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Wöber – The Autonomy of Gagauzia<br />

Gagauzlar, “Формузал: Нет вины детей, в том что они плохо знают государственный язык”<br />

[Formuzal: It Is Not the Fault of the Kids that they Don’t Know the State Language], 24 July<br />

2011, at http://www.gagauzlar.md/libview.php?l=ru&idc=295&id=2588&parent=0.<br />

Gagauzlar, “Румынский как иностранный” [Romanian as a Foreign (Language)], 22 July 2011,<br />

http://www.gagauzlar.md/libview.php?l=ru&idc=312&id=2572&parent=0.<br />

Infotag, “Gagauzia Legislature and Executive Power Achieve Compromise on Budget 2012”, 13<br />

February 2012, at http://www.infotag.md/news-en/593426/.<br />

Infotag, “New Gagauzia Movement to be Transformed into Political Party”,14 February 2011,<br />

at http://totul.md/en/arhiv/newsitem/22525.html.<br />

Infotag, “Election Situation in Gagauzia Assuming Stalemate Character – Vasily Neikovchen”,<br />

30 May 2012, at http://www.infotag.md/news-en/595182/.<br />

Infotag.md, “Polls in Gagauzia on the Brink of Failure – Election Commission”, 10 August 2012,<br />

at http://www.infotag.md/news-en/596482/.<br />

Infotag, “Moldovan Leader Calls for Broad Autonomy for Rebel Region”, 24 July 2012, at<br />

http://www.bne.eu/blob.php?id=323875&m=9b30b1a21cf39c9ca6ef6a903957da0c.<br />

Infotag, “Communists Demand that President Timofti Must Explain his Statements about<br />

Gagauz People”, 28 June 2012, at http://www.infotag.md/news-en/595676/.<br />

Infotag, “Gagauzia Governor Urging Moldovan President to Consider Raider Phenomenon<br />

Developing in Autonomous Region”, 1 August 2012, at http://www.infotag.md/newsen/596275/.<br />

The Jamestown Foundation, “Trouble Brewing in Moldova’s Gagauz Autonomy”, 8(52) Monitor<br />

(2002), at<br />

http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=24006&tx_ttnews[back<br />

Pid]=216.<br />

Michael D. Kirby, US embassy in Chisinau cable, “Moldova: Economic Squeeze Non-Communist<br />

Leaders”, 08CHISINAU306, 19 March 2008, at http://cables.mrkva.eu/cable.php?id=146526.<br />

Kommersant.md, “Отставки пошли на повышение” [Resignations on the Rise], 10 February<br />

2012, at http://www.kommersant.md/node/6612.<br />

Kommersant.md, “Выборочное законодательство” [Electoral Legislation], 23 May 2012, at<br />

http://www.kommersant.md/node/8198.<br />

Kommersant.md, “Гагаузия протестует против сокращения полномочий автономии”<br />

Gagauzia Protests against the Limitations of the Authority of the Autonomy], 9 November<br />

2011, at http://www.kommersant.md/node/5461.<br />

Kommersant.md, “Документы из Кишинева в Гагаузию стали поступать на двух языках”<br />

[Documents from Chisinau Started to Reach Gagauzia in Two Languages], 5 September 2011,<br />

at http://www.kommersant.md/node/4555.<br />

Kommersant.md, “Гагаузия будет отвечать Кишиневу на гагаузском” [Gagauzia Will Answer<br />

Chisinau in Gagauz], 26 April 2012, at http://www.kommersant.md/node/7789.<br />

Kommersant.md, “Гагаузы помогли всем” [The Gagauz Helped All], 9 August 2011, at<br />

http://www.kommersant.md/node/4229.<br />

Komrat Devlet Universiteti, at http://www.kdu.md/.<br />

Law of the Republic of Moldova on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities and<br />

the Legal Status of their Organizations, at http://www.usefoundation.org/view/437-<br />

Dumitru Lazur, “In Gagauzia, the Communists Experienced their First Defeat”, 8 December<br />

www.eurac.edu/edap 48 edap@eurac.edu

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