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23':1 TUF. llrr!.lNG-TlME OF LILt:.<br />

foun(l drinking with the drunken, or breaking<br />

the Sabbath with the ungodly. rrhis is forti.<br />

fying )'ourselvcs internally agaiust external<br />

ftX~.<br />

Let me Ilame anotll('f ad vantng~ in the ncquisition<br />

of knowl~lgc. ltfi18 men for tlje great<br />

dill/a of lift:.<br />

That n cultivated mind gives its possessor<br />

immrn:::c 5u~riorjty over the uncultivfl.ted,<br />

m~ctls 110 proof. Let me ask why ~ome one<br />

iutlividual ill a. town, vilhl.ge, or neighborhoou<br />

ha:$ Euch weight of character and influence?<br />

'\~h)' is he consulted on all import.n,nt oec.'\-<br />

:;:.ions, and put forward in every business that<br />

requires capacity? "\Vhy is he chu.:o;cll as tbe<br />

arbiter of 80 lllany dispute~l the executor of:::.o<br />

man)' wills, the guardian of ~o many orphan<br />

children? Much of this r~pcet may uu paill<br />

hila for the piety, the probit.\" :1l1d the uosu!.<br />

lied integrity of his character; but who does<br />

not know that mere goclllnc.,;;s, separated from<br />

intelligence, never qualifies a man to transact<br />

important hllsincs.::s?<br />

rrhcrc is no n'lLSOIl why even menial occupntiou1:)<br />

should be dil'!!olOCintcdfrom mental im.

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