Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace


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êt.agter two<br />

I<br />

Blentifuln except in the riçer val.leys and. on Tr¡rtle Ulorrntain,<br />

and' soil cultivatlon req.u:lres. the applicaüi-on of speeiala.ürg3*i.i-esr<br />

farnÌ.ag techniques. fhere are some yea:ierhowever, when reinfatl<br />

!s aþu&d.ant over arr of üouthern and. ceüúral ManiÈoba, whlre<br />

Ëhere are others iu whieh S,outhwestern þiffritoba cau. properly be<br />

eaLred, part of the rGreat *¡rerisan Desertr. The swing of the<br />

otinatie penduru.n. about the rcriüicarr line more profounitry<br />

affeets this area beeause of its prorini.ty to palriserrs<br />

rfÞiangler, ond,r on. a.ecount of the n*ture Of ite soils.<br />

On the aver&gêr there i.s lese rainfall in the Eeuthwestern<br />

Eection than eLsewhere in n¿Ianitoba. rn the ã6 towuships of<br />

C,ïrog Reporttng Distriet fI, (Uetlta) the average arurual raf.nfal1<br />

(aug. oet. pltrs ÀBr. - ttlty,} , <strong>for</strong>_ühe perÍ.od, rgg{t Èo rg4å,<br />

inclusive, is approximatery r9.46 inches.- llhiàsasem.agê.:,at iwlnnipeg<br />

I<br />

<strong>for</strong> the eame period f.s å0.4 inehee.- TI¡-e anrerage uheat yield in<br />

the dlstrlet qes l5.l bushele Èg the aere as againet tb.e prorr<br />

inela}. averagÊ of L?.å buehelE.rf<br />

açerage eenditions prevei.red. nost of the tine, thea<br />

agnleultr¡¡nal operati.ons !n St¡uthÌEesüern. Manitoba eoqld. be urder-<br />

teken with a neasenabl-e degree of seeurÍ.ty. Iln<strong>for</strong>tunatel¡r <strong>for</strong><br />

tïre farners in the area, r.eee thsn arrerage rainfarr heE been<br />

the experlenee <strong>for</strong> 55 years of the perioù reeord.eil, and. better than<br />

TO<br />

average in only åE years of th.e total ef 5g.-<br />

7 EIIÍ.s. Lflanitoba .å,Æ'lsulture- o-42-<br />

E À.s.Mó¡<br />

I EÌ.11e-t<br />

to<br />

l0Ellf.s, Loc¡eit.<br />

F *.s.nrór iè Setttfeqent<br />

I Toronto,].9980<br />


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