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IV. iiri0ON A\H AIPEiARS ON TjilETII-, U1DY<br />

No. 59. W-V.ien the IMoon appears on the thirtieth day, there<br />

will be cold (or) there will be the clamour of the enemy in the land.<br />

When at the Moon's appearance it appears high, the enemy will<br />

seize upon the land. When the Moon at its appearance is fiercely<br />

bright, the month will bring harm. When at the Moon's appearance<br />

its horns look at .... a flood will come. From Irassi-ilu, the king's<br />

servant (the greater).<br />

Obv. 2. Surubbzi? is lalways explained by kusszu in these<br />

texts.<br />

No. 60. When the Moon at its appearance is dim and one<br />

cannot define (?) it, rain will fall. When the Moon appears on the<br />

thirtieth day, there will be cold (or) there will be the clamour of the<br />

enemy in the land. When the Moon at its appearance appears low,<br />

the submission of a distant land will come to the all-powerful king.<br />

Frcm Irassi-ilu, the king's servant (the greater).<br />

Obv. i. On unnut, see No. 30, note on ibta'il.<br />

Obv. 2. Umandi lit. ' make great.'<br />

No. 62. When the Moon appears on the thirtieth of Nisan,<br />

Subartu Ahlamut will devour: a foreign tongue will gain the ascendency<br />

in Aharrf. (We are Subartu.) When the Moon appears<br />

on the thirtieth day, there will be cold in the land. (Surubb =<br />

kussu).<br />

The Moon appeared without the Sun on the fourteenth of<br />

Tebet: the Moon completes the day in Sebat. On the fourteenth<br />

it appears without the Sun; the Moon completes the day in Adar.<br />

On the fourteenth it appears without the Sun; the Moon will<br />

complete the day in Nisan. From Nabfi-ahi-iriba.<br />

No. 63. When the Moon appears on the thirtieth of Iyyar,<br />

Abarrt Subartu will slay with the sword. From Munnabitu.<br />

No. 64. When the Moon appears on the thirtieth of Ivyar,<br />

the abundance of Abarri Ahlamfi will devour. From NabO-kik,<br />

of Borsippa.<br />

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No, 64B contains a mention of the Itu' tribe (Obv. 4), and<br />

of Mugallu (Obv. 5). Expeditions were und<strong>ert</strong>aken against the<br />

Itu' in the years 791, 783, 782, 777, and 769 B.C., but they were<br />

evidently loyal and faithful vassals in the seventh century (see<br />

Harper, Assyrian Letters, No. 388). Mugallu was king of<br />

Tabal and, according to Assurbanipal, was a source of trouble<br />

to Esarhaddon and Sennacherib. From the mention of this<br />

king in a letter about omens, it is obvious that he was regarded<br />

as a dangerous enemy by the Assyrians. (See K. 1263,<br />

rev. 5-1o, and cf. Knudtzon, Gebete an den Sonnengolt, sub<br />

zvoce.)<br />

No. 66. When the Moon appears on the thirtieth of Siwan,<br />

the abundance of Aharru Ahlamu will devour. When the Moon<br />

appears on the thirtieth day, there will be cold, (or) there will be<br />

the clamour of the enemy in the land. When the Moon at its<br />

appearance appears low, the enemy will seize on the land. When<br />

the Moon at its appearance appears low, the submission of a far<br />

country will come to the king, (or) a messenger will come. From<br />

Irassi-ilu, the king's servant.<br />

Obv. 6. It will be observed that the omen of No. 60,<br />

rev. I if., does not correspond to this line, but with usajpil of<br />

rev. 2-4.<br />

No. 67. When the Moon appears on the thirtieth of Siwan,<br />

the abundance of Aharru Ablamn will devour. (The Month Siwan<br />

=Aharru: it is evil for Aharrfi). Saturn has not once approached<br />

Venus; it has no omen. From Sum-idina.<br />

No. 68 (Obv. 5if). When at the Moon's appearance a north<br />

wind blows, during that month a flood will come. .When at the<br />

Sun's zenith a parhelion (?) stands on its right, Ramman will<br />

inundate. Mars advanced (ie., proceeded to its own front) and<br />

stood away from Scorpio. To-morrow I will inform the king, my<br />

lord. From Balasi.<br />

Rev. 2. AnZa p2ana/utUz illak is the explanation of the<br />

unusual word uttamiY. Delitzsch, 92 b, explains inf. itmuzu as<br />

a synonym of al'ku. See No. 70, rev. 3.

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