Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace

Being a thesls; written for ttre - MSpace


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Chapter two 10<br />

reeelve mof sture to neet ühelr inereaslng need,s. .&, few good,<br />

ralns are neeiled irr the first part of ûuIy to eounter-aet the<br />

ereesslve heat. Á. good heavy shower wh.en tire whent rs Ë ln the<br />

¡rilkt- will ensure a well-fil}ed kernel. Gooit harvestlng weather<br />

is enJoyect when rainfall ls red,uceä ituring August ancl Sept**b"".E<br />

lftth en lcleal dietrlbution of even scanty ralnfall, sofle<br />

good yields of wheat b.ave been produeeil. in the l{e1lta âr€8.r In<br />

1'905, , <strong>for</strong> example, a ylelel of 17.8 bushels to the, aere was proitueecl<br />

IA<br />

with only 8io2 inehes of ralnr-tror¡ I erop of aþost four<br />

busþels better than average, resulteü f,.rgs a ralnfall of ã,.44' Inebes<br />

bel'ow the long-ter&, avêrêg€r Ehis phenonenaL result can only be<br />

explained by the faet ühat the rains reeelved were very tlmely. 'j<br />

In 1915 one, of the best erops eÌrer harvested in this seetion of<br />

nrÞntüoba;:-{aE bushels per aere), was proetr¡eect wlth only 10.â4 ln.<br />

7.V<br />

of rain.-<br />

Meagre' rainfalloaomblneil wlth, lts poor distributlonrwlll<br />

proilusE a élscourag*ng sroB, bu of partlculqr. consern to farnners<br />

ln S,outhwe,stern Manftoba ls the faot that often these. eond.itlons<br />

lul11 'prevail <strong>for</strong> sETerAl yeafs ln euooessLon. åq a result,<br />

Ethê, wealth proitueed r; the gooet years s.elts away, *En a earuer :<br />

fs unaOSþo ¡ceeü the expense of properly eul.tlvatlng hls flelds,<br />

so hls land rÍleterioriates and Mæccn lnfesteô wlth weed.g.<br />

15<br />

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Pra.l'rle<br />

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