development of axial-flow fans by<br />

<strong>Voith</strong> <strong>Turbo</strong>, Heidenheim, began in 1930,<br />

i. e. at the same time as the first turbo<br />

transmissions were developed, with<br />

research work by Marcinowski [1 to 3].<br />

As early as 1932, <strong>Voith</strong> supplied a large<br />

impeller for an axial-flow fan in a wind<br />

tunnel. In the following years, development<br />

concentrated on different impeller<br />

blades and vanes. The different designs<br />

formed a modular system that permitted<br />

fans to be adapted to different operating<br />

conditions in a highly flexible<br />

way.<br />

Later, the development of axial-flow<br />

fans was supplemented by that of radial-flow<br />

and cross-flow fans leading to<br />

wind turbines and a multi-stage axial<br />

compressor for research purposes.<br />

This opened up a wide range of possible<br />

applications for our fans:<br />

- stationary applications in paper<br />

machines,<br />

- large-scale building ventilation,<br />

-fans for underground mining,<br />

- tunnel ventilation using fixed or<br />

variable-pitch blades,<br />

-fans in power stations, especially for<br />

flue gas desulphurization plants and<br />

wind tunnels,<br />

-fans in vehicles, especially as a part<br />

of <strong>Voith</strong> cooling systems for rail<br />

vehicles, and in snow guns.<br />

4<br />

The versatile and comprehensive<br />

modular system developed by<br />

Marcinowski for axial-flow fans can be<br />

used for both directions of rotation in<br />

the following configurations:<br />

- impeller with cap suitable for both<br />

flow directions,<br />

- same impeller as above, yet with<br />

guide vanes for certain blade<br />

designs,<br />

- impeller with guide vanes (mainly<br />

on downstream side) and downstream<br />

centre fairing for certain<br />

blade designs,<br />

- impeller with guide vanes (mainly<br />

on downstream side) and external<br />

diffuser, and<br />

- special versions derived from the<br />

above.<br />

The types of blading and blade designs<br />

for different pressure stages are divided<br />

into basic groups with defined hub/tip<br />

ratios ν (ν = hub dia. / impeller blade tip<br />

dia., table 1):<br />

Type<br />

Hub/tip ratio<br />

d<br />

ν =<br />

D<br />

d<br />

D<br />

∆p t = max. total pressure<br />

difference<br />

in Pa<br />

Distributor<br />

without with<br />

N 0.315 ≈ 1000 –<br />

M 0.5 ≈ 1500 ≈ 2000<br />

H 0.63 ≈ 2000 ≈ 2500<br />

Table 1: Hub/tip ratio and total pressure difference for certain types in<br />

the range of standardized hub/tip ratios:<br />

0,28 / 0,315 / 0,355 / 0,4 / 0,45 / 0,5 / 0,56 / 0,63 / 0,71<br />

• The size ranges of hub and tip<br />

diameter are based on the R 20<br />

series of preferred numbers as per<br />

DIN 323.<br />

• The number of blades and their<br />

angle of attack can be varied as<br />

required (even for cast impellers<br />

thanks to the modular system). The<br />

same applies to the guide vanes.<br />

•For the sake of simplicity the<br />

principle of stating specific power<br />

via flow coefficient ϕ and pressure<br />

coefficient ψ has been transformed<br />

into a work sheet (fig. 1) with fulllogarithmic<br />

coordinate system<br />

showing a family of straight lines for<br />

- outer impeller diameter and<br />

- speed (together with the resulting<br />

tip speed).<br />

• The work sheet (fig. 1) shows the<br />

relation between the specific energy<br />

Y (flow resistance ∆ρ referred to<br />

an air density of ρ = 1 kg/m3 ) and<br />

•<br />

the volume flow VL for one type of<br />

impeller and one hub/tip ratio.<br />

Characteristic ranges found during<br />

tests are used for the various hub/<br />

tip ratios. Size, design, and further<br />

technical features of a fan with a

specified working point (L in fig. 1)<br />

can be defined with the aid of the<br />

work sheet and further dimensionless<br />

characteristic diagrams (not<br />

shown here) for various fans differing<br />

from each other in the abovementioned<br />

features by superposing<br />

the two graphs.<br />

The modular system developed by<br />

Marcinowski was thus supplemented<br />

by a tool for selecting the best fan for<br />

a given application.<br />

The influence of the number of blades<br />

and the impeller clearance gap on fan<br />

characteristics and noise emission<br />

[1, 2] were measured as well. The clearance<br />

gap depends exclusively on the<br />

accuracy of manufacture of impeller<br />

and shroud.<br />

For rail vehicle applications, characteristic<br />

diagrams were prepared that take<br />

into account the arrangement of the<br />

fans and the flow behaviour under the<br />

different geometric conditions that prevail<br />

in such vehicles. These empirical<br />

findings were taken as a basis for the<br />

proprietary software programs used for<br />

calculating flow loss in cooling systems.<br />

In view of increasingly stringent demands<br />

made on cooling systems and<br />

new developments in the field of radiator<br />

elements, the fan system was further<br />

perfected with the aim of achieving<br />

a highly uniform flow velocity in the<br />

annular surface of the fan while increasing<br />

efficiency for common working<br />

points. The result were two new blade<br />

designs, one for an impeller without<br />

guide vanes and one for an impeller<br />

with outlet vanes.<br />

These new blade designs permit deviations<br />

from the standard outer diameters,<br />

allowing higher flexibility of adaptation<br />

to different installation conditions.<br />

Other benefits include a further<br />

optimization of the fan design and adaptation<br />

to the fan drive used.<br />

Y in Nm/kg<br />

Speed n in 1/min<br />

D in mm<br />

2000<br />

1800<br />

1600<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

B<br />

D = 710<br />

3500<br />

D = 800<br />

3000<br />

2850<br />

2400<br />

1000<br />

VL in m3 5 6 7<br />

/s<br />

8 9 10<br />

L<br />

D = 900<br />

2600<br />

2000<br />

1800<br />

D = 1000<br />

2200<br />

Fig. 1: Detail of work sheet for determining fan diameter, fan speed,<br />

and fan type.<br />

B = Example of a reference point for superposition with the<br />

characteristic range of a fan. The non-dimensional<br />

characteristic diagram of a fan (not shown) is applied at<br />

the reference points. The aim is to select a fan type<br />

whose performance curve contains a specific<br />

performance point L.<br />

L = Example of a performance point for which a fan characteristic<br />

is sought.<br />

Tests have been made at the <strong>Voith</strong><br />

Aerodynamics Test Centre to examine<br />

the air flow in cooling systems of rail<br />

vehicles in tunnels. The effects of different<br />

vehicle front end designs on air<br />

flow around the vehicles were also<br />

tested at different speeds. The arrangement<br />

of air inlets and outlets was<br />

optimized in tests, and pressures were<br />

measured so that they could be taken<br />

into account for fan design. For special<br />

applications these findings help deciding<br />

on the power reserves to be provided<br />

[3].<br />


3. Operation of cooling system fans<br />

Fan design depends on the following<br />

factors:<br />

- the type of vehicle and thus the type<br />

and arrangement of the cooling<br />

system in the vehicle,<br />

- the nature of the components to be<br />

cooled and the type of coolant,<br />

- the type of drive and control of the<br />

fan and cooler group,<br />

- the operating mode and design of<br />

heat exchangers, and<br />

- the total flow loss of the system.<br />

It has become apparent over time that<br />

certain arrangements, cooling system<br />

types, and fan drives should be preferred<br />

depending on vehicle type.<br />

6<br />

Fig. 2: Axial flow fan<br />

For locomotives, the cooler group can<br />

usually be arranged next to the component<br />

to be cooled. For railcars and<br />

trainsets with underfloor powerpacks a<br />

greater distance may be necessary or<br />

the cooler group may have to be arranged<br />

under the roof of the vehicle.<br />

Sometimes, the axial-flow fans (fig. 2)<br />

mostly used in cooling systems are replaced<br />

by radial-flow fans today if the<br />

installation conditions and ratings are<br />

favourable and noise is to be minimized.<br />

In the majority of cases, however, axialflow<br />

fans are adequate for the total<br />

pressure loss mostly found today.<br />

Moreover, axial-flow fans can be easily<br />

adapted to the required cooling air<br />

flows. With radial-flow fans, in contrast,<br />

the possible pressure head cannot be<br />

utilized. Cooling air flow is limited due<br />

to the limited intake velocity of air in the<br />

∆ptot in Pa<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

Fan characteristic<br />

η = 0,58<br />

η = 0,75<br />

intake funnel so that efficiency levels<br />

remain unsatisfactory, as can be seen<br />

from the location of the working point<br />

on the performance curves (fig. 3). The<br />

working points where efficiency is<br />

higher are further to the left or right on<br />

the performance curve of the fan and<br />

cannot be reached in practice.<br />

Cross-flow fans are rarely used in rail<br />

vehicles. Their advantages regarding<br />

the arrangement of radiator and fan are<br />

offset by an extremely low pressure<br />

head and low efficiency, among other<br />

things.<br />

η = 0,74<br />

0<br />

0 0,3 0,6 0,9 1,2 1,5 1,8<br />

V L in m 3 /s<br />

Fig 3: Performance curve of a radial-flow fan without spiral<br />

case in an underfloor-mounted cooling unit.<br />

B = Operating point<br />

B<br />

η = 0,53<br />

System characteristic

3.1 Drive and control<br />

Today, the drive and control of the fan<br />

cannot be separated any longer from<br />

coolant temperature control. Both are<br />

performed using advanced electronic<br />

systems. The requirement is to keep the<br />

operating temperature of the components<br />

to be cooled as constant as possible<br />

and to maintain close temperature<br />

limits for certain operating conditions,<br />

irrespective of variables such as drive<br />

speed, loading condition, or cooling air<br />

temperature.<br />

For all liquid-cooled components, temperature<br />

control of the system is realized<br />

via speed control of the fan and<br />

carefully matched to the thermal behaviour<br />

of the system, taking into account<br />

the overall concept of the cooling circuit.<br />

This presupposes the availability<br />

of information and knowledge about the<br />

different characteristic operating conditions<br />

of the components to be cooled.<br />

With modern diesel engines, the thermal<br />

characteristics of the start-up<br />

phase and the effects of prolonged<br />

idling are of particular importance. Additionally,<br />

the partially conflicting requirements<br />

of cylinder cooling and<br />

charge-air cooling in the case of single-circuit<br />

systems and the interaction<br />

of the circuits in the case of two-circuit<br />

systems must be considered. For engines<br />

with charge-air-air cooling, in<br />

particular, care must be taken to prevent<br />

critical operating conditions such<br />

as excessive cooling or overheating.<br />

Further development of diesel engines<br />

to improve efficiency and more stringent<br />

exhaust gas regulations in conjunction<br />

with the use of exhaust gas<br />

turbochargers have resulted in an increase<br />

in operating temperatures. The<br />

higher coolant temperatures resulting<br />

from this require higher safety in respect<br />

of coolant circulation. Moreover,<br />

the reduced temperature margin up to<br />

the failure limit caused by the higher<br />

operating temperatures makes it necessary<br />

to define the control temperature<br />

range even more accurately than<br />

it was the case with older types of<br />

diesel engine.<br />

With diesel-hydraulic vehicles, waste<br />

heat from the hydrodynamic transmission<br />

and from the hydrodynamic brake,<br />

if any, must be dissipated in addition.<br />

The situation with regard to transformer<br />

cooling is less complex and easier to<br />

understand. Temperatures in the cooling<br />

circuit are usually lower than in the<br />

case of engine cooling, and they<br />

change less quickly due to the high<br />

transformer mass. The control is<br />

matched to the operating conditions of<br />

the transformer, preventing both excessive<br />

temperatures and excess cooling<br />

when ambient temperature is low. Coolant<br />

circulation problems can occur<br />

when the system is started at a very<br />

low temperature and coolant flow<br />

through the radiator element is impaired<br />

or even inhibited by a highly viscous<br />

coolant. This situation cannot be handled<br />

by the temperature control alone<br />

but requires selection of a suitable coolant.<br />

Converter cooling requires a comparatively<br />

high cooling air flow rate due to<br />

the small difference between operating/<br />

coolant temperature and ambient temperature.<br />

In countries with a hot climate<br />

the coolant temperature is only marginally<br />

higher than the ambient temperature.<br />

The high efficiency of present day<br />

converters is due to the use of temperature-sensitive<br />

components with a low<br />

mass. Adherence to close temperature<br />

limits and avoidance of excess tem-<br />

peratures are essential for a long service<br />

life and high efficiency of these converter<br />

elements. This presupposes reliable<br />

temperature control and quick<br />

response of the fan drive control.<br />

When the converter and transformer<br />

are both cooled by the same fan, unfavourable<br />

or extreme conditions may<br />

require concessions to be made for one<br />

of the two cooling circuits. This also applies<br />

when further electrical components<br />

in the cooler group are to be<br />

cooled directly by the cooling air flow.<br />

There are three different approaches<br />

towards meeting the above demands<br />

regarding cooling system control and<br />

fan speed control for the fan drive.<br />

3.1.1 Mechanical /<br />

hydrodynamic drive<br />

The simplest way of driving a fan - with<br />

the cooler group arranged directly next<br />

to the power pack - would be a purely<br />

mechanical, rigid drive without control<br />

options. Fan speed would then be coupled<br />

to the speed of the prime mover,<br />

usually a diesel engine. This is an inadequate<br />

solution because of the fluctuations<br />

in operating temperature that<br />

result in changes in the required cooling<br />

capacity due to different load stages<br />

and ambient temperatures. Even the<br />

addition of system components like<br />

coolant temperature controllers or mixers<br />

would not make this type of drive<br />

efficient.<br />

The shortcomings of cooling systems<br />

with rigidly coupled fan and prime<br />

mover led to the development of mechanical/hydrodynamic<br />

and hydrostatic<br />

drive systems for diesel-powered vehicles<br />

that offer different control options<br />

and high flexibility with regard to fan<br />

speed.<br />


The core component of the mechanical/hydrodynamic<br />

drive system is the<br />

<strong>Voith</strong> variable-speed fan, which is available<br />

in various versions. Its distinctive<br />

feature is that it forms an integral unit<br />

with a filling-controlled Föttinger coupling.<br />

A pneumatic system is used for<br />

filling control - and thus for control of<br />

the fan speed - that uses the coolant<br />

temperature of the components to be<br />

cooled as output variable [4, 5].<br />

The advantages of the <strong>Voith</strong> variablespeed<br />

fan can be summarized as follows:<br />

- The system permits a constant<br />

coolant and component temperature<br />

to be maintained.<br />

-Fan speed can be varied within<br />

certain limits and is only dependent<br />

on diesel engine speed to a certain<br />

extent.<br />

- The efficiency maximum of about<br />

90 % for the entire driveline is<br />

reached at maximum fan speed,<br />

i. e. when the coupling is full.<br />

-Power consumption is matched to<br />

the operating conditions.<br />

- The system is self-sufficient.<br />

- The system is considered robust,<br />

long-lived, low-maintenance, and<br />

vibration-resistant.<br />

The disadvantages are:<br />

- Lack of flexibility with regard to arrangement<br />

in the vehicle due to the<br />

mechanical drive.<br />

- High cost and weight.<br />

The hydrodynamic fan drive was therefore<br />

replaced by the hydrostatic one.<br />

8<br />

3.1.2 Hydrostatic drive<br />

The hydrostatic drive system for fans<br />

and other auxiliary machines is considered<br />

state-of-the-art for today’s dieselpowered<br />

vehicles with all its hydraulic<br />

components including electronic control.<br />

The advantages of this system are<br />

a high freedom of choice regarding the<br />

arrangement of the components in the<br />

vehicle and the favourable price of the<br />

entire cooler group.<br />

In principle it is possible to design a<br />

hydrostatic drive in such a way that it is<br />

only a hydraulic shaft without any possibility<br />

of control. The simplest type of<br />

control would be a pure on-off control.<br />

Both these designs are simple and trouble-free<br />

in respect of their operation, but<br />

they do not come up to today’s demands<br />

any longer and have therefore<br />

become insignificant.<br />

There are highly developed components<br />

and regulating valves available<br />

Temperature<br />

sensors<br />

Standby<br />

valve<br />

Diesel<br />

engine<br />

Variabledisplacement<br />

pump<br />

Control electronics<br />

Control valve<br />

Constantdisplacement<br />

motor<br />

Oil filter<br />

Oil tank<br />

Fig. 4: <strong>Voith</strong> flow system driving a cooling fan<br />

today for variable-speed hydrostatic<br />

drives. Several patented solutions have<br />

emerged over the last few years both<br />

for overall function and for control.<br />

The use of a variable-displacement<br />

pump that only delivers the oil flow actually<br />

required for cooling has resulted<br />

in a higher overall efficiency. Moreover,<br />

the <strong>Voith</strong> flow system with variable-displacement<br />

pump includes a stand-by<br />

valve that guarantees availability of the<br />

working pressure required for operation<br />

of the pump at all drive speeds also in<br />

the case of zero delivery (figs. 4 and<br />

5). When the operating pressure signalled<br />

by the control system exceeds<br />

the stand-by pressure, the stand-by<br />

valve opens completely and the pump<br />

is controlled by the working pressure<br />

of the hydrostatic system [6, 7].<br />

The solution described here permits<br />

power savings of about 10% on an average<br />

compared to by-pass control. For a<br />

diesel-hydraulic locomotive of 1,500 kW<br />

Oil cooler<br />

Cooling<br />


Capacity of hydrostatic pump<br />

1,0<br />

0,9<br />

0,8<br />

0,7<br />

0,6<br />

0,5<br />

0,4<br />

0,3<br />

0,2<br />

0,1<br />

0,0<br />

0%<br />

10%<br />

20%<br />

By-pass principle<br />

<strong>Voith</strong> flow system<br />

Saving<br />

30%<br />

40%<br />

50%<br />

60%<br />

Fan speed<br />

Fig. 5: Hydrostatic fan drive during traction, comparison of by-pass<br />

principle and <strong>Voith</strong> flow system.<br />

70%<br />

80%<br />

90%<br />

average savings in annual cycle approx. 10%<br />

engine output this may correspond to<br />

7,200 l of fuel per year (table 2).<br />

Some of the advantages of hydrodynamic<br />

drives mentioned above also<br />

apply to the hydrostatic drive:<br />

- constant operating temperature of<br />

cooling circuits,<br />

- adapted power requirement, and<br />

-a self-sufficient system.<br />

In addition to this, the fan speed can<br />

now be freely selected within a wide<br />

range.<br />

100%<br />

Water<br />

Electronic<br />

control<br />

Diesel<br />

engine<br />

Oil<br />

Particularly advantageous, however, are<br />

the high power density and the possibility<br />

to expand the system to drive components<br />

such as compressors or generators<br />

at a constant speed. For the latter<br />

this is done using purely hydraulic control<br />

with an accuracy of ± 2.5 % (fig. 6).<br />

Assumption:<br />

Generator<br />

Compressor<br />

Cooler<br />

group<br />

Fig 6: Hydrostatic drive of several components by a multiple pump unit.<br />

• max. pump drive power 100 kW<br />

• mean power savings 10 kW<br />

• 3,000 operating hours per year<br />

Energy savings: 10 kW * 3 000 h/Jahr = 30 000 kWh/year<br />

Fuel savings: 30 000 kWh * 200 g/kWh = 6 000 kg/year<br />

Table 2: Energy- and fuel savings<br />

6 000 kg / 0.83 kg/l ≈ 7 200 l/year<br />


The hydrostatic drive differs from the<br />

hydrodynamic one in the following<br />

ways:<br />

• limitation of operating conditions, e.<br />

g. by the media used, their starting<br />

conditions, or maximum and minimum<br />

working temperatures,<br />

• higher maintenance requirements,<br />

• acceptable service life when certain<br />

design limits are observed,<br />

•low failure rate despite extremely high<br />

demands made on control accuracy,<br />

• requires modern control in order to be<br />

able to also achieve high efficiency<br />

values also under partial load.<br />

3.1.3 Electrical drive<br />

Electric fan drives are mainly found in<br />

electric vehicles.<br />

The fan is mounted on the shaft of the<br />

electric motor and depends on the motor<br />

speed. The hub diameter and<br />

impeller design and its installation conditions<br />

often depend on the dimensions<br />

of the motor.<br />

With the fan powers involved, threephase<br />

motors are used exclusively. A<br />

possible type of control is therefore on/<br />

off control, perhaps superposed by pole<br />

changing. On the other hand, more and<br />

more vehicles have frequency-controlled<br />

auxiliaries converters today. However,<br />

these are usually controlled by the<br />

demands of several consumers, which<br />

leaves only a limited range of power<br />

adjustment for the fans. On/off control<br />

with pole changing, in contrast, can<br />

depend exclusively on the component<br />

to be cooled.<br />

Also typical of three-phase motor drives<br />

are the limited capacity of frequencycontrolled<br />

auxiliaries converters and<br />

10<br />

the dependence of fan power consumption<br />

on cooling air temperature and<br />

density.<br />

The fact that power consumption depends<br />

on air density applies to all fans<br />

and speeds. A high drive power is<br />

needed in particular when cooling air<br />

temperature at the fan is substantially<br />

lower than the (high) temperatures, for<br />

which the cooling system was rated.<br />

From +40°C on 1,000 m above sea level<br />

to -10°C and 0 m above sea level, for<br />

instance, the air density increases from<br />

1 kg/m 3 to 1.35 kg/m 3 , i. e. by 35%. Both<br />

the electric motors and the supply systems<br />

must therefore be adequately<br />

rated and protected.<br />

ϑ 10K<br />

∆ 2…3K<br />

∆ L30K<br />

T<br />

ϑ A<br />

ϑ 4<br />

ϑ 1b<br />

1<br />

s KM<br />

ϑ 3<br />

ϑ 1a<br />

ϑ E = ϑ 1,2<br />

1a<br />

VL, tLE Fig. 7: Simplified schematic representation of temperature behaviour with a cross feed radiator<br />

without temperature overlap.<br />

1…4 = Reference points in cooling circuit<br />

VKM =Volume of cooling medium flow<br />

VL =Volume of cooling air flow<br />

ϑn =Cooling medium temperatures<br />

tLn =Cooling air temperatures<br />

ϑ10K =average cool-down cooling medium 10 K<br />

3.2 Design and rating of the<br />

radiator<br />

The purpose of a cooling system is to<br />

dissipate waste heat. The heat is transported<br />

from the component to be<br />

cooled to the radiator by the coolant.<br />

The radiator is required for heat exchange<br />

and is designed for the required<br />

heat flows in conjunction with the mass<br />

flows of the coolant and the cooling air<br />

as well as their temperatures. It therefore<br />

influences fan design to a considerable<br />

extent.<br />

The maximum and minimum coolant<br />

flow and its temperature depend on the<br />

component to be cooled. The cooling<br />

air flow should be as small as possible.<br />

It should be selected in such a way that<br />

t L2<br />

t L3<br />

t Lm<br />

t L4<br />

s L<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

V KM, ϑ E<br />

ϑ A<br />

1<br />

1b<br />

∆L30K = average warm-up cooling medium 30 K<br />

sKM = Travelling distance of cooling medium in<br />

cooling circuit<br />

sL = Travelling distance of cooling air through<br />

cooling circuit<br />

T = Temperature

temperature overlaps between coolant<br />

and air outlet temperature are prevented,<br />

i. e. that the coolant temperature<br />

at radiator outlet is about 2 to 3 K<br />

higher than the mean temperature of<br />

the hot cooling air (fig. 7). The purpose<br />

of this is to achieve an economical radiator<br />

volume. If, under extreme conditions,<br />

temperature overlap cannot be<br />

avoided (fig. 8), care must be taken to<br />

ensure that suitable fundamentals and<br />

procedures of radiator calculation are<br />

applied and that the inner and outer<br />

flows through the radiator can be specially<br />

matched to this situation as is the<br />

case in a counterflow crossfeed radiator<br />

(fig. 9).<br />

Despite the fact that cooling air outlet<br />

temperatures are locally different, the<br />

fan design is based on the mean temperature<br />

t LM.<br />

Due to physical interrelations temperature<br />

overlaps cannot be prevented by<br />

using larger and/or more powerful fans<br />

alone. They must be prevented by ensuring<br />

a substantially increased cooling<br />

air flow with all the consequences<br />

(e. g. regarding cost, power, and noise<br />

emission).<br />

ϑ 15K<br />

ϑ A<br />

∆ L35K<br />

ϑ ü<br />

T<br />

ϑ4<br />

ϑ 1b<br />

1<br />

s KM<br />

ϑ E = ϑ 1,2<br />

Fig. 8: Simplified schematic representation of temperature behaviour with a cross<br />

feed radiator with temperature overlap.<br />

ϑ 3<br />

ϑ 1a<br />

1…4 = Reference points in cooling circuit<br />

VKM = Volume of cooling medium flow<br />

VL = Volume of cooling air flow<br />

ϑn = Cooling medium temperatures<br />

tLn = Cooling air temperatures<br />

ϑ15K = Average cool-down cooling medium 15 K<br />

ϑ 30K<br />

∆ L40K<br />

ϑ A<br />

T<br />

2<br />

1c<br />

1<br />

s KM<br />

3<br />

1b<br />

13<br />

ϑ1,5 = ϑU 4<br />

6<br />

1a<br />

5,6<br />

4,7<br />

3,8<br />

2,9<br />

12<br />

7<br />

t L2<br />

tL3 tL4 s L<br />

t Lm<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

V KM, ϑ E<br />

ϑ A<br />

1<br />

1a<br />

VL, tLE 1b<br />

∆L35K = Average warm-up cooling medium 35 K<br />

sKM = Travelling distance of cooling medium<br />

in cooling circuit<br />

sL = Travelling distance of cooling air<br />

through cooling circuit<br />

T = Temperature<br />

ϑÜ = Temperature overlap<br />

11<br />

8<br />

ϑ E = ϑ 9,10<br />

10<br />

13<br />

s L<br />

10<br />

11<br />

tLm 11<br />

12<br />

12<br />

13<br />

ϑ E<br />

V KM<br />

6 5<br />

ϑU Fig. 9: Simplified schematic representation of temperature behaviour with a counterflow<br />

cross feed radiator.<br />

1…13 = Reference points in cooling circuit<br />

VKM = Volume of cooling medium flow<br />

VL = Volume of cooling air flow<br />

ϑE = Inlet temperature of cooling medium<br />

ϑU = Average temperature of cooling medium<br />

at counterflow<br />

ϑA = Outlet temperature of cooling medium<br />

ϑ30K = Average cool-down of cooling medium 30 K<br />

ϑ A<br />

1a<br />

1b<br />

1c<br />

∆L40K = Average warm-up of cooling medium<br />

40 K<br />

sKM = Travelling distance of cooling medium<br />

in cooling circuit<br />

sL = Travelling distance of cooling air<br />

through cooling circuit<br />

T = Temperature<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

V L, t LE<br />


3.3 Cooling air demand, flow<br />

resistances, and safety<br />

margins<br />

Various factors are to be observed<br />

when designing the radiator in order to<br />

ensure efficient heat exchange. As far<br />

as radiator type and cooling core selection<br />

are concerned, upper and lower<br />

flow velocity limits apply both for the<br />

inside and outside. The corresponding<br />

flow resistances in the air flow are not<br />

only decisive for fan rating. They also<br />

influence the coolant flow, together with<br />

the flow resistances of the coolant lines<br />

in the cooler group and vehicle.<br />

Cooling cores with fins like those in use<br />

today in vehicle construction require a<br />

low cooling air flow even for high cooling<br />

capacities. They produce a high<br />

temperature increase of the cooling air<br />

and the flow resistance in the fins is<br />

high. However, they are more liable to<br />

dirt accumulation than smooth or rippled<br />

fins, which require a higher cooling<br />

air flow for comparable cooling capacities<br />

and have a lower flow resistance.<br />

Apart from that, smooth or rippled<br />

fins must have a higher block depth<br />

than cut fins to achieve the same cooling<br />

capacity.<br />

In order to guarantee a specified cooling<br />

capacity also when the radiator is<br />

dirty, a possible degree of dirt accumulation<br />

must be defined at the design<br />

stage and a corresponding safety margin<br />

must be provided.<br />

If the safety margin is taken into account<br />

in the form of an increase in heat<br />

load, which is often done also to compensate<br />

for inaccuracies in the calculation<br />

of the exact heat load, errors will<br />

result when determining the temperatures<br />

of mass flows, including the cooling<br />

air flow. The consequences of that<br />

will be a sub-optimal radiator volume<br />

and an incorrrectly chosen operating<br />

point for the fan.<br />

12<br />

Cooling air inlet Safety<br />

heat transfer 1)<br />

∆p<br />

in %<br />

110<br />

101.5<br />

100<br />

93<br />

3<br />

3’<br />

1<br />

2’<br />

2<br />

96 100 108<br />

Clogging,<br />

obstruction<br />

under the roof 5% 10%<br />

Vehicle<br />

front or 5% 10 – 20%<br />

side<br />

Under the floor 10% 15 – 30%<br />

Under the floor 2) 5% 10%<br />

Table 3: Empirical data for dirt accumulation and safety margins of<br />

radiators.<br />

The recommended procedure is to account<br />

for dirt accumulation by assuming<br />

a reduced heat transition due to the<br />

presence of a dirt film on the surfaces<br />

of the cooling air side and to additionally<br />

assume that a certain percentage<br />

of the radiator front area is blocked<br />

(table 3). The blocking of part of the<br />

radiator front area influences flow resistance<br />

in the air flow.<br />

In this way, clear operating points are<br />

found for the fan that can be simulated<br />

IN/09V00<br />

V L in %<br />

Fig. 10: Characteristic of fan IN/09V00 (red); characteristic of radiator<br />

under various conditions (blue).<br />

1 – Design point with dirty cooler group<br />

2’ – Design point with clean cooler group<br />

2 – Operating point with clean cooler group<br />

3’ – Design point with cold and clean cooler group<br />

3 – Operating point with cold and clean cooler group (test rig)<br />

1) These figures also<br />

include possible power<br />

reductions due to<br />

production tolerances.<br />

2) Using fine wire mesh<br />

and filters.<br />

in the vehicle both for a clean and for a<br />

dirty cooler group at full throttle conditions,<br />

steady-state conditions, and defined<br />

air inlet temperatures (fig. 10).<br />

The same applies when additional protective<br />

measures in the form of fine wire<br />

mesh or filters at the cooling air inlet<br />

are taken to reduce dirt deposits due<br />

to long maintenance intervals. The resulting<br />

resistances and their behaviour<br />

in the case of clogging must be taken<br />

into account for the fan design.

3.4 Arrangement of the fan<br />

The vehicle type and cooler group design<br />

determine the fan arrangement in<br />

the cooling system. Preferably, the fan<br />

should be arranged behind the radiator,<br />

i. e. it should act as a suction fan.<br />

This arrangement will result in a relatively<br />

even application of air to the radiator<br />

as well as in favourable inflow<br />

conditions for the fan and low transition<br />

losses from radiator to fan. Good<br />

inflow conditions exist in particular<br />

when the ratio of radiator front area to<br />

fan diameter does not exceed 3:2, or<br />

when the largest radiator dimension is<br />

not greater than 1.5 to 1.8 times the<br />

fan diameter, and when the fan is not<br />

located too close to the radiator. The<br />

distance between radiator and fan<br />

should be more or less the hub diameter,<br />

as a minimum, however, 60 % of<br />

the hub diameter.<br />

A disadvantage in the case of free discharge<br />

are the exit losses, which may<br />

be high. With an air outlet velocity of<br />

30 m/s at 70 °C, the exit losses may<br />

reach a level of about 500 Pa (fig. 11).<br />

When the fan is used as a blower fan,<br />

high transition losses between fan and<br />

radiator (fig. 12) and the non-uniform<br />

application of air to the radiator must<br />

be taken into consideration. This has a<br />

negative effect on thermal performance<br />

and must be taken into account when<br />

designing the system. The impact of<br />

these disadvantages can be alleviated<br />

by increasing the distance between fan<br />

and radiator. Choosing a blower arrangement<br />

may be advisable if the cooling<br />

air temperature after the radiator is<br />

too high for the fan drive with electric<br />

motor so that the motor would become<br />

too big or difficult to cool.<br />

In an increasing number of cases, determining<br />

one operating point as described<br />

above is no longer sufficient.<br />

Further system performance curves<br />

have to be prepared to determine other<br />

V2 = 110%<br />

1<br />

V2 = 110%<br />

2<br />

V1 = 100%<br />

Arrangement Pressure curve<br />

Fig. 11: Pressure loss of suction fan<br />

V2 = 110%<br />

2<br />

V1 = 100%<br />

1<br />

V1 = 100%<br />

Arrangement<br />

Fig. 12: Pressure loss of blower fan<br />

V1 = Cold ccoling air volume flow<br />

V2 = Hot ccoling air volume flow<br />

∆p t = Total pressure difference of fan<br />

∆p A = Dynamic outlet pressure loss<br />

operating points before it is possible to<br />

assess the fan design and check it for<br />

limit conditions.<br />

Important differences result if<br />

- calculated over or underpressures<br />

from the airflow around the vehicle<br />

turn out to be higher or lower than<br />

assumed,<br />

– +<br />

∆p t = 125%<br />

– +<br />

∆p A<br />

∆p A<br />

∆p t = 100%<br />

Pressure curve<br />

1 Ventilator<br />

2 Cooler<br />

- the calculated dirt deposit on new or<br />

cleaned radiators does not exist or<br />

becomes greater than assumed for<br />

various reasons,<br />

- air density is higher at low cooling<br />

air temperatures while the system is<br />

operated at maximum fan speed,<br />

- function checks are performed on<br />

the test rig while the radiator is cold<br />

(fig. 10).<br />


3.5 Fan operating points<br />

Decisive for fan design is the operating<br />

point for the specified service data. The<br />

service data are usually the maximum<br />

conditions for the heat flow, temperatures,<br />

safety margins against dirt, and<br />

driving conditions. A suitable fan characteristic<br />

and fan type are selected for<br />

the service data, e. g. for a volume flow<br />

of 25 m 3 /s with a total pressure loss of<br />

1400 Pa (fig. 13). A prerequisite is an<br />

orderly inflow to the fan. This fan selection<br />

procedure is still adequate today<br />

whenever the operating point lies in the<br />

steep section of the characteristic and<br />

in the favourable area of the fan’s characteristic<br />

diagram. Moreover, there<br />

must be no operating conditions that<br />

14<br />

Speed n = [1/min]<br />

D = [mm]<br />

∆ p t in Pa<br />

1800<br />

1600<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

1460<br />

3000<br />

2850<br />

2800<br />

2400<br />

B<br />

2000<br />

1800<br />

1500<br />

ηt<br />

D = 1000<br />

0,8<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

D = 1120<br />

400<br />

10 15 20 25 30 40<br />

V L in m 3 /s<br />

D = 1250<br />

Fig. 13: Excerpt from fan performance graph IN/09V-BF1.<br />

B = Reference point<br />

L = Performance point<br />

ηt = Overall efficiency<br />

∆pt = Total pressure difference = total pressure increase<br />

L<br />

0,85<br />

deviate very much from the design conditions.<br />

The operating point of the fan is determined<br />

taking into account all the components<br />

exposed to the cooling air, inlet<br />

and outlet losses, and all external<br />

influences such as over and underpressures<br />

on the outside of the vehicle.<br />

These are caused by the speeddependent<br />

flow around the vehicle and<br />

by the installation characteristics of the<br />

cooling system (fig. 14). Secondary air<br />

or return flows of hot cooling air may<br />

have an influence on air density at the<br />

cooling air inlet and thus on flow resistance.<br />

This is the case, for instance,<br />

when the air outlet is toward the track<br />

bed.<br />

D = 1400<br />

0,9<br />

IN/09V94<br />

D = 1600<br />

IN/09V00<br />

0,93<br />

IN/09V06<br />

D = 1800<br />

IN/09V12<br />

∆p<br />

in %<br />

100<br />

93,5<br />

88,5<br />

80<br />

70<br />

70<br />

The resistances of wire mesh, filters,<br />

and radiators is easy to calculate. The<br />

calculation of resistance from air-conducting<br />

housing elements, transition<br />

losses from radiator to fan or vice-versa<br />

is possible based on test results or requires<br />

idealized models, e. g. according<br />

to Idelchik [8]. Resistance values<br />

based on experience are also available<br />

for obstacles inside the cooler group,<br />

as in pipes or various other components,<br />

or obstacles downstream of the<br />

cooler group. Where this is not so, fixed<br />

values must be applied. When detailed<br />

calculations are made, the corresponding<br />

inaccuracies will be negligible.<br />

2’<br />

1<br />

3’<br />

100<br />

2<br />

3<br />

108,5 112,5<br />

IN/09V00<br />

V L in %<br />

Fig. 14: Changes of design and performance points with different<br />

systems and operating conditions.<br />

1 – Design point for dirty cooler group with under/overpressure<br />

2’ – Design point for dirty cooler group without under/overpressure<br />

2 – Operating point for dirty cooler group without under/overpressure<br />

3’ – Design point for clean cooler group without under/overpressure<br />

3 – Operating point for clean cooler group without under/overpressure

3.6 Noise emission and sound<br />

insulation<br />

Reducing noise emission is of paramount<br />

importance today. The limits vehicle<br />

customers specify for noise emission<br />

are getting lower and lower and<br />

non-compliance with these limits is penalized.<br />

One reason for this is an increasing<br />

demand for comfort, another<br />

one is more stringent safety at work and<br />

environmental legislation.<br />

So far it has only been possible to predict<br />

noise emission for individual<br />

sources in the rail vehicle but not for<br />

complete systems comprising several<br />

components. Determining and quantifying<br />

the corresponding influences is<br />

certainly not an easy task. They can<br />

only be estimated based on experience<br />

with similar installations.<br />

The purpose of fans and blowers is to<br />

deliver a volume flow against a resistance.<br />

The resulting noise may be unwelcome,<br />

but it is basically inevitable.<br />

For this reason, the development of<br />

fans has always been linked to investigations<br />

concerning noise emission, the<br />

causes of the noise and possibilities of<br />

reducing it. The immense number of<br />

examinations and research projects<br />

existing in this field shows how complex<br />

interaction between fluidics and<br />

accoustics is [1, 9, 10].<br />

Apart from factors associated with the<br />

fan itself and the system layout, noise<br />

emission is influenced mainly by the<br />

volume flow, pressure rise, efficiency,<br />

speed, and diameter. The total sound<br />

power level of a fan will be about<br />

2 dB(A) lower, for instance, if the required<br />

volume flow can be reduced by<br />

10 %. A reduction in fan speed by 20 %<br />

will reduce the total sound power level<br />

by another 4 dB(A). A reduction in this<br />

level of 3 dB(A) corresponds to a 50 %<br />

reduction in sound pressure so that the<br />

noise only appears half as lound. This<br />

is a substantial improvement, therefore.<br />

With the same sound pressure, high frequencies<br />

are considered louder and<br />

more unpleasant than low ones. The dominating<br />

frequency of the noise radiated<br />

by the fan is calculated by multiplying fan<br />

speed by blade number. These two factors<br />

should therefore be kept small.<br />

Having a small number of blades is<br />

basically possible and also preferable<br />

for aerodynamic reasons. However, it<br />

will result in a higher depth of the<br />

impeller as the dimensions of the blade<br />

profiles will increase.<br />

Reducing fan speed has its limits. The<br />

angle of attack of the blades can be a-<br />

•<br />

dapted to the specified volume flow V, the<br />

corresponding velocity vectors, and the<br />

assigned energy Y. There is a fundamental<br />

relation between peripheral velocity at<br />

the outer diameter of the impeller and the<br />

total impeller cross-section. For the pressure<br />

coefficient, the peripheral velocity u<br />

appears in the denominator squared<br />

ψ =<br />

2 • Y<br />

(1)<br />

u 2<br />

whereas for the flow coefficient it appears<br />

in the denominator to the power<br />

of one together with the total cross-section<br />

of the fan<br />

ϕ = (2)<br />

π • D<br />

This means that special blade profiles<br />

are needed to realize low fan speeds.<br />

2 •<br />

4 • VL • u<br />

Fans with irregular blade arrangements<br />

and unusual blade shapes have proved<br />

unsuitable for cooling systems of rail<br />

vehicles.<br />

When the fan is installed in the centre of<br />

the system, it is somewhat shielded by<br />

the radiator, filter, deflectors and housing<br />

so that sound propagation is restrained.<br />

A further reduction in noise<br />

emission is possible by using suitable<br />

insulating materials. Sound reflection inside<br />

the cooler group and radiation from<br />

the housing are reduced by absorption.<br />

Freely sucking and freely discharging<br />

fans are a problem. They emit sound unobstructed.<br />

Any measures to reduce<br />

noise emission would be too costly in this<br />

case, mainly because of the high flow<br />

rates involved that would require excessively<br />

large silencers. Moreover, such silencers<br />

would not be efficient because<br />

they would cause considerable flow loss.<br />

Some of the silencing measures already<br />

mentioned, in contrast, can be<br />

adopted easily and at low cost. Using<br />

them in a clever and systematic way<br />

can yield considerable results, as can<br />

be seen from the following examples.<br />

On a commuter train with underfloormounted<br />

cooling system it was found<br />

that sound radiation of the freely sucking<br />

fan was about 3 dB(A) lower when<br />

the air does not enter the system via<br />

grids in the side skirts as usual. A cover<br />

plate coated with sound-absorbing<br />

material will therefore be installed on<br />

the vehicle at a suitable distance in front<br />

of the fan. This plate serves at the same<br />

time as a dirt deflector against the track<br />

bed underneath it.<br />

For a tilting train set with underfloormounted<br />

cooling system the sound<br />

pressure originating from a freely discharging<br />

fan measured beside the vehicle<br />

during development research<br />

could be reduced by about 3 dB(A) by<br />

modifying the housing to provide an<br />

indirect cooling air outlet. Fitting the unit<br />

with sound-absorbing material reduced<br />

the noise by another 4 dB(A).<br />

Efficiency influences noise emission,<br />

too. It is determined by the location of<br />

the operating point in the characteristic<br />

diagram and there is always a<br />

greater or smaller distance from the<br />

point of optimum efficiency. The greater<br />

this distance, the higher the noise level.<br />

A ratio is derived from this distance that<br />

influences the noise. The closer the<br />

operating point to the efficiency optimum,<br />

the lower the noise emission.<br />


4. Modern cooling systems and their design<br />

Great demands are made on rail vehicle<br />

components today, combined with<br />

a high power density and reduced<br />

safety margins.<br />

New developments were fostered by<br />

new generations of vehicles for highspeed<br />

and commuter service. Availability<br />

targets and the competitive situation<br />

and the resulting cost pressure on<br />

manufacturers and operators played a<br />

major role in this process.<br />

Today’s cooling systems must offer the<br />

following features:<br />

• competitive and economical,<br />

• compact design with a high power<br />

density,<br />

• light and robust at the same time,<br />

• technically innovative,<br />

•low and precisely controlled auxiliary<br />

machine power (fans, pumps)<br />

in order to save energy,<br />

• long service life,<br />

• high availability, i. e. low maintenance,<br />

high reliability, trouble-free,<br />

• recyclable and environmentally<br />

compatible with regard to materials<br />

and consumables used and<br />

productionprocesses employed,<br />

•low noise emission [9, 10].<br />

These requirements – some of which<br />

contradict each other – are detailed in<br />

tender specifications for new vehicles.<br />

Both vehicle manufacturers and end<br />

users expect a competent cooling system<br />

manufacturer to contribute his<br />

know-how to the vehicle design and<br />

offer solutions to possible problems.<br />

16<br />

Consequently, the cooling system<br />

manufacturer must be consulted already<br />

when drafting the tender specification<br />

at the project planning stage,<br />

especially with regard to the arrangement<br />

of components and the cooler<br />

group in the vehicle. The arrangement<br />

and properties of components often<br />

have a negative influence on their cooling,<br />

e. g.<br />

• insufficient space for cooling,<br />

• unfavourable routing of cooling air<br />

(outside and inside the cooler<br />

group),<br />

• problematic air intake and discharge<br />

conditions (dirt, leak air),<br />

• speed-dependent external pressure<br />

conditions due to the air flow around<br />

the vehicle, and<br />

• high auxiliary machine power.<br />

To achieve low noise emission levels,<br />

low costs, and high efficiency in the<br />

system, all parties concerned must examine<br />

and assess all possible options<br />

and influences. The consequences of<br />

changes and alternative solutions must<br />

be presented and the best solution for<br />

a given project must be found in cooperation.<br />

An example will show that this<br />

way of proceeding is both appropriate<br />

and successful.<br />

When designing a series of electric locomotives<br />

rated at 4 to 8 MW using<br />

standardized modules, various concepts<br />

and variants derived from them<br />

were calculated completely, both with<br />

regard to technical parameters and<br />

cost. Experts in the field of electrical<br />

driveline components (traction inverter,<br />

transformer, traction motors), vehicle<br />

construction, aerodynamics, accoustics,<br />

and cooling were involved.<br />

The following design variants were considered,<br />

among other things:<br />

- central cooling air intake with and<br />

without air cleaning for all consumers<br />

(inverter/transformer cooling,<br />

traction motor cooling, air-conditioning<br />

units, auxiliary equipment,<br />

machine compartment ventilation),<br />

- individual intake with air cleaning at<br />

the consumers that need clean<br />

cooling air,<br />

- combinations of different cooling<br />

devices vis-à-vis single or multiple<br />

arrangement with different types of<br />

redundancy and drive power.<br />

In order to achieve redundancy in air<br />

supply, additional measures had to be<br />

taken for the combination solutions, e.<br />

g. for cooling air supply by the sister<br />

unit. This required a high drive power,<br />

among other things due to high flow<br />

losses in air ducts and to the required<br />

flow restriction when matching the cooling<br />

air flows to the various consumers.<br />

Also assessed were the weight, space<br />

requirements, ease of installation, accessibility,<br />

noise emission, and damping<br />

requirements as well as the energy<br />

consumption of auxiliary machine systems.<br />

The assessment revealed advantages<br />

of combination solutions in the categories<br />

of space requirements and initial<br />

cost. However, these solutions later<br />

proved to be impracticable due to high<br />

operating costs for energy supply and<br />

high costs for redundancy. Partial combinations<br />

like those successfully used<br />

for inverter and transformer cooling, in<br />

contrast, came out well. This applies in<br />

conjunction with central air intake – with<br />

air cleaning and silencing facilities if<br />

necessary – and the possibility to have<br />

different segments for the various consumers.<br />

The examinations also showed that optimization<br />

of the total system should be<br />

given preference to cost reductions for<br />

individual components only. This applies<br />

even more to new vehicles as the demands<br />

made on them continue to rise.

5. Economical considerations<br />

Development costs money. It can only<br />

be financed today if there is a financing<br />

concept that is suitable for small lot<br />

production as found in the rail vehicle<br />

sector. Taking into account market appreciation<br />

of high-quality components<br />

would be desirable, but there are no<br />

signs that it might ever be possible under<br />

the current competitive conditions.<br />

There is a wide variety of fan types and<br />

designs available. Cheap offers are<br />

based on standard modules for different<br />

applications and will rarely be suitable<br />

for rail vehicles. Just comparing<br />

prices is not the way to find a suitable<br />

fan. An analysis of the price/benefit ratio<br />

and of life cycle costs is indispensable.<br />

The price difference of a few thousand<br />

Euro between a fan with a high overall<br />

efficiency of up to 90 % - such efficiency<br />

levels are possible by using slim blade<br />

profiles with optimum twist - and one<br />

of 50 to 60 % efficiency is often compensated<br />

by fuel savings already after<br />

two to three years.<br />

An example of a railcar with 480 kW<br />

engine output illustrates this. With a<br />

cooling requirement of 2 x 5 m 3 /s and a<br />

total pressure of about 1000 Pa, the use<br />

of high-efficiency fans permits fuel savings<br />

of about 2400 l/yr. (tables 4<br />

and 5).<br />

Standard system<br />

<strong>Voith</strong> railway system<br />

Efficiency 55% 84%<br />

Power consumption ca. 9.0 kW ca. 6.0 kW<br />

Hydraulic pump * ca. 24 kW ca. 16 kW<br />

Table 4: Comparison of batch-manufactured standard cooling systems<br />

vis-à-vis special rail vehicle cooling systems.<br />

Fan design:<br />

Standard cooling system – plastics, aluminium<br />

(without fan shroud)<br />

Rail vehicle cooling system – aluminium (with fan shroud)<br />

* with 2 fans η Hy = 0.75<br />

Assumption:<br />

• max. power of standard fan 24 kW<br />

• max. power of <strong>Voith</strong> fan 16 kW<br />

• max. savings 8 kW<br />

• Annual average savings about 30% 2.6 kW<br />

• 4 000 operating hours per year<br />

Energy savings: 2.6 kW * 4 000 h/year = 10 400 kWh/year<br />

Fuel savings: 10 400 kWh * 190 g/kWh ≈ 2 000 kg/year<br />

Table 5: Comparison standard fan / <strong>Voith</strong> fan<br />

2 000 kg / 0.83 kg/l ≈ 2 400 liter/year<br />

This example shows that the fan as a<br />

dynamic element and aerodynamics<br />

are at least as important as the radiator<br />

element when optimizing the cooling<br />

system as a whole. Optimally tuned<br />

complete systems guarantee high efficiency<br />

and thus also maximum<br />

economy. Future vehicle concepts will<br />

have to take this into account.<br />


6. Summary<br />

Energy consumption and noise emission<br />

of auxiliary machines in rail vehicles<br />

can be substantially improved by<br />

selecting suitable fans and choosing a<br />

favourable aerodynamic design for the<br />

cooling system.<br />

When procuring new fans, the entire life<br />

cycle of the cooling system should be<br />

assessed rather than focussing on the<br />

initial cost alone. Paying a higher price<br />

for a technically advanced high-quality<br />

solution may well be economical since<br />

the price difference will easily be compensated<br />

by protection of the environment<br />

and energy savings.<br />

18<br />

References<br />

[1] Marcinowski, H.: Einfluß des Laufradspaltes<br />

und der Luftführung eines<br />

Kühlgebläses axialer Bauart.<br />

(1953) MTZ 14/9, S. 259 - 269<br />

[2] Marcinowski, H.: Der Einfluß des<br />

Laufradspaltes bei leitradlosen, frei<br />

ausblasenden Ventilatoren.<br />

<strong>Voith</strong>-Forschung und Konstruktion 3<br />

(1958) 8, S. 2.1-2.3.2<br />

[3] Marcinowski, H.: Experimentelle<br />

Untersuchungen in der Lufttechnischen<br />

Abteilung.<br />

<strong>Voith</strong>-Forschung und Konstruktion 4<br />

(1958) 11, S. 15.1-15.16.<br />

[4] Goepel, W.: Regelventilator mit mechanischem<br />

Antrieb.<br />

MTZ 19 (1958) 8, S. 277-279 und<br />

<strong>Voith</strong>-Druck G 596, S. 4.68.<br />

[5] Goepel, W.: Entwicklungsstand der <strong>Voith</strong>-<br />

Kühlanlagen für Diesellokomotiven.<br />

Der Eisenbahningenieur, 2 (1968) und<br />

<strong>Voith</strong>-Druck G 595.<br />

[6] Schmid, R.: Neue energiesparende<br />

Hilfsmaschinenantriebe für dieselgetriebene<br />

Schienenfahrzeuge.<br />

<strong>Voith</strong>-Druck G 1513 (1997) H.10<br />

[7] Joas, K. u. Schmid, R.: Regeleinrichtungen<br />

für einen hydrodynamischen<br />

Antrieb.<br />

Patentschrift DE 43 04 403 C2, 1994<br />

[8] Idelchik; J.E.: Handbook of Hydraulic<br />

Resistance, Springer-Verlag,<br />

Berlin 1986<br />

[9] von Hofe, R.: Geräuscharme Kühler-<br />

Lüfter-Systeme. Forschungsberichte<br />

Verbrennungskraftmaschinen.<br />

(1980) H.R 276<br />

[10] Kameier, F.u.W. Neise: Spaltmodifikation<br />

verbessert Ventilatoren.<br />

Heizung, Lüftung, Haustechnik.<br />

45 (1994) 8, S. 395-400.<br />

[11] <strong>Voith</strong> <strong>Turbo</strong> GmbH (Hrsg.): Kühlsysteme<br />

für Lokomotiven und Triebwagen.<br />

<strong>Voith</strong>-Druck G 935d (2000) H.8.<br />

[12] <strong>Voith</strong> <strong>Turbo</strong> GmbH (Hrsg.), Kühlsysteme<br />

für Schienenfahrzeuge – Referenzen.<br />

<strong>Voith</strong>-Druck G 1968d (2001) H.3.

20<br />

<strong>Voith</strong> <strong>Turbo</strong> GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Division Rail<br />

Postfach 2030<br />

D-89510 Heidenheim<br />

Tel. (07321) 37-4485<br />

Fax (07321) 37-7096<br />

Email cooling-systems@voith.com<br />

www.voithturbo.com<br />

G 1671 e 3.2002, 1000 Klö/MP Printed in Germany.<br />

Subject to modification. The information given herein is of a descriptive nature only and does not constitute any assurances<br />

as to the performance or the characteristics of any equipment supplied.

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