Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace


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@apter tbree<br />

25<br />

Ð8. Bryee, who opened tbe nounds, eonerudedt that, beeause<br />

thEy are loeatecl on very fertlle 3.enct, their bullcterE ï¡ere ågrf-<br />

10<br />

eurtur€,11cte.- tbls, fs true of those who bullt the nouncl-<br />

gsoups further s,outh ln thE Janes;tow¡-Ðev11'e Lake-Sheyenne area<br />

11<br />

tn tbe Þakstasr-but a later lnvegtigator of s,ounclç f,n trfianttoba<br />

hee ¡rolnted out that the sounüs ln the, Rock Lake and other areag<br />

nealer the Souris bave provfðed tlttLe êvldtenee of agrleultural<br />

aottvity. on the otbEr handl be does tôet 4 hoeE in å eatalogue<br />

L2<br />

of 41085 arülqles he hee eolreeted.- But fLesh-eorapees.<br />

of bone enct etone &re very eonnon, so it would seen thqt theEe<br />

e,anls dlwelLers fn the Ëourls: basln, Llke thoee wbo foLlowedt<br />

ühen, cte'peadetl nelnly upon the þuffalo anct other anf¡r¿ls <strong>for</strong><br />

thelr existence.<br />

ßhe peopJ-e lirv-lng in the sourls baein et the tlme thE<br />

first fur-traclers, same to the west rye.re the AserinLboin3. .å,1r<br />

atelleble avlclenee polnts- to the faet that these fnËna¡rs eane<br />

fron the wogdllanets to Èhe east, anc[ vs.ry sooa wqnclerect over<br />

at1 the country lying iet**un the tr{iesouri Blver antt Eudlsonfs<br />

15<br />

Eay.- about the year t66o they were Ltvlng ln the vlelnlty<br />

of Çranct Þortage, beyoað the ¡,orth shore of &ake superlor.<br />

they were known then ae thE FoulEks or å,sslnlpogtees.S *o*<br />

10<br />

L1<br />

Iblô. rp;45i<br />

TF.IÍettel¡ fsto the ì{lssouri Valle Serelo<br />

9CElOB9¡<br />

1A<br />

Iõ B.L.MeKenneftn<br />

lan<br />

B.5r<br />

bEs of<br />

14 John trüaelean,<br />

,1<br />

vol. ã p.59.<br />

93aedten Seveee Folk (Toronto t896)8.19¿

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