Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group

Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group

Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group


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M3<br />

M2<br />

M1<br />

Wiss. Beiträge der Arbeit<br />

ML X<br />

L A<br />

M 1<br />

Part I<br />

Mining Pattern<br />

DTD2MOF Framework<br />

ML Y<br />

L A ‘<br />

M 1 ‘<br />

Part III<br />

-) AspectCAR<br />

-) ProfileGen<br />

L B<br />

M 2<br />

L EXT<br />

Legend<br />

Part II<br />

Framework for Building Mapping Operators<br />

CAR Mapping Language<br />

For each chapter:<br />

1. Concepts<br />

2. Solution/Implementation<br />

3. Case Study<br />

Chapter 1 Introduction<br />

Correspondence<br />

Transformation<br />

Instance-Of<br />

Extension<br />

Figure 1.4: Contribution and Supported Integration Scenarios of this <strong>Thesis</strong><br />

lem in the area of integrating modeling tools for web applications. For this, we present<br />

an integration scenario from the MDWEnet project [VKC + 07], the integration of WebRatio 8<br />

which is a CASE tool for the web modeling language WebML [CFB + 03] developed at the<br />

Politecnico de Milano with VisualWade 9 another prominent web modeling tool supporting<br />

the language OO-H [GCP01] as well as an UML tool, the Rational Software Modeler 10 from<br />

IBM.<br />

The first problem which has to be solved is that WebRatio employs XML technologies<br />

such as Document Type Definitions (DTD) for defining its supported language WebML and<br />

XML documents for storing WebML models persistently. Therefore, the DTD2Ecore Framework<br />

is needed to generate, first a metamodel for WebML out of the DTD, and second, to<br />

generate a WebRatio tool adapter which is capable of transforming WebML documents into<br />

WebML models. In particular, the WebRatio tool adapter is able to bridge the XML technical<br />

space with the model technical space [KAB02]. As soon as the WebML metamodel is generated,<br />

the user can define a mapping model between the WebML and OO-H metamodel.<br />

This mapping model can be executed within the Metamodel Bridging Framework which is capable<br />

of generating an OO-H model out of the WebML model. Finally, a mapping model can<br />

be also defined between the WebML metamodel and the UML metamodel. This mapping<br />

model is used as input for the ProfileGen component to produce, first an UML profile for<br />

WebML, and second, a transformation expressed in the ATLAS Transformation Language<br />

(ATL) [JK06] which is capable of producing from the WebML model an UML model which<br />

8 www.webratio.com<br />

9 www.visualwade.com<br />

10 www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/modeler/swmodeler<br />


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