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The gBllierliiK of the llaptiHt hoiitH lu Gndbden, November<br />

8ih, wati n notable ocfatloii. It marked the<br />

78lh hchMoii of the Htate Convention of Alabama Baptl8tH.<br />

A number had uome In the preceding day for the<br />

pnrpiM of attending the MlnlHtera' Kfeetlng, which Is<br />

alwayn held ttie day before the regular Cooveutlon.<br />

While there wnHaMmall attendance at this ineetliig,<br />

eome very Important Hul>Jeetii were ably dlscuwed,<br />

Ruoh ax: " What la Revealed In Berlpture In<br />

Itegard to the Interde|>eude!ice of New Teatameui<br />

('hurcheit?" tiy Dr. A C. DAvidson and other*, and<br />

What Ih tlieTrue Bible Doi'lrlne of'The liaptiun<br />

of the Holy t«pirll?" dlHCUMtd l)y Dr». W. J. Mc-<br />

Ulothlln and J. M. Froitt.<br />

Ttie i.aptlHti) and thoRe of other denomiuatiouB<br />

received the dtfcgaten, about 'JM) strong, with the<br />

most cordial lioi-pttallty.<br />

The liaptlHtH have erected an elegant, artiatlc<br />

church building in which the CouventioD was held.<br />

The huu»e had been t-adly needed for years. Borne<br />

of theUHdmirn ^aUitxdeclare that they did uot Itelieve<br />

they would ever have had the building bad it not<br />

Itten for the Indomitable energy and enthusiasm of<br />

tlieir ioung psBlor, J. W. WilllB<br />

Hon. H. H. I). Mallory of Heinu, one of the most<br />

prominent lawyen* In tiie Htate, and one who has<br />

been Identtlled with Kaptist sll«lrB for years, was<br />

uuaulmoutl^ elected Freildent of the Convention, the<br />

former President, Dr. W. C. Cleveland, having died<br />

in February last. It will be remembered that Mr.<br />

Mallory retiponded to the address of welcome lu<br />

liOulMvllle a* our laxt Bouthern Dapliit (-onvention.<br />

Dr. A c. Davidson and Hon. It. E. Fettus were<br />

elected Vice preoldeuts of the Convention.<br />

During the tlrst day of the Convention Drs. F. H.<br />

Kerfoot and J. M. F'ro^t were iieard from in regard<br />

to the work nf their rfc»|iective Boards. Those of you<br />

who |{now these brethren need not to be told that the<br />

Convention was entertained. Of course <strong>Tenn</strong>esseans<br />

know Dr. FroM. He Is also at home in Alabama.<br />

We were glad to bear from him and of his prosperous<br />

work. Dr. Kerfoot caught the Convention as be<br />

came t>«fore them In hU new capacity of Secretary of<br />

the Home Board. He made a masterful address on<br />

the grand huI ject of " iMliiHlons." He aud Dr. Frost<br />

hail tr> iinrry iitVittifr tho iir.t rti»y for the great Texas<br />

('oiiv«ntloii.<br />

Dr. B. D. (iray, w ho wa» to have preached the Convention<br />

vermoM, being absent, Dr. W. J. Midlothlin<br />

was asked to preach. He selected us a text Matt. vi.<br />

10, "Thy will l>edone." The sermon abounded in<br />

tender patliOH, wise counsel and earnest appeal, and<br />

struck a deep epiritual note which sounded throughout<br />

the setslon of the Convention.<br />

Tiie reports of our dlll'erent Institutions were moit<br />

encouraging. Out of debt, Alabama Baptists now<br />

turn their faces toward tlie future, which Is bright<br />

with prospects of great things. As Is well known,<br />

I lie sum of all our Indebtedness, amountaing to about<br />

|:i,s,iK)0, was |>ald oil' July Utli. This fact lilled all<br />

liearts with rejoicing.<br />

Howard College and Judson Institute for Girls were<br />

never in a more prosparous condition. They are now<br />

asking for endowment, and plans are forming for this<br />

great work.<br />

One of the great spcecheiof the Cooveutlon was<br />

made by Dr. W. B. Crumpton, the former Beoretary<br />

of the Btate Board, who has taken up this work now.<br />

Prof. McUiothlin presented the claims of the Berninary,<br />

and asked for about 1700 for the Btudents'<br />

Fund. The Convention gave him over (1,000 In a few<br />

mluutes.<br />

Dr. Willingham was with us, and told of the great<br />

workof i^oreign Missions. One of the most enthusiastic<br />

meetings of the Convention was on Thursday<br />

night, when Foreign Missions was discussed by him.<br />

The sfieeches throughout the Convention were on<br />

the line of hopefulneM. Alabama Baptists are now<br />

forgetting the things that are behind, and stnitoblog<br />

forward toward the things that are before.<br />

The Conveutiou determined to make next ye«r<br />

a great educational year, religiously as well as in<<br />

(ellectually. ICtrorts will be made to endow our Institutions,<br />

and make a forward movement lu every<br />

Hue of wuik. There has uot beeu such an encouraging<br />

outlook In years.<br />

The next seasloa of the Conveutiou will b« held<br />

with the churob at Tuaoalooea, Tumday beforn the<br />

seooud Buuday lu November, 1000. R«v. A. B. Bmlth<br />

of Alexander City will preach the CouveDtlou aer*<br />

mou.<br />

The Matiou cams to a olose.Filday afternoou. I'he<br />

iwopla of tbbi beauurui IHUe towu entertained the<br />

Couventlou In a very handsome mautter, and the<br />

dajre epent here will be a bright spot In the memoty<br />

of every delegate for yean (o coma.<br />

I T. M. CALtiAWAV.<br />



I have beeu Intending writing you for some time,<br />

but an unusual press of engagements haa prevented.<br />

You have had an account of the Walnut-street, Louisville,<br />

Jubilee. It was a great occasion. Five pastors<br />

(four ex-pastors and the preseut pastor) were<br />

present and took part—Drs. Loilmer,Bpaldlng, Wharton,<br />

Warder and Eaton. I give them lu the order In<br />

which they served. Two of the pastors are dead—<br />

Drs. Bmlth and Everts. This great church In all Its<br />

history has only bad seven pastors. The membe^<br />

ship now numbers 1,750. They have but recently<br />

beeu offered fI2r>,000 cash fur the superb old edifice.<br />

We also bad addressee from Drs. Mulllna, Frost, Barton,<br />

Tlcbenor and others. It was a peculiar experl.<br />

euce to stand before those people the first time lu<br />

twenty-five years. I recognized the minority of those<br />

still living at once, but sadly missed many loved ones<br />

long gone to their reward. I was the guest of Dr.<br />

Eaton, and enjoyed my stay at his home greatly.<br />

Almost as soon as I returned, the Maryland Baptist<br />

Union Association was held in this city with the<br />

Grace Baptist Church. It was a notable and Inspiring<br />

meeting. Dr. Kerfoot was present to represent<br />

the Home Mission Board, and did It grandly. He is<br />

evidently the right man In the right place, and a<br />

great future Is before the Board. Dr. Frost made a<br />

capital speech for the Buuday-school Board, and so<br />

did Dr. Rowland for the American Baptist Publica.<br />

tiou Bociety. Dr. Mullius also spoke. Dr. tirgory's<br />

report showed the work to be going forward In Maryland<br />

most encouragingly. And so with the report of<br />

Miss Annie W. Armstrong, whom I find to be a tower<br />

of strength among Maryland Baptists. Uou. Joshua<br />

Levering was the presiding olHi^r, with Rev. H.<br />

Wayne Smith as Secretary. It was my first attendance<br />

upon the Convention and I was greatly pleased.<br />

I bad a most important baptism at Brautly Church<br />

Just one week ago. It was that of Rev. Henry J.<br />

Koehler, a sub-deacon and Capuchlu Monk of the Roman<br />

Catholic Church. In ^ptember he wrote me<br />

that he was greatly worried about his spiritual condition<br />

and seeking an Interview. Thia was held after<br />

some correspondence, and I was greatly Impressed<br />

with the reasons he gave for his change. His faith<br />

was first shaken In the doctrine of the infallibility of<br />

the Pope; secondly, in tbescripturalnees of the Auricular<br />

Confessional: thirdly. In tbedotrlniinf tr*nii.aiit>.<br />

stantlation, and lastly, on account of the superstitions<br />

of the church. After a meeting with the deacons he<br />

was presented for admittance into the church. A<br />

great crowd was present to hear his address of thirty<br />

minutes, and It was a telling one, moviug all bearto.<br />

He is a German by birth, an educated man, 52 years<br />

old. He was an inmate of the Convent of the Little<br />

Bisters of the Poor, this city. He presented me with<br />

a copy of The Gorles of Mary," which seems to be a<br />

sort of Couvent text book, and he also presented me<br />

with his " rosary," as souvenirs. While I was pastor<br />

in Louisville twenty-five years ago I baptized an exsister<br />

of charity, besides some other Citholics, and I<br />

need uot say I am fond of the work. God sp^ the<br />

day when the clouds of superstition shall be lifted<br />

from the minds of all who are now under the domination<br />

of Rome so they can see "the true Light<br />

which llghteth every man that cometh into the<br />

world." M. B, Whabton.<br />

Baltimore, Md., November flih.<br />


It may be of interest to many of the reilders of the<br />

Baitibt AND Rkflectok to see a few facts In regard<br />

to this institution of learning.<br />

It Is a Baptist school and was founded In 1821. In<br />

Its early work Lather Rice, the companion of Adoulram<br />

Jbdsou, was a very prominent factoir. It Is a<br />

iitile singular that Its chief benefactor, Mr. Corcoran,<br />

was an Kplscopaliau. This may partly explain the<br />

fact that a few of the leading professors are of that<br />

faith. However, the President of the Unlvenlty and<br />

the majority of the trustees must be Baptists.<br />

A member of the board told me that at one time It<br />

was lu fair way to pass from Baptist control, but by<br />

prompt aud heroic action It was forever secured toour<br />

deuomluatloii.<br />

Last year of the 100 students lu the (Jollege proper,<br />

only 17 were Baptists.<br />

Ita chief Hohoola are located at the corner ofFlf.<br />

tceuth aud H itreets, In the heart of the cityi cue<br />

square from the White House. The medical aud<br />

dental •ohooli have a building not ftir away.<br />

The Uulvenlty haa a large offloe building on Fifth<br />

Btreet, ertoted with endowment funds. The nnte<br />

bring a much larger Income than the Intercet on the<br />

Inveatmeut.<br />

The number of profeseora aud leotureni la 178, many<br />

of whom am eminent In their line. Mauy ipeolatlita<br />

realde here and have other ismployment. This ilvea<br />

the Unlvenlty rare opportunlly to eeoura the ablest<br />

Ulent. For Instance, Judge Harlan of the Supreme<br />

Court of the United States lectures three times a<br />

week to the law students. X heard him laat night on<br />

"The Constltutlon"~a rare privilege. Only thla laat<br />

week Dr. Sterrett, our prafeesor of psychology, favored<br />

our class with thiee Illustrated lecturee by eminent<br />

specialists. One of these was by Dr. McDonald of the<br />

Bureau of Education, who spoke on Experimental<br />

Psychology. He had some fine Inatrumente present<br />

from the Department and showed us how to use them.<br />

We also went to Cbevy Chase, foqr nillee out, to vlalt<br />

the finest laboratory for thla study lu the world. We<br />

heard a lecture by Dr. Gatee, whole punuing reeearch<br />

work here and will Isaue a book soon. Thia book Is<br />

a waited with interest by students of the New Psychology.<br />

Dr. Kerfood Bhute of the medical school and an author,<br />

gave us a valuable lecture on the brain and Ito<br />

relation to the mind.<br />

President Whitman lectures to the College and Law<br />

School on Political Science, using his own eylabus. He<br />

also preachee twice each Sunday In Philadelphia.<br />

B. N. Haws of Jonesboro, <strong>Tenn</strong>., a former student<br />

of Carson aud Newman, gets the degree of A. B. from<br />

the College here this year and also takee the fint year<br />

In law. He ranks high.<br />

The Calvary Church baa a covenant meeting on<br />

Tbunday evening preceding each fint Sunday. Thla<br />

week, perhaps 400 memben were preeent and stood In<br />

a body while the pastor read. In Impressive aooenta,<br />

the church covenant and concluded with a fervent<br />

prayer. It is an Impressive scene. My wife and I<br />

stood with this host for the fint time. Following thie<br />

on Sunday, always comes the celebration of the Lord's<br />

Supper.<br />

I hope that Bai^'ikt and Reflbctor Day may be<br />

a great success. J. T. Hendbrson.<br />


Pastor J. L. Dance has had a great meeting with<br />

his Piedmont Church, nearly doub.Ing the numben<br />

and strength of the church. He was assisted In the<br />

meeting by Rev. J. F. Hale.<br />

Pastor J. M. Walters is being assisted In a good<br />

meeting at Alpha by Rev. J.'B. Bundren.<br />

On the fint Sunday In the month the new meetinghouse<br />

at Beulah was dedicated. Paator W. O. Hale,<br />

by request of the church, preached the dedication<br />

sermon. Dr. Ktrly preached a flne eennan^.to t&e<br />

afternoon. Bni. Hale has done monumental work at<br />

Warrensburg and Beulab. The new meetlng-houae la<br />

" a thing of beauty," aud was dedicated with appropriate<br />

ceremonies and fitting servlcee, the latter Including<br />

two scriptural sermons and three goapel collections<br />

lu one day—one of them a free-will ofTerlng<br />

of some $16 to missions. The Beulah Charoh has a<br />

fine field for labor and a hopeful future.<br />

I bear good reports from Dr. J. M. Phillips and the<br />

Oak Grove meeting. His pulpit at Mosey Creek was<br />

supplied last Sunday by the writer and Prof. J. M.<br />

Burnett.<br />

Our editor-in-chtef. Dr. Folk, now on his way to<br />

Salt Lake City to lieard the Hon In hie den, la dealing<br />

Mormonism some hard blows. HIa artloleaou<br />

that subject are widely read, and are creating • general<br />

Interest. Let the good work go on. And let<br />

everybody read and help cireulate the Baptist and<br />

REKUtCTOK.<br />

A sketch and cut of Elder " Hamp" Hyder has<br />

been lu the ofllce quite a while, awaiting their turn<br />

fjr publication. The friends will be patieut and may<br />

look for the sketch beforv very long.<br />

Let me request partlea who subscribe or renew for<br />

the Baitibt and RHrju«m>R through me to write<br />

me at Mossy Creek, If their figures are hot eet upon<br />

paper In due time or If they fall to get Bible or other<br />

premium. This will be a favor to me and aave trouble<br />

at the ofllce. J. J, BuHNvrr.<br />

Mossy Creek, <strong>Tenn</strong>.<br />

—We feel to thank and pralae the Giver of all good<br />

and perfect glfta for what he has dona for as in thla<br />

part of Hie moral vineyard. We have w»rt<br />

Is made: Prof. Savage rreactied to tiiej(ood people of<br />

Maple Springs, larg^ ,0 atteudaucr. Bro O'KiJema<br />

went with him aud<br />

preaoheil a good sermon to tiie<br />

Mercer people. Bro. D. D. Shuck preached to the<br />

Harmony Churob; had a large, attentive audience;<br />

after which the ohuroh excluded four of their memlien<br />

and appointed a committee of elx youug ladies<br />

to solicit ooutributlons for the iloard of Ministerial<br />

JOiUUVIi&IUU. Bducation. AJIU. Bro. W. TT . U. V. Underwood tJUUVt vruvu had IMU good I^UIftl services ovrv<br />

at Bethlehem. Bro. J. W. Mount preached " on I I Baturdey<br />

and Sunday to good cungrrgations at Ek ;idad.<br />

Bro. W. H. Petty held three serviuea at Luray, J, i and<br />

one young man waa converted. Blt>. B. B. McNeil<br />

preaohMl for Center Churoh by speolai request. He<br />

waa pastor of that ohuroh several yean ago, and auoompliabed<br />

a good work during hu labor with them.<br />

His nreaenoe aud asrvloe were appreciated by his<br />

friends and brethren, aud the occasion wafle

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