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moderate but secure interest {for} the money – – if you state rightly – there are hardly two<br />

thousand pounds of outstanding debt – and if I state rightly – (supposing Lady B. to live)<br />

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the whole of the year’s income for 1823 – might be saved. – I repeat to you that I have at this moment<br />

– 3500 – in bank of the present year – and if I were to spend the odd 500 before J y – it would still leave<br />

a surplus of 3000 – which would suffice for my year’s expenditure. Now if you can obtain anything<br />

like a proper price from M. – that ought to more than cover any outstanding debts – and thus at least a<br />

considerable portion of the income could accrue – and might be invested in exchequer bills – or<br />

some other security – from which I might re=convert it ( if necessary) into cash. – I suppose that you<br />

will laugh at all my {pecuniary plans} – but after having known the miseries of embarrassments – it is<br />

natural to try to provide against their recurrence. – Let me know your notions to which I attach great<br />

weight as you know<br />

y rs . ever<br />

N. B.<br />

Byron to Douglas Kinnaird, from Genoa, October 31st 1822:<br />

(Source: text from NLS Ms.43453; not in 1922 II; BLJ X 24)<br />

[To, The Honorable / Douglas Kinnaird. / Messrs Ransom & C o . Bankers. / Pall Mall. / London. /<br />

Angleterre. // Inghilterra.]<br />

A single sheet.<br />

Genoa. Oct r . 31 st . 1822.<br />

My dear Douglas,<br />

By last post – I sent you two more Cantos of D. J. – I now forward to you a note for<br />

M r . Murray – with whom it is concluded. – You will I suppose try to arrange with some other<br />

bookseller for the publication {(the 6 Cantos I mean)} – as well as for that of “Werner” and the<br />

Oratorio – called “Heaven and Earth”. – This will however probably be difficult – and in that case –<br />

perhaps you had better see John Hunt – (Leigh Hunt’s brother) with whom it will be easier to settle<br />

some arrangement – I don’t mean as to Copy=right – for he has no capital – but as to publication – and<br />

my receiving a certain portion of such profit as may arise therefrom. – I will however be guided by<br />

your opinion – Murray’s is obviously a mere evasion; – he says that he has lost 16000 by a brother in<br />

law – and as I take it is out of cash. – He has behaved ill too – in giving incorrect copies of the Vision<br />

& c . to John Hunt – perhaps with the view of getting<br />

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[above address:] him into a scrape, – M r . M. has perhaps another object in view – he knows that they<br />

will be pirated – and that he can then [below address:] re=publish them too with impunity. – –<br />

Some day or other – he will regret his present behaviour.<br />

y rs . ever & truly<br />

N. B.<br />

Byron to Douglas Kinnaird, from Genoa, November 2nd 1822:<br />

(Source: text from NLS Ms.43453; not in 1922 II; BLJ X 26-7)<br />

[To, The Honorable Douglas Kinnaird. / Messrs Ransom & C o . Bankers. / Pall Mall. / London. /<br />

Angleterre // Inghilterra.]<br />

Genoa. Nov r . 2 d . 1822.<br />

My dear Douglas,<br />

I have forwarded to you the 10 th . & 11 th Cantos – (making six in all) with an answer to<br />

your business epistle. – Also a letter enclosing a reply to M r . Murray’s note – which I consider with<br />

you – as a mere evasion, & pretext. – That worthy person is a curious riddle; and I have chiefly to<br />

regret having at the beginning of the year – at his own especial request to Hobhouse & Moore –<br />

recalled my resolution to have nothing more to do with him. – – To dispose of the new Cantos<br />

elsewhere – you will find difficult from the same reasons that operated with regard to the Vision & c .<br />

which by the way – the loyal bookseller – despite of all instances to the contrary – put into M r . John<br />

Hunt’s hands in it’s most republican and<br />

1:2<br />


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