Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace


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FOEE$ORÐ.<br />

Íhe effeet of erimate and soll upon tbe. people, whg, fro.n<br />

tlne to time throughout the paet three ceaturlee, have eorre to an¿<br />

lnhebltett tha Southçesüern Plaine of ãdanitoba, hae provldeet an<br />

interesting *ubjeqt of etudly.<br />

Bre taek of gathering ln<strong>for</strong>matlon <strong>for</strong> the pages whielr<br />

<strong>for</strong>row bae beea an interesting, even enjo¡rab.te one; Bhe wri.ter<br />

nade nany new friend.s êuring hle seareh <strong>for</strong> naterlal, and ulu-<br />

ar,waye renenÞer wlth gratltuùe the kind.nees wlth uhich they<br />

reeef.vedt hin iate thefur homes a.qd the eager readlness çi,th whieh<br />

they qad.a avatlabLe to hlm- tþ.e old. reeo¡rd.e an4 Xrersona]. diarl.es<br />

theSr Boseeseecl.<br />

rt ls. posslÞle to aehaowtedge the eesistanse of only a<br />

eonpalra<strong>ttre</strong>ly f,ew of the nany ruho sontrlbnted Ëo the deveto¡ment<br />

of thle stud.y.<br />

the s.rlter wf'Èhee partÍ,eularly to thenk Professor Wil,pMoriton,<br />

of the ÎI¡d.verelty of &{arli.tobe, <strong>for</strong> the euggeEÈloa thaÈ the history<br />

of Seuthwes-ters ïãEnitobe uoulê provlÈe e proper tepi.e <strong>for</strong> a<br />

thesl.ç, l{ot onty df,d, he naka the suggesgon, but, by hie eonetant<br />

supernielon and hls patlent enoouragenent, he lighteneü com6fêer-<br />

ably the wsrk i.nnoÏ.veâ in. Breparlng this etuôy.<br />

ûlaterlar fo¡r thç pra*se<strong>ttre</strong>.sent perloè of the historJr Ëes<br />

taken nostly fros, the $ournale and. aontenBorary hlEtorlee kept in<br />

the Frovlneiatr Llbrary and, in the Publ|e Arehivee of [tanttobac<br />

fo t..L.taekeo,re, Provlnelat arehtvlet, ü.L.Johneten, proylneial<br />

r,lbreriea, anel Ray srl€ht, the aesietant tlÞra¡:len, the wrlter

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