Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School
Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School
Mrs. Trang Vu - La Jolla High School
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Teacher: <strong>Mrs</strong>. <strong>Trang</strong> <strong>Vu</strong><br />
Contact info: (858)454-3081 x 4905, email:<br />
Web page:<br />
This discipline complements and expands the mathematical content and concepts of algebra I and geometry.<br />
Students who master algebra II will gain experience with algebraic solutions of problems in various content<br />
areas, including the solution of systems of quadratic equations, logarithmic and exponential functions, the<br />
binomial theorem, and the complex number system.<br />
Everyone in this class can learn. You are expected to take responsibility for your own learning and to try your<br />
best. To achieve maximum performance, you must:<br />
• follow teacher’s directions the first time they are given.<br />
• come to class on-time and prepared. This means that you are quietly seated when the bell rings and have all<br />
appropriate materials ready.<br />
• take complete, organized notes during class.<br />
• actively participate in all class activities (written and verbal) and complete all assignments in a timely manner.<br />
• always act in a respectful manner toward others.<br />
• ask thoughtful questions.<br />
While in class you will not be allowed to eat, drink or chew gum. It is also not permitted to use any personal<br />
electronic devices during class. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, iPods, etc. If any of these<br />
items are out on a student desk or being used during class, they will be confiscated and given to the school<br />
administrators from whom you will have to retrieve the item.<br />
• Textbook: Algebra 2, Holt, 2004.<br />
• Supplies: At least two #2 pencils with erasers at all times, a three-ring binder with dividers, graph paper,<br />
notebook paper, and a graphing calculator. (TI ’83 or TI’84 are recommended.)<br />
• Certain assignments require the use of computer during and outside of class. Each student must have proper<br />
signatures on the “Netbooks and Cart Student Use Agreement” in order to be permitted to use the netbooks in<br />
the classroom. Failure to do so in a timely manner may result in loss of credit for the computer-related<br />
assignments.<br />
• Homework will be checked periodically for completeness and organization. It is your responsibility to check<br />
for accuracy and to ask for assistance if you do not understand the concepts. Homework solutions to selected<br />
problems will be discussed in class. You must attempt all problems and show all work to receive full credit on<br />
any assignment. No late assignments will be accepted. No make-up assignments or tests will be allowed for<br />
tardiness and unexcused absences.<br />
• Students are responsible for finding out and making up missed works when absent. However, some in-class<br />
activities such as group assignments and guest lectures are not replicable, and therefore, may not be made up.<br />
• Academic Dishonesty: Any student guilty of academic dishonesty will receive a zero for the affected<br />
activity. That zero may not be dropped from the record and will be averaged into the student's grade. Upon a<br />
second instance of dishonesty in either semester of that course, the student will be removed from that course<br />
and receive a final grade of "F/U.” Please refer to the Student Information Packet pages 3-4 for more details.<br />
• If a student has 10 or more absences each semester, his/her overall grade may be deducted by 0.5% per<br />
absence after the ninth absence.<br />
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The grading breakdown is as follows:<br />
• Assignments.................................................................................................... 20% A............85-100%<br />
• Quizzes (some quizzes may not be announced in advance) ........................... 30% B...........75-84.9%<br />
• Chapter tests, bench-mark assessments, final exam ....................................... 50% C...........65-74.9%<br />
................................................................................................................................. D...........55-64.9%<br />
................................................................................................................................. F ................< 55%<br />
Students’ academic grades are posted online at<strong>La</strong><strong>Jolla</strong>HS/.<br />
Please obtain your username and password from your teacher.<br />
Grade Criteria<br />
Excellent:<br />
No unexcused absences, no more than 3 excused absences, no tardy, no disruptive<br />
(All criteria are met.) behaviors; always displaying respectful behaviors toward adults and peers, always<br />
displaying excellent study habits, asking thoughtful questions, participating actively in class<br />
discussion, often helping others; is a role-model.<br />
Good:<br />
No unexcused absences, no more than 5 excused absences, no more than 2 tardies, rarely<br />
(All criteria are met.) displaying disruptive behaviors; consistently displaying respectful behaviors and good study<br />
habits, asking thoughtful questions, participating actively in class discussion, sometimes<br />
helping others.<br />
Satisfactory:<br />
No unexcused absences, no more than 10 excused absences, no more than 4 tardies, no<br />
(All criteria are met.) major disruptive behaviors, asking questions, consistently participating actively in class<br />
discussion.<br />
Needs<br />
1 to 3 unexcused absences, 10 to 15 excused absences, 5 tardies, disruptive behaviors<br />
Improvement:<br />
resulting in at least one referral or two parent contacts, often lack preparation and/or<br />
(If any one of the criteria participation.<br />
is met.)<br />
Unsatisfactory:<br />
More than 3 unexcused absences, more than 15 excused absences, 6 tardies or more, major<br />
(If any one of the criteria disruptive behaviors resulting in two or more referrals or three parent contacts, lack of<br />
is met.)<br />
preparation and/or participation on a daily basis, caught cheating or plagiarizing on<br />
assignment/test.<br />
LJHS – Universal Tardy Policy:<br />
First week Tardy grace period. Student – Teacher conference. Tardies will not be recorded and will<br />
not be applied to the consequences.<br />
First Tardy after<br />
Verbal warning. Mark first tardy.<br />
Grace Period<br />
Second Tardy Parent notification either by letter or by phone.<br />
Third Tardy Citizenship grade lowered one grade.<br />
Fourth Tardy Citizenship grade is lowered one more grade and a referral is written. At a minimum the<br />
student will be assigned one day of detention by the counselor.<br />
Fifth Tardy Citizenship grade lowered one more grade.<br />
Sixth Tardy Citizenship grade lowered to a “U”.<br />
Seventh Tardy Referral number two will be written for defiance of school rules. Vice-Principals will<br />
contact parents. The student will be suspended.<br />
I will be available before school, at lunch and after school if you have any questions or concerns on courserelated<br />
matters. If possible, please make an appointment. Link Crew (peer) tutoring is available after school in<br />
the Library Media Center. Please consult the school bulletin and classroom postings for updates.<br />
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Please read the attached syllabus and return this form with your signature. In addition, you can help me monitor<br />
your son’s/daughter’s progress by checking their grades online at<br /><strong>La</strong><strong>Jolla</strong>HS/. If you have any questions and/or concerns on any<br />
course-related issues, please contact me via email, the school phone number or send a note with<br />
your son/daughter. Thank you.<br />
I have read and understood the class syllabus. In order to help my son/daughter successfully complete the<br />
course, I agree to:<br />
• provide a quiet space and time for my son/daughter to study at home everyday.<br />
• monitor his/her progress regularly.<br />
• communicate with the teacher when questions and/or concerns arise.<br />
Necessary info Student’s Parent’s/Guardian’s<br />
Full Name<br />
Phone(s)<br />
Address<br />
Email<br />
Signature<br />
Date<br />
Does your son/daughter work with a private tutor in math? If so, how often? ___________<br />
Do you have access to the internet? __________<br />
Do you know the login information to check your son/daughter grades online? _______<br />
Please feel free to indicate any suggestion(s) to help make this class a successful experience for your<br />
son/daughter. Include any special needs/accommodations that he/she requires to learn successfully.<br />
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Name: _______________________<br />
Date: _______________________<br />
Period: _______________________<br />
Course: _______________________<br />
Read the course syllabus and answer the following questions. Use the back if necessary.<br />
1. What is your math teacher’s name? ____________________<br />
2. What math class(es) did you take last year and in summer school (if any)? Indicate course name, academic<br />
& citizenship grades, and names of school and teacher.<br />
Course name Grade level Academic grade Citizenship grade <strong>School</strong>/Teacher<br />
3. What materials and supplies are required for this course?<br />
4. If by the end of the semester, a student earned an 90% average on HW, 80% on quiz, 75% on exams, what is<br />
the overall average according to the weights described in the syllabus? Show your reasoning and/or<br />
calculation.<br />
5. When can late assignment(s) be turned in?<br />
6. What may happen to your grade if you are absent 10 times or more?<br />
7. What are the consequences if you are tardy for the fourth time?<br />
8. How can you get extra help in the course?<br />
9. What grades (both academic & citizenship) do you expect to earn by the end of this course? How will you<br />
achieve them?<br />
10. Please include any special needs/accommodations that you require to learn successfully.<br />
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