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Wöber – The Autonomy of Gagauzia<br />

legal developments (the 1994 Constitution of Moldova, 67 1998 Legal Code of<br />

Gagauzia, 68 or the 1998 Law on Political Parties and Social-Political<br />

Organizations 69 ), the CoE experts were largely critical of actions taken and<br />

legislative adaptations initiated by both sides. 70 Legal developments after<br />

1994 furthermore showed that certain documents, like the Legal Code of<br />

Gagauzia, 71 came too late and again contained a number of contradictions.<br />

The authorities in Comrat tried to widen their competences and did not fully<br />

pay respect to the Constitution of Moldova (the Constitution) and the 1994<br />

Law. It took almost a decade until amendments were made to the<br />

Constitution to strengthen the autonomy’s status and the entity’s powers. 72<br />

This was a necessary and welcome step. But rather than jointly drafting the<br />

various corresponding acts, Chisinau and Comrat worked in parallel, and the<br />

opinion of international experts was heard but largely ignored. Moldovan<br />

authorities showed a lack of knowledge about the special legal status of<br />

Gagauzia. While some rights were cut off, others such as the right to propose<br />

legal initiatives were added, but it seemed that the People’s Assembly in<br />

Comrat lacked the capacity to use this option successfully. So the post-1994<br />

period was not characterized by physical confrontation, but by a number of<br />

court cases and attempts to unilaterally change the scope of the autonomy.<br />

2.3.3. Situation during 2001–2009<br />

The near decade of the Party of Communists’ rule in Moldova also had an<br />

influence on the relations with Comrat. On the positive side, amendments in<br />

the Constitution that strengthened the autonomy were introduced in 2004.<br />

67 Constitution of Moldova, at http://www.e-democracy.md/en/legislation/constitution/iii/; Pritt<br />

Järve, “Gagauzia and Moldova: Experiences in Power-Sharing”, in Marc Weller (ed.), Settling Self-<br />

Determination Disputes: Complex Power-Sharing in Theory and Practice (Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden,<br />

2008), 307–344, at 318; Protsyk and Rigamonti, “Real and ‘Virtual’ Elements …”, 9–10.<br />

68 Opinion on the Legal Code of Gagauzia, Venice Commission, 7 May 1998, at<br />

http://www.venice.coe.int/docs/1998/CDL%281998%29041-e.asp as well as Memorandum on the<br />

Legal Code of Gagauzia, Venice Commission, 14 May 1998,<br />

http://www.venice.coe.int/docs/1998/CDL%281998%29075-e.asp.<br />

69 Igor Munteanu, Political Parties Legislation in Moldova: Review and Recommendations for Reform<br />

(Viitorul, Chisinau, 2010), 66; Ion Osonian and Oleh Protsyk, “Ethnic or Multi-Ethnic Parties? Party<br />

Competition and Legislative Recruitment in Moldova”, in 47 ECMI Working Paper (March 2010)<br />

(ECMI, Flensburg, 2010), 7.<br />

70 Opinion on the Law on Modification and Addition in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova in<br />

particular Concerning the Status of Gagauzia, Venice Commission, 8–9 March 2002, at<br />

http://www.venice.coe.int/docs/2002/CDL-AD%282002%29020–e.asp; Memorandum on the Legal<br />

Code of Gagauzia, Venice Commission, 14 May 1998,<br />

http://www.venice.coe.int/docs/1998/CDL%281998%29075-e.asp; Opinion on the Questions Raised<br />

Concerning the Conformity of the Laws of the Republic of Moldova on Local Administration and<br />

Administrative and Territorial Organisation to Current Legislation Governing Certain Minorities,<br />

adopted by the Venice Commission at its 40th Plenary Session, 15–16 October 1999, at<br />

http://www.venice.coe.int/docs/1999/CDL-INF%281999%29014–e.asp.<br />

71 For a version in English, see: www.worldstatesmen.org/Gagauz_Code.pdf. In French it can be found<br />

at: http://www.ecmimoldova.org/Gagauzia.115.0.html.<br />

72 Protsyk and Rigamonti, “Real and ‘Virtual’ Elements …”, 9-10.<br />

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