chapter 1 - Bentham Science

chapter 1 - Bentham Science

chapter 1 - Bentham Science


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Cardioactive or Inactive Neuropeptides of Insects HPFP: Recent Advances in Insects and Other Arthropods Vol. 1 79<br />

thoracic aorta due to a lack of extensive indirect flight musculature in the thorax. They show mostly<br />

unidirectional, forward oriented cardiac pulsations (review [4, 5]).<br />

The most recent findings [6] show that insect hearts may be both structurally and functionally similar to the<br />

human heart. In both cases, the hearts originate and are regulated by similar sets of the genes [8, 9], and in<br />

both cases their functions depend on involuntary, purely myogenic, regulatory mechanisms. The<br />

rhythmicity of the heartbeat is in both cases determined by special depolarization nodi, i.e. terminal<br />

regulatory nodus of the insect heart [6, 7] and a sinoatrial or atrioventricular nodi known from human<br />

electrocardiography (ECG) [10]. In addition, the heart of D. melanogaster evolved a human like, compact<br />

conical chamber with an atrium, distinguished by synchronic (not peristaltic) systolic contractions [6].<br />

Further evidence from comparative physiology and pharmacology shows that both vertebrate and insect<br />

hearts are a common subject of extensive feed-back regulations. These homeostatic or feed-back factors are<br />

mostly derived from the respiratory metabolism (carbonate ions), muscular activity (lactate or pyruvate),<br />

excretory metabolism (adrenaline or noradrenaline), digestion (glutamate) or intermediary metabolism<br />

(serotonine or octopamine). So far, there are no neuropeptides known to influence physiologically the<br />

heartbeat of vertebrate animals or humans, which is in large conflict with the extensive claims for<br />

cardioactive properties of neuropeptides in insects (see below).<br />

The exact physiological nature of insect heartbeat, whether neurogenic or myogenic, has been a matter of<br />

scientific discussions for some time. Earlier observations on the hearts of arthropods (Horseshoe crab, [11])<br />

indicated a possibility of neurogenic regulation. Later studies, performed chiefly on in vitro preparations of<br />

insect hearts explanted into saline, showed that the hearts disconnected from the nervous system were able<br />

to beat for some time, suggesting a myogenic principle for the systolic contractions [reviews 2-5, 12, 13].<br />

Under physiological, in vivo conditions, however, a clearcut distinction between the myogenic, neurogenic<br />

or, eventually, neurohormonal principles of insect heartbeat remained undecided for long time due to a<br />

substantial lack of data from the living body [14]. In connection with the periodic reversal of insect<br />

heartbeat, there appeared assumptions about the possible interplay of two neurogenic cardiac pacemakers.<br />

One was situated in the caudal region for stimulation of the forward-oriented (anterograde) heartbeat and<br />

the second, frontal pacemaker was assumed to stimulate the reciprocal, backward-oriented (retrograde)<br />

peristaltic waves (review [2]).<br />

In accordance with the above described assumptions about the two reciprocal pacemakers, there indeed<br />

appeared claims for the presence of a neurogenic cardiac pacemaker in the frontal ganglion of the central<br />

nervous system. This frontal neurogenic pacemaker was tentatively responsible for the backward-oriented<br />

or retrograde cardiac pulsations in pupae of the mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori, [15]). The whole story<br />

of two reciprocal pacemakers ended up by analogous claims for the opposite, posterior neurogenic cardiac<br />

pacemaker situated among the neurons of the terminal abdominal ganglionic mass in pupae of a sphingid<br />

moth (Manduca sexta). This regulatory center was assumed to stimulate rhythmicity of the reciprocal,<br />

forward-oriented or anterograde cardiac pulsations [16-30].<br />

A number of pharmacological, cardiostimulating or inhibitory preparations were tested on insect hearts<br />

more than 50 years ago [11, 23, 24]. Unfortunately, these extensive screenings [11] did not provide<br />

consistent data with respect to cardioactive or inhibitory responses on insect heart. In 1979, the first<br />

neuropeptide cardiostimulating concept was created on the basis of the effects of proctolin, using the most<br />

common, in vitro bioassay on the heart of the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) [14, 17]. Later,<br />

during the 1980’s, cardiostimulating properties were ascribed to several of the newly isolated or<br />

synthesized neuropeptides. For example, there were cardioactive neuropeptides isolated from the nervous<br />

system of M. sexta [18, 19], from the nervous system of crustaceans (Crustacean cardiostimulating peptide<br />

or CCAP [20]) and, especially, from the nervous system of the American cockroach [21]. The last<br />

neuropeptide, named corazonin, was for a long time advertised as "the most potent cardiostimulating<br />

peptide" of insects [4, 22, 31]. Simple in vitro assays of heartbeat were widely used for the easy<br />

determination of the cardiaoctive properties of various neuropeptides [17-21], most often the assays were<br />

made on cockroach hearts removed from the body and explanted into saline [23, 24, review 3, 4].

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