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10 B A i m s T ANDBBirLECrr0B,N0V.l(J, 1899 L<br />

Catarrh Can be Cured.<br />

Uulurrli liii klntliiMl nllnient or coiiHiiiiip<br />

lion, luiiit coimlitered Inciirablr; iiiitl yet thvro<br />

'U one miiHly Itinl will iNwIllvoly euro<br />

cutHrrh In Hiiv of ItN Htiiut-H. f'or iiinii.v yeain<br />

tliU roiiit^y WBK imKl l>y tlie IHI- llr. HII-VI'IIM,<br />

. n u'iiliriy noted autlioiiiy OH HU dlKvuMit ur<br />

itio tliroMi indJiinitN liuvlnKtcmcil HMWOIIilerful<br />

oiirHllvw |iowrit In tlioiinuiiit* orniiwii.<br />

Hiiil (leolrliiK to rullcvo liuuiun Kiill't>rliiK, 1<br />

will Kend frrc ur clwrKe to n'l vult'ererN from<br />

CttlMrrb, Aiithmn, t'uiiiiuiiiutluii iiml narvoiiH<br />

tllMaaea, ttiU recipe, In (leriiinii, Kroiicli or<br />

Uailiiitii with run dlrectluun for iiieiwrliiit<br />

and imlaK. H«nt by iiinll by liddrnwItiK. with<br />

HtAiiip, nninlnK MiIN |Hi|«r, \V. A. Nuyptirt<br />

Church lu the vlelnHy in which<br />

she reaidet. May our Katlier In heaven<br />

ovfnhAduw the pathway of this young<br />

couple by his Spirit, aud guide them<br />

iukmtbs of j'ly and happiness, truth<br />

aud rlchteousoe^s for his name's sake,<br />

IS th-« earnest prayer of ihe writer.<br />

' " E. B. PRNDLBTO.X.<br />

^Mreyyei<br />

toyouraMresy o^r<br />

Aj^ 6ooA o/Afe/i'^<br />

anc/<br />

ah sa//ip/es e/i^'f/ed<br />

^^^<br />

ff<br />

'^ourDrey^<br />

fre/yA/dn or ^^b/na/t<br />

A^^ ^Aou/d Aaye<br />

fl^.r"^*" • f "«"> pen. III! rrpal"-<br />

j J ^ i ^ / ' r i / f • ••mlnwnthly<br />

iJILli?' to FICTION, Votr.<br />



UMrfOMimlorltaiiliitaar Vindm*.<br />

fi'.<br />

—My ohurohCH (Hall's, Klou and Balem)<br />

have recalled me and I have accepted.<br />

My church at Hall's called<br />

me for two Sundays. This year tiiey<br />

liaveKlveu as much to mlHcions and<br />

edurailou asto my salary. I believe<br />

that liiry will continue doing the same.<br />

The Unl /erslty at Jackson is to have<br />

an electric plant thMugh tlie liberality<br />

of Bro. T B. Tigrett of Hall's. He is a<br />

noble Baptist and a worthy son of the<br />

lamented S. K. Tigrett, whose Held of<br />

labor I now occupy. Bro. Tigrett was<br />

such a wise leader that I iltid great<br />

pleasure lu following him. He held<br />

the love and confidence of his churciies<br />

as few paktors. Last nlgiit I preached<br />

fur Bro. Mitchell at this place. We liad<br />

a large congregation. Br». Mitchell is<br />

a memt)er of my church at Hail's and<br />

heartily cooperates with hln pnhior<br />

He ha>) labored successfully in this As-<br />

HJciation, Ladt Saturday 1 preai-iied<br />

at Macedonia for Kid. H. B. (NIfi, an<br />

old war-horse. W . D. POWKLL.<br />

Llghtfoot, <strong>Tenn</strong>., Nov. l.Hth.<br />

8. W. B. University.<br />

The fullowhig ii the report of receipts<br />

for the Miuisierlai Board during the<br />

mouth of October: W. M. Wo«)deock,<br />

Treasurer, ear. There<br />

was also paid the cash demands f.ir<br />

•September. Tliin exhausts the money<br />

ill iiaud, leaving unpaid C. M. Tiiomp-<br />

son A: Co, 12.-., W. K MeOee, |:'4 HI,<br />

and H few minor accounUi amnuntiiig<br />

to about fir.. I expected about thaend<br />

of the muith there would come In<br />

enough to m«et tiiese accounts. Will<br />

not your church take Its ooileciiou<br />

right >oon, and let us pay there small<br />

billH for groceries consumed during tlie<br />

montbof October? Think, |:lease, that<br />

tlie Board Is assisting 18 out of the*)))<br />

young ministerH prestnt,<br />

Care of Lamps,<br />

G. M. SAVAGE.<br />

Many hounekeepera think there<br />

nothing to learn about Ihe care of<br />

lamps; but if the little details here<br />

mentioned are adhered to,(there will be<br />

a great dllTerence in the light.<br />

Fint, a lamp must be cleaned aud<br />

fllled every moruiug; the burners<br />

ahoQld be olcauied once a week, aud<br />

the beat way la to bull them in water<br />

in which Gold Du^t Washlug Powdtr<br />

haa been added. Put a ttaapoonful lu*<br />

to a quart of water, and boll ten min«<br />

utea. The flues t-hould be put In a pan<br />

ofcoldi water, and heated alowly until<br />

they boll, then take ofT aud let them<br />

cool gradually—this toughens the<br />

glan.<br />

Old Pictures Copied and Enlarged.<br />

If you have an old picture of some dear one you wish preserved,<br />

write to us and we will take pleasure lu quoting you prlcea on<br />

Ihe dinerent size photos and portraiis. We do only the best<br />

grade of work. Jteference, Kditorof this paper,<br />

Calvert Bros. & Taylor, Nashviiie. <strong>Tenn</strong>.<br />

l < O D A k s ; ^<br />

Premos, Vives, Altas, Bo Peeps, Suiiarte,<br />

Etc., Etc. Fresh Suppliea. Lateat aooda.<br />

D U R Y & F I N N E Y .<br />

Photo Slock House.<br />

Established 1882 Tel 1578. <strong>Nashville</strong>, <strong>Tenn</strong>.<br />

Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co<br />

Genrral OttUe, ISO N. Ci>lk>go Htrct't, NttHhvillc, <strong>Tenn</strong>.<br />

Connections with Ali Fointo East of the HifisiBsippi Biver,<br />

.Niishvlllc U t(>8—UcHidctKHis, fS.fiO Iter month nnii up, according^ to Hervico<br />

HusinesH, |3.C0 {wr month and up, according to Hcrvicetf. Telephone 122U<br />

NtiHlivilie Exnharifrv.<br />


And at the Same Time Do Infinite Oood by Selling<br />

• . • DK. J. B. CKANFILL'S UREAT BOOK, - - -<br />

Words of ©omfopt<br />


It is pronounced the best, the most helpful and the tieat selling book of the<br />

year It is printed on first-class paper, in large, clear type, has over 500 pages,<br />

and over 50 full-page illustrations by the world-famed artist. Prank Beard.<br />

The following are a few of Ihe expressions from the press concerning this<br />

literary masterpiece:<br />

1 be nabject matter of each rliupter In<br />

druwn vt'ry lurKely rioiii tbo dally obitvrva<br />

tluiiniiiid e.xp^rU'DCfii ol tbe writer, luid (be<br />

reMiill iH tlic HUtbor ba» KIVDII UR n book of<br />

iirnctU-nl hliilii find belpful KiigKrHtlnnH. It<br />

In ilevut>>d lo llie work i.f liiittiiK-llne Ibe<br />

yniitb, voiiirortliiK Ibe iKIIIcted liriluu up tbe<br />

(iillen, euiViUrHXInc tlie iteMxIrliiK umi cou-<br />

NOllnic tbe n^ed Hud tbo Inflrui It In true to<br />

the ludlvldiiul, tbe riiiully, tbe fburcb iiml hi>oli'ly.<br />

At tImt'H It In buiiioruuH iben iwrliiuH,<br />

lyii Hiurtiv. hrtirli«.anrt..lji»;;)i-ln«r-..M,Hn-<br />


W S<br />

BNI feel what n weak and falll|>le yaaael I<br />

waa tluuak Into tfala^barljr>bnrljr| jod^Ui<br />

to my fmUtlee, I think. I aboald be • strange kind of<br />

aaa to UmI anything but graUtud*." Bo wrote Bobert<br />

Lonia Btevenaon to bla friend PblUp Gilbert Hame^<br />

ton. ir the brave aoTellat in tlie midat of dlatreaatng<br />

pbyaical inflcmltlea oould thoa aee caufe for thankfulneas,<br />

wbataball we aay- of a man or woman who<br />

In robuat health haa noi word of gratlta le to utter 1<br />

We are living in a time when men are prone to<br />

think moM of the thinga wliich they do not poasesa<br />

than of tbe tblnD:s which Iwve come into tbelr keep*<br />

Ing. We ate everlaathagly oompaiing ouraelvaa with<br />

ournelghboiaanduanally to tbe diapuagementofouraelvei.<br />

We count up the thlnga whlob our nelgbboia<br />

eiijoy and which have never come to na, and we<br />

.whine and wbimper as tliougb we were the wont<br />

treated of iiwriala. It la an age of oomparlaona, and<br />

compulaouB u« both odloua and dangerona.<br />

City life oompela us to live cloae together, and we<br />

cannot refrain from comparing ouraalvee with those<br />

whoee Uvea we touch. Accordingly we hear much<br />

now-a-daya abont the horrible inequalitiea in aodal<br />

life. We are reminded of the abocking contraata<br />

wiUcb our indnatriai order createa and perpetnatea.<br />

Um wriU eloquent hooka about tbe partiality with<br />

wbksh the good, thinga of thU world are diatribntcd.<br />

Owt eyes and eara are made familiar with a tale of woe<br />

told in color aud in aoand, tbe tendency of ail which<br />

ia to quanch any rising aplrit of tttankfulnaaa which<br />

might develop and grow atrong witiiin ua, and to cast<br />

us into » quemions and crotchety mood. It ia not<br />

healthful to be tbinkhig alwaya about the things<br />

which wa do not have, or to dwell loo long on the<br />

aeeming partl«lltlaa and injusticsa of the world.<br />

Afl«r all has bsen aaid which can be aald about the<br />

intqulUbIt divlakin of the good thhigs o( this world,<br />

UM Awt nmaina that tha glfta of Heaven are mon fkiriy<br />

distributed than wa ar* ready to acknowledge.<br />

TltlbgalikedlanMHids and Paris robes are not at all<br />

evenly patcaUaa out. But those are the cheap things<br />

of this world. Tha baat and higbsat things are mated<br />

oatwlthag«oMNKM)tyand imparMidlty worthy of the «<br />

handofOodi;*' -5»r(tl 'in .fl> ; li' V ^<br />

For InstapMi haalth, «s Bmenioa long ago told 09,<br />

Ul UM grsatsst^irfaith. It L« hot Ihnlttd TI^ any favorsd<br />

class of mairr THom poorsst In diamonds and bonds .<br />

oflan posMM U hi MUsst measure, and thf wt^thand<br />

pompofklujlsaMal nothing In oomparfaon With It<br />

If a man Is bisassd wlUi hsalth, his heart, like a '<br />

fbuntain, ought to flow gmtltud* night and day.<br />

Count yourself a milllonalro, 0 nun, if you are well<br />

and strong.<br />

Bleep is one of the richest glfla of God'. Many receive<br />

Jt without a thought of. its value. It la never<br />

qtioted In the atock markets, but it to more valuable<br />

than all the oommoditlea of tbe earth. Rubleaand<br />

gold fall Into the handa of but few, but God gives<br />

sleep to the millions. Many a rich man would give<br />

all of hto gold for the sleep which comea to bto coachman,<br />

but which will not come to him. If you can sleep,<br />

O man, give thanks I<br />

What to the worth of an eye 7 Place it lu the balance<br />

and can you pile enough gold In the other pan to<br />

outweigh it? He to a rich man who baa eyesight.<br />

To be permitted to take in tbe beauty of human faces,<br />

and the lov^iness of nature, and the printed pages of<br />

books, to a j^rivllege glorious beyond description. Better<br />

to work hard in some obscure nook fo: small<br />

wages and ^ than to sit on a throne, blind I Broad<br />

acrea and great mansions an given to few, but the<br />

good God givea eyealgbt to mllllona. The eye to the<br />

mbet delicate of organs. Tlie world to flilediwltn Its<br />

enemlea who have power to deatroy It. If you have<br />

good cyea, O man, bow down aud return thanks!<br />

And the ear to as precious as tbe eye. If the eye<br />

opens the door of one universe, tbe ear opens tbe gates<br />

of another. The ainging of birds, tbe lowing of cattle,<br />

the bleating 'of shMp, tlie bumming of insects, tbe<br />

murmur of caiicad^ the rw.of tbe eea, tbe prattle of<br />

cl^rsn, tbe music of hiimab voicet—the Almighty<br />

made tlMse and fsslilw^ a^Aigan tn ranvw them to<br />

tlwab^ Whati£iUaman glrafn'exc his<br />

ears7 Tliey ire' valuable ' beyond price." Hearing<br />

cannot be bought In the marketr. A sad hearted<br />

company of the deaf travel up and' down the earth,<br />

pouring golden treaanrra Into tbe pockets of pbysictons;<br />

but, alas, for aome meu and women theearth,<br />

even if aolld gold, to not aufllclent to btiy the power of<br />

hearing. To ride In carrlagea on the land and in<br />

steam yachta upon the era to given to the few, but to<br />

bear the music of natun and the melody of tbe voices<br />

of flrlends to granted unto millions. There are persons<br />

to whom thehr wealth to a mockery and life a burden<br />

because t ^ cannot bear. If you can bear, O mau,<br />

ImlUte the Psalmtot, and aay, "Blese the Lord, O my<br />

these are given to all sorts and condltlona of men. If<br />

those you love and who love you have lieen spared to<br />

you another year, there ought to be a thanksgiving<br />

season in your home. What is any failure in husinesM<br />

or calamity In fortune, or dlsapixilntment in ambition,<br />

or we&rlness In lalxir, or Inflrmity In health<br />

compared wltb tbe loss of a husband or wife or child 7<br />

Into many a home death has come, and a glory has<br />

vantohed from the earth. But even In these homes<br />

there to reason for tnanksglvlng, aud tbe sorrow<br />

should not be that of tboee who sorrow without hope.<br />

The promise of the life eternal is ours, and ours the<br />

expectation of a glad reunion.<br />

Alas for htm who never i<br />

Tbe stars ahlne through bis cyprem-trecs !<br />

, Who, hopeless, lays bis dead away.<br />

Nor looks lo see the breaking day<br />

Across the moamfal marbles play t<br />

Who liatb not learned, tn buum of faiUi,<br />

The tmth lo fleah and nente unknown.<br />

That Life Is ever lord ari>eath.<br />

And Love can never lose its own!<br />

T H E M A G N E T I S M O F JESUS.<br />

BY BEV. O. C. RE\-T0N.<br />

" And I. If I beamed up fkom the earth, will draw<br />

all men unto me," was tbe prophecy of Jesus Just<br />

befote hto cmclflzion.<br />

The sun has mighty power to draw. Have you<br />

not often watched the tiny dew-dn,pa, as, kissed by<br />

its raya, it waa caucht up Into the morning air T<br />

Money has magic power to draw. A year or ao ago,<br />

now, there came from ttie Klondyke regionB tbe news<br />

of the Oudlng of vast quantities of gold there, and<br />

men liave left home, loved ones, friends and all life's<br />

comforts, and have gone there to endure toll and<br />

liardsblp in gathering together the shining ore. Love<br />

has wondrous power to draw. Let ttie loving<br />

mother but reach out her bands to tbe tottling influit,<br />

and bow quickly the little one will ruab Into her<br />

shielding arms.<br />

But here to a strange example of drawing power.<br />

To most persons there to something repulsive about<br />

death that makea them shrink away from a dead<br />

body. If It can be avoided, they never look upon a<br />

souli"<br />

corpse, and they do so only when the dead one waa<br />

But though sight and hearing both be gone, the dear to tbem. But here to the wondrone statement<br />

heart baa reawns atill for gratitude. Tbe reawm is from one nearlng the hour of death that in tliat dread<br />

God's supreme gift to man, and as long as that Is left hour he would poseees such wonderful, euch incom-<br />

man can enter into the thoughts and life of hto Creaprehensible maguetism that "all men "—mark the<br />

tor. The mind can aee, even though the eyeballs per- exceeding broadness of tbe statement—would be<br />

tob, and tha soul can hear when the eare have ceaaed . drawn , unto Him. And tblssutement to all the mon<br />

to be Ito mintoters. It to a great catomlty—as we meu ' amssing when we remember the sbamefnl death it<br />

count calamitiea—to lose tbe glory aud harmouy of foretells. It to almost Impossible for us to iMlao the<br />

thto visible, audible world, but after It has vanished shame of such a death. We cannot dlsaaaoolato from<br />

frcMn eye and ear the atmal and invisible universe re- the cross the meaning It baa gathered to itself during<br />

mains, In which the soul can build Itaelf each season these nineteen centurtee. It to Inasparably aasoctoted<br />

mora'stat«|y mansions and enter more deeply luto the wllh all that to deepest and most sacred in our relig-<br />

Joy and peace of God. Helen Keller to one of tbe hapious experlenoe. The crosa baa entered into our<br />

piest of all woman, bhe can neither see nor hear, but poetry, mosic, painting and architecture. It to to us<br />

her reason, clear^eyed and keen-eared, roams exultant the most beautiful, the moet precloas and the most<br />

through the apaotoua universe, and marvels greatly at potent of all symbols. It to recognUed as the algnlfl-<br />

the wonderful worka of the Almighty.<br />

cant and invincible standard of an all-conquering<br />

Tbe Inmato of tbe Inaane aaylum who shouted to a faith. But to tbe people to whom Jesus apoke. It waa<br />

vtoltorpasaingthrougb hto ward, "Have you thanked hideous. It waa tbe moat degrading form of death.<br />

God to^lay for your rsasont*' propounded a query It was tbe sign of helpless and sulIbrUig Ignomhiy.<br />

which wa may proOtably ponder. The brain to a Clceio says that thacroas must not even be mentioned<br />

ccmplax and ffiglle atmoture, curiously and wonder- In polite society, much less come near tha peraon of a<br />

fully ipada. Tbe flua and delicate oalto In which the Roman Altlsan. Tha idea of a man dying aneh a<br />

soul Uduka lUi tlidughti'ara Iteble to dtoeases which death and attracting t>Mpl* to him, muat hava<br />

no pbysidan's akill can reach. If, O man, yon atlll aeemed to hto hearen utterly absurd. The ahamefUl<br />

poaaaas tha capadtlea and powers ofralioual llila^ croai and Mesalanlu glory wueaa far apart lu the<br />

pralsaOodforiHtafreatgoodnaHtoyon.<br />

Jewish mind as the K«st is fkom tbe Weat. To thalr<br />

These aia a)i oommoo ofinoies, and th«lr ooutlnn- couoepUons, the croas could havs no aplflltlal aigulllance<br />

to a pvi^of ipft widuum of God'a love. All cation ihe whatever. It meant all tbal, and Wa must get<br />

bast thhinin thto firoiliiiua ao^tenNl wlthf lavlah hold of the Idea that to the Jew the cross nieant all<br />

hand, and do not know bo#] rich wa arA nutll wa tbe shame and dlsgraca of the gkllowa to us, or wa<br />

alt down to reckon np oar tcsfif^. T^lovaofj^ will not leaHst What It meant lo Jeaus and htodto.<br />

Mfia, the afflMAIoii of brothers .j^d stolen, tha htip of clplss. Now, surely wlt«n »>nan to banged that to<br />

taachan, tha aympathyof firland% thaonnpankinshlp Ihe end of all hto inllueaoc among men. Then must<br />

of booka, the gift of ohlldrwi, the Joys of home, all be something mora than human In thto one If in auch

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