Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group

Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group

Ph.D. Thesis - Business Informatics Group


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2.2 DTDs and Ecore at a Glance<br />

Amongst the approaches not yet in line with MDE, WebML [CFB + 03] is one of the most<br />

elaborated web modeling languages stemming from academia and is supported already<br />

over several years by the commercial tool WebRatio as already explained in Chapter 1.<br />

WebML’s language concepts are partly defined in terms of XML document type definitions<br />

(DTDs) [W3C06], i.e., a grammar-like textual definition, specifying an XML document’s<br />

structure, and partly hard-coded within the corresponding modeling tool. In contrast to<br />

MOF, DTDs represent a rather restricted mechanism for describing modeling languages,<br />

e.g., with respect to expressiveness, extensibility as well as readability and understandability<br />

for humans. Furthermore, since WebRatio internally represents models in XML<br />

[W3C06], it uses XSLT for generating code directly from WebML models. In contrast to<br />

dedicated MDE code generation technologies, e.g., MOFScript 1 , writing XSLT programs<br />

for code generation, however, is difficult and error-prone. Concerning these problems, a<br />

metamodel-based approach allows expressing transformation rules in a more compact and<br />

readable way by using existing MDE-conform code generation techniques or model transformation<br />

languages such as QVT [OMG05b] and ATL [JK06] in order to produce platformspecific<br />

models in an additional step before generating code.<br />

In order to define WebML’s language concepts in an MDE-suitable way and thus to bridge<br />

WebML to MDE, a MOF-based metamodel for WebML is a fundamental prerequisite. Considering<br />

the language’s size, however, we refrain from re-modeling WebML from scratch,<br />

since this would be a cumbersome and error-prone process. Instead, the existing DTD-based<br />

language specification as well as constraints hard-coded within WebRatio shall be reused in<br />

a semi-automatic process for MOF-based metamodel generation from DTDs. This process<br />

is illustrated in Figure 2.2 and encompasses three phases, whereby the first two phases concern<br />

the semi-automatic generation of the basic WebML language concepts defined within<br />

the WebML DTD. During the first phase a preliminary version of the metamodel is automatically<br />

generated from the available DTD, while in the second phase this preliminary<br />

version is manually validated and refactored according to constraints captured within the<br />

WebRatio tool support.<br />

The following section explains the concepts of DTDs and MOF and points out the aforementioned<br />

DTD deficiencies.<br />

2.2 DTDs and Ecore at a Glance<br />

As a first step towards bridging WebML to MDE, this section elaborates on the expressiveness<br />

of DTDs, i.e., the concepts used to describe the WebML language, with respect to MOF.<br />

In the context of OMG’s meta-level architecture [OMG05e], this means that a WebML model,<br />

which is represented by an XML document, relates to the model level (M1) (cf. Figure 2.3).<br />

1 www.eclipse.org/gmt/mofscript<br />


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