WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - State Law Publisher

WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - State Law Publisher

WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - State Law Publisher


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St a meeting of the Executive Council held in the<br />

eutive Council Chambers, at Perth, this 30th day ot<br />

S one, 1938, the following Orders in Council were authorui<br />

to be issued:<br />

The Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and<br />

Drainage Act, 1909.<br />


'.S. 516/38.<br />

E\ S by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage,<br />

and Drainage Act, 1909, it is provided that, snbjeet<br />

to the provIsions of the Act, the Minister for Water<br />

Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage shall, with the approval<br />

of the Governor, have power to construct and extend<br />

Water Works, Sewerage Works and Stormwater Drainage<br />

\V his: And whereas the prelniary requirements of the<br />

s:iid.A,.t have been complied with, and plans, sections,<br />

and estimates in respect of the works hereinafter mentiened<br />

have been submitted to and approved by the<br />

Governor-in-Council: Now therefore His Excellency the<br />

Lieutenan i-Governor, with the advice and consent of the<br />

Executive Council, does hereby empower the Minister for<br />

Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage to undertake the<br />

construction of the following works under the said Act,<br />

namely :--<br />

Metropolitan Sewerage, South Perth District, Reticulation<br />

Area No. 5P-inch, 6-inch anti 4-inch diameter<br />

reticulation sewers, with manholes and all other apparatus<br />

connected therewith between Thelma street and South<br />

terrace and between Hazel street and Mary street, as<br />

shown in green on Plan It[.W.S.8. & I),ID., WA. No. 6071.<br />

This Order in Council shall take effect from the 1st<br />

day of July, :14)38.<br />

L. E. SHAPCOTT,<br />

Clerk of the Executive Council.<br />

TIn SI etropolitan \Vater Supply, Sewerage, arid<br />

Drainage Act, 1909.<br />

OilDlili IN COUNCIL.<br />

ScLW.S. -125/28.<br />

\V IIEIlEAS by the Metropolitan Later Supply, Sewerage<br />

and Drainage Act, 191)9, it is provided that, subject<br />

to the previsions of the Act. the Minister for Water<br />

Supply, kewerage, and Dra i]Iage shall, with the approval<br />

of the Governor, have power to construct and extend<br />

'Water Works, Sewerage Works and. Stormwater Drainage<br />

4\rorks : And whereas the preliminary requirements<br />

of the said Act have been complied with, and plans, see-<br />

110151<br />

<strong>WESTERN</strong> <strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>.<br />

[Published by Authority at 330 p.m.)<br />


31.] PERTH: FRIDAY, JULY [1938.<br />

i1011S and estimates in respect of the works hereinafter<br />

mentioned have been submitted to and approved by the<br />

Governor-iu-Como:il : Now therefore his Excellency the<br />

Lieutenant-Governor, iritli the advice ann consent of the<br />

Executive Council, does hereby empower the Minister for<br />

Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage to undertake the<br />

construction of the following works under the said Act,<br />

namely:--<br />

Metropolitan Sewerage, Claremont District, Reticulatimi<br />

Area No. 9:if-inch, 6-inch anti 4-inch diameter<br />

reticulation sewers, with manholes and all other appara-<br />

Los connected therewith, between Circe circle and Gallop<br />

road, and Dalkeith road and Adehna road, as shown in<br />

1dmik on Plan M.W.S.S. & 1).])., WA. No. 6064.<br />

This Order in Council shall take effect from the 1St<br />

day of .Jnly. 1938.<br />


Clerk of tIme Executive Council.<br />

'[lie Sletropolhtan \Vater Suppply, Sewerage, and.<br />

Drainage Act, 1909.<br />


MW.S. 488/38.<br />

ihIl E1iEAS by the Metropolitnn Water Supply, Sewerage,<br />

and Drainage Act, 191)9, it is provided that, subject<br />

to time provisions of the Act, the Minister for Water<br />

Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage shall, with (lie approval<br />

ef (lie Governor, have power to construct and extend<br />

Water Werks, Sewerage Works and Stormwater Drainage<br />

Works: And whereas the preliminary requirements<br />

of the said Act have been complied with, and plans, sections<br />

and estimates in resnect of the works hereinafter<br />

mentioned have been subuutted to and approved by the<br />

(hovernor-jn-Couacil : Now therefore T-iis Excellence (lie<br />

Lieutenant-C overaor, with time advice and consent of 1 lie<br />

Executive Council, does hereby empower the Minister for<br />

Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage to undertake the<br />

construction of tIme following works under the said Act,<br />

namely:<br />

Metropolitan Sewerage, South Perth District, South<br />

Perth Mahm Sewer (5th sec lion) --24-inch diameter loinforced<br />

concrete Pipe sewer, with all manholes and other<br />

apparatus connected therewith, as shown in red on Plan<br />

M.W.S.S. & Dl)., WA. No. 6066.<br />

This Order in Council shall take client fr oni the 1st<br />

day of July, 193S.<br />

L. IS. SiIAPCOTr1,<br />

Clerk of time Executive Council.


Premier 's Department,<br />

Pei'th, 30th June, 1038.<br />

FITS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Council has been pleaSed to approve of the persons mentioned in the<br />

ttnehed Sc laulu Ic being ccppoi iited to (lie CoflinhisSiOlt I (Iii I e:uc tici it Sttil r \Vesterci A uslralia or ('ut<br />

the Magisterial Districts respectively set out therein.<br />

rrhe attention of the general public is hereby called to Ills anuecnieen,ent, as tins Commission supersedes in<br />

every respect all previous Commissions.<br />

<strong>WESTERN</strong> <strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>.<br />


FOR THE WHOLE STATE AND RESIDING IN <strong>WESTERN</strong> <strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>.<br />

S lll)IIGE l'IW SLATlI, liv thc Grace of God of Great Britain, irelecid,<br />

yond the Seas King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India:<br />

To<br />

Angelo, Edward Iloughton, 10 Nicholson Road, Subiaco<br />

(1903; 193:1).<br />

Angw in, I lo ci. Willicun Charles, cv. Canning Road and<br />

Onkover Street, Fremantle (1907; 1923).<br />

Arnoti , tIccirles \Vil!ia,u, (1(1 Rice Street cciii! 13 Ilecicil<br />

Street, Perth (1923).<br />

lith)locIi, .11 hue, (;7 'iiu'!ilhu' 'Perr:ieu, 4oiitli l'c'rtIu<br />

(I 1G )<br />

Buesjou, Constantine Stephen John, Frederick Street and<br />

Vancouver Street, Albany (1904; 1914).<br />

Parker, Ernest Herbert, 64 Farnley Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1924).<br />

FIn r tee, l'rut der ic k FInd ot uhi, Sn p recnc Con ct, 1' erth (1901)<br />

Bat!,, I Ion. Thomas henry, 101 'l'ownsliend Road, Sublaco<br />

(1902).<br />

I laster, lion. Charles Farquhiarson, 33 Malcolm Street,<br />

\Vest Pert!, (19(t7; 1930).<br />

Beadle, Mrs. .Jean, 450 Newcastle Street and 31 Car,'<br />

Street, West Perth (1920; 1924).<br />

Uessell-Browae, Major-General Alfred Joseph, 81 St.<br />

George's Terrace, Perth, and Anzac Terrace, Bas<br />

sendean (1921).<br />

Bicicford, Harold Stephen, Gco. Wills & Co., 156 St.<br />

George 's 'l'e,'c'uee Perth, and 3 hillside Avenue,<br />

Swacibonriun (1921 1927).<br />

Bishop, A it ii ur F red er Gb, 1 3 S taccnc ore Sl;rc'ct;, Sub! aro<br />

(1910; 1935).<br />

louis, I Ia rolci, 10 Esplucn:cde, Peppermint Grove, acid<br />

A.M.P. Chambers, Perth (1931).<br />

Llolton, Leonard Burlington, 45 William Street, l5remantle,<br />

631) \Velhington Street, Perth, and 102<br />

Barker Road, Suhiaco (1920; 1930).<br />

Ilostock, George Henry, Piugelly (1890).<br />

Brazier, Colonel Noel Murray, 11 .Tacncus Road, Swanbourne<br />

(1901; 1935).<br />

llrockman, Harold, Grey Street, York (1895).<br />

llrowccc. Dr. Docluvu'It, llridgetouc ci (190:1)<br />

Bryan, Dr. Cyril, Newspaper house, St. George's Terrout',<br />

Purl!,, acid 3(3 \ViIIi:ccn Strict Muoucut Icuwlc,v<br />

(11(1%; 11t27).<br />

11cc!!, Obadiah, Toodvav (181)4).<br />

Iluirges, William, 42 II taint Street, Perth (1889).<br />

Burt, Archibald Eduucuiuc), Albany (1895).<br />

Butcher, \Villiam Ja cccv's, Nangettv Station, via Mm<br />

genew, and 55 Mount Street, Pert!, (1898; 191)15).<br />

Cadd, Frank, 213 Murray Street, and 3 Ord Soet,<br />

Perth (1905; 1906).<br />

Chesson, James, 406 Charles Street, North Perth, and<br />

Beacon (1908; 1914).<br />

I 'turistic, (cilicc, Fit':ucic Street, F'rcuccuccct!e cud 61 Duclgety<br />

Street, l'3,st l"rencciuthc, (19:15 1937).<br />

('litton, A relcihald Gervasuc, 6 Victoria A venue, Perth,<br />

(lS94).<br />

('lydesdale, Hon. Alexander McAlhster, Perpetual Trustee<br />

Buildings, Perth, acid 39 Esplanade, South Perth,<br />

(1930).<br />

Conclon, Stephen, 164 Newcastle Street, Perth (1927;<br />

1931).<br />

(!3inell, Robert, 2 Field Street, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley (1914).<br />

Cowan, William Dyer, 32 Goode Street, Bayswater<br />

(1886).<br />

Crockett, Lionel Lamont, Zoe Street, Bnnbury (1905).<br />

L, E. S1IAPCOTT,<br />

It cider Seers (cciv P cern icr 's Department.<br />

iiii! tliut British 1)oi,uicciocis Ice<br />

Taurlot, Leonard 1[ccwthorne, \Veld Club, Perth (1819).<br />

I )avis, Dr. Albert Peter, do Aborigines Departnunt,<br />

ciii! Ib':uti'iecu llouc!, Nedlaiids (1915).<br />

I invis, hiouiu'I itiehicurd, lb Ficugol Itoad, Scibicucuc (111)0;<br />

11(06).<br />

I hi:ccnond, (licurlus, A.N.A. I bust', St. George's 'I'erruu'c',<br />

i'uurtic, ciol -lb king's l'cirlc Road, West: l'ertli<br />

(1933).<br />

Drew, Hon. Jolici Michael, 20 L'iel Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1930).<br />

l)iuc'I,ccicu, 'l'Iiouci:is Iluustouc, I 1-ti-ouccue Avei,ue, iJcuttcsloe<br />

( llttu5).<br />

Edwards, Keccnctic, 27 Narita Road, Claremont (1894).<br />

Elliot, Rulwarul Burton, 132 Hannaci Street, Kalgoorlie<br />

(1926; 1931).<br />

l':y:ucus, Ii most Al 0 red, 16 Ii ole cia Street, Go ihulfo nI<br />

(1933).<br />

Forbes, Donald hieiiry, Beverhc'y (1919; 1935).<br />

I"i'anklici, 3 aicic's Tlconcuts, 155 Adelaide Terrace, l'ec't lc<br />

(1917; 1925).<br />

10ev, .hluuc Elhcuuc, Eu-ic SI cccl, Succitli FerMi (19:14) -<br />

Gibbous, i'u're.y .ta,cces, iNarroglic (11100).<br />

t; ihboccs, l'etei' Louis, lc'orrcst Street, Peppermint Grove<br />

(1894).<br />

Gibson, Fruccik Erccest, 142 High Street and 299 111gb<br />

Stc'ect, Fremacitle (11)23).<br />

t;iIl:ucii, Henry, Uaveusli:cciu (1906; 191.1).<br />

Ghiek, Julius Lewis, Adelaide Tailoring Coinpaccy, $1<br />

Barrack Street, Perth,, anti 4 Braeside Road, Mt.<br />

<strong>Law</strong>hey, Perth (192(1; 1927).<br />

G r:i cit, Ahiuxanuhcuc' Ed cviii, Va ciget Stuttioc,, via (iei'alcitotu<br />

(1917).<br />

Gaul, \Valtcr IleKeucaic, Geritdticcc (1910).<br />

Green, Albert Erccest, h'ertic and Caciberra (1926).<br />

(lrttguurv, lluuuu. I lu'nr', I 'u'c'thc acid Ccicibei'ra (1396).<br />

Harper, Charles, 130 Murray Street, Perth, arid 6 Haunpton<br />

Road, Victoria Park (1910; 1924).<br />

harrison, Thonias I-Iacnlet, Doodlakine (1910; 192J).<br />

Herman, Isidore, 3 Esplanade Mansions, Perth, and 12<br />

Esplanade, Nedlaads (1908; 1914).<br />

h-h uulcciccn, Miss Mci rr Alice, 'I'c'ades I-laB, Pert Ii, nc,d Ida<br />

Street, Rcusuiendea,i (1925; 1936).<br />

II uul,iues, 110cc. .1 oseph .1 olin, 24 (3rd Street, West. Perth<br />

(1911)).<br />

II ou'gui n, Pu-cu cueis l'ic,ba i- 520 \Vi Ii hen Stc'u'u't, I

Jum 1, 11938.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. 1017<br />

COMMISSION OP THE PEACE-continued.<br />

Latham, Hon. Charles George, Narembeen and Perth<br />

(1930).<br />

Lenrmonth, John Pearson, S7 St. George's Terrace, and<br />

iS Ord. Street, West Perth (1899; 1930).<br />

Leiver, Copeland Ja res, Wairoonga Station, Carsiarvon<br />

(1910; 1922).<br />

Lloyd, John Joseph, 16 Chelmsford Road, North Perth<br />

(1907; 1925).<br />

Lockwood, Arthur Rodney, Parkestoa (1935).<br />

Loton, Ernest William, e/o W.A. Trustee Company, St.<br />

George's Terrace, Perth (1914; 1920).<br />

Lynch, Hon. Patrick .1 oseph, Three Springs (1911).<br />

IRandell, Samuel Joseph, 10 Hooper Street, Perth<br />

(1923).<br />

Risehbieth, Mrs. Bessie Mabel, Forrest Street, Cotlesloe<br />

(1920; 1924).<br />

Roberts, Stephen Richard Harricks, Deputy Director<br />

Posts and Telegraphs, Perth, and 16 Chester Street,<br />

Subiaco (1934).<br />

Robinson, Henry Owen, Fauldhig & Co., Murray Street,<br />

Perth, and 24 Rosser Street, Cottesloc (1913; 1938).<br />

Rogers, William John, Katanning (1910; 1934.)<br />

Rose, George Canler, 3 Kingsmill Street, Claremont<br />

(1891).<br />

Rose, John Charles, Wilgarup (1894).<br />

Male, Arthur, 12 King's Park Road, Perth, and Broome<br />

(1897; 1910).<br />

Haley, Hon. Ilenrv Kennedy. 72 Subiaco Road, Subiaco<br />

(1911; 1923).<br />

Mann, 1-lenry Willoughby, 6 Norbert Street, East Perth,<br />

and 26 Roe Street, Perth (1921; 1932).<br />

Shunning. Lient.-Coleael Charles I loner Ernest (Governmerit<br />

House, Pert]), C nulclford (1927).<br />

Mathers, John Victor Woods, Kalgoorlie (1909; 1935).<br />

Maunsell, Dr. John, New Norcia (1895).<br />

?ih'Lartv, Edward Aihrev, 19 j\.lvan Street, Mount Laoley<br />

(1917; 1938).<br />

McNeil, Alexander James, 6 St. George's Mansions,<br />

Mount Street, Perth (1923).<br />

Mitchell, lion. Sir James, K.C.M.G., Government House,<br />

Perth (1910).<br />

Monger, Alexander Joseph, York, and Weld Club, Perth<br />

(1905).<br />

Morris, Charles Glazebrook, Suburban Road, South Perth<br />

(1910; 1932).<br />

Needham, Edward, 36 Leake Street, North Perth (1911).<br />

Noble, Victor ,Tohin Sim, Commonwealth Railways,<br />

Queen (1935).<br />

Nulsen, Emil, 1320 Hay Street, West Perth, and Salmon<br />

Gums (1934).<br />

O 'Haihoran, Michael, 1 in First Avenue, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1929; 1933).<br />

Owen, Williani Lambden, Minawarra, Armadale (1889).<br />

Padbury, Matthew Thomas, Rose Hill, East Guildford<br />

(1899; 1918).<br />

Pearce, Right illon. Sir George Foster, Perth (1905).<br />

Perry, Staidey Wesley, er. Winguield Avenue and<br />

Mount's Bay Bond, Crawley, mid Ambassadors<br />

Theatre, Perth (1933 1936).<br />

Piesse, Alfred Napoleon, Kendenup, Katanuing (1900).<br />

Poynton, Joseph James, 12 Richardson Avenue, Claremont<br />

(1931).<br />

Prowse, Join Henry, Perth and Canberra (1905; 1929).<br />



A1lmurst, Carl Adrian, Commermial Travellers' Club, Sydney<br />

(1929).<br />

Armitage, Hugh Traill, Commonwealth Bank, Sydney<br />

(1916).<br />

Bailey, Stanley Alan, Millions Clnh, 9 Rowe Street,<br />

Sydney (1933).<br />

Box, Edward Allan, 25 O'Connell Street, Sydney (1918).<br />

Brierley, Cecil, 56 Young Street, Sydney (1923).<br />

Brook, Leslie Alan, Public Trust Office, 107-109 Elizabeth<br />

Street, Sydney (1936).<br />

Cocks, John Granville, N.S.W. Government Tourist<br />

Bureau, Sydney (1935).<br />

Cunningham, Ferdinand William, Commonwealth Bank,<br />

Sydney (1928).<br />

lDuekworth, Arthur, Trentlmam, Chester Street, Woollahra<br />

(1909).<br />

Kelman, William Nivison, Commonwealth Bank, Sydney<br />

(1923).<br />

Kinin, Carl Hopish, c/o Minerals, Ltd., 318 Botany Road,<br />

A'exandria, Sydney (1932; 1933).<br />

Sautpson, Richard Stanley, Kalamunda and Perth (1917;<br />

1930).<br />

Saw, Charles Augustus, St. George's Terrace, Perth<br />

(1895).<br />

Smdmroeder, Alwyn, Children's Court, Perth (1937).<br />

Semumneus, Edpar George, Morisby, ' ' 37 Edinhcro<br />

Street, kit. Hawthorn (1924; 1937).<br />

hm:mpeott, Louis Edward, iTnder Secretary, Premier '5<br />

1) epa rtinent, C ra whey, ( 1914)<br />

Simpson, George William, Mount Street, Claremont<br />

(1915; 1917).<br />

Smith, Charles Patrick, 12 Queenslea Drive, Claremont,<br />

all 'West Australian'' Office, Perth (1932).<br />

Smith, Thomas George, 23 Blemicowe street, Leederville<br />

(1932; 1934).<br />

Somerville, William, Albert Street, Cottcsloe Beach<br />

(1904; 1905).<br />

Soutliee, Hubert Guy, 106 Barrack Street, Perth (1908;<br />

1918).<br />

Stark, James Balfour, Rottnest Island (1931).<br />

Steere, Edward John Lee, Blackwood (1895).<br />

Stubbs, Sydney, Wagin and Perth (1902; 1917).<br />

'rhompson, James, 45 Ord Street, Perth (1910).<br />

Thomson, Joseph Angus, 209 Murray Street, Perth, and<br />

41. Tlavehock Street, West Perth (1.907).<br />

'l'mndale, Edward, Director of Works, 7 Thongshridge<br />

Street, Mt. Lmmwley (1916; 1931).<br />

Trainer, John Percival, 81 Stuart Street, Mayland<br />

(1930; 1933).<br />

Trov, Hon. Michael Francis, 27 Park Road, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>hey<br />

(1917).<br />

'l'ynmns, Dr. Herbert George, 1324 Hay Street, West<br />

Perth (1909; 1923).<br />

lJrqulmart, 1-lenry John, 1123 Hay Street, Perth (1934).<br />

Watson, Harry Jolni, Roebourne (1899; 1914).<br />

\'mebster, Dr. Alfred, Toodyay (1909; 1937).<br />

Wedge, Frederick Arundel, 36 Webster Street, Nedlands<br />

(1893).<br />

Wilhcock, Hon. John CeIlings, 45 IRookwood Street, Mt.<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1915-1930).<br />

Wilson, Arthur Alan, Collie and Perth (1930).<br />

Wittenoom, Frederick Francis Burdett, Howard Street,<br />

Perth, and 63 Mount Street, Perth (1892).<br />


Meeson, George, C 'Noddf a,'' Senview Street, Balgowlah<br />

(1924).<br />

Mmdl, William Percival, 27 Hunter Street, Sydney<br />

and Rmsshentters 13ev (1932).<br />

Muiu'o, John, Melhourmso Steamslnp Company, Ltd., 1<br />

Barrack Street, Sydney (19.36; 1937).<br />

Peisley, Henry Stewart, Underwood House, 16 Hunter<br />

Street, Sydney (1924).<br />

Poolman, Percy Samuel, 16 Rochester Street, Homebush<br />

(1916).<br />

Richmond, George Ward, 37 Beresford Road, Rose Bay<br />

(1921).<br />

Roberts, Sydney, 10 Clanalpine Street, Eastwood (1919).<br />

Shannon, Charles McAlister Campbell, 572 Paeidc Highway,<br />

Killara (1926).<br />

Stilling, Stanley William Mathmeson, Caves I-louse, Jenolan<br />

(1932).<br />

Travers, John Thmomas, 103 Wicks Street, and 371 Argent<br />

Street, Broken Hill (1932).<br />

Wiekham, Louis Norman, 48 Carlotta Street, Greenwich,<br />


1018 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \VA [Juan 1, 1038.<br />



Green, Hon Albert Ernest, Canberra and Perth, W.A.<br />

(1926).<br />

Gregory, Roti. Henry, Canberra and Perth, W.A.<br />

(1896).<br />

Jones, Harold Edward, Federal Territory Police, Canberra<br />

(192S).<br />

iKeaue, Francis Charles Fa trick, Supreme Cii it Registry,<br />

Canberra (1937).<br />

Lynch, Hon. Patrick Joseph, Canberra and Perth, 'V.A.<br />

(1911).<br />

Moiiahau, George Henry, 0MG., Clerk of The Senate,<br />

Canberra (1933).<br />

Pearce, Eight Hon. Sir George Foster, Canberra and<br />

Perth, W.A. (1905).<br />

Prowse John Henry, Canberra nod Perth (1905; 1929).<br />


A mies, Art hue Pilgrim, 'Belmont,' ' Clarendon Street,<br />

East Melbourne (1930).<br />

Berriman, Daniel, 34 Qneen Street, Melbourne (1936).<br />

Binney, Edgar James, 328 FEnders Street, Melbourne<br />

(1932).<br />

Brow'ne, Roland Seymour, Commonwealth Attorney Genoral's<br />

Department, Melbourne (1934).<br />

('asey, David Roilerick Alphousus, 108 Queen Street,<br />

Melbourne (1938).<br />

Chippiudall, Giles Tatlock, Postmaster General's Department,<br />

Central Staff, Melbourne (1935).<br />

Couche, Reginald Starr, 386 FEnders Lane, Melbourne<br />

(1928).<br />

Daley, Miss lean, Room 60, Trades Hall, Melbourne<br />

(1938).<br />

!Daymoad, Jolui Henry, Plenty (1921).<br />

Docker, Cyril Talbot, ES. & A. Bank, Melbourne (1935).<br />

Elder, Sir James Alexander MacKenzie, ''Mayfair,''<br />

Maine Street, South Yarra (1927).<br />

Fordyce, John, 12 Mereer Road, Malvern (1921).<br />

Glance, Henry, 85 Paisley Street, Footseray (1904-<br />

1919).<br />

Ilarston, Arthur George, 455 Little Collins Street, Melbourne,<br />

and 603 Neerim Road, Murrunibeena (1932).<br />

Healy, George Daniel, Bank of Australasia, 396 Collins<br />

Street, Melbourne (1927).<br />

Jude, Thomas Mitchell, 41 Mary street, St. Kilda West<br />

(1934).<br />

I o ngfield , Bruce An tliony, 623 Ciii line Street and 12 Bin,<br />

Grove, Riclunoud , P ci hourne (1 935)<br />

Marks, Baron, 271 Collins Street, Melbourne (1927).<br />

iticKenna, Gerald James, 19 Jennings Street, Kynetou<br />

(1929).<br />

Mc iglwi, julia I itiirl ReiD ni, I U iilnu.,tou 51w<br />

Toorak, Melbourne (1934).<br />

Mitty, Frederick Joseph, 53 Bourke Street, Melbourne<br />

(1929).<br />

Owen, Edgar Theodore, Torrington Place, Canterbury<br />

(1905; 1930).<br />

Ryan, Lily Virginia (Id rs. P. .1. Ryan), Queensland<br />

Government Representative, 247 Collins Street, Melbourne<br />

(1937).<br />

Saunders, Roy, Melbourne (1932).<br />

Spaekmau, Edward Tipton, Australasian Institute of<br />

Secretaries, 11 Bank Place, Melbourne (1935).<br />

West, Cecil Alfred Mitchell, 328 Flinders Street, Melbourne<br />

(1926).<br />

Woodfiue, Norman, Publicity Bureau, Geclong (1936).<br />


St -a thea iii, A lexa nile r .J :iii les, Snpre inc Ciu.ut, Rahaul<br />

(1938).<br />


Carringtou, \Tietor George, Alice Springs (1936).<br />

Lampe, Victor Leslie, Darwin (1928).<br />

Nichols, .1 osepli Wesley, Supreme Court, Ba rwiu (1937).<br />


Brown, \Viiliani Edward Andrea, 34 Masse St reet,<br />

Hamilton, Brisbane (1932).<br />

Cameron, Archibald Murray, Postmaster General's Department,<br />

Brisbane (1934).<br />

Moxon, William Ernest, ''Coria,'' Bauer Street, Southport<br />

(1903).<br />

Oxley, Edward Griffith, 360-362 Queen Street, Brisbane<br />

(1936).<br />

Smith, George Henry Glencross, ''Pyrrie,'' Oxlade<br />

Drive, New Farm, Brisbane (1923).<br />

Watson, Gorge William, M..T.O., Under Secretary,<br />

Chief Secretary's Department, Brisbane; Lindumn,<br />

Cleveland Line (1930).<br />

PEACE- contiirued.<br />

SOUTH <strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>.<br />

Bates, Mrs. Baisv Slav, near Pyap, River Murray (1926).<br />

Castine, Lieut.-Col. John William, Lambert Road,<br />

Royston Park (1919).<br />

opsey. William Albon Beckwith, Municipal Tramways<br />

Trust, Hackney Depot, Hackney Road, Adelaide<br />

(1934).<br />

Dnnford, Robert, Port Augusta (1923).<br />

Field, Thomas Ernest, Elder, Smith & Co., Currie<br />

Street, Adelaide (1922).<br />

Readers, Joseph Charles, Justices' Association, Pine<br />

Street, Adelaide (1923).<br />

;iohnson, Dr. Edward A ugas, Victoria Avenue, FInley<br />

Park (1920).<br />

Kevern, James Trembath, Bloor Court, Adelaide (1927).<br />

Lewis, Major Lancelot Ashley, 172-171 North Terrace,<br />

Adelaide (1928).<br />

Lyon, Alexander John, Commercial Travellers' Association,<br />

North Terrace, Adelaide (1933).<br />

Masson, William John, Bank of Adelaide, King Wilham<br />

Street, Adelaide (1920).<br />

MeMurdo, David Wright, Goode Durraut & Murray,<br />

Ltd., Grenfell Street, Adelaide (1923; 1929).<br />

Race, Ernest Skelton, Port Augusta (1931).<br />

Riley, J oseph Albert, 133 Park Terrace, Wayvihle<br />

(1919).<br />

Solomons, Nathan, 43 North Terrace, Kent Town (1916).<br />

Young, Sir Walter J., Elder Smith & Co., Currie Street,<br />

Adelaide (1914).<br />


Colhoun, William Edward Kyle, 78 Charles Street,<br />

Launceston (1926).<br />

1-larrison, Dr. William Atkinson, Burnie (1903).<br />

()gilvie, 1-iou. Albert George (Premier of Tasmania),<br />

Stoke Street, Newtown (1927).<br />

()gilvie, lion. Eric James (Attorney General), Hobart<br />

(1935).<br />

Ritchie, William iguati us, 140 Melville Street, Hobart<br />

(1935).<br />

Wyett, Albert Edwin, 28 David Street, Launeeston<br />

(1927).<br />

ABROAD.<br />

olebatch, 1-ion. Sir 1-mi Pateshnll, Agent General for<br />

Western Australia, Savov House, Strand, London,<br />

\V.C. 2 (1906; 1920).<br />

('ritrliley, Charles Edivard, Australian Trade ('ommissione<br />

r, Wellington, New Zealand (1938).<br />

Davidson, James Sylvan Butehart, kudtrahia House,<br />

Strand, London, W.('. 2 (1930).<br />

Dmmn, George Victor Septimnus, Grove Lodge, 458 London<br />

Road, Tslewortl,, London (19:16; 1925).<br />

c abcs g, I iou J oscpli, -1-/B Hi onde ustuig, Dnaediu<br />

N.Z. (1924; 1927).<br />

Gwyn, Walter John, S Netherhuall Gardens, Hampstead,<br />

NW. 3, London (1883; 1909).<br />

lii I lary, Cyril Curb, Secretary Western Australian<br />

Hovermiuseut Agency, Savoy House, Strand, London,<br />

\V.C. 2 (1938).<br />

i-howard, Alexander Liihdou,. 3$ 'l'riuity Square, London,<br />

B.C. 3 (1937).<br />

Lazarus, Emanuel Saumnel, 10 1-Innover House, Regents<br />

Park. NM'. 8, London (1917; :1930).<br />

Leeds, Arthur George, Tanglewood, 7$A, Grove Road,<br />

Sutton, Surrey (1899; 1910).<br />

Maumwaring, Bertram George, Lelant Hotel, Lelaut, Cornwall<br />

(1927; 1934).<br />

Wilson, Alfred Samuel Rev., 24 Pentland Avenue, Mt.<br />

Eden Auckland. N.Z. (1916; 1919).

jDr: 1, 1938.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1019<br />

COMMISSION OF THE PEACE-conti,rued.<br />

t?JIJiETING<br />

First Assignment-Know Ye, that We have assigned you and each and every of you, to be Our<br />

Justices to keep Our Peace in Our <strong>State</strong> of Western Australia and its Dependencies, either alone or with<br />

any one or more of Our Justices that hereafter shall be appointed in Our said <strong>State</strong> and its Dependencies,<br />

and to keel) and cause to be kept all laws, for the preservation of the Peace, and for the quiet rule and good<br />

government of Our people, in Our said <strong>State</strong> and its Dependencies according to the form and effect of the<br />

same, and to punish all persons offending against then, or any of them, in the said <strong>State</strong> and its Dependencies,<br />

as by the said lacvs is provided, nail to cause to conic before you all persons within Our said <strong>State</strong> and its<br />

Dependencies ivho USC threats to any of Our People, to find security for keeping the peace or for their good<br />

behaviour towards 1J5 and Our People :And if they refuse to find such security, then to cause them to be<br />

safely be pt ii nt ii lb cv find S liC hi seen city.<br />

tCcosd Assijsrieenf.-We have also assigned you, and cacti and every of you, either alone or with any<br />

One or more of such .hustives to be appointed as aforesaid, to inquire the truth concerning all manner of<br />

crimes, ,iiisileuicanours, and olfcnccs. coiiecrning \vincli Our .hustices 0 the IMace iiiay laivfiilly or ought to<br />

inquire by svhoinsoevc r and in what manner soever done, perpetrated, or attempted in Our said <strong>State</strong> and its<br />

f)ependeueies: A ni upon all corn plaiits before you to tSSUe such process against the persons charged until they<br />

arc taken or is rrender I hceinsO reD RS flay by law he issued<br />

Third Acsisnienl.-We have also assigned you, and each and every of you, either aloue or with any<br />

one or more of such Justices to be appointed as aforesaid, to have, exercise, anvh discharge all other the<br />

powers, authorities, and duties which under or by virtue of any law of Our Realm or of Our said <strong>State</strong><br />

helonu or appertain to the office of .lustice of the Peace iii or for Our said <strong>State</strong>.<br />

A id therefore We coinniand you and each and every of you flint you diligeistly apply yourselves to<br />

keep aid rouse to he kept the peace and all laws of Our Realm and of Our said <strong>State</strong>, and that at certain<br />

ilnys amid places duly appointed for these purposes, you make inquiries into the premises, and hear and determine<br />

all and singular the matters aforesaid, and perform and fulfil the duties aforesaid, doing therein<br />

what is just according to the laws of Our Realm and of Our said <strong>State</strong>: And we comniand Our Sheriff and<br />

other officers of Our said <strong>State</strong> to aid you by all lawful means in the performance and clue execution of the<br />

prelilises<br />

in testimony ivhiereof, We have caused these Our Letters to he made Patent, and the Great Seal of<br />

Cur said <strong>State</strong> to be hereunto affixed.<br />

Witness our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir James Mitchell, Knight Commander of the Most Disthisguished<br />

Order of St. Michael and St. George, Our Lieutenant-Governor iii and over Our <strong>State</strong> of Western<br />

Australia and its Dependencies, at Perth, tIde thirtiethi day of Tune, in the year 01' Our lord<br />

One thiousn nil ni no hisiud red and thirty-eight.<br />

GEOIIOFi TI-IF SI XTII, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Iretauvl, anvl the British Dominions beyond<br />

the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor<br />


TO<br />

Clark, Sauiuel lames Ouslow McKenzie, Onsiow (1919).<br />

l)asve, Walter Herbert, C irahia Station, rca Winning<br />

Pool (1922).<br />

Forrest, Robert Mervyii, II inderoo Station, Onslow<br />

and Peppermint Grove (1916).<br />

French, Charles Shienton, Cardabia St:stion, Carnarvon<br />

(1927).<br />

Patterson, Keith Durlacher Pryde, Yarraloola Station,<br />

via Onslow (1918).<br />

Peake, William Joseph, Meilga Station, via Onsiow<br />

(1912).<br />


TO<br />

,&llnutt, .Tohn Charles I aivmaci, Bridgetown (1900).<br />

Barsie, James, Manjimup (1931).<br />

Barrymore, Hugh Seammell, Greenbushes (1928).<br />

Bartlett, Albert Edward, Brictgetown (1916).<br />

'iea tty, J olni Orange, Dinninup (1926).<br />

Dlakenev, Edmund Peter, Balingup (1913).<br />

Bleeliynden, Reuben ,jolni, ' ' Dovoren, ' '<br />

(1938).<br />

Brain, Frank, Warren, via Maujimup (1913).<br />

Brennan, Paul, Manjimup (1937).<br />

Cain, Henry, Thomson's Brook (1920).<br />

Chidzey, George James, Bridgetown (1918).<br />

Cleveland, Erie. Prank, Balingup (1936).<br />

Dallas, Hugh Morison, Bridgetown (1927).<br />

Davies, George Edward, Manjimup (1925).<br />

Dickson. George Friar, Boyup Brook (1904).<br />

Doust, Clarence Isaac, Manjimup (1920).<br />

Doust, Clarence Raymond, Boyup Brook (1910),<br />

(Sgd.) JAFi ES MIT CI-IELL,<br />

Lieutenant-Governor.<br />

(Note.-Wliere two figures appear after a name, they denote the year of original appointment for a<br />

district and the pear of appointment for the whole <strong>State</strong>.)<br />


I lalvimp<br />

of India:<br />

Doust, Henry Thomas, Upper Blackwood (1917),<br />

I )u lli Id, Sydmici- One, Somerville Street, Manj im up<br />

(19 it '7 )<br />

Egmmmi. ,l fumes, Donnybrook (1905).<br />

Fullerton, Archibald 1-loward, Greenbushes (1934).<br />

Gibhett. Walter ,John, Balharrup (1908).<br />

Fecidi trim, Selwv,m Read, Man;jinnp (If) 15) -<br />

Hester, Godfrey Williani, Dulgarup Park (1899).<br />

Iii g'his, William ID Iwo cii, ' II oxburghm , ' ' Bnyim p Fl '('Old<br />

(1936),<br />

Jenkins, William Morgan, Balingup (1931).<br />

Johnston, Victor Robert, South Greenbuslmes (1928).<br />

Johnston, William, Mnnjimup (1912).<br />

Kerr, Gilbert, East Kirup (1923).<br />

Lake, Herbert, Bridgetown (1927).<br />

Leemaii, Frank William, No, 1 <strong>State</strong> Miii, Masijin<br />

(1936).<br />

Machun, Herbert J olni, Bridgetown (1922).<br />

Marger'eson, Joseph Williais'i, Manjimup (1931).<br />

McKay, John Howat, Greenbushes (1935).<br />

i1icKenzie, Robert, Dinninup (1929).<br />

MeMahion, Beresford Dunstan, Kirup (1922).<br />

Miller, Eric Alexander, ' Woovistock, ' ' Boyup Brook<br />

(1937).<br />

Mitchell, Cleimmeist Gh:uicey Tatloehe, Necvlamsds (1926).<br />

Moyes, Ernest Thomas, Prestbury, Bridgetown (1932).<br />

Moyes, William, Msnjimup (1914).<br />

Padniami, John Witterhiouse, Thomson's Brook (1912).<br />

Palmer, Warren Clive, MeAlinden, via Noggerup (192S).<br />

Ralston, Alexander Robert McDougall, Manjimup<br />

(1912).<br />

Ross, Fi-ancis Wilhiamim, Cranbrook (1910).<br />

Rvall, Alfred Alexander, Wahkinup (1926).<br />

Smith, John Henry, Bridgetown (1921).<br />

Spencer, William 'Ralph, Kuhikup (1923).<br />


1020 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JULY 1, 1938.<br />


Stenning, Dr. Arthur Ernest. Boyu Brook (1.930).<br />

rruekey, Cecil .lnmcs, Kulikup (1923).<br />

Walter, ,John Russell, near Bridgetown (1899).<br />

Weight, Havelock, Dinninup (1914).<br />

\Vhistler. .John Martin, Dinninup (1902).<br />

Whiitliani, George Ruskin, Bovup Brook (1925).<br />

Willianis, George Mounder, Greenbushes (1926).<br />

Williams, Robert Charles, 'Astley,'' Bridgetown (193<br />

Willmott, FrauBs Edward Sykes, Bridgetown (1.917).<br />

Wright, Harry George, Boyup Drool, (]923).<br />

BROAI) ARROW NAG ITEB IA [ 1)1 SF11 IC]'.<br />

To<br />

Brealey, Gilbert Henry, Ora Banda (1922).<br />

Prosser, Thomas Edirard, Ora RanGe (1936).<br />

Scotson, Samuel, Ora Banda (1935).<br />

Ware, Charles I-larry, Ora Banda (1935).<br />


To<br />

Denham, Henry James, Hill Station, Broome (1930).<br />

Gregory, Ane.el Clement, Tlroome (1928).<br />

Knight, Rupert Leonard Towill. Broome (1937).<br />

MacKenzie, Janice Theodore Cleivett, Broome (1925).<br />

Macnec, Harry Maclachian, Robinson Street, Broome<br />

(1930).<br />

Mullen, Frederick Stanley, Anna I'lains Station, Broome<br />

(1926).<br />

Norman, 1-lugli Davis, iroonie and West Dale via Reverley<br />

(1905).<br />

Norman, Edges' Do Burgh, Broome (1938).<br />


TO<br />

Avenel], Francis William, Throssell Street, Collie (1932).<br />

tihippingtoa, Thomas Kerridge, Collie (1909).<br />

Cookson, Samuel Henry, Collie (1934).<br />

Graham, David, Collie-Cardiff (1922).<br />

Jackson, John Snteliffe, Collie (.1912).<br />

King, I-larry, Collie (1914).<br />

hieCulloch, Henry, Collie (1923).<br />

McVee, Robert, Throsseil St reel, Collie (1923).<br />

Simpson, Samson, 87 Wittenoom Street, Collie (1925).<br />


TO<br />

Biltoft, Ba as Christian, Balgai'rie, via Coolgardie<br />

(1917).<br />

Crawford, James Miller, Carbine (1917).<br />

Faahan, William Michael, Silvester Street, Coolgardie<br />

(1934).<br />

I loonier, harry, Baylev Streot, Coolgardie (1937).<br />

I{oyer, Neiman Leslie, Kurrawang (1935).<br />

Milesi, Battista Joseph, Higginsville (1934).<br />

Moran, Patrick Andrew, Coolgardie (1934).<br />

Nichols, James --Percy, Coolgardie (1930).<br />

Prior, Benjamin Austin, Baylev Street, Coolgardic<br />

(1937).<br />


TO<br />

Blizai'(I, Allan, Norsenian (1937).<br />

Coote, Francis James, Box 19, Norseman (1934)<br />

Freeman, William James Lorendar, Grass Pntch (1926).<br />

Fuller, Joseph James, Norseman (1934).<br />

Johns, Richard Benjamin, Norseman and Grass Patch<br />

(1911).<br />

Kerr, Robert Edward, Salmon Gums (1937).<br />

Lewis, Morgan Henry, Norseman (1.931).<br />

Lewis, Walter Geoffray, Robert Street, Norseman (1935).<br />

Maclien, Lionel l)ighton, Circle Valley (1925).<br />

McGrath, Francis James, Norsenian (1937).<br />

Morton, Alan, Noi'seaian (1921).<br />

Parker, TI om as Drum no nd N orsemaji (19: 7)<br />

Richardson, Augustus Merrifleld, Norsemnn (1923).<br />

Townsend, James, Grass Patch (1916),<br />

PEACE-continuEd.<br />


TO<br />

Anderton, John William, Kalgoorlie (1927).<br />

Artlett, William Langridge, Port Augusta (1920).<br />

Bailey, John, 177 McDonald Street and Hannan Street,<br />

Kalgoorlie (1935).<br />

Ihiaglev, William Francis, 5i) Piesse Street and 47 Wit'<br />

tenoom Street, Boulder (1938).<br />

Boylen, .Johu Iosepli, 65 hurt street and 57 Richardson<br />

Street, Boulder (19:3).<br />

Brown, Elliott Robinson, Kalgoorhie (1915).<br />

Coath, Walter Forrester, 5 Forrest Street, Boulder<br />

(1929).<br />

Cornell, Hon. James, 7 Rankin Road, West Subiaco<br />

(1912).<br />

l)e Passe-c, Roy, 13 Boulder Road, Kalgooi'lie (1936).<br />

Erries, Charles Edward. 58 Boulder Road, Kalgoorhie<br />

(1916).<br />

Edwards, Herbert James, Boulder (1923).<br />

Geddes, John, Kalgoorlie (1910).<br />

Gorman, Dr. Iilorrie O'Connell, Boulder Road, Kalgoorlie<br />

(1933).<br />

I-Ianiilton, Dairson Cyril, Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie<br />

(1936).<br />

1-hamilton, Richard, Boulder and Leake Street, Cottesloe<br />

(1897).<br />

l-Iarris, William Clifford, Fimiston (1934).<br />

1 tao-hi us, Jones Will ia,n. 28$ Ega is Street, Kalgoorlie<br />

(1935).<br />

Ilughes, Rex Donniiigton, Hannan Street and 90 Ward<br />

Street, Kalgoorlie (1921).<br />

Irving, Robert (senior), Ardagh Avenue, Kalgoorhie<br />

(1935).<br />

Jordan, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Ann, 123 Macdonald Street,<br />

Kalgoorlie (1921).<br />

Jnlian, John James, 168 Hopkins Street, Boulder<br />

(1931).<br />

Kirwan, lIon John Waters, Kalgoorlie and Perth<br />

(1896).<br />

Long, Miss Eileen Julia, A.W.1.J. Office, Boulder (1934).<br />

iIoineI's, ( h,ai-les Brown, Na Igoorhie (1936).<br />

i[eGinn, Edward, Tcalgoorlie (1909).<br />

Rainsford, George Henry, Wyola (1915).<br />

Sheahan, .James, Boulder (1923),<br />

'ihei'idan, ,Tohu, dl Moran Street, Boulder (107).<br />

Stearne, Ernest William, Cassidy Street, Kalgoorlie<br />

(1935).<br />

Williams, Pi'eston Cory Lefroy, 109 Hannan Street,<br />

Kahgoorhie (1927).<br />

Wilson, Mrs. May Catherine, 177 Pieces Street, Boulder<br />

(1934).<br />


TO<br />

Bruton, William Arthur, \-Vyndham (1931).<br />

Cook, John, Wyndham and I'ertli ( 1957<br />

F]inders, Charles Edward, Wyndham (1933).<br />


TO<br />

Bnker, Joseph William, Box 284, Wiluna (1935).<br />

Bailey, Robert Ariniger, Dandaraga Station, Sandstone<br />

(1937),<br />

Black, Robert Montague. Atley Station, Sandstone<br />

(lOIS).<br />

Clarke, Dr. herbert Eustaee, Leonora (1935).<br />

Coombes, Joseph Edward, Wiluna (1905).<br />

Coyne, Peter, Agnew' (1924).<br />

Crawford, Ray Stuart, Youanmi (1922).<br />

Ellis, ,James, Wiluaa. Gold Mines, Wiluaa (1936).<br />

liar d wirke, Sidney Rawuslev, Wotton Street, Wiluna<br />

(1937).<br />

Johnston, Alfred Laurence, Wiluna (1935).<br />

Jolniston, Dalg-leishì Cvi'il, Vouanmi (1938).<br />

Mackinnon, Donald Dc Burgh D'Arey, Pinnacles Station,<br />

v-ia <strong>Law</strong>less (1928).<br />

Mill,n', Reginald Blythe, Leonora (1935).<br />

Monks, John Geoi'ge, Scotia Street, Wihuna (1905).<br />

Moylan, Kevin Francis, Wiluna (1937).<br />

Paterson, Alfred George Pryde, Yandil Station, Wilun's<br />

(1910).<br />

Pearce, Hubert ,James, Mt. Vernon (1928).<br />

Phihippson, William Bismarlc, Wiluna (1921).<br />

Senior, Joseph George Frederick, Lalre Mason Station,<br />

Sandstone (1932).

Jui.v 1, 1i)38. (OV1(RNMENT GAZETTE, WA. 1021<br />


Shin, Sydney linrnasd, \Viluini 1936)<br />

Sholl, horatio Edwin, Gidgee Station, via Sandstone<br />

(1932).<br />

\Varren, Aubrev Albert, Dnrlot (1922).<br />

IVarrink, J 01111 i'd.oii. Youannii Gold \l inns, Ltd.,<br />

ioiianinj ) 1039)<br />


TO<br />

A i'tlett, \Villiani Langridge, l'ort Augusta (1920).<br />

119mev, l3omncis llmseldmim Lidmlle, Rspei me ( 1919).<br />

I Jaw, Leonard, Esperance (1933).<br />

G ilmore, Frederick, Scaddan (1924).<br />

McCarthy, Edward James, Esperance (1903).<br />

Ii on, 1)1 e. E nest \V i Ison, Esperaime e (1923)<br />

Shaw, Archibald Ernest, Treslove (1930).<br />

Sims, Henry Charles, Esperance (1926).<br />

St ewart, Wi Ihitmni lienre, ER lane de Esperaa cc (I 926)<br />


TO<br />

,\itIemm, lli'glm, Arimmadale (11)1.4).<br />

Anderson, Percival Francis Cosgrave, 25 Horgan Street,<br />

Cottesloe Beach, and WA. Brushware Co., ltd.,<br />

Duke and George Streets, East Freniantle (1911).<br />

Bird, harold St. George, Customs House, Fremantle<br />

(1935).<br />

Birkbeck, George William, 3 Balfour Street, Cottesloc<br />

(1931).<br />

Bracks, Robert, 12 De Lisle Street, North Freniantle,<br />

and Cr. Canning Road and Wells Street, Bicton-<br />

Palnsyra (1918).<br />

lluckeridge, Captain Gilbert, I'reniantle and Kala.<br />

,iiuiida (1932).<br />

Carter, Tom, Frcniantic harbour Trust, Chamber of<br />

Connaerce, and Parry Street, Claremont (1908).<br />

Clarke, Mrs. Anne Mary, 8 Elizabeth Street, North Eremantle<br />

(1926).<br />

onke, .Julni, 119 Mamm(lnruihi lined, South J0rcmantic<br />

(1909).<br />

I lanes, Evam SI urns, SI entree 1 St reef, White Gnm Valley<br />

(1933).<br />

Davies, .Llewcllyn, \Vellard (1910).<br />

l'amrell, .Jmnmies Slimlmimm1, 20 l'othmergill Sired, l'reinastle<br />

(1931).<br />

l'arniil3tnn, Charles lia]plm, 64 George Street and 135<br />

Ring Street, East Rreniautle (1914).<br />

'@1 Iingtoii, Edwin .101111, Speerwood (1923).<br />

l'olhiergihl, Edward henry, 16 Mouatt Street, Fremantle<br />

81 St. George's 'I'errace, Perth; 7 Colju Street,<br />

West l'erthm (1906).<br />

Franklin, Reginald Thomas, 136 Canning Road, East<br />

Freimiantic (1930).<br />

Gordon, Robert, View Terrace, East Fremantle (1925).<br />

Green, Mrs. Margaret Ellen, 28 Do Lisle Street, North<br />

Prem,m utic (1926).<br />

(inigg, Albert, i/o 11. .1. Wigiinom & ('0., na! 121) Or!<br />

Strict, l"rnntantle (193(1).<br />

nigg, George Edward, Rocicieglmani (1932).<br />

0 rose, Harold Merdeon, MeKimmie Street, I'almyra<br />

(1922).<br />

I lalhion, Basil John, 17 John Street, North Freinantle<br />

(1933).<br />

]Ianmilt.on, Alexander Porter, ihigh Street, Fremantic,<br />

and Augivin Street, East Fremantle (1910).<br />

Ilatlielmi, Lewis Mitchell, 1-i Locke Street, Cotteslue<br />

(1936).<br />

hicks, James Albert, 170 South Terrace and 68 Hampton<br />

Road, Fremantle (1900).<br />

Higliam, Frank Gayton, 69 High Street, Frernantle, and<br />

View Terrace, East Fromantle (1922).<br />

Jeffrey, Mrs. Florence J., 18 Reginald Street, Cottesloe<br />

Beach (1920).<br />

Jones, David Richard, Superintendent Fremantle Prison,<br />

Fremantle (1933).<br />

Joyce, Aloysius, 24 high Street, Fremnentle, and 82 Arch<br />

deacon Street, Yedlands (1925).<br />

Laidlaw, Mrs. Bertha Agnes, 21 Florence Street, South<br />

Fremnntle (1929).<br />

Lnmlce, Herbert John, W'oodlawn ' Canning Road,<br />

Rash Freinrmntle (1931).<br />

1 van, Robert Geoffrey, ml 11111 Terra cc, Mosnmaii Bay,<br />

aid Occidental T{onse, 49-51 St. George 'ii Terrace,<br />

l'nrtli (1936).<br />

Alaun, Frederick, Trades Hall, Fremantle, and 37 Battle<br />

Street, Cottesloe Beach (1930).<br />

SI minion, Mrs. Edith, Bandu'ick, hamilton Hill (1933).<br />

OF THE PEACE-continued.<br />

Slarich, Nicholas, Phoenix Road, Spearwood (1927).<br />

ilartell, Dr. Harold henry Field, 72 Adelaide Street1<br />

I'remantle (1925).<br />

Mead, Andrew Henry, East Rockingliam (1925).<br />

Sierelkh, Clifford Erskine, 1 : Nelson Street, South I'rcmantle<br />

(1912).<br />

Moatgomery, William, Leake Street, Peppermint Grove,<br />

and Ihannan Street, Kalgoorlie (1905).<br />

Mooney, William Willis, c/u C. and H. Locke, )Iandurah<br />

Real ,miil S Rose Si roes, South Freivautle (1924).<br />

Murray, William, Canning Road, Bicton (1919).<br />

N icon, SIrs ,\imlm in Blanche, 5)) A lexnim1r;m liomm'l, hiisi<br />

F'rein,mni Ic (1937).<br />

I )rlmmti, Abralmani, hIS high St rent, Irninamit In, mm<br />

tanning Ruin!, East I" enum ntl e (1936)<br />

I'ady, Albert Edward, 5-i \Vardie Street, South Frcmantle<br />

(1912).<br />

I 'arker, Charles Clark, 104 Murray Street, Perth, and<br />

28 Johnston Street, Peppermint Grove (1919).<br />

Parker, Horace Ilill, Town hall, and 158 Canning Road,<br />

East Fremantle (1905).<br />

Payne, George Frederick, Elder Smith & Co., Freniantle,<br />

and 8 Fraser Street, East Fremantle (1898).<br />

Pearse, Alfred George, c/o Messrs. Pearse Bros., Ltd.,<br />

and ''.lvyhome,'' Swan Street, North Fremantle<br />

(1922).<br />

Purdie, Cimarles McMillan, 11-13 Essex Street, Fremantle,<br />

and 190 Canning Road. East Fremantle<br />

(1906).<br />

himmwe, Francis, 213 South Terrnce, Fremantle, and <strong>State</strong><br />

Labour Bureau, Fremantle (1926).<br />

Rudwick, Charles henry, 11 Lochee Street, Buckland<br />

1[ill (1932).<br />

Ryan, Sirs. Jane, 31 East Street, Fremantle (1929).<br />

Sm1nson, Willianm Frederick, 5 Queen Street and h4mJ<br />

Ellen Street, Fremsnitlu (1936).<br />

Slmcplmerd, James, Town Hall and 87 Hampton Road,<br />

Freinantic (1922).<br />

Simpson, harry Robinson, Ormonde Street, Bieton<br />

(1919).<br />

Skeet, Alfred Tuubridge, Forrestdale (1910).<br />

Smnit I m , (1mm lIes Lieu re, :ei him nilton St reel<br />

1mm,nle (933).<br />

Stent, \Vilflain l'ntrick (oasidine, I Pilbara Street,<br />

Reaeoiishield (1927).<br />

Stevens, James, Town hall and 139 STray Avenue, Fremantle<br />

(1922).<br />

Sumpton, William Jackson, Angwin Street earl Cliff<br />

Street, Fremantle (1921).<br />

'him mmnias, ,J ames Slmmllmmli en, 6 Snmit Ii St ccci , Bnekl amid<br />

11111 (1936).<br />

'l'liompson, George John Bertram, WA. Trustee Company,<br />

Fremantle; 200 Canning Road, East Feemantle<br />

(1934).<br />

Thomson, Samuel, 42 East Street, East Fremantle (19!N ).<br />

'huimdin, Ernest Jmmnmes, Cnstmmnms house, Fremanthe, mid<br />

36 \Vinmlsmmr Road, East h"reiasmntle (1936).<br />

'l'mm in pk ills, Erie Cli arIes, Sic! vi lIe Road Boa rmh. ('an n ing<br />

lined, hhieton (1937).<br />

'I'urton, Arthur, 25 Ilarvest Road, North Fremantle<br />

(1930).<br />

\\Tauhop, William, hamilton hill and 118 [luke Street,<br />

East Fremantle (1925).<br />

\Villi,mms, Rmmberf A lphdmnse, 12 Stirling Iliglnvay, North<br />

]eiemmi.mntle (11)38).<br />

Wimmlield, Alfred ,James, <strong>State</strong> Saw S[ills, hamilton hill<br />

(1929).<br />

\Vood, Keith SIc I\mLy, cr. 1[arvev mind Glyde Streets,<br />

_SIosnsau Park (1937).<br />


iii 1:11<br />

TO<br />

Adlalmms. Frederick Jolnm Otway, Deuham (1932).<br />

Angelo, Alexander Castehl, Caruarvon (1921).<br />

Binning, Thomas Ihenry, Wiudirie Station, Carnarvon<br />

(1925).<br />

Bird, Robert, Sit. Snndimnan Station, Lyons River via<br />

Carnarvomi (1931).<br />

Burt, George Henry, Yimietharra Station, Upper Gascoyne,<br />

and Cottesloe (1925).<br />

Clienerv, Ernest John, Boolathana Station via Carnarvon<br />

(1923).<br />

'mmmmnaimmg, Erie, 0111 hi Tm'rrece, Carnarvnmu (1938).<br />

French, Charles Sheimton, Cardabia Station, Carnarvon<br />

(1927).<br />

(loocli, George Gordon, Wnndagce Station, Carnarvon<br />

(1929).<br />

Gostelow, Charles Arthur Pearson, Carnarvon (1925).

1022 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. IJLLY 1, 1938.<br />


Hall, Ernest Anderton Frank, Wooramel Station, Carnarvon<br />

(1916).<br />

Hall, Harold Aubrey, Carnarvon (1899).<br />

Hoult, Roy Gerald, Denharn, Shark Bay (1935)<br />

Hughes, William Alfred, Denham (1927).<br />

Inglis, Alexander James, Williamhury Station, Gascoyne<br />

(1925).<br />

Johnston, Sidney St. Maur, Hamelin Pool, via Carnarvon,<br />

and Peniberton (1928).<br />

McGuire, John Francis, Gifford Creek Station, Carnarvon<br />

(1925).<br />

Mendelawits, David, Carnarvon (1937).<br />

Morrell, Joseph Abraham, Carnarvon (1907).<br />

Mortimer, Vernon Frederick, Wahroorga Station, (arnarvon<br />

(1931).<br />

Paget, Dr. Owen Frank, Shark Bay (1902).<br />

I end titliui lIil ['inst Olni liiiice ( i, i ii\Oii<br />

(1936).<br />

Potts, Alfred Ernest, Mt. Augustus Station, via Meelcatharra<br />

(1925).<br />

P oliorts, Edward Kni en, C naral oo Stat ion, vi a ['urn a<br />

VOR (1923).<br />

Sharpe, Benjamin I-Tall, Wooleen Station, via Yalgoo<br />

(1916).<br />

Smith, Walter Suinmerhayes, Towrana Station, Gascoyne,<br />

Carnarvon (1935).<br />

St rond, Edward Hoskbi , Wi nub g 1 'ool SCat ion, Cs rue r<br />

von (1934).<br />

Taylor, Herbert Ernest Newell, Hamelin Station, via<br />

Carnarvon (1936).<br />

Wood, Alfred Charles, Beringarra Station, via Cue<br />

(1934).<br />


To<br />

Ainsworth, Harrison Claude, Wagin (1935).<br />

Aitham, George, Lake Pingrup (1918).<br />

Anthony, Joseph Willis, Kujonnp (191S).<br />

Barkley, John, Katanning (1928).<br />

Barnes, 'l'homas Wintlie, Wagin (1910).<br />

Benn, Ralph, Boscabel via Kojonup (1932).<br />

Bird, Walter Pangbou rue, Ai,stral 'l'errare, Kiitnnning<br />

(1932).<br />

Blundy, Alfred John, Chinocup (1916).<br />

Bowden, Fred Manton, Katanning (1930).<br />

Box, Thomas Winslow, Wagin (1918).<br />

Bruce, John Frederick, Brooinehill (1930).<br />

Caidwell, Oliver Andrew, Badgebup (1929).<br />

Campbell, Charles Kelly, Wagin (1923).<br />

Carrutliers, Robert, Lake Grace (1920).<br />

Carter, Francis, Woodanilling (1925).<br />

Cavanagh, John Francis, Dinninuil Downs, Kojonup<br />

(1923).<br />

Caw, Alfred Beech, Tone River, Kojonup (1917).<br />

(Park, William Thoiiias, Moulvinning (1936).<br />

Clegg, Edward Arthur, Badgebup (1912).<br />

Cornwall, Thomas Joseph. Wagin (1910).<br />

Dale, William Thomas, Murdong, Katanii lug (1924).<br />

Deacon, Joseph, Pingrnp (1928).<br />

Delaney, John, Kojonup (1924).<br />

Dewar, Alexander Murray Watson, Lake Grace (1925).<br />

Diprose, Richard Hill, Tambellup (1933).<br />

Finlay, John Gordon, Kojonup (1921).<br />

li'itzgibon, Man i-icc Dawson, '' I'elui hull, ' ' 1(o) onup<br />

(1936).<br />

Ganuaway, Henry, Wagin (1927).<br />

Gauzer, Ernst Gustav Heinrich, Wagin (1930).<br />

Gill, Frank, Woodanilhing (1934).<br />

Gooding, Lionel Bayfield, Moulyinning (1924).<br />

1-laggerty, Ernest Daniel, .Jingalup, Kojonup (1923).<br />

Hendry, George Sharp, G-nowangerup (1933).<br />

Hill, Edgar Hamilton, Wagin (1923).<br />

HoMey, George, Nyahing, F. Katanning (1929).<br />

ilonner, Robert Francis, Kojonup (1924).<br />

ilosking, William, Newdegate (1924).<br />

T-[unter, Ashton, Katanning Flour Mills, Ltd., lOdenning<br />

(1924).<br />

Illingworth, Edward Peace, Katanning (1921).<br />

.Tames, Percy David, Bullock Hills, Katanning (1928).<br />

Jury, Roy Melville, Nyabing (1923).<br />

Ladyman, Albert Francis, Brooniehill (1927).<br />

Lewis, Gilbert, Balgarup, Kojonup (1934)<br />

ibiariser, George, Bullock Hills, via Katanning (1910).<br />

McDougall, Jacob William, Datatinc (1924).<br />

McKeany, Harold Arthur, Towerlup, Kojonup (192:1) -<br />

McKenzie, Hugh James, Dellyanine, via Wagin (1935).<br />

Meade, Robert Hugh, North Durnbleyung (1916).<br />

Mitchell, John, Dumbleyung (1913).<br />

PEACE-contiwued.<br />

Meyer, George Frederick, Broomehill (1938).<br />

Murdocli, James Francis, Balla)dng (1916).<br />

Nagel, John, Badgebup (19241.<br />

Nenke, Ilerthold, Kukerin (1915).<br />

O'Halloran, Nicholas Bayly, Cherry Tree Pool (1921).<br />

Patterson, William George, Cartinetieup (1918).<br />

Piesse, Gerald Austin William, Wagin (1915).<br />

handle, Gilbert Carlos, Muradup (1926).<br />

Reilly, Leo Joseph, Dumblevung (192:3).<br />

Roche, 1-lugh Lewis, Kojonup (1934).<br />

Rowe, Harold Edwin Barrington, Dumbleyung (1928).<br />

Rowe, John Edgar, Gnowangerup (1911).<br />

Saggers, Owen, rLa1elhhIp (1910).<br />

Shenton, ['live Myrell, Wagin (1930).<br />

Smith, Isaac, Kuleria (1933).<br />

Stalker, Mei-vyn Alexander, Katanning (1926).<br />

Stevens, Arthur Anderson, 'St. Ives,'' Dare Street,<br />

Katenning (1933).<br />

Stewart, Sn mud Walker, Gnowangerup (1927).<br />

Sullivan, Richard William, 'Eaglerest,'' Kojonup<br />

(1930).<br />

Svabv James William, Tunney (1925).<br />

Synnott, Tuglis, Piessc Street, Katanning (1935).<br />

Thom son, Alexander, Katanning (1923).<br />

Toll, Philip James, Jaloran (1920).<br />

Tranter, Chester Oswald, Pingrup (1928).<br />

'I'rathn n, .1 ohn Edwin, Tambellup (1923).<br />

'ieee, Tlo0ert Edmends, Ciirrolup, Kataiiimiug (:t937)<br />

Welkc-r. Augustine, Gnowangerup (1927).<br />

Warren, John Campbell, Dyliabing (1899).<br />

West, Cln-istopher Samuel, Ballaying (1930).<br />


TO<br />

llenimi-tt, 3 olin Pat rick, Burrundude Station via Hall 's<br />

Creek (1935).<br />

Booty, Frederick Charles, Lamboo Station, via Fitzroy<br />

Crossing (1904).<br />

(lesson, Rid-heidi Charles, liaR's Crock (1938).<br />

)Durack, Michael Patrick, Wyndham and Perth (1897)<br />

\\roodland, Angus Thomas, Moola Bulla (1922).<br />


TO<br />

Clarke, Dr. herbert Eustace, Leonora (1926).<br />

Pox, John .Josepli - Lii neefiel ii Gold II i ne, lieria (I PM) -<br />

Green, Herbert Andrew, Korong Station, Morgans<br />

(1932).<br />

Letlilean, William Ernest, Leonora (1920).<br />

Miller, Reginald Blytlie, Leonore (1935).<br />

i'Ioffit, Gilbert Tickle, Gwalia (1919).<br />

Idles, Dr. George Lloyd, La verton (1937).<br />

I'inder, Albert, Layer Street, Laverton (1935).<br />

Porter, Outhbert Canton, Erlistoun Station, Laverton.<br />

(1935).<br />

Stock, David William, Malcolm (1910).<br />

Turnbull, George Braeey, Gwalia (1926).<br />

Turner, James T(innimont, Laverton (1925).<br />

Waldeck, Joshua Arthur, Leonora (1899).<br />


TO<br />

Atkinson, Joseph William, Billilie Station, Mt. Magnet<br />

(1927).<br />

Beaton, Charles, Cogla Downs, Cue (1905).<br />

Black, Geoi-ge Earlton, Mount Magnet (1937).<br />

Boyd, James Kyarra, Tuekenarra (1932).<br />

Burt, Toseph Charles, Mt. Magnet (1921).<br />

Caddy, George Beaumont, Meekatharra (1936).<br />

Clai-kson, Albert, Cue (1928).<br />

Gillert, Di-. rflic,mn,i5 Miles, (The (1935).<br />

T-Ialleen, George I-Iei'man, Milly Milly Station, Cue<br />

(1922).<br />

I[aynes, Arthur Alfred, Cue (1237).<br />

Hepworth, Allan Erie, Meekatharra (1910).<br />

Lefroy, Anthony Langlois Bruce, Boolardy Station,<br />

Yalgoo (1904).<br />

Mathieson, Donald George Melbourne, Cue (1935).<br />

McCarthy, Leslie Alexander, Meeldathanra (1925).<br />

McLeod, Alexander Ashtoa, Triton G.M., cleedy (1935).<br />

McMenneinin, Roger Patrick, Meekathanra and Wiluna<br />

(1927).<br />

Mcehan, John Patrick, Austin Downs, Cue (1897).<br />

Nairu, Edward, Yarrabubba Station, Nannine (1910).<br />

O'Connor, Murtagh Yelverton Goring, Belele Station.<br />

via Meekatharra (1915).

Juiv 1, '3S.1 I1OVEIINSIENT (1AZRT'I'E, W.A. 102.1<br />


Parker, Thour Augustus, Shugrue Street, Reedy<br />

(1937).<br />

Peart, Thomas, Mount Magnet (1935).<br />

Peken, James George, Cue (1935).<br />

Quartermaine, Maitland John, P.O. Box 3, Meekatharra<br />

(1935).<br />

Robinson, John George, Nannine (1917).<br />

ilollings, Alan George, Main Street, Meekatharra ( 93<br />

Theyer, Edwin, Holden's Find, via Meekatharra (1923<br />

Wood, Alfred Charles, Beringarra Station, via Cue<br />

(1934).<br />

Wright, George Arthur, Cue (1925).<br />


TO<br />

,\ beruethv. 1 olin, Byford Park, By ford 1931<br />

Absoloii, Ernest I I cur', \V inida rrling, 3 ar cab dale and<br />

\Vagiu (1909)<br />

Backhuuse, Arlliur .J usapli, I 2 ujarra Road, SI a,ulurah<br />

(19 18).<br />

Beaeham, George Joseph Clarence, George Street, Piii<br />

jarra (1934).<br />

Birmingham, herbert Edward, Dwellingup (1926).<br />

Briggs, Robert Ilanham, Byford (1926).<br />

Brown, Arthur William John, Pinjarra (1926).<br />

Cox, James Norman, Coohup (1906).<br />

Edward. Arthur Finlay, North Dandalup (1920).<br />

Fitzpatrick, Patrick, Waroona (1914).<br />

Foulkes, .1 osepli Searle, Pinjarra Road, Mandurali<br />

(1934).<br />

Geddes, Richard Allan, Jarrabdale (1919).<br />

C ulla u, l)i'. J dui Alexander, T)wel Ii lIguh) (11)37).<br />

hair, James, Waroona (1922).<br />

Hardey, ilubert Richard Lowe, Serpentine (1927).<br />

Tluggins, Donald Gordon Melville, Nanga Brook (1925).<br />

I aslett, herbert Arthur, Mandurah (1930).<br />

Macdonald, Bruce Murdoch, Waroona (1925).<br />

McKay, John, Coolup (1906).<br />

McLarty, Duncan Ross, I'inj arra (1925).<br />

McLarty, William Ernest Campbell, Pinjarra (1922)<br />

Mifidleton, Albert William, Serpentine (1933).<br />

Moon, Ronald, No. 4 <strong>State</strong> Mill, via Wuraming (1935).<br />

Maim, \Villiam I'ercivnl, Byford (1926).<br />

Paterson, Donald William, Pinjarra (1915).<br />

l'aterson, James Douglas I'ryde, Pinjarra (1916)<br />

Robinson, Arthur Josiah, Keysbrook (1921).<br />

Rose, Ernest Mervyn, Valeucia STale, Mundijong (1936).<br />

Sunderland, Frederick Charles, ITolyoake (192$).<br />

Sweemicy, I lenry Al 'red SI chad, A o. 2 Iiiulwav lii<br />

flwelliugup (1937).<br />

Thatcher, ('hester Charles, SVaroomia (1924).<br />

'Puckey, Hobart, Pinjarma (1915).<br />

\Valhis, James Leo B, liradehaw Road, Ilyfurd (11)2 I<br />

Watkins, George Watkins Glyn, Jarrandale (1899).<br />

\Vlmologan, JoIm, Mandurah (1926).<br />

NO R'I' [I AM ShARI ST ER I .\ L DiSTIl IC'I'.<br />

TO<br />

Aberdeen, Dr. Kenneth George McKay, Northa,n<br />

(1921).<br />

Aitchison, George Albert, North Cunderdin (1927).<br />

Allanson, George, Dowerin (1919).<br />

Allbeur,y, Chaucer Goding, Merredin (1919).<br />

Anderson. harry Westi'opp, East Pithara (1924><br />

Antonio, Thomas John, Southern Brook (1928).<br />

Bagslmaw, Walter, 'Key Creek,'' SVelbungin (1927).<br />

Baker, Mrs. Evelyn, Northam (1921).<br />

Baldwin, William, Lake Margaret (1925).<br />

Baxter, Robert Lees, Cunderdin (1923).<br />

Bearnish, Dr. Francis Teulon, Northam (1923).<br />

Bear, Frederick. Minnivale (1921).<br />

Reran, George Edmund, Wyalkatchem (1931).<br />

Booth, William James, Cadoux (1936).<br />

Bowen, herbert Edmnond, Konnongorring (1928)<br />

Bowen. William Francis, Wongamine (1935).<br />

Brewis, Edward, Toodyay (1929).<br />

Browne, Charles Thomas, Nukamni (1926).<br />

Bull, Fredrick Charles Wrathal, Watercarrin, via Dowcnn<br />

(1912).<br />

Burges, Gerald Loekicr, Oi[eenaar (1927).<br />

Bnrges, Samuel Evans, Meekering (1928).<br />

Butlin, Joseph, Korrelocking (1915).<br />

Campbell, Alexander, Konnongorriag (1915)<br />

Carroll, John Michael, Noggojerning (1916).<br />

Carson, William, Northam (1912).<br />

Carter, Edmund Trace, Meekening (19241,<br />

Carter, Frederick John, Northam (1926).<br />

Charleston, Peter William, Kellerherrin (1926).<br />

Chidlow, Barrington Pearce, Northam (1926).<br />

PEACE-continued.<br />

Chitty, Cham'les Edward, Cahingini (1923).<br />

Christmass, George Edmund, 11 Selby Street, Northam<br />

(1933).<br />

Coffey, Patrick, Northam (1912).<br />

Colebatclm, hal Clarence Saunders, 15 Haines Street,<br />

Northam (1930).<br />

ooke. hoary Fraik, Tamnniin (1037).<br />

(osgrove, Michael Dennis, Yelbeni (1931).<br />

Coshi, Edwin Charles, Minnivale (1931).<br />

Coupem', Donald Alexander, Kununoppia (1931).<br />

Cox, hubert Violet, Northam (1905).<br />

('reagh, Ronald Buzacott, Nungarin (1927).<br />

('unningliam, Arthur Joseph, Nangeenan (1926).<br />

(urlewis, George Campbell, 145 Fitzgerald Street, and<br />

14 Slay Street, Northam (1932).<br />

David, Evan, Kellorbes'm'in (1935).<br />

Davies, Charles Richard, Barrack Street, Merredia<br />

(1932).<br />

Donald, Andrew :11) ba ( 'laeklimae and Sb ok inc (11)37)<br />

Dunne, Thomas, Dowerin (1924).<br />

Dyson. herbert George, Flint Street, iVvalkatclieni<br />

(1937).<br />

Eatomm, Michael George, Goomalhing (192$).<br />

Edmnond son, Marshall Frank, Guildford road, Northamn<br />

(1928).<br />

Edwards, .Jack Leslie, '' Hawthorne,'' Mukinbudin<br />

(1934).<br />

Ellemy, Charles George, 'L'oodyay (1901).<br />

Elliot, James, Nembudding (1926).<br />

FeIgn) e, .Johimm Slbmrclnson. 'i'rayning (1925).<br />

ldhiteroft, horace, Gabbin (1935).<br />

Frearson, Will iamn Allan, Tasninin (1931).<br />

B amble, Robert. Coweowing (1916).<br />

Georgy, Carlo Henry, Kalannie (1925).<br />

(1111, \Vilhiamn Francis, SVihsomi Street, I(nmnmn 1ipii<br />

(1937).<br />

Billet), \\'ilhiam Janus Lyall, N3.rthmam (1922).<br />

B oodie, llari'y, Ballidu (1932).<br />

(iiirlin, limmi ry Robert, Vnrkrakiue via 'l'aai,abi (112>7).<br />

Greaves, William blerhjert, Moningas'in, via Koordms<br />

(1931).<br />

hall, William Leslie Reid, Coweowing (1909).<br />

h[aumersley, lion. Vernon, Toodyay (1900).<br />

hInmmommd, John Deane, Kellerberrin (1918).<br />

(hands, John Victor, Railway rJermacc, 4\rlkati.hmemn<br />

(1935).<br />

II ammle,v, Patrick, Kellerberrimi (1927).<br />

hiardie, Jsmes Henry, Times hill (1927).<br />

I bird wick, TI a cry Guy Vernon, Mandiga (11)1);).<br />

II arling, hugh hlemiry, S[erredin (1913).<br />

I [nrrington, Wilhiani, Wyeaimsg (1912).<br />

harrison, hIens'y Victor William, Benjaberring (1919)<br />

hart, Alwin ,Iolmn, Newcarnie (1919).<br />

blassoa, Edmund Glover, Toodyay (h929).<br />

I fawkins, Fin uk Arthur, Noka mining (1917).<br />

II caning, Frederick hlarriot, Koomberkimme (191>)>.<br />

lIes ford, I'lomnas Wilhiamn, Minmnvale (190$).<br />

II ewl , .1 at Ini r G eo 'ge, No rthi ammi (11)1 7)<br />

I Iird, Thomnas J oseplm, Cundendin (1934).<br />

II oclges, Walt en Samuel, Nemganimi (1931).<br />

II ooper, Lloyd Llewellymi \Valdcmna r, Baker 3. II ill<br />

(1938).<br />

II opivood, Basil \Vilberforce Gladstone, Bemieuhhi<br />

(19:11).<br />

I lonmbe, llenrv, I"ifthm Street, Slerredin (192)i).<br />

Jolly, Joseph, Nungarin (h932).<br />

J ommes, Percival Edgar, rpraymmimig (1924).<br />

b lies, .Tani.'s Stanley, Ejandimig (11)25).<br />

Kendall, .Toba bleary. [Tart Street, Merred in (1938).<br />

Kinloch, John, Baandee (1930).<br />

Lacev, horatio Herbert George, Gabbin (19h9).<br />

T.ardi, Jobn Charles, Tamam'in (1922).<br />

Ta ascii, John Tienry, Jemi mm acubbine (1908).<br />

Teake. Robert Staitland, Kellerbem'rin (1905).<br />

Lee, Robert l'auh, ''Jandarra,'' Tnayning (1925).<br />

Lelclm, Edward Alfred, ''Juadine,'' Spencer's Brook<br />

(1912).<br />

Lines, William, East Balhidu (h930).<br />

Low, hienm'v McDonald, Kellem'benm'in (1916).<br />

Lowe, Arthur Cure, Doodlakine (1927).<br />

Ludemnann, Edward, Wattening (1930).<br />

Lyons, Frederick henry, West Balhidu (1932).<br />

Slackeuzie, Peter ('oBey, Thiaes bEll (1912).<br />

Maddock, George William. Lake Brown (1925)<br />

ilaisey, .Tohimm Albert, Dowem'in (1914).<br />

S[aamm, John \Vilson, Yorkrakine (1928).<br />

Marriott, Tiimbent Kesmnetli, Koom'da (1920).<br />

Siai'tia, Cecil Laslie, Alenbury Street, Koomda (1933).<br />

Ma ssingham, ('aleb William, Kellerhenmia (1927).

1(124 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. [Jt 1, 1938.<br />

Slay, George \Villiain, MalOand Farm, Newearibeon<br />

(1935).<br />

S[cMillan, Robert, Spencer's Brook (1919).<br />

lrcPhwson, John, Jennapullen (1923).<br />

Meiklejohu, Leslie James, ''Goosnarin Park,'' Burracoppin<br />

(1929).<br />

Metcalf, harold Alfred, Hindmarsh (1931)<br />

Sliher. l'recleriek 3 olin (3eorge, 4 (lregor,r Strt,<br />

Nirt1ii,ni (1938)<br />

Mitchell, Ernest Charles, Benjaberring (19131.<br />

Nolan, Rudolph Alexander, Beneubbin (1924).<br />

Norris, William Thomas, Dowerin (1913).<br />

o 'Driscoll. Patrick, Grass Valley (1925).<br />

0 'Neil, .loln,, Ivialki (1905).<br />

Orchard, Edney, Lake Hillman (1928).<br />

O 'Rourke, Michael Francis, Grass Valley (1929).<br />

Ovens, Meshacli Thomas, Mollerin (1936).<br />

Packhain, Thomas, Tammin (1931).<br />

Payne, Henry Godsell, Burran Rock, Nungarin (1931).<br />

Pearson, Herbert Joseph Edwin, Korreloeking (1933).<br />

Pergande, Edward James. Mt. Marshall (1911 ,<br />

Perria, harold George, Wongamine, via Northarn<br />

(1934).<br />

Ph illips, .1 ohn CunIifl'e, Toodyay (1918).<br />

Piesse, Clive Montrose, Toodyay (1936).<br />

Polkingliorne, Ira Garfield, Welbungin (1927)<br />

Prior, George, Baandee (1911).<br />

Redhead, William, Cleary (1928).<br />

Rhodes, Malcolm, Meekering (1932).<br />

Robinson, Duncan Ernest, East Konnongorring (1926<br />

Robinson, Stanley William, Cowcowing (1934).<br />

Roche, .Jolni .James, jun., Bunketch (1926)<br />

Roe, Frederick William, Northam (1918).<br />

Rogers, James Albert, Northam (1923).<br />

Rowlands, Roland Ryan, Bencnbbia (1926.<br />

Royal, lyon Herbert Charles, Goomalliag (1907 1.<br />

Senior. Frederic Sydney. Merredin (1924).<br />

Sleidholt, harold Joseph, Slukiubndin (1935).<br />

Shaakland, Waiter Gibbon, Manmanin g, via Powerir<br />

(1928).<br />

Sibley, Charles, Niingarin (1927).<br />

Sim, Janice, Quinlan SI reel, Goomahling (1 OR))<br />

Smart, \Vilhiain harold, (underdin (1937).<br />

Sin ith, Albert A rchibald, (inoma]liag (1926).<br />

Smith, Lionel Edward, 11. Ifopetoun Avenue, Northain<br />

(1932).<br />

Smith, William Alfred, Bolgart (1922)<br />

Sjargo, Charles Norman, Merrcdin (1920).<br />

Spemer, George Clarence, Northam (1905).<br />

Starr, Peter William, Beacon (1932).<br />

Stokes, James, Cuaderdin (1928).<br />

Strickland, David Mackenzie, C owrie, F. Pithara (1924).<br />

Symes, Cyril Hector Spencer, llencubhin (1928).<br />

l'easdale, herbert William, Box 101, Ilerredin (1933).<br />

Teasdale, .John Smith, Bella and Claremont (1922).<br />

l'elfer, William Francis, Slerredin (1916).<br />

'l'hackrav, Richard Fletcher, Bolgart (102]).<br />

Thompson, Robert, Bnrakin (1913).<br />

Thompson, William Edmund, Burakin (1926).<br />

Thirossell, Cecil, Northam (1926).<br />

Tivine, Eraest Edward, Toodyay (1926).<br />

lTppill, George, Tammin (1910).<br />

Walker, Eric Gysbert, Trayniag (1925).<br />

White, Edwin Beaumont, Stukinbndin (1922).<br />

White, John Anthony, Casuarina Vale, Goomalling<br />

(1929).<br />

\Vhitehiorn, Thomas Caleb Lionel, Yelbeni (1915).<br />

\Vilding, Miss Charlotte, Spencer's Brook (1920).<br />

Wilding, Thomas henry, Mokine (1905).<br />

Willcie, Leonard Raymond, ' 'Invercloy ' ' Spencer's<br />

Brook (1922).<br />

Williams, Algeric hartley, 58 Forvest Street, Northam<br />

(1934).<br />

Willianis, Frederick Arthur, Nungarin (1931).<br />

Williams, Jolm Martin Harold, Gabbin (1921).<br />

\Vithnell, Herbert George, Northani. (1923).<br />

Withnell. Horace Willmott, Northam (1907).<br />

Wood, horace Charles, Box 43, Toodyay (1934).<br />

Wyiine, Henry Edward, Baandee (1911).<br />


TO<br />

Burges, Lorkier Clere, Tlowatharra (1919).<br />

('alder, Neil, Narahing (1913).<br />

Cunningham, John, Northampton (1907).<br />

l)avey, Arthur, Yuna (1933).<br />

hlosken, Sydney Martin John, Northampton (1900).<br />

COMMISSION OF THE PEACE-continued.<br />

James, Charles, Northampton (1918).<br />

Jupp, William Frank, Nahawa (1926).<br />

Lauder, Charles Thomas, Northampton (1921).<br />

Land or, Alexa miter, Yanson (1938).<br />

Mnrtin, Edward Exton, ' hunting Lodge,'' Ogilvie<br />

(ii) 19).<br />

SrcClintock, Robert Harold, ''Rockhill,'' Yuna (1934).<br />

Mitchell, William Edgar, Northampton (1909).<br />

Smith, Charles, East Yuna (1912).<br />

Snowdon, henry, Northampton (19] S).<br />

'leakle, Edira rd Ai'thur, Isseka (1927).<br />

Williams, Richard Ashwcek, Bowes (1930).<br />


TO<br />

Bright, William, Kookynie (1925).<br />

Craig, Cha rles Mi]liken, Mencies (1936).<br />

Pennefather, Geoffrey Martin, Edjudina Station, Knlgoorlie<br />

(1936).<br />

Pugh, Richard Thomas, Shenton Street, Slenzies (1 9:l7) -<br />

Q ninlan, John. Yunndaga (1934).<br />

\Vilkie, Eric Granville, Jessops Well, Kookynie (1926).<br />



TO<br />

Artlett, William Langridge, Port Augusta (19')).<br />

Jones, Robert Cecil, Bnlong (1898).<br />


TO<br />

lower, Guy FranciS, Landor Station, Meeb-athiarra<br />

(1931.).<br />

Purcell, Edward, Peak hill (1931).<br />

Walker, Alfred, Peak lull (1916).<br />


TO<br />

(damn, loIn,, I nspe,'tor i ll-Cllarge, Luinnuoliwen Itl .'cttom'<br />

nov-Genera lb Office, Pert, ([1)38).<br />

Allu,,,, Tluonuns IhuvimI Jie,ir', 34 S:ipoleoiu Street, (ot<br />

tesloc, and 3x Elliot Road, Claremont (1926).<br />

A llansoui, William I henry, 44 Barker Road, Subiaco, and<br />

Tiny Street, Subiaeo (193]).<br />

Alhnntt, Lea, 32 View Street, Cottesloe (19(7).<br />

Andes, ('hai'les Wemnan Pilgrim, 20 (\Tnlker Avenue,<br />

West Perth, and Foy & Gibsons, Ltd., Perth (1932).<br />

Anderson, Dr. Thomas Lynewolde, 101 Angelo Street,<br />

South, I'erth (1926).<br />

Anderson, Francis Frederick, Metropolitan Market<br />

Trust, West I'ertlu, timid 31 Broadwa, Nedlands<br />

(1926).<br />

Anderson, Peter Corsar, Scotch College, C iremonc<br />

(191.7).<br />

.\nlrew, \Vihli',,iu Stepheu 111.111)', 13 Stank's Street,<br />

No i',vooh (ITmi (Icr Secret a cv for Works) (1 937)<br />

Anthony, Thomas Charles, <strong>State</strong> Saw Mills Department<br />

and 18 Melrose Street, Leederville (1910).<br />

A rnustrnng. Il arrv, 201 Murray Street, Perth. and 22<br />

Lyall Street, South Perth (1918).<br />

Ashuby, Eli Edward, Spring Hill, Wanneroo (1930).<br />

Bagot, Mrs. Edna hope, 587 Beaufort Street, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1.936).<br />

Bailey, Richard Henry, 9 Melville Street, Cottesloe<br />

(1936).<br />

Baker, Henry, Peninsula, Maylands, and Fore Street,<br />

Perth (1924).<br />

biker, Erie Martyn, c/o Nicholson 'a, Linnted, Perth,<br />

and 145 Forrest Street, Peppermint Grove (1937).<br />

Barr, John English, Queen's Chambers, 97 Wilhiammi<br />

Street, Perth, and 103 Seventh Avenue, inglesvooch<br />

(1913).<br />

Barrett, Paul Joseph, Master Builders' Association, 66<br />

St. George's Terrace, and 41 Blencowe Street, West<br />

Leederville (1907).<br />

huntington, .Janucs Sqitiic. Swami Portland Cement Coinpamsy,<br />

Rivervale, and 20 Park [load, Mount <strong>Law</strong>loy<br />

(1936).<br />

Bathgate, John Pender, 38 Rnpert Street, ubiaco<br />

(1934).<br />

Battye, James Sykes, Public Library, Perth, (1901).<br />

hi'11, John Farrel, 14 Wells Street, Palmnyra (19261.<br />

lIen nett, Richard Chuai'les, Arbitration ('ourl , Perth,, amid<br />

6 Walter Street, Claremont (1937).<br />

hicminett, Allan, 17 Neville Road, Claremont (1938)

1935.] GO\1ERNMENT GAZETTE, 'V.A. 1025<br />

Benson, David Michael, Returned Soldiers' League,<br />

Perth, and 5 Thomas Street, Nedlands (1926).<br />

Bentley, Dr. James, hospital for Insane, Claremont<br />

(1927).<br />

lierkelev. Alexander, Perth (1933)<br />

Berry, Edward Reginald, 138 Barrack Street, Perth.<br />

3 Ellesmere Road, Sit. <strong>Law</strong>lev (191 S)<br />

Berryman, William John, Metropolitan Markets, \Vest<br />

Perth, and 14 Olive Road, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley (1923).<br />

llickford, Edgar Nicholas, 167 Walcott Street, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1935).<br />

Black, Edwin Alexander. 14 Webster Street, Nedlands<br />

(11)14).<br />

Ill ark, (1 nrnel Edward Leslie, 29 ( 'helm stord B oad<br />

SI ount Laivlev (1936).<br />

Illaden, l)r. Bryant Oswald, 7',7 Albany Road, Sietoria<br />

l'ark (1932).<br />

Bloxsome, Oswald Lloyd, 22 Suburban Road, South<br />

Perth (1926).<br />

Bonn, harry, Boans, Limited, Wellington Street. l'erth<br />

(1910),<br />

Boas, Lionel Tobias, 22 Beytesbury Road, Subiaco<br />

(1914).<br />

Bold, William Ernest (Town Clerk, Perth), 24 Que usica<br />

Drive, Claremont (1906).<br />

Bolster, Daniel, 229 Park Street, Suhiaco (1934).<br />

Bond, Alfred Benjamin, Fremantle Road, Canning<br />

Bridge (193:1).<br />

Bond, Morgan George, 231 Havelock Street, West l'ciihi,<br />

and 49 Loftus Street, Leedcrvihle (1929).<br />

Bourke, Reginald Frederick, 5 Wellington Buildings.<br />

William Street, and 645 Murray Street, Perth<br />

(1928).<br />

Bowman, John Frederiki, lB Tyrell Street, Necilarids<br />

and Foy & Gibson Pty., Ltd., Perth (1933).<br />

]lowra, Cornilous James, 45 Tenth Avenue, Maylands<br />

(1932).<br />

Box, William John, 33 Archdeacon Street, Nedlaiids<br />

(1905).<br />

lloxall, Arthur Russell, (1 Ozone Parade, ('oltesloe<br />

(1929).<br />

Boyd, Dr. Thomas Craig, 220 St. George's Terrace,<br />

Perth, and 14 Ventuor Avenue, West Pc 'tli (1914).<br />

Bradley, ('Inirles Lincoln, Scarboro Road, Osborne l'a cli<br />

(19261.<br />

Ihicarley, Ktajilev (6r3u, Nat i,ial Bank ('liaiid,irs, II<br />

St. George's '.......i,' I 'cr11,, an,1 I llcnsniau SI cccl,<br />

Soul Ii PerIl, (1 937)<br />

Breydon, .Jnmes, 136 Clielmsford Road, North Perth,<br />

and Trades hall, Perth (1913).<br />

hlrigatti, Louis Alexander, 28 Forrest Street, Slouul<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1936).<br />

Brondhurst, Ernest Parr, St. Kilda, hhiglsway, Nedlands<br />

(1927).<br />

Brockivay, Walter St. ('l,n r, 23 Rocktou Road, Claremont<br />

(1907).<br />

Brown, William Wainwright, 645 Albany Road, Victoria<br />

Park, and Cecil Avenue, Cannington (1925).<br />

Buekingham, John Adonis, Kelmseott (1922).<br />

Bunnps', George Ezra, Kelmscott (1926).<br />

Burgess, James William, 102 Loftus Street, Leederville,<br />

and Licensing Bench (1920).<br />

Burnside, William ilicliard, 30 Grant Street, Cottesloe<br />

(1906).<br />

Butler, Robert, 30 Coiner Street, Coino, and Government<br />

Printing Office, Perth (1922).<br />

Caddy, Ernest Richards, 20 Burgess Street, Leederaille<br />

(1938).<br />

Calm, Albert Hyman, Commercial Life Assurasice Co.,<br />

Perpetual Trustee Buildings, Perth, and 160 Barker<br />

Road, Subiaco (1922).<br />

Calanebini , Mielia ci .Jn in Cs, Sn] su ban Road, South Perth<br />

(1930).<br />

('alum, John T'erey, ('or"y I vun Road, (Sareniout (192h).<br />

Campbell, Dougald Robert, Coode Street, Bayswater<br />

(1913).<br />

Campbell, Willinm Rich, 91 St. George's Terrace, Perth,<br />

and 15 Stone Street, South Perth (1926).<br />

Cantor, Abraham Jacob, 61 <strong>Law</strong>ley Crescent, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1904).<br />

Carson, Alfred, 207 Lincoln Street, Perth, and ''West<br />

Australian'' Office (1922).<br />

k'soi, henry. 73 Ama, Road, Slount <strong>Law</strong>Icy (1912).<br />

Carter, Lionel Lewin, 75-76 AJiLP. Buildings, Perth,<br />

and 40 Rookwood Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1930).<br />

Casper, Henry, ES. & A. Bank Chambers, St. George's<br />

Terrace, Perth, and 17 Clifton Crescent, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1917).<br />

('as.sols, Sirs. Susan Adelaide, 26 Stanley Street, Mt.<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1920).<br />

COMMISSION OF THE PEACE-conlin-ued.<br />

('atto, Alfred David Mentor, Superintendent Commonwealth,<br />

Savings Bank, i'ertl, (1938).<br />

Chandler, Percival Sannel, 16 l'lorence Street, West<br />

Perth (1937).<br />

('h,apmau, William C eorge, Radio Drive, Applccross<br />

(193b).<br />

Chesson, Thomas, 273 Nicholson Road, Suhiaco (1913).<br />

(hristie, William, 977-79 hay Street. Perth, and 35<br />

Ileytesbuiy Road, Subiaco (1933).<br />

larke, John Thomas Blades, View Street, Darlington<br />

(1928).<br />

('leaver, Will ia,n John. 42 I'lnlip 1-toad, Claremont<br />

(1930).<br />

Close, Joseph, 25 Chaisebrook Road, East Perth (1926).<br />

Cogan, Charles Thomas, 663 Hay Street, Perth, and<br />

32 Mount Street (1918).<br />

Coker, Richard, Railway Promenade, Queen's Park<br />

(1912).<br />

Collett, herbert Brarley. Canberra and Perth (1919).<br />

(',milIo r, (he orge, '(hI \V hat, cop Avenue. Nedla mids (1911).<br />

took, ( harles ,James, 23 Portland Street, hollywood<br />

,nnl Bnhlsbrook (1904).<br />

Cooke, Allied Morton, 145 Lincoln Street, Perth (1935).<br />

('orbt, Major hugh Xnnan, cc. Angelo and Forrest<br />

Sheets, South Perth (1916).<br />

'or" I sli , ('I' a ci es A If red, 1 23 Railway Pa ra di, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley, and School lor the Blind, Ma1 lands (1933).<br />

(ocr TSr, Oswald Iteford, :1111 Lord Street, Perth, (1926).<br />

Cosgriff, Deuis, 73 Dyer Street, West Perth (1910).<br />

Coultns, Thomas William, Economic Chambers, William<br />

Street, Perth, and 238 Adelaide Terrace, Perth<br />

(1924).<br />

Counsel, Charles henry, 26 \Yoodsome Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>hey<br />

(1906).<br />

wise I. Robert, 37 II oh, rt St reet, No rthi Perth, (1925)<br />

Couper, Thomas Alexander, Learoyd Street, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1922).<br />

('onrtney, Victor Desmond, The ''Sunday Times''<br />

Newspaper Office, Stirling Street, Perth (1935).<br />

Coivcher, John Edward, 23 Park Road, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley,<br />

and ''Puntapin,'' Wagin (1895).<br />

Crisp, Albert Ernest, Taxation Department, Perth<br />

(1929).<br />

('ross, Benjamin Edward Vidgen, Runnymeade, Bedfordahe<br />

(1924).<br />

('ullen, Lucius Michael, Southern Cross Chambers,<br />

howard Street, Perth, and er. Keane and Venim<br />

Streets, l'eppermint Grove (1910).<br />

('unimimig, Gordon \Valter James, 95 Adelaide 'I'errace,<br />

Perth (1924)<br />

I )a vcy, A rtl,,,, I Icr traii,. 2(17 SIlL ni ion Street, Cot tes he<br />

(1937).<br />

Davey, Henry, 240 Suburban Road, South Perth (1926).<br />

Davey, Thomas Henry, Bairds Company, Murray<br />

Street, Perth, and 95 Tate Street, West Leedervihle<br />

(1921).<br />

Davies, Joseph Thomas, Primary Producers' Associn'<br />

tion, Perth, and 45 Farnhey Street, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1922).<br />

I ), ii s 'n, I Brace Fr,,] crick, 7 Tb lien nfort Street, Sloinm<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (19:17).<br />

Delamare, John, 11 Coohgardie Street, Subiaco (1919).<br />

Dent, Cecil, Surrey Chambers, St. George's Terrace,<br />

Perth, and 36 Birdwood Parade, Dalkeith (19 11).<br />

I )e Rime, ErnC st \Voodall, Secretary Commercial Travel<br />

1w s ' Associat hem,, St. George's Terrace, Perth, and<br />

33 Lcake Street, ('ottesloe (1923).<br />

Derltt, Walter Lane, 1 Queenslea Drive, Claremont, and<br />

Narrogin (1919).<br />

Dick, David, 79 liasiaghiall Street, Victoria Park (1914).<br />

Dickson, Alexander Hunter, 162 St. George's Terrace,<br />

Perth mid 9 Grange Street, Claremont (1906).<br />

h)in,m,,itt. .1 'lilies Alhert, 379 Murray Street, Perth,<br />

(1937)<br />

1 )ival. Siam,lcv Victor. 13% Fitzgerald Street and 24<br />

Fork Street, North, Pert], (1938).<br />

1)oran, .Janies Thomas, 19 Field Strrtt, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1931<br />

I) ,,o-ne, Ill, rrv I ash Ic, 1 :b 7 1 )er liv Road, S ubiaco (1934)<br />

Downing, Robert 15'ilhiamn, 789 Wellington Street, Perth,,<br />

and 75 Keightley Road, Subiaco (1905).<br />

Drabble, Walter, Bay View Terrace, Claremont, and<br />

2 TVeh,ster Street, Nedlands (1919).<br />

Drummond, John Maxwell, Trinity Buildings, Perth,<br />

and 50 Irvine Street, Cottesloe (1897).<br />

Dully, .Tarlath Stephen, 87 St. George's Terrace, Perth,<br />

and 23 Bowman Street, South Perth (1916).<br />

Dwyer, Daniel Francis, 17 <strong>Law</strong>ley Crescent, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1918).

1026 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JuLY 1, 1938.<br />


Eagleton, Vernon Charles Tlargrave, Yorkshire House.<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth, and 136 Grant Street,<br />

S\vallbourue (1937).<br />

Eales, Joseph Herbert, Viking House, William Street,<br />

Perth, and Weld Club, Perth (1904).<br />

Eastrnon, John Samuel, 300 Onslow Road, West Subiaeo<br />

(1925).<br />

Egan, Albert John, Albany Road, Bedfordale (1926).<br />

Egeberg, Jul Martin, Doust Street, Queen's Park<br />

(1914).<br />

Elvey, Robert Montgomery, 37 Stirling Highway, Nedlands<br />

(1935).<br />

Evans, hubert, Bank of New South Wales Chambers,<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth, and South Perth<br />

(1934).<br />

Evers, Robert \Vifliam, 87 Grosvenor Road, Mt. Lnwley<br />

(1931).<br />

Farr, John Barton, 110 Vincent Street, North Perth<br />

(1928).<br />

Farrelly, Mrs. Martha Mary, 1161 Hay Street, Perth<br />

(1921).<br />

Faull, Samuel, 92 Eighth Avenue, Maylands (1911).<br />

Ferguson, Charles William, 552 William Street, North<br />

Perth (1898).<br />

Ferguson, Thomas Cameron, 47 Walcott Street, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>lcv (1937).<br />

Field, Alan Douglas, Waterloo Street, Osborne Park<br />

(1934).<br />

I inch, 311s 31 u man 2 St mh Sti t cdl uuls<br />

(1920).<br />

Fisher, Herbert Moncrieff, c/u Perpetual Trustee Corn.<br />

palsy, Perth, and Weld Club, Perth (1906).<br />

Fletcher, Edward, Underwood Business College, 106<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth, and 52 Walcott Street,<br />

Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1926).<br />

Ford, John <strong>Law</strong>rence, British Traders' Insurance Coy<br />

Ltd., Howard Street, Perth; 22 Second Avenue, Mt.<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1930).<br />

Foristal, Isaac, 177a Murray Street, Perth, and 17<br />

Princess Road, Necliands (1926).<br />

Forrest, William Grant, 229 St. George's Terrace, Perth<br />

(1935).<br />

Fowler, Robert, 49 Marina Street, Leederville (1907).<br />

Francis, Richard Edgar, Homestead Road, Gosnells<br />

(1926).<br />

T'reedmnan, Rev. 1l)avid isaac, Clifton Crescent, Mt. <strong>Law</strong><br />

Icy (:1931).<br />

Fnhirmnann, Mrs. ifoso Ann, 298 Churchill Avenue,<br />

Subiaco (1933).<br />

Gallagher, Charles Stanislaus, 73 Outran' Street, Perth<br />

(1333).<br />

Garland, William Archer, 74 Bay View Terrace, Clarmont<br />

(1931).<br />

Gibbs, Herbert William, 96 Suburban Road, South<br />

Perth (1911).<br />

Gill, Gregory John Crockford, 10 Queen Street, Perth,<br />

and 15 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (1905).<br />

Gordon, Harold Richard, Under Secretary for <strong>Law</strong>, 21<br />

Reserve Street, Claremont (1925).<br />

Greig, Henry, 81 Srnyth Road, Nedlands, and e/o The<br />

''West Australian,'' Perth (1935).<br />

(ireive, Louis Barber, 83 Railway Parade, Mount <strong>Law</strong>-<br />

Icy (1934).<br />

Griffiths, George Albert, Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance<br />

Co., Barrack Street, Perth, and Mills Road,<br />

Gosnehls (1927).<br />

Griniwood, Samuel Edward Byrne, 65 Forrest Street,<br />

Cottesloc, and New Zealand Chambers, Perth<br />

(1933).<br />

Gulley, Frederick Prior, 262 Railway Parade, West<br />

Leederville (1917).<br />

1-fanier, Edgar Walter, 146 William Street, i'erthi, and<br />

28 First Avenue, Slount <strong>Law</strong>ley (1917).<br />

ilanipton, i-lenry George, 8 Victoria Avenue, Perth<br />

(1904).<br />

liardwick, William Burden, 69 Suburban Road, South<br />

Perth (1912).<br />

1-larrison, James, Armadale (1928).<br />

hiartill, liupert Louis, 847 TIny Street, Perth, and 25<br />

Irvine Street, Peppermint Grove (1936).<br />

hlnrtrey, Gerald, 14 Thirirnere Road, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley, and<br />

601 Hay Street, Perth (1932).<br />

Hawkins, .Joliu Bearne, 68 Guilclforcl. Road, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley,<br />

and North Beach (1932).<br />

llawtin, James Vernon, Taxation Department, Perth,<br />

and 3 Alvan Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1910).<br />

Hayward, Seybert Joseph, 134 Sevenths Avenue, laglewood,<br />

and Tourist Bureau, Perth (1932).<br />

hlearn, Harry, 32 Angelo Street, South Perth, and Albany<br />

Road, Victoria Park (1931).<br />

THE PEAOE-contiwued.<br />

Henderson, Hugh Murray, 179 Cambridge Street, West<br />

Leederville (1927).<br />

1-lennelly, John Patrick, 9 James Road, Swanbourne<br />

(1935).<br />

Herring, Philip Charles, 41 Duncan Street, Victoria Park<br />

(1931).<br />

Holland, Dr. John Joseph, A.M.P. Chambers, Perth, and<br />

S Ventnor Avenue, West Perth (1910).<br />

flohlands, James Ethelbert, 14 King George Street, Victoria<br />

Park (1933).<br />

Honey, Francis Richard, Hobbs Avenue, Nedhands (1904).<br />

l[onner, Corentin Valery, c/o Westralian Farmers, Ltd.,<br />

l'crtli (1935).<br />

i[unner, Richard Joseph, 18 Frumklhs Street, LeedervOle<br />

(1924).<br />

f[ooton, Miss Harriet, 26 Bondi Street, Mount hawthorn<br />

(1935).<br />

Ijoward, I-Ienry Rudolph, 221 Walcott Street, North<br />

Perth, (1936).<br />

1-lowatson, Lewis Bell, Braehead Orchard, Parkerville<br />

(1913).<br />

hughes, Percy William, 55 Elizabeth Street, South<br />

Perth (1934).<br />

II nut, Albert Victor, T-Ienriques, Ltd., King Street,<br />

Perth, and 36 8'arnley Street, Mount <strong>Law</strong>-her<br />

(1937).<br />

ilutelnason, Charles Ernest, 715 Beaufort Street, Pert],<br />

(1931).<br />

Hutelnuson, Edelbert, 4 Bulirer Street, Perth (1899).<br />

1-fynes, Francis John, Victoria Avenue, Claremont, and<br />

The Perpetual Trustee Company, St. George 'ts Terrace,<br />

Perth, (1938).<br />

llhingworth, T-Ierbei-t Walter, 201 Roberts Road, Subiaco<br />

(1931).<br />

Isaaehsen, Eric, McGhew & Co., Howard Street, Perth,<br />

and 30 Keane Street, Peppermint Grove (1924).<br />

.1 acka, William .1 nines, 61 Fbi rniey Street, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1910).<br />

Jackson, Arthur Evans, 91 Thomas Street, Subiaco<br />

(1927).<br />

Jackson, Philhip Robert, St. Mary's Cathedral, Victoria<br />

Square, Perth (1932).<br />

-Jacobs, Dr. Alfred Nailer, Department of Repatriation,<br />

Perth, (1927).<br />

Jacohy, Arthur Wellington, 100 Mount's Bay Road,<br />

Perth (1931).<br />

James, Thomas, Brookside, Armadale (1903).<br />

.Jarvis, Alwyn Percy, S Waite,- Street. (l,ir,inont, aol<br />

'1' he \V - A. Trustee Company, Ltd., St. I urge 's 'b'c<br />

race, Perth, (1938).<br />

t'\ 1, 31 ilhi mm (1) 11 uimpshimic 'nticet, \ I<br />

m I<br />

lot,<br />

(1924).<br />

Johns. Reginald henry Caust, Hamilton Street and<br />

North, Beach Road, Osborne Park (1929).<br />

-iohnsou, Charles Worthy, 348 Oxford Street, LeedervOle<br />

(1932).<br />

1 ohimisuim, Gustav Victor, Occidental II misc, St. George's<br />

'i'errmu-e, Perth, amid S Mount's liar Road, Crawley<br />

(936).<br />

Johimison, .Jolmn 1 tenry Bishop, 418 Vincent Street,<br />

Leedervihle, and Loco. Workshops, Midland Junction<br />

(1925).<br />

-Jones, Albert, 15(1 Om,slon' Road, Shienton Park (1936).<br />

Jones, Herbert Walter, Druids' Chambers, 459 Hay<br />

Street East, Perth, and Devon Road, Bassendean<br />

(1920).<br />

Joyner, Ethel Rose Paterson (Mrs.), 13 R-heola Street,<br />

\lrest Pem-thm (1933).<br />

.Juclge, Edward James, 2-5 Victoria Avenue, Clareniont<br />

(1938).<br />

JaIl, Dr. Roberta h-Iemsrietta h\fargaretta, 32 Ventnor<br />

Arcane, West Perth, (1932).<br />

I'eane, Deals, Wanneroo Road, Osborne Park (1914).<br />

Kelsahi, Frank MacDonald, ''The Worker'' Office and<br />

14 Addison Street, South, Perth, (1925).<br />

Kcnmieahly, James Joseph, 18 Vincent Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>hey<br />

(1916).<br />

Kent, Mrs. Ivy Mary, 784 Albany Road, Victoria Park<br />

(1936).<br />

Keyser, T-Ierbert George, 108 Herbert Road, West<br />

Subiaco (1912).<br />

Ridson, Miss Ernestine Louise Forbes, 258 Adelaide<br />

Terrace, Perth (1925).<br />

Kinsman, Albert Victor, 1 .Joseph Street, Wemubley<br />

(1926).<br />

Kretchmar, William Herman, 28 Thompson Road, Claremont<br />

(1909).<br />

K-le, John, Bangor Flats, Marine Terrace, Cottesloe<br />

(1935).<br />

Laker, William Alfred, 18 Regent Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1907). -

di 1. lO3S.1 GOVbRNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1027<br />


Langley, Thomas William, 44 Clifton Crescent, Mt.<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley, and Metropolitan Markets, West Perth<br />

(1924).<br />

Langsford, Joseph \\rOOd 2 A.M.P. Chambers, Perth,<br />

and 4 John Street, Claremont (1900).<br />

Ge a iulr'i', Frederick Auhree', 16 Packenham Street, 311.<br />

Lacvlc,v (1925)<br />

l.avater, Percival Gilbert Diethelm, Surrey Chambers,<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth, and Perth Roa(i, lassendean<br />

(1927).<br />

Leach, James Hollis, Commonwealth Savings Bank<br />

and 13 Dean Street, Claremont (1926).<br />

Leckie, John, 39 Taylor Road, Claremont (1932).<br />

Lee, Harrie Saxon, 62 <strong>Law</strong>ley Crescent, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1904).<br />

Leggoe, Earnest Clifton, 19 Tyrell Street, Nedlinuls<br />

(1925).<br />

Levey, Joseph, 502-504 Hay Street, Perth, and 69 Burt<br />

Street, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley (1935).<br />

Lightfoot, Albert Edward, Fox Film Corporation, 623<br />

\\'ellimegton Street, Perth, and 4 King's Park I-ba 3.<br />

Perth (1935)<br />

Lloyd, Clifford Arthur Burgess, Wellington Buildings,<br />

Wellington Street, Perth, and 7 Robin Street, Mt.<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1922).<br />

Lukis, Frederick William Pellowes, 94 Sixth Avenue,<br />

Maylands (1897).<br />

Lyall, William MacIntosh, SVestern Australian Club,<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth (1921).<br />

Mackey, Edmond Patrick, London House, 321 Murray<br />

Street, Perth, and 43 The Esplanade, South Perth<br />

(1937).<br />

Mann, George, 668 Wellington Street, Perth, and 15<br />

Fourth Avenue, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley (1934).<br />

ilaun, John Gibson, Neptune Oil Company, Shell House,<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth, and 66 Kalgoorlie<br />

Street, Mount Hawthorn (1931).<br />

Manners, William Montgomery, Alliance Buildings. SI.<br />

George's Terrace, Perth, and (1 Storthes Street,<br />

Mount <strong>Law</strong>-icy (1937).<br />

SI arsh, Claud Tiohert, Fourth Road, Arniadale (1937).<br />

Martin, George Gilbert, 26 King Street, Perth, and<br />

27 Leake Street, Cottesloe (1923).<br />

Masel, Esor, 763 Hay Street, Perth, and 13 Field Street,<br />

Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1913).<br />

Siasel, Isidore, Queen's Crescent, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley, and cr.<br />

Barrack and Wellington Streets, Perth (1931).<br />

itleGlemans, Mrs. Ada Lucie, Department of Public<br />

Health, Perth, and 4 Glenroyd Street, Mt <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1921).<br />

51 c( liii lock, All ,e 1 Scot I, 3 Bowman SI reet, Soul Ii I'ertl<br />

(1912).<br />

Mci ormack, Edward JoIm, Municipal Offices, Suhiaco,<br />

and 79 <strong>Law</strong>lei' Street, Suhiaeo (1 930).<br />

SicI)owall, ICredem'ick George, 158 Royal Street, East<br />

Perth, and 569 hay Street, Perth (1938).<br />

McGilvray, Albert, Beechboro Road, Bayswater (1934).<br />

McGrath, Thomas William, 486 Fitzgerald Street, North<br />

Perth (1919).<br />

Mclunes, William, 37 Lichfmeld Street, Victoria I'ark<br />

(1924).<br />

McKenzie, John Alexander, Albany Road, Canuington<br />

(1926).<br />

ShicLean, TI ugh Kennedy, 60 A.SE. P. Chiamhers, and 177<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth (1936).<br />

SleLeish, Robert, S Murray street, Ba swator (1915).<br />

McLeod, Donald Guy, 55 Mount Street, Perth (1919).<br />

McMullen, Frederick Arthur, Warwick House, St.<br />

George's Terrace, Perth, and 9 Chester Street,<br />

Subiaco (1919).<br />

MeNess, Herbert Fortescuc, 41 Woodroyd Street, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley, and Royal Arcade, Perth (1935).<br />

Sleachem, Frank Ernest, Secretary Child Welfare Department,<br />

Perth, and ''Kin Ora,'' River Road,<br />

Roleystone (1935).<br />

Shea gher, 1) r. Tl omas \Vi Ill un, 7 S 7 All n liv Road, Vie<br />

twin Park (1936).<br />

Mellows, Mrs. Elizabeth, 57 Forrest Street, Subiaeo<br />

(1920).<br />

Mclvii,, \\'illiiui Harold, 101 Marine l'artuhe, Cottesloe<br />

(191 2).<br />

Menzies, Peter, 103 Pier Street, Perth, and 79 Fairfield<br />

Street, Mt. Hawthorn (1916).<br />

II ler, Regina] d G 0-cue, Australasi a (hanmhe s. O St.<br />

George's 'l'erraee, Perth, and 33 ('lift on tm's' it,<br />

Mon it <strong>Law</strong>ley (1936).<br />

Millington, Harold, 7 Alexander Drive, Mount <strong>Law</strong>lev<br />

(1912).<br />

Milner, John George, 755 Hay street, and '544 William<br />

Street, Perth (1906).<br />

PEAOE-coatiwued.<br />

Minors, Horace Jolni, Children's Hospital, Perth, and<br />

42 lIani ersley Road, Suhiaco (1934).<br />

Slilclmell, Juli,iu Eric, II Rankin RoarS, Sluenton I'ark<br />

(1936).<br />

Slit clue Ii, Will ian! \Vilford . 59 SI cnn t St reel, Pert hi<br />

(190") -<br />

Mofflin, Horace Elgar, Darlington (1909).<br />

Slolyneux, Cai'yl Crosby, River Road, Kelmseott (1922).<br />

Mooney, Peter James, Trades Hall, Perth, and 26 Farn-<br />

Icy Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1924).<br />

Moore, Alfred, 33 Webster Street, NedLnds (193S).<br />

Morgan, Sirs. Elsie Eliza, 48 Cobden Street, Bayswater<br />

(1929).<br />

Sloseley, William iNottidge, A.N.A. ('lianchers, St.<br />

George's Terrace, Pci-tim (1937).<br />

Siuecke, Roy Le Page, Perth hospital (193S5.<br />

iluller, Ciiam'hes, Balcatta Road, North Beach (1936)<br />

SI nut, Chmai'les Arthur, Devon RoarS, Claremmmont (1917)<br />

Murray, Matthew henry, 66 William Street, Perth, an<br />

Puntie Crescent, Slaylands (1908).<br />

Naslm, Richard harry, iS Bedford Avenue, Subiaco<br />

(1934).<br />

Naylor, Jo]115 Alexander, Reserve Street, and 80 Bay<br />

view Terrace, ('laremont (1921).<br />

Neville, Auber Octavins, Aborigines Department, amid 4<br />

Victoria Avenue, Perth (1925).<br />

Nicholson, Edmund James hioughtoa, 9 Victom'ia Avenue,<br />

Claremont (1909).<br />

Nichmolsomi, John Thomas, 9 Knntsford Street, Swanbourne<br />

(1931).<br />

O 'Briomi, Stanley Eciwimi, Court hotel, Beaufort Street,<br />

Purthu (1937).<br />

Oehiltree, Jack Leaneonth, Weld Chambers, St. George's<br />

Terrace, Pem'th, and 37 Om'd Street, West Perth<br />

(1908).<br />

O'Connell, Jolmn, 363 hay Street, East Perth (1914).<br />

O'Connor, Dr. Michael, Savoy Hotel, Perth (1898).<br />

O 'S[eara, Dr. Patrick Michael, 44 Stirling Highway,<br />

Nedlands (1935).<br />

Orr, 1 olin, 58 C'lothnlde Street, Moumil <strong>Law</strong>ley (1937).<br />

Orr, William Richard, Forrest Place, Pcrtlm, amid River<br />

Avenue, Macldington (1926).<br />

I 'a dey, Percival Walter, 27 N ansomi Street, Wemhley<br />

(1927),<br />

PaILs, Richard, 9 Camnherwell Street, Victoria Park<br />

(1923).<br />

Pammtomm, Alexander hugh, 11 Morriston Street, Leederville<br />

(1931).<br />

Parker, Williammi Beneroft, Orient Line Buihdimmg, Wil-<br />

11am Stm'cet, Perth, amid Duncraig Road, Appleemoss<br />

(1909).<br />

I 'a rrick, Alfred, 27 Simper Street, Wemnblev Park<br />

(1932).<br />

Paterson, James Wiley, 49 St. Georgo 's Terrace, h'erth,<br />

amid 64 Labouchmere Road, South Perth (1922).<br />

Paymme, George Frederick, Elder, Smith & Co., Fremamitle,<br />

and Fraser Street, East Fremamitle (1898).<br />

Paynter, Henry Harold, 52 Leake Street, Peppermumiut<br />

Grove (1908).<br />

Peam'ce, Ernest Harwood, Yorkshire Insum'anee Co., St.<br />

George's house, Pem'thm, ac'S 81 highway, Nedlamuds<br />

(1917).<br />

Pemmmma, Thmosumas, Beach Road, Canning Bridge (1910).<br />

Perm'v, Cbuam'les Arthur, Federal Tinware Manufacturing<br />

Co., 3036 Roe Street, Perth; 106 <strong>Law</strong>ler Street,<br />

Subiaco (1934).<br />

I'Imihlips, Joseph Charles, 4 hbuiship Street, West Leedervihle<br />

(1926).<br />

Pilgrins, henry Auburmm. 284 Subjmrhamm Road, South<br />

Perth (1926).<br />

Pidgeomi, Thuonmas, 29 Eighth Avenue, Maylammds (1907).<br />

T'om't, James Cornishm, 184 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, ammd<br />

Maylands (1906).<br />

Pow'ell, Edward, 57 Quceme 's Crescent, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>'hey<br />

(i904).<br />

Pratt, Mrs. Ruby Ehizahethm, 15 Marina Street, Leedervilhe<br />

(1933).<br />

Preacher, George 'h'1mommuts, 146 Ammzac 1-load, Mt. 1Gwthmormm<br />

amid W.A. Farnmem's, Perthm (1933).<br />

Pi'iestley, Artlmur Henry, 54 St. George's Terrace, Perth,<br />

and 2 Learoyd Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1930).<br />

Pmmlhhn, Harold Maugiman, 7 Bruce Street, Nedlauds<br />

(1928)<br />

Pymaan, Eclw'imi Am'thum', 66 SVilhiamn Street, Perth, and<br />

41 Anzac Road, Leedervilhe (1922).<br />

Quigley, Cornelius O'Neill, Royal Mint, Pcm'th (193(i).<br />

Redford, harold Charles, 95 Railway Parade, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>hey<br />

(1931).<br />

Id! 0, TIe rvev Geom'ge, 1 'h'hu ounpson Bowl, CIam'eumiomut<br />


11128 GOVEIINMEMT GAZETTE, WA. [JULY 1, 11)38.<br />

Randell, Charles Henry, Albany Road, Kenwick (1936).<br />

Randell, Williani George, 17 First Avenue, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1919).<br />

Raphael, Alfred, 9 Altona Street, West Perth (1930).<br />

lp1ael, Howard Stirling, 66 King George Street, Victoria<br />

Park (1933).<br />

Rapley, Mrs. A]ice Marion, 12S Jol Terrace, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1925).<br />

Read, William Raymond, 249 Albany Road, Victoria Park<br />

(1925).<br />

Reid, William Niven, Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., 162-164<br />

St. George's Terrace, Perth, and Preston Street,<br />

Como (1925).<br />

Rhodes, John Edwin, Mason Street, and 40 Glyde Street,<br />

Buekiand Hill (1911).<br />

Richardson, Walter, 26 <strong>Law</strong>ler Street, Subiaco (1907).<br />

Rohinson, William Denyer, Newspaper House, St.<br />

George's Terrace, Perth, and Point Peron House,<br />

Roekingliam (1918).<br />

Roekeliff, William Hudson, ii Charles Street, South<br />

Perth (1919).<br />

Rodgers, Stephen Gregory, 73 King George Street, Victoria<br />

Park (1927).<br />

Rose, James, 50 Kingston Avenue, West Perth (1904).<br />

Roseastamm, Benlamin Elias, King Street and 8 Bellevue<br />

Terrace, Perth (1908).<br />

Bosnian, Emanuel Horace, 11/13 Lyric 1-louse, 223 Murray<br />

Street, Perth, and 14a Bernard Street, Glaremont<br />

(1917).<br />

Ross, ITugh McKenzie, 30 Bernard Street, Claremont,<br />

a iid Sandstone (1905).<br />

Rowe, Albert Ernest, Belmont Avenue, Belmont, and<br />

Gladstone Road, Rivervale (1927).<br />

Royce, Sydney St. George, Dahgety's, 15 William Street,<br />

Perth, and 5 Victoria Avenue, Claremont (1910).<br />

Russell, Joseph William, Hector Street, Tuart Hill<br />

(1933).<br />

Rutherford, Mrs. Clara Padbury, 63 Bedford Avenue,<br />

Subiaco (1922).<br />

Rust, Albert Collingbonrne, Old lien's Home, Claremont<br />

(1926).<br />

Ryan, Oliver, 13 Basinghall Street, Victoria Park (1923).<br />

Ryle, James Freeman, 68 Grosvenor Road, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1921).<br />

k nick I inest 1 ii driul l \ lington \nud -outli<br />

Perth (1925).<br />

Sandercoek, Harry, 30 Birdwood Parade, Nedlands, and<br />

167 Rokeby Road, Snhiaco (1932).<br />

Sawehl, Dr. Frank Leslie Pownall. 40 Victoria Avenue,<br />

Claremont (1898).<br />

Schofield, George, Waratah Avenue, Nedlands (1912).<br />

Schofield, William, Men- Zealand Chanihers, St. George s<br />

Terrace, Perth, 40 Irvine Street. Cottesloe (1930).<br />

Scott. Thomas Prosser, 628 Newcastle Street, Leoderyule<br />

(1935).<br />

Scurloek, John, 508 Beaufort Street, Perth (1933).<br />

Sewell, Fri'n-ick Daniel, 928 Hay Street, Perth, and 39<br />

Esnianade, South, Perth (1923).<br />

bewell, Henry Carington, 146 Suburban Road, South<br />

Perth (1910).<br />

Shiearn, Harry Vivian, 188 Railway Terrace, Maylands,<br />

and 42 Third Avenue, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1924).<br />

Shiiper, Henry Jolm, 172 Railway Parade, Leederville,<br />

and Metropolitan Markets, Perth (1933).<br />

tdnipson, George, Rokewood Orchard, Karragullen<br />

(1926).<br />

Simpson, George William (Public Service Commissioner),<br />

101. Thomas Street, Perth (1926).<br />

Sinclair, Eghert Bertram (General Manager <strong>State</strong> Saw<br />

Mills), 188 Walcott Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1932).<br />

Sinclair, Mrs. Myra Elsie, 188 Walcott Street, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1934).<br />

Siatyer, Thomas 1-leary, Hillway, Nedlan(ls, and Coinmonwealth<br />

Bank, Perth (1932).<br />

Smith, Chris Frederick Walter, 146 Peninsula Road,<br />

Maylands (1937).<br />

Smith, George Lubbock, 61 Viking Road, Claremont<br />

(1931).<br />

Smith, I-larry Hill, 29 Gardner Street, Como (1933).<br />

Smith, I-leap- John, T. & G. Chambers, Perth, and 14<br />

1-lenry Street, Subiac.o (1915).<br />

Squires, Percival, Cannington (1922).<br />

Steere, Francis Grylls, 27 Union Street, Subiaco, and<br />

Parliament I-louse, Perth (1932).<br />

Stevens, George Phihhip, 30 Stirling highway, Claremont<br />

(1921).<br />

Stewart, Dr. Hector Hamilton, 246 St. George's Tei-rnce,<br />

Perth (1932).<br />

Stewart, James Alexander, 49 Wrilliam Street, Perth, and<br />

23 Coolgardie Street, Suhiaco (1930).<br />

Stewart, James Alexander, 12 Pakenham Street, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley (1918).<br />

COMMISSION OF THE PEACE-continued.<br />

Strickland, Arthur Albert, Bank of New South Wales,<br />

Perth, (1928). -<br />

Stuart, Edward John, 48 Salvado Road, Wembley<br />

(1922).<br />

Tatham, Joseph, 379 Beaufort Street, Perth, (1931).<br />

Taylor, Charles, Department of Repatriation, Perth<br />

(1937).<br />

Taylor, Harry Wilfred, Perth City Council, 207 Murray<br />

Street, and 150 Walcott Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley (1926).<br />

Todd, Alexander, 132 Carr Street, Perth (1935).<br />

Totlerdell, .Josephm, 112 Nicholson Road, West Snbiaco,<br />

mud SI emuich house, St Groige s un ire 1ndtl<br />

(1936).<br />

Trebilco, Herbert Henry (Commissioner of Taxation)<br />

Perth (1936).<br />

Treweek, rfl,o,mmas Francis, 807 Hay Street, Perth, and<br />

274 Bagot Road, Subiaco (1923).<br />

Turner, Edward .Joh,n, $1 Shepperton Road, Victoria<br />

Park (1918).<br />

Turner, James William Gifford, Jull Street, Arinadale<br />

(1923).<br />

Valiance, Mrs. Slay Bmmrron, 59 Bagot Road, Subiaeo<br />

(11926)<br />

Pander Velde, Benjamin, 157 Chehnsford Road, North<br />

Perth (1933).<br />

Srervm,i.d, Charles John Besley, 66 Cleaver Street, West<br />

Perth, (1935).<br />

\rh,cent, David Frank, 201 Coodc Street, Como (1935).<br />

Vi rinD, James William, Bonus, Limited, I'crthm, and 37<br />

Inverness Crescent, Mount <strong>Law</strong>le (1937).<br />

Wadlem-, Bernard, South Crescent, Baysu-ater (1936).<br />

Wnldby, Harold, 62 Bay View Terrace, Claremont<br />

(1926).<br />

Dralton, David Storri-, Banhr of New South Wales,<br />

Perth, (1937).<br />

Vsrdehl-Johnson, Dr. Percy Hugh, 418 Beaufort Street,<br />

Pert]i (1907).<br />

II n lid SI, hIm flu i i ,m e, 27 St smuome Stm em t, ''uhm no<br />

(1923).<br />

Warner, Frederick Lyitnu. 17 lkirkliam Hill Terrace,<br />

Marhands (1925).<br />

Warren, Sydney Charles, care Beanie S. Cohen & Son,<br />

115 St. George's Terrace, Perth,, and 33 Victoria<br />

Parade, Claremont (1934).<br />

Wasley, Ai-th,ur Henry, 197 Walcott Street, Mt. <strong>Law</strong>ley<br />

(1923).<br />

\Vmmters, George 3 ames McIntyre, Shell I-louse, St.<br />

George's Terrace, Perth,, and 91 Rookwood Street,<br />

Mount Lnwlev (1936).<br />

\Vatson, Sydney, 3 Scott Street, Claremont (1919).<br />

Waugh, Ernest William, W.A. Turf Club Buildings,<br />

1-loward Street, Perth, and Fraser Road, Applecross<br />

(1915).<br />

Webb, Arthur Samuel, Economic Chambers, Perth, and<br />

271 Ilamersley Road, Subiaco (1926).<br />

Webb, Joseph, 2 Lomna Street, Cottesloe (1936).<br />

\Vehls, Herbert Edward, 568 Hay Street, Perth, and cr.<br />

Forrest and Hensman Street, South Perth (1906).<br />

\Vest, Alfred Archibald, 10 Lake Street, Perth, and<br />

Veitch Street, Bnyswater (1908).<br />

Weston, Francis John, 113 Stirling 1-lighway, Cottesloe<br />

(1916).<br />

White, Daniel George, 294B Cambridge Street, Wemb-<br />

1ev Park (1936).<br />

P/lute, Fred., Esplanade, Canning Bridge and Carlisle<br />

(1932).<br />

Whyte, John Duncan, Harper 's Buildings, Howard<br />

Street, Perth, and 60 The Avenue, Nedlands (1919).<br />

11,1cc, Sf,, T di h In ,mmd, .S Slim it, Hoer), Clememont<br />

(1923)).<br />

P/il hams, Reginald Ilenry, llevilaqun, Ltd., Occidental<br />

house, 51 St. George's Terrace, Perth, and 32<br />

Barker Road, Suhiaco (1937).<br />

Wilson, George Harmstori, 70 Barrack Street, Perth,<br />

and Caanington (1916).<br />

Woodgate, Wihhian, 1-Ienry Ahlnutt, 166 Grosvenor Road,<br />

North, Perth (1922).<br />

Wright, Charles Stephen, S Stuart Street, Cottesloe<br />

Beach (1930).<br />

Wright, Fm-ederick William Maynard, 4$ Bulwer St,eet,<br />

Perth (1936).<br />


TO<br />

Buckie, harry h-Ioh]aimd, Ravensthorpe (1927).<br />

Paw, Francis Edgar, Ravensthiorpe (1931).<br />

Marr, Hugh, Hopetoun (1930).<br />

Smith Walter Francis, llavensth ompe (1923).<br />

Veal, Thomas, Hopetoun (1912).

JULY 1, 1038.1 (JOVE[[NMEI'l'l' 'JAZEl'TE, \V.A. 1020<br />

COMMISSiON 01° THE<br />


TO<br />

Ioiiiesh:i, Ithellnct .Iniiios, Nullagiiu (1 PSi)<br />

Dunnet, William George, Balfour Downs Station, via<br />

Meekatharra (1929).<br />

hansen, Ilagbarth, Marble Bar (1926).<br />

I iiwley, .Toliit, Slaible Bar (1938).<br />

munson, Cornelius Francis, Ethel Creek Station, via<br />

Meekatharra (1935).<br />

Miles, George James Gallop Warden, Marble Bar and<br />

Perth (1907).<br />

Miller, Leslie Lewis, Warrawagine Station, via Marble<br />

Bar (1926).<br />

Parker, Ronald Wyborn, Warrie Station, via Nullagine<br />

(1925).<br />

Simpson, George, Nullagine (1935).<br />

'I'liiiloivity, \'i'illia,u Kelat, ('011,0! Gold Silues, LII.,<br />

SI anile [Ian (I 957).<br />


TO<br />

r kIn ud, (I eo ego lien ry, 'V The Ranch, ' ' i)enm ark<br />

(1938).<br />

Adams, Herbert Wallace, Young's Siding (1933).<br />

Baesjou, Augustus Henry, Woogenellup, Mt. Barker<br />

(1915).<br />

lain es I i!, John Art!, u r, All may (1 9! 7)<br />

Barnett, Thomas ilinton, Albany (1901).<br />

ilarret! -Lennard, Edmund Thomas Dacre, 5[iddletomi<br />

Beach, Albany (1990).<br />

Barley, Frank, 1)enniark (1938).<br />

lirierley, Alan, Mt. Barker (1922).<br />

Bunker, James Fergus, Mortigallup (1913).<br />

(ui Icy, Albert, Albany (1934).<br />

Cooper, William henry, Nornalup (1935).<br />

(cane, William henry, Mt. Barker (1900).<br />

('rutchett, hubert James, Kendenup (1925).<br />

Cuddihy, Andrew Francis, Albany (1917).<br />

Day, William John, Albany (1919).<br />

l)onan, Shicliael Frederick, Purest 11511, Mount [lackey<br />

(1936).<br />

Douglas, Edward Enoch, Kalgan River (1913).<br />

I) nil, I) avid 11 enderson, K end enu p (1936)<br />

h:lverd, A dIm r Ed ward, Perth [load, A Ibany (1926)<br />

Farrant, llarold Lascelles, Moir Street, Borden (1929).<br />

Ferry, Roland Jasper, Pootenup (1927).<br />

Pyle, Thomas James, Price Street, Denmark (1930).<br />

II nice, J oremiah, Seotsdale (1920).<br />

11 assell, Edmund Arthur, J erramonu p, via Needilup<br />

(1909).<br />

Iiolnaes, James Henry Robinson, Needilup (1928).<br />

Ilowells, Albert Morgan, Tenterden (1935).<br />

I lIla, harold Atheistan Hereward, South Porongorups<br />

(1933).<br />

iKearsley, Thomas, Osborne Road, Mount Barker (1938).<br />

Lamuont, Norman Tlmonmas, Siadbellup [load Albany<br />

(1919).<br />

Marshall, Thomas, Torbay (1912).<br />

Mawson, William, Napier River (1916).<br />

i[ekeown, James SVoodbnrmi, Melville Street, Albany<br />

(193-1).<br />

Moir, John, Cape Riche (1906).<br />

Morgan, William John, Denmark (1923).<br />

51 air, Andrew, Albany (1900).<br />

Murray, William Wallace, Borden (1925).<br />

Xesbitt, Thomas henry, Earl Street, Albany (1937).<br />

Aormmmim. .lohn, jun.. )mlmmunt Many Peaks,'' via Albany<br />

(1951).<br />

Pocoek, Bernard, Necdilup (1918).<br />

Pugh, Frank Reginald Hcndy, Narrikup (1925).<br />

Ramvlingmm, ('Ii arles .J nines, ' Mira 51 ar, ' ' Albany (1932).<br />

Richardson, Alexander 11 aymvood, Dalgetv & (lo., and<br />

Mimldleton Road, Albany (1937).<br />

Robins, lienjanmin, Sliddleton Beach, Albany (1921).<br />

Ross, Francis William, Albany (1910).<br />

Sampson, Walter Joseph, Mt. Barker (1915).<br />

Reanlan, Jolnm Paul August, York Street, Albany (1932).<br />

Smith, Joseph David, Denmark (1911).<br />

Sounness, Frederick Henry, Mt. Barker (1926).<br />

Squire, Prank Lester, Landor Ron,!, Slomnit Tin i-her<br />

(1936).<br />

Toovey, Alexander John, Tenterden (1931).<br />

Vaighan, Arthur Clement, 47 Grey Street, Albany<br />

(1938).<br />

Vaux, John, Ongerup (1930).<br />

PEACE-coat juiced.<br />

Ward, Frank, Kronkup (1928).<br />

Webster, Edward, Mount Barker (It :16).<br />

West, John, Mt. Barker (1905).<br />

\Vhinneralm. William George Raymond, Redmond (1923).<br />

\Villianms, F'ro'Iem-ick Lloyd. 95 Grey Street East, Albany<br />

(1937).<br />

Williamson, Kenneth Rankin, Narrikup (1925).<br />

\Vilson, Robert Murray, 22 Grosvenor IluamI, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>lev (1918).<br />

Vi isbey, ('arlton , Sliddleton Road, Albany (1 91 2)<br />

Bitten oomn, ('hales I to rn,, SI idmi let on Ben oh, Albany<br />

(1910).<br />


TO<br />

Kennedy, Alexander Lorimner, W000gina, via Port Hedland<br />

(1932).<br />

Richardson, Alexander Edwin, Pippingarra Station,<br />

Port Hedland (1926).<br />

St mmcke r, (! emmif roy Paul, Port 11 omllamid (1 936)<br />

Sutherland, Rohert 1-lear)' Douglas, Port Tjedland<br />

(1932).<br />

'l':mlilimm, Leommmmrml Entomm, Port llemllammml (9:16).<br />


TO<br />

A nil reins, lii chin mm! Iii ill oek, 511. Fl (macnec St mt ion, Roebourne<br />

(1938).<br />

l'orguson, I 'hones Ogilvie, II oolev Stmmtion, rIch)1eI.nid<br />

(1910).<br />

(5 onIon, Leslie Artlmu m, Shillst rem mmmi Stat! oh, Ta)m Id and,<br />

Roebourno (1937).<br />

hancock, George, Mulga Downs (1918).<br />

:[eares, Harry harding Golmlsmith, Warrambie Station,<br />

Roehourue (1926).<br />

Moseley, George Oswald, Mardie Station, via Onslow<br />

(1924).<br />

ShoIl, Trcvnnton Frank, himmebourne (19:17).<br />

Sleeman, Herbert Richard, Whim Creek (1918).<br />

Stove, Timonmas, Roebourne (1923).<br />


TO<br />

hiarmmard, George William, Busselton (1907).<br />

Baskerville, George John, Augusta (1927).<br />

Blue, Donald Argyle, Busselton (1931).<br />

Bovell, Alexander Robert, Bnsselton (1926).<br />

Broeknman, Edward John Tatton, Dudinalup, via Bal<br />

ingup (1932).<br />

Brockmamm, William Locke, Warren River (1903).<br />

liroelcnmamm, \\illiamn Wallace, 'V \Vnrremm house,'' 1 'emimhertomm<br />

(1937).<br />

Bussell, Frederick Aloysius Weld, Margaret River<br />

(1906).<br />

('a nmmmmiller i, Pmedcrink SV ill mum J'o mmsonl my, 13mm sselto mm<br />

(1900).<br />

Crofts, Leonard Richard Edward, Margaret River<br />

(1930).<br />

Cross, James, Karridale (1908).<br />

Curtis, William Hemiry, Cowaramup (1927).<br />

Dean, Alfred, jun., Pemberton (1927).<br />

Edwards, Gomer Llewellyn, Busselton (1927).<br />

F'nlki mmghmamn, Robert, Kent Street, liusseltoim (11)37).<br />

Gilbert, Albert Johmim, Kudardup (19:1(1).<br />

Ilmmnniball, J olin Joseph, Penmhmertmmmm (19:17) -<br />

leemmman, Frank Vmnillimmmn, No. 1 <strong>State</strong> Still, Slmmmmjimmmmm1m<br />

(192S).<br />

Leitch, Janmes, Northcliffe (1934).<br />

Mann, William Joseph, Busseltomm (1923)<br />

SI eKittrick, Alfred hlenry, Carlotta Brook, Nannup<br />

(1933).<br />

S[organ, m\llmert Edviim, Busselton (1923).<br />

Moss, Charles llarmer, Jardee (1931).<br />

Palandri, Amadio Frank, Caves Road, Busseltmn (1936).<br />

I'mmrker. Louis Patrick, Porost Grove (1918).<br />

Prince, harold Taylor, Jarrahwood (1923).<br />

Prosser, Thomas, Busselton (1915).<br />

ihm'vmmlcls, T'crcy iLlemvell5-n, Loeke\'illc, Wonnermmp<br />

(1937).<br />

Reynolds, Thoummas hlemmry, Kent Street, Busselton (1933).

1030 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1,-v ii, lOSS.<br />

Rowe, Richard Roy, Warren Road, Nannup (1932).<br />

Ryan, Ioepb. Kent Street. Bnsselton (192S<br />

Sauiworth, William Henry, Margaret River (1931).<br />

Seymour, Robert John, Dunsborough, Busselton (] 93<br />

Slattery, Barney, Cowarainup (1926).<br />

Smith, henry herbert, Tutunuji (1923).<br />

Smith, Robert, Yannup<br />

Stewart, George Charles, Margaret Hive" (1931).<br />

Stenthers, Andrew, Nanimup (1932).<br />

Tlmtmrkle, Albert Edward, Vassc (1933).<br />

Wi'iglmt, Thomas Henry, Kent Street, Busselton (191 5).<br />


TO<br />

Ackland, John Hugh, Lake Ninan, Wongan Hills (1922).<br />

Acklaud, ihoyston Randell Barnes, Lake Ninan, Wongan<br />

Hills (1929).<br />

Banilett, James Henry Carlisle, Albany Road, l(elmseott<br />

(1915).<br />

Barroivo, Lewis W'ilfrnd, Bmmlhidu (1925).<br />

Bassett, John William, 124 Swan Street, Guildford and<br />

Toodyay Roads, Middle Swan (1916).<br />

Genies, Erne1, Lowe,' Clditering (1932).<br />

Berry, Henry, Railway Avenue, Bassendean (1913).<br />

Broad, harry Duncan, Round Hill (1911).<br />

Brown, Arthur William, Greenniount (1925).<br />

Brown, Stephen Andrew, 68-70 Railway Parade, and<br />

''Lynwood,'' Newcastle Road, Midland Junction<br />

(1900).<br />

C,mrrick, Walter J ohu, Sloorn (1906).<br />

Chtedzcy, 'l'om, Moora (1930).<br />

Clinch, Walter Reginald, Moore (1908).<br />

COmise, Jeremiah McMahon, 52 North Street, Midland<br />

.1 nmiction (1924).<br />

Clune, Thomas Matthew, 64 Helena Street, Midland<br />

Junction (1902).<br />

Convoy, Adrian Hazel, lipper Swan (1932).<br />

Cook, John, Dnndaragan (1932).<br />

Copemnan, Walter James, Bullsbrook (1921).<br />

Crosbie, William Robort, Boundary Road, Midland<br />

Junction (1906).<br />

l)svoy, Edward, Thomas Street, Chidlow (1922).<br />

l)aoson, George Russell, Maida \'ale (1921)<br />

DeBurgh, Robert Sidney Maxwell, Cowalla, Moore River,<br />

Gingin (1909).<br />

I ),vm,mislm, 1 larmmlm[ A ctlmur, 6 Ii,,,) in ('lenient, Mayhmindn<br />

.1 aimses Street, Uuildford ,'',uul New castle Road, Slid-<br />

Immimil Junction (1933).<br />

Drunimond, James, Dalguriug, Dandaragan (1904).<br />

I )mmggaim, Thomas Patrick, lerieoil (1931).<br />

l)umigey, Edwin Beeching, McNeill Street, Dalwallinu<br />

(1927).<br />

I'lmlgar, Douglas Waldene, Gleutm'omie, Now Norcia<br />

(1928).<br />

I] [wards, Remil cii 1l'hmgm'nm', (reek TI mince, SI oem liver<br />

(191 1),<br />

kills, ('hence, \Vommgamm l[ills (11)30).<br />

Evans, Sidney Ernest, ''Malmama,'' Wooroloo (1934).<br />

Faithful, Samuel James, Perth Road, Bassendean<br />

(1924).<br />

Ferguson, Percy Douglas, Moora (1922).<br />

I'lyimm, \\'mmnirim'k hull, SlcNeill lrem'l, I)alw,ullinn<br />

(1937).<br />

Freestone, \Villians .1 olin, T(ondnt (1925),<br />

i'ry, Sydney Chanungs, ' The Donuts,'' Cas'nni (1931).<br />

Gam'dinor, Robert Keith, Blantyre, Moora c1925).<br />

Gamnsworthmy, Alfred Youldems, Kenny Street, Bassendean<br />

(1917).<br />

Gibbons, Leonard, Council Chambers and ci'. Meadow<br />

and Swan Streets, Guildfoncl (1930).<br />

Iii lnmonr, Kenneth William, Roleystone (1933).<br />

Gray, .losephm, Carniel (1927).<br />

Guppy, Wihliaus Fi'aucis, S Victoria Street, Guildfo,'d<br />

(1905).<br />

Hansersley, Hugh, Lockridge, Guildford (1901).<br />

Gamier, George Emanuel, 78 West Road, Bassendean<br />

(1913).<br />

harper, Prescott Henry, Giugin (1921).<br />

I tart, Harry liamsay Gordon, Jacoby Street, Mundarbig<br />

(1934).<br />

I Iawkins, Frederick Walter, Boonooloo, Kalamnunda<br />

(1923).<br />

Ilayton, Joseph, Darlington (1922).<br />

Herbert, Pearse John, Gingin (1913).<br />

1-Iopkinson, Henry Justin, Dookaling, Miliug (1926).<br />

01151 SS ION 01' ThE PEACE-conSinucd.<br />

11 vde, Arthur Blaelmford, ' ' hyde Park,'' Dalwallinu<br />

(1937).<br />

.1 enkin, (live .James McS[illan, Fenton Street, Wongan<br />

lUlls (1936).<br />

Jones, Arhhmur Thomas, Miling (1933).<br />

IKnuekey, Richard, Peet Road, Roleystone (1933).<br />

Kostera, Cazuuez, Knliimmiumnda, (1936).<br />

Kruenert, Paul Albert Julius, IIanvter Road, Glen I'orrest<br />

(1936).<br />

I ansbort, ilarolci Stammley, Calingiri (1937).<br />

Lasnont, Neil, Baskerville, Upper Swan (1937).<br />

Lanigan, Andrew John, Mogumber (1930).<br />

Latham, Lyndon Ralph, 9 Devon Road, Bassendean<br />

(1932).<br />

Leeson, Sansuel, Bradgate Farm, Wannamal (1919).<br />

Lee-Steere, herbert John, Woolawa, via Moora (1922).<br />

Lefroy, Edward Henry Bruce, Walebing (1918).<br />

Loaning, Albert Charles Russell, <strong>Law</strong>nbrook, Bickley<br />

(1915).<br />

Loton, Ernest Thsorloy, Upper Swami (1926).<br />

Lvmhiale, George Arthur. liarton 's Shill (1936).<br />

Macdonald, Mrs. Amelia, Glems Forrest (1924).<br />

Macicierson, William,, Croxdale Grove, Maida STale (1924)<br />

MeCreery, 'I'honsas, Dalwalhinu (1927).<br />

McKinley, Alexander, Moore Park, Moorn (1931).<br />

llcLaelmlamm, I)oisald, Guild tom'd Road, Redchiffe (1936).<br />

Metcalf, Frederick, Slommrii. (1936).<br />

Mills, William James llemsry, Moora (1925).<br />

SI immchmiis, Sictor J olmmm. ' ' Bremmtw ood, ' ' Queen's Road,<br />

South Guild lord (1938).<br />

Mitchell, Dr. Robert Macfarlane, Wooroloo (1920).<br />

Moore, George, Clsitterismg and Gmiowangerup (1924).<br />

Myles, Dr. William Saunders, Moora (1906).<br />

Neal, Arthur James, Moore River Native Settlement,<br />

Mogumber (1930).<br />

Circus, George henry, Jolmimson Street, Dalwallinu (1931).<br />

Padbury, William,,, Meadow Street, Guildford (1901).<br />

Parker, Cecil Aiwyn Read, Womigan Hills (1927).<br />

I 'arkinson, Wilfred Charles, Magnetic Observatory,<br />

Wathmemoo (1935).<br />

Popple, .1 ammses, Muehea (1922).<br />

l'orm'ilt, Artimur Herbert, Deal Street, Mt. Helena (1932)<br />

Purser, George henry, junior. Piawaning (1931).<br />

Reummie, Valentine Goodchnld, ''Moondah,'' Gingin<br />

(1932).<br />

ihmmmmles, Will imimmm Mmmsiteitlm, cc. Perthi Road and Kidman<br />

Ave mimic, So ut Ii (1 ni Id Ion, I (1 920)<br />

Richardson, Aubrey Howard, ''Mindala," Mihiug<br />

(1913).<br />

Riley, Erie Merniman, Qnnrragarra, Moora (1928).<br />

Roberts, Charles James, Dandaragan (19USD.<br />

Roberts, Maitland Walter, Moore. (1916).<br />

lichens, Meredil li, Dalwmmlhinu (1921).<br />

Robhisoim, harry Quin, Wooroloo (1934).<br />

Robinsoms, Percival Ford, Greenmount (1907).<br />

Sasmspson, Peter, 90 Boundary Road, Midland Junction<br />

(1908).<br />

Kanderson, Albert Enmsest, Dunelm, Meadow Street,<br />

(Iuildford (1933).<br />

Scott, Alfred Percy, Padbury Street, Moora (1923).<br />

Spencer, Victor Percy Henry, BindS BindS (1935).<br />

Stceme, Frederick Walter, 000seberry Hill (1926).<br />

Stephmemms, Edward Bowles, Kalamunda (1907).<br />

Stone, Alexander Bilston, Cahingiri (1928).<br />

Stonestreet, Norman Claude, Wilson Street, Wongan<br />

Hills (1925).<br />

Tlmorogood, Arthur Richard, Kahamunda (1931).<br />

Tierney, Thomas, Indamnie, via Walebing (1930).<br />

Toy, William Fredericic, Bindoon (1928).<br />

'l'nrmmer, Wilhians hhiclmard, Beerrnullalm, via Gingin (1935).<br />

\Varbumrton, herbert, Boulder Avenue, Redchiffe (1936).<br />

Ward, I-lenny, Morrison Road, Swan View (1932).<br />

Ward, Ilemiry Timousas, Naniban (19311.<br />

Watt, Alexa,mder Ernest, Innamiucka Road, Greenmount<br />

(1916).<br />

\Viu Its, Ebenezem- lhmnemmt, Sloneville and Srictocia Panic<br />

(1930).<br />

Wedge, Frederick Arundel, Gingin (1934).<br />

Weston, Gregory Phsilhip, Picicering Broolc (1931).<br />

\Vlmitem,msmii, Lewis, ' ' R,simmswortlm, ' ' Middle Swmui (1936).<br />

Wicks, Charles Riekword, North Bond, Bassendean<br />

(1919).<br />

Yeates, Alfred, Chselsfield, Millenclon (1933).<br />

Yelvecton, Wilhians Charles Barry, 14 Guildfond Road,<br />

h3ayswatei' (1908).<br />

York, James Murray, Watheroo (1910).

JuLY 1, 1938.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. 1031<br />

COBMISSION OF 'I'll C PEACE-continued.<br />


Taylor, Edmund Yoitlden, Yandanooka (1926).<br />

TO<br />

TiIlev, George Henry, Morr.wa (192-7).<br />

Turner, William James, Arrino (1935).<br />

Atkinson, Thomas, 299 Marine Terra cc, (iernldtou<br />

(1922).<br />

\Vallcer, Lcedham, Bowgada (1925).<br />

Warren, David, Mullewa (1910).<br />

Bell, Francis Athol, Mullewa (1933).<br />

Watson, Samuel John, ' 'Enanty,' ' Mingenew (1918).<br />

Bingham, Fred, Coorow (1925).<br />

Botlie, Baxter Deidrich, Inglewood, CoorOv<br />

Wilson, Edward Findlater, Dudawa, Arrino (1933).<br />

1932)<br />

Bowman, John, (2arnamah (1922).<br />

Brenkley, Walter, Tenindewa (l92S).<br />


Bridge, Percy Thomas, Mingenew (1930).<br />

Ii wad, 1)oua Id Ed wa rI, Slellenby Station, IVura rge<br />

(1935).<br />

Brown, John Anderson 1-hOtli, Yandanoola (1931)<br />

Burges, Irwin Carleton, Irwin (1918).<br />

Carson, Richard, 80 Sanford Street, Geraldton (1934).<br />

Carstairs, John, Pcrenjori (1932).<br />

Chapnian, Lionel John, Gcraldton (1931).<br />

Clariwon, Robert \Vilberfnrce, Dongarra (1922<br />

Day, James, East Buntine (1929).<br />

Dinnie, Alexander Black, Buntine (1.930).<br />

Doig, Alfred David, Mnllewa (1924 1933).<br />

Dowden, Charles William, Bonniclicid, Dodgari'a (191 1<br />

I )reghorn, James (Senior), Morawa (1912).<br />

)rew, Cornelius .1 osepli, Eradn (1923).<br />

England, Ilaliday William, Perenori (191 i)<br />

lava, William .James, I 'intliaruka (1910)<br />

Field, Ernest Alfred, Port Denison, Dongarra (1926).<br />

Foster, Henry, Geraldton (1934).<br />

Franklin, Evander William, Three Springs (1937).<br />

t"ullerton, Richard ChIdes, Perenjori (11)27<br />

Grant, David Edgar, Moonyoonooka (1934).<br />

(iranville, Francis A rtlior, Morawa (1913).<br />

harris, William Quick, Iliailwrry i'arn Ge, Three Springs<br />

(1938).<br />

I lehiton, .lames Kinnear, Tl'i'ee' Springs (1911)<br />

llepworth, 1-lenry Andrew, Ilothsay and Bowgada (1923).<br />

Hidden, Stanley Leopold, Mingenew (1932).<br />

[bObs, Dr. Jack Rawlinsou, 10 nllewa (192-i<br />

lb 10cr, Walter, 0 utha (11)2-!<br />

1-1 unt, Edward, ''Fairfield,' TO lee Spriups (11)90).<br />

Jones, William, Walkawnv (191.1).<br />

Jordan, William George, Three Springs (1938).<br />

Neiman, Frederick Augustus, Dalgely & Co., Geraldton<br />

(1934).<br />

Keown, Thomas, Morawa (1932).<br />

IKernan, Thomas Laiigdon, Wongoondy (11)05).<br />

Lanagan, Gwydir, Tyrcanna, Canna (1931).<br />

Lester. George, Geraldton (1922).<br />

Maley, Claude Edwin, Arrino (1936).<br />

Maurice, Stephen Jolm, Bowgada (1935).<br />

McGilp, Angus Archibald Nicol, Coorow (1932).<br />

ilcadoivero It, Arnold, U eraldton (1912).<br />

Meadoweroft, Charles David, Mnllewa (1936).<br />

itlills, .1 oshua, \Vaggra i no, via 0-cia hi ton (1 906)<br />

Mitchell, Ernest Lund, Carnamah (1934).<br />

Mulligan, Wilfred George, Carnamah (11)32).<br />

Myers, Frederick, Wubjn (1924).<br />

Nelson, Arthur, Buntine and Darlington (1922).<br />

Neville, Percy Carlyle, Carlyle Park, Yandanooka<br />

(1931).<br />

Northey, John Pierce, Morawa (1927).<br />

O 'Halloran, John Sylvester, Corabella, Mingenew<br />

(1930).<br />

Orr, Thomas Esperance Bransomn (Clem), Jose Street,<br />

Mullewa (1933).<br />

Page, John Henry, Mullewa (1933).<br />

Pass, Henry, Mullewa (1908).<br />

Pethick, William John, Winchester (1937).<br />

Randell, Ernest Arthur, Gunyidi (1927).<br />

Reynolds, Norman Wilfred, Carnamah (1933).<br />

Richards, Oliver James, Pindar (1929).<br />

Robinson, David Paul, Gutha (1937).<br />

Wier, George Chapman, Burekup (1926).<br />

- -<br />

Rock, Arthur Paskin, Geraldton (1930).<br />

'' Frank Evans, Dardanup (1908).<br />

Rudduck, Samuel Burton, Coorow (1913).<br />

Per's-hoer, John James Peter Zachary, Stepimen Street,<br />

Sargent, William Alexander Thonnas, Carnannab (1935). Bunbury (1938).<br />

Sewell, Walter Vernon, Sandsprings, vi a Geraldton<br />

Wilsomi, Herbert, Waterloo (1928).<br />

(1909).<br />

Withers. Frederick James, Bunbury (1927).<br />

Simpson, Charles Herbert, Pindar (1930).<br />

Wood. Clement Harrington Glover, Bunbury (1927).<br />

Smart, Andrew, Carnamah and 59 Stirling Highway,<br />

Nedlands (1930).<br />

Smith, Charles, East Yuna (1912).<br />


Smith, James Neilson, Three Springs and 6 Airlic TO<br />

Street, Cottesloe (1934).<br />

Bueknall, William Prendiville. Fossil Downs Station.<br />

Summers, Frank, Latham (1931).<br />

Fitzroy Crossing (1931).<br />

Syme, David Christie, Buntine (1932).<br />

Cunninghamc, James Kerr, Derby (1910).<br />

7 C,<br />

Xljijot, Di'. Arthur (1 owl on, S Spencer Street, Bunbury<br />

(1926).<br />

Adams, Harry Outbbcrt, Leyland, Bunbury (1933).<br />

Asple,v, Winter Lidstotir', Capcl (1918).<br />

harile, Alfred James, Iloffman Mill (1928).<br />

lieclier, Francis Joseph, Harvey (1911).<br />

Bell, Peter Albany, Roelands (1907).<br />

liontley, James Levi, Capel (1907).<br />

Boldeci, John Leniuc'l, Biinhiiry (1915).<br />

Brazier, Arthur Amos Murray, Capeldene, Kirup (1936).<br />

Buchanan, Norman, ' ' Ferndale, '' Cookernup (1931).<br />

Bockenarra,. Pet er Cerguson (1916).<br />

Clarke, George Epliraim, Bunbury (1917).<br />

Clifton, Algernen Francis, Brunswick (1901).<br />

Clifton, Francis Maitland, Australind (1916)<br />

Clifton, Reginald, Wokalup (1922).<br />

Cook, Edward, Cookernnp (1913).<br />

Collins, Dr. William Kendall, Donnybrook (1929).<br />

Cusack, Charles Bernard, 89 Spencer Street, Bunbury<br />

(1927).<br />

Davis, Eric George, Harvey (1926).<br />

I )empster, William Edward, Argyle (1901)),<br />

Donaldson, .1 ames, Bunbury (1924).<br />

Duce, Godfrey Basil, Boyanup (1935).<br />

Dyer, Edward Morris, Capel (1925).<br />

Dyvr, Lionel Herbert, Jolunson Road, Yarloop (1938).<br />

Eckersley, Walter Roland, Harvey (1926).<br />

Egan, James, Donnybrook (1905).<br />

Fee, George Alexander, Dardanup (1908).<br />

Ferguson, Donald Maxwell, Donnybrook (1923).<br />

Flynn, Dr. Ignatius Joseph, Bunbury (1906).<br />

Frost, Alan Charles, ' ' Cherrydale, ' ' Donnybrook (1937).<br />

Fry. Stephen I-Ienr)', Benger (1919)<br />

(lordiner, Ephraim, Ferguson (11905).<br />

llands, John Edward, Wittenoom Street, Bunbury<br />

(1934).<br />

Harris, David John, Argyle (1923).<br />

Honey, Lionel Richard, Bunbury (1924).<br />

Inkpen, Frank Julius, 5 Money Street, !Bnnhury (1937).<br />

Jill ey, Westgarth, Elgin (1926).<br />

Jones, rfh,ornas Bushe, Upper Preston (1908).<br />

IKilpatrick. Walter Alexa cider, Boyamip (1912).<br />

Linehota, William Joseph, Mornington Mills (192])<br />

Ifaitland, Frederick OrheIl, Capel (1905).<br />

IicCoi'niack, Frederick Albert, Brunswick .Junetion<br />

(1936).<br />

:'rcKemuca. William Edward, Bunhury (1928).<br />

More, I-larry St. Bathe, Queensbnry Street, Bunbury<br />

(1932).<br />

Mosedale, Harold Vincent, Lowden (1933).<br />

Palmer, Richard Samuel, Crooked Brook (1924).<br />

Parke, George Charles, Donnybrook (1938).<br />

Payne, Arnott James, Boyanup (1923).<br />

Prosser, Frederick Charles, Bunbury (1926).<br />

Ramsa-y, William Cunningham, Burekup (1907).<br />

Roberts, Frederick William, Bunbury (1920).<br />

Roberts, Vernon Gale, Capel (1926).<br />

Rose, Edwin, Bunbury (1910).<br />

Rymner, John Bertram, Springvale, Yarloop (1916).<br />

Sagar, Alfred, Brunswick Junction (1936).<br />

Schlam, Leopold Bauman, Yarloop (1935).<br />

S'liarp, Augustus Peabody, Donnybrook (1912).

1032 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. [JULY 1, 1938.<br />

7LMISSI' iN UT TIlE<br />

Ilenwood, \Villiani Wedge, Noonkanbali, Fitzroy Crosslug<br />

(i93].<br />

Lahey, Janics. (10 Go Station, Fitzroy Crossing (1918).<br />

Sle Donald, \Villia.ii Neil SIlK 11011, Foss I Downs Station,<br />

Fl zrov ('rossi'ig (1 93%).<br />

Monger, Rupert, Derby, and 7 MeNeill Street, Peppermint<br />

Grove (1926).<br />

Re ill, Tin void, 31,',, St at ion via B ro onle (1 91,6<br />

Rose, George Caudee, Mt. Anderson Station, Derby<br />

(1935).<br />


To<br />

Anderson, Robert, Fairlawn.'' Wiekepin (1933).<br />

Ashwortli, Jones lUeliard, Narrogin (1913<br />

llarrett-Lc'nnard, John Evelyn, Willian s (I 903)<br />

Barron, John, Narrogin (1912).<br />

Butt, George, SI arradong (1917).<br />

Bean, Lysle Ingram, Vornaning (1931).<br />

Bee, Arthur Edward, Caballing (1921).<br />

Bell, John Douglas, 14-Mile Brook (1913).<br />

Bradford, Dawson, 14-Mile Brook (11117).<br />

Butler, William Martin, IViekepin (1914).<br />

(arne, Ilerhert Vercoe, Williams (19] 0).<br />

Carruthiers, Robert, Lake Grave (19:10).<br />

Clark, Arthur 1 Loward, Kuhn (11123).<br />

(layton, John Edward, Narrogin (1903).<br />

Clogs) on, Edward Jaiuies, Al 11111 River (1925).<br />

Collins.,n, -lolui, Lake (Ii ace (11)32) -<br />

Crouch, henry Thomas, Francis SB iet, Popanyinning<br />

(1930).<br />

('Urllo\v, liii,, es, liiilladi,ii l312.<br />

Dare, John Aruuold, ''"doodlands,' ' llarrismith (1932).<br />

Davis, Frank Ernest Major, tubalhing (1905).<br />

h)earloi e, hiieliard Charles, \',alyurin (1932).<br />

Deivar, Alexander Sinrra \V,) son, Lake Grace (1925).<br />

I,iuili, \Viiliam, East ,Tilakiu (1126).<br />

Doaal dson, Al au Neil ', tV a. ' 'i:11(I,,lliu, g (1 928) -<br />

Liouny, Vicl or, Narrogin (1913, -<br />

Parr, Edward, Dudinin (1913).<br />

Good, Henry Murray, Darku, (1932).<br />

hall, Edgar Sydiuey, Aarrogii (1912).<br />

Hammond, Sidney Frederic, Wiekepin (1932).<br />

hart, Eli, ('uhalling (1904).<br />

hleunley, George hoary, \alley View, \Vlckepin (11)37)<br />

Iligham, harry Norman, Cnlbin (1923).<br />

llolmes, Alfred, Macdale,'' Duranilhin (193-1).<br />

Honey, Dudley David Goodman, 11 igil Si reet, Kulni<br />

(1930).<br />

lloneynian, William Macisle, 'i'ealeri ug (1933).<br />

Husk,'........... '' domes, Wicki dii iP:l7) -<br />

Jai,e, JOn Joseph, Narrogin (1918).<br />

.IeI(rev, Harold Edgar, rç ioldoo (11)21) -<br />

di uikiuis, Edwin, llighbury (19:1(1<br />

Johns, William Langmnn. Narrogin (1111(7) -<br />

- I il' ns(on, 11 ubei t Coekb ii vu, - Iduhin (11)27<br />

.',nes, bun [sane, Kuli,, (i9]0).<br />

,iOV, Linilsay Kendall, loihe Grace (1101% -<br />

Kelly, Artln,r, Lake 1 ealering (1925).<br />

Kinloch, David Guy, Newdegate (193.7).<br />

Kirby, Reginald John, J arning (1922 ) -<br />

Locater, George Geoffrey, Narrogin (11)101.<br />

Lovender, Thomas, )Jarbng (1.913).<br />

I,iuutott, ('navIes 11au,iel, \Vi,nidi'di u, Daclinu (191)6).<br />

Littleton, Charles Bath, Quiadanaing (1927).<br />

lord, Ida, vU lhd,n'o.N"vile3:ite (11)27<br />

Slather, ,Jauu"s llerl'eri, Luke (lrar-e (1933).<br />

SleCorniick, Au-thnu' Si. I'atrek ('iced, Yarnc gill (11)21).<br />

\lc1nne, Richard. Gaarnim.g (1919)<br />

Morgan, Frank Sidney, Quiusdanning (1910).<br />

Mowdar, Sh,se 1[:,li"rt, 25 h[.o,,er S11,e<br />

(1930 -<br />

O'Connell, Velverton Williana, ilwarda (1922).<br />

Parker, ('hau'les Wesley, Kuhn (1935).<br />

Pearce, William Nilsa in, Lain (,raee (1936) -<br />

Pickstoae, Williaua Emerson, Lake Grace (1932).<br />

Plant, Alfrcd Edwin, Nounan 'a Lake, East Narrogin<br />

(1911).<br />

Price, Michael Andrew, Yi11ininuuing (1913).<br />

Richards, Arthur ITai'oid, Tarlvonga, via Williams<br />

(1934).<br />

''I'd':' 0' 1<br />

Robinson. \Vi'himiin, 1; ' '<br />

Sl,addick, .1 ohn Norris, 1'?', 1',;'', n '':,in', (1918).<br />

Stewai'), iO":'gi', dia,vloo',h, 1,11:,: (IV'? -<br />

Tumber, William Albert, Kul 1,<br />

\Vake, Frauu,'is, I 'opany ill lung /<br />

\Vatsouu, Andu'ew J olinstone, '''1'iu' ( '12'<br />

W,atts, Ernest Herbert, Wan Wing (1 ')<br />

PEACE--continued.<br />

Watts, Francis henry, West I opanyiumiuug (1907).<br />

Waits, George Edlvau'd, \\'est Poiau,yiuuning (1907).<br />

\Vlntf'ord, Lewis Edmund, Harrismith (1932).<br />

\Viese, W'illin un Frederick, Nnrrogiuu (1904).<br />

Wright, Benjamin, Kuhn (1918).<br />


TO<br />

11 auto u',i, Tli 0111 as B ceves, B:t rue hg St:it ii i', \\' ii ra rga<br />

(1936).<br />

Clark, John I'ringle, Puhlagaroo Station, Payne's Find<br />

(1928).<br />

h"rei,ilii,, liegiu,ald \Villiani, Murgoo, via Vnlgoo (1914).<br />

(111am, Arthur henry, Gabyon Station, Wurarga (1933).<br />

Lei.'n'oy, _\uithiony Lauglois Bruce, Boolardy Station,<br />

Valgoo (1.904).<br />

Lefroy, Fra],clS Charles Bruce, Boolardy Station, 'Tab<br />

gee (1931).<br />

llaephersouu, George Trenmore Ossian, Woogalong<br />

Station, Yalgoo (1924).<br />

Maxwell, Patrick Ricl,ard, Moka Station, Yalgoo (1936).<br />

SI iteh,ehl, Cl,au'les Jtdu'a i'd Ilenr-, Baricouig Station,<br />

(iudle,-:t (l924) -<br />

Slorrissey, lVilhiaiu llcnu'y, Noongahl Station, via Yalgoo<br />

(1931).<br />

O'Connor, J din Joseph, Yalgoo (1915).<br />

Ii i,uddi, Peter, Valgoo (1924).<br />

Taylor, Douglas Charles Foulkes, Yuin Station, via<br />

Yalgoo (1924).<br />


TO<br />

Birch, Charles, Southern Cross (1920).<br />

hhlenneu'hassett, Thomas \Villiaun, Marvel Loch (11)37).<br />

('ad,k-, Raginald, A,itares Street, Southern Cu'oss (19117).<br />

Cavauagls, Melville John, ''Oarinya," Warralakin<br />

(1935).<br />

'ayzer, Charles Wihlian,, Edna Slay Amalgaunated Gold<br />

Mines, \Vestonin (1937).<br />

Elsbury, J olin, Bullfinch (1920).<br />

EanI, All,eu't Es',iest, Mount l'ahmer asid Kalgoorhie<br />

(1935).<br />

1 ,w'ell, J ohm Davh"s, Nevoria (1925).<br />

Kelly, Lionel Francis, Bullfinch (1931).<br />

Lockton, .1 c,hiu,, Roddahin (1938).<br />

Siauiu,, I°rederiek Jaunes, Bullfinch (1910).<br />

SIm'rsion, George \ rebel', Sloorine Rock (11)117).<br />

Sic Lareus, h)n,,,'an. Marvel Loch (1917).<br />

S[e ale', Walter, .\ Cares Street, SouR eu'uu Cross (1937).<br />

S:n'i ', (1 'rg' Ruald Douglas, _'suutncres Street,<br />

.u,itl,''m a ('Ia's (1936).<br />

5i,, i'ai,aa, Du'. [mi trick William, Souuthesn Cross (1934).<br />

Ta,vloi', Chri rles Siortiuner, 'Walgoolnui (192.1.).<br />

\Vest, Sylvesler Robert, Noongaar (1924).<br />

\Vo 'd. .1 nil,',,' liolutgouuiery, North Walgoolass (1925).<br />


TO<br />

Adams, James, Corrigin (1.016).<br />

Baikie, 1,-li' Si'au'u'av, Qi,nh-:idiag (19:16).<br />

liah'ae(t, hi' rId, ('oru'igil, (1932).<br />

Ibmiti unan, 1,11': ,n hUm' yr. "'ut llei'erley (1912).<br />

lleatouu, Kesunetis, Erikin (1913).<br />

Bell, T)r, Sblcolua Sylvester, Bruce Rock (1935).<br />

Illa"ic, Tlo"dl laiuu,'au'. Avon Tes'ymn'e, York (11)11)1) -<br />

l)l','Iyl ,'. l'dmi"sl \\'alin'r, hiah:iiciui (KId).<br />

h1,i)a:'k, Cr,' .Jolnu Pimugelly (1:20),<br />

V -a mc,,, I" ra uiei s I'll ephe astone, Beui deu'in a (1912)<br />

V mud. Td.,'NnaF, ]iillarinov (11)25).<br />

n L b I 'Ky. hr (1)1:17).<br />

no 3.- 0th, 1 urges Siding (1906).<br />

1)' :1, r, Dr. IOnIc Stanley, Beverlev (11)113),<br />

[lithe". Ma) ii' John, iiruee R ick (11)11)),<br />

ii hell, .1 oluui, Piasgelly h 937<br />

Chester, Stanley Charles, Ball:,- Bally, via Beverley<br />

(1930),<br />

Clap, Zi' ':1 Pi,,kham, Bilbarrin (1912).<br />

('lark, Aid) 'a ii""d. Kultiul (1923'.<br />

Clemens, Vie' or I)!':. '' Xoolcawanu'a,'' Qnairadiuig<br />

(1937).<br />

Craig, Robert Lan'u'ie. lkockeuid, Wa-f Broolc(oui (1931)<br />

Crawford, .1 nda'ew John, Siuuita dgi-o (11)16<br />

Craw fea d, B oK rt Ti udsav Sa munch, Bro,, Ii,,,, I '1)8<br />

Crawford, William Milroy, Brookton (1931).



Dunn, Alexander, Kurrenkutten (1912).<br />

Durston, Maynard I\Iiddleton, Corrigin (1934).<br />

Eliingham, James henry, Aldersyde (1934).<br />

Ettridge, Thomas William, Quairading (11)32).<br />

lc'aiconer, Charles, l'antapin (1922).<br />

F'ilner, George lietilcinna Wright, licreriD (1917)<br />

Fhnn, James John. Bendering (1027).<br />

Fricker, William henry, Karembeen (1919).<br />

Ga alt, IVil I a in, Green liii is (1 937)<br />

Gmeiner, Albert Edgar, Kwolyin (1930).<br />

Grant, Leslie .1 olin, Karigarin East ( i92p<br />

Greay, James Stephen, Grasslands, E. Pingelly (1934).<br />

Green, Charles Gulc,i, (orali]19 blreet, Qiicicliic9<br />

(11)2 7).<br />

Preen, atrick .1 ones, l'iugeiiv ( iSVS)<br />

Grieve, Rupert Frederick, King Rocks (1034).<br />

Gro wcten, ha mb iv S [aynard, Q uai ca dii ig ( lIt (I<br />

}Iackworthy, Cecil Wallace, Queen Street, Pingel ly<br />

(1930).<br />

hail, J ames, Graball (1923).<br />

IIam,non,l, John Cosmic, Kellorlierrin (1895).<br />

Ilairis, Jonathan Bult, York (1912).<br />

thick, thomas, West Dale (19] 2).<br />

llodgson, hubert Percival, Tlcverlcy (1917).<br />

lioekcn, .1 ohmi, Emu hill (192(1).<br />

hughes, Fred, Sluntacigin (1030).<br />

Lnkpeu, Roy, York (1921).<br />

Jaeoby, Henry Gustav, Brookton (1929).<br />

.[o]uisl on, Donald, C,reenliiils (1937).<br />

Johnston, Ernest Clyde, Dangin (1935).<br />

holimistoic, hIccniict, Konhhhiiin (1928).<br />

Johnston, 11 scold, Dasigimi (1915).<br />

.Ton ci, Stephen Thackery, Kondinin (1916).<br />

K i I ghl, .J ohms A 1 bert, Gorge 110 ck, C err igin (19:1(1<br />

Kelp, liii, Give,,, Ardati, (1027).<br />

Lethlean, John, Bruce Roche (1930).<br />

holioar, lames Pollock, DuUieilimmg (1925).<br />

S[aedonahl, James Johnston, Kond,nin (111 I<br />

Shackle, 1dm lhobi,,s, Shackle's Crossing (19911).<br />

Mann. Robert, Babal, in (1915).<br />

Macwick, Thonias William, Belinuning, via Greenhills<br />

(1932).<br />

Marwick, Wa,ie,, Yorle (11)06).<br />

McDonald, Francis, JfaH Bccerl cv (1398).<br />

Thi Iii PEACE--co,cE,,i,<br />

McGiuu, Dr. Keith Ecllsvsrd,<br />

.imIcliilics, liiceic cc, nar ni<br />

IlcecKay. .Joo, :1 ', Nc a<br />

51elcesce, ..\l..:c,cc Ic)<br />

lie a a 9'' ti icc<br />

fit,.::. cc'. ::. .c<br />

fiber<br />

Xiii<br />

ls c,Oi<br />

eUro,<br />

St. Jack,<br />

Stone, .J em<br />

Strickland.<br />

Taneocle,<br />

1'I,oin:<br />

Thons:mn,<br />

'tv cc<br />

C 5c<br />

'I iii<br />

'Ic, inc<br />

hllvott, I<br />

\Vamcsl)ro:'<br />

\Vard, Dr.<br />

\\T .............-i<br />

\Villcins, 11<br />

\Villir''s.<br />

\Viisomi,<br />

\Voocjroce<br />

'Vrnclm, I e Id<br />

Triland, 1T'rI,crj<br />

GREETiNG:<br />

First rlssignment.--Know Ye, that \Vc have assigned ,)ou, cud cccli dciii<br />

tices to keep Our Peace j,u Our Stale of Wes(rr,u Australia in the Magisterial ruts<br />

either alone or with any one or more of Our .lnstices that licrenftcr shah he point<br />

and to keep and cause to be kept all laws, for time preservation of the Peace, mc<br />

government of Our people in the said Districts according to the foru,i sri<br />

all persons offending against thc,n, or any of them, in tile said Dist:i....a, a'<br />

to cause to come before you all persons within the said Districts iVi:i<br />

security for keeping the peace or for their good behaviour tow' ds<br />

to finch such security, time,, to cause them to be cafely kept uul'l I<br />

,Second elssignmcimt.-We have also assigned you, cc usd cc,. li<br />

one or nsorc of such Justices to be appoisted as aforcsaid, to ic<br />

crimes, muisde,uuecuiuours, mmci offm Iii 5, cone'rning cvhiichu Our Jus' 1<br />

quire by uvho,nsoever and ii, what mimicS soccer ,iüne, l'eilc<br />

upon all complaints before von to issue such process agmihi.sL tic<br />

render themselves as may by law be issued.<br />

Third Assigmumcum t.-We have also assigned you, and earl, ir 1<br />

one or more of such Justices to b aimpeintedi as aforcsc,id, to h&vc,<br />

powers, authorities, and do) ies which under or by virtue ot' a civ ia', ol<br />

long or appertain to the olhtce of Jiuslice of the Peace in or ('s Lcr Sc,<br />

And therefore lYe coni,ucumud von a,md each cad erc-rv 01<br />

i keep and cause to cc kept time peace and all laws of Our cccl:<br />

days and places d ciii' ap coimmted C r thece purposes, you<br />

,nine all cunl singular tic,' uuuatters aforesaid, and perfc'e<br />

is just according to the laos of Our Pecclm and of Our -'cc<br />

officers of Our said <strong>State</strong> to aid vcu by all lawful<br />

premises.<br />

a 1 Ice<br />

In testimony whereof, lYe have coined these Our Letters P bc male<br />

Our said <strong>State</strong> to be hereunto affixed.<br />

2, iv ',.cd cbc I. rest "e'cl o<br />

b\Titiuess our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir James Mitchell, Knight Cosm inas<br />

Order 0f St. Michael and St. George, Our Lieutenant-Governor iii acid<br />

Australia and its Pepsi demccies, a) Perth, this tlu tieli, ci P -lii<br />

One thoucusd umine boa dccl and liii rl y-eiglut.<br />

05cr Our <strong>State</strong><br />

(Note--Ti,e figures after each name denote time year of original ajcicutnticicnt.l<br />

j,<br />

J<br />

P on, to be Our .1 us-<br />

Icereinbofoce iadicaed,<br />

in the said Plot iats,<br />

quiet rule amid good<br />

amid t punish<br />

is :rcmvcmced, and

11034 GOVEENMENT GAZETTE, WA. [Jim 1, 1938.<br />


The following Lists have been prepared from particulars supplied by the other <strong>State</strong>s and are published<br />

for tile iuforivation of the public.<br />


A USTTiALIA.<br />

Coombe, Sir Thomas, Parhmnont Place, Perth.<br />

Doyle, Ileur dii inn, °7 kmustli St reef, II igligate Hilt.<br />

Fitchardinge, Berkeley Ross, Bank of New South Walei,,<br />

Perth.<br />

Graham, "mVslter, Wannamal.<br />

ha uley, Edward, 8 Barnfield Street, Claremont.<br />

S once, A Ia lb iv. JR A of 'G ir S nut ii Wet ee, I 'cc tlm.<br />

Ni ni pton, It bert i-ca mud (h a etc p Queen si iii 9 In en<br />

anee Co., Ltd., 29 Barrack Street, Perth,<br />

Launder, Frederick A ubrev, 19 PaPemil ecu SIr et,<br />

i\llonnt Lao-Icy.<br />

Li i'" Ii, George. -192 Railway Road, Slmenton Park,<br />

Plloe. Theodore, 78 King 's Park Road, Perth.<br />

cc ,iil Pt. II ri c'' I Williani. 41 Roronia Avenue, Nedlasts,<br />

ceil 'reducers' llarkets, Perth.<br />

Steel, Frederick William, 72 Farnley Street, Mount<br />

hawley.<br />

\'m'akh, \'elleeIe Robert George, Gaoseherry 11111 Road,<br />

I iOOSh( rrv Hill.<br />

Wi'eford, Stanley Mathew', National Bank of Australasi'm,<br />

Ltd., Perth.<br />


Connell, Robert, 25 hard,' Street, South Perth.<br />

Curlewis, Charles Herbert, Victoria Insurance ('nu'p ani',<br />

Ltd., St. George's Terrace, Perth.<br />

Day, Arthur Gerald, harvey.<br />

Doyle, henry James, Si' Smith Street, Thighgate 11111.<br />


Beare, William George Douglas, Woodwa rd Si eel.<br />

Coolgardie.<br />

Bristow, Edgar Stowen, Bruce Rock.<br />

Cantor, Abraham Jacob. dl <strong>Law</strong>le'm' Cres".eat, Mount<br />

<strong>Law</strong>ley.<br />

Casper, Henry. 1.01 St. George's Terrace, Perth, and<br />

17 Clifton Crescent, A[ouut <strong>Law</strong>lee-.<br />

Dalton, Wi fliaum. 24 SVellhmgt ui, Street, Buimbnry.<br />

Day, I brace Eugene, 118 Forrest Street, Soui Im 1' el<br />

Eales, Joseph herbert, 49 William Street, Perth.<br />

Ferguson, Thomas Miller, Parkeston.<br />

Folland, Walter, Katanning.<br />

Foristal, Isaac, Bank of New Soul h Wales Chambers,<br />

Perth, and 17 Princess Road, Nedlauds,<br />

Franklin, James Thomas, 155 Adelaide Terrace, Peril.<br />

Guppy, William Francis, Perth Road, South Guildford.<br />

hack, Bedford Percy, ('ongelin, via Nariogimi.<br />

harper, Charles, 42 St. George's Teiraee, Pert ii.<br />

l-Iawke, Albert hiedvers George, Department eL Employ<br />

ment, Perth, and Northamn.<br />

Ihenderson, .Jaumes Porter, York Road, liluu'haring<br />

Jasson, Edward August, 113 Eighth Avi Ice, Slaylands.<br />

Keley, George, Warren Road, Hat Cluing.<br />

Launder, Frederick Aubrey, 16 i'aekemmhiammm St reet,<br />

Mouat <strong>Law</strong>ley.<br />

Bei.tomm, Philip, I i'faelmohm Stew 'I, Shunt lal\i'lCi".<br />

l,cmuuder, Frederick .luhmrey, 16 l'cmeheuhmai,' i-i -el.<br />

Mount <strong>Law</strong>lex.<br />

Casper, Henry, 11th St. George's Terrace, Perth, and<br />

17 Clifton Preeent, Mount <strong>Law</strong>ley.<br />

Laummd 'r, Frederick A mbrey, 16 Paekcnlmcsus Street,<br />

Sbomust <strong>Law</strong>ley.<br />

L: 'uider, Frederick A ulu'ey, 16 Packenhmam Stm'cet,<br />

Sfoi it La,ivley.<br />

Siume, Uemmry Charles, Eelleranc-e.<br />

Wreford, Stanley Mathew, National Bank of Austra<br />

In sin, Limited, Perth.<br />


A I'S'!' I7ALIA.<br />

Lihtburime, Robert Douglas, Thomas Street, Nedlands,<br />

i 'u Lands and homes, Ltd., Perth.<br />

'Love, Johmmm Alexander, 28 Broadway Nedlands, and 230<br />

(I. urge 's T( rraee, Pert Ii.<br />

'-'-.lht'red Jeffrey, Orehmard Drive, Kendenup.<br />

Sydney \\'ilhiaum Iicmmiiton, 20 Parry Street,<br />

omit.<br />

Tidmvard .Tcmumes, I)emnpster St meet, Espercmnce.<br />

nice ii .1cm iii cc I 'mJ mimer, 1(17 Barkem' Road,<br />

Frederick ,'crtlumr, WA. Turf Club Build-<br />

1 lion ant Street, Pe,'tlm.<br />

Omen, \Villiammm Lanmhid eu .Armadale.<br />

Pc mmmmicotI, Alfred LimmcoI,m S.. d7 ALem'dare Road, Shmenton<br />

Pa i-k.<br />

Pethmtetc, William S olmn, Whiichmester.<br />

Pubimmsomm, Williammm, Kwivamma Estate, via Roekiagham.<br />

S'muvhciim,-. I ansi,, Rh tern Flats, Still Street, Pci-tim.<br />

Slum. tic Clm:mm'les, Esperaimcc.<br />

S,ait Ii, ''1:.; e IVeilson, '(lire-c Springs, and 6 Airhie<br />

5 : ('e- kind.<br />

South ci H Gay. 106 Barrack Street., Perth,<br />

Starr, I' 'i' C\'illhmmu, Beacon.<br />

Tlmoampsou, Claude, 2k La cvOy Street, Subiac'o.<br />

't'rinmble, Wilhianm .1 o]mn, 511.. helena.<br />

Tuckey, I tohart. STand uruim.<br />

Tynmms, lies-bert tieorge, 1324 hay Street, Perthm.<br />


-. Pci clicmiuent House, Perth, and Ida<br />


[Bound copies of this Commission may be obtained at Premier's Department, Crown <strong>Law</strong> Department, aiU<br />

Government Printing Office at is. per copy.<br />

lice.<br />

'-iii is, lbeumi'y ('ic' l'he, I'ls'ier:lumre.<br />

Slatcem'. 'I'hmuummae them lb Ilwcmy, Xedlanc'hs, and Corn'<br />

m'ioa'mvec'lthm liciuk,

JULY 1, 1938.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. 1035<br />


Premier's Department<br />

Perth, 29th .1 nile<br />

iT is hereby no' ti for public<br />

I'att erson Myers. l's nice. Miii-nr of 1i,e 7' uni ioalit of<br />

Narrogsu, has 1 u appointed, under s ' ion<br />

9 of the<br />

:rustiees Act, 1 t)iD-:16, ai .Tusihce 0± Use Peace for the<br />

\Villiams Magisterial 1)irtrict, during the term o his<br />

ofiice as hfavor of the Municipa1it.<br />

I 'U is hereby notified tw' in Uho<br />

Exrelleuic y the Lieu ten ant-U over,<br />

Premier's Depart lie It,<br />

Perth, 1 it .1 lIne,<br />

pie u-ed to reappO hit, In Ider 1 of<br />

tUe P<br />

Service Art, 1 904, George iVhfih i'll') Jell)). l's<br />

1) 1)0 Public Service Colnunissil 1: t'r ni th<br />

3)' u.uc, 1 938.<br />

L. it. SJJAPC(JTT,<br />

17 ndes' Secretary I 'rem i e r 's I )e ci r I 1)01)1<br />


XOT[CE is hereby given that the following H s Oiderhave<br />

lapsed as from date specified :-Bo,yd, .8 agus Colyin,<br />

Koo]astooka ; BoNe, Ernest Frank, MooD n' Rock<br />

Densser, George, Mullewa ; Lhud, Fraur:s lb's i , N ew-<br />

(legate; 29th June, 1 938.<br />

29th June, 1938.<br />

W. A. WHITE,<br />

Director.<br />

FARMERS' DEB'i'S ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1930-193-1.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that the following Stay Orders<br />

have been isucd in accordance w'iti, section 7, subsechon<br />

(1), of the Farmers' Debti Adjustment Act, 1930-<br />

1934, which reads as follows<br />

A Stay Order shall direct that no action, execution,<br />

distress for rent, proceedings on default for<br />

braci, of covenant under any mortgage or other<br />

security for money, or under an agreen)cnt for sab<br />

and ptu'chiase of lands, or other process or proccol<br />

big, shall be commenced or proceeded with or put in<br />

force against the farmer or an,s of' tile farmer's<br />

assets, lvhether uLd ised in connection with or fur,',lug<br />

poi'Iion of (lie assels colnprisel in his farming<br />

business or not, during tile operation of inch Stay<br />

Order: Provided that, by leave of a Juilge, any<br />

action ma)', notwithstanding tile Stay Order, hr<br />

instituted and/or carried on against (he farmer,<br />

but not beyond judgment.<br />

Granted under section 11 (Writing down or suspension<br />

of Debts).<br />

Farmer (Surname and Christian Names), Address.<br />

and Date of Order.<br />

Clarke, Robert Arthur, Beacon, 22nD Jnsse, 1938,<br />

Martiss, Kensieth 3 ohn and Phil i1i ,Dod row, i)ale dlian,<br />

22nd June, 1938.<br />

Mann, henry Willoughby, Psungarin Inid (3 Ai bert<br />

street, East Perth, 22nd .Jsuie, 1938,<br />

Muaekton, Ernest James, I-IanserUe , 22nd Jane, 1933.<br />

Thomas, Alice Mary, Korbel, 24th .Tnue, 1938.<br />

Slrugncll, William Laurence. 7)[nkid,udia, 24th June,<br />

1938.<br />

Neal, Sydney Harold, Bodd,ihin, 24th JulIe, 193S.<br />

Calderu-ood, Clyde Donald, Ibdierin, 24th June, 1938.<br />

Whittaker, Alfred how, Kullklm]i. 2 ill. .10111', I 938.<br />

Ralph, Leonard Coruselius, Din lii, 17 Ii .lrn c, 1038.<br />

Cahill, Joseph Michael, Nangc-enan, 27i1i June, 1938.<br />

1-lardnian, William Richard, Kellerbei'rin, 28th Julie,<br />

1938.<br />

7)tcCni r, .Jaines Frost (.Adniinistri for i'isthste 111. A.<br />

)e) 1)11(1 1 'atrick J 0mph, ltetferberrin, 28th<br />

11138.<br />

.811 'Ii ms against these farsssers to he forwarded to<br />

the Director, rienipie Court, Willinm street, Perth.<br />

2011u .Jnne, 1938.<br />

W. A. \\T1J1'fJf,<br />

ilircetor.<br />

1nARIJL'TiS' P121415 A 1Lli'ii'l'il liNT ACT, 1930-1934.<br />

N OTIC Ii is hei'el p- g i ' a tilat tile a(l,J list))) lIlt (1± debts<br />

usider section it of the .7)-f 11± the following farmers<br />

ii' 5 1)00)1 finahi-,,f nail tho 5t:y Uilea'n l'.ai e )ow h)psed<br />

is t'ru-' '1 ate spec ti e( I - - 13(13, I-'r:i n-is I 1 u-np-, N civde-<br />

1 vii. Jnas ('011)11. l\::),'hi)eolla' Phisters, Ar-<br />

(Dir i: :11.., IV: Un ; Dalton. \\itli:in (., Doodlai

1030 MENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JULY 1, 1938.<br />

Acne<br />

i)o.<br />

ii.ducatioii<br />

IVOTII<br />

U,. , 81! !1 1!<br />

Position.<br />


go, \Vorkers' Homes<br />

(itool iSO)<br />

!un-i. Agricultural College<br />

Aj:ietown (Item 1380)<br />

oloner (Item 1020)<br />

.oia)t I Acm 1145)<br />

a a. Coolgardie (Item 570)<br />

ii .jtt ', Skeleatharra (item 573)<br />

1V)0C1 (eio l50) ...<br />

Clerical Agreement.<br />

Applications are also called under section 29.<br />

An allowance of 1150 per annum is payable to cover travelling and<br />

leO section. 20.<br />

cctin 38 of tile Public Service Act, 1904, and are to be addressed to<br />

001 rioalll be made on the prescribed form, obtaiiatie from tile otlices of<br />

il 00 n cpilrtmeuts.<br />

GEO. W. SIMPSON,<br />

Pubhc Service Commissioner.<br />

0)1(0 and<br />

110<br />

eLIl500;<br />

All' Thouipq,<br />

of<br />

ilsq, of<br />

IL P. C1iDON,<br />

for <strong>Law</strong>.<br />

010(1 1111101<br />

11011 23 of<br />

00 neat or<br />

90.;<br />

lOs. 00.;<br />

1172 l0, 20.;<br />

2757/39;<br />

£29 lOs.<br />

in. 111005; £0 7s.<br />

Old<br />

Classification.<br />

I loran.. limb! I.; 3117/1242; Mt. Palmer 4$; abanlIlt.<br />

Palnn.n.<br />

II a i Ii.: 22128/68; A VIII! 1355; 44$ I Is. 00.;<br />

ill.<br />

0: 6011/153; Beverley 441, 442, 543,<br />

hdlndoned; 4732/31); Beverley.<br />

as.; 3417/1905; Youauuii 347; £0 12s. 60.;<br />

6; kouanini.<br />

joIns; 68/851; Williams 12817; £29 Ills. 7(1.;<br />

5/27 ; 3S7/80, A-i.<br />

W .A.; 42024/55; Vilgarn 985; 435 Ss. 100.;<br />

26; 36/80.<br />

U') :51 0, Chloe S.; 347/1171; Avon 13958 ;aban-<br />

11457/37; 35/80, C3 & 4.<br />

.1.; 55/2377; Denmark Estate 428; £3 2s.<br />

465/32; 4520/40. D4.<br />

cast; 3911/412 ; NgaIIiotiii llbllildoised<br />

31/39<br />

395/818 ; Ago) Iiaiii ; a baiidoiicd<br />

111(1 50/80.<br />

395/821; Ngalbaiu ; abandoned<br />

39/80 1111(1 50/80.<br />

\Latkbis, C. 31. ;,3577/68; Kojonup 5920; abandoned;<br />

11371/07; 409C/40, D4.<br />


Ii P151411 ill Gazelle of tile 27th May, 1938,<br />

rd, 1). J, Cancelled as ' ' abandoned ' ' to read<br />

0 110 11-05 iiieim) of reest. 1<br />

(I. L. NEEDIIAM,<br />

linden Secretary for Lands.<br />


(115 1111001 allonllloned allotments of laud will be offered<br />

- I Ii I 1<br />

£lSO-42l0<br />

£654 £780<br />

£291 £330<br />

£294 £330<br />

4510-1582<br />

4306-4342<br />

4306-4342<br />

4306-4342<br />

4582-4690<br />

New<br />

Classification. I<br />

ie at P111)110 Auction on tle dates and at the places<br />

el&iiv, under the prO\'isiOlJl of tile Land Act,<br />

and its Regulations-<br />

EU MEDlEY.<br />

so; lull, lOSS, at 3.30 pin., at tile District Lands<br />

100, in,, £12 lOs.<br />

75, 4a.3r. 2lp., £15.<br />

l)atc<br />

Returnable.<br />

1938.<br />

4200-4210 2nd July.<br />

£651 £780t do.<br />

4318-4330 9th July.<br />

4318-4330 110.<br />

£230f270 do.<br />

4510-4630 16th .11110.<br />

4342-4366° do.<br />

4342-4366° Ill).<br />

4342-4366° (10.<br />

£666-4699 (10.<br />

COLLIE.<br />

ISili Jab. 101$, at 11 am., at the 001101 Iloese-<br />

;Cullie-----To\vn 1280, in., £40.<br />

CUE.<br />

ialv, 1938, at 2 pIn., 11t till MilIllIg iiegistnar's<br />

Ullic----<br />

--TolVn 179, 204, 205, ir. each, £19 lOs.<br />

-F 1011 ISa, In. 9.7p., £12 lOs.; 915, ir<br />

.1 lOs.

JULY 1, 1938.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, V.A. 10:17<br />

Iir1.c<br />

13th July, 1938, at 3.15 p.m.. at the District Laarls<br />

Office-<br />

2DenisouTown 139, Jr. iPp., -226.<br />

Xarngnlu---1'74, 6a. 21'. 3p.. 820; 75, 6: . 21'. tp., £20.<br />

Rothsac'Tonit 16, 1". 0.4p.. 212.<br />

RotitsayTown 19. lr. O.4p., 112.<br />

TarduuTowi. 37, 49.lp.. 225: 38. lr.. 82)).<br />


13th .July. 19$. at 2 p.m.. a' tie' Slitlilig lt'gklr:ir<br />

Office-<br />

IbeonoraTown .585, 27.7p., 212 1 0..<br />

LeonoriaTotra 682, lr. O.Sp. 218.<br />

KOUT11ER CI1OSh.<br />

13th July, 193%, it 3 p.111., at the l)istriet L,in'h'. 1)flire<br />

WestouhtTown 12, Jr., £15.<br />

A'ORTIIAS[.<br />

1 Rh July, 193%, at 13.30 alIt., at tha District E,au'is<br />

OfficetBaker<br />

's 11111 '206, 2a. lr. 21p., .210.<br />

QuairadiugTown 168, Jr. 1 Ip., £20.<br />

,PERT1I.<br />

15th July, 1938, at 11 a.ul., :11 the Departmcul ut hauls<br />

and SurveysiCoolup"37,<br />

Sc., £15.<br />

(Greenu'ouut 157, 22a. 2r.<br />

(Sit. ilelena"173, 25a. 0<br />

tPinjarra'l'own 51, Jr. 37p., v''o<br />

(Pin,iarra -"Sub. S7 .Sa. 2". Ii., 212<br />

l7AL000IJLI If.<br />

1011, July ht3 ' m at the hash i'i lam ' t)li're--<br />

IL'nIlev 'ova (\\'ittenootii i rl 14.,)', Jr., '212<br />

H a.: (Uro\ a street) 169), hr., 2)? (Ware<br />

a267, 38p., £12 I ii,<br />

K:ilgoorlie Toon (I icy "I 'eve .11)2), 01.2411 , 215;<br />

(it ay street) 58 II) .O'.).Gi., O0 (I en I sIt (ct)<br />

9811), ii'., 215; .hw.. Ii'. hr. lIp 810;<br />

(Turner street) I d', Ic, Ii): ):u Olson stied)<br />

2581, Ir., 212 1ti.; t.it'a':oc '(reId) 3201,<br />

3Op., 215.<br />

Ifalgoorhie (1[:u'i steL) 300, 3°')8 ii. Ic. (dcii,<br />

£30 ellclL Leasoliold O1l15.<br />

VOl'.. IfS<br />

2011, 'July, 1938, at 11 t.in., il' i'OlirC III<br />

\nuanutiTown 172, lr., 22.,; 19%. 11., 22<br />

230, Jr. cccli, £25 each; 350, Ic., 1112 lOs<br />

J2TAAJ./1N 24.<br />

21st July, 1938, at 11 am., at the Distiict Lands Otiir<br />

)Ayabisig"59, 4a .35'. SOp., £12.<br />

Suburban for euttivatio<br />

tSold subject to the couditions that the lessee shall<br />

not carr on, or cutter i,: peruut to be carried on, on<br />

ihti,, It.) ally trcdc ci' I,uiaes- ili',Isoc,er n'illioi,tt tI:e<br />

consent in writing of the MId eter for Lands being first<br />

obtained: and, further, tOe conditions under o Ili,'h this<br />

lot is made available shall lot snritle the lessee 11011 or<br />

at any tnt tire time to th ' rght to convert cattle ho ice<br />

cimple.<br />

"'I'la pinvlsina Iii i'laiti '12<br />

so Id or 1 '151113 &A 'i'own<br />

shtiill 110) : at 20 c:"<br />

Subject to payuteut br il-i) r ut' i,<br />

bs ot liet' t han the owner 01 smIle.<br />

All iutprovenicuts On the Ian I og'ered for sale are the<br />

proprtv If 12 Crotisi, and shall he paid for as the<br />

III i iii etc r it or direct, whose v:tl nation sit :ihl he 6 tial an 'I<br />

binding on t lie purchaser.<br />

Clans and further particulars of these sales mac hr<br />

obtained at us office. Land sold to a depth ot 200<br />

feet below 1 he' natural surface, except in mining die'<br />

tricts, where it is granted to a depth Of 40 feet or 20<br />

feet only.<br />

(1. 1,. N1'Ih'Ii>il SM,<br />

Under Sccs'olary for Lands.<br />


Italgoorlic La t I Agency.<br />

h-h 7 'n: a) Purposes.<br />

$i'ct ion 317 '' ti e Laud Art, 1933-1937<br />

Det' ItnIeli t of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Cii r. 2609/35. I'ertht, 15th .1 nIle, 1936.<br />

'I' 12)1) Elifi los' the leasing of the land contprLed within<br />

Idaigoorlie Lot 2012 (situated at WihIiaiisi 0011), c011-<br />

(Ii img 1 rood, are iat ted.<br />

The above hot will be i :hbc':h' for leasing nader<br />

section 117 of th'e Land .8'-'. I h--''' 1937, for a tertn 0)<br />

one rear, renew! C at the cv I ': i h 11011. tie Minister<br />

for LaseR id '':'cti1i: Id il ' ' - ii'', t':'' cli''', rent<br />

being apr) a'--. "c ii:', ''1<br />

bring pr' Idle jr - r,''l5-i'''l.i:' ''11,',', cit tIle cxplralOon<br />

of /a' li-is.' or ,' "-''-i''.' 'i'-i',niar'iou tIiereol'.<br />

'1/nd- 's for the ab w ::-",vH,,lll, 6 by one year's<br />

rent (tile' 10 ill hnnni a , 1 I --ii. 'a '-''I at lb c sate 01'<br />

ten shlihhng-s), endorse-I ' tIer for Ivalgoorlic Lot<br />

2012 shown ni l'uhli,' '3 'ia 'oorlie Sheet 1,'' and<br />

addressed l'nder --.- ' I .-:ry fill' Lands,'' illnst be<br />

lodged a the Lasids lJlOvu, lKolgoorhic, on or befoi'c<br />

\Jrfli5(fay 6th July, Jo:.: s.<br />

All tenders lodged oi or before that date will be<br />

treatr vi as having been received on that date.<br />

The hug'hest or any tendci' will not necessarily he<br />

accepted. (Plan Kalgooi'lie Sheet 1.)<br />

(4. L. NEEDIIAS[,<br />

[hider Secretart' for Lands.<br />


LOTS 21, 23, 26, 27, AND 28.<br />

b::i. Latch Agency.<br />

("i oppl ' a aiid Crazing Purposes.<br />

Sri'tion 131 '1 the Land Act, 1933-37.<br />

Depa I'ttilenl of Lands and Surveys,<br />

Corra,. 1152/23. Perth, 23s'd Juno, 1938.<br />

1)12135 for tue leas'ug of tin' land comprised ci ithin<br />

b'ur'I'Iand Estate LoU 21, 25, 26, 27, and 28, Contltiiniig<br />

1.5 acres 3 roods 25 pvi'clies, ii ic invited.<br />

'l'hte above I trill hi' liv:i il able for leasing' to i' i'i'o<br />

ittal gre i: ii:) purposes nodes' sect Ida 131 of the<br />

- 0 iI:1:: :;;, r 1 terni of Ii, o (2) years, subject<br />

O 1'- liii!, 1:',",' 1' tile existing inlprovcittetlts to the<br />

ion ( 1' .1 e liii nUt cs I'or Lands a ievl to I lie payii:::)<br />

of the itt. vu :nice prctuiutu. i' tile use oIl the house<br />

jsi:" jIlil'cd,<br />

''tithes's for '°'" a ''lye, iircOmp:IilicII by a half year's<br />

(the olin I 'a '1 iiunt oenlg fixed at the sate of<br />

- po iidi-('' 0 p' - ,iu,l uti I) , esivlorsed ' Tender<br />

hd: '''1 I<br />

''i<br />

'- h')' 21, 25, 26, 27, and 28, shocvti<br />

an I il CivIl c"sed '' Under<br />

S "il ary '' 'r L'i'ol - , ' ' must be lodged at the Lands<br />

011ire, tUrtita on or he "ore \Veduc day, 13th ,J iL , 1238.<br />

a I lenders lodgc'l o' or bei'ovc that (tate trill he<br />

,,'ati"l a hinting bei a s' ceivech Otl that date.<br />

I lie highir sI or any tender ci ill not necessarily be<br />

vi pteil. (Plan 27D '40. CO.)<br />


Under Secretary for Lnnd.<br />

'l,\DEjJ$ P013 LEAdING 'YdNDANOOKA LOT 51.<br />

Perth Land Agency.<br />

Ureppiug and Grazing Purposes.<br />

rIvet ion [01 ,(f Civ Lend Act, 1933-1937.<br />

,Dcp,it'ttteat 0f Lands and Surveys,<br />

erre'o -- -, 779 '3%. Perth, 29thi .lnne. 193b.<br />

1,1 'DElI 1 or thn' lrasui of tue land comprised within<br />

idanaoi.:i Estafe Lot 51, ('ontamlag 1,504 as'es, 2<br />

Is 9 1 "1 ehie. ale invited.<br />

Tltc a b,ove lot will ' ' :n;Il:' Ifi' los' leasing, nuder<br />

l,o,i Iii of Ii!: L i A.'', 113:3.1937. for a tcrtu<br />

jug O'l Ci..' :2:2 .:.y 1' i 'mary, 1040, subject to<br />

'h so itig)''v. ii') coil 10 Cs:<br />

I 'h'l'll'lv 1 ers' '-' required to state tltc number of<br />

bushels ia-i' crc tIes' dill lY as resit al oil land<br />

cropped (lilininivint area to be 500 acres).<br />

O ' ii'ild cccl's to state I, II i'el they iittenvl to crop<br />

ii ih how IlivirIl el' the rrop will he On fnllowcd<br />

las:'i,<br />

1,) '1' (( also st:i te crlia' i'enta.l titey arc profor<br />

the glazing' rights on tue profor<br />

tue t'ItbI tertlI of the lease.<br />

em- for the also'. e hut, acrottipauicd by half the<br />

II 011111 of the grazing rent:d and indorscvl ' ' Tender for

10:15 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. [JULY 1, 1938,<br />

Yandanooka Estate Lot 31,'' i1id drirensed Under<br />

Secretary for Lands,'' mut b, io3ge0 at I he Itea<br />

Office, Perth, on or before Wednesday, the 2(flhi JuI7,<br />

1938.<br />

AD tenders lodged on or before tIed da will be<br />

treated as having been received on tlia<br />

The highest or any tender will not nw a-: i ly a'<br />

accepted. (Plan 123/80.)<br />

(3, L. Nl/I/1)IlXl[.<br />

Under Seeret:n-v for lands.<br />


Under Part VI. of the Laud Act, 1933-1937.<br />

IT is hereby notified that the land described hereunder<br />

will be available for general selection under Part VI. of<br />

the Land Act, 193:1-1937, on and after the date specified<br />

:- WEDNESDAY, 6th JUL35, 1938.<br />


Wells Division.<br />

Eastern District (near Lake Carnegie).<br />

Corres. 696/34. (Plan 70 and 01/300.)<br />

That area of unsurveyed land containing about a" 1,34<br />

arres, being 1". Laugford 's forfeited Pa tend Lease No.<br />

395/415.<br />

C. L. NI3ltDlL\M,<br />

P ii,lr'i Si'cretari' liii' tands.<br />


1'I' is nereby notified, for general information, that tin<br />

areas scheduled hereunder are available for selection<br />

under Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1937, and thc<br />

Regulations appertaining thereto, subject to I iii provisions<br />

01 the said Act.<br />

Applications must be lodged at the Land A gen<br />

Office as specified hereunder not later thai, 1h (late<br />

specified, but may be lodged before such dale if so<br />

uesired.<br />

All applications lodged on or before such date will be<br />

treated as having been received on the closi ig day, and<br />

if there are more applicants than one for any bluitk, lIe<br />

application to be granted will be determined by tic<br />

Laud Board. Should any lands remain unselected cnn<br />

will continue available until applied for an olierivis<br />

dealt with.<br />

If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary, hip nipphi<br />

rants for the blocks will be duly floG led af ttie nate,<br />

tune, and place of the meeting of the llutird, nuil there<br />

shall be an interval of at least three iiti v bel u sen the<br />

closing date and the sitting of the llnni cii.<br />

If an applicant wishes to appear before the Land<br />

Board in person lie may apply to tine head Oflice a<br />

to the Clerk in Charge of any of the District or Branch<br />

Land Offices for a certificate to the Railway Depa'<br />

ment which, on presentation at the nearest Railway<br />

Station, will entitle him to a Return Ticket, at Exciir<br />

sion Rates, to the place where the TUned will sit, avail<br />

able for seven days from the deli' of issue.<br />

Tin selector of a Ilomeetea,1 Farm from tiny loeatiamn<br />

must take the balance thereof, if any, under Conditional<br />

Purchase.<br />

All marketable timhsr, including sandalwood and<br />

mallet, is reserved to the Crnuvn, subject to the pro.<br />

visions of Clause 18 of the Regulations.<br />


OW<br />


Yilgarn District.<br />

Corr. ?So. 3990/28. (Plans 53/80, A-f: 34/SO, F 1.5<br />

Location 1074, containing I ,606a. Or. HIp., at 4s. pn 1'<br />

acre: subjeet to payment for improvements eapitalised<br />

at f230 ; also subject to mining and tiniber e editions<br />

being A. L. Eaeott Sn foi'feited Leases 53/1274 and<br />

56/228.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 13th JULY, 1938.<br />


Denmark Estate (about two nailes north of Denmark)<br />

Corr. No. 4496/12. (Plan 4520/40, El.)<br />

Location 390, containing 121 acres, at 7s. P' acre:<br />

classification page 134 of 4496/12: and Location 395.<br />

containing 98a. Ir. 7p. at 9s. per acre classification<br />

page 66 of 2337/13 : subject to Agricultural Bank indebteduess.<br />

TIns camnnn,is the notice i'elatiuu to these<br />

blocks in the Government Gazette 18th Illareh, 1938.<br />

e.11.IJY LAND AGENCY.<br />

l)istch-t (about 14 miles east of Tirden<br />

I' .rc. Tn. G3U/::2. (Plan 34)1/80, ('4.)<br />

Co--clint 1)74, containing 1.6 lltt. Or. iSp.. at Ss. 3d.<br />

ikc1 ion pagn' 2 of 130/28; subject to<br />

7th ' liii mm e tS (liii I to ('rent I itiou I corn road<br />

r:nii for tim lace from date of approval of npplica.<br />

I (U being A. Iitirp 's forfeiie 0 Lease 68/3461.<br />

iJ iTON LAXI) AC ENCY.<br />

Vi ''unit i)Ctriei (foul- unlet north of rfacdtia)<br />

a, cVi7 12. (Plan 155/80, A4.)<br />

Lii -'nni Inti Il. contanniig Sa. 2r. 1 Tp., at 17s. Gd.<br />

-r n-re; ni ailinhe only to I oSlom- of adjoining land.<br />


Vi i ham5 Did dn't (about ore mile east of Dudinin)<br />

r. No. 1100/11. (Plan 186/SO, Di.)<br />

ii i. I nias:;, containing 13.5 acres, at lie, per<br />

-n ce: slai Itt iii page 6 of .1100/11; Location 10555,<br />

r 'n a' ning 111; c-c i's, at 8s. per nrc; classification page<br />

1372 '11 'and Location 12403, containing 320a. Or.<br />

2) p., at 1101' ac ci': elansiderition page -1 of 6490/20;<br />

V,SlI'aun. Lor;itinua 10553 ansI 1)1555 only arc subject to<br />

_\gni-ohnr:il Dank indebted n: cc. mid all blocks are saber)<br />

1-' lie o tOil ioi that 11:1' p ii son nm net be eramli'ated<br />

1', iln-s:ni" t'nn-tinimm of lIlt' 5[imnisti'r tot' Lands before the<br />

1 roam I rail) will issue; being C. 11. hlinehiehiflfe 's fori'eiled<br />

Leases 29389/55, 38732/55, and 14198/68.<br />

lIne District (near Lake I lurlstomie)<br />

No. Ill l/:)S. (Plan 373/80, P2.)<br />

112-1 and 1378, containing I, 133a. lm'.31p.<br />

- os, Inc ti-re; clasUtication page 16 of 3210/28;<br />

-) i Agcmnnmhtnral hank and TAB, indebtedness;<br />

I-', II. hat-i er's i-'nn-rhle:l :iIlil:cat ion.<br />

line District faear 11 olt Rock).<br />

('nrC, 'ge, I 9.56,/:l7. (i'ltmtn :473'SO, l"3.)<br />

Ii iniisnn'veyeil area, coal aining about 2,070 acres,<br />

b. nt: A in' lineS eonnneim.-nitg it a point situate 1 chain<br />

- '11)1 '1 line sonthi-o'n'st corner of Location 1141 and<br />

e'nnnli':._ a nob to the prnlinetioit east of the south<br />

In nnnmiar nit Li 'tnti inn 1130; thence wmt to I lie south-<br />

,n reciter of nOd l,oet''iot 1150; thence north, west,<br />

nT ri rhl tt l,in boundaries if Location 1150 aforesaid<br />

oil I n-a ' inn-n I h -1.5 tn tIne lat ten- Sn it oi'thm-easteru corner<br />

I' ' its) Ill inis 1 chain i'rmnni arm ml parallel to the south -<br />

in b nnnnharn if Lorationn 1142 tin the starting point;<br />

nniije -. in snrv'-v, priming, tnnmd lie' payment of quarter<br />

rn - in) so i 'n-v I'te tvithi tninphir:mtion.<br />

NOI1T[tAilI L.\Y I) .'i()ENC'Y.<br />

An inn Di-ot-irt (ainont eia5,t nnles east of Nuagttm'in).<br />

I 'nnrr. N ). 4501/23, (Pl'mu 35/SO, A2.)<br />

I on n-tnt ion 1 4223, e osita ui mmg 738 acres, at 3s.3d. pet'<br />

mere; eln'sn1ie:itmmnn pagis 6 atmnl 74 of -1301/23; subject<br />

l,i Agrimciltni':nh Bank indebtedness; being Ii. B. John'<br />

ccii's fom-feilenl Lease 17550/68.<br />

n- inn I)) Si ciii (tn bottt foitc ni iIi's east of Na ten, been)<br />

('n,rr. No. 1306/37. (l'ltnii .5/80, C4.)<br />

Loe-a t tots 1 623:1, en tOn liii n:g S It) a eros, nt i4s. pet'<br />

c'i;rlarmniliealiou page 30 of 5530/10. Vol. I ; subject<br />

to cx's iing Agric'nitural Batik, I.A.B., amtd Mliii tier for<br />

L-_nnla - innehtenlness nil 1 to a cropping lease which cxpiles<br />

on 2tii February, 1940. and subject to survey<br />

i met : inn on-er with Avon Location 20119; being IV.<br />

(3. :ln,nl _\ - F, Wahlac.e Sn etnueelleml applie-mitiott.<br />

3m mm Di stt'ir-t (nOn nett five ttn le u eel of Belka)<br />

Ni, 2353/37. (i'lanis 51), 131; 2.5/80, E4.)<br />

iota 111235, 2 177-I, and 201)-SI, eotttniiniug 2,307a,<br />

tnt Ss. per niece tns one Im'nlding ; classification<br />

I nil 3019/23; '-ntl'.ject to A gcieultui-al Bank inmtedne"s<br />

; being N. 11. Giant's -tnticeiled application.<br />

Avoti District (tienc Pope's lull Siding).<br />

- -n'. No. 2271/23. Pltnt' 54/Sit, A2 & 3.)<br />

I oe-ati"tia 22729 tnnnd 24.50-5, containing i3O37a. it'.<br />

S tin,, tnt lOs. plc asr-: classification page 12 of 577/23<br />

p tse 2:) inf 2271 2-S : stib.jeet to Agricultural Bank,<br />

- 5.1, - tn mn-I )I)tmist cc for Ltn tide' itndebtedness, miii to a<br />

- ropnnimmg In: . e nvhtielt expires 26th February, 1940<br />

In-N' IV. 35 Duthiin' 's fom'feiteil Leases 40020/55 and<br />

233 74/74.

193.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. 1030<br />

Avon District (near Cliedariug).<br />

Con. No. 2419/31. (Plan 2A/40. Al. Locations near<br />

Chedari ng.)<br />

Locations 24006 to 2 1015 inclnsive, coccfaiciing 37<br />

Or. 1 4p., at Ss. Gil. per acre: elassifcecitioii page cO of<br />

11482/11, Vol. 1 sulj cit to payment fr improvencenti<br />

cud to timber conditions; being P. llecning 's forfeited<br />

Lease 55/2256.<br />

Ninghan District (about five miles soul Ii o Cleary).<br />

Corr. No. 230/2r.<br />

Locations liD 2<br />

it. 1 4p., at is. P° c<br />

(Plan 66/80 AS.)<br />

1, and 1335, containing 1,7550.<br />

i' classifications pages 50 and 51<br />

of 9152/12 : snbje! in Agrienitural 1-tank, Industries<br />

Assistance Board, cncd Minister for Lccnds ' indebtedness,<br />

nail to the Government retaining fIle right to resume<br />

for railway or other 1cublie purposes cucv land required,<br />

free of eomnpeclscition, except for the actual value of<br />

nov iniprovemnents that flax be resanced, and to a cropping<br />

lease expiring 28th Febrnary, 19Sf) ; being J. F.<br />

Shilcoek's forfeited Leases 20233/OS acid 25010/74.<br />

Ninghan District (about 25/u miles ccor)hi of Kalannie)<br />

Corn No. 1258/2ti. (Plan 65/80, Dl.)<br />

Location 2311, containing I ,856a. it. Sip at -Is. 9d.<br />

per acre; classification page 56 (if 1259/26; snbjec)<br />

to A gric ultn 'ccl I lii uk indebtedne"s : lie iii g A. 1'. 1 Ingget)<br />

's forfeited Lease 20561 /66.<br />

Ninglian District (alcout 10 caPes sontli-east of Bonnie<br />

Rock).<br />

Corn No. 4883/28. (I'lan 67/80, (14.)<br />

Locations 3095 cad 5387, containing 1,003cc. Si'. 2Sp..<br />

at 12s. per acre; classification page 1OA of 6319/27:<br />

subject to Agricultural Bank and TAB. indebtedness;<br />

being A. Wallace's forfeited Leases 55/1366 acid 7-l/-t82.<br />

N inglian Ills) ri ct (near Lake Brown).<br />

Corc. No. 119 1/30. (Plan 88/so, 114.)<br />

Loccitions 3314 cad 3480, containing 2,252a. 2r., at Os.<br />

Gd. per acre; ciccssitication page 1 ci)' 2533/29 ; subject<br />

to Agricultural Bank and TAT]. iccck btedness acid the<br />

conditions applvncg to tIme selection of' them blocks;<br />

being S. B. Stansfield 's forfeited 1.ecnes 68/2397 accd<br />

74/9 65.<br />

Meilcourne I )i'' clef (about six miles cu) Ii west of<br />

Cal iccgiri)<br />

('nrc. No. 197/16. (Pl'scs 32/80.A2.)<br />

Loeaiioic 2316, coctaicciccg 317cc, Sc. lOp., cit 6s. id.<br />

icer acre ; cia ssi dcci) hi ci pci ge 6 of 1 97 /1 6; cliii I Loca tioci<br />

225ti, contaiccing 279a. 2r., at Ss. per cure ; cicissidcatiicci<br />

page 13 of 7508/23; subject to Agricultnrai Bank accd<br />

L.A .1). iadebfeiicccss. Tlcis cacccels 11cc ccotice icc Covcc'ccau-cdt<br />

(tcuc',)P, Slim .InI. 1935, relating to flies ldoelcs.<br />

\Sc foricc District çahcocit five ccdles ccci) of \Vnliin i<br />

('oi'r.Xcc. 869/58. (Plan 89/80, D3.1<br />

Lccccctioccs 8864, 8984, and 8985. eontcciniccg 2.067cc.<br />

2r. ltip., ci) 2s. Gd. per acre : classification ccige 5 of'<br />

1545/29: subject tic exenipti ccc from coccd ccc) is for to a<br />

years from date of acprovcel of appli c'cct lois, Tic is c'cccc -<br />

eels the cccctiee icc Govcc'ccccccn) Gazette lfrci .Itcnc, 1930,<br />

relcu icg to these blocks.<br />


A von 1) istrict (cc bout 11 uciles mc ott li-ic cat ccl' 1) ccci'<br />

Pocd)<br />

('arc. Fcc. 10877 04. (P9cc 2- -,<br />

Locaticcc 7790, eontainicig S.lsi cc-os: sibjei-c ccc<br />

c'lassif'cecctioic ccciii pricing; exenipt ftc ccc road rates foc<br />

two vecc ci froccc date of apiiricx;cl 'if cc cpli'cctioci. and<br />

subject to payiccent foc' icccprovecneict- heiccg B. L.<br />

Clccrlcsccn s foi'feitect braise 27.53/68.<br />

Victoc Ia District (mcbout ticc'ee cc'iles iv et of Gcccca'idi)<br />

Cicrr. No. 3671/30. (Plan 90/SO, ('3 & 4.)<br />

I,oeatiocc 8901, cocct cciccincg 2,636cc. 2c. r1c., cit 3s, 6d.<br />

per acre: elas-ifie'xtion page 9 of 775/28; subject tic<br />

exeinptiocc froccc c oci d i'cstccs for two "ccc rs frouc dote a)<br />

aicprovcil of cippl icatiidn. This cancels lice mcotice relcstiiccg<br />

to this block in Covcc'icenent Gazelle 7th ru, 1933.<br />


Oldiield District (about six cuillcs north east of Kundip)<br />

Corr. No. 1386/25. (i'lcccc 421/86, A & Ill.)<br />

Locations 52 and I pLc cicit:ciniccg 999cc. Sr. I Ip., cit<br />

lOs. Gcl. per dccc: elccssificcciiccci pccge 17 of 8032/12,<br />

Vol. 2; stcb.jeet to Agricultncccl Bccnk amid .1 .A.B. usclebtedness<br />

cccnl to miccing comcditiccns ; being IV. Clarke's<br />

forfeited Leases 41705/55 cnicl 24 89-1/74.<br />

8013111 EIIN (11055 LAN 1) AG I0NCV.<br />

Yligarn District I cuiccicit five nnles miorthi-west of<br />

linllfmnehm)<br />

(Jnrr. No, 6006/23. ( 'Ian 53 'SO, 131.)<br />

Loecction 599, i'idnt:ciciicug 1 .228ci. it. 57p., at 4s. pci'<br />

ccc cc; c1cisi iiccitioii Pd ice if) ui 681 2/22: subject to payil-ic<br />

nf tom' imnproveaieci)s, c'i'..";is.' I value of £230, to<br />

minalc conditioas, cliii 1 icc uIc c em' cond itiomcs ; being A.<br />

LIone's forfeited Lecise 10674/55.<br />


Williaocs District (icecir Todgobin Rock).<br />

Cii i'm', No. 6095/20. (I 'Icc e IS GD/I 0, A].)<br />

l.cccciticca 12385, cc uiiccnlng -164:i. ii'. 91c at Si. 9d.<br />

per acs'us.<br />

THURSDAY, I lAb JULY, 1938.<br />


Breoklands 1-ieicicrciccuscd Estate.<br />

Nelson District (about so ii ccciles sccuthi-wcist f<br />

llniicmgup).<br />

Corr. No. 2097/37. (Plcnm 4l4C/40, D4.)<br />

Open under Part V. of time Land Act, 1933-37, as<br />

'norfifiod by Part VIII.<br />

Location 8135, containing Sia. 2i'. 28p.; pc'ice per<br />

cicrc-116 lOs.; purchase moccey-7530 17s. Oil.; halfyecirl<br />

icmstculmont fist five years, immtei'est only :to racmrned<br />

soldiers, at 45Ac per cent. p.o.---t1 I 18s. ] ld.; to<br />

civilians, at 5 per cent. p.ct.tl 3 Ss. 60.; lmalf-yearly<br />

ins)alniemmt over time balance, 35 yeats, icseludiccg inter-<br />

Cii :- to returned soldiers, at 4i0 lieu' cecmt. p.a.tl 4<br />

16s.; to civilians, at 5 per cocci. p.a.t1 5 I-Is. lid.;<br />

subject to .1 gricultural Bamik icidc'bt edness ; tins block<br />

will be graimted only to time cmpplicccmct wimo satisfies time<br />

Lcucid Board thiaf lie Imas time imeeesscmc'v expei'ietccc icad<br />

liciciimccs to successfully work thus huicichimcg ; hceimmg B. C.<br />

llccw-ter 's ecincelled api?liecitiolc, Leccse 3127/171.<br />

WEDNESDAY, 20th JULY, 1938.<br />


I 'lantagemuet Distm'iet (about three miles ccorth of<br />

Decicuark).<br />

('on', Nic, 1(125/31. (Plan 452C/40, F i.)<br />

Loc'cctiomc 2026, eommiaicnccg 160 acres, at i3s. 68. per<br />

cite; i Icissificatiomi page 40 of 3921,/07 ; simhc,ject tic<br />

exc'mmlhctioa (coma toad rates for two yeam's fcicmim date of'<br />

cutcpcovcd cd' cu1iplieatiomi, also subject to payment tom'<br />

i ciiprcivecnemits, if curs-, and to timbcr coicditic'mcs ; hceicsg<br />

C. N. , II curt's fom'feited Lease 74/1310,<br />

f'lamctcigecet IDistm'iet (about 1 miles wet of<br />

Iedcciomcd).<br />

[ocr. SOc. (1843/25. (Plan 451/80, B3.)<br />

13cc':' iiccc 5926, i'cmitainimmg' 35Sa. 2r. 5p., Ci Ss, 11cm'<br />

c-c; cicuc'Sfic'citiiccn page 51 of 752.5/19: subject tic<br />

ex'ccihcfiocc (ruin c'occd mates l'oc' two years from clucte ccl<br />

a up ce sal ol' apphcat lad; being A. Levitzke 's ferfeitec I<br />

Lease 21898/68.<br />


Rae hlistrict (about 19 aches dcortic-east of Hyden).<br />

('ccrc. No. 2c:c, 36 (Plan 346/SO, D3.)<br />

Locat'iocc 1'i ;;ic, :'''a) aimcimcg 997a. 2c'. Op., cit 7s. Oil.<br />

pc ccci : c cc,. 0- 'c 10cc cccge 2 icf 350/28; subject to<br />

exemcnitiocs (ion rc 'cud cates for tivo years frommu elate of'<br />

c.fccics il cc)' zuphihiccition ; bcim'g F. 51. blcekimig 's forfeited<br />

Lecise 347/1220.

1040 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JULY 1, 1938.<br />


\ictorii District (about four uiiles outh-enst of<br />

\Vlielarra)<br />

(ocr. Ao. I ]9/SS. (I'l 100C/40, E4.)<br />

L'catloll 4011. rOil)'.' i('' ]'0;i. Ir. 29u., at Si. 10.<br />

per acre; cia '.i brat in )l' 333/2 1 ;cub,j oct to<br />

Agricultural Bank inIJw ii being C. C. Erode's<br />

101100110,1 tlpp]ii) 1011.<br />

Vict 01' a Do, :' (abo at two Pind ).<br />

('ocr. N. c":;o :;7. (Plt'n 13GB/SO, F].)<br />

I'ortioii leo 'a 3729, roulainnlg SO aries, at iii.<br />

1, I ,. io:'ii.''; "i)1i 111) ])aI;lllre of the area of )Iii<br />

bloek , 5UhJ,j'./ to tgriraltiii ttl iiti1l]i iilUihiI'(lileSs : being<br />

I'. \1 Suio II',' (-;Illceh)e(l tl(1(1ica) ill)).<br />

V LI orb I) i str it) (abon) I liree iiiiles soutli-w'est of<br />

Bunj ii).<br />

Corr. No. 38/38. (Plaii 95/80, P2 fi 3.)<br />

Location 79:.!;), 'ii.) liniug l.98]a. Or. 09., at Os. 3d.<br />

per acre classifir:dir. page 10 of 62o4/25; subject to<br />

exeniption froni ri:, Ii l'a)es foi two ,i rc from date of<br />

approval of ;ipdh;:)liiu being P. L. I'oett 's cancelled<br />

application.<br />


Kent l)istrict (about 23 nulee north-east of Ongerup).<br />

Corr. No. 3729/20. (Plaits 18/80. P4; 419/80, A4.)<br />

Location 975. r'':itt ' 3 i'/ fiOliit. 2r. 17p., at 4s. per<br />

acre; rlassific;i) loll 01l9e ' 0729/20; subject to payment<br />

for improvcai'ii IS. I ly, 111(1 to exemptiol] from<br />

road rates for (VII vi 'Ii j '5 from date of approval of applicaiion;<br />

being 'I Sit ;lrdy's forfeited 1ease 22863/08<br />


Ar ii District (near Ilullaring).<br />

('err. No. 1290/37. (Plan 377k/JO, 131.)<br />

Localion 10111(0, o'litaining )i49a. 2r. Op.. at 7s. Gd.<br />

Jier acre; i' Jo i (ia (1011 I3' 20 of 1046/] 8; subject Ill<br />

Agricultural Bank 11110 1 All, nulebtethiess ; to be<br />

selected with .\ ron Locations 19831 :nid 9733, and also<br />

subject to I) croppiig lease ovluchi expires 28th lCebru_<br />

ary, 1939; beiisg C. 51. Doyle's cancelled application.<br />

lloe District (11r'nr I-'ederali).<br />

Corr. NI). 5847/25. (Plar 376/80, 1) F P2.)<br />

Location 1710. ('01001111113 3,371:i, 3r. 1211., at Os. per<br />

acre; classificcttioml page 7 of 4370/27; subject to<br />

l'xeillptio Ii 110111 rCa (1 rates 1(11' tO] (1 5 elI 11, 1 roni (late 0)<br />

:ipproval of application; being 1). Davey 's forfeited<br />

Lease 68/739.<br />

.NORTII.A51 LAN!) AG) CNCI.<br />

Avon District (ahoul eigllt nules east 01 Plniunanning)<br />

Corr. No. 2475/37. (Plan 56D/40, C3.)<br />

Locations 12925, 1271], 13759, and 25094, eontailnlig<br />

I .081a. 3r. 3p,, at Os. Gd. per acic; classification page<br />

6 of 770/37; subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness<br />

11(1 1(1 II rroj I] (ill).) lea SC (VIII CII ('Xl) il-es on 2 8tll Febi-uary,<br />

1939; bcing J. B. Joluison's cancelled application.<br />

Ainglian District (about eight miles south of Slollerin).<br />

Corl'. o. 1400/37. (P11111 65/80, Fl.)<br />

hi rI Location 152, ('011111 111113 155 acres, Ill (is, per<br />

li-re, to be selected o ithi till' balance of ilns locatioii.<br />

\rllichl L slmll,ject to Agricultural 111111k ludebtcdneso 011(1<br />

Ii, a cropping Ie;lse \\ liicli expires 28th Fe]Ji'tltll'y. 1939<br />

beiug .1 - S . Aitkeii 's caiicelled applir-atioii.<br />

'\ illglille h)irtiir) (tihoii) sir. (lIlIes 110,111 ol Wclhungi]i).<br />

('orr. 'so. '1295/2). (Pltui 35/5)), 1)].)<br />

L'n'td(on., -lb.: ui') Ill. 'onlainic;; 2.000a. Or. .3 Ip,,<br />

it So. (d. per acre; I Iassifi'oltilirl o'-c. 59 and 00 of<br />

3295/2 I; snll,ilr to .33111 idru;:' Ilt';.!: indebtedness lI1ui<br />

to a ('l'llJl]un9 Case ('Siul iii 20! Ii '''i(l'liarx, 1939; being<br />

C I Ihrolhrirk, lilt-tee lIt ]0 9,, LI. B., and A. P.<br />

3sdi-clies' 1111(1 Sf. C lOuts' forfeited Lease 18227/68.<br />

N iiighi: a I )isti' ct (;ibout I C miles nortll (If SLollerin )<br />

Curr.No. 219/34. (I'I;llls (15/80, F]; 38/SO, Cl.)<br />

lit'.' inc 2932 :111,1 Sf129, (-011ttlhiilig 9991 - I .<br />

II 5. 'Ii. pr' acre; ('Ilnsilira)lon page 26 Id' 1237/27:<br />

sulijerl Ii' eXelllJ'l oil l'roni cool lIlies for too yelI lkoiii<br />

iI:de ''1' 0)11005 td Id tI]lJ(Il('td lull; beimig 51. Cost ('1101<br />

i'oi'fcited Leases 3.3/2000 and 74/1761.<br />


It udalot A A. District (about 41 miles routhi-east of<br />

,) anda.kot) -<br />

Coi'i'. No. 433/38 (Plan 341A/40, C2.)<br />

Location 31)9. riultriulilig 37;) II'. iSp.. at lSs. Or].<br />

per acre, ('I:IosiN'':Il1011 page :14 Id' 20:13/2:1; being I.<br />

Clack's collie 'I ;ipdictVtioll.<br />

Peel Estate (about 110 mnhlc e;ist of I.haluiauup)<br />

t'lu'i', No. 2815/21. (Plan Peel Estate.)<br />

Lot 416, coiilaining 7Stt, 2r, ISp.; purchase mnoney-<br />

018 ISs. ; first hialf-si'ar"- ientahlleu) as deposit'02<br />

Ii: hf-yearly ins) a 1111011) IC or I he hitd;uiee. 291) years, inclulli'ig<br />

iidere') : to rV illrllcll soldiers. it .J1 pci' cent.<br />

11.11 . lOs, 3d, ; 1(1 civilians, tO S per ccii). pa. us. 6(1.;<br />

ub,jeci II A gricu liiir:tl 1 b;uik indebtedness and to the<br />

(ulVhit 10110 a PP l mg to Iii is Estate. rJ'11 i cancels the<br />

l revious to: 10 11(1)1CC rel lb ng to I Ii is block ill (Inc.<br />

cr11 111(111 (lii III 9th S(I (tl'lllbV'i', 1 927.<br />

I 'eel Es) :1) e (n ('a r Ba] 11111111)1))<br />

('orr, -'so, 221 7/33, (Plan Peel Estate.)<br />

Lots 07-1 1111(1 115, ((111)0,11 lug 1 42ti. 01', 2-Ip. ; pm'chiase<br />

lllonev-42)I2 Ils 311,; tics) half-rear's jnstallnent as<br />

deposit 02 ; hlahf-,s-ea nv imlsttdilIellt eve)' the balance,<br />

2!: ½ years, ilIchulihig ill! crest --III returned soldiers,<br />

all 13 p' ('eli), 11,11, 00 Is, Pd.; to civilians, at 5 per<br />

ct, p.o.CO Ito, id.; subject to thu conditions applyleg<br />

to this ItotlIll'. 1(11(1 10 paynient for improvements, if<br />

11111', This rIo',' !s I Ii' nidice l'elatiag 1i these blocks<br />

in (iovri'niio ,'i ','li.-' /0 1 8th .Ianuni'y, 1930.<br />

- 'so<br />

Pee) 3d (ti' (near hlaln(a]lu]l -<br />

2395/37, ( h'btui Peel Estate.)<br />

do). 1178, ii ti inimig 78a . 2i', 1 Sp. ; purchase mlioney- --<br />

5 I Nc, 7(1 - ; Il 1st Ii alt '0(111' 's ii SI oh nien I as deli osi t-<br />

IC h ci nhi,ieut )scr I lie b;iltuice, 291/) yeal's,<br />

rest :to returned soldiers, al 4/> P'<br />

Ills. Gd.; 10 cli (1111115, it 5 per cent. 11.11.<br />

iid Lots 1hi',11d 079, rontainiug 190a.<br />

Si ,, hu11'chltlsV' 1111(111)' 443;) ISs.; lirsI II:ll1'-,vetl l's<br />

l:i'me as depositt.2; hitilt'-,vea i'ly imistalmiu'mit over<br />

1111' G'litlllce, 291., ve,u '. itirhimdig interest: lo '-<br />

IVII'lIed soluiers, tit 41/, p' ceiil, p.a.-013 0'.; III<br />

('1101 inns, at S per remit. 11.t1. 01-1 Is. lOd. ; subject t((<br />

Ag 'iclIlt utah Bank jul hehite Ihmiess 1111(1 II I lie con (Jill ens<br />

applying' III this Esttit e ; also subject to a grazing' lease<br />

Ivhlichl expires 1 tilhi january, 1939 ; being L. A. Gras-en's<br />

coma' dIed tqphicntion.<br />


Olillield I listrii.I (llhoill lii iliihes nom'thi li Baveui-Ihiurpe).<br />

Purr No, 5772 '28. (Pltui 105/60. 1) & 143.3<br />

Location 3i. ('oul;limullg 1(1211. 2r, 28p.,ti) I Is, icr<br />

.1(10; (']tidsif,'tIIl,liI page 12 0) 311/13; sub,jecl lo h111)_<br />

Ill cal to r in o' cv' II ient 5, if tIny, and to exempt-i (111 triomi<br />

I 0,111 ia tes for two VeIl rs fm'omn date (It 11 PP i'o'al 0) app] i -<br />

1,11011, 11110 ;ilso Ill Illinilig conditions; being' 13. J. Ii.<br />

hlebbingl (Ill's I'om'feited Lease 55/1437.<br />


l4npei'nmice District (about 10 imnhes northi-svest of<br />

Espernnee).<br />

I sIr. No. 1601/22. (Plan 423/80, C4.)<br />

l.m'iliomis 728, 729, 730, 73], mid 732, coutOillilg 1.106<br />

.'.'.. it 4s. lid, per acre; classification page 21 of<br />

2:!; subject to Agricultural Btmnk ilidehtedl005<br />

liii Ii;!; 11 -1 13. Douglas - forfeited Lease 1.55] 1/68.<br />

5\T\GIN L,\Nh) .\CENI'Y,<br />

\Villitllli-, Gist rt (ebout 15 I1 ....11oct11 of I'imigrimp) -<br />

(SI' \'i, 12e'1 27. :i'I:ui 107:'::), t' F P 1 F 2.)<br />

I.oI'a'iou 14367. ('OIlItlilllllg 2,309:. Ic, I 1]I., 1(1 2s, Si,<br />

li-IC; l'lassitic;:t('Iil p:lg . Cl A (973/27; sub jeet Ill<br />

('sculpt 11(11 (dliii I roall rate' for to". 'c frrllml date (If<br />

11j1111'iIVtIl 01' lipphili 11(111 111111 o I h oil ba )lt,O tIll'<br />

h1(1(111 ulils' 110 erllllir;ltell to Ill" tIlls I,-,-),,,l (it thir'<br />

511 ulster I'or La lIds het'ore tile ('room 01511(1 lvi Il issul'<br />

(dug (3 Kr iullcllv ''1 11110 A. hlllgll's ferliL'd ]elI"1'<br />

317/1511.<br />

THURSDAY, 21st JULY, 1938.<br />


Kojonu1 ])islril-I (11110111 15 miles south (It Qu;llelup) -<br />

('(HI'. 'sO, l711/:18, (I'lllll 1:1811 F ('/ It). h'2 F 1.)<br />

LIII-tltiomls OS IS, 0515, tool 055.3, elnittliilillg 3,ltha_<br />

In. 23p., at Ot-. Gd. lies- acre; classitieation page .3 of

.JiiLy 1, 1938.1<br />

592S/21 subject to _\ 1.ricnitural Ihank indebtedness<br />

being .T. 51.. STc:'rltt '5 1' smelled application.<br />

Date ot<br />

Notice.<br />

1938.<br />

Juno It)<br />

June 10<br />

Juno is<br />

Juije 1.5<br />

June 02<br />

June 8<br />

June 09<br />

(anal' Noitlielitte).<br />

a 15111/40. 1/1..)<br />

11 ta. 1 r, ha, at I Os. Gd.<br />

of 70/1 9 'Coluno' 1:<br />

TOO Iii I'OVIIi 11(1 to timber<br />

Ill' o'O" 11 ;i'i,k 10 land seleclooted<br />

ed Lease<br />

(II (I 811551;).<br />

. 101:1 :1.4. (I'll C......I: 1) &<br />

I.''ellti'llI I,)1). 11(011 inhlig I1,:i. :1. lip.; jiurrllase<br />

iill'IO'\ lo luili \' 11 :li Il15til1li Ill lIVIl' 1.1.0 i'ais, in-<br />

('IlilhjIlo 111111 t : to i 10:11 5 (1(11 l'°, at P ccii).<br />

pa. Cl! Os. id.: II) 01; ili::ls, at S per edIt. p.a.-41u<br />

IS. CII.. : suifler I 111 ollowiilg 1'oi;iiitioiis :-- (1) 'flint<br />

lie lesc 1' 11:1011: Iii tin' inipi'o veineats to tile satisfaction<br />

(II the lit- l'l' for .;oaIs: (C that thin Government does<br />

not 1(11 I'll a ('01111 ln;lllre 01 drainage niaint"uanec,<br />

11cr liii' .la''i ''hilol'al think advance. 1 his r:iiic'°ls the<br />

notion rca ::ig to this ,1,,rk in Go". I (1,1(111 Go:Ol ijli<br />

October, 1 :17<br />

(1 L. NEEDHAM,<br />

dci Secretary for Lands.<br />

.<br />

TIlt 110 \ I) 1)1 8TIlICTS d.CT, 1919-1934.<br />

('los,n'e ot Road.<br />

\VlC, (loll 11'.tat en of Australia (1903), Linnled, being<br />

tile owners ot i; ad over or a long o Ide Ii the portion of<br />

1(1111 1101 01111(11 1 lli'si'rie,l HlS0eS, lOire applied to the<br />

II: Vs\Vlll( I bIll GIll"! III i'1oi' lie 51110 portion of<br />

'(ad. yb.<br />

Jill<br />

((Wilier street passing<br />

ol Lots 502-510<br />

1 'lan 2681.1); from<br />

Oil 0 0111.0 01 tile t0(St-illell<br />

Nei 1111 0trc,t it lii,' 'astern corner of Lot<br />

10/00, 71.11.)<br />

old Est;iiei, (it' Anstr;ilia (1903), Lid..<br />


iiilanagerancl Attorii i'y.<br />

F, Roberto \ blur Hill, (01 helililf 01 the hiiv. ....dir<br />

110:10 lIllirl, 11010 !i lln°('lll ii' till' above 1191(11.011 lion to<br />

oboe tile rOi(i 11110011 (1001 riled.<br />

I101;i'1.11.'i'a V. hILL,<br />

Gill irnlan 14110,. ira LeO Iload Boa oil.<br />

lOut .111110, I 908.<br />

Nature ot Work.<br />

kalgoorhe I Iospitalai lIlly ainl<br />

Installation of boiler I 'lant, fully<br />

equipped (8857)<br />

\\''l Cl' 01111111 at Various Coy-<br />

1.11111 lont .uiS I g (8861))<br />

loll,'' ,\''j;''iitin',il Bank-<br />

1)1 lI;I'll':'O111.T.i)<br />

1110! Ill 10110 Road School<br />

to :1 ( :58)<br />

ii ('oin't 110051' 11 i'noviiti<br />

is (8861)<br />

iaoorlie IlospitalErtensive Addii<br />

oils (8856)<br />

L;: :e Grace hospital - Additions<br />

(8863)<br />



Date and Tinie<br />

for Closing.<br />

1938.<br />

(2.30 p.m. on Tuesday)<br />

5th July<br />

0th July<br />

OtIs July<br />

OtIs July<br />

5th July<br />

12th J lily<br />

19th July<br />

1041<br />

TIlE ROAD DISTRTCTS ACT, 1919-1934.<br />

Closure of Road.<br />

'11111 $iunnnerlea Pastoral Cosnpaisy, Limited, being the<br />

ownel's (if land (IVCO or along which the portions of<br />

roIldS llereOhilIHr described pass, have ;lpphied to the<br />

('a1''e' Ililili lllclrd to 1105' tIle .510(1 portion çif roads,<br />

viz.:<br />

lapel.<br />

.511:11.<br />

0 : lIe ,ourv(/i'ed road pl0(silg along the north<br />

15(111111W 1' :1111. Lot 00; from its aos'ths-easter'i cor-<br />

11(10 1'' - 'VI". 1' 1, at ii north-western corsser.<br />

ig : lie eastern boundaries<br />

1.; front liarlee strcet at the<br />

-e:I ('1(0111' 1: '1 'tier lot to the SoutlI side<br />

the surve,reo road donor ibed above. (Plan lapel<br />

'i'llwnsite.)<br />

'Olin Slllnnserle:l Company, Liniited,<br />

T. DTJNKLEY,<br />

Secretary.<br />

1, Elen,janiin \V'lie Proivsc, oil behalf of the Capel<br />

Road Hoard, Ilereby assent to the above application to<br />

o'lose tile i'oad therein deseriboll.<br />

lb. IV. T'ROWSE,<br />

Chairman Capel Road Board<br />

Hi .J ime, 1938.<br />

P1113 ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1934.<br />

Closure ot' Road.<br />

'i'll 10 HON. MINI S'I'EII h"Oli LANDS, being the<br />

110 ncr o£ i;inil over ci' along which the portion of road<br />

llel'eunder (ies('rhbeil passes, have applied to the Kalgoorlie<br />

1l,,lllI I 1015111 ill close the said portion of road,<br />

Ifalgoorlie.<br />

1800/Ill,<br />

i. 208: 'Olin surveyed road passing along part of<br />

1111' ,i,itt hero bonmillaro 01 bate Miner's Homestead Lease<br />

1813; 100111 it5 soutll-western eornel', to the north-western<br />

roriler of Reserve No. 10774. (Plan L9A/9.)<br />

U. L. NEEDHAM,<br />

for lion. Minister for Lands.<br />

I, \Villia in Reaper hail, oil behalf of the Kalgoorhie<br />

RoIl (1 '1 oa rd, I iere in' assent to I lie above application to<br />

close the road I herein described.<br />

\\'. B. hALL,<br />

Chairman Kaigoorlie Road Board.<br />

10th June, 1938.<br />

Where and when Conditions of Contract, etc., to<br />

be seen.<br />

Contractors' Room, Perth, on asici after Tuesday, 14th<br />

June, 1938.<br />

Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after 21st June, 1938.<br />

Contractors' Rooni, Perth, and P.\V. I)., I(atanning, on<br />

and after 21st June, 1938.<br />

Contractors' Roosn, Perth. and Court Rouse, Southern<br />

Cross, on and at'ter 21st June. 1938.<br />

('ontractor's Room, Perth, Court House, Norseman, and<br />

P.W.D., Kahgoorhe, on and after 21st June, 1938.<br />

Contractors' Room, Perth, amsd P.W. H., Kalgoorlie.<br />

Contractors' Iloons, Pes'tls, and iP.\V..D., Katamihsg, on<br />

assd altos' 5th ,huly, 1938.<br />

'lenders, together ,rithi the prescribed deposit, are Io lie addressed to ' Thc Ibis. the Minister for Public<br />

\Vo i' s, ' ' Ill 1 'ar hell ' 'i'elIdCr, ' ' Ilild will be received at tile I 'uhhc Works Office, Perth. The lowest or any<br />

i011lilO 'VII' aol ueeessllrihv be areepted.<br />

W. S. i\NJ)lflCW,<br />

Under Secretary for Public Works.

1042 GOVERNMEN-T GAZETTE, W.A. [Juri 1, 1938.<br />


Departnient of Public Works.<br />

Perth, 29th June, 1938.<br />

TIlE follow'uig list ot' 'Fenders, recently accepted. is<br />

published for general in formation : -<br />

Date o A ceoptanee, X:uue of Contractor, Description<br />

C a 'net, and Amount.<br />

10/3/OS: B. lie. 8: 'c. Nairogin-East ]'opanyiuning<br />

School (S 11<br />

10/3/38: .1. .1. i' c; 1. 5; . Laivlev-J'orcn,jori School<br />

Additions (:i'JS:<br />

14/3/38: 11 5]; .1:,, S:ith Peclli .larr:ilol:ile llopiial-Septii<br />

link (0721 , £107.<br />

11/3/38: IV. T. Clark, \Veui)dey-5[urek Agricultural<br />

C diegi ('Ii ei's( an SI iii It or Peel ory, 42,218.<br />

1 0 '3/38 : II. Dou:ild & Son, 11nsceltou-Yallhigup New<br />

(bios house (88105. 172(1/00,<br />

21/0/38: hI. IV. l)es ereux, lioleystone-SIl. lilagnet<br />

hospital- Audit ion', (.i3, :22.590.<br />

21/3/38: S. 011cc:. 5:.;: ljuuiriie-- East Iloekingliani<br />

School-Eon- Qi:arter, ,O5 IS), -1572.<br />

24/Si/OS: .1. FELt, K'.lgoorlio -Kalgooi'lie Ahaltoirs<br />

-Edditions ç" Ill). Li 60.<br />

28/3/38: .8. I<br />

School (881:1, 25.53 Isis,<br />

24/3/38: 0. II Aithu':. Ill. La wlei-----Scarho sough<br />

Si-I; ouul-Ei iv ','- ui 41,421.<br />

11/4 OS: i<br />

- Dorpli-I'eterseu, Agnew-Agnew Ecu-<br />

I.: ''(: ''' ioutli Pei'tli-Eden I [ill<br />

Sehool - :;.- ";t), £853.<br />

26/4./OS: a I'.-: So, South Perth Ilishianil<br />

junction AT I :--- '15(0' ,le Pens (8818), 1780.<br />

27/4/38: A. , 'iF.!I'.. I '' :1- .litani;ug School-Additiunc<br />

(8821), 1793.<br />

3/3/08 : ha nip cc o 7; Fois: pin, bout/i Pei'fli- Osborne<br />

hOnk School-Additions (8824), 0094.<br />

5/5/05: A. ';-,wcIier, lOt/A :ri'naii-(ieeralymg<br />

beliool Piil'ClOS, .:uid 1ieuwiiI ('.02), 4520.<br />

5/0/38: ti:'. : .1. Narrogi n-Williams 11 ospital-<br />

Additions (832;I,;, 200.<br />

9/5/38: J, I ::vi.I,:on, Sit. <strong>Law</strong>-Icy-Sit. Magnet School<br />

-Additions (8';23), £490,<br />

1.0/5/35: A. Woollioiwe, Bridgetoivn-Queen 's Park<br />

Schiool-Addit ions (8826), £011.<br />

23/5/38: A. C. Dunn, 3 ilarniug ('nihin School-lie-<br />

Din, al from Oroup 0 (8830). £1 94.<br />

25/5/OS: Sanipon & Ku'nip'u. South Perthi-ilicton<br />

School- .17ddilio 's nil '" ':3 :ous ç5832), 471,245.<br />

30/5 18: A. I). Del :-;'c"e. A3/iew-C'ox 'c Find (Erlis-<br />

loini) cow hi-li ml (1:33:, :0523<br />

Tunes lock (i.W,S.<br />

iii A dOt/ions (879))). £219<br />

.1'ii:ipli::: -5:1,10<br />

Os.<br />

3/5/OS: DO............:O,o' . Bruce Rock-G.W.S.<br />

Pninphig Sin' I;, .5 ,'c-0ui S ,L:ili'iis (8789), £184 Os.<br />

3/5/518: 88'. 11:: .'." L- 'o:, Bruce Tioek-GAV.S.<br />

Pumping it/nile;. ---Si ::u3,irie0 oi;l 0 'Counor (879].),<br />

£473 lOs.<br />

30/5/38: A. F. Cs'-ihers, (lei'aldtou-hieraldton TInspital-Additions<br />

and hot Waler Service Extension<br />

(8827), 1431.<br />

h/il/SOS: A. P. Lo South 1 'i-rtli-lleiiger School<br />

ni'S Quartc"s 10 ii (8534), £130.<br />

1/6/31-': A. P. T tS,;i;ili Pertli-Cli:ipman Research<br />

St ati 0 iS7 ng' e Quart irs (8836). 4275.<br />

1/6/33: Sauipso'i 7 11. hn;'il, 1' erth- -high ewnnd<br />

School-New Lnti'inc'- :1110 (8810), -71,161 bUs.<br />

7/0/38: F, IS lid ily 5c 1 (1(11 (Ia] e Antou)-Additions<br />

(t.<br />

2/6/38: S:unp'en<br />

School-Sewerage C -<br />

7/6 IT-:<br />

School-bee en<br />

7/6/38:<br />

School .-<br />

- South l>ertli Sian-lands<br />

39 bUs.<br />

Ci sHin lark Sb olimont<br />

7: rilia ni-Nortliam 1-ugh<br />

13/6/33:<br />

pi tal-Sewer.<br />

l'ani-W,vndlmanm hoe-<br />

). -ltu0a.<br />

8/6/38: Ca:: Bunbiii'--1im'idgetowii<br />

5dm ni-il enov:<br />

10/6/35:3.15:''. '.' nh i'- You: nun Schmool-Addilions<br />

(8843)<br />

13/6/38: (0 .1. -:5:1:: ni.. .5:11 Perth-York hiospital-hlot<br />

P-So.''; ....vi;-;- (° -.16), £177.<br />

11/6/38: l"low,';-. It/vies, a .bolumsou. Perthm-Refrigeratioa<br />

Lqnipuiei:t for Butti'e',iud Cheese Faetor- at<br />

Aluresk Agricultural College, £940 18s. 9d.<br />

20/6/OS: II. Al. Groce, Pahumyra-Arthur 's head<br />

Roundhouse-Sale of Adjacent Pmildiiigs (8815), 426.<br />

21/0/38: 11. I\lapstoiie, South Pu-;'tli-.barrabdale hlosdIal-Septic<br />

Tsnmk installatic',; (55 11, 4204.<br />

22/6/38 : DO, S. Leekie, Ii'oi'':; I';, -k--- Yictuiria Park<br />

Police Statioii-Sewei-age (8851). £1.19.<br />

By order ii the honour dde the ShaTter for Public<br />

DO. c,. ANDREW,<br />

[110cr Secretaio- for Public Works.<br />

B DISTIl lOTS ACT, 191 9-1 934.<br />

Mu]; ml null u and Nunga rin Road B 1st i'iets-.'mJteration<br />

ut ('ow moo P,ninmdar/'---Noi ice of Tntention.<br />

De],arl m s-ut of Public Works,<br />

15W. SOb/OS. Perth, 251li June, 1938.<br />

i 'i' is lie 'ohs iiot I lie 1. for 0:115 cli I in i'onivafi on, that it<br />

10 tIme iiiiiention o ' Ills i-:-c'u'lieceo' (lie Lieutenant-<br />

(1 ovornor, onus the s-oil Ic n I' the Road Districts<br />

.8 ci, 191 9-it) hi, to il: us (1:-' 'onilno u boundary between<br />

ibm' ilminkinliNdin and Aun':u 'ia blond Districts b- transferring<br />

froui the S[ukiibuuliu Road District that portion<br />

off l:ind being Ac-on Locations 1-1086 ansi 21462 to time<br />

Nun gaVin Rued B ist net.<br />

Pl:ui sluu lvi ug I ha' p sop osed :ilt oi'ation may be seen<br />

at the Local (love'ainent Otlice, Depai-tnicnt of Public<br />

Works, Perth,<br />

'IV. S. ANDREW,<br />

TJushec Secretary for Public Wor<br />

110.8 1) Dl 55111 ("I'S ACT, I 1)19-1904.<br />

MI Slarc:u-,iil bload ]ionrd,<br />

ilv-l:i iv for I lu ShOunu -s -nient of Recerves under the<br />

Civaii'oi of iii' I 0-: is-So. id tIm l'hayi wI of Gaines<br />

thereon.<br />

P. 81'. 541/38.<br />

TIlE ii t. Marshall blsu:mui Board, undoi- aimd liv virtue<br />

0 1 1 lie p -n-i's eon f': cod on it liv lb e hEn ii Di s ri ci s Act,<br />

I 919-I :1.],:- :1 01' eierv nt/ui' power enabling it in thus<br />

beliEf, do liereb) mike and publish I lie following bylaw<br />

:- In the coast iii CII sui if his be 10 iv, iiil i's I lie con-<br />

toot sitbe.rn'ise requires-<br />

(:i) 'I'I' ivorui hloacil'' snaIl uienn the 7ilt,larsliall<br />

Road 1St/aid;<br />

(mu) '['In' nerd ' hiocervu' ' ' shall menu the ground<br />

oil miud I uy, Ve'i il-si 1mm, ni st his cmiii u:idmir the<br />

eonu-ol of this' Boa i'd<br />

(c) 'Die woril ''Ca ret aiser'' shall niean our i1'sn<br />

:iup0inti'uI Iv the lOon;';] to It/u' care ut :muy<br />

resell o or reserve's;<br />

(ul) 'Jim'ps'ci i r'' shall iic'au and inelnd e any person<br />

:iupointeU Ii5e the Mt. Marohialh lIonS Board<br />

as an illspu'ci n- in regai-d to the 'oserve amid<br />

any n-S in-or-i csistiig inspector:<br />

I iimi'ams thii' Sce,-lary of the<br />

-<br />

(e) ''Socretliry' ' - :<br />

SIt. Siuisl::ll 1 hoard.<br />

2. No pecsiun shall 'I:: new-sr interfere with any<br />

hirpe1'ly or tliliig phiu'- 0 s n-Sb iu or belomiging to any<br />

i'eserve, sir I iron sTuns.', or oilier nussiles, or commit<br />

linv imiusa c.' tii,'r,.in, ui 1:-i-i' tlis'i-s-imi any i-nhblshm,<br />

littei, or i:, ---I' matt in 01' any kind.<br />

011511 ..: Ii id on or eliuib or junmi) over<br />

no' sells. iO,:s, 01' 5: '..'s'-' :0 any i'r'sei've, or cut letters,<br />

mmanmes or inai'ks thmereomm, sr otlicric-ise dammmage time strnctunes,<br />

tree.:, sat.s, gaO .:, IIU.sls or feluces tlmereou, or<br />

uitlierwi',e d '-face the caine or write thereon.<br />

I. Ao pdrsoa, except th,osc in (lie employ of or authmorb's-I<br />

by I lie Lb-irS, shall bring into any reserve any<br />

''ice sir su) lie' liii 'anal duo' vehmicl e,<br />

Es ilerosun sI'-shl hglit any fire a itlmin any reseni-e<br />

ivithout (lie ]ienimissioll of the Board.<br />

An person, ex-ept the ofticers or sen ants of the<br />

bOard acting iii the diic'l,a: gs of their duty, shall enter<br />

any rIsen e nu such days a_ic- SI,' be set apart fur games,<br />

spom-ts, show . s_uiusemente, or emitert aininemits, except<br />

through Tie proper emitrai:-,- ''n that purpose, aimS on<br />

puyn1eut 01' time fcc oS:; ;'-., -:ui.'c isir aclniissioim at the<br />

tinm e 11111 on such d mn's as un not set apart as aforestnsl<br />

time ru,scrl es eii1l hi- open to time public f'ee of<br />


JULY 1, 1938.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1043<br />

No person shall enter the res'rves for the purpose<br />

of playing any games or sports or hors' racing<br />

therein until lie has first obtaia::1 a !;'ni it so to do<br />

from the Boaril, unless he is a boioi ii aieluher of any<br />

club or other body authorised in that bc-half,<br />

No person or authorised club having obtained<br />

such permit as aforesaid shall practise, play at, or<br />

carry on an game, port, or a1.los meat, except upon<br />

such portion of' th ri'serve a ma'- Is' spoci tied for tlm<br />

purpose.<br />

The Board may, in its disr thin. proliil>it an<br />

person club or other body frui playing et or carrying<br />

on any came, snort, or itlierw-b-e 'i-dug 'OiV portion Of<br />

any reserve at any time.<br />

No person slia'l bring ci' tnko any horse or otli'r<br />

animal on to an reserve for the purpi so o trainIng<br />

or exercising hum, without first ha vblk old aiii d a permit<br />

froni the Board so to do.<br />

No person other than a mneuiher of a sporting<br />

body duly authorised in that P hall shall enter any<br />

dressing room on time reserves. or ue liar locker, without<br />

having first obtained a permit icr thet purpose, and<br />

every person h"lding such a pei'init shall produce and<br />

exluldt same when required by due authority.<br />

Ne poison shall address '111 audience or public<br />

meeting on any reserve without lie viug first oPt uned<br />

pes'misiosi so to do from time Bonn].<br />

No unautliorised poison shall simuip, lodge, tarry<br />

overnight, or frequent for the purposo of eoalping, lodging,<br />

or tarrying overnight on the reserves.<br />

No person shall post, stick, sin nip, stencil, tlaint<br />

or otherwise affix oi' exhibit, or cause to he posted,<br />

staniped, stuck, stencilled, painted. or ci lieririse a fluxed<br />

or exhibited, any placard, handbill, notice, advertise<br />

any tree, post,<br />

meat, or any document whiatso, vip i<br />

fence, gate or building on av a s: ;' .. u-i I bout liis ing<br />

first obtained the written eons 'i of th Board.<br />

No person shall sell or i'ip oe for sale any fool,<br />

drink, goods, wares mercbn a iii e, I r liii u as eu auii- p01'-<br />

I ion of' the reserves, unless the collc'ilt iii' the Board<br />

shall have been pree'imsly obtained.<br />

No term en ted or spi vi tue u lh[no re sui ill 1S<br />

brought into or consumed on any reserve, except who ii<br />

pei'mnitted by the Board in writing.<br />

Any person found in a state of intoxication in<br />

any reserve, or behaving in a Ill-! 1: 'ely iliaruer. or<br />

creating os taking part in mi d ism than-c, or using<br />

any pm'otasie, indecent, or obscene h:mu r p, m's olnilimi -<br />

m<br />

ting any act of indecency or nib-,'.: n' : t iv hi [med f, or<br />

committing any breach of' this by-lair li('i! SU, may hi'<br />

forthwith s'emoved fi'oni such res'r vi In t a' eli retalcer,<br />

ui by any oliver ci' -m'-,-mui) i' the hoard. em.- In- iii<br />

meniber of the Police F'o red, iv dmo it I [lest i ug so cii<br />

person's liability to prosneri ii'' lii I' iiii Otit'iiel' age inst<br />

this by-law.<br />

No p"rsou, club, spot mug body. 01' s ssociat ion<br />

shall sublet any poi'tidmi of one reserve the muse of' which<br />

may be granted to any such i 'rsoim. club, sporti 'ig body<br />

or nsso'imition, nor permit I lie sanme to be used by any<br />

persioi or poisons irlin tsoevi' :' w' i tl out time u-i-i tten i-oil -<br />

sent of the Board,<br />

The sunis to be '.111: the Hoard to the<br />

various persons, rlulms, '1<br />

l<br />

('5, or associations<br />

for the lice of any reseeve ion th-'i'cof shall<br />

be such as shall be list I mm rd Ii e iii fi mie I 0<br />

time.<br />

TIme 1 ',,m'd mew c' exc'lusie 0 11w' lit ally<br />

reserve, or 1mi l"'rt--. 10 lii) p:m ci [dii ha r 11crson,<br />

slob, sp'. ng body, sse-i:llm'!l for lilly pmmiti<br />

eular day or days, liii 'i lie iii argv'd to tile<br />

public for ndnnssi on mdm:mIh he :01 as -:':[ ]" [ixc'd iriihm<br />

the consent of the lioori[, lii II: -lull;, siilm-tuig<br />

holly, or assom ilt!ilil, ho iiliouii si'mihm 'mmii c' acm' shimill<br />

Ice graa [cii,<br />

App Iii' cit 1 'ii 'em- [lie use ut any see real ion ri'serve<br />

shmil 1 be ummm 1 1 e [mm. ii- cit lug to iii secretary ot' the<br />

Board not less tliiui one week before ie'eri-e is required<br />

The Bommmi I reserve tii right to refuse to sent<br />

any reser\-e oc per m.iou thiereo m' to auy applicant, ivitliout<br />

assigning any reason for such refusal.<br />

No mnmile Imem'slln, except children umiduir tlii' age<br />

of Seven i ears aec'onipamiied. by females, shmmill enter<br />

any place set aside for the usc of females.<br />

Airy poison offending agnimist any of the proi<br />

isieims if tins ho--law shah be liable to a penalty siot<br />

exiv-edimig £20.<br />

Passed h>y resolution of time hit. hiarshall Road Boam'd<br />

fins 14th day of Slay, I lBS.<br />


Chiai rmnamm.<br />

II. 5'. BITCH,<br />

Sec i'et amy.<br />

lie 'imuimiicaded -<br />

ii. 11. liii 1ST,<br />

foe fihimiister ('out rcdhi- cm' Local (ioo ermmmcnt.<br />

Xpps'ovod by Ills T'ixcthlc'ney the Lieutcnammt-Governor<br />

in Executive Council Ibis 111th day of June. 1938.<br />

'['lie 'l'iuuies rh lii Oill'<br />

mmmii I Slice fiemitions nimu v Ii<br />

the iii [aBler fllr hater cii-<br />

I [me barracks, St. U eorge 's p<br />

1111 in,l after the 1st day of<br />

hommu's of 1(1 a.mmm. end1 3 pin.<br />

L. B. SIIAPCOTT,<br />

Clerk of tile Council.<br />

St [PIll GPO] TT.\X \VAT i-; ii SIB' 11 P. 5 V\VEBAGE<br />

AN1) 1)1] .\TNAI Dli '-h P' liNt'.<br />

sr,w,s. 475/]0t3<br />

XOTTCE is heu-ebv giv"n of' the iu'temitiomi of time i\Iinisteu'<br />

for ViTal em' Pmllphy. Sewerage and Drainage to<br />

uuuudertake tiu;' rommsl riuctioms ol' the w orks luereinafter<br />

(les!'ri lied liv vi 'tile of till' hloivers loaf shied under the<br />

Iluls @1' 1 lie' hhi't rohiolif -umu Water Scmpliy, Sewerage<br />

and Drmuimmmig'e .B-f . 1909.<br />

I )c'sc I i1 it 1(111 ui I 'reposed SVoi-l',h [cli (11101ff an Sewerpe.<br />

Pe'u'thi 1) [51 Cl ci: i xl ens ouu to ii i-ti 'ui mition Area<br />

No, 41 1' u[i,l', 'liii Ill ,- i isirhi chimu nj ri'ticulntion<br />

seu-i cc IV if hi in a uuli ohs mind all ci Im "'-'mppm' i ellis connected<br />

I hum i-ew-ilhi<br />

[[ii 1,ecmih i tv iii om hi b--hi I lie 1' i'lolosed \Vorks will be<br />

('lii 511,111' tell: 1 lIlt (lii (ml fume Cii y of Perth hietweeii<br />

ci Eli cciii 'iv' s , 'mit 111111 1 el ',n'en Eel inboi'o and<br />

Simu [linde stu-eets wit bin 11am hjo.unllam'ies as desei'ihecl hiei'einn<br />

ftei' mummd as slain-n in pialc on Plan S1.W.S.S. amid<br />

1)0., W.A., No. 6101.<br />

Thim' Pnrposi' tom' wluchu Pie Proposed STorks are to<br />

be Con stl'lmcl ed : 'l';u i'oiu ad-ct pm'l'mn ices with the nmniiu.<br />

sewer tom' flea iuia go pri'pllses.<br />

Time A rca amid l0mm ets of orhi i ch a ic Tmmtended to lie<br />

hl!-:lhmled el',imu,il' i--hag 1'i'iimt omm. the sosuth side of<br />

(1 r m'n St i'eet 0 pp 1 I I 01.-way betsveea Edin-<br />

111,10 and .h"air(a'hll [ 1': ci.' I procm'cding- west along<br />

[lie nail ii side of P o limo centre' of F'aim'held<br />

slice I tluc'umcc Sulultil : -ug the eemitro of Fairfield<br />

ctrei't fl a pohimt OIIP ni I - f h ! - - co-i lb I mound lily of Lot 5:-i<br />

l'airlield street; I hieuucm o', eet mm cross [fairfield street and<br />

aioimn the south luou_i lanes of Ellis 33 Fairfield street<br />

mund 32 Fhiuide's stri'et to the centre of Blinders street:<br />

I hionci' miorthi a liiuum [tie eemitre of Fllmcders street to a<br />

OphiOsifc' [lie sooth boundary of Lot 182 Blinders<br />

St Cd' t thuommc-e ii st mi-i' 155 Jt'liuc[em's st root and along tIme<br />

smifithm I iouiumdari's mlf Lots 182 Blinders street and 203<br />

Coog-ee stre't to flue ceuili-e of ('oog'ee street; thence<br />

meorthi mulling' the c'eumti-m' 01' ('cog-I-c s5rem't I o a point opposilo<br />

I lie siiumthi bouiuidarv of Lot clIP I lOf0O SI root; thence<br />

ivem.I mm em-ins ('0dm cm m'e '1 m'ev t m<br />

I ii mm1;,u p II c' south huound--<br />

mu lies of 1ins 31)11 ' 'm:clgee ol r,'et nilol P _\iathm'he street<br />

to the ceiutre' of Sli I lock sti'eet; ti:emmee iminihialcmag<br />

[lie cciutre lit 51,11 [m'k 'ictoet to the i-cnti's' of Green<br />

St i-bit ; themirc' c ll'i mi hi. ii the cenlre of Green street to<br />

mm. point oppimsul -' tIe ---nm mc of lime cighil -of-woo' beth ccii<br />

E;liiimboro and "mi C.:,! strom't : thin cc sotithi across<br />

lu-eon I reel t'i tii ' P - ii! ':1 1 ('lii lIlt-I' l'd'iiiI'il l mis sbuou'u<br />

in punk (iuu l'l:mn -ii,\ ,,d & II [1,, '-BA., No. 6101.<br />

cccl ions<br />

the Office of<br />

mm ui'h 1)iainage,<br />

'ei'th, for omie month,<br />

I Ills, buctw ecu the<br />


hiinicti'm for Water Supply, Sewerage<br />

,'uuid Drainage.




Ir.w.S. 339/35. Perth. 28th June, 1938.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given of the intention of the Minister<br />

for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage to undertake<br />

the construction of the works hereinafter described by<br />

virtue of the powers contained under the provisions of<br />

the Metropolitan Water Supply. Sew crc ge, and Drain<br />

:ige Act, 1909:<br />

Metropolitan WaG r Supply I inproveineiitNortli<br />

i"reniantle ilfiuueipatitv Proposed 2-t-incli uid S ieh<br />

\vat er inai us in Stirling high wax fr olo acer Led ie road<br />

to Alfred road.<br />

Deseri: ion of I 'roposed \Vorks rthe construction of<br />

2 (-inch i iaeieter steel, and S-inch diameter asbesi oseenle<br />

1 t wi i-c dos with valves and ill wecessa rv ire '; I- -<br />

atus (nigi In hoot 191 mid 20 ihaino respel-iveiv 1,<br />

and the lifting of tile existing 24 inch and 6-inch<br />

thaineter riot iron water mainS.<br />

The Localities ill which the I'roposed Works ivill be<br />

Constructed Coinniene ill 1 ''' 1(0(1St ill Stirlin a llhli -<br />

way opposite Lot P82 (ni-cr L it' road), and Iir01'-ilag<br />

thence in 1 soult1-rl,v ii '(i') ill doug Stirilig'<br />

highway to ihe ,jnnclii: ' *irirg i:iiliiva and .\lfre.<br />

road as shown ill roil liii 'S l \l.\\'.k.S, & I),I)., IV A..<br />

NI). 6102.<br />

The Purposes to r ivil i oh tin' Ii opose I \Vorke-ai e to<br />

he Constrncl oil : 10 rep I;ice lii e existi hg 24-i 11011 an ii<br />

6-inch cast iron 111:10 a oct to p rove tli e supply to<br />

the district.<br />

The Ti ins when and 'twin ii o loch Pliiis, Sections.<br />

and pei-i t'iOitilhlO iiicv lie ilI5l'i''i,-'l :At the 0111cc of<br />

tile Ilimni-v 0 r Water Sup1hr. x-iverige, and Drain<br />

age, The I wracks. St. (i'ige s 1daee, Perth, for one<br />

nionthi oi ud a ftc r tti c' 1 oh iii 1' .i uly 1938, between<br />

the hours 0) 10 liii. aug 3 11.111.<br />

II. Id1LL1 NG'l'ON,<br />

Munister for \\r'lter Supply,<br />

Sewerage, and Drainage.<br />

M I(TROPOL[TAN WAI' liE 5 ['1' PLY, S EWE El ACE.<br />

AND D ILl INAC U] I) F] I 'A RTMENT.<br />

M.W,$. 741/38. Perth, 57th doug, 1938.<br />

NO'I'FC'1'1 in lu'relui- gb iii ut the intention of<br />

for Water Snlitihi heoerae, cml h)i'niiagi to i -<br />

like t1 vO(ist ru,) iou of lb e iv irks uiere,,.i (tei ihen-rili i<br />

hiy virtue el the 10(0(1')-) ooiit:niii',l mdi r the irOvin'<br />

of the Ilelu'opohiloi WaG r Silbibilv. Seoer:ige, 111111 Dron<br />

Ie Act. 1)09:<br />

Dest'ript ion of I 'i'otion'il \Vorkc Ito) ropiib it iii Scm<br />

ige, $ouIli PerIl b)it ru-I. ifetivulat lou A cci No. 1<br />

9 mcli, Ii-'li, 1<br />

lull I hn'im imilhmun lv r. 11-111w liii 1)1110<br />

sewers, ii'ithi il(liilllill.'s (iii) ill 0 1)) r ihibiavaluin i'onneetc<br />

the rem it Ii.<br />

The i,ocililv in whirl tIm' lvi poc' I nvt'° will lie<br />

('onslrn,'b 1: 1" 'lion 'i' Ii i' °ommthl Per''' hioi'l liii<br />

trict, h tween 0:i:u'.cn veil an I i"i-eni'ni) h root,<br />

hId 5011111 In '1 s--i,) ,',i'':'lo .)v, ''I oIl in ti, hone<br />

dories as ilesi'ribi"il 1,'ennilev mliii no oh (iii ii! v")<br />

011 Ptiii I[\V.K.S. & iii)., \V..\., \, cli):;,<br />

The l'nl'pose fr w'hmi('l( time 'volioseil Works :mi't to Iii'<br />

Constructed: I' -i,.) 110 -'-ill 'i i' aimin 51')) ''I<br />

fm drainage Ptlrl'''ov'.<br />

The Area m:i i 'arts of' ivinvli ire iiteuliled to hI<br />

Diaiieil : ('0111110'- 0)1mg mt 1 il'lii ' in tim centre of<br />

kind gate t reef 111(10:1 Liii' ic nIce if .1 llge to ot i'eet<br />

nsd i' eeil lug I'' ol ii)' 1-Ow '' I I -t reel ii 01111 tIle<br />

rentrc of A llgcto of 'eel In I i I' lit Li icier sheet;<br />

thence sontli-emst :it 'ng the centre of Liwlei' street to<br />

tile centre 01' Elizali'tli street; thence ii est along tile<br />

i'euul re of Elizabeth stu'eet to a point opposite tile eastei'a<br />

boundary of Milson street; tlmemn'e 501101 101055 Elizabeth<br />

street lull along tile easteu'um bouuldarc- of Milson street,<br />

contniuuug south: along tile eastern boundary of Lot 12,<br />

]ifilson rtreet. to time centre of Carring'ton street: thence<br />

wert' along ti: ' -".'imtre of barrington strI et to a ponit<br />

opposite t:l( i'.-'>:'s vii bounibary of Lot hi ; thence south<br />

1 111' ro°s ':' 'viii'. ii,: v -i -- uid 01(1110 the ivw I em honndaries<br />

of Lots ii. law ii .1 iii -5 wIt.,' nil 25. Ileilw 'i street,<br />

to till' t'entre Ii,' I''', ilk street: (lIen's in-S i a point<br />

south<br />

mi1ipo-'ite ti'''' Gill lioiiilillry of Lot 1-! : Ii's'-'<br />

[JULY 1, lOSS,<br />

Ill (lS h/en wii'k sIn. ('I 1101 1 lolIg time , .....''rn ho iindari cc<br />

of Lots 44, Ileimwi Ok ,ti eel, and 56, N-v 011 °t reef, to<br />

Ill' l' nt r ('''- :' To rto n street; (Ii ence mIs : ' wIg tin' cell tre<br />

of N'ortn ri. 0 - 1 the cci'! ye (if Frcnicmiiiu void: thence<br />

souul Ii i':s' . 'i' 3 t Ii)' 1' cut me Id Fs'eni an the road to till<br />

i'euitre 01' 1:lli I ('rr:mce : tlmence west along the ceuitre<br />

of kilihlh I iv:, 'e '' the I' '(ltl'e i ' °kundgate street; thence<br />

noi-Il iiinig the veiltre if Sandgate street to a point<br />

(i1ilii,-i'te the OOlithI('( 11 hioihhlihir,i' (if Lot 1 of Lot 359,<br />

- oh 'lot ; 11101(01' uveot across S;nih g'llt e street and<br />

ili og I I ' will Ii em 1(11111111(111 es of Lots 1 111(1 2 of Lot<br />

:1h!-.\.ngelo Uvcet, to the 5011111 v,','sI'ril chillIer of Lot<br />

2 -: ill) III. ',ieho 511-eel: the ;''' north along tile<br />

ii Isle vii 1)111111(10 vi' 0)' Lot 2 11 I' 1 i :59, \ llg'eh 0 street,<br />

to till' cclii mc 01 .1 i gelo ot l'eet: bee to mist along flu'<br />

m'eimt i (' of A i ge ho I net to lime 1)111 (it 01' ('0111(11 enceunent as<br />

'Jon-n ill i/v('I'n Oh P1111 41 \V.k.S. iv 11.1). WA., No,<br />

6103.<br />

'l'l (' 'h'hliles ((bIll "i'd i 'In's ii winch Plans, Sections,<br />

nob Sp mIiv:itiohls nIh,' li' 1ev 'i'''ed:- .11 the ofIiee of<br />

fill' Iiui'uotev fin It'' -v Su1'dy. Cliv,' 11(0:', Id Dh'aihlage,<br />

't'hme hill 1,1(1)5, ',','vai''> p1:-i-i', 'vii or one montll<br />

oil 11111 (It I II c' I .- dy ot' .Juul,y, I il)-', hiehvecn till'<br />

in III (in. 'lvi 3 11.11.<br />


Iii Inst cv for Water Supply,<br />

hewer a ge, alid Dma bilge.<br />

It h/I' 1401>1 Ii, T.\,X IV I'll/hi SGPb'l>V, SEG'EIiAC 1/<br />

,\]\ I) bib 1127.1(11/ DE1'A bITE I/NT.<br />

i/i ii' nlim N'otum ('.<br />

I 'cut Im, 27th .1 ni ', 1938.<br />

M.\V.$. 100/35.<br />

428/38 ' ' appearing iii I lie Ii 1st line iminic r ' ' Swa n<br />

hiomii ihisti'hvt ' ' iii the notice Oul page [000 ut' thue<br />

(,ol'( if lIli 11/ (di'' i/i II fill" 2 Ilim luiue. i93, relating<br />

Ic ii'lher mmmmimms toil iii time Kwihm hlomib District, shl)hhillt<br />

0150. II. LONG,<br />

huh r em ret :111',<br />

II LLL b/GA llOt 1) 13(1,1 141) Ph Il h It,> b'Ol' ADS.<br />

'h' 10 hmerehic not i lied, I oi'ormathni , 11(11<br />

('lm,i vies i'i'e his heemm Ph' I .Poiindl(eepem i'll<br />

hl:nigei' f'n lie II ulbewi 1>1 w Ii District, in lien<br />

di 1111(111 1k 011111(1 III), ((S ice orit V lS lien. liv calll'i'hl)'(<br />

I.<br />

Iii. 5Th/I/LIt,<br />

Cblairnla<br />


1/h/A t/ST dAli ES S[XCLAIR tv'i'. li a ticethug of tile<br />

above Board held on th Jun. 1" '-u', 'ointec[ 1>1)110(1'<br />

keeper ill lieu of R. 4. Douglas.<br />

'F, N. ('Ih.ID\Vit'if,<br />

Secretary.<br />


'Penders for Buttor.<br />

'J_'EXDERS chose li-ill) time Sdvreluir,v, telmileu' hoard (hmiiimoc Ii 1, Ii I 1.13 1.111. oii Stni'dl\ , 2n6 .Ftuiy, foi'<br />

the Supply anti Dctiver- of Luther to Government Institu I liii em 1 11 ''sb i Ia l0 (Iv cog mIme 00511103 per',b of four<br />

weeks.<br />

forms of Tender and full particulars are available at the 'Fender Board Office, Murray street, Perth,<br />

By Order of the Board,<br />

E. TINDALE,<br />

Chairman WA. Government Tender Board.

jucy 1, 1938.1 COVEIINMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1045<br />

Tender<br />

Board<br />

No.<br />

<strong>WESTERN</strong> <strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>N GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD.<br />

Date. Contractor.<br />

1938.<br />

Schedule<br />

No.<br />

Accepted Tenders.<br />

Particulars.<br />

Additions to Contracts.<br />

Department<br />

concerne<br />

485/38 June 24 Various ... ... 102 Dairy Produce and Meat for Chief Secretary's Rates on appli<br />

103 Government Institutions for Department cation.<br />

a period of three months<br />

from 1st July, 1938, to 30th<br />

September, 1938<br />

344/38 do. Malloch Bros., Ltd 153A, Pumping Reads and Motors, Golcifields Water<br />

1938 etc., for Big Bell Water Supply<br />

345/38 do. Flower, Davies & Johnson,<br />

Ltd.<br />

155A,<br />

1938<br />

1938.<br />

35/38 June 24 5-leasuremont, Ltd. Water Meters (fBi.), 100 oniy, as an Addition to Contract uflder Item<br />

1 of Schedule IDA, 1938, delivered FOR., Perth, at 65s. each.<br />

Rate.<br />

Supply<br />

Item 1-2 only 3 h.p ... ... £80 15s. each.<br />

220-v. D.C. Crompton<br />

Parkinson Motors,<br />

mounted on top of, and<br />

Vee-Belt driven, to<br />

Myers 958 Self-oiling<br />

Working Heads, F.O.R.<br />

Perth<br />

Item 2-2 only Automatic ... ... ... £13 lOs. each.<br />

Starters with Overloads,<br />

F.O.R. Perth<br />

Item 3-2 only Float ... ... ... £3 lOs. each.<br />

Relay Switches, F.O.R.<br />

Perth<br />

Item 4 2 only Float ... ... ... £2 Os. each.<br />

Operating Gears, F.O.R.<br />

Perth<br />

Superheater Elements, five Railways<br />

sets<br />

Item 1-3 sets Class Es "<br />

at £83 16s. Gd. sterling<br />

C.I.F. Fremantle, less 21per<br />

cent, of F.O.B. value<br />

Per set net CIT.<br />

Fremantle<br />

Item 2-2 sets Class 'Msa"<br />

at £88 us, sterling C.I.F.<br />

Fremantle, less 2j( per<br />

cent, of F.O.B. valise<br />

Per set net CIT. Fremu<br />

ado, payaient in Loudon<br />

... ... ... £81 lSs. 7d. each<br />

... £80 lOs. 7d. cccl<br />

B 0 l' (10 1 CIV B Bern ui I Id 229i I 1 I B lit I' opc of 2m Sletiopolit in lOu 9(1 pcI cii<br />

1938 in-iItnR'n'Iii' a (1 x 24. acid Water Supply<br />

950 fin. feet, 100<br />

Ii us, ordmarv lay in one<br />

em'S ii on ivooden reel, F.O.B.<br />

Fm i nih. or hit (I Stoic,<br />

I<br />

-<br />

36/38<br />

-IS I /38<br />

'lone 27<br />

d<br />

do.<br />

The Neuchatol Asphalte<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

yhell Co of Austi th C<br />

Ltd.<br />

The Broken 41111 Pty.<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

I 07-i.<br />

1938<br />

TOGa,<br />

1938<br />

215a,<br />

1938<br />

Lou is Si iii. Perth<br />

Trios lcd 'Ic ic al I a ke Bitumen,<br />

1.500 51-C-<br />

500 ins of 80/90 Penetration<br />

i3O00 tons of 105/115 Penetration<br />

P.0W. Fremautle<br />

'or ton of 2,24Olbs., gross<br />

weiilit<br />

1(1(1 Oil Bit non n of 80/100<br />

I'onetration, 4,000 tons, in<br />

tinaitities to he notified for<br />

de]iverv<br />

GOlh. " B " Australia-n Standard<br />

Track Rails, 15 miles (approx.<br />

1,493 tons)<br />

GOlh. Australian Standard Fishplates,<br />

4,042 pairs (approx.<br />

9053 tons)<br />

Delivered CIT. Fremasitle.<br />

Rails to have 2 holes only at<br />

each enrl<br />

Prices subject to Ta-li and Rise<br />

Clause<br />

51 dn Roads<br />

... ...<br />

do<br />

Railways<br />

... ...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

£8 2s. Gd.<br />

L itr oil<br />

cation,<br />

410 Os. per ton.<br />

41:1 17s. (Id. pi<br />

ton.<br />

Tender Board No. Date. Contractor. Particulars.

1046 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JULY 1, 1938.<br />


Tenders for Government Sapplies.<br />

Date of<br />

Advertising. Schedule No. Supplies required.<br />

1938.<br />

June 23<br />

June 23<br />

June 28<br />

June 30<br />

June 2<br />

June 30<br />

241a, 1938<br />

242A, 1938<br />

245A, 1938<br />

247x and<br />

1938<br />

218i, 1938<br />

249a, 1938<br />

248A,<br />

Tenders addressed to the Chairman, TenSer Board, Perth, will hi' received for the above-mentioned supplies until 2 l5 p.m.<br />

on the date of closing.<br />

Tenders must be properly indorsed on envelopes, otherwise they are liable to rejection.<br />

Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Tender Board Office. Murray street, Perth.<br />

No tender necessarily accepted.<br />

F. TINDALE,<br />

Dated the 30th day of June. 1938. Chairmen \V.A. Government Tender Board<br />


CA/C. 9117 (9); 11, 75/38.<br />

IT is notified for general information that the following alterations and additions<br />

lowe bee,, ma (IC in t lie C oar lii tip Ill at es Book do ted I lee Ciii her I , I 1)23, a id iii t lie<br />

(bode Rates ]Iook dated Alareli 1, 1935;--<br />

i<br />

Coacldiig Rates Book.<br />

Page 6.1: from 4/6/38: Sleeping (Sir Fares a iii iiep,t]:itioos. anceliatioti Fees.<br />

Couunonwcaltli EU iiways etc. Delete existing scale of clia rges and insert:---<br />

Conn,io ii wee Iii Rail ways. Tra ns-\ vet alien<br />

Kalgoorhe-Port Pirie,luiirtion.<br />

I iafiiekete<br />

issued at Perth :ind<br />

ianeellati (iii be given : --<br />

Frem;nitle, II notice of<br />

1st Class. 2nd Class.<br />

s. d. s. 6.<br />

30 26<br />

.<br />

(a) not later than 12 noon on the day frior to the<br />

departure of connecting train from Perth<br />

(h) not later than 1.1.0 p.ni. on the day (it departure<br />

of the eoiniert ig train from Perth . 10 (3 5 0<br />

Tickets issued at halgoorlie. ii<br />

be given:<br />

iiotiee of caneellation<br />

(a) not later Di in 2 noon ii the day Dii or to<br />

departnre of t or in froni Ka]goorl le . .<br />

1110<br />

. 3 1 2 6<br />

(It) not ha Fec (han 7 ...n.m. en (lie Oar of depariore of<br />

tuna from ftalroor]ie .. . . . . . . 10 0 5 0<br />

I'ages 103-166: from Ii /6/38: l,itersvteni Passenger Fares, etc., Sleeping Berth<br />

fees. Tnsert:Kalgoorlie-Port Pine 1 ,inction and vice verse. 1st Class 20s,, 2nd<br />

Class I Os.<br />

Geod Rates Book.<br />

I i( .1(3 1 soni I '/h/ s s ii (Ii no Substi Oh I' )\bd loi Robes<br />

I r/r:;. Iii rt:--Coiierete l'eocing Posts. ' 'id ' pIns 25 p.c.<br />

Page 3 1<br />

SUn. 6 tons.<br />

Page 39 iron, 1 3/6 3: Si al<br />

I need (bee Asav Powders),<br />

Page 40: from 4/0/38: 4l;niorrs. ilt:more rates on all classes of manl're 15 C,'(tended<br />

to 30th bone, 193$, over tic vern'.ne,i t and Midland Pail svei:vs.<br />

Page 43: from 21/3/33: l'ipes. remforeed ioicreie 9" to 1$'' diameter''C.<br />

Snbstiti,tc 'B,'' miii. 1 tons; smaller qua]]tdies ''C.'<br />

Pa ice 11): frs,n I 8/0 '33: Insert : -- bottles from 2:1st Perth to Slerredin<br />

or lt:i liyrlie ''A'; nhninuto 1 tons, or ''B'' smalls ,uini,omo.<br />

Page 166: from i$i3/3$: Traffic (clv cell Freniaitl anti North Fremacitle or<br />

Sidings at North Fren,a:itie, ioser( :--Cnmoiievealtl, Oil Reflner,es, Ltd., 3s. Gd.<br />

per ton, men. 4 tons.<br />

Page 181 lie ii 2'-/ i/<br />

Iasert:i'OO meiilos.<br />

\ i] ii I I a loin Oil ( o e bid,o, nb Ic-iso 'hell Co<br />

.1. A. ELLIS,<br />

Coinnissioner of Railways.<br />

22nd June, 1938.<br />

Date of<br />

Closing.<br />

1938.<br />

j<br />

Van Body for Travelling Dental Clinic July 7<br />

Liquid Chlorine during the period eudiiur lQtl oximalelv<br />

40 cylinders July 7<br />

Quicksilver, 30 bottles July 7<br />

7in. i'ipes. Cast iron or AshestonCcaixd , I (1,1101 iiulv 7<br />

Pressed Steel T/Iieels, 2Oin. diame 10(1 only ... .. 28<br />

Solid Drawn Brass Boiler Tubes. 1 9 -olid !J)rawn Ann-corrosive<br />

Steel Tubes. 614 only Aug. 25

JULY 1, 11)38.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 11147<br />

Registrar General's Office,<br />

Perth. 30th june .1938.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the name of the undermentioned Minister lies been duly removed from<br />

the register in this office of Ministers registered for the celebration of Marriages throughout the <strong>State</strong> of Western Australia:-<br />

R.G. No.<br />

21/1937<br />

Date.<br />

1938.<br />

june 25<br />

Denomination and Name.<br />

The Rev. W. b'Collins<br />

1-lomoa Catholic C/meet.<br />


(under section 5 of Registi'ation of Deaths and Mnr<br />

riages Amendnient Act, 1907, and section 2 of the<br />

Registration of' Births, Deaths, and Slnrri::g's Act<br />

Amendment Act, 1914).<br />

Registrar Generals 09i':e,<br />

Perth, 28th done, 1938.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general infornintion, that Mr.<br />

J. F. Morris has been appointed to act, temporarily,<br />

as District Registrar of Births, Deallis and Marriages<br />

for the York Registry District, to reside at York during<br />

the absence on leave of Mr. 1V .A.Petterson; appointment<br />

to date from 7th July, 1938.<br />

Registrar c er;: l's Office,<br />

LEG. No. 105/33. Perth, 29th juin, 1938.<br />

IT is hereby notified, for general 1:: ':r in;; Fin, that<br />

Sergt . Williani Michael Carinody has '<br />

act, temporarily, as Assistn iii District I l':gi si ra r of<br />

Births, Deaths and Marriages for the Freni; ii I- R-gistrv<br />

District, to reside at North Freniantle, iii-o t-ergt. N.<br />

O'Brien retired; appoitment to date fr oin 98th june,<br />

1938.<br />

W L. WILSON,<br />

Deputy Registrar General.<br />

;; '-'' I tel to<br />


Election of Workmen's Inspectors of .11lnie.,<br />

Department of Mines,<br />

Perth, 29th .June, I 938.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with ilegolation<br />

17, Part 2, Clause 7 (c), of the regulations published<br />

in. the Cover,, ncl)i Gazette of the 10th November,<br />

1934, 1 hereby appoint the undermentioned dates, times,<br />

and plares at whicli an Election will he held fur the 11 si -<br />

tions of Workmen 'a Inspector of 2-lines for tic- Si d<br />

District comprising North-East I oolga rdie, East Coolgardie,<br />

Coolgardic, Broad Arroic, Dundas, and Yilg;; rn<br />

(Ioldfields.<br />

Polling DayTuesday, 20th .5 nI-., 1938.<br />

flours of Polling'-7 an;, to 5.30 pin.<br />

Polling l'laees where vetiiig papers may he obtained<br />

and votes rn st hetn-e,- ii the ;,l eve,; len t ion el ii ours -<br />

Inspector of Nines, Nalgoorib (duet)<br />

Court house, Boulder.<br />

Associated (1 old hi inc. Fimnis i on, can<br />

Lake View- Shaft, 1:'iinisloii. -indle house.<br />

Chaffers Gold Mine, f'iniiai;i, candle louse.<br />

I1,usi,ami's Star Gold Mine, i-'i,lIou, c;uidle house.<br />

: Ivanhoe Gold Miie, Fii,nst:;i. :51- Is-;-c.<br />

Ilorscslioe No. 2 Gold Shin,-, FoI<br />

North IDdgurli (1912) Kalg;mrli<br />

candle house.<br />

North iKalgurhi (1912) Slain Phi; f'huiston.<br />

cans lIe house.<br />

I ) I oil, I Ii ( SI hi in h 1I I ,i<br />

(it. 1Jun11: r ITs. IbM. - ll;nnilion bi,;ift, l'iiiiiston.<br />

eandl- house.<br />

Psulli ltai;pirii (i,,isiid;itid (c-i., hn'hsi-s (liP-c;.<br />

Crocsns i'i-:-pric-tar5' Gull Mine, i'iiniston, -anIle<br />

house.<br />

P1;:,<br />

Pnhii ic F 11.<br />

Gormn;um 's<br />

Argus'<br />

Tindal 's Go'<br />

Or;i Baada<br />

Patch.<br />

(ion r 1 Id ousu.<br />

Co'pem'h-'-'i I:;:<br />

Slierie 'i .1;'hd<br />

Residence.<br />

(3 eraldton ... ... Ger;shlI on<br />

Boulder I'ersevera li-es .td., Ill ulistun, candle house.<br />

Kalgoorlie Enterprise, Ltd., Fimniston, e;nul Sc house.<br />

Iron Duke Gold Mine, Finiistou (slotS; loss 's 0111cc).<br />

Oroya South Gold Mimic, Fiinislou (shift boss's<br />

olliec).<br />

North Kalgnr]i tn ited Mines, Ltd., Fimiston, candle<br />

house.<br />

I;:;-ine.-;."i. & 15. Co., Ltd., Fimiston (unll shift<br />

is---.; 's oliiee).<br />

rIb - d Mine, Kalgoorlie, candle house.<br />

C- -: in cdie.<br />

Ltd., (olg;rdie (office).<br />

Mines, Spargovihle.<br />

nger.<br />

-il Shine, !lfimstore, battery.<br />

lil;iuda.<br />

Coolgirdie.<br />

;nuated Shines, N.L., Ill rant's<br />

or), Cross,<br />

flullfinchi,<br />

-iliac, Bullfinch.<br />

Edna Slav .\n,;;!-i,iiateci Slines, 'Westoni;,.<br />

YeIlowrl lime ('ci dJ'i-'.-t., LI 1,, Ml . I'ahner,<br />

Vilgarmi ((loll Bloc, Novena.<br />

.Edw;u-d's Find P1,1 Mine, Marvel Loch.<br />

Police Station, St;u'v,-1 Loch.<br />

Central Noi';':'ii;ao Icl I rp., isorsenian.<br />

Abhottshahl (odd 5-Si i;-:, N orse,nan.<br />

Ni,r-- -nine 0-li "I in:-.:, N.L. Norsenm;imi.<br />

1 joe<br />

P11 01 ne, Norseuman.<br />

Bird Phil 'I:: -: Norseiunn.<br />

- ' nnnies a nil<br />

;tes apprd,ve:.l Ii<br />

.1 ohn<br />

K;ilgoor Ii.<br />

llJerS;-e, julni. IS<br />

Ens<br />

IOu. -macas -<br />

Lam'; -; :'t,Fi', :1:<br />

-md, 'Job,<br />

anile.<br />

Registry District.<br />

IV. L. WILSON,<br />

Deputy Registrar (1 cur-cal.<br />

the dole nonnnatcd<br />

follows :-<br />

Piracy, 66 Ward sheet,<br />

street, Kalgourlic.<br />

Dank street, Boulder.<br />

) 1-Iewitt street, Kid-<br />

ticet, Boulc'ler.<br />

L5nhl street, Kalgoorlic.<br />

7 Pcei-s street, Kalgonrlie.<br />

l'alnser.<br />

cd, 1(10 Egan street, KB-<br />

8-5 llanhury street, Kal-<br />

18-f liesse street, Boulder.<br />

'1 Oreyc street. Boulder.<br />

street, Boulder.<br />

y. 'irafelgai'.<br />

':)i street, Bouhder.<br />

Kalgoorlic.<br />

ISalgoui'lie.<br />

sI reet, fiocilder.<br />

lg'oorlhe.<br />

street, Boulder.<br />

TriP--c--. I lilip Jol, Sill, l'al,uer.<br />

Turner, ('I;ireuce Chi;nfii's. P Robert street. l\aig-oorh;c.<br />

Pull-ri b'oloi, til;; ,h);ivis sti-eet, Boulder.<br />

\\ ;lli iii, I liii) i lou i 1h L wis t ccl Ii il<br />

goom-lie. -<br />

51. 19. Tli'OY,<br />

Acting Minister for Mines.

FF148 GAZETTE, WA. [Juir 1, 1938.<br />

S Z. FIFF,i 4) In'<br />

- '' 3, 'Cd<br />

'1. lFli" F C F<br />

fli Ci FhSF-i:F'e .<br />

.ijiliSC.<br />

'gu-<br />

i) ':' dl{iliOflS<br />

Xoveiiiher.<br />

u a Cmos,<br />

I H OF,' the<br />

F- tIn' Mi a-<br />

-' 'e"ln' and<br />

0 lii'<br />

F ,JFF<br />

ii<br />

Till': 3113: :.(: ACT. 1.104.<br />

LI<br />

a-<br />

4311,4<br />

inca.<br />

:C ,FhIaIncd<br />

honi's<br />

'old dliii".<br />

nines.<br />

dInes.<br />

SF united cmi-<br />

POT-,<br />

r 'or hi inca,<br />

in'<br />

une. 1938.<br />

""f. 1914,<br />

10 on the<br />

ire the Si h<br />

:1 (loverlie<br />

-Ciii mng<br />

of rnaanl<br />

1'. TjILFII,<br />

1 ctai'v for :irise,.<br />

tO a LIP CLI).<br />

OaF. lhnrv Ogilvic<br />

iimir',ioaid.<br />

.iio:v:i Dii Ca, No<br />

e, 1935.<br />

ir'lc'ci or<br />

F' ascII-<br />

andci'nm; h i',-:CFi-<br />

IF::;I' macF1'<br />

i', hut - hiould in.<br />

ohec-t to sad order lie maci . lot ore tue date<br />

lodge at the Warden 'a line' an oh,jeetion<br />

F<br />

I ' ii:: ' i oun is of su ' i. 'si, mind. on the<br />

dci: TiC niw 'Fed, tile Warden cv't proni'etl to hear acid<br />

0 etcrnune the same, in accordance with the evidence then<br />

si-,bi.njtted.<br />

(Sgd.) 'I'. TI. I1AXNAIt,<br />

Acting Wai'cT<br />

To be licard at the Warden's Court, Laverion, on<br />

Tlurs:ln , this 2Sthi day of July, 1938.<br />

Xii nrc o - holding. No. of irea. Xam of Registered<br />

1 blOc r, Address, Reason for ikesuniptiou.<br />


311. Morgaiis DIstrict.<br />

Marhhiery Area.<br />

1 FCroeker, Clifford Clyde Yundamhidera ; nonpayment<br />

of rent.<br />

r Rights.<br />

iitFP-.--dCcstrahimi Renown Dines, No Liahihly, In<br />

Liquidation; hIot gara noit-paynieni of rent<br />

U 0 Miner's Tiighil.<br />

P (Farrigg, John; di org:Fn:, no d{inei''s Right.<br />

SiR 3Vesirahia Jleii,acycm :1! l iFS, No Liahihity, In<br />

J_iqnid mition 11:: i.::: is sion paynieut of rent;<br />

ii:) Miner 'a it ighi -<br />

S21 Rundamindera Past. :rm;I Company. Limited; FunmiFF<br />

indera ; liOn }FFFI iucnt of lent no Miner 's<br />

In.<br />

581" TO-' nit Renown Mints, No Liaidiity, In<br />

in; Morgan,; llFni-]Fmiynic'iii of rent;<br />

:F''i, Right.<br />

Oil' -\HI,:FFF ilbera Pastoral ('oiF:i,ny. Limited; Funii:<br />

d a; non-paynirl ''F rimt; no Miner's<br />

91 b FF1: 1, J:'hiii lhilii'L; FIFF1I I FmivinFS'nt of<br />

i'i-',it.<br />

ii I. Ci:F,(J('iC / 1)islricl.<br />

IF,':.'<br />

9o'b' os giadic. 1)inntrious: Wilunmi; nOli nient of<br />

Flit l'O CJilF:F 0<br />

.1:1 : Iaver:';i; iLl Miner':' Right.<br />

0 I' !.j!. -''n I Chit iou, F': Doria: non-payccnt.<br />

71 di - F-:F.:: 0. .'tteph( ii henry, Doria; 3 )unstai, Laur-<br />

1: cOlon, Doria; nosi-paymeat of rent.<br />

7103 14w II:'- lingo Adolph Plihein], Brim; Cairnes,<br />

Jim ny diontgomeiy, Betia ; non-payisicnt of<br />

:<br />

I cat ; 110 Mhicr 's Rigi I -<br />

('ii idi nor, .1osoph, Dma: i : \ I anar,i, SaM atore,<br />

I es'i: ; non-payment 01 i 'nt: no Miner 'a Right.<br />

.0111;: to Tinbr Compmuiy, Linnted Doria;<br />

F' :11 lnent 01 rent.<br />

I<br />

71(11<br />

.1<br />

1s:. 1,-i:. Jack, Beria ; Viasich, Aside, Boric;<br />

i1: :1 C : FIOCt of i'ent; no Miner 'a Bight.<br />

71'] l'CrOiltirij, dark, Doria; Diasich. Andy, Doria;<br />

non_i:: rinent of rent; io dlisier 'a Right.<br />

7 :;. 1 F dley, 4 ohn McKenzie: Elena; non-payment of<br />

esit ; no Miner's Right.<br />

- it nige. Dcra Louisa; Doria; non-payment of<br />

FSOnt SF0 Must-n 's Right.<br />

7 : JMelsei 1 , James; Doria - non-payment of rent;<br />

iFO Miner's Right.<br />

c.:.;: - Hugo Adolph \\ lihielin : Doria: lion-paynn.Fc<br />

''1 l:dilt : no Illinci 'a Right.<br />

1 F:,, : Doria; non-pllynmolit of rent; hO<br />

i::ht.<br />

'gin; Denim: : 11011-1)11,1 iiieiit of remit<br />

nc-c R'ght.<br />

buT 3 , : 'li<br />

'l'onnca Kate; [herO; 11011-pa) niont of<br />

rem no Miner's Right.<br />

7/liT- jOin. .1 osei1li ; Doria; non-pit) niont of cent; sio<br />

's Bight.<br />

7FM'i' I ::i F:, 0.'w-aid Lethhridge ; Doria: non-payment<br />

C' 1 oCli I Sb Miner's Right.<br />

773]'- hInd-li, Nicholas, Berm; Ynisiehi. Mirko, Denin;<br />

I'. IF FmFFu1Cllt of rent; 110 Miner 'a I4ighFt.<br />

7711'- 0 milbF:':'F a, Clarence Henry; Lavorton; non-pay-<br />

01' reait.<br />

", .1 o'in MeKciizio ; Doria; no ii pmpilleil t of<br />

- :ln:'rIs ncnt.<br />

Oo ; 340cm ; 11(1114)11) liii lit ol re ill<br />

1':, 1ii:"n' Itiplit.<br />

I ': 'm rn, :.F:Fi'H, IhOF'S) Will-Il; htt'i'ia: 1100 011.1 ni"nt<br />

of a'cnt ; no Mmci' 'a Right.

JULY 1, 193S.] GOVEIf (ddZIaT['I B, lilt<br />

id T. MARGARET G OLDEIELDcosi 1 lasted,<br />

Mt. Margaret Districtcontinued.<br />

Business Areas COOlS 05(7.<br />

783TPotter, Oswald Lethbridge; lIen:' : non payment<br />

of rent; no Miner's Right<br />

784TGrgich, George; Ileria ; ilOil-payilleile of rein<br />

785TTrein, Ante; Beria ison'paynsei't of rent: sin<br />

Miner b Right.<br />

787TMel ntyre, Laurence hugh Berm non p'ysn nt<br />

of rent; no Miiser 's Right.<br />

798TSnsith, d rtlinr; Ben ci: non p c is - a e it:<br />

Mbser 'o Right.<br />

Garden Areas.<br />

38T Price, Thomas Brinibloconshe a; lion-pc vment<br />

if rent: no A[inr's lii:dii.<br />

42TRoss, Willians A sexander ; Lay non ;non-pnynient<br />

of rent; no Miner's Right.<br />

flrfMorrosv harold; Laverton; non-parment of rent.<br />

Residence Areas.<br />

704Thiosbaeh, Margaret; Las elton; no Miner's Right.<br />

728ThIi'"ris and. Leonard, Limited; Las erton: sin<br />

Miner's Right.<br />

729TEvans, Harold Foster; Berm: no Miner's Right.<br />

730TMassara, Salvatore; Rena; iso Miner's Right.<br />

hilT Gardiner, Joseph; Rena ; no Miner's Right.<br />

732TIlnnge, Born Louisa; Berm; no Miner's Right.<br />

749TFitzlsenry, Janies; Ben a; no Miner's Right.<br />

IJ2TAisgel, Robert; Resin; no Miner's Right.<br />

758TMcDanitt, Alfred .1 oseph : Berm: iso Mhser 's<br />

Right.<br />

759Tiukiek, riony Berm; no Miner's Right.<br />

762Tldnezovic-h, George; Rena : no Miner's light.<br />

7671' liarlich, Mariyais; Berm; no Miner 's Right<br />

770TRyan, daisies; Beria; no Miner 'a {iighL.<br />

77(iT hlitley, John McKenzie; Rena; no Miner's<br />

Right.<br />

777T ('sian, Stove; itoni::; it 'en's Right<br />

778'I'- htobougehl, li:tects; 1 sin; i i.iier's ihghit.<br />

790'l'\Vilson, Aleec:iisd: r; Liii; no inner'<br />

793TD:ssis, Fraunts ili:st:ce Jane; P ssa; so 'i<br />

Right.<br />

Water Rights.<br />

159TBroc'lcsnan. Maitlaisd Joins; Buits-ille : nou-pcsynient<br />

of sent.<br />

68T'l'urner, Janses Kinninnsosst Laverton ; liunge,<br />

lingo Adolph \Vihhsehss, Berm ; non paymesst if<br />

rent iso As i,sen " Iitghst.<br />

178TCox, George Wos ters; North FrI istoun ; nsa-paymoist<br />

of resst.<br />

182TRunge, hugo Adolph Wilhselns; Resin; lion-payment<br />

of rent: iso Miner's Riglse.<br />

184TLnneefield (WA) Gold Mine, No Liability;<br />

Beria ; ison-plivuse at 0 C resst.<br />

TIlE sITNIN(i ACT, 1904.<br />

(Regulation 180.)<br />

Warden's Ofsire,<br />

Leossora, 30th May, 19)8.<br />

TAKE notice that it is the inteistioss of the \Vrrs[en of<br />

the Goldfield ssieistiosscd hers nssde". on sJ,e date' sac ishoned,<br />

to issue csst o sii Warden 'a C mint n's order<br />

authsorising the eat s-ehlalioss of negi-tritlios ci Cle undermeistioned<br />

nnsiissg t' nt 'to. iss 5.' ilIi5CO a his liegnlation<br />

180 of (lie Afiniii \ t 19114. '. is s rcler inns- issue<br />

in the absence of si. ad; ci lt, nUt 'honil he<br />

desire to oh jest tu snnii ......' ' c:: dr tie Ths<br />

mentioned, Is- ige tI- tt .<br />

containing tile gsa 555500'' i ,:i..,i 5<br />

date nsentioaed, i i; t :<br />

ii<br />

sin. ih Oil CisC<br />

still istocecu to hoar a ad<br />

determine tile sense, 10 i see as hi L evislessee tLn<br />

submitted.<br />

(Sgd.) T. IL II iNNATe,<br />

Acting Warden.<br />

To lie heard at (lie 's's'ai'dc sic Con -5 -, a. tin<br />

Friday, (lie 29th clay of .Tuly. 1938.<br />

Mature of lloldissg. Me. os Area Man e s 3<br />

Holder, A ddresr-, 'lea- eu 1 us' 11esin, Is<br />


IV iagara D tot 'tel.<br />

tirater Right.<br />

112GBright, William; Kookynie; non-pisyrnes<br />

rent,<br />

22C iloidossi, Vittor'<br />

-lOG idnCigedcen, Cl:'<br />

ion pisynient<br />

-19C Poleti, (i'<br />

re'st.<br />

GIC Sail.':, Bes-<br />

0, SilO<br />

(' -i'll 'O Dc'vid<br />

pas inc s<br />

Thii 'sgreessseist st<br />

cusployed a ithin (is<br />

(lie Public get---: -c Act,<br />

Its iiisi,<br />

less Ii:<br />

big heis<br />

'1036 s<br />

In<br />

- lfP7"ec I<br />

(cu Any is 1<br />

spcc-iil tines,:<br />

el,,°'r 's nsncl atin<br />

no'1, fe<br />

tO'Ie<br />

(Is) Be.fsss e c ti<br />

itccd built -atify (tie<br />

isc-ec-sscIry ansI ni csventi. -e svoi<br />

of t use off at (1cc rate -se -iIiecl<br />

shah be nonssssesieed withiosit (lie<br />

(5H 113 s-sI<br />

155 il-I..,.-- 0<br />

its' -let<br />

I> 'i luau '5<br />

bet overtlnse I<br />

fit'- aisle-li pl5yiie1it ii<br />

lsei ciii nine be rlaiinc' I<br />

Counnussionsir 's previous

1050 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JuLY 1, 1038.<br />

consent lii vri,i give '1 iii eases of enlern ::,\ s1icii<br />

the f:iets shall h sTrive.: cr. A full .........:d of all<br />

overtime worked shall 1,. kept in the atv::,laiiee 1)00k<br />

nil entered up daily.<br />

(e) \Vhenever it is pom'mli1e Ii do so time off on the<br />

liais specified herein for I lie perlo work' :1 iia1l he<br />

reemmilleildecI liv lie i'ei nhlinelci lie:' it jfl ,:ll of over-<br />

I lair' p:ivniemmt. lii she event of t line cci m it being<br />

g i aided for cii I inc wa rice ii with in Ti) dm. v o fits perto<br />

ruin ace, air at sli cli he made toil I iwil ii unless the<br />

olik r elect in i', rh : n g I ci ni:ike SUch OVC rem liie allowinec'<br />

eninni:il tvl Ins aninal lease.<br />

(it) lctxrijit as proviikil for in nh':i'iee Ic) hereof,<br />

I Ii" right I -i: niene or overt hue cii: 1 b leh' rminecl by<br />

(lie (2 iinalt' ii,n"r tile reealnnlc p at cii of (lie Pernm:inent<br />

lIemI Ovcrtimme as proviec a fr in enbeiriuse<br />

(g) shall iii t1' mdv to otheers wlic e saia'v 10cc not<br />

"weed 1241 p r all 11 inn. 0 hirers svh - Sill ii exee"i Is<br />

it ti S per a : ci iii, 1) at cia e not exeec it (Pt' 11111111<br />

Ip,il I iC all ci iv ci e laiva lent t 1 nie 0 f sueli . melt to ic<br />

euiiiuiatis e to a'nmn:'l leave.<br />

(e) Ofiieers not w oriciiig under rIo e supervision or<br />

di se wlaicr Inimir of clntv are ncit delia it dc Oct rnnned<br />

mill no5 li eali,le,l f, el:nn' ad th e i. rviil5d fur<br />

in i:iitan (o) lierro<br />

(C) No elcinn for liiylslellt ii line oh shah h allowed<br />

for :1 airuvd of l's than 'e 110w i,r for le,.s than a<br />

nectar if al hoar iCier mh ri-I iiammr.<br />

(g) \VIien ivcrtinie lip:''<br />

1:1 e I I v aliplynip tt e<br />

i 't "ball lie mi tIle rat''<br />

ii owl i toruinla<br />

l"cir \Veck Dcii's<br />

_\nnnnl CIa ti' i SaD rv 1 .<br />

7 4<br />

Fr SaturiIav ft re,: ci hi-nouns c, nat or hnjdie<br />

I [ci] iilavs<br />

Alanl'il ('lass Ii, I a<br />

ill<br />

Annual ('lacsilte,l t-kih:n, It he m:ilin':itea at tlic<br />

aiiiouut r, civil is ci' Ili' 'ide if .....:aielirenelll at<br />

overtina'.<br />

(Ii) \Vlic a tine ft is ci<br />

as lieu a eil the<br />

roe pii 1:;<br />

Ic' ii ..is oh,<br />

1_oil<br />

e imiW'e (dl<br />

(2 i i 1,:::. 'a' :t lrcest 30 in'' I<br />

un aPi l,': v ii hit aa,i ii cniil<br />

workii (Ill ci i'iatitrilay af,r r. ci a<br />

I loli0civ, ci al hO ii ecu ii ]i.i a coal<br />

irhimli overui iie iS pertorn i i Such lirecilu"<br />

ri'riigiiusecl ml'; cs cr1 air'.<br />

(j) This elanse shall h' ciii' nd ,i cli'inld a (ive-ilay<br />

ivo rlci a g weelc cii ne mo opercit 10<br />

I. lea Tiloar3<br />

1 I' 1mw elf in lien a averlmnie Ii- s,'i,, olileer" celia<br />

mciv lie reim'nre'I by tie' I cal alt the ''' ''hl'artn.unc to<br />

cdt' mid aft: tb' a, mar i,t'k'e Ii': I I iirmll'c up<br />

i at s. I" lOSS I," elk' ,,',l Ii-. t .11111ev, 1<br />

eat<br />

apply,<br />

i,'i I<br />

hi inmale liii<br />

ov"rt line' l,,<br />

or I'ulil ic<br />

cii's- Oar In<br />

shall not lie<br />

c nc imp (0:1) p in iii ,l I tar. :;, : 'imivmcad,,<br />

i'lPt'is s, lmnl,'in,' . ii<br />

ii,......<br />

inn v he pa id p rovideo lie otlie el's irork UI) ti 1 31) p. in.<br />

\\i,,re Iive:tm"ie is paid. tea lnoncv l.all not lie 1:::iii.<br />

I T iellia,<br />

(ci I 'i'hi ' fi"luisvi"p slmciil lii liii' sale at c. lao iln'es<br />

ii I: i,i ctk'e svlic'n tr,ivelli<br />

Ii I :cc'c iii r bie:nlqn rt is 11 dliii tm,' II "trolioliin<br />

A-em :m'i,t a lee' ad ali' Ilic' 3ietrp titan<br />

Area a:<br />

(iij b tsvr:ii tie - In :nlcjiiarr i on slili' e 2'letroii<br />

,lmtmmi .1 ieti mid ' pha c w ,tl,ia tle 2itetrolloli-<br />

(ma' Are: or<br />

((21 li"t'vee'i 11,i- in :ilqil'irleri outside' (li1 \letropalit:'a<br />

0 i:i aol ci place outside the Detropolitcai<br />

Airc, -.<br />

I P 1 '1. 0 I') 'le'- a' roe pin cc'. ollie cr5 critlm<br />

a c 'a sdi' I o' iii I I.,' liii' I avehhig<br />

biegii's of<br />

12(136 and over] Ss. pci day.<br />

4402 to £6311] os. per day.<br />

01190 anIl ucider-14s. pci day.<br />

A ft i'- 10 days in one place-<br />

1266(1 auid overi-is, Orb per day.<br />

41130 and uncler-12s. per day.<br />

(b) In (lie cmise of officers in charge of field w'ork,<br />

and (hose whose travelling involves the use of both camp<br />

and hotel accommodation, a reduction of 20 per cent.<br />

shall, unless otherwise approved by the Commissioner,<br />

he made in (lie above scale.<br />

(e) The daily late shall represent in equal portions<br />

the expenses for three aieals an(l a bed. For (lie purpose<br />

of computing expenses, in the ease of arrival at or<br />

depai'ture from the town in which (lie officer's beadcpcarters<br />

are located, breakfast shall be allowed for if<br />

the arrival is later or departure earlier than 8 n.m.,<br />

luiielm if arris-cil is later or clepcirture earlier than 1 p.1w.,<br />

tea if arrival is later or departure earlier than 6 pin.,<br />

anti bed if arrival is later than 11 p.111.<br />

When a sleeping berth is provided (lie bed allowrowe<br />

will not apply, except when a heel has been paid for<br />

elsesvhere fern portion of the night anil a certificate is<br />

made tn (hint effect.<br />

When an officer stays at any Government unstitu-<br />

(ion for wInch a charge is not made, one-fourth deductuna<br />

will be made Irons the above allowances for each<br />

iteni of expense mentioned in subclause (e) not incurred<br />

in any day.<br />

(1) Ifeasonable incidental expenses, such as tram and<br />

bus fares, and w'hiere these are non-existent motor fare<br />

may he paid, provided in (lie opi non of (lie Permanent<br />

Head the distance warrants it.<br />

(g) It' on account of lack of suitable regular trminsport<br />

facilities cm1' officer necessai'ily engages leilgiimg for<br />

the night prior to commencing travelling in order to<br />

tras-el by an ecirly morning train, lie shall he paid the<br />

allowance fan' such lodging in addition to (lie other<br />

clllo\vaui'es authorised by tins agreement. All tras-elling<br />

cillowanees shall he in addition to the cost of cons-eyance,<br />

except w lien there is a comnniuteci allowance cnibrae'ing<br />

trcsvelhing allowcuuice as ps'ovided for in subelause (mu)<br />

hereof.<br />

(Ii) Offieem'i' stationed in (lie Metropolitan Amen who<br />

are i'elieving in or temporarily trauisferm'ed to any picice<br />

srithnui thicii. In-ca shah not be allowed for aicals, hint<br />

oliieers trcis-elliuig iritlnn time Metropolitan Area omi journec-s<br />

nec'essitatiug time purchase of one or more mcciii- -<br />

are entitled to be paid 2s. foi' each meal required to be<br />

cure.hicssed, pros-ided (lie tinselling is not within (he<br />

snhrmrbc in wIn i'hi they mall de.<br />

Provided (lint no allowance may be claimed fan' jour.<br />

mans svithnn ci radius of five unles of (lie Perth Railw'ay<br />

5O, Ii''; I unless citlieru-ise msppm'os-e'l by (lie Pcrmanellt<br />

llv'a,I.<br />

(1) L'iri,t class r:nlw-miy and stenuier fcn'es shall he<br />

cilloivect to ill officers u-lien travelling on ilepartmentnl<br />

bus lucas.<br />

tj) When officers trcivel hr steauier or other vessel<br />

or In' railway between Perth amid Adelcside, in wInch (lie<br />

tare pcnit inchimiles subsistence, clii allowance equal to<br />

h-i pci' edt. of the pclsscige ulolley, ('aleullited ems single<br />

fcmre, shall In' jicnd in lien of (lie rirdivary travelling<br />

cmlhowcimn''s,<br />

(lc) OffIri'rs slcit ioueil in Western Austrmihia (ras-chliag<br />

hicsmid (lie hoots of the Stcite shici] 1, except when at some<br />

a:- by rmnhwav between I'em'thi cuD Ailel:nd,c reeeh-e an<br />

cullosvcmmice at (lie i'cit e of 2-3m, per dieni ; (lie caumputcitioii<br />

of (lie a hlow-amice to he on the basis Icud ulow-n in subclause<br />

(e) uuuless it cciu lie shiovn to the satisfactioms<br />

of (lie Coinunsmioni'r (hicit I Ins anioumit is insufficient to<br />

mc'et I heir vecssouable out.-of-iocket expenses for which<br />

I ,<br />

"'ipii, aiu"t be produced.<br />

(1) Na rent its-lug officer shicihl pcws for paymuent to<br />

1 llV of le cr, ted s-el ha p a] Ici u-cl lice exceeding 14 i lays in<br />

in am ii i'iunitli - until lie end'iisemuemit of tIn' l'c'mimiauent<br />

II cciuh, i Iroichi the Iiemd ii Sub-Ilehiciri inent, lid' been<br />

0 't ci med Oh tD cmreoant.<br />

In cc' I 1s0.s iii I"" naa,auteul cihiosvmnicec in<br />

ftiI 1' 11115 I'hlilig :iil rdIilvi'fdlae' :11 i'm operation<br />

ie dcite a, tin' eanilag iota fIred' O('iln,, agreellient<br />

shm:ilI i-iim,t 111,1'.<br />

till Subc-lciuses (e) (II ( i) nuclei' clause Ii shmshi milso<br />

cli', ly (ci tIns clause.<br />

- - oI islerrc'd caid Hehics-imig Otileem's.<br />

(a.) \\' hi 'n i: a iii' I'm is trans t'i'rn ed, a lhoss-ami c's imucl er<br />

clause 5, sul'eicmos.- (:1). mhiaa' ivithi (lie approval of (lie<br />

lleacl of Delicirt uient lie ii: (1 in cicichition (a I lie district<br />

allownuces, if any. for a pd' id Ui 10 days ci fter :' iriv:ih<br />

at (lie new- I oeal tv. n-In cli shall I lien 0 e ,usiI e ru 'I (lie<br />

ciffice i- P lice ddluarte rs, amid them'ea ft er hm Pm :111 lie liii uI<br />

the district allowance cnil , Should dli oltieei- 5 (PlUmp

dc-rev 1, 1938.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1051<br />

i'c retused lv the head of Department he may appeal<br />

tic the Conmiissioner who shall determine the merits of<br />

the claim,<br />

(ii) lor the purpose of this clause the headquarters<br />

uI an ollicer engaged on more than one work shall be<br />

considered to he the place in which the principal work<br />

is located as deli led by the Permanent Head, and while<br />

it such headquarters the officer shall not he entitled to<br />

icy taveliing allowance.<br />

(c \Vlteii an officer is relieving another or is on<br />

special work away from his usual headquarters, and iii<br />

(:0-U- picnic has in addition to his own maintenance to<br />

ma ic tam an establisimient elsewhere, an allowance at<br />

lic. late uI (is. per diem ii' niarried or 3s. pci diem if<br />

single shall he ranted by the Permanent Head, lirevded<br />

that if thc period exceeds six weeks, the approval<br />

of the Comitmissioner shall he obtained to the continuance<br />

of smh allowance. This allowance to eonunenee from<br />

I lie expiration cit tile period during which 1 lie allowance<br />

under cculiclaiic-e (a) is paid.<br />

An ottiret cvltu cannot claim to maintain an establishmeat<br />

el-c-where lint cnn, is pnt to expense which otheriv;5i'<br />

it would not he necessary for hum to incur, shall, on<br />

ct- ri roof to tin- Commissioner, lie grunted an<br />

dlocv;: a-,- o reimburse snob expenses in a sum per lay<br />

not exoc ding the a hove antount.<br />

(ii) \Citerc it is considered adxisable to do so an<br />

ccicc'r 's lit a dcj iii rt ers nut i be clia uged to a new locality,<br />

iii cub in it case Ii e ci how-u nec tinder suhicla use (a) may<br />

e prO ltd Or ii lie ri od up it) 11) ci arc - In cli sos where<br />

lice other 5 pitt tic expense o,i i-el urn to his former headquart<br />

i-s tlii- illocc-ance tour also Ice paid up to 10 days.<br />

(c) Officers shall travel be railway or SI ate steaniship,<br />

unless icticeicvisc- direc-tc-ci be the l'ertuccncnt head.<br />

(f) Wltenever :c :i 111--cr does not truvel by railway<br />

ate sI e a nislu P per suhe I a use (0) lie ccli all lie ic -<br />

paid the actual ci st ( lice necessa r\ timid ntust eeonu<br />

ntii-al c<br />

-ails o 1' cons ci nit cc upon fur ni clii mm g receipts for<br />

u rh pe riot-mit - 11cc cmi is sit all not he i-cquired for any<br />

us er live slnitinp.c but in lieu tin-roof a ecr-<br />

.iic:l.:-c the trccccntt turin nicist lie nitici as follows:-<br />

-<br />

- : riO tica I liii: coin ui li-is been actually<br />

expended by inc ccii h'nliiir Service.<br />

(p ) Ac u ill-c r I ii I cic ga ge oilier celtic les when lit ore<br />

i-c 1(11)1 in i-onvey:uices- tc-cnlalile u lien required.<br />

(h) \Vlci-,i i-i rcumccstcinces nec-es it cite the lure of a<br />

incilui- i-at, Oi oihei- 5peciai mttecin-c ut traicsit, a special<br />

report shall meconipa mty the ac-count -<br />

(i I nles, sliericcilv ci tltccrised by the t'erntancnt<br />

I head, tax] ian-s ic-ill ccii he allowed wltc'ii the distance<br />

he Ira cursed liv I lie orditiciry ntrudi-s of t-oitvcvance<br />

Ice tail. train - niut ui oi- uuitu lius.<br />

\ liocvatti-e fcc Vehicle-c, cii-., incited liv Oftieers.<br />

çu I Tue ('uttuit issiomicr tune cc utltoi-ise ct cotttittutcd<br />

tileccut-- li-c liii keep. - r icirc-, ui lticrses, i-aids, motors,<br />

hi cyci cc, icr tit, c ccii icr c-uc eva nec ht hcit pitt g to ofticei-s.<br />

i, Cclii- c-s ccii: I crc- c- .qui ted tic maintain a niotoi<br />

i--ic or mcii br cccii for Ic ic c-lliccg on olhic-ial business, and<br />

ciii i crc cit. in ri-relict ol ii eonnttuted ailucvam-e iii<br />

I bit liii- ii hid cii 1crt ion of the i-oct if locoitiotion is<br />

-i ii- I - -cliii I, lii-- .ioitrtueys apprtivcd by tlte Permanent<br />

-- :Oil ci nuleage allocrance to c-ovcr all expenses<br />

''s I bat with the i-ar ot motor cycle in neeoi-daiice<br />

- -- liereuader :-<br />

liotor dir tel cc t I it-ic.)<br />

Ilotor ear (itot exc-eeiilug<br />

12 lip.)<br />

Motor cycle (with skiecar<br />

cihtere anticorised)<br />

Motor cycle<br />

II lii,, Ce travelled mcli Year on<br />

(i(iicial htmmeiaess.<br />

ic aeee iccilc s. Os-cr 1.000 tinge.<br />

Iietmu1iccii- Metroicol<br />

tiui dud liii eicd<br />

i-;uciciii_icitti (oitiitrv. Smilcitrlian Country.<br />

Aremt .' Areii<br />

per attic, per attic.<br />

ci. ci.<br />

1 4<br />

2 2t<br />

Mel topehil sum tutu Simicnri'sa Am cc Ic i (I - mccci ri-ce P I li-c ccii<br />

clause imtciuiies ill piarce crilitimu a rictus el I itches l,-oitc tics l'erlit<br />

Iticilwctv Stcttioa.<br />

2<br />

(c) Tile Coninussioner amy increase the rates prescribed<br />

by thus snbclause in any ease in which lie is<br />

stttislieri thiiit they are inadequate.<br />

S.Camp Allow-amice.<br />

(a) Muir ied officeis while in cam1) provided by a<br />

Departutcat shah he paid ti daily allowance of thu-ce<br />

sit iihings.<br />

(I,) Cuinctrmied ufficers lyhiuSo salaries do not exceed<br />

£270 pci- aununi shall, witile in camp, receive the allownice<br />

of three shillings pci- day for the flu-st ten days<br />

only.<br />

Tn special dices the above scale may lie increased<br />

l,v thtc ('omnntisshcmmer,<br />

A single titan in camlip, on satisfactory proof<br />

heimig supplied titat lie is the main support of those<br />

related to htimmi audi who reside iii time <strong>State</strong> may, Oil the<br />

ctrtiiinatc of the Comnnmissioner, for tIme purposes of<br />

ciimup cihiowanee. lie considci-ed a mitairied mnan.<br />

(c I _\ imiarried man with ins w-ife and family in camnp<br />

sot t Icinger period thtami one month in any one year<br />

sicall not lie pain c-amp allowance foi- such period.<br />

(t) A ititirried milan cc hose ivite resides outside the<br />

Stctte ditch lie regarded as a single alan.<br />

9District Allowance.<br />

(a) hi istrjct ahlocyammec- at the i-ate shown jut subclause<br />

(i) sitahl lie paid to cciiic-m-rs located in time towits speciuied<br />

or in the localities adjacent thereto.<br />

(h) Distuict :cllowanc-c- may lie patch, except as hereitt<br />

fttr pros-i dcci. cc-itli eithmeu ti-avelhing allowance ui<br />

caitiic alloceanee, hut tras-elhing allowance amid camp<br />

uI lii cc-cut rc i cite mm ot Ice it Id at thi e simile time<br />

A cci mcgie niami, on scttisfactori- 1iroof being supplied<br />

I htai lie is the mmliii support cdt those iehated to<br />

iciium, cud ,vlccu teside iii the <strong>State</strong> ntay, on the ceutificate<br />

(ci the ( omunt issiommet, for time purpose of thus allowance<br />

lie u-umisiiered a mtiarried wait.<br />

Othic-ers pros-ideci sc-ithi bnuarcl and lodgings at Dos-urci<br />

mitt-mit expemise slutil not drctw tIme full amount of distm-in<br />

cc lb cc-limit-c, I iet such pioport ion thi eueol' as mu ay lie<br />

ct g cocci I cc by tic c (mm umui ssionei- -<br />

(c') \Vitetm miii c,i1h-er is on leave of absence, or foicUter<br />

tcmmipcurary rd-Icc- mis is micut requiicci to live in tite<br />

ci let mid fur srhm ic-hi Ice is entitled to nlraiv distuict allowun-c.<br />

lue shucchl miot drciw such allowance except in lime case<br />

ccc tunic icc I lccis-e ucr in thtc case of bug sorviee leas-e om-<br />

Cdi 'c leave - exncp t lease cult hmout pay, cc-lt en the family<br />

cc r depemic [Ii id is cu I thu olhice r remit dii in thu o district. Jut<br />

u-ices where tuui cuttic-er leaves his district omi diitx time<br />

ci - c] ci 1(11cc irldnce sica II cease a ftei- the expiratm on of<br />

tcc cc cecelcs. ctmtltss uuthmercnise lijupros-ed by (lie Comuinmis'<br />

c in mici.<br />

I') Si-lilt- ccf did net nllocvtunc-es svhichi may lie paid<br />

cccl] cr1 cii nlflc ers in the localities specified<br />

£120 11cr ntmtnuu : l'itzrccy Croscciutg, flaIl's Cs-colt,<br />

Turlce1- ('ccci- -<br />

1100 pci- ausumimuut : \Vecnllctumtm.<br />

1130 per innunt : hIm-i ic uuc, b)mrl us, litt rb Ic Ba r, Xuhlt -<br />

gimic, Pout Iheuhituucci.<br />

116(1 icer ammntimut : Omicluccn, 11uueliicciritc.<br />

100 tier annumn : kicci cIt I hci\-,<br />

110 per auiuum : ('I i_ct It rc mi - .1 iii ellen, <strong>Law</strong>-he is, iu{ulline,<br />

Pc-ale 11111 Rcmcdhimucili, \Viluna, Youaumti,<br />

Zan thins.<br />

£30 1)er aiunuuu : Boogircb-. h-iromtcI _\rrosv, Burbidge.<br />

Cue, Day Dawti, I delthc) II opetraiu, Kooks-ide,<br />

Ts.uuidip, Kuuiantm I hap-, Lduverticci - Lecaiuura, Lemmimomu-ille,<br />

iuleekttluarra, iilcciri- hfccrgaus, lift.<br />

huh agnet, Aaunine, Os-a liamicli , 1iivemmsthuddrpe -<br />

Sanulstone, Yahguio, Yumnumdaga.<br />

£20 per anuinuum: Bullfimmchm, Golden hiiclgu-, lug-gumsville,<br />

Kaumowna, Kurrawtung-, Kccrm-awang Woodline,<br />

Lalceside, hlai-vel Loch. Korsemutasu, Bit-li<br />

huleadocrs, Salmon Gums, \Vestoitin. Widgienioolthma,<br />

Yerbillon.<br />

£10 pci- dnnnmn : Boulder, Bi-ats-mi 11111, Cliche Valley,<br />

Coolgardie, Esperance, Gi-ass Ihiteht, Kahgooi-lic.<br />

TIed Lake, Sonthiei-mi Crose,<br />

r(he rate of disti-ict allowance winch mali- lie paid tcu<br />

a single officer shall lie one-half of that luaid to a ulari-loch<br />

officer.<br />

I 0.Ticmnos-al Allowance,<br />

(a) Ohlic- ens who are tiamisfermeth frommi e t- iurrcijty to<br />

ammciticer suchely it their ocvum m'oqnest, or by cxl hcttutge (except<br />

as provided tom- ihi the next snbclause) must bemmm

1052 OOVFiIfNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. Jri 1, lOPS.<br />

I lie ivliolc eosf of tbeir renioval. When transferred on<br />

account of nnseonduct the cost must be borne by officers<br />

in fault, unless otherwise determined lyv the Commisiiiier<br />

prior to removal.<br />

(b) When an officer is transferred<br />

(1) in the public interest;<br />

in the ordniary course of promotion and transf<br />

ci;<br />

(i if on account of illness due to causes over which<br />

the officer fins no control,<br />

the actual reasouahle cost of conveyance of such officer,<br />

as well as that of his wife and children dependent on<br />

hun, and furniture enhect to tile lmntntiofls defined in<br />

ei'Lclause (e) will be paid hy the Department, or in<br />

flit case of unmarried officers, an application for a<br />

similar concession may be considered by the Comnns<br />

siouer, on the reciininieniiitioil of the Permanent head.<br />

(c1 'l'lie inaxi iunni amounts for conveyance of furniii'<br />

cc shall he as under : -<br />

(i) Officer whose salaries are under 018) per<br />

annuni, £23<br />

(B) Officers with salaries of £180 and under £390<br />

per tiununi, £35;<br />

Officers with salaries of £390 and under £582<br />

per a ununi, £40<br />

Officers whose sam r ies ire 4582 per fl nh 0111 and<br />

over, £30.<br />

(d) In providing for cost of conveyance, only necesso<br />

rv Ii o usehold furniture ii lid effects sli all lie taken in to<br />

consideration.<br />

(e ) Porn itu ic, whi are ii ract cable, nh all he reni oved by<br />

ral lwav.<br />

(f) Before rebus oh is oiiderfakeii, Iii, liner nhiall,<br />

ivli crc pra etic aid i ohta oIlers from it 1;io no cnriers,<br />

nd nubioil caine to the Berman it 1! off, who<br />

niiiy uifliorise lie acceptance of I he more suP ii ic. pro<br />

vided I fiat the 1101 xu1iuiii ailiounf ahove ste i si is hot<br />

exceei led<br />

(g \oi eden iii'nl lie roil'ced or ill siiiiis paid.<br />

(Ii) The I 'eriila 11(11 'ml iliac, ii lieu of cost of conveyiuue,<br />

iuthoris if f au aiiiounf not exceeding<br />

I lie iilaxiiiiuhii'r ri ft renioval expenses, fo coui<br />

peuhsafe for lii c ii iv cage where an ofIicec. willi the<br />

approval of Ike l'erii ienf lleid, disjioes of liii turinlure<br />

ihuil heels iusfea(f of reiiioviug fli,n I ii liii new<br />

lieadqnarfers. TIne fiayhuient will ii' niaufe onl uheii<br />

I lie cost of reiiiviig tin' effects o f n'fir would he<br />

greater I0oi the uixiinniii uuounl alou l endr tIns<br />

clause,<br />

11. Travel hng Ti me<br />

Officer. ivlio, io the conrec of I liii r diulv, ale called<br />

upi f o ravel a fter I lid r i'sual oliice buns niav. On<br />

.1- his oni ii liii iliseretion of the ('oluinisinn<br />

o fin resi'ei-f of such tinic speiif<br />

eihiuig.<br />

12. iliglier l)iifiesdilioviiii e.<br />

(a) ,'in office peel orni lug Pie (Viii, if ii iiof icr oflicei'<br />

or perfornung I lie u-irk o i odii-. oilier tliu lus own<br />

office, (hiring a li--ili v (lice in, iii he i anti P lulier<br />

duties allowance i p li' folloivii i'i'<br />

When aciiiiO a no fl " for ierio,i of' on"<br />

calendar itS ii' l"uigc ". I lie n Puniiuu value<br />

of wliiel i,,'',i- his 'iwo sahiirv. liii' ilillulunlu<br />

value of e,cli 1,i,sifi p (or thi" ivlioi',' tinie lie<br />

is acting;<br />

hVIien aeIiiu 10 'i p i Plion for a period if inc<br />

rileli(fir n' i14 ii r 'i'n; .....lie iPii nun v1 liii' of'<br />

winch dots mi' i'X,1 lij oiv'i'-aia ry, it the<br />

rate lie would 1.' i' el_n: hail I e l en<br />

manentlu- appoinf cii to I lie hughier hiosition. for<br />

tile whole (ion lie is acting.<br />

Provided that ever' elliccr prior to lt .lulm 193ff,<br />

acting in a higher i 1' lie I office, for a per i off of oi ii<br />

P1011th o- longer shill i iv'' 'ii' mill'uvuiu-i' eonivmlcm'f 1<br />

one grade, unless fl, grnifiug 'if .<br />

mmcli gin'' m's miii<br />

allowance would inc rca i' iims sihmi rv heu (ill if thi i to<br />

uvhiehi lie would be entitle I lv" ri lie 1111 ui an eutiv ap<br />

pointed to the pOSitmohl.<br />

(h) An allowance gramted under tlus clause shiahl not<br />

he payable to an officer whilst on leave extending over<br />

a period of fourteen days.<br />

(c) An ofhieer paid an allow'anee under this clause<br />

shall, after acting for twelve nionthis hi the higher positwo,<br />

be granted an increased allowance eiiuivalent to one<br />

lugher grade.<br />

(fi) For lie purpose of this clause the 11136 reclassification<br />

shimi II oficinte up to and including 30th June,<br />

1939.<br />

(e) All dhoivauiees g'ranled under this cfause shall lie<br />

rev ie ived minI ad ,j nst oil as on 1 sI July, f p: Ill -<br />

].3.-11ni forni Allowance.<br />

it is agreed I hat hi all eases where 'mu iforius. overalls<br />

and/or other ivearing apparel is supplied to the oecupants<br />

of the cfifiereut positions at the time of the coining<br />

into opermitmou of I his agreenieut, they shall continue to<br />

In' supplied, and it is further agreed that should the<br />

pirties lieret o suh se(fuently agree, a supplenientary agree-<br />

1110111 uiav hi' made in substifution of this clause and<br />

such supplenientary agreement shiahl lie regarded as concc<br />

rren I iv i'hi I his f il-ill eipal agree went.<br />

[4 Dirty Work.<br />

_\ special ahlowan e shall be paid to officers when engaged<br />

iii inoviig or sorting old books or documents or<br />

any it lice ivo 1k lviii -ii iii tue ophi ion cit Iii a Ferui a nell<br />

1 I-mi m'oul I In' rlmi'si-d ms dirty, stu-h millowauce to be<br />

!'-e,'Ssisl lv ff;:: ( ',ehnnmSsi011Cr<br />

IS. Officers paymg Wages.<br />

(mi) -In o flicec ivlien paying wages outside the Metroof<br />

ita ii \ rem i ni r i hg the in onthi 5 (if ii may t ci September<br />

inclnsive, awl Puirhig thie balance of the ear if ill the<br />

op in 11111 of I lie ('liii! ii ssiolier thie eircuinstmuices warrant<br />

if, chill recei\ e a -p,s-fal alhowmnee if the late of is. fid.<br />

per div svli il e i ii i'm 0-h - To pa\ iuenf cliii 11 he for less<br />

I thai hndf i clii miff ,i Pmi sh'Pl iln'iii uhn're 111<br />

filer I- p u-lug c fuel before oral'Ie- 1 i).iui on each<br />

hay.<br />

flu ,\n ofhicer eiigageih ni pm'yilig wages ill Ilie 0[efropm'hitmuui<br />

Area dung his usual 111011 hour, or priol' to<br />

$ a - in - or a fI 'n 6 p.m., shall he enf itleil lo dra iv an afhuuva<br />

nec of 11111 sh ilhluigs.<br />

Iii' iiommrd \Iluiuihirc' for .5_m'mmival Leave.<br />

ii oii mniuuimml leave ,,fhrers iclo di- nol avail theiii-<br />

'li-i's of tile hi'immr.I nud liudpiimgs proviifed in lhieir classi<br />

ficmufio:' 'hmmlh ip' i'aufeih mu' mihhowani'e '01' lIme 1iei'ioih of'<br />

Ic Ie-v' if Iii, rafc' of' 41 (er u'm'i'k,<br />

If Ic cou utmincv I leg rec is.<br />

iii I hic' Clerical I)ivisioii, ehassilii'iI in fhie<br />

s-'lmn'v 'iliac' CIII) 4270 or its eululvaleni who s,ilisecluent<br />

i flicir mu;'; 'iefuli'mif lie I"iimmml I'xmiininmifioii iu<br />

f a"conn;:i-s a r(-egli eel imi'tif'ife of A c" minlants,<br />

iummii- if' i: ii. 'ii lhie ii phui'O'," I "I' file ('onimi1icsioner. a<br />

cmish lhouvmmn-'' of 012.<br />

I 'I. -h ni versil,v I)egrec's.<br />

cr-i imi IS,' ('ic'ricmil lfliisim,m o-m'hi a ilihixnulllhh classii.:<br />

g:em( ii' 11,1,1 -S0P w-m,o suhsecuenI to their<br />

I' nv,, e miii l if ter the date of thus<br />

in bc ilmc c' 'if Bachelor of Arts or<br />

i'1 "ii , 'f ("imnu"r"m'" I tbmm' Gnu ersitv of Westom-im<br />

i<br />

'.c'rmml em- . pull - n lhie appros m',l ol' tIme Bommissiofim<br />

r m' rich mihlowaucc' of 012.<br />

if), iu.[arried Men's Allowance.<br />

-, w'hni is a niaui'ied unui or who is thc' support<br />

(el to lilni, ou I lie apjirovmii of' the Coin-<br />

1 iii' entitled to an allow mince equivnlent<br />

I glier grmnlc' of salary Ihian the salary<br />

hing 10 age. w'ithm ii mmixinium of 0270.<br />

20 .'I'e on of Z recum mom'<br />

'l'hiI" \ u i'c',ii"ii' shimmhl '-omna ei.cc mu' I'mm' let .Iuuly, 1938,<br />

i<br />

:1_i ill ' :,5 on liii' 2$Ihi ,Imm'm-rv, PlO.<br />

b'riii 'P ' I Ihif<br />

t ('if l,i'r immirty Ii' I iP m.gi mi iment may,<br />

ill' r thu I- huilv. 1939, and in regmiu-d Io chain's 3 (j)<br />

nib 13 earlier if umece'-smurv, negotimife u-'i tim,' othic'r<br />

pirty to -nii"i,h or adih Iii thus Agreenu'u'. and ii' both<br />

fi'm rti mm am e" uchi agrecuiemi t inn y lie a ni cn d - d his- a supp<br />

leimi eotary ill i-eeuient, ivhi ichi<br />

this Agreement.<br />

shmilh be con cuu're mt with1

3 uar 1, 1(338.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1053<br />

in wit es ii hen of the parties hereto ilave hereunto<br />

their lnlld aud seals the day and year first before<br />

irrit! en,<br />

(lEO. W. SIMPSON.<br />

ied he I aid Ic Service Coniuus-<br />

1cr 0 Vesterl, ,\ilsfrahia in the pre-<br />

ii. P I'uliin.<br />

'l'he Cull un -e- : of the Civil Service<br />

.3 saOCiIltioI \t".t em Australia, Incurporafed.<br />

wits hereunto affixed in the<br />

presence of--<br />

V. AIeA.l)AbJ,<br />

[L.. Trustee.<br />

.1 (3, .1 l6FTEWY,<br />

Trustee.<br />

TIJOS. C. 1IBYDOK,<br />

General Secretary.<br />

1611 l3k'rl_Af.<br />

iN!) LS'i hi .' L \gr nell! No, I 3 ui 1936 between The<br />

(iv of Perth 31 ,i)ieilal (unneil and Tue Fremantle Gas<br />

unl ( oh' ('usipatty Lilaited, nd thu Metropolitan Gas<br />

\\'orks 1 11101 of \Vurkers. 1tubhshed in tue Goverissisesrt<br />

(o Ill Pled the '111th O.',oher, 19313, page. 1802-<br />

1,1 se I. -Piled LI' of' \Vtgeaiietort Operator<br />

I ivurh 1 Tue 1110111111 of Ci Ps. 9d. pci week<br />

Cl' 1)1)1051 C tine if eel should read 54 8s. 9d.<br />

'i..<br />

I"1tANJ1 WALSh,<br />

industrial Ifegistrar.<br />

im', 1<br />

\\P'tern Aeist (1)111).<br />

W[PANIES ACT, 1893.<br />

Kiluherley Metals, No Liability.<br />

NOTICE is ilereby given that the Registered Office of<br />

tile abovenamed Company is situate at Royal Insurance<br />

iiuildmgs, 13:1 St. George's terrace, Perth.<br />

Date)! fite 31.1 day of May, 1938.<br />


Ilouilhec, (loufrey, & Virtue, Commercial Union Chamhers,<br />

66 1-11. (eurge'i. terlaee, Perth, Solicitors for the<br />

Attorner of the abos ellamed Company.<br />

TilE COMPANIES ACT, 1893<br />

I'tic Culninonwealtil Oil Refineries, Limited.<br />

\OTICL is ltereby given tilat the Registered Office of<br />

the ahjui .ulaltled Conlpany in the <strong>State</strong> of Western Aus'<br />

traitti a situate at Fort Forrest, North Freniantle.<br />

Dated tlii, litil (lily of June, 1938.<br />

8. CLARKSON,<br />

Attortie in Western Australia<br />

101' tile abovenained Company.<br />

Til ii COMPANJ i:i AC'i', 1893.<br />

Ahl'utf C10)],\ n, Limited,<br />

NOTI('i6 i- herehi gi\'e fIn Ill' Registered Office of<br />

I lull Pigi -\ 1-, Lilllited, I'. sit nate at No. 1007 hay<br />

ret. 13 r I h. i'm office K' 1 he ('oulpany will be Opeli<br />

o the ])ilhii' Icr (it' trallseef lull of business Oil all days<br />

I the SIP. 31! oil IIC y (3 Fri I las- Inc luirve, between the<br />

1) 1.111, lIlt) 'I 11.11.. ee)'ep1 oil public Ilolidas's,<br />

II 1 01) - I In a ln bet lIce a tie lIon rs of' 9 a .111. and noon.<br />

hued 111:5 21-Lu da3 of' JulIe, 1938.<br />

'sGMl 0 1<br />

KI'EED & CANTOR,<br />

Solicitors for the Company,<br />

Forrest place, Perth.<br />

lies! cr11 Australia.<br />

Dli: I 'U\[i's,N I us API'. 1893.<br />

'cii hI')':'. GuI ('1' Colllpilny, Limited.<br />

0 -i Sell hull ill II (lilly ('011'.'elle(l meet-<br />

11(3 III iIu 'Iu ' 01r- of' iP'ltIle'I'bOlI 'i'iltlher Colllpally,<br />

11111 ii, ,; '. Cdii I (1111 01' .1)111)', 11)18, 1 special<br />

re ol (lii 1 1)111) p. .sed I It'. It I Ia, (ullIpallS' LIe a 01111(1 nIt<br />

voluntarily nndei' the Conipanies Act, 1893, and tlla.t<br />

A rtil ur Douglas Sinclair, (If St. C eomge 's terrace, Perth,<br />

-3 (co Ilututlit, be appoutted Liquidat 01'.<br />

Dated tIns 23rd day of June, 1933.<br />


Perpetual Trustee Buildings,<br />

89 St. George's terrace, Perth,<br />

Solicitors foi' tile Company.<br />

'l'Ilhl COMI'.A 'sIllS ACT, 1893.<br />

Allgio AlIstralilill 111(1 I u'lIer:ul investment Trust,<br />

Lauited.<br />

NOTICE F hereby given tlil(I tile Office of the above-<br />

IlIllIted Colllpany ill \Vesterll Australia is situate at 21<br />

bloo-ard street, Pert II, 1(11(1 that Reginald D 'Oyly Forbes<br />

mId Quinton Randolph Stow, both of 21 Howard street,<br />

Perth, aforesaid are the duly appointed Attorneys of<br />

tile Compaty in the said <strong>State</strong>.<br />

Dated tile 27th day of June, 1938.<br />


Solieitors for the abovenamed Company,<br />

21 Howard street, Perth.<br />

TIlE COMPANIES ACT. 1.893.<br />

'l'uflis hunter A Co., LimitedNotice of Change of<br />

Registered Office.<br />

NOTICE is hereby givell that flout and at tei' tile 1st<br />

icy of July, 1938, the Registered Office of the abovellIllllC'd<br />

Coiuipauy will be removed from -17 Pier strct,<br />

Perth, to tile Basement of No. 77, King street, Perth.<br />

Dated tile 27th iiily of June, 1938.<br />

C. A. McDONELL,<br />

Attoi'itey for Tullis hunter & Co., Limited.<br />

I Inrilo'ick, Slattery, A Gibson, of Victoria House, Perth,<br />

Sohicitni's for tile abovenamed Company.<br />

TIlE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.<br />

W1eslcl'lL Pl'operty Proprietary, Limited (IllcorpOl'atcd<br />

ill Victoria).<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that tile Registered 0111cc of<br />

tile above Company 115 (lie <strong>State</strong> of Western Australia<br />

is situate af 813, Colonial Mutual Life Buildings, St.<br />

George's terrace, Perth.<br />

Dated this 24th day of June, 1938.<br />

B. ROBISON,<br />

Attol'ney ill \'iTestcrll Aiit.li'alia fOl' tile<br />

Comp an-.<br />

Western Australia,<br />

TIlE COMPANIES ACrI, 1893.<br />

1 'aeific Cllenlieai Company, LunitedNolice of<br />

Registered Office.<br />

NOTICE is llci'cb}- given tllat the Registered Office of<br />

l'aeiflc Chemical Conlpany, Limited, is situate at Nos.<br />

1183-697 I-lay street, Perth.<br />

The office will be accessible to tile public on all seeds<br />

11115'S (excepting Saturdays and Public holidays) hetill-il<br />

I hte itours of 9 0.111.1)11(1 noon mild 2 p.i11. auui<br />

'1 p.ti. and on S:tturda3-s froln 9 a.m. to noon.<br />

Dated flu' 23rd day (Ii .1 1.938.<br />

D\VYER &- THOMAS.<br />

Mt Wilhaul street, I'erh it,<br />

Solicitors for tile Conlpans'.<br />

'l'IJIf COM1'AXI IfS ACT, h893.<br />

Edmeats, Limited.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that tile Lidgistel'ed 0111cc in<br />

\Vesfcrn Austraha of till' uhovenaliled Colnpanv iS situated<br />

at 696-698 hay street, PertIl.<br />

Datcd tills 23rd day of June, 1938.<br />

DO\\'NINC & DOWNING,<br />

Pet'iluu, Aguitts fur 51110 & Tltrll't', _\h'I<br />

houmne, Solicitors for the mud CoillpLtll)'.

1054 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. [JULY 1, 1938.<br />

IN 'riTs S1JI'RE3[E COURT OF <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />

<strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>.<br />

No. (i ot 1938.<br />

in the matter of the ('onipanies Aet, 1893, and in the<br />

matter of Edjiidina Gold Mining Company, No<br />

Lianditv.<br />

ill an Order inaJe by the Supreme Court of Western<br />

Australia in the abot e mattel' dated the 22nd day cf<br />

June, 1938, on the Petition of harris, Searfe and Sandorers,<br />

Limited, a Company registered under the provisions<br />

of the above Act anti with a Registered Office<br />

situate at Numbers 1183-697 hay street, Perth, in the<br />

<strong>State</strong> of Western Australia, it was ordered that Edjudma<br />

Gold Miffing Company, No Liability, be wound up<br />

undei' tile rOV1S1OflS of the Comupanies Act, 1893.<br />

Dated the 22nd lay of June, 1938.<br />

DWYER & ThOMAS,<br />

National house, 49 William street, Perth,<br />

Solicitors fm the said Petitioner.<br />

TN TIlE SUPR ff31 If CO C liT OF \V LiST ShiN<br />


Company No. S of 1938.<br />

[ii the matter of tue Companies Act, 1899, anti in tile<br />

umatter of Marvel h,ocb Gold Develoiunent , No<br />

Liability.<br />

TIlE Iloutturabie the Chief' ,J ustiec bus by all Ordem'<br />

dated the 23rd clay of ,l tine, I 938, api oin ted William<br />

Annand Carrarv of St. George's terrace, Perth, in tite<br />

<strong>State</strong> of Western Australia, Chattered Accountant<br />

(Aust.), to be the Official Liquidator of tIme abovenamed<br />

Company.<br />

Dtl ed tue 24th tlimy of June. 1938.<br />

R. II. GOODMAN.<br />

Associate.<br />

Parker & Parker, 21 llotvtm'd street. Perth, Solicitors.<br />

INTI1E SUPREME COURT 013 <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />

<strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>.<br />

Company No. 5 of 1938.<br />

In the matter of the Companies Act, 1899, md in time<br />

matter of Marvel Loch Gold Devclopmuent, No<br />

Li ttbility.<br />

BY aim Order muncie by tite tmpremt t'ourf of \\'esteru<br />

Australia in the above matter flitted the 52nd clay of'<br />

9 tine, 1998, on tite Petition of Clarence henry Briggs<br />

it was directed that Mart'el Loch (ictiti Development,<br />

No Liability, lie wound up under tlte provisions of' fit"<br />

Companies Act, 1893.<br />

Dated the 23rd flay of June, 1938.<br />


21 hlowai'd street, Perth,<br />

Solicitors foi' the said Petitionem'.<br />


anti in the usattei of tii A.T.N.A. Club (W.A.),<br />

Limited (in liquidation).<br />

NOTICE is hereby given flint the Final Meeting of the<br />

above Couspany will lte held at the ofhee,. of Messrs.<br />

L'imtou and Morris, Ptmi.tora] ilou"e, St. Geom'ge 's terrace,<br />

I 'ertit, oii Monday, the 1st day of August, 1938,<br />

at five u 'clock in time afternoon in order ttt receive aim<br />

account of the winding up and time report of the Liquidator<br />

thereon.<br />

Dated this 28th da) of .1 one, 1938.<br />

J. L. PATON,<br />

Volumitary Liquidator.<br />

[N '['liii 31 .\ 'f'I'Ehf 013 TIlE CO UPANIES ACT, 1899.<br />

anti in time itiatter of Australian I flue A sbestoe<br />

Mines, At> Liability.<br />

N (91' I ('LI iS hiereb,t' gi\ cit tltttt the Registered Office of<br />

lie abovena ute d Cot m1p n,v is si nate at 13.5 St. (leo rg e<br />

terrace (2nd floor), Pmirthi, ammt,l is open and accessible<br />

o the public between the houi's of 10 am. ttnd 4 pin.<br />

tvec'k days and 10 a.mn. mmd 12 noon on Saturdays in<br />

each week.<br />

I)atetl tins 23rd ch,v of June, 1938.<br />

G. 11. CARLISLE,<br />

Secretary.<br />

Carlisle, Wade. 8i Co.. ('hirtered Accountants (Anst.),<br />

133 St. George's tem's'aee, Pem'thm.<br />

IN TIl S MA'l"i'Ehi OP i1l 13 COSI l'ANTES ACT, 1893,<br />

anti u the umatter of the National Clotluimg (W.A.)<br />

Tffinitetl of It) King Street. Perth, iii voluntary<br />

ii,'uiclation.<br />

Notice of 3leeting.<br />

NOTE> 'ii is herein' given thmitt a Combined Meeting of<br />

tlte creditors and shareholders (tf The National Clothing<br />

(W._t.) Limited, will lie held at the office of Coombs,<br />

\Vhiyte F Lissiumu, II oward street, Perth, on Tlmrsclay,<br />

the 7th day of Jul1' 1935, at 4 o'clock p.m.<br />

Business<br />

To receive a i'eptu't tum time progress of time Liquidttt<br />

ion to tIme 3 lIt ii June, 1 938.<br />

'i'ct receive a Stat euiemtt of' Receipts and Payments<br />

ct tite 30th .1 nut', 1938.<br />

'I'tt 1 se s t lie a dv ist hi lit5' of' en rrying' on tIm t' be P<br />

nm's, 1t'td ig the '-'alt' of simuie as it going' cott-<br />

'.. 'mm .1 (II to in l ,'uct tite Liqu i dimtoi' aceo rib<br />

ingly.<br />

etl this 22nd cli' of' June, 193$.<br />

.1. 13. SIITCTIELL,<br />

Vohmntttrl' Liquidator.<br />


(56 Wet., No. 8.)<br />

NOT IC 13 is Itereby given (bat, undei' the pm'oisimts of<br />

sectiou 20 tI' (lie above Act, a Certificate of' Iuco1'porilion,<br />

as t No Liability Commipany, htts thus day been<br />

issued to Australian Blue Asbestos Mines, No Liability.<br />

Dated (los 23rd clay of' June, 1938.<br />

Supreimie Court Office, Pem'thm, 'W.A.<br />

T. F. DA'VTES,<br />

Registras' of Comnitauies.<br />

IN TIl S 3[AT'i'Ehi OF' TILE COMPAN1ES ACT, 1893.<br />

(56 \Tiet., No. 8.)<br />

A OF I C S is itt' rd ' ri i-en that, under the 11mev 151 ens of<br />

scm-I iou 20 of the P ''ye Act, tt Certificate of' 1 neos'pttrittion,<br />

as a Liuut ed ( 'omupitmly, ha'> tIns (ha)- been issued t'>t<br />

Abbott Sigmi-Atis, Limited.<br />

hated this 2Siii day of .htmmme, 1938.<br />

T. F. DAVIES,<br />

Registrar of Companies.<br />

Supreme Court Office, Perth, WA.<br />

IN '011ff MArTEn OF TilE COMPANIES AC'1', 1893.<br />

(56 Vhf., N. S.)<br />

9. t IT I' 11 i5 lieelty gum that, tui,f"r tite urcts isinits of<br />

ion '1) Ii thte ibttc e Ac't ,aCertiii'>'aie of lumc-t'rperaion,<br />

a Linutel Ctflnptium5', h_as tIns (lily been issued to<br />

Lcylt nti \'ehieles, Limited.<br />

Dated this 29th day of .1 mimic, 1938.<br />

'I'. P. DAVIES,<br />

hlegisf rar of Commipauies<br />

Supi'emue Court Office. Perth, WA.<br />

IN TI 113 MA i'ThfIl Oh" TI [13 ASSO( 'I A'L' IONS<br />

INCOI3POI1ATTON ACT, 1895.<br />

Ii, Allan hieiiiiett, ttf 13 N.evihle i'ttati. ('l,uc',ttoilt.<br />

(it il l'1iigimieer. amid .\midrecv tic'ttrge I i'viiit', ci' 13 flexuitfer<br />

rttai, ('hareiattitl, Civil i-'ervtnt, ftc' 'l'rmmsiee.. ti'<br />

(lie Dalkeitim 'l'emumis Club, (10 bert_by give notice that

Jt7r 1, 1938.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1055<br />

we are desirous that such Club should be incorporated<br />

under the pros isions of tile Associations Incorporation<br />

Act. 1893.<br />



The following is a eo- of the Memorial intended to<br />

be flied in the upreine Court under the provisions of<br />

tile said Art:<br />

Name of TustitutionDalkeith rfe]nlis Club.<br />

Obiert (ii' Purpose of the InstitutionFor the pur-<br />

(It providing lellllis courts, practice facilities, and<br />

for tile association of persons interested in tennis. To<br />

lircillute competitions in tile sport. To give or to contribute<br />

towards prizes. medals, and awards.<br />

\Vhere situated os estabhshedPoint Resolution Reserve,<br />

Dalkeithi.<br />

The name or names of tile trustee or trusteesAllan<br />

Bennett and _\mldreiv George Irvine, President and Seerctarv<br />

respectively.<br />

In whom the management of the Institution is vested,<br />

and by wilat Illeans (whether by deed, settlement, or<br />

otherlvise)The illanagement of the Club is vested in<br />

a Comnunttee soilsisting of President, Senior Vice-President,<br />

Captain, tire Vice-Captains, Secretary, Treasurer,<br />

and six nlelilbrrs elected by the nlclllbers of the Club at<br />

a general nleetinC in iecordisnce with time rides of the<br />

Coast it mibomi.<br />


NOTICE is lmereb- given that tile partnership heretofore<br />

subsisting between tile undersigned henry John<br />

Colyer alld .101111 Robert howard carrying on business<br />

as Storekeepers. \ewsagents and Service Station proprietors<br />

at the corner of Ascot road and Belmont<br />

mu enue, Rehilont, under the style or liens of ''Callformshmll<br />

Service Statiomi & Mnrkets ' ' has been dissolved<br />

lvi mmllltllal cousemit lii from tile 9th day of June, 1938.<br />

All (hellO' disc to ascIi owing by time said late lirsmi ivili<br />

be received and paid by time said henry .Jolsn Colyer<br />

wimo ivill continue to carry on time business st the same<br />

place.<br />

Dated tl,e 17th ilay of june, 1938.<br />

11. 3. COLVIfTI.<br />

J. IS. hOWARD.<br />

Signed in tIme presence of T. P. home.<br />

Downing & Downing, Solicitors, 39 St. George's terrace,<br />

Perth.<br />


WE, Gerard Mario Quilty and henry Simnpsosi<br />

Clark, trading as Quilty & Clark, General Storekeepers<br />

mind Agents, Kislaisnie, hereby give notice that on the<br />

31st day (If May, 1938. we dissolved partnership, the<br />

said Gerard Mario Qniity disposing of Isis immterest in<br />

tIme limo to liessry Simpson Clark, and the said henry<br />

Shnpson Clark will receive all debts due to aimd discharge<br />

all liahihties of tile old firm of Qnilty & Clark,<br />

and time said henry Siuspson Clark will continue to<br />

carry on the firmsm business in ins own name.<br />

Dated at K:slasimmic tllis 20th day of Slay, 193".<br />

\Vitisess: I. L. Dewar.<br />

\\ritsies5 : I. L. llewar.<br />

U. M. QUILT V.<br />

11. S. CLARK.<br />

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />


In the Will of Esther Jane Grenehl, late of 416 Oxford<br />

street, Slousst I-lawthorn, in time <strong>State</strong> of Western<br />

Australia, Widow, deceased.<br />

ALL pmsons having claims or demassds against time<br />

Estate of tIme aboveisansed deceased are hereby required<br />

to render particulars of sanme in writing to The West<br />

Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency Company,<br />

Limited, of 133 St. George's terrace, Perth, the Executor<br />

isained ill time Dill of tile said deceased, on or before<br />

tise 1st (lay of August, 1938, after which date the<br />

said Exeemmtor will proceed to distribute the assets of<br />

tile said Estate amongst th0 persuns emstitied thereto,<br />

having regard only to those claims and (1(015115105 of<br />

which it then shmall have had notice.<br />

Dated tIme 22nd day of June, 1938.<br />

11. P. RODRIGUEZ.<br />

Solicitor for 'Fill' West AlmstI',llilln Trustee.<br />

Executor. and Ageises- Company, Limsmited.<br />

IN rl HE SUPREME COuRT OF' <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />


In the matter of time Will of Sbmsrgaret SisnpSomm (2rolve,<br />

late of 34 Cook street. Nedlaisdo, jim time <strong>State</strong> of<br />

Western Australia, Spimsster, decemsed.<br />

NOTICE is imereby given timat mmli emeditors :11111 other<br />

persons having amsy elaillir or delmlmlnds aganmst the<br />

Estate of the abovenamned deceased are ]mereiIv re'hnired<br />

to send pam'ticuiars in ivritnmg of tlmeir elainls 01 iemlialidS<br />

to Time Perpetual Executors, rpi.uSt ees, msim,l Agency Conspany<br />

(W.A.), Limmnted, of St. George's terr;sce, i'erllm,<br />

the Executor of time Will of tile abovenmsmmmed deceased, on<br />

or before the 1st day of August, 1938, after ivhicls date<br />

the said Comnpany will pioeeed to distribsmte time assets<br />

of the said deceased amlsomsgst the parfies entitled thereto,<br />

imaving regard ossly to the climinls immid (ielrmllsds of<br />

whicis it shall themi have lmaT msotiee.<br />

Dated tile 24th day of Jmse, 1936.<br />


Surrey Clmanmbers, St. George 's terrace, Pertll.<br />

IN TilE SUPREME COU1I'I' OF <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />


In the mnatter of time Will of Josephm George Spencer,<br />

late of Kojuimup, in time <strong>State</strong> of Western _'smmstrmmhia,<br />

Farmner, deceased.<br />

NOTICE is imereby giveml that all ereditom's amiD other<br />

persons Imavimig chainms or demands against time Estate<br />

of the above decease I are hloreby remmested to scud in<br />

particulars thereof ill writmg to time Execmmtor of time<br />

Will of time said Josepis George Spemmeer, deceased, care<br />

of A. D. Simmitb, Solicitor, Katasmmmiug, oms or before the<br />

1st day of Amignst, 1938, mmd further that at tIme expiration<br />

of sucll lmlst-muesmtione,i (late time said Executor<br />

will proceed to listi'ihmmte tIme assets of lime said (icceimsed<br />

anmomsgst time persons emmtitled thereto, lmmmviug regard<br />

only t( I time elainms mm imd (lemImmI miDs if iii I helm hm sI m11h thmea<br />

Imare had notice.<br />

I )mmtmd m his 280i day o' .1 usie, 1 938.<br />


St. George's terrace, Pemtim, Solicitors, Agents<br />

for A. D. Snsithm, of Kataimmuimmg, Solicitor<br />

for time Executor.<br />

IN 'Phi 11 SU PRESI F ('OP ST OF <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />


In time matter of time \\'ill of .Iolns Albert Tllommlmms. formnerly<br />

of 17 iCmmnlei street, Nortim Perrhm, in tlme<br />

<strong>State</strong> of Western Australia, h,,h lmmte of 106 hOimsders<br />

street, Moumst hlawthmomn, 115 tile said <strong>State</strong>,<br />

Rmtism'd ('ositmactor, Tm'miea sod.<br />

NOTICE is Imereby gil-ems that mmli persons immving elmmimims<br />

om' demmsands agaissst time Est:mte of tIme ailovemiommled deceased<br />

are reqimired to seimd pmmrticulmm ms thmereof 1mm writing<br />

to Time West Australian Trustee, Exeemtom omnd<br />

Agency Coimmpany, Limmmited, of 135 St. George's tesrace,<br />

Perth, time Executor of tIme Will of the said deceased<br />

on or before time 1st day of Aimgust, 1938, after wlmic'ls<br />

date the said Executor will proceed to chstribsmte tlse<br />

assets of the said deceased asnosmgst time persons entitled<br />

tlmereto, isaving regam'cl only to thmose cimmimmis and demands<br />

of wlmich time said Executor shma]l thsen hare had<br />

notice.<br />

Dated the 22nd day of June, 1938.<br />


Oeeidemstal Ii ouse, 49 St. George's terrace,<br />

Perils, Solicitors for Time West Australian<br />

Trustee, Executor and Agency<br />

Company, Limited, time lExecutos' of<br />

the Will of time abovenamed deceased.

10511 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. LJu' 1, 1938.<br />

IN THE SUPIIEME COURT OF <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />


In the matter of the Will of Joseph Thomas Clothier,<br />

late of Walkunina,' ' Mount Barker, in the <strong>State</strong><br />

of Western Australia, Farmer, deceased.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other<br />

persons having elaiins or demands against the Estate of<br />

the abovenamed Joseph 'Ihomas Clothier deceased are reqmred<br />

to send particulars thereof in writing to the<br />

Executors. Mary Ami Esther Clothier, Herbert Henry<br />

Clothier and Erie Thomas Clothier care of the undersigned<br />

on or before the 24th day of August, 1938, after<br />

winch date the Exceutars will proceed to distribute the<br />

assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto<br />

having regard only to the claims of which they shall<br />

then have notiee.<br />

Pa ted thic 24th day of June, 1 93S.<br />


wk Street, Albany, Solicitors for the Executors.<br />

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />

<strong>AUSTRALIA</strong>i'IIOBA TE .JURISDICTION.<br />

In the matter of the Will of IDarcy Ford Beanies, late<br />

of 80 Buller street, Kalgoorlie, in the <strong>State</strong> of<br />

IVestern Australia, Paler Produce Merchant, deceased.<br />

ALL persons having claims or demands against the<br />

Estate of the abovena,ned deceased are hereby required<br />

to send particulars of such claims or demands in writing<br />

to the West Australian Trustee, Executor and Agency<br />

Company, Limited, of 135 St. George's terrace, Perth,<br />

the Executor of the Will of the said deceased on or be-<br />

Swatton. Andrew<br />

Torhet. Archibald<br />

Kay. Alexander ...<br />

Tippett, \Villiaui James<br />

Sonnadere. Don Elias Wyenaravaua (also<br />

known as 1 )on Ehas Sonnadere)<br />

Wallis. Charles Walter ...<br />

Ray, Charles Michael (also known as<br />

Frederick Charles .Joues)<br />

Salter. George Frederick<br />

Camphell, Folio<br />

O'Sullivan, Sydney<br />

as Dan Ryan)<br />

Camadini, Bortolo<br />

,Jones, William<br />

Kelly, Peter<br />

1[eEaehrar', l)uucan<br />

Haves, Thomas<br />

Name. Date of Death.<br />

)ardel (also known 29-3-38<br />


lx rite Seriusite Corstvr OF \VC5TRRN AUSTItALt c, PCOaArC ,J,JsISn[OTION.<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estates of the ,mnder,ne,itionaj deceased persons orders<br />

to collect nod ad,ni,iister mIsuse Estates were granted to me by the said Court under the Curator of Intestate Estates Act<br />

1918 ) are lierehv required to scud particulars of such claims to me on or before the 25th day of July, 1938, after which<br />

date I wilt proceed to distribute the assets of time said deceased persons among those entitled thereto, hiavi,,g regard only to those<br />

claims of which I shall then have had notice.<br />

.1. H. (ILYNN,<br />

Dated at Perth the 30th clay of .June, i938. Curator of Intestate Estates.<br />

Hack truest .1 oh<br />

Smith - Thomas<br />

18-10-37<br />

5-11-37<br />

18-4-38<br />

i3-4-38<br />

4-4-38<br />

2 l-4--38<br />

18-5-38<br />

11-5-38<br />

iS-2-38<br />

10-1-38<br />

16-3-38<br />

14-2-38<br />

30-9-35<br />

3-5-38<br />

11-4-38<br />

i6-5-38<br />

Date of Order.<br />

fore the 1st day of August, 1938, after which date the<br />

said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of<br />

the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto<br />

having regard only to those clainms and demands of<br />

which particulars have been given as aforesaid.<br />

Dated this 27th day of June, 1938.<br />


New Zealand Chambers. St. George's terrace, Perth,<br />

Solicitor for the said Executor.<br />

TN THE SUPREME COURT OF <strong>WESTERN</strong><br />


In the matter of time Will of Mary Elizabeth Edmonds,<br />

formerly of 790 Hay street, Perth, in the <strong>State</strong> of<br />

Western Austrnhia, hut late af Riclunond street,<br />

North Perth, in the said <strong>State</strong>, Spinster, deceased.<br />

ALL claims or demands against the Estate of the abovenamed<br />

Mary Elizabeth, Ecirnonds deceased must he sent<br />

in writing to the West Australian Trustee, Executor and<br />

Agency Company, Limited, of 135 St. George's terrace,<br />

Perth, tIme Executor of the Will of the said deceased on<br />

or before the 1st day of August, 1938, after which, date<br />

the Executor will distribute tIme assets of the said deceased<br />

among the persoiss entitled thereto having regard<br />

only to the elahims anti demands so sent in.<br />

Dated the 27th day of .1mm, 1938.<br />


Comnaercial Bank Chambers. 42 St. George's terrace,<br />

Perth, Solicitors for TIme West Australinms Trustee,<br />

Executor and Agency Company, Limited, the Executor<br />

of time Will of tIme ahovenarned deceased.<br />

Address. Occupation.<br />

11-2-38 Formerly of Xinghan Station,<br />

via Wobin and Pigeon<br />

Rock. but late of Geraldton<br />

1-6-3$ Formerly of Meekathiaria bitt<br />

late of 60 Aberdeen street.<br />

Perth<br />

Korrelocking<br />

Kuhn<br />

Roebourne ...<br />

Fairplay Lease, Williamstown<br />

383 Newcastle street. West<br />

Perth<br />

Greenbushes<br />

25-6-38 Formerly of Mount Magnet<br />

but late of James street,<br />

Perth<br />

Karlgarin<br />

Warralong Station, Moolyella<br />

via Marble Bar<br />

Bhina Station. Derby<br />

Gwahia<br />

Mount Magnet<br />

Formerly of Coolgardie but<br />

late of Leederville<br />

Formerly a Private in thse<br />

Second Pioneers Battalion<br />

of His Majesty's Australian<br />

Imperial Forces but late of<br />

Warralong Station via<br />

Marble Bar<br />

57a Forrest street, Boulder<br />

oe(uh)at ion.<br />

Miner ,m,mch prespecto,.<br />

IFam,n labourer.<br />

No Occupation.<br />

Miner.<br />

Labourer.<br />

Jeweller.<br />

No occupation.<br />

Labourer and prospector.<br />

Labourer.<br />

Storeman.<br />

Pluniber<br />

Miner.<br />

Stoehenman.<br />

No occupation.<br />

Station hand.<br />


v 1. JiGS.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. 1057<br />

E8TATE8 placed under the charge of the Curator of Intestate Estates for Management during the month of June, 1938 :-<br />

Name of Deceased.<br />

31(k37 tinith. Thomas<br />

ff7 :18 Owatton. Andrew<br />

:ls; Torhet. Arcliibalcl<br />

lot .18 ICt-. Alexander<br />

1 1 38 lipe t, IVilliani daisies<br />

121 nnadere. Don Elias<br />

\Vveijaravana (also<br />

known as Don Elias<br />

Sonnadere)<br />

1 2238 Wallis. Charles Walter<br />

76 38 Rae. Chit cbs S lichael<br />

(also IS1ISil itS Fred-<br />

(lick (5 i des ;Jones)<br />

S 15 ' do i it iii u 1<br />

8t:l8 (ainill. din<br />

85 38 1 )t-tiillivuii_ tV(Tiiv taiiel<br />

(also known as Dan<br />

14-ant<br />

loll 38 (hitioliai, lint-to]<br />

38 .heies. William<br />

iOt)38 Ccliv, Peter<br />

11(1/38 Mekachran .Dunctui<br />

13 I :38 Ii ayes. Ihonias<br />

l)ated this 30th dxv of June. 11)38.<br />

Residence,<br />

Formerly of Sieckistharra<br />

hut late of<br />

60 Aherdecn street,<br />

Perth<br />

hosreloekmc<br />

Kuhn . -,<br />

ii oel (1)11 rile ... .<br />

iairplay Lease. \\il.<br />

iiamstown<br />

383 Newcastle street,<br />

ikrth<br />

(1 reenhushes<br />

ho oinerlv f Mount<br />

Magnet hut late of<br />

lames street, Perth<br />

l.a rigari ii . . .<br />

ha rralOilti Station,<br />

Sintivella. via Sfarble<br />

ISa r<br />

hut tlei tO. I )erby<br />

(tiraka<br />

Shuut hlanei<br />

i'oritierlv (ft S let she<br />

hut hi' (II C....<br />

till<br />

1'oriiierlv a Loyal in do.<br />

the teem] I 'ionecrs<br />

Battalion of His<br />

hlajestv's .-lastraliau<br />

liii p'ria I 13 rres lint<br />

late of Warralong<br />

$tatioi. rio hlarhle<br />

liar<br />

S7ti lot rest street, do.<br />

Boulder<br />

At a meeting- of thu Excutivc Council held ill the<br />

Executive Council Chamber, at Perth. this 30th day of<br />

3 line, 1938, the following Order in ( ouncil was authorisrl<br />

to b issued:<br />

The Land Act, 1933-37.<br />


Corr. SCo. 854/38.<br />

WHEREAS by section 33 of the Land Act. 1933-37, it<br />

is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any.<br />

lirserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality,<br />

1ditl P,oard, or other person or persons to be named in<br />

the order, in trust for any of the purposes set forth in<br />

sect mn 29 of the said Act, or for the like or other public<br />

purposes to lie specified in such order, and with iower of<br />

sub-leasing: And whereas it is deemed expedient that<br />

Ifeseives as per attached Schedule should vest iii and be<br />

held by the <strong>State</strong> Gardens Board in trust for Park and<br />

(a Hens Now, therefore, His Excellency the Lieutenant-<br />

Governor, by and with the advice and consent of tIm Executive<br />

('iincil, doth hereby direct that the before-mentioned<br />

Rescrvc shall vest in and be held by the <strong>State</strong> Gardens<br />

Bo:ird in trust for i'ark and Gardens with power to the<br />

said <strong>State</strong> Gardens Board subject to the approval of the<br />

Governor to lease the whole or any portion of the said<br />

Reserve for any term not exceeding Ten years (10)<br />

from the (late of the lease.<br />

(SgCh.) L. E. SI-IAPCOTT,<br />

Clerk of the Council.<br />

Schedule.<br />

Reserve 21855 (Perth Lot 461).<br />

That portion of Reserve ''A'' 17826 situated<br />

siortli-westward and westward of Riverside drive.<br />

Supposed<br />

Nationality.<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

rio.<br />

do.<br />

Italian<br />

British<br />

do.<br />

EBtirnated Value of<br />

Date of Date of<br />

Order. Death.<br />

Persorialty. Realty.<br />

£ s. ri<br />

1 16 2<br />

9 6 2<br />

1 16 4<br />

1 4 Ii<br />

5 I) 0<br />

45<br />

13<br />

ft<br />

£ s. ci<br />

TO 5-li---37<br />

18-4-38<br />

13-4-38<br />

4-4-318<br />

21-4-38<br />

18-5-38<br />

6-5-38<br />

15-2-38<br />

10-1-38<br />

l(5-3--38<br />

I 4-2--St<br />

30-9-35<br />

3-5-38<br />

11-4-38-<br />

1(5-5-38<br />

,T. H. GLYNN,<br />

Curator of Intestate Estates.<br />



£ s. d.<br />

Abattoirs Act anti Amendment 0 1 0'<br />

Admiuistraton Act (Consolidated) 030<br />

Adoption of Children Act 023<br />

Agricultural Bank Act<br />

Agricultural Seeds Act .. .<br />

Arbitration Act . . . . . . .<br />

0 1 0'<br />

0 1 0'<br />

010<br />

Associations Ineorporation Act 0 0 6<br />

Auctioneers Act . . . . . 010<br />

Bills of Sale Act (Consolidnteil) . 016<br />

Brands Act 0i&<br />

Bread Act (Consolidated) and Amendment 010<br />

Bush Fires Act (Consolidated) and Amendment 016<br />

Child Welfare Act 020<br />

Crown Suits Act . . . 016<br />

Dairy Cattle Improvement Act .. 0 1 0<br />

Dairy Industry Act - . .. . . .. 0 1 6<br />

Dairy Products Marketing Regulation Act .. 0 2 6<br />

Declarations and Attestations Act .. .. 0 0 6<br />

Dentists Act and Amendment .. .. 0 1 9'<br />

Discharged Soldiers' Settlement At . - 0 1 6<br />

Dog Act (Consolidated) . . .. 0 1 0'<br />

Droving Act - .. . . .. 0 1 6<br />

Electoral Act (Consolidated) . . . . 0 2 6<br />

Electricity Act - . . . 0 1 II<br />

Employers' Liability Act .. . . 0 0 6<br />

Employment Brokers Act and Amendment 0 1 0<br />

Evidence Act (Consolidated) 0 2 0

1055 GO.VE NT GAZETTE, \V.A. [.Jcix 1, io;1S.<br />

Acts o.f Parliament, etccontinued.<br />

Factories and Shops Act (Consolidated)<br />

Factories and Shops Act Regulations<br />

Factories and Shops Time and Wages Books<br />

Large -. -.<br />

Small .. --<br />

Farniers' Debts Adjustment Act (Consolidated)<br />

-- -.<br />

Feeding Stuffs Act --<br />

Fertilisers Act -.<br />

Financial Emergency Act .<br />

Financial Emergency Tax and Assessment<br />

Act - . - - . - - . . 0 2 6<br />

Firearms and Guns Act . - . - -<br />

Fire Brigades Act, 1916, and Amendment<br />

Firms Registration Act and Amendment . -<br />

Fisheries Act (Consolidated) . . . -<br />

Forests Act<br />

]interpretation Act -- - - - - . . 0 1 3<br />

Interstate Destitute Persons' Relief Act -- 0 1 0<br />

Irrigation and Rights in Water Act . . 0 1 6<br />

Justices Act (Consolidated) - - . . 0 3 0<br />

Land Act and Regulations - - - - . . 0 3 6<br />

Land Agents Act and Amendment . . 0 1 0<br />

Land Drainage Act - - . - - . . 0 2 0<br />

Legal Practitioners Act (Consolidated) . . 0 1 0<br />

Licensed Surveyors Act .. - . 0 1 0<br />

Limitation Act - - - - . - -<br />

Limited Partnerships Act - - -<br />

Lotteries (Control) Act. - - -<br />

Lunacy Act (Consolidated)<br />

Main Roads Act . - .<br />

Mariuc Stores Act - -<br />

Marriage Act - . - . . .<br />

Married Women's Property Act nod Amendments<br />

. - - - -. . -<br />

Married \Vomen 's Protection Act<br />

Masters and Servants Act -<br />

Medical Practitioners Act<br />

Metropolitan Milk Act (Consolidated)<br />

Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and<br />

Drainage Act<br />

Mines Regulation Act . -<br />

Mining Act - . - -. - -<br />

Mining Development Act<br />

Money Lenders Act and Amendment - -<br />

Noxious Weeds Act - - .<br />

Nurses Registration Act -<br />

Pawnbrokers Act (Consolidated)<br />

Pearling Act (Consolidated)<br />

Perth Municipal Gas and Electric Lighting<br />

Act. . . . . . . .<br />

Petroleum Act -<br />

£ s. d.<br />

036<br />

003<br />

Acts of Parliament, etccouiuined.<br />

Pharmacy and Poisons Act - - - - - -<br />

Purchasers' Protection Act - -<br />

Plant Diseases Act - . .<br />

o 4 3 Police Code Compilation - - -<br />

o 3 3<br />

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act - -<br />

Prisons Act (Consolidated) - - -<br />

Public Service Act. (Consolidated)<br />

o i 0 Public Works Act and Anienduient<br />

o 0 (1 Oabbits Act - - - - .<br />

o i o l-leports of Proceedings before the Bdards of<br />

o i Conciliation a id the Court of A rbitralion,<br />

Volumes I. to Xli., per vol.<br />

010<br />

Road Districts Act (Consolidated) .<br />

Second-hiaiid Dealers Act . - . -<br />

Stamp Act (Consolidated) .. . - -<br />

o 3 0 <strong>State</strong> Manufactures Description Act -<br />

o i 0 <strong>State</strong> Transport Coordination Act . . . -<br />

o i o <strong>State</strong> Tin isport Co-ordination Act Regulations<br />

o i 6 Statutes (sessional sets, per vol.) - -<br />

Supreme Con rt Act - - -<br />

Fremantle Harbour Trust Act (Consolidated) 0 1 6<br />

Sul.)ren) e Court Rules . - . - - -<br />

Friendly Societies Act and Amendments 0 2 0 Tenants, Purchasers, and Mortgagors' Relief<br />

Game Act (Consolidated) - . . . . . 0 1 U<br />

Goldfields Water Supply Act - - - - 0 2 6 Timber Industry Regulation Act. and Regula-<br />

Gold Mining Profits Tax and Assessment 0 1 0 lions . S<br />

Government Electric Works Act 0 1 0 Totalisator Act und Amendment -<br />

Government Savings Bank Act<br />

0 1 0 Town Planniug and Development Act<br />

Trades Descriptions Act - - - - -<br />

Group Settlement Act - - - 0 1 3 Trade Unions Act - - - - -<br />

Hcsnsard Report, Annual Subscription 0 10 6 Traffic Act (Consolidated) - -<br />

Hansard Report, per vol.<br />

0 7 6 Tramways Act . - - -. - -<br />

Hansard Report, weekly issue, per copy 0 0 6 Tramwnvs Act, Government - . - - -<br />

Hawkers and PedJars Act and Amendment 0 1 0 Trespass, Fencing, and Impounding Act and<br />

Health Act (Consolidated)<br />

Amendment - - - - -<br />

. - - - 046 Truck Act and A mendnient - -<br />

I-lire Purchase Agreement Act and Amendment 010 Trustees Act - . -<br />

Illicit Sale of Liquor Act - - - - - 0 0 6 Unclaimed Moneys Act<br />

Income Tax Assessment Act - - - - - - 0 3 0 Vermin Act (Consolidated)<br />

Index to Government Gazette (yearly) . - 0 1 6 Veterinary Act -. - -<br />

Industrial Arbitration Act (Consolidated) . - 0 3 6 Water Boards Act .. - - - - - -<br />

Industries Assistance Act (Consolidated) 0 1 0 Weights and Measures Act and Regulations<br />

Wheat Pool Act - . - -<br />

Inebriates Act . . - - - 006 \Vorkers' Conipeusatiomi Act . -<br />

Inspection of Machinery Act with Regulations 026 Workers' Homnes Act (Consolidated)<br />

Inspection of Scaffolding Act -. - - 016 Workmcn 's Wages Act - - - -<br />

Insurance Companies Act - -<br />

0 1 6 Year Book, Pocket - . - -<br />

Po.ctacje extra.<br />

Ailuiinjstrtiois Act<br />

Appoiitmueiits<br />

A.rl )itra ti o,i Court<br />

A ssociations incorporation<br />

Audit Act<br />

Coimnissioners for Declarations<br />

Licensing Act pnd Amendments - - - . 0 4 0<br />

life Assurance Act (Consolidated) - - 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

0<br />

6<br />

6<br />

0<br />

Companies . . . . -<br />

Crown <strong>Law</strong> Department<br />

Curator of Intestate Estates<br />

Deceased Persons' Estates<br />

Finmers ' Debts Adjustment ActStay Orders,<br />

0 1 6 etc. .. .. . . 1035<br />

0 1 0 industrial A rintration . .1)149-5%<br />

. . . 1)16-3.5<br />

0 2 0 Justices f (lie Peace .<br />

Lonris 1.)epartuieut .<br />

. 1036-41 1(157<br />

0 1 6 Marriages.. - . . . - . 1 0-17<br />

0 1 0 Metropolitui \Vatei' Supply, etc . . 1.015, 1043-4<br />

0 1 0 Mines Department . . . 1 i(47()<br />

0 1 6 Orders in Council . . 1015, 1(157<br />

0 1 6 Partrierslups dissolved . - - 1055<br />

Premier 's Department . . 101(1-55<br />

0 2 0 Public. Service Coniunssioiier . 1 (%5b<br />

0 1 9 Public Works Depnrtiuent . . 101 5, 1 041-4<br />

0 2 0 Railways . . . . . . . . 104(1<br />

0 1 6 Registrar General . . . . 1017<br />

0 2 0 Registrar of Couspanies . . . . 1054<br />

0 1 0 Registration of Births, et . . 1(117<br />

0 1 6 Road Boards . . - - . 0 1041-4<br />

0 1 0 Tender Boiircl - . . . 1044-ti<br />

0 2 0 Tenders accepted . . 1042, 1045<br />

Tenders invited - . . 1037-8, 1041, 1044, 1040<br />

0 1 9 Treasury . . . . . - . 1035<br />

0 2 0 Water Supply, etc., Department . . . 1015, 1043-4<br />

By Authority: WM. SIMPSON, Government Printer, Perth.<br />


£ s. d.<br />

020<br />

016<br />

Ii 2<br />

1 10<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0 1 0<br />

Ii 1 6<br />

(i 1 0<br />

026<br />

0 1 0<br />

0 10 0<br />

036<br />

Li 0 6<br />

0 2 6<br />

0 I) 6<br />

010<br />

1 0<br />

(I 10 6<br />

:1 6<br />

150<br />

020<br />

0 2 .6<br />

0 2 9<br />

II 1 ii<br />

010<br />

016<br />

036<br />

023<br />

006<br />

016<br />

016<br />

016<br />

01 C<br />

026<br />

013<br />

026<br />

026<br />

010<br />

016<br />

010<br />

006<br />

00(9<br />

lAige<br />

1055-7<br />

1016-36, 1044. 1047<br />

1049-53<br />

1054-5<br />

- 1.035<br />

- . - . 1036<br />

1053-4<br />

11)26<br />


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