Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace


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19<br />

êhapter two<br />

<strong>for</strong> the nost part wlth the e.reeeent shapeil till p!.ai.ne, but tbe<br />

western eÉtge ls nery lrregular. At the fnternattonal boundl.ary<br />

lt lq about tweLve m1les vcidte, but ebout three milae north of<br />

the bounelary lt extenêe westwarcl lnto Saskatehewq,n, the extenelon<br />

betng Ebout elr ntlee wl€[e. North of thls the vcestern arargln<br />

of the besln has three nore extensione, whisb were <strong>for</strong>ned by<br />

the etree.n from the weet whleh ctraln lnto the baeln. the Sourle<br />

Rlrer haç eut a ûeep ehannel along the easters nargln of tbe<br />

baein.<br />

This soil uoner Ês hae been elgEaèy explalneê, eontalns.<br />

a vanlety of solLe. South of the Soutb .&nËIer Creek the soll le<br />

a very goocL sllt loa.m,, exeept <strong>for</strong> a snall area of boulcler tltl<br />

whleh intruetres fron the sout,h.&-The fouf weetwari[ extenslons<br />

of the baeln eontaia solLs whlch are baseð on a gravel-Iy<br />

subsoll, anct nay be eonelitereel e,s general$] unsufted, to eqltlvat1on.<br />

58<br />

-Ehe soll in the reEË of the zone rqnges frorn ffne to coa,rÉre<br />

eanüy J.oa^n, but thene so$e townshlps, notabty south endl ureet<br />

of taueler andl eest of êrencÈ tlalrlere 1n whleh pure candl tE<br />

g9<br />

blowa lnto duneË1-Îbe Eone as a, whole ls very suseepttble to<br />

Ehsrt auûuaer &roughts but lt has one advantege over tbe t11,1<br />

plalns whieb Ile to the east andl west. Ehe eand.y eer[lnent<br />

whfch Ls eleposlted on flrnly paeked bould[er tlII <strong>for</strong>ns E cateb,<br />

besln <strong>for</strong> refnwater anel <strong>for</strong> water etre,lnlng lnts the zone fron,<br />

97 $Eserlptlpn of &[ånltobF å eyaopeis of Surveyors<br />

notee, BubllsÞeû ln 1895 by<br />

s8<br />

s9<br />

tb.e Þsnlnlon Ðept. of reüllgraülono<br />

&LlLs, Grop Elstsry p.8. (nqp)<br />

Loe. elt ¡

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