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“Hospital Supplies” – I have already ordered for the [Ms. tear] of a thousand men for two years – at<br />

least [Ms. tear: “as”] D r . Alexander states them – in a letter which I forwarded to you some time ago. –<br />

They did not cost above seventy or eighty pounds sterling. – The Artillery will be thought of – but it<br />

may be difficult to purchase it in time, to take up with me. – But I will convey them what I can – and<br />

put my resources at the disposal of the Cause – when there – and this is all an individual can do. – I<br />

shall proceed to avail myself of your handsome credits in my favour – according to circumstances. ever<br />

y rs . N. B.<br />

1:2 [above address:] P.S. Address to me at Genoa – my letters will be forwarded – in case I should<br />

have sailed before their arrival. – You will of course continue the insurances of L y B’s life – as being<br />

quite requisite – in other respects you must retain all incoming monies to face the credits with which<br />

you have furnished me. – –<br />

I have to thank Hobhouse for his kind and somewhat [below address:] daring quotation from me to his<br />

Electors the other day. – He must be a bold man to venture during my unpopularity amongst the<br />

English. – Your brother is here – looking well – dines with me to=day – when we shall drink your<br />

health and prosperity. – Pray make some arrangement with Hobhouse to include him in, or devolve on<br />

him the Power of Attorney in case [curls up right-hand side:] of anything occurring [curls round top of<br />

section below address:] – but I hope you will take care of yourself and do well. – – – – 150<br />

Byron to Douglas Kinnaird, from Genoa, June 9th 1823:<br />

(Source: text from NLS Ms.43454; 1922 II 263-4; BLJ X 196)<br />

[To, The Honorable / Douglas Kinnaird. / Messrs Ransom and C o . Bankers. / Pall Mall East. / London.<br />

/ Angleterre. // Inghilterra.]<br />

A two-side sheet.<br />

June 9 th . 1823.<br />

My dear Douglas /<br />

By Saturday’s post I sent you a letter from Cap t . Blaquiere to me – and if his next<br />

confirms it – I shall go up to join the Greeks forthwith. – We cannot exactly make out – what stores<br />

they chiefly want – but I suppose that money will be the most useful – as they then can apply it as<br />

occasion dictates. – I would suggest to the Committee’s consideration – to send some Congreve rockets<br />

speedily – and engineers to instruct the G ks . in their application. – Depend upon it they would have an<br />

effect – also if Wilson 151 quits Spain – send him up – he would do wonders probably. – It is rather<br />

strange that I hear nothing further either from Hobhouse or the Committee.<br />

y rs . ever<br />

N. B.<br />

1:2 [above address:] P.S Your brother dined with me lately – and went this morning; – tomorrow I dine<br />

with M r . Hill – to meet – (I believe) the Marquis of Hastings. – If you write – address as usual to Genoa<br />

– as the letters can be [below address, inverted at page bottom:] forwarded – if I should precede them.<br />

– –<br />

Byron to Douglas Kinnaird, from Genoa, June 16th 1823:<br />

(Source: text from NLS Ms.43454; 1922 II 264-5; BLJ X 199-200)<br />

[To, – The Honorable / Douglas Kinnaird. / Messrs Ransom and C o . Bankers. / Pall Mall East. /<br />

London. / Angleterre. // Inghilterra.]<br />

June 16 th . 1823.<br />

My dear Douglas / Y rs . of the third arrived this day. Pray take care of y r . health – – I do not like the<br />

“torpor” you mention. – Perhaps before I can receive y r . answer to this – I shall be on my voyage to the<br />

Levant. – I am bargaining for my passage in an English Vessel. – You can address to Genoa. – M r .<br />

Barry will forward all letters. – – I sent a copy last week – of Blaquiere’s very pressing [Ms. tear] for<br />

me to go up to Greece without delay. – As to my affairs – – in anxiety is as much on your account as<br />

my own – – as I should not like to overdraw – and yet may have occasion for all the means that I can<br />

muster – as I should not like to give the Greeks but a half helping hand – but rather aid them as much<br />

as I can. – – As to the M.S.S. – You really must publish them whenever I have sailed – my distance<br />

will diminish the hatred of my enemies – and the object on which I am employed will do us no<br />

dishonour – at least it ought not. – – – –<br />

150: BLJ reads “yrs ever / NB”, but there is no signature.<br />

151: Sir Robert Wilson, Whig radical and war hero, currently cashiered for ordering his troops not to fire on the<br />

crowd at Queen Caroline’s funeral.<br />


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