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52<br />

ever were written by me – i.e. the E. B. and the C. H. – were refused by one half “the trade” and<br />

reluctantly received by the other. There are two or three ways to proceed. – – –<br />

1st ly . – You can cast about and see if any proposition is made by these tanners of Authors; – the<br />

Calf=skin and Morocco – and<br />

1:3<br />

Muscovite publishers. – If eligible – you can decide; – when it is known you will probably have<br />

proposals. – –<br />

2d ly . – If not – we have always the option of stamping (an Italic phrase) 102 upon the “touch and go”<br />

own account score – – which is only objectionable in as much as it never yet succeeded – but it may –<br />

as Steam has – and balloons will. – – –<br />

3d ly . – If so concluded – we must have securities that said publisher or Author & Self’s account – shall<br />

have his Arithmetic summed up and checked by the skilful in such affairs. –<br />

4th ly . – Are the D.J.s subject to any laws? that is your laws? – which are somewhat of the queerest –<br />

and is my compact respecting them binding to the contracting party? – – –<br />

1:4<br />

5th ly . – If M r . J. H. publishes them eventually – his Son (if of age) ought to be comprized in the<br />

stipulation to render a fair account of “meum et tuum” quarterly to persons appointed by the Author for<br />

such purpose. –<br />

6th ly . – Some other ought to be bound – not for the assetts – but merely in case of nonfulfilment – to<br />

see and guarantee that the account (be it good – bad, or indifferent) is a fair and true one – for it is a<br />

difficult piece of Antiquarianism to decypher the Hieroglyphic of a publisher’s balance – pro – con – or<br />

otherwise – or anywise. –<br />

I venture to throw out these hints to y r . Honour’s Convalescence – but how far they may merit attention<br />

in y r . sickness or your health is left to your consideration – – “and your petition shall ever & c . & c . & c . –<br />

2:1<br />

2.) I am not very well – I suspect worse than you {are} – at least I hope so. – Ever since the Summer –<br />

when I was fool enough to swim some four miles under a boiling Sun at Via Reggio 103 – I have been<br />

more or less ailing. – –<br />

First my Skin peeled off – Well – it came again. – Then I had a fever and a portentious Constipation<br />

and inflammation which confined me to my bed in a bad Inn on a worse road. – Well – I thought I was<br />

well quit for the winter at least – but lo! – I have within this last month {had} eruptions and the devil<br />

knows what besides – so that I have called in an English Physician – who hath decocted and concocted<br />

me “secundum artem” so that I am turned inside out but the malady still continues –<br />

2:2<br />

and is very troublesome. – I should think that it was the itch – but {that} it don’t infect anybody – and I<br />

might think that it was something else – were it not for the same reason. – – I am as temperate as an<br />

Anchorite – but I suspect that temperance is a more effective medicine at twenty than at thirty and –<br />

almost five – Oh Parish Register! – Oh Peerage why? –<br />

Record those years that I would fain deny?<br />

I shall not trouble you further – and I merely do it now – as a sleeping draught to your Collar=bone. –<br />

You will have seen Hobhouse by this time – with his relations – who I hope returned safely. – I had a<br />

letter from his brother dated 1821 introducing an Overland Gentleman from India – whom I<br />

wished back again. – However I mounted on “tit=back for to ride” paid him a visit up four hundred<br />

3:1<br />

3 d .) pair of stairs at a Genoese Inn – and came back again half=frozen from politeness to an Equinoctial<br />

new acquaintance. Pray – make this a merit to the Demague, 104 – it is all out of deference to the<br />

102: “Stampare” – “to print” (Italian).<br />

103: After Shelley’s cremation (which B. doesn’t wish K. to know that he attended).

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