Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group

Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group

Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group


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2.2 DTDs and Ecore at a Glance<br />

2.2.1 Document Type Definition (DTD) Concepts<br />

The UML class diagram given in Figure 2.4 is based on previous work [KKR04] and depicts<br />

the DTD concepts present in the WebML DTD. These concepts need to be considered for<br />

finding correspondences to MOF concepts and consequently are reviewed briefly in the<br />

following.<br />

*<br />

DTD<br />

XMLDTD<br />

ParameterEntityDec<br />

1<br />

1..*<br />

1 *<br />

name:String<br />

value:String<br />

XMLStringAtt<br />

1..*<br />

XMLElemType<br />

name:String<br />

1 *<br />

XMLAttribute<br />

name:String<br />

declaration:AttDec<br />

XMLTokenAtt<br />

kind:TokenKind<br />

XMLEnumAtt<br />

XMLAtomicET<br />

value:String<br />

XMLCompositeET XMLEmptyET XMLAnyET<br />

1<br />

1..*<br />

XMLEnumLiteral<br />

XMLCompositeET<br />

MixedContent<br />

«enumeration»<br />

ContCard<br />

• zero-or-one<br />

• zero-or-many<br />

• one-or-many<br />

XMLCompositeET<br />

ElemContent<br />

XMLElemType<br />

*<br />

1 XMLContentParticle<br />

cardinality:ContCard [0..1]<br />

1..*<br />

nested:Boolean<br />

2..*<br />

XMLSequence XMLChoice<br />

«enumeration»<br />

AttDec<br />

• default_value<br />

•#REQUIRED<br />

•#IMPLIED<br />

•#FIXED<br />

«enumeration»<br />

TokenKind<br />

• ID<br />

• IDREF<br />

• IDREFS<br />

•NMTOKEN<br />


Figure 2.4: Overview of Relevant DTD Language Concepts<br />

In general, DTD’s contain markup declarations comprising element types (XMLElemType)<br />

and attributes (XMLAttributes) for defining the logical structure as well as primarily<br />

entity declarations (e.g., ParameterEntityDec), as a reuse mechanism for certain reoccurring<br />

markup declarations, defining the physical structure.<br />

Element types, being first-class citizens in DTDs, have a name and are specialized into<br />

XMLAtomicET (contains no other element types but character data), XMLEmptyET (no content<br />

is allowed), XMLAnyET (the content is not constrained), XMLCompositeETMixed-<br />

Content (a mix of character data and child element types), and XMLCompositeETElem-<br />

Content (consists of an XMLContentParticle). An XMLContentParticle either is an<br />

XMLSequence, an XMLChoice, or an XMLElemType. An XMLChoice or an XMLSequence<br />

can be enclosed in parentheses for grouping purposes and suffixed with a ’?’ (zero or one<br />

occurrences), ’*’ (zero or more occurrences), or ’+’ (one or more occurrences), whereas the<br />

absence of a particular symbol denotes a cardinality of exactly one.<br />

Attribute declarations define one or multiple XMLAttributes (i.e., name-value pairs)<br />

for a single element type. Each XMLAttribute has a name, a data type, and a default declaration.<br />

The most commonly used data types for attributes are: CDATA (XMLStringAtt),<br />

ID, IDREF (refers to one ID-typed element), IDREFS (refers to multiple ID-typed elements),<br />


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