Discontinuous Galerkin methods Lecture 1 - Brown University

Discontinuous Galerkin methods Lecture 1 - Brown University

Discontinuous Galerkin methods Lecture 1 - Brown University


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sic understanding of the schemes through a simple example.<br />

The first DG schemes<br />

firstx schemes ∈ D k : u k k x − xk+1<br />

h(x) =u<br />

xk x − xk<br />

+ uk+1<br />

− xk+1 xk+1 1<br />

= u<br />

− xk k+i ℓ k i (x) ∈ Vh,<br />

So let us consider the scalar problem<br />

e linear scalar wave equation<br />

ise for the flux, f<br />

∂u ∂f(u)<br />

+ =0, x ∈ [L, R] =Ω,<br />

∂t ∂x<br />

near flux is given as f(u) =au. This is subject to the appropriate initial condit<br />

We form the local residual<br />

u(x, 0) = u0(x).<br />

onditions are given when the boundary is an inflow boundary, that is<br />

k h . The space of basis functions is defined as Vh = ⊕K <br />

k<br />

k=1 ℓi of piecewise polynomial functions. Note in particular that there is no restric<br />

ss of the test functions between elements.<br />

the finite element case, we now assume that the local solution can be well re<br />

pproximation uh ∈ Vh and form the local residual<br />

x ∈ D k : Rh(x, t) = ∂uk h<br />

∂t + ∂f k h − g(x, t),<br />

∂x<br />

u(L, t) =g(t) if a ≥ 0,<br />

u(R, t) =g(t) if a ≤ 0.<br />

ate Ω by K nonoverlapping elements, x ∈ [xk l ,xkr]=D k lement. Going back to the finite element scheme, we recall that the global c<br />

and require this to vanish locally in a <strong>Galerkin</strong> sense<br />

ual are the source of the global nature of the operators M and S in Eq. (1.4).<br />

equire that the residual is orthogonal to all test functions φh ∈ Vh, leading t<br />

D , as illustrated in Fig.<br />

e elements we express the local solution as a polynomial of order N<br />

k<br />

Rh(x, t)ℓ k j (x) dx =0,<br />

x ∈ D k : u k Np <br />

h(x, t) = û k Np <br />

n(t)ψn(x) = u k h(x k i ,t)ℓ k and the fact that we have duplicated solutions at all interface nodes.<br />

is locality also appears problematic as this statement does not<br />

i (x). allow one to recov<br />

obal solution. Furthermore, the points at the ends of the elements are shared by<br />

n=1<br />

i=1<br />

i=0<br />

1 Introduction<br />

The problem is that all elements are now disconnected<br />

due to the local statement on the residual!<br />

t functions, ℓ k j (x). The strictly local statement is a direct consequence of Vh bein

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