Programming Grails - Cdn.oreilly.com

Programming Grails - Cdn.oreilly.com

Programming Grails - Cdn.oreilly.com


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You’ve already seen how property access and the <strong>com</strong>pact syntax for collections and<br />

maps can help condense your code, but there are a lot more ways.<br />

Constructors<br />

It’s rare to see constructors in Groovy classes. This is because the Groovy <strong>com</strong>piler adds<br />

a constructor that takes a Map and sets field values to map values where the key corre‐<br />

sponds to a field name. This gives you named parameters for this constructor syntax,<br />

so it’s both more convenient and clearer which values are which. For example, a simple<br />

POGO like this:<br />

class Person {<br />

String firstName<br />

String initial<br />

String lastName<br />

Integer age<br />

}<br />

can be constructed by setting some or all of the field values:<br />

def author = new Person(firstName: 'Hunter', initial: 's', lastName: 'Thompson')<br />

def illustrator = new Person(firstName: 'Ralph', lastName: 'Steadman', age: 76)<br />

def someoneElse = new Person()<br />

In the examples, I’m taking advantage of Groovy letting me omit the [ and ] map<br />

characters, because it makes the invocations cleaner.<br />

This is especially useful for classes with many fields; in Java, you have to either define<br />

multiple constructors with various signatures or pass lots of nulls where you don’t have<br />

a value.<br />

However, note that the Map constructor relies on the default constructor that’s added to<br />

all classes that don’t define any explicit constructors. It calls that constructor, then sets<br />

properties from the provided Map (this is defined in MetaClassImpl.invokeConstruc<br />

tor(), if you’re curious). But if you declare one or more parameterized constructors,<br />

the <strong>com</strong>piler doesn’t generate an empty one for you, and the Map constructor will fail.<br />

Also, because it’s not a real constructor that’s added to the bytecode, you can use this<br />

with Java classes that have a default constructor, too. So you could replace this code:<br />

MutablePropertyValues propertyValues = ...<br />

def beanDef = new GenericBeanDefinition()<br />

beanDef.setBeanClassName('<strong>com</strong>.foo.bar.ClassName')<br />

beanDef.setAutowireMode(AbstractBeanDefinition.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE)<br />

beanDef.setPropertyValues(propertyValues)<br />

with this:<br />

MutablePropertyValues propertyValues = ...<br />

def beanDef = new GenericBeanDefinition(<br />

beanClassName: '<strong>com</strong>.foo.bar.ClassName',<br />

14 | Chapter 1: Introduction to Groovy

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